GOST R 53772-2010
GOST R 53772−2010 Ropes of steel wire semiprivacy stable. Specifications
GOST R 53772−2010
The Group Of 75
Reinforced steel low-relaxation 7-wire strands. Specifications
OKS 77.140.65
OKP 12 5100
Date of introduction 2011−01−01
The objectives and principles of standardization in the Russian Federation established by the Federal law of 27 December 2002 N 184-FZ «On technical regulation», and rules for the application of national standards of the Russian Federation — GOST R 1.0−2004 «Standardization in the Russian Federation. The main provisions"
Data on standard
1 DEVELOPED by the working group of the Association of standardization, certification, quality control products and services Association (SKS), JSC «Severstal-metiz», JSC «Beloretsk metallurgical plant», NIIZHB them. A. A. Gvozdev
2 SUBMITTED by the Technical Committee for standardization TC 146 «Hardware"
3 APPROVED AND put INTO EFFECT by the Federal Agency for technical regulation and Metrology from February, 12th, 2010 N 17 St
4 this standard takes into account the basic regulatory provisions of the following international standards:
ISO 6934−4:1991 «Steel to create a pre-stress reinforced concrete. Part 4. Strand» (ISO 9434−4:1991 «Steel for the prestressing of concrete — Part 4: Strand», NEQ);
ISO 15630−3:2002 «Steel for the reinforcement and tensioning. Test methods. Part 3. Pre-stressed steel» (ISO 15630−3:2002 «Steel for the reinforcement and prestressing of concrete — Test methods — Part 3: Prestressing steel», NEQ)
Information about the changes to this standard is published in the annually issued reference index «National standards», and the text changes and amendments — in monthly indexes published information «National standards». In case of revision (replacement) or cancellation of this standard a notification will be published in a monthly information index «National standards». Relevant information, notification and lyrics are also posted in the information system of General use — on the official website of the Federal Agency for technical regulation and Metrology on the Internet
1 Scope
This standard applies to steel semiprivacy stabilized (low relaxation) ropes are used as stressed reinforcement of prestressed concrete structures.
2 Normative references
This standard uses the regulatory references to the following standards:
GOST 166−89 (ISO 3599−76) Calipers. Specifications
GOST 427−75 Rulers measuring metal. Specifications
GOST 2789−73 surface Roughness. Parameters and characteristics
The Wire GOST 3282−74 General purpose low carbon steel. Specifications
GOST 3560−73 package steel Strip. Specifications
GOST 6507−90 Micrometers. Specifications
GOST 9013−59 (ISO 6508−86) Metals. Method of measuring Rockwell hardness
GOST 12004−81 Steel reinforcement. Test methods tensile
GOST 14959−79 rolled spring carbon and alloy steel. Specifications
GOST 15150−69 Machines, instruments and other technical products. Versions for different climatic areas. Categories, conditions of use, storage and transportation of the impact of climatic factors of the external environment
GOST 15846−2002 Products that are sent to the far North regions and equated areas. Packing, marking, transportation and storage
GOST 28334−89 Wire and steel ropes for reinforcement of prestressed concrete structures. Test method for relaxation at constant strain
Note — When using this standard appropriate to test the effect of reference standards in the information system of General use — on the official website of the Federal Agency for technical regulation and Metrology on the Internet or published annually by the information sign «National standards» published as on January 1 of the current year and related information published monthly indexes published in the current year. If the reference standard is replaced (changed), when using this standard should be guided by replacing (amended) standard. If the reference standard is cancelled without replacement, then the situation in which the given link applies to the extent that does not affect this link.
3 Classifications. Basic parameters and dimensions
3.1 cable is semiprivacy a strand consisting of a Central wire and six wires of the outer layer wound in a spiral (figure 1).
Figure 1 — the design of the rope 1х7 (1+6)
Figure 1 — the design of the rope 1х7 (1+6)
3.2 Ropes are made from:
there is a round smooth wire — type K7;
— wire periodic profile, type К7Т;
there is a round smooth wire, plastically swaged — type К7О.
3.3 Geometrical parameters of the ropes shall be as specified in table 1.
Table 1 — Geometrical parameters of the ropes
Nominal diameter of rope |
Maximum deviation from the nominal diameter of the rope*, % | Nominal cross-sectional area of the rope |
The nominal mass of one meter of the rope |
Maximum deviation of mass of one meter from the nominal mass, % |
Ropes of round wire and wire periodic profile — types of K7 and К7Т | ||||
6,9 |
+0,3 -0,15 |
29,0 | 226,5 | ±2 |
9,0 | 50,0 | 390,5 | ||
9,3 | 52,0 | 406,1 | ||
9,6 | 55,0 | 429,6 | ||
11,0 | 71,8 | 660,9 | ||
12,5 | +0,4 -0,2 |
93,0 | 726,3 | |
12,7 | 98,7 | 775,0 | ||
12,9 | 100,0 | 781,0 | ||
15,2 | Over 139.0 | 1086,0 | ||
15,7 | 150,0 | 1172,0 | ||
18,0 | 200,0 | 1562,0 | ||
Ropes of round smooth wire, plastically swaged — type К7О | ||||
12,7 |
+0,4 -0,2 |
112,0 | 874,7 | ±2 |
15,2 |
165,0 | 1289,0 | ||
* The value of the reference. |
3.4 the diameter of the Central wire ropes shall be not less than 3.0% greater than the diameter of the outer wires.
The ropes made of wire periodic profile, the Central wire is round and smooth.
For the manufacture of plastically compressed wire ropes used round smooth wire of the same diameter.
Examples of symbols:
Rope reinforcement, semiprivacy with a nominal diameter of 15.2 mm, a round smooth wire, with the interim resistance (strength class) 1860 N/mm:
K7−15,2−1860 GOST R 53772−2010
The same wire periodic profile:
К7Т-TO 15.2−1860 GOST R 53772−2010
The same, of round smooth wire, plastically compressed:
К7О-TO 15.2−1860 GOST R 53772−2010
4 Technical requirements
4.1 the wire Ropes shall be manufactured in accordance with the requirements of this standard for technological regulations approved in the prescribed manner.
4.2 Requirements for materials
4.2.1 the Ropes are made of wire of steel grades 70, 75, 80, 85 according to GOST 14959 or other brands according to the normative documents approved in the prescribed manner.
4.2.2 Parameters of wire periodic profile is given in Appendix A.
4.3 Main characteristics
4.3.1 Ropes are made right lay linear touch the wires.
4.3.2 the rope should be over the entire length uniform step lay. The step of stranding must be in the range of 14−18 nominal diameter of the rope.
4.3.3 Mechanical properties of ropes shall be as specified in table 2.
Table 2 — Mechanical properties of ropes
Nominal diameter of rope |
Tensile strength, N/mm |
Breaking strength, kN | The maximum allowed breaking strength, kN | Load with the conditional yield point |
Yield strength |
The total relative elongation at maximum load |
Ropes of round smooth wire and wire periodic profile — types of K7 and К7Т | ||||||
6,9 |
1770 | 51,3 | 60,5 | 45,1 | 1550 | 3,5 |
1860 | 53,9 | 63,6 | 47,4 | 1650 | ||
2060 | 59,7 | 68,5 | 51,7 | 1840 | ||
2160 | 62.6 per | 71,8 | 54,2 | 1920 | ||
9,0 | One thousand seven hundred seventy | 88,5 | 105,0 | 77,9 | 1550 | |
1860 | 93,0 | 110,0 | 81,8 | 1650 | ||
1960 | 98,0 | 116,0 | 87,2 | 1740 | ||
9,3 | 1770 | 92,0 | 109,0 | 81,0 | 1550 | |
1860 | 96,7 | 114,0 | 85,1 | 1650 | ||
1960 | 102,0 | 120,0 | 90,8 | 1740 | ||
9,6 | 1770 | 97,4 | 115,0 | 85,7 | 1550 | |
1860 | 102,0 | 120,0 | 89,8 | 1650 | ||
11,0 | 1770 | 127,0 | 149,0 | 111,0 | 1550 | |
1860 | 133,0 | 156,0 | 117,0 | 1650 | ||
Ropes of round smooth wire and wire periodic profile — types of K7 and К7Т | ||||||
12,5 |
1770 | 165,0 | 195,0 | 145,0 | 1550 | 3,5 |
1860 | 173,0 | 204,0 | 152,0 | 1650 | ||
12,7 | 1770 | 175,0 | 207,0 | 154,0 | 1550 | |
1860 | 184,0 | 216,0 | 162,0 | 1650 | ||
12,9 | 1770 | 177,0 | 209,0 | 156,0 | 1550 | |
1860 | Of 186.0 | 220,0 | 164,0 | 1650 | ||
15,2 | 1670 | 232,0 | 274,0 | 204,0 | 1450 | |
One thousand seven hundred seventy | 246,0 | 290,0 | 216,0 | 1550 | ||
1860 | 259,0 | 306,0 | 228,0 | 1650 | ||
15,7 | 1770 | 266,0 | 314,0 | 234,0 | 1550 | |
1860 | 279,0 | 329,0 | 246,0 | 1650 | ||
18,0 | 1770 | 354,0 | 418,0 | 312,0 | 1550 | |
Ropes of round smooth wire, plastically swaged — type К7О | ||||||
12,7 |
1860 | 208 | 245,0 | 183,0 | 1650 | 3,5 |
15,2 | 1820 | 300 | 354,0 | 264,0 | 1600 | |
1860 | 307 | 362,0 | : 270.0 cm | 1650 | ||
Note — the Value of the modulus of elasticity (195±10) kN/mm |
4.3.4 In the rope must not be broken, overlapping wires and wires protruding beyond the specified tolerances, the diameter of the rope.
On the surface of the wire rope should be free of dents, cracks, cuts, delaminations. Allowed individual surface defects, not affecting the consumer properties of the ropes.
4.3.5 Wire rope can have welds made prior to cold drawing of wire. The length of the rope 50 m can be no more than one weld.
4.3.6 Ropes should be neraskryvshiesya.
4.3.7 Ropes should be straightforward.
The rope is considered to be straightforward, if the segment of the rope length of at least 1.3 m in free styling on a plane forms a segment with a base 1 m, height — not more than 25 mm.
4.3.8 loss of voltage relaxation in the rope during the initial load of 0.7 of the actual breaking strength should not exceed 2.5% after 1000 hours of exposure under stress at temperature (20±1) °C.
4.3.9 the cables shall withstand the test of fatigue.
The rope is considered to have withstood the test of fatigue, if the sample rope can withstand without failure 2 million cycles of loading with a maximum tensile stress equal to 70% of actual breaking strength
, with the magnitude
equal to:
— 190 N/mm·
for ropes made of round smooth wire and plastic compressed;
— 170 H/mm·
for cables, of wire with periodic profile.
4.3.10 the rope must withstand the test of stress corrosion cracking under tension in the test solution.
The rope is considered satisfactory if, within two hours of exposure of the rope in the test solution is not happened gap of at least one wire constituting the wire.
4.3.11 the Ropes with a diameter of 12.5 mm or more to withstand the tensile test bend.
The rope is considered satisfactory if the reduction in breaking strength of rope after test does not exceed 28% of the actual breaking strength.
4.3.12 Ropes supplied in coils weighing 1000 to 4500 lbs. Each skein must consist of one segment of the rope.
The dimensions of the coils, mm:
— inner diameter — not less than 800;
— outer diameter — no more than 1600;
— height — not more than 750.
By agreement with consumer it is permitted to deliver coils weighing less than 1000 kg, and a coil wound in several segments of rope of the same diameter and length less than 1000 m. In this case, the ends of each segment must have a binding of heat-treated wire according to GOST 3282 or other regulatory documents.
4.3.13 the Ropes, deliver consistent.
By agreement with the consumer supply ropes treated with an anticorrosive composition based on water-soluble cutting fluids.
4.4 Marking
4.4.1 To each of the coils of the rope must be attached a label of material, ensuring the safety of the markings which indicate:
— name or trademark of the manufacturer;
— number of rope in the numbering system of the manufacturer;
— the symbol of the rope;
— the length of the rope;
— net weight of rope;
— the date of manufacture of the rope;
the OTK stamp.
4.5 Packaging
4.5.1 Skeins of rope tied with steel tape according to GOST 3560 or heat-treated wire according to GOST 3282 or other normative document not less than eight places, evenly spaced around the circumference of a coil, and one or more strips for forming the surface outer diameter.
At the customer’s request ropes put in the package, wrapped in waterproof paper and synthetic materials.
4.5.2 Packing ropes, dispatched to the far North regions and equated areas according to GOST 15846.
5 acceptance Rules
5.1 the Ropes taking parties. Lot size shall not exceed 75 m
The party must consist of ropes of the same diameter, the same type furnished by a single document about quality that contains:
is the trademark or name and trademark of manufacturer;
— the symbol of the rope;
— the batch number;
— step lay of the rope;
— the results of the testing party;
the weight of the party;
number (or quantity) skeins;
— the date of manufacture of ropes.
5.2 the rope Diameter, the surface quality of the wire rope, the appearance of skeins (as coiling, bundling, labeling) and the step lay rope check on each reel.
5.3 For checking the mechanical properties, straightness, neraskruchennosti, the mass per meter of the rope from each batch selected 3% of the skeins, but not less than three skeins.
5.4 Verification of the relaxation resistance is carried out at least once a year, and during production, when the change process. To check taken three coils.
5.5 Test of fatigue strength carried out at the request of the consumer. To check taken three coils.
5.6 the Test for resistance to intercrystalline corrosion cracking is carried out at the request of the consumer. To check take six skeins.
Additionally, select two rolls to determine the actual breaking strength.
5.7 Testing of ropes tensile bending is performed according to the requirement of the user. For tests taken three coils from the party.
5.8 If unsatisfactory test results of at least one of the indicators it is carried out re-testing at twice the sample. The results of repeated tests spread to the entire party.
6 Methods to control
6.1 For testing of mechanical properties, straightness, neraskruchennosti, relaxation resistance, fatigue strength, stress corrosion cracking and tensile tests with bending of the rope from each selected coil cut on the same model.
6.2 surface Quality of the wire rope checked visually, without the use of magnifying devices.
6.3 rope Diameter check a caliper according to GOST 166 with divisions of 0.1 mm or micrometer according to GOST 6507 with a scale division of 0.01 mm.
6.4 the Actual value of mass per meter is defined as the quotient of the mass of the sample of the rope length 500 mm, weighed with an accuracy of 1 g, its length, measured with an accuracy of 1 mm.
6.5 Step of lay of the rope is determined by the ruler according to GOST 427 with a scale division of 1 mm at a distance of not less than 5 m from the end of the rope.
6.6 Determination of mechanical properties is carried out according to GOST 12004.
Values of temporary resistance and yield strength is defined as the quotient of the division corresponding to the tearing force on the nominal cross-sectional area of the rope.
If the specimen rupture occurred in the place of fixing and breaking strength meets the requirements of this standard, the test is deemed valid.
6.7 Prescriptivist rope check removing dressings and welding with the end of the rope.
The rope is considered prescripcialis, if after removal of the dressings and welding with the end of the wire rope at a distance of not more than two diameters from the end of the rope not unwind or unwind so that they can easily be returned to its original position.
6.8 For the control of straight sample length of at least 1.3 m is placed on a flat surface. For the loose sample of rope down the bar with a length of 1 m in the middle of which is installed at a right angle ruler with a scale division of 1 mm. with a Ruler measure the height of the segment formed by the rope and strap.
6.9 the Test for relaxation is carried out according to GOST 28334.
6.10 Test for fatigue is carried out according to methodology described in Appendix B.
By agreement between the purchaser and the manufacturer allowed the use of other testing methods.
6.11 Test of resistance to intercrystalline corrosion cracking is conducted according to methodology described in Appendix B.
By agreement between the purchaser and the manufacturer is allowed to use other methods and other control methods corrosion cracking.
6.12 tensile Test bend is carried out according to methodology described in Appendix D. as agreed between the purchaser and the manufacturer allowed the use of other testing methods.
7 Transportation and storage
7.1 the Ropes transporterowych conditions 8 GOST 15150 all kinds of transport in accordance with cargo carriage regulations applicable to transport of this species.
Placing and fastening of cargoes in railway traffic shall be in accordance with the rules of loading and fastening of goods, operating in the prescribed manner.
7.2 Storage of ropes — the terms 5 GOST 15150. Never store ropes on the earthen floor.
Annex a (recommended). Parameters of wire of periodical profile
Appendix A
Appearance wire periodic profile, and the designation of parameters is given in figure A. 1.
Profile parameters are given in table A. 1.
Note — the slope of the transverse ribs to the longitudinal axis of the wire in one of the rows of corrugations should be a counter against the inclination of the transverse ribs in the other two rows.
Table A. 1 — profile Settings
In millimeters
The nominal diameter of the rope |
The nominal depth of the dents |
The tolerance on the depth of the dents | The length of the dents |
Step dents |
The angle of inclination of the side faces of the ribs to the longitudinal axis of the wire |
The angle of inclination of the longitudinal axis of the transverse rib to the longitudinal axis of the wire |
0,06 | ±0,03 | 3,5±0,5 | 5,5±0,5 | 45°-60° | 35°-60° |
>12,0 | 0,07 | |||||
Note — Parameters of the wires are reference values and on the finished rope are not controlled. |
Figure A. 1
Appendix B (recommended). The method of testing ropes fatigue under axial load
Appendix B
B. 1 summary of methods
The test for fatigue under axial load is to application to the specimen axial tensile forces. Load varies cyclically sinusoidal with a given frequency and a given scale of effort (figure B. 1). The test is carried out to achieve a given number of cycles.
Figure B. 1 — Diagram of load cycle
B. 2 Sampling and preparation of samples
B. 2.1 Length of test specimen shall be not less than 500 mm.
B. 2.2 the surface of the sample must be clean.
B. 3 Equipment
B. 3.1 Machine for fatigue test should ensure the loading of samples in the specified schema.
B. 3.2. the Machine must be calibrated with an accuracy of ±1%.
Measurement error and maintain record of deformations should not exceed ±3% of measured values.
B. 4 testing
B. 4.1 Sample of the rope are installed in the grips of the machine so that the load is spread along the axis throughout the length of the sample uniformly, without any additional bending deformations of the sample from the eccentricity of loading.
B. 4.2 the Test is characterized by the following parameters: maximum tensile stress and the magnitude of effort
(figure B. 1).
The values of and
given in 4.3.9 of this standard.
B. 4.3 Frequency of load application shall not exceed 20 Hz (
where — cycle loadings.
The frequency must be stable throughout the test and stored in the series of tests.
B. 4.4 the Temperature during the laboratory tests should be within 10 °C — 35 °C.
B. 4.5 Tests should be conducted to achieve two million cycles of loading, inclusive, or to break at least one wire rope.
B. 5 test Results
B. 5.1 rope consider the relevant requirements of this standard if all the samples can withstand two million cycles.
If the destruction of the sample occurred at the grips or at a distance of at least two nominal diameter of the rope from the grips, the test is considered invalid.
Annex b (recommended). The method of testing ropes for resistance against corrosion cracking in a solution of thiocyanate
The App
V. 1 the Essence of the technique
A sample of rope is kept in the thiocyanate solution under a constant tensile load at a predetermined temperature.
B. 2 Sampling and preparation of samples
V. 2.1 the surface of the samples must be clean. Specimens should be wiped with a soft cloth, degreased and dried with air.
V. 2.2 the Sample should be protected from corrosion in place of fixing of the specimen and 50 mm inside the chamber from its holder.
V. 2.3 the Length of the sample in contact with the solution is the test length and shall be not less than 200 mm.
V. 2.4 the Total length of the sample should be sufficient to exclude the possibility of curvature of the sample when it is mounted in the frame grips. The total length of the specimen shall be equal to twice the value
V. 3 Solution
V. 3.1 test used an aqueous solution of ammonium thiocyanate prepared by dissolving 200 g NHSCN in 800 ml of distilled or demineralized water. Ammonium thiocyanate should contain not less than 99% NH
SCN, not more than 0.005% CI, 0.005% SO
not more than 0.001% of S.
The water conductivity used for preparation of the solution should not exceed 20 s/cm
B. 4 Test equipment
V. 4.1 Frame
V. 4.1.1 the Frame is a rigid structure for application of a continuous tensile force to the subject sample using the linkage from a hydraulic or mechanical device. The frame grips to ensure that no bending of the specimen.
V. 4.2 the Device for measuring tensile forces
V. 4.2.1 Use a device to measure tensile forces applied to the subject sample.
The accuracy shall not be less than ±2%.
V. 4.3, the Device for fixation time
V. 4.3.1 the Device must be capable of measuring the time of the test with an accuracy of at least 0.01 h.
V. 4.3.2 the Appliance must be equipped with automatic time control with the possibility of stopping and capturing or recording the time of breakage of the wire in the rope sample with accuracy of at least ±0,1 h
V. 4.3.3 an Alternative might be the last manual recording time before breakage of the wire.
V. 4.4 Test chamber
V. 4.4.1 it is Desirable that the chamber for the test sample of the rope on the corrosion resistance had a cylindrical shape and was sealed on both sides.
V. 4.4.2 the Camera should be made of a material chemically resistant to the solution a temperature of 50 °C.
V. 4.4.3 Recommended inside diameter of the chamber should be at least 70 mm.
V. 4.4.4, the chamber Length must be sufficient to accommodate the sample of the rope with length not less than 200 mm.
B. 5 testing
V. 5.1 Sample is placed into the tensile frame.
V. 5.2 the Test is carried out at an initial load corresponding to 80% of breaking strength.
V. 5.3 Set the initial load must stay within ±2% throughout the test.
V. 5.4 After completion of loading of the sample chamber is filled with solution. The filling chamber should be completed within one minute, after which the device measuring time set at the start of the test.
V. 5.5 the Volume of the solution in the container should be not less than 5 ml per 1 cmof the surface of the sample in the solution.
V. 5.6 for 5 min, the solution should be brought to a temperature of (50±2) °C and maintained at this temperature throughout the test.
V. 5.7 the Solution during the test should not circulate.
V. 5.8 For each test sample solution update.
B. 6 test Results
V. 6.1 Test will be considered complete when breakage of at least one wire in the sample of the rope or the end time specified in 4.3.10 ().
V. 6.2 If breakage of wire will occur outside the test length of the specimen, the test is considered invalid.
V. 6.3 the time until the breakage of the wire in a rope () should be fixed and recorded to the nearest 0.1 h.
Annex G (recommended). Methods of testing of ropes tensile bending
Appendix D
G. 1 summary of methods
The test consists in determining the percentage reduction in breaking strength of the rope () after test tensile bending.
G. 2 Sampling and preparation of samples
2.1 Length selected for each test sample of the rope shall be sufficient to provide not less than 12 tests. From each sample, I cut off one segment for tensile testing to determine the average breaking strength ().
2.2. The remaining part of each sample is divided into 10 segments for tensile tests with bending. At the discretion of the manufacturer it is possible to test five samples.
2.3 Samples should not be subjected to any treatment except cutting.
G. 3 Test equipment
G. 3.1 General requirements
The test machine comprises a fixed gripper, a movable gripper, which is attached to the device for measuring forces, the device to load and replacement fixed the support roller with a groove.
G. 3.2 Diagram of the testing machine is shown in figure G. 1.
1 — active; 2 — passive; 3 — roller; 4 — the seizures; (700±50) mm;
700 mm;
Figure G. 1 — Basic elements and dimensions of the testing machine to stretch with a bend
The axis of the support roller must be perpendicular to the plane formed by the active and passive sides of the grip and the center of the roller.
G. 3.3 Grips
Longitudinal axis of both ends of the test sample should be perpendicular to the plane of the supports of the grippers.
The grippers must meet the following requirements:
— grips (wedges and dice) must provide the testing at the application not less than 95% of the maximum breaking strength for each test sample;
— when 90% of the maximum breaking strength of the displacement of the Central wire in the rope against the wires of the outer layer should be less than 0.5 mm;
— displacement of the wedges in the capture must be less than the values specified in table D. 1;
— the length of the serrated part of the wedges should be 2.5−3 times greater than the diameter of the tested rope.
Table D. 1 — displacement of the wedges
The percentage of maximum effort |
Maximum displacement, mm |
From 0% to breaking |
5 |
From 50% to break |
2,5 |
G. 3.4 roller
The support roller should be made of tool steel. The surface hardness must be 58 to 62 HRC by GOST 9013.
The roughness of the grooves of the roller should be not more than 1.6 µm according to GOST 2789.
Profile roller and main dimensions given in table G. 2 and figure G. 2.
Table D. 2 — dimensions of the roller
Option | Rope diameter, mm | ||
12,5−12,9 | 15,2−15,7 | 18 | |
The nominal diameter of the roller |
40 | 49 | 59 |
The depth of the groove |
7,6 | 9,5 | 12 |
The width of the groove |
14.4 V | 17,9 | 21,9 |
The diameter of the roller along the groove |
24,7±0,1 | 29,9±0,1 | 34,9±0,1 |
The diameter of the two cylinders in the groove |
57,0±0,1 | 72,0±0,1 | 81,0±0,1 |
The diameter of the gauge cylinder |
14 | 18 | 20 |
Figure G. 2 — Roller
G. 3.5 load Application
The speed of load application should be regulated. When reaching efforts, equal to 50% of the expected breaking strength, the speed value must be in the range of 30−60 N/mm/s. This speed must be maintained until the specimen fractures.
G. 3.6 testing
Before each test, the surface of the groove should be thoroughly cleaned.
Before app loads check for proper installation of the sample. At the time of loading is no slippage between the wire rope and grips.
The loading rate must comply with G. 3.5.
The test is considered invalid if the gap of one or more wires of the rope has been out of contact with the roller.
The value of the breaking strength of each segment should be recorded with accuracy of at least ±1%. The corresponding value
of each segment must be calculated from
the following formula
%. (1)
The value of each sample should be computed as the arithmetic mean value of results from at least five tests
. (2)