Rod, wire, pipe made of CuBe2NiTi
Grade | analogue | W. Nr. | Aisi Uns | En | Order |
BrBNT1.9 | Buy from stock, view availability |
General characteristics
CuBe2NiTi is tinless pressure-treated bronze alloy. Chemical formula of alloy is CuBe2NiTi. Composition is specified by GOST. There is present titanium except for beryllium and nickel. Titanium provides extra operational qualities but it complicates a manufacturing process. Complete composition: Fe (to 0,15%), Si (to 0,15), Ni (0,2−0,4%), Ti (0,1−0,25%), Al (to 0,15%), Cu (96,75−97,85%), Pb (to 0,005%), Be (1,85−2,1%) and residual elements (0,5%).
Percentage composition according to GOST 19175−78
Fe | Si | Ni | Ti | Al | Cu | Pb | Be | Residual elements |
≤0,15 | ≤0,15 | 0.2 - 0.4 | 0.1 - 0.25 | ≤0,15 | 96.75 - 97.85 | ≤0.005 | 1.85 - 2.1 | ≤0,5 |
Mechanical features at a temperature 20 °C
Range of sizes | GOST | sv |
sT |
d5 |
y | KCU |
- | - | MPa | MPa | % | % | kJ/m2 |
Soft band | 1789−70 | 390−590 | 20−30 | |||
Hard band | ---«--- | 590−930 | 2,5 | |||
Soft sheet | 1789−70 | 400−600 | 196−314 | 30−50 | ||
Hard sheet | ---«--- | 600−900 | 588−930 | 1−3 |
Casting and technological properties of CuBe2NiTi:
1) Melting point is +860 °C;
2) Temperature of hot working is +700−800°C;
3) Annealing temperature is ±530−650°C.
Material hardness HB 10 -1 is 120 - 140 MPа
Bronze alloy of this grade is characterized by high strength, wearing quality. Alloy has good springing and antifriction properties. It possesses medium heat and electric conduction.
Bronze mill-products are used in various fields. They are also used in shipbuilding and mechanical engineering. Springs, elastic elements of critical duty, non-sparking tools, wear-resistant parts are made of this material.
«Auremo» supplier offers to buy bronze mill-products by wholesale. There is a wide range of half-finished goods in stock. Quality complies with International Standards. Rod, wire, tube, bar of CuBe2NiTi are always in stock. You can buy them for affordable price from supplier. Buy CuBe2NiTi rod, wire right now! CuBe2NiTi rod, wire price is privileged for wholesale customers. We are waiting for your orders.
Buy at a bargain price
«Auremo» CuBe2NiTi rod, wire supplier specializes in a supply of non-iron metal-roll. «Auremo» company is a profitable CuBe2NiTi rod, wire supplier in this segment. Rod, wire, tube, bar are always in stock. CuBe2NiTi rod, wire price forms according to technological details of production without including additional expenses. All products are certificated. A quality is guaranteed by rigorous technology compliance of a manufacture. Our managers are always ready to answer any questions and to give a knowledgeable assistance. You can easily buy CuBe2NiTi rod, wire by connecting us with a convenient way for you. Phone numbers, e-mail addresses of the closest company's offices are noted in section «Contacts». «Auremo» CuBe2NiTi rod, wire supplier offers to buy goods by wholesale. Buy CuBe2NiTi rod, wire right now! It cmplies with International Standards. Here you will find the best CuBe2NiTi rod, wire price from supplier.