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Pipe made of copper


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Copper is one of the first metals that were mastered by people. Iron has appeared much later. Nowadays, copper alloys are used less than previously. But there are manufacturing spheres, where copper is still number one. Due to such properties as corrosive resistance and high heat conductivity, seamless copper pipes of round cross-section are indispensable for heating systems, conditioning, refrigerated cubes, internal gas and water supply of country cottages. Copper alloys are the main materials for internal gas pipe line in such countries as Australia, Great Britain, France. Hong Cong, Sweden, Great Britain, the USA use copper alloys as the main materials of water supply; Sweden and Great Britain use them also for steam heating pipes.


Pipes can be classified by shape: round, square, rectangular cross-sections. By manufacturing method: cold-rolled, extruded, drawn. By a manufacturing accuracy: extra accuracy, standard accuracy. By state of material: solid, soft, semi-solid, soft with extra plasticity, solid with extra strength, semi-solid with extra strength. By length: specific multiple cut, random, in coil.

Percentage composition

Copper alloy grade Iron Nickel Sulfur Copper Arsenic Plumb Oxygen Antimony Bismuth Tin Phosphorus Zinc Silver
2.0090 - Cw008a ≤0,005 ≤0,002 ≤0,004 minimum 99,9 ≤0,002 ≤0,005 ≤0,05 ≤0,002 ≤0,001 ≤0,002   ≤0,004 ≤0,003
C12000 (C12200) ≤0,005 ≤0,002 ≤0,005 minimum 99,9 ≤0,002 ≤0,005 ≤0,01 ≤0,002 ≤0,001 ≤0,002 0.002 - 0.012 ≤0,005  
C12500 (Cw006a) ≤0.05 ≤ 0.2 ≤0,01 minimum 99,7 ≤0,01 ≤0,01 ≤0,07 ≤0,005 ≤0,002 ≤0.05      
SF-Cu ≤0.05 ≤ 0.2 ≤0,01 minimum 99,7 ≤0,01 ≤0,01 ≤0,01 ≤0,005 ≤0,002 ≤0,05      
C14200 ≤0.05 ≤ 0,2 ≤0,01 minimum 99,5 ≤0,01 ≤0,05 ≤0,08 ≤0,05 ≤0,003 ≤0,05      
C14200 (M3r) ≤0,05 ≤ 0.2 ≤0,01 minimum 99,5 ≤0,05 ≤0,03 ≤0,01 ≤0,05 ≤0,003 ≤0,05 0,005 - 0,06    


Copper pipes differ with high plasticity, corrosive resistance, electrical and heat conductivity. They can be easily welded, soldered. They comply with rigorous sanitary regulations. Copper pipes are efficient for application: they are easy to cut, to drill, to stamp, to insert. They work in a wide temperature range. These pipes possess such properties as durability, capability to withstand high gradient of temperatures, pressure and adverse weather. Bacterial and fungus colonies are not present on internal surface. Copper does not react with chlorinated water and has low unit-area resistance (silver possesses lower). Copper is relatively cheap and very workable.


Pipes are made out of 2.0090 (Cw008a), C12500 (Cw006a), C14200 grades and have chemical compositions according to GOST 859−2001. They can be solid, soft and drawn. Matte finish has standard fineness and standard accuracy at manufacture by diameter and wall thickness. A sample capture for checking of chemical composition is done according to GOST 24 231−80. At manufacture of copper pipe, there must be accordance with the following GOSTs: 617−90 (water-supply thick-walled pipes), 16 774−78 (square and rectangular pipe), 2624−77 (capillary tube), 20 900−75 (waveguide tube), 11 383−75 (thin-walled tube), 17 217−79 (pipe of copper-nickel alloys CuNi5Fe1); 21 646/2003 (pipe for heat exchangers and heating appliances). Copper tube for conditioning systems is made according to TC 184 450−106−181−2006. Chemical composition of material fully complies with requirements of domestic and international standards of quality.

According to following GOST, there can be manufactured such pipes: thick-walled of general purpose (617−2006), thin-walled drawn (11 383−75). Camber, out-of-roundness, cutting angle must comply with GOST 26 877−91.

Fittings for pipe joint are manufactured out of the same copper grades. Joints are done with a help of capillary brazing (strength of such joint is higher than strength of pipe itself) or press fitting. The last joint is done faster.


Copper pipe distribution system of heating and gas-water supply substantially increase additional charges during installation. It is important that chlorinated water would not influence on walls of water pipelines. Besides, copper possesses bacteriostatic properties - which prevent bacterial growth. Trouble-free operation time limits of such water pipeline are 60−110 years. Copper pipe is used at making of climate control equipment, air-conditioners, refrigerators, elements of decoration, wind instruments. It is requested in electric-power industry, housing and public utilities, mechanical engineering, building. While building technical communication and sanitary systems, pipe made of one material is in preference because expenses significantly increase. Often copper pipe is not an end-product, but only a semi-product for cutting, pressing, stamping, manufacture of rolling details.

Diameter of pipe, mm Wall thickness, mm Unit measure Price for 1 kg
4 ÷ 6 0.5 ÷ 1 kg negotiated
8 ÷ 32 0.5 ÷ 10 ---«--- ---«---
30 ÷ 32 5 ÷ 6 ---«--- ---«---
4 ÷ 6 0.5 ÷ 1 kg ---«---
8 ÷ 36 0.5 ÷ 10 ---«--- negotiated
30 ÷ 36 5 ÷ 7 ---«--- ---«---
≤ 10 0.5 ÷ 10 ---«--- ---«---

Packaging, transportation, storing and temporary corrosion prevention are made according to GOST 9.510−93.

Copper pipe name According to GOST According to technical conditions Pipe marking Dimensional parameter

GOST 617

GOST 16 774

TC 48 -0810−95

TC 48−0810−90

TC 48−0810−53

TC 48−0810−113

TC 48−0810−107

TC 48−0810−117

TC 48−0810−114

TC 48−21−482

TC 48−21−295

TC 48−21−532

TC 48−21−841

TC 48−21−705

TC 48−21−497

2.0090 - Cw008a

C12000 - C12200

C12500 - Cw006a



C14200 (M3r)


GOST 617

GOST 16 774

TC 48−0810−114

TC 48−0810−113

TC 48−0810−117

TC 48−21−295

TC 48−0810−90

TC 48−21−482

TC 48−21−532

TC 48−21−705

TC 48−0810−95

TC 48−21−497

TC 48−0810−53

TC 48−0810−107

TC 48−21−841

2.0090 - Cw008a

C12000 - C12200

C12500 - Cw006a



C14200 (M3r)


GOST 2624

B-360 ASTM

TC 184 450−106−041

TC 184 450−106−038

2.0090 - Cw008a

C12000 - C12200

C12500 - Cw006a



C14200 (M3r)

0, 35−1,6x1,2−2,75хL
For conditioning


B-359M, ASTM


TC 48−0814−120−2002

2.0090 - Cw008a

C12000 - C12200

C12500 - Cw006a



C14200 (M3r)

0, 35−2x4,5−10х L
Pipe marking Nickel + Cobalt Iron Carbon Silicon Manganese Sulfur Phosphorus Copper Arsenic Plumb Zinc Antimony Bismuth Tin Content of residual elements
CuNi5Fe1 5÷6,5 1÷1,4 0÷0.0З 0÷0.15 0.З÷ 0.8 0÷0.01 0÷0.04 90.6÷ 9З.7 up to 0,01 0÷0.005 0÷0.5 0÷0.005 0÷0.002 0.25÷0.1 ≤0,7
CuNi30Fe1Mn1 29÷33 0.5÷1 0÷0.05 0÷0.15 0.5÷1 0÷0.01 0÷0.006 64.4÷70   0÷0.05 0÷0.5       ≤0.6

Copper pipe supplier

Would you like to buy copper pipe by wholesale? «Auremo» copper pipe supplier proposes to buy goods on favourable terms. A wide range of half-finished goods is presented in stock. They comply with GOST and International Standards of quality. Copper pipe is always in stock. You can buy copper pipe for affordable copper pipe price from supplier. Buy copper pipe right now! Copper pipe price is privileged for wholesale buyers.

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