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Cobalt powder

Technical characteristics

Cobalt powder is a highly-dispersed mass that is made by electric or recovering method. Cobalt is a metal of blue-black color. This is an element of periodic table with a number 27. It is designated as Co. Melting point constitutes 1495 °C, density is 8.9g/cm3, and boiling temperature is 2957 °C. It is often used as an alloying component of heat-resistant alloys for manufacture of high-speed engineering steels and making of hard powder alloys and high-magnetic material, where it performs a jointing role.

Physical characteristics of Co

Description Identification
Atomic (molal) weight mole/h 58.9
Oxidation rate 3, 2, 0, -1
Density [g/cm3]

Melting point 1495°С
Melting heat kJ/mole 15.48
Heat conductivity K [V/m*K] 100
Evaporation heat kJ/mole 489.1

Range of products

PK-1u is one of the most common grades for today. This grade is made by electrolytic method according to GOST 9721−79. Cobalt is a basis of this powder (content of cobalt must be not less than 99.35%). Size of particles constitutes up to 71 µm.

Characteristics of cobalt power PK-1u

Average index of diameter dcp/dm, µm Weight percentage of particles (%), µm Apparent density
45÷71 ≤ 45 ≥71
(30,0±5,0)/ (32,0±5,0) up to 66 30 - 4 from 1.8

*** defined by BET method

** defined by sieve test method

* defined by sedimentation method

Percentage composition of cobalt powder PK-1u

Co Fe Ni O Si S Cu Moisture
more than 99.35 0.45 0.4 0.3 0.02 0.008 0.04 0.15


Cobalt powder PK-1u is widely used in powder metallurgy for manufacture of hard alloys, permanent magnets, high-speed engineering steels, corrosion and heat resistant alloys, paints and lacquers.

Permanent magnets that contain cobalt possess resistance to vibration, high temperatures, high resistance to demagnetization. At a temperature of 1121 °C, cobalt is degaussed. Corrosion resistance and heat resistance allow using this cobalt powder in the capacity of alloying component for steels with special properties. Cobalt spraying is applied in order to increase corrosion protection of details. Powder cobalt is also used in manufacture of blue paints.

Cobalt powder supplier

Would you like to buy cobalt powder metal by wholesale? «Auremo» cobalt powder supplier proposes to buy products on favourable terms. A wide range of grades is presented in stock. They comply with GOST and International Standards of quality. Cobalt powder is always in stock. You can buy it for affordable cobalt powder price from supplier. Buy cobalt powder right now! Cobalt powder price is privileged for wholesale buyers.

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This alloy relates to a popular group of metal products due to its affordable cobalt powder price and diversity of its semi-fabricates. A company's image determines a high level of service and a perfect quality of products. You can find the latest information on company's web-site. Our managers are always ready to answer your questions. Buy goods in a moment in cobalt powder supplier. A realization of products takes a minimum of time. Supplies are implemented directly from stock. It gives a vivid choice of products for customers and significant saving in storages and premises. If a required type of product is absent, we can manufacture it in the off-standard sizes by individual order.

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