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Sheet, strip, foil made of niobium

Sheet, strip (foil)


Niobium in a pure state is malleable. In cold state, it can be rolled in very thin strips (thickness is up to 0.01 mm) without intermediate annealing. Strength level of this metal at a temperature of 20−800°С not much changes as long as its ultimate elongation. Electromechanical properties of this metal, super refractory quality (melting point is 2468°С) give a possibility to manufacture cathodes, anodes, grids of electric-vacuum tubes out of niobium strip. Work of electron liberation is minimum (4.01 ev - electronic emission) in comparison to applicable in electric-vacuum devices refractory analogous elements - molybdenum and tungsten. Niobium possesses high temperature of superconducting transition.

Physical characteristics of Nb

Description Identification
Atomic (molal) weight mole/h 92.9
Oxidation rate 5, 4, 3, 2, 1
Density [g/cm3]

Melting point 2468°С
Melting heat kJ/mole 26.6
Heat conductivity K [V/m*K] 53.7
Evaporation heat kJ/mole 680

Manufacture of niobium sheet, strip

In manufacture of these mill-products, there is used an ingot obtained in with a help of powder metallurgy. Metal is baked in powder state in more appropriate forms for processing. Drawing of ingot into band is performed with a help of extrusion - punching through matrix flat-type gap of flexible bar. After that, band is annealed in vacuum furnace and cooled. For strip manufacture, working temperature usually exceeds 1500 °C. Finished product is cooled up to a temperature of 780−800°С. As a result, there forms a strip with uniform crystallite (0.25 mm of thickness). Then, it is rolled to necessary sizes.


Sheet, strip made of niobium is applied in mechanical and instrument engineering, military-industrial complex, air-space techniques. Niobium serves as a basis of fitting for refining and chemical industry as long as it is resistant to effect of salt, nitric, phosphorus, sulfuric, organic acids of different concentration up to a temperature of 150 °C.

Towards the end of the XXth century, there are appeared such valuable niobium properties as an absence of interaction with uranium at a temperature up to 1100 °C, high heat conductivity, minimum induced radioactivity and tight capture cross-section of thermal-neutrons. Such properties allowed niobium to become in line with beryllium, aluminium, zirconium in nuclear energetics. Flat niobium serves as a basis of container for storage of radioactive wastes.

Grade GOST C O N Si Ta Fe Ti W H Mo
NbSH000 16100−70 0,03 0,02 0,03 0,01 0,1 0,03 0,01 0,01 0,001 basis
NbSH0 16100−70 0,03 0,02 0,03 0,03 0,4 0,08 0,1 0,01 0,001 basis
NbSH1 16100−70 0,06 0,04 0,05 0,03 0,4 0,08 0,1 0,01 0,001 basis
Nb1 16 099−80 0,01 0,01 0,01 0,005 0.1 0,005 0,005 0,01 0,001 basis

Niobium sheet, strip supplier

«Auremo» niobium sheet, strip supplier offers to buy niobium products by wholesale. A wide range of half-finished goods is presented in stock. They comply with GOST and International Standards of quality. Niobium sheet, strip, foil are always in stock. You can buy them for the best price from niobium sheet, strip supplier. We are waiting for your orders. Buy niobium sheet, strip right now! Niobium sheet, strip price is privileged for wholesale buyers.

Buy niobium sheet, strip at a bargain price

«Auremo» company sells refractory and rare-earth metals for affordable niobium sheet, strip price. Niobium sheet, strip price forms according to international cost of metal-roll without including other expenses. If you buy niobium sheet, strip by wholesale, you will be given special discounts. Supplies are implemented directly from stock. It gives a vivid choice of products for customers and significant saving in storages and premises. Our offices located in Moscow, St. Petersburg and cities of Central Europe provide availability of products and efficiency of delivery. We invite you to a partnership.