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Silver solder


In the manufacture of silver solder, a proportion of copper is added to the composition, along with tin, cadmium, and some other elements that improve the quality of silver solder solder. With the help of such solder it is possible to obtain metal compounds of high quality. In addition silver solder has an excellent ability to withstand many negative factors while maintaining its qualities.

hts 2000

The use of this alloy is effective when working with aluminum by soldering. This alloy makes it possible to perform work without using flux. It is generally accepted that hts 2000 is a new material. Due to the fact that aluminum has very unusual characteristics, only hts 2000 alloy is able to provide the highest quality welds. Alloy hts 2000 refers to a number of quite in-demand solders. It greatly facilitates the work with such a difficult metal as aluminum, The use of such solder requires only the presence of propane or oxygen torch.


The supplier Auremo offers to buy silver solder today on favorable conditions. Large selection in stock. Compliance with GOST and international quality standards. Always in stock silver solder, the price - the best from the supplier.

Buy, bargain price

The company "Auremo" offers solder on favorable terms. The warehouse offers the widest selection of products. Always in stock silver solder, the price - due to the technological features of production without the inclusion of additional costs. The company's website shows the most current information about products, there is a product catalog and price lists. The price of the order depends on the volume and additional terms of delivery. It is easy to find us on the Internet. Supplier "Auremo" invites to buy solder in bulk or in installments. In this segment, Auremo is a profitable supplier. Buy solders today. Quality meets GOST and international standards. The best offer from the supplier. We are waiting for your orders.

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