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Copper rod, wire, pipe, sheet, strip made of C14200


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C14200 mill-products supplier

«Auremo» C14200 mill-products supplier proposes to buy copper wire, rod, pipe, sheet for the most favorable C14200 mill-products price. Wide range of high-quality goods is presented in stock. You can easily buy C14200 mill-products. C14200 mill-products price depends on order quantity and additional conditions of supply. A quality complies with GOST (all-Union State Standards) and International Standards. If you buy C14200 mill-products by wholesale, you will be given special discounts. Our offices located in Moscow, St. Petersburg and cities of Central Europe provide availability of products and efficiency of delivery.

Copper C14200 characteristics

C14200 copper grade is a commercial copper that is obtained by fire refining and remelting. Plumb, arsenic, nickel, iron, sulfur, antimony, tin, bismuth are also presented in composition. C14200 grade has high electric and heat conductivity, plasticity, corrosive resistance. Alloying components (phosphorus, nickel, etc.) effect technical characteristics of copper. By physical parameters, copper can be: soft or hard.

Industrial usage: manufacture of instrument cases, non-magnetic detector element parts, architectural elements, different casting parts and parts of cryogenic equipment.

Percentage composition

Elements Content
Pb <0,05
Sb <0,05
O <0,08
Sn <0,05
Bi <0,003
Ni <0,2
Fe <0,05
S <0,01
As <0,01
Cu 99.5

Main properties

Coefficient of friction without lubricant = 0.43

Alloy hardness: HB 10 -1 = 45 MPа

Coefficient of friction with lubricant = 0.011

Physical characteristics

R 10 9(Ohm-m)


r (kg/m3)

l (V/(m/Degree))

a 10 -6 (1/Degree)

E 10- 5 (MPa)

t° (Degree)
17,8 390 8940 387   1,32 20°
        16,7 1,28 100°

Foreign analogs of copper

Czech Republic Poland the USA England Germany
423 005 Cu99.56 C14200 C107 C-Cu

Mechanical characteristics at a temperature of 20 °C

Mill-products δ5 (%) Size YS (MPa) F.e.

KCU kJ/m2

TS (MPa) ψ %
soft alloy 60   90−150     200−250  
hard alloy 6   300−450     400−490  

YS - permanent change of form - yield strength (proportionality), MPa

TS - ultimate tensile strength (rupture strength), MPa

δ5 - percentage elongation after rupture, %

Description Identification Description Identification
- differential deposit at a process of first crack appearing, % å - heating capacity of alloy (heat conduction coefficient), V/(m°С) l
- maximum shear stress, ultimate torsional strength, MPa - elastic strength, MPa σ0,05
- ultimate bending strength, MPa σ bend - conventional yield limit, MPa σ0,2
- fatigue endurance limit during torsion test with symmetrical load cycle, MPa J-1 - yield strength (contraction), MPa YS 0,05
- amount of load cycling n - relative shear, % v
- specific electrical resistance, Ohm-m R and ρ - short ultimate tensile strength, MPa TS
- standard module of elasticity HPa E - contraction ratio, % ψ
- properties getting temperature, Degree T - impact hardness, which is established on specimens with concentrators in accordance with V and U types, J/cm2 KCU and KCV
- specific heat of alloy (temperature range is 20°С), [J/(kg-deg)] C - Brinell hardness HB
- density, kg/m3 pn and r - Vicker's hardness HV
- linear thermal expansion coefficient (in a temperature range of 20°С), 1/°С a - Rockwell hardness C HRC
- long-time strength limit, MPa σtТ - Rockwell hardness B HRB
- module of elasticity at a process of torsional shear, HPa G - Shore hardness HSD

Buy C14200 mill-products at a bargain price

You have to take into account a range of factors when choosing copper alloy. A wide selection of non-iron metal-roll for order in advance is presented in «Auremo» company's stock. «Auremo» company offers to buy products. C14200 mill-products price is conditioned by technological details of production without including additional expenses. Our specialists are always ready to help with selecting required products, which determine capability and reliability of future equipment. We guarantee a high quality of products and fast delivery. You can find all information about goods on company's web-site. We offer discounts for regular customers from C14200 mill-products supplier.