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A wire, a rod, a bar, a sheet, a tube made of titanium gost 3M

Characteristics of titanium gost 3M alloy

Description Identification
Alloy grade Titanium gost 3M
Alloy classification Titanium deformable alloy
Industrial usage manufacture of rolled sections, parts of special technique, manufacture of ingots, semi-fabricates.

Percentage composition according to GOST 19207−91

N Zr Al Ti C Fe O Si Residual elements
≤0,04 ≤ 0,3 3.5 - 5 93.89 - 96.2 ≤0.1 ≤0,25 ≤0,15 ≤0,12 total 0,3

Note: a basis is titanium. First of all, this alloy is very consistent, paramagnetic. It is easy to weld. As other titanium alloys, it differs with a unique corrosion resistance that is very important in technological industries. Alloying increases strength characteristics and corrosion resistance of titanium 2−3 times as much.

Mechanical characteristcs (temperature is 20°С).

Range of sizes Size KCU y Heat treatment. d5 sT sv
Wire, GOST 27265−87       Condition of supply 13   580−735
- mm kJ/m2 % - % MPa MPa

sv - Short-time strength limit

d5 - Elongation on failure

Physical characteristics of titanium gost 3M

MPa Degree V/(m/degree) 1/Degree J/(kg/degree) Ohm-m


  100   8,2 540    
1,12 20 18,85       4.5
E 10- 5 T l a 10 6 C R 10 9 r

Description of mechanical characteristics

Description Identification
Short resistance to rupture [MPa] sv
Impact hardness [ kJ/m2] KCU
Flow limit at permanent change of form (proportional limit) [MPa] sT
Brinell hardness [MPa] HB
Contraction ratio (%) y

Physical characteristics of titanium alloy gost 3M

Description Identification
Temperature at which are obtained actual characteristics: 20°С
Lineal expansion coefficient α x 106 at 100 °C [1/ °С] 8.2
Density g/cm3;

Elasticity module of 1 sort Е [MPa] x 10-5 1.12
Elongation on failure d5 % 13
Short-term strength limit sв [MPa] 580−735
Specific electric resistance Оhm-mm2/m 1.6


Identification Description
weldable without limits - a welding is done without previous heating of parts and without final heat treatment. However, high affinity of hot titanium to oxygen and nitrogen requires inert gas protection of not only a welding zone, but a reverse side of a seam, and all those zones of metal that are heated to 400 degrees as well;
limitedly weldable - qualitative welding requires pre-heating of parts to a temperature of 100−120°C and a final heat treatment;
hardly weldable - in order to obtain a qualitative welded joints, it is necessary to perform the following operations: to heat parts up to 200−300°C before welding; to do a heat treatment (annealing) after welding;


Extraordinary characteristics of titanium are of the utmost interest in modern industries where are required high strength-to-density ratio, heat resistance, corrosive resistance. It is popular in food, chemical industries, in aviation, shipbuilding, spacecraft building, rocket engineering, transport machine building.


«Auremo» supplier offers to buy titanium gost 3M alloy by wholesale. There is a wide range of half-finished goods in stock. They comply with GOST 19207−91 and International Standards of quality. Wire, rod, bar, sheet, tube of titanium gost 3M are always in stock. You can buy them for an affordable price from titanium gost 3M alloy supplier. Buy titanium gost 3M alloy right now! Titanium gost 3M alloy price is privileged for wholesale customers.

Buy at a bargain price

«Auremo» supplier is a recognized expert on a market of titanium mill-products. We have offices in Eastern Europe, so we are able to make a prompt cooperation with business partners. Experience of our company allows you to easily buy goods by wholesale in a large variety. A quality complies with GOST 19207−91 and International Standards. «Auremo» company is a reliable titanium gost 3M alloy supplier of titanium mill-products that invites all the wishing to a partnership. We have the best price-quality ratio. Titanium gost 3M alloy price is privileged for wholesale customers. All products are certificated. A delivery service will supply your order in the shortest possible time. Pipe, rod, wire, bar, sheet of titanium gost 3M are always in stock. There is the best price in an actual segment of mill-products.