GOST 2387-80
GOST 2387−80 steel wire Rope. Methods of fatigue testing
GOST 2387−80
Group В79
A method of fatigue testing
Steel Ropes.
Method of Endurance testiry
Valid from 01.01.82
before 01.01.87*
* Expiration removed
Protocol N 7−95 Interstate Council
for standardization, Metrology and certification
(IUS N 11, 1995). — Note the CODE.
DEVELOPED by the Ministry of ferrous metallurgy of the USSR
I. V. Barysheva, E. S. Chugunova
INTRODUCED by the Ministry of ferrous metallurgy of the USSR
APPROVED AND put INTO EFFECT by Decision of the USSR State Committee for standards, 28 March 1980 N 1418
This standard specifies a method of fatigue testing of steel ropes with a diameter of 6.0 mm or less, and steel cord.
The sample length of the rope should be at least 4 m.
2.1. The test is carried out on the machine diagram is shown in hell.1.
2.1.1. For simultaneous testing two or more samples of the machine can be with two-sided location of the samples. The samples on the machine can be located in one or more series. In this case, replacement and cargo rollers cargo must be independent for each sample.
2.1.2. Leading drum 1 must carry out oscillatory movements at a rate of 120 oscillations per minute and to provide the reciprocating movement of the specimen at a length of about 350 mm.
2.1.3. Replacement rollers 4 of a certain diameter (depending on the requirements for rope requirements) must ensure that the bending of the sample by 90°.
2.1.4. A cargo roller 5 should be free to lie on the sample. The cargo must create a certain tension of the branches of the specimen.
2.1.5. To account for the number of bends of the sample, the machine must have a meter. One bend sample corresponds to one rotation of the driving drum in the same direction.
2.1.6. 2 clips for fastening the ends of the specimen 3 to the drum should be strong and should not allow loosening and damaging of the specimen during the test.
2.1.7. The groove profile and basic dimensions of the replacement roller must match the features.2. During the test of steel cord change the parameters of a replaceable roller in accordance with the normative-technical documentation for steel cord.
— diameter replacement roller groove, mm.
(rounded to 1.0 mm);
— conditional value of the sample diameter of rope, mm;
(rounded to the nearest 0.1 mm);
— the maximum value of the sample diameter of rope, mm maximum deviations on the main
the dimensions of the replacement roller must not be more than ±0,2 mm ; ±0.5 mm for a
; 0.1 mm for
2.1.8. Replacement rollers shall be made of steel and should have a hardness of 60−62 units on a scale With GOST 9013−59.
2.1.9. The roughness parameter of the surface groove replacement roller should be from 1.25 µm to 0.63 µm according to GOST 2789−73.
2.1.10. Replacement rollers should be mounted on ball bearings and together with the latter should be easily replaced. During operation of the machine these rollers should not have a skew and lateral displacement.
2.1.11. A cargo roller must be mounted on ball bearings and have a device for easy and convenient hanging of the goods to him.
2.1.12. During operation of the machine should not happen, bias truck roller and friction of the sample on the side walls of the groove of the roller.
2.1.13. The mutual positions of the terminals of the ends of the specimen on the master drum and replacement of rollers should not cause friction on side walls of replaceable rollers.
3.1. The ends of sample of the rope to prevent arbitrary raspletanie front hitch on the car should be tied with soft wire or welded.
3.2. The sample before testing should be rubbed dry.
4.1. The machine set of interchangeable rollers, one end of the sample is strengthened in the clip, located in part of the driving drum facing in the opposite direction from the indexable roller side. The second end of the sample is passed through replaceable upper roller, unloaded a cargo roller and the lower roller replaceable and secured to the clamp located in the same part of the driving drum.
To the cargo roller suspended load. The sum of cargo weight and cargo roller should be equal to twice the tension of the branches of the rope specified in the standard for the rope.
4.2. Before the test the meter should be set to zero.
4.3. Grooves replacement of the rollers during the test shall be clean and dry. Lubrication of the specimen and grooves replaceable rollers is not allowed.
4.4. The test shall be conducted without interruption. In the simultaneous test on the machine a few samples allowed to stop the machine to remove or replace the sample, test which finished.
4.5. Depending on the requirements of the standards for steel products test performed:
to the breakage of the first wire (complete) sample;
to a given number of wire breaks on a length of one pitch of the stranding of the sample;
to a given number of bends the sample around a replaceable roller;
to the complete destruction of the sample rope.
The text of the document is verified by:
the official publication of the
M.: Publishing house of standards, 1980