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Fecral strip Cr15Al5


Grade analogue W. Nr. Aisi Uns En Order
X15Yu5 1.4725 K91670 Buy from stock, view availability
X15Yu5 1.4767 K92400 Buy from stock, view availability


Fecral is an ideal alloy with an excessive specific real resistance (1,20−1,30 Ohm-mm2/m) which combine a heat resistance up to 1450 °C and is claimed to be indispensable at temperature extremes. These properties allow using this alloy extensively while manufacturing heating units. It has a perfect corrosive resistance on air, in argon, in a vacuum, oxidizing, sulfur-containing and carboniferous environments. It shows not very high relative density (7,2 g/cm3), but it has a great yield limit.


Material Alloy Name UNS name DIN AMS ASTM
1.4725 Cr15Al5 Cr15Al5 K 92 500 17 470 --- B 603−1

The main applications: kilns, resistor elements, high-temperature furnaces, industrial tubular heating elements and heaters.

Percentage composition:

Al Cr Fe Mn C Si Ni Cu Ti Other Rare earth elements
4.6−5.8 14.5- 15.5 Basis Max 0.7 till 0.05 till 0.6 till 0.6 --- till 0.6 Zr, ≤0.3 ---

Mechanical characteristics t°20°C

Number of bowings Percentage extension
> 5 times

> 16%

Physical characteristics t°20°C

Hardness Density Breaking load Maximum working temperature Electrical resistivity Magnetism Melting point (ºС)
200−260 HB 7.1 g/cm³ 637−784 m/Pa 850 ºС 1.30 Ohm-mm2/m Magnetic

1400 ºС

Operating life

Diameter Temperature Working time
Ø. 6,0 mm and more ≤ 850 ºС over 3500 h
Ø 3,0−6,0 mm ≤ 800 ºС over 1800 h
Ø 1,5−3,0 mm ≤700 ºС over 1800 h
Ø. 0,4−1,5 mm ≤ 650 ºС

over 900 h


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