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HN63MB strip, sheet

Sheet, strip, foil


Grade analogue W. Nr. Aisi Uns En Order
HN63MB EP758U Buy from stock, view availability

HN63MB strip, sheet supplier

«Auremo» supplier offers to buy HN63MB strip, sheet by wholesale. There is a wide range of half-finished goods in stock. They are compliant with GOST and International quality Standards. Strip, sheet HN63MB are always in stock. You can buy them for an affordable HN63MB strip, sheet price from HN63MB strip, sheet supplier. Buy HN63MB strip, sheet right now!

Percentage composition GOST 5632−72

Ni C Fe Cr Cr Mn P Mo Si S
Basis ≤0.02 ≤0.5 20 20 ≤1 ≤0.015 16 ≤0.1 ≤0,012

Mechanical properties of alloy at a temperature of 20 °C are given below. Alloy density is 8,9 g/cm3. Specific electric resistance is 1,75 microohm-mm2/m. Specific heat is 392J/(kg K). Alloy heat conduction coefficient in a range is 0,126 10² V/(m К). Magnetic inductive capacity is lower than 1,001. Module of elasticity is 20•10-4 MPa. This steel has a good weldability due to its well-balanced chemical composition. It allows manufacturing various constructions without using special processing equipment. Mechanical properties of alloy change depending on a temperature.


Welding structures, building-block modules, details made of this alloy are intended for durable exploitation in oil-refining, gas processing, chemical, oil industries at a temperature 600−850 °C. This alloy is used in manufacturing pipelines of different cross-section, in manufacture of heat interchangers, reservoirs etc. Alloy possesses high resistance to breakage under effect of high temperature. It also has a resistance to plastic deformation and effect of oxidizing environment.

Physical properties in a temperature range of 20−900°С

20 — 100°С 20 — 200°С 20 — 300°С 20 — 400°С 20 — 500°С 20 — 600°С 20 — 700°С 20 — 800°С 20 — 900°С
α 106, К-1 9.45 9.85 10.25 10.55 10.8 10.8 11.25 11.65


Type Description
limitedly weldable welding is possible at heating to 100−120°С and last heat treating
hardly weldable in order to obtain a qualitative welded joints, it is necessary to perform the following operations: while welding to heat it up to 200−300°C, heat treating (annealing) after welding
without stint
welding is done without further heat treating or previous heating

Sheets made of this steel are welded with a help of automatic, hand electric-arc and argon-arc methods of welding. Sheets of a thickness lower than 10 mm are satisfactorily welded by all methods of hand electric-arc welding. Sheets of a thickness lower than 6 mm are welded by argon-arc method. The same type is used while jointing root seams thicker than 10 mm. Root seams needed to be welded by back-step method with a usage of welding components without niobium for preventive measure purpose of auto-cracks of more than 10 mm. Combined method (an argon-arc welding and a welding with a help of manual electrodes) is used for a sheet with a thickness more than 12 mm.


At tightened inspections, semi-fabricates should be heat-treated at a temperature of 1000 — 1100ºС with further cooling in water or in the air. Such heat treatment conduces a normalization of inherent stress in alloy and increasing the lasting-quality characteristics of details.

Buy HN63MB strip, sheet at a bargain price

«Auremo» supplier is a recognized expert on a market of heat-resistant mill-products. We have offices in Eastern Europe, so we are able to make a prompt cooperation with business partners. An experience of our company allows you easily buy goods in a large variety by wholesale. A quality is compliant with GOST (all-Union State Standards) and International Standards. «Auremo» company is a reliable HN63MB strip, sheet supplier of heat-resisting mill-products that invites all the wishing to a partnership. We have the best price-quality ratio. HN63MB strip, sheet price is privileged for wholesale customers. All products are certificated. A delivery service will supply your order in the shortest possible time. Strip, wire, sheet HN63MB are always in stock. There is the best HN63MB strip, sheet price in an actual segment of mill-products.