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Heat resistant 20H23N18, 10KH23N18, aisi 310s, tp310 pipe


Grade analogue W. Nr. Aisi Uns En Order
20Х23Н18 EI417 1.4845 310S X12CrNi25-21 Buy from stock, view availability
10X23H18 1.4842 310S X12CrNi25-20 Buy from stock, view availability


Chemical composition of heat-resistant steel bar of grade X12CrNi25−21 is specified by GOST 5632−72. It consists of chrome - 22−25%, nickel -17−20%, molybdenum - 0,35−0,55%, manganese - 2%, carbon - 0,2%, silicon - 1%, additives of sulfur and phosphorus - a hundredths of percent. A residual portion constitutes iron. Alloying increases workable properties of bar: heat-resistance, capability to resist aggressive environments.

Percentage composition (GOST 5632−72). Iron is the basis of alloy.

Cu Si C Mn Mo Cr Ni S P Ti
≤ 0,3 ≤ 1 ≤ 0,2 ≤ 2 0,35−0,55 22−25 17−20 ≤ 0,02 ≤ 0,035 ≤ 0,2


This steel smelts in open electric furnaces. This provides a minimal content of unnecessary residual elements. A bar is rolled in hot state. Temperature is 1150−1180°С at the beginning and 850 °C at the end. If necessary, it can be exposed to thermohardening (1100°С) with further cooling in water or in air. Such processing conduces to a normalization of inherent stress and increase of strength characteristics.

Calibrated bar X12CrNi25−21 is made according to the following GOSTs: 7417−75, 8560−78 and 8559−75. Silver steel and brushed bar are made according to GOST 14 955−77, forged blankets and forgings - according to GOST 1133−71. Rod is made by stamping method - flow of metal to specific dimensions. Hot stamping is considered to be a cheaper, less complicated and energy-consuming method as long as there are needed fewer efforts for hot metal forming. While manufacturing, there are stamped a few surfaces at the same time. That is why the surface turns out to be smooth and uniform. The dimensions are kept according to customer's requirements. Processing of multiple surfaces is more profitable - there is possible a manufacture of blankets with different sections due to a die with intended sizes.


There are possible manual welding and automatic welding under flux and at protective gas. During manual electric-arc welding, there are used electrodes OK 61.30, OK 67.15, which have such wire cores as SW-03HN25MDG, SW-03HN25MDGB. Additive material of such type is also used at automatic electric-arc and argon-arc welding. As a means of flux, there is recommended grade AH-18.

Classification of rod X12CrNi25−21

By a manufacturing method: By length: By accuracy level:

- calibrated

- hot-rolled

- multiple cut

- cut

- random

- super-high

- high

- standard

Dimensions of rod depend on application sphere. That is why it is usually made to order. Diameter of finished products can constitute 5−400 mm and a length - 4−10 mm. Products with a diameter of more than 200−250 mm undergo further molding. They are rolled up to a necessary section.


Nowadays, stainless alloys are the most-requested materials. Heat-resistant rod X12CrNi25−21 is widely applied in different types of welded constructions, manufacture of heat-exchanging fitting, parts of reactors that operate in aggressive solutions at high temperatures. The following goods can be manufactured out of this rod: engine shafts, bearing disks and rollers, axles that operate at high concentration of loads and in places with high loads: impacts, vibration etc. Such rod is indispensable in manufacture of fittings and welded constructions that work in radioactive environment. Rod of this grade is reliable, hard and durable. It can be used as a means of intermediate forging.


«Auremo» heat-resistant X12CrNi25−21, X12CrNi25−20 wire, rod supplier offers to buy goods by wholesale. A wide range of half-finished goods is presented in stock. The products comply with GOST and International Standards of quality. Heat-resistant X12CrNi25−21, X12CrNi25−20, aisi 310s, tp310 wire, rod, bar is always presented in stock. We offer the best heat-resistant X12CrNi25−21, X12CrNi25−20 wire, rod price from supplier. We are waiting for your orders. Heat-resistant X12CrNi25−21, X12CrNi25−20 wire, rod price is privileged for wholesale buyers.

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«Auremo» heat-resistant X12CrNi25−21, X12CrNi25−20 wire, rod supplier offers to buy metal-roll for affordable price. Heat-resistant X12CrNi25−21, X12CrNi25−20, aisi 310s, tp310 wire, rod, bar is always in stock. The product is certificated and made in compliance with GOST. Our certificate contains information about manufacturing plant, alloy grade, mechanical properties, chemical composition, and results of additional test. There the shortest terms of delivery. Buy heat-resistant X12CrNi25−21, X12CrNi25−20 wire, rod right now. If you buy heat-resistant X12CrNi25−21, X12CrNi25−20 wire, rod by wholesale, you will be given special discounts.

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