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High-purity tin VHF000 ingots


Grade analogue W. Nr. Aisi Uns En Order
VHF000 Buy from stock, view availability

Technical characteristics

High-purity tin is produced in accordance with GOST 860-75 standards. Tin OVCH000 is used as corrosion-resistant, safe and non-toxic coating of sheet metal. Widely used in the food industry. Below is the percentage composition of impurities *104. That is, in high-purity tin contains only impurities 0.001%.

As Fe Al Ag Au Cu Pb Bi Sb Zn Ga Co Ni In total
1 1 3 0,06 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,01 0,5 0,3 0,5 0,5 0,1 0,1 10

Availability of goods and prompt delivery are provided by representative offices located in Moscow, St. Petersburg and Eastern European cities.


Supplier "Auremo" offers the supply of high-purity tin today on favorable terms. Conformity to GOST and international quality standards, the price is optimal from the supplier. Wholesale customers the price - favorable.

Buy at a bargain price

The company "Auremo" offers the delivery of OVCH000 on favorable terms. Prices - due to technological features of production without the inclusion of additional costs. The company's website displays the most up-to-date information about the goods, there is a product catalog and price lists. Find us easily on the Internet. The company "Auremo" invites to buy non-ferrous metal in bulk or in installments. In this segment "Auremo" is a profitable partner. We are waiting for your orders.

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