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GOST 9870-61

GOST R ISO 22034-1-2013 GOST R ISO 22034-2-2013 GOST P 53772-2010 GOST 5468-88 GOST 1579-93 GOST 10447-93 GOST 3187-76 GOST 9870-61 GOST 4034-63 GOST 4032-63 GOST 4028-63 GOST 792-67 GOST 16135-70 GOST 3920-70 GOST 9850-72 GOST 7675-73 GOST 18901-73 GOST 3062-80 GOST 3093-80 GOST 1526-81 GOST 2771-81 GOST 3875-83 GOST 3071-88 GOST R 50575-93 GOST P 50708-94 GOST 4033-63 GOST 13840-68 GOST 15598-70 GOST 3090-73 GOST 3110-74 GOST 3339-74 GOST 3120-75 GOST 283-75 GOST 10505-76 GOST 14963-78 GOST 14081-78 GOST 7372-79 GOST 5663-79 GOST 1545-80 GOST 3092-80 GOST 9161-85 GOST 29121-91 GOST 18143-72 GOST 1668-73 GOST 7480-73 GOST 7676-73 GOST 3193-2015 GOST 2715-75 GOST 10506-76 GOST 7669-80 GOST 2333-80 GOST 7668-80 GOST 3069-80 GOST 7667-80 GOST 2688-80 GOST 3089-80 GOST 3081-80 GOST 6727-80 GOST 3083-80 GOST 3091-80 GOST 7665-80 GOST 3077-80 GOST 2387-80 GOST 3064-80 GOST 3063-80 GOST 7348-81 GOST 5437-85 GOST 14118-85 GOST 23279-2012 GOST 14311-85 GOST 9074-85 GOST 3068-88 GOST 13603-89 GOST P 50566-93 GOST 4030-63 GOST 4035-63 GOST 4029-63 GOST 15892-70 GOST 11850-72 GOST 18899-73 GOST 6750-75 GOST 3088-80 GOST 10446-80 GOST 14954-80 GOST 7681-80 GOST 3079-80 GOST 3066-80 GOST 3097-80 GOST 3085-80 GOST 8478-81 GOST 4727-83 GOST 18834-83 GOST 26366-84 GOST 9124-85 GOST 3067-88 GOST 3070-88 GOST 3306-88 GOST 8803-89 GOST 17305-91 GOST P 50567-93 GOST 9389-75 GOST 2172-80 GOST 1071-81 GOST 3826-82 GOST 16853-88 GOST 12766.1-90 GOST 3241-91 GOST 16828-81 GOST 285-69 GOST 6613-86 GOST 28334-89 GOST 16827-81 GOST 5336-80 GOST 3282-74

GOST 9870−61 galvanized wire Nails for asbestos cement roofing. Specifications (with Amendments No. 1, 2)

GOST 9870−61
Group В78




Galvanized wire nails for asbestos cement roofing. Specifications

ISS 77.140.65
OKP 12 7100

Date of introduction 1962−07−01

APPROVED by the Committee of standards, measures and measuring devices under Council of Ministers of the USSR on 30 September 1961 date of introduction is established 01.07.62

Limitation of actions taken by Protocol No. 5−94 of the Interstate Council for standardization, Metrology and certification (ICS 11−12−94)

EDITION (February 2009) with Amendments No. 1, 2 approved in September 1976, November 1980 (10−76 IUS, IUS 2−81)

This standard applies to wire galvanized flat-head nails used for fixing asbestos cement roofing sheets.


1. The design and dimensions of nails shall be as specified in the drawing and in the table.

ГОСТ 9870-61 Гвозди проволочные оцинкованные для асбоцементной кровли. Технические условия (с Изменениями N 1, 2)


The diameter of the rod d

The length of a nail ГОСТ 9870-61 Гвозди проволочные оцинкованные для асбоцементной кровли. Технические условия (с Изменениями N 1, 2)

Head diameter ГОСТ 9870-61 Гвозди проволочные оцинкованные для асбоцементной кровли. Технические условия (с Изменениями N 1, 2)

Head heightГОСТ 9870-61 Гвозди проволочные оцинкованные для асбоцементной кровли. Технические условия (с Изменениями N 1, 2)

Pred. off.
Pred. off.
not less than

Example of designation of the nails, diameter 4 mm, length 90 mm:

Nails 4х90 GOST 9870−61

(Changed edition, Rev. N 2).


2.1. Nails shall be manufactured in accordance with the requirements of this standard from raw bright low carbon steel wire according to GOST 3282−74.

2.2. Zinc coated nails must be continuous, without gaps, cracks and bulges that are visible without using the magnifying devices.

Permitted at the terminals and base surfaces of the heads of the nails are coated with zinc traces from the clips and from the split dies, and also a slight longitudinal risks.

2.3. Zinc coating heads of the nails must withstand two one-minute immersion in a solution of copper sulphate.

2.4. Maximum deviation from alignment of the stud and nail heads shall not exceed 1 mm.

2.5. Not allowed on nails neocasa alsecco.

2.6. Wedge angle — according to GOST 283−75.

2.7. Theoretical mass of nails specified in the application.

Sec. 2. (Changed edition, Rev. N 2).


2A.1. Nails take parties. The party should consist of nails of one size and are the same document about quality that contains:

the name of the manufacturer;

the symbol of the nails;

the date of shipment;

the weight of the batch net.

2A.2. Nails for testing should be selected randomly from different places of the party. The sample volume should not exceed 0.5% of the batch, but not less than 40 pieces To check the continuity of the zinc coating from party select 10 pieces of nails.

2A.Z. The party is accepted if the sample number of nails with deviations from the requirements of this standard do not exceed 5%. If the sample number of nails with deviations from the requirements of this standard will be more than 5%, the test is carried out at twice the number of nails. The results of repeated checks apply to the entire party.

Sec. 2A. (Added, Rev. N 2).


3.1. Control the appearance and size of the nails according to GOST 283−75.

3.2. The uniformity of zinc coating test by immersion.

3.2.1. The essence of the method

The method is based on the immersion of nails in a solution of copper sulphate.

3.2.2. Reagents and materials

Solution of copper sulphate, prepared by dissolving one part by weight of crystalline copper sulphate according to GOST 4165−78 in five weight parts of distilled water and neutralized with an excess of freshly precipitated hydrate of copper oxide. After neutralization the solution should be filtered. The density of the neutralized solution must be 1,114−1,116 g/cmГОСТ 9870-61 Гвозди проволочные оцинкованные для асбоцементной кровли. Технические условия (с Изменениями N 1, 2).

3.2.3. Preparing for the test

Before diving into the solution to remove dirt and grease samples were washed with alcohol, gasoline or benzene. If the samples are washed with gasoline to produce an additional rinse them with distilled water and wipe to remove moisture.

Valid number of samples for test in the same solution of copper sulphate with a volume of 200 ml should not exceed 10.

3.2.4. Testing

Immerse the samples in a solution of copper sulphate. The nail heads must be in the solution at a depth of not less than 100 mm stationary, not in contact with each other, with the walls and bottom of the vessel. The temperature of the solution of copper sulphate during the test must be (18±2)°C. the Samples shall be immersed for 60 s. After each immersion in a solution of the nails was washed with distilled water and wiped with a clean cloth.

3.2.5. Processing of the results

If after double dipping in a solution of copper sulphate on the surface of the nail heads will be the areas covered with copper, which, when wiping the sample with cotton wool or a clean cloth, then the specimen is considered to fail the test. Consider the nails without the use of magnifying devices.


4.1. Packing, marking, transportation and storage — by GOST 283−75.

Sec. 3, 4. (Changed edition, Rev. N 2).



The size of nails ГОСТ 9870-61 Гвозди проволочные оцинкованные для асбоцементной кровли. Технические условия (с Изменениями N 1, 2), mm

Weight 1000 PCs, kg ГОСТ 9870-61 Гвозди проволочные оцинкованные для асбоцементной кровли. Технические условия (с Изменениями N 1, 2)


APP. (Changed edition, Rev. N 1, 2).