GOST 3071-88
GOST 3071−88 steel rope double twist rope, type TK construction 6х37 (1+6+12+18)+1 O. S. Assortment (Change No. 1)
GOST 3071−88
The Group Of 75
STEEL ROPE DOUBLE twist rope, TYPE TK CONSTRUCTION 6х37 (1+6+12+18)+1 O. S.
Two lay steel mount type TK construction 6х37 (1+6+12+18)+1 O. S. Dimensions
ISS 77.140.65
OKP 12 5100, 12 5200
Date of introduction 1990−07−01
APPROVED AND put INTO EFFECT by Decision of the USSR State Committee for standards from
The expiration time limit is removed by the Resolution of Gosstandart from
Edition (may 2011) Change 1, approved in April 1992 (IUS 7−92)
1. This standard applies to steel double-lay ropes with point touch the wires in the strands of type TC with organic core.
The standard does not apply to the ropes used on hoisting cranes.
2. The ropes are divided:
for the purpose:
freight — G;
mechanical properties:
mark VC,
mark 1;
by coating the surface of wire rope:
from wire without coating;
galvanized wire depending on the surface density of zinc: C, W;
the direction of lay of rope:
left — L;
the combination of the directions of lay of the rope elements:
by way of lay:
prosrochena — N;
for precision manufacturing:
high — T;
according to the degree of balance:
ratowanie — R,
Examples of symbols
Rope with a diameter of 11.5 mm, cargo destination, grade 1, from wire without coating, left-hand cross-lay, spun, ratowania, high precision, marking groups 1570 N/mm(160 kgf/mm
The rope is 11.5-G-1-L-R-T-1570 GOST 3071−88
Rope with a diameter of 5.8 mm, a cargo destination, brand, galvanized by the group W, right-hand cross-lay, prescripcialis, Neradovsky, normal accuracy, marking the group 2160 N/mm(220 kgf/mm
Rope 5,8-G-V-W-N-2160 GOST 3071−88
3. The diameter of rope and basic parameters shall be as specified in the table.
1. The ropes, breaking strength of which is given to the left of the bold line are made of wire without coating and galvanized, the right of the bold line — wire without coating. By agreement between manufacturer and consumer ropes made of galvanized wire.
2. The diameters of the ropes over 10mm rounded to whole numbers or to 0.5 mm.
3. The diameter of the rope designed to ensure the gap between the strands.
2, 3. (Changed edition, Rev. No. 1).
4. Technical requirements, acceptance rules, test methods, marking, packaging, transportation and storage — by GOST 3241−91.