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TU 0893-072-00212179-2011 extract

Extract from TU 0893-072-00212179-2011

"Blanks made of steel grade 06Х12Н3Д"


1. Technical requirements ......2

1.1. Main parameters of blanks .......2

1.2. Dimensions of blanks ......3

1.3. Smelting and chemical composition .......3

1.4. Manufacturing of blanks ......3

1.5. Surface requirements ......4

1.6. Heat treatment and properties of metal blanks .......4

1.7. Macrostructure ......5

1.8. Ultrasonic flaw detection .......6

1.9. Repair of blanks ......6

1.10. Marking .......6

2. Safety requirements ......7

3. Acceptance rules ......7

3.1. Control procedure ......7

3.2. Chemical composition ......7

3.3. Mechanical properties, impact strength, corrosion resistance .......7

3.4. Sampling ......8

3.5. Macrostructure ......9

3.6. Ultrasonic flaw detection .......9

3.7. Hardness measurement ......9

4. Control methods ......10

5. Transportation and storage 1.......0

6. Documentation .......10

7. Manufacturer's warranties ......11

This extract from the technical conditions applies to blanks in the form of forgings, sheets (plates) and stamped blanks made of 06Kh12N3D steel, intended for the manufacture of NPP pumps.

The technical conditions have been drawn up taking into account the requirements of PNAE G-7-008-89.

The conformity assessment of the blanks is carried out according to NP-071-06 with a mark of acceptance by the authorized organization of the general customer in terms of quality.

Upon agreement with the manufacturer, it is permitted to supply forgings according to these technical conditions for general engineering products. In this case, the scope of testing may be reduced, which must be indicated on the manufacturer's drawing.

Example of a symbol:

Forgings test group II, strength category (KP) 60 without ultrasonic testing (UT) and without determination of corrosion resistance (CR):

"Forging Gr.II KP 60 TU 0893-072-00212179-2011"

Forgings test group IV KP 50 with ultrasonic testing and with determination of KS:

"Forging Gr.IV KP 50, UZK, KS TU 0893-072-00212179-2011".

1. Technical requirements

1.1. Basic parameters of blanks

1.1.1. Blanks must comply with the requirements of these technical conditions and drawings or sketches, which are developed on the basis of drawings of parts. In the case of delivery of blanks to other enterprises, drawings or sketches are developed by the manufacturer on the basis of the drawing of the customer (the enterprise ordering the blanks) and agreed upon with the customer. The customer agrees on the drawings and sketches of blanks with the product developer.

1.1.2. Depending on the requirements imposed on the parts according to their operating conditions, the workpieces that have undergone heat treatment are divided into four groups according to the type and scope of testing in accordance with Table 1.

According to mechanical properties, workpieces are divided into strength categories in accordance with Table 2.

The test group, strength category, need for strength control, need for ultrasonic testing for workpieces of groups I and II, increased temperature for testing mechanical properties for workpieces of groups II and IV must be specified in the technical requirements of the drawing or order.

1.1.3. The blanks must be delivered to the consumer after the main heat treatment.

1.1.4. The maximum cross-section of workpieces for heat treatment must not exceed 550 mm.

1.1.5. The enterprise performing mechanical processing of blanks for ultrasonic testing and, if necessary, for the main heat treatment, must be specified in the contract. Blanks must be transferred for mechanical processing (if performed by the consumer) after preliminary heat treatment with a hardness of no more than 255 HB, while these blanks can be used for the manufacture of parts after the main heat treatment with testing in accordance with the test group specified in the drawing.

Table 1 - Test groups

Type of mandatory tests Test group* Notes

1. Mechanical tests at 20°C:

- conditional yield strength σ 0.2 ;

- temporary resistance σ in ;

- relative elongation δ 5 ;

- relative contraction Ψ;

- impact strength KCV

+ 1) + 2)

1) On one workpiece or one sample from a batch.

2) Each blank or sample

3) From melting

4) Each workpiece


2. Mechanical tests at elevated temperature:

- conditional yield strength σ 0.2 ;

- temporary resistance σ in ;

- relative elongation δ 5 ;

- relative contraction Ψ;

- + 1) - + 2)
3. Determination of Brinell hardness HB + 4)
4. Control of macrostructure + 3) + 4)
5. Determination of corrosion resistance (CR) part 3) part 4)
6. Ultrasound inspection part 4) + 4)

Legend :

"+" - testing is mandatory;

"ч" - the test is carried out according to the requirements of the drawing or order;

"-" - the test is not performed.

*) Conditions for completing lots:

- for test groups I, II - blanks from the same melt that have undergone heat treatment together;

- for test groups III and IV - each workpiece is accepted individually.

Notes :

1. For blanks intended for the manufacture of parts covered by PNAE G-7-008-89, ultrasonic testing must be performed on each blank.

2. For workpieces in contact with the working environment, corrosion resistance testing is mandatory.

3. Batches of groups I and II are assembled from blanks manufactured according to one drawing. It is allowed to combine blanks manufactured according to different drawings, differing in cross-section by no more than 25%, similar in configuration into a batch.

4. When manufacturing several parts of different groups from one blank, the test results of the highest group apply to all previous groups.

5. Blanks of groups I and III are used only for the manufacture of parts operating at temperatures below 100°C.

Table 2 - Mechanical properties at plus 20°C and elevated temperatures

Type of workpiece and delivery conditions Strength category Test temperature, °C Mechanical properties determined at test temperature (not less than)
σ 0.2
N/ mm2
σ in
N/ mm2
δ 5
J/ cm2
Workpieces with a cross-section of no more than 300 mm, supplied without technological tempering KP60 20 590 686 12 35 59 207-293
150 559 657 12 35    
200 539 638 12 35    
250 519 618 12 37    
300 500 598 10 40    
350 490 589 10 40    
Workpieces with a cross-section greater than 300 mm, supplied without technological tempering KP55 20 540 638 14 35 59 207-293
150 530 628 12 35    
200 520 618 12 35    
250 510 608 12 37    
300 500 598 10 40    
350 490 589 10 40    

Forgings supplied:

- with determination of corrosion resistance;

- with the implementation of technological vacations;

- with determination of corrosion resistance and carrying out technological tempering

KP50 20 490 589 14 35 59 207-293
150 481 579 14 37    
200 471 569 12 37    
250 461 559 10 38    
300 451 549 10 40    
350 441 540 10 40    


1. The values of mechanical properties refer to longitudinal samples;

2. For forgings with a cross-section greater than 400 mm of strength category KP55, a reduction in the relative narrowing value by 5% is permitted, against the value indicated in the table;

3. When determining the mechanical properties of forgings on transverse, tangential or radial samples, a reduction in the standards of mechanical properties is permitted in accordance with GOST 8479.

1.1.6. Materials, as well as all technological operations related to the smelting and casting of steel, the manufacture of forgings and stamped blanks, their control, repair and delivery, must meet the requirements of PNAE G-7-008-89, PNAE G-7-009-89, PNAE G-7-010-89, OST 24.300.04 and the production and technological documentation of the manufacturer, agreed with JSC NPO TsNIITMASH (the leading materials science organization).

1.2. Dimensions of blanks

1.2.1. The dimensions of forged or stamped blanks must correspond to the drawing or sketch.

1.2.2. When manufacturing blanks, allowances for mechanical processing, technological allowances and tolerances for manufacturing accuracy are established in accordance with the manufacturer's regulatory documentation; allowances for sampling - in accordance with the indication of the blank drawing. Uneven arrangement of allowances resulting from ellipticity, misalignment of the outer and inner diameters, deflection is allowed, while the uneven arrangement of the actual allowance in individual parts should not take the dimensions beyond the limits of permissible deviations.

Bevels, fillets, and fringe are not included in the dimensions of the workpiece.

1.2.3. The design of stamped blanks must provide for mechanical processing of the joining edges along the outer and inner diameters in order to remove the ellipticity that occurs during stamping and heat treatment. The size of such allowance is determined by the thickness of the original blank and is agreed upon by the manufacturer.

1.3. Smelting and chemical composition

1.3.1. Blanks must be made from ingots of the manufacturer's grade 06X12N3D steel.

Steel grade 06Kh12N3D must be smelted in an electric arc or induction furnace with subsequent extra-furnace treatment and vacuuming. Extra-furnace treatment using argon-oxygen decarburization or vacuum-oxygen decarburization is permitted.

Steel casting is carried out according to the manufacturer's technology.

1.3.2. The melting chemical composition of steel must comply with the requirements specified in Table 3.

Table 3 - chemical composition of steel 06Х12Н3Д

Mass fraction of chemical elements, %
C Cr Ni Cu Mn Si S P Co*
no more
0.02-0.06 12.00-13.50 2.80-3.20 0.80-1.10 0.60 0.30 0,020 0,020 0.2
*for blanks used in equipment in contact with radioactive environments (indicated on the drawings).

Casting of large ingots by mixing metal from several melts (ladles) is permitted. The chemical composition of each melt (ladle) must also comply with the requirements of Table 3. In this case, the average mass content of each element is considered the delivery chemical composition.

1.4. Manufacturing of blanks

1.4.1. The manufacture of blanks must be carried out according to the production and technological documentation of the manufacturer, developed and agreed upon in accordance with the requirements of PNAE G-7-008-89.

1.4.2. It is permitted to manufacture forgings in a block for several parts. The enterprise that cuts the blocks into parts is specified in the contract.

Cutting of forgings is performed by oxygen-flux or other method according to the manufacturer's mode. Burr must be removed from the cutting surface.

When gas cutting blanks, the manufacturer allows for cut bevels and flame snags on the cutting edges, which must be within the tolerances for preliminary mechanical processing and not be included in the finished dimensions of the part.

1.5. Surface requirements

1.5.1. There should be no cracks, delaminations, films, folds, bubbles, cavities, rough rolled scale or slag inclusions on the surface of forgings and stamped blanks.

1.5.2. The quality and appearance of forgings must meet the requirements of GOST 7062.

In terms of allowances and permissible deviations, the workpieces must meet the requirements of the manufacturer's drawings.

1.5.3. Forging and thermal scale that does not prevent the detection of defects on the surface of the workpieces is not removed.

Rough spots are allowed on sample allowances that do not interfere with the production of a complete set of test samples.

On the machined surfaces of workpieces, local defects such as dents from scale, nicks, as well as gentle cutting or cleaning of defects are allowed without removal, provided that the dimensions of the workpieces remain within the permissible deviations.

On the surfaces of workpieces subject to mechanical processing, defects may not be removed if their depth, determined by control cutting or cleaning, is such that at least 10% of the nominal allowance remains for mechanical processing.

1.5.4. If the depth of surface defects is such that less than 10% of the allowance remains for mechanical processing or the defects are included in the finished dimensions of the workpiece, then they must be removed by shallow cutting or cleaning followed by welding of the repair areas (subsection 1.9).

1.6. Heat treatment and properties of metal blanks

1.6.1. The blanks are supplied in a heat-treated condition. The heat treatment modes and conditions for its implementation are established by the technological documentation agreed with JSC NPO TsNIITMASH.

1.6.2. On all surfaces of the workpiece before heat treatment, visually detected defects in the form of films, cracks, slag inclusions and other defects, the depth of which, determined by the control sample, exceeds the allowance for mechanical treatment, are not allowed without removal by mechanical sampling or cleaning.

1.6.3. When preparing a charge for heat treatment, control thermocouples are installed on the outer and inner surfaces of the workpiece or in places with minimum and maximum wall thickness, according to which, in accordance with the manufacturer's production and technological documentation, the beginning and end of holding in heating operations for hardening (normalization) and during tempering are established.

1.6.4. Heat treatment of blanks is carried out according to the manufacturer's production and technological documentation together with samples, according to the following regime:

  • double normalization from temperatures plus (960±10)°C and plus (790±10)°C;
  • tempering at a temperature of plus (610±10)°С.

It is allowed to assemble a batch for heat treatment from several blanks. The holding time at a given temperature is determined by the manufacturer's production and technological documentation.

For blanks subject to stamping, it is permissible to test mechanical properties on a sample taken from forging to stamping. The sample must undergo heating before stamping, heat treatment after stamping and main heat treatment together with the blank. The size of the sample is determined by the manufacturer.

1.6.5. The mechanical properties of the metal of the workpieces must meet the requirements of Table 2, and corrosion losses must not exceed 8 g/ m2 h in the following cases:

  • after the main heat treatment of blanks of parts not subject to technological tempering;
  • after the main heat treatment, taking into account technological tempering for parts subject to technological tempering, including tempering in case of repair and installation, while the mechanical properties must be determined on samples taken after the main heat treatment and additionally processed according to the modes to which the parts were or must be subjected during manufacturing and installation.

1.6.6. For blanks of parts subject to welding, the mechanical properties and corrosion resistance of the metal of samples that have undergone additional tempering in a separate batch according to the manufacturer's production and technological documentation at the following temperatures and holding times are controlled:

Mode A:

Vacation plus (620±10)°С - from 4.5 to 5 hours

Vacation plus (640±10)°С - from 7.5 to 8 hours

Mode B:

Vacation plus (620±10)°С - from 22.5 to 25 hours

Vacation plus (640±10)°С - from 15 to 16 hours

The total duration of holding of workpieces during technological tempering shall not exceed 41 hours, including the maximum duration of holding during tempering (620±10)°C shall not exceed 25 hours and the maximum duration of holding during tempering (640±10)°C shall not exceed 16 hours. When determining the total duration of tempering, only the holding time at the tempering temperature is taken into account.

Technological heating up to 450°C is not taken into account.

1.6.7. Standard values of mechanical properties and corrosion resistance after additional tempering in modes A and B must comply with the requirements of Table 2 and subparagraph 1.6.5.

1.6.8. When delivering blanks to other enterprises, the need, quantity, temperature and duration of technological tempering are indicated on the customer's drawings, agreed upon with JSC NPO TsNIITMASH.

1.7. Macrostructure

1.7.1. The macrostructure of the blanks should not contain any shrinkage looseness, cracks, flakes, or delaminations visible to the naked eye. Areas of increased etching with scratches no longer than 20 mm are allowed.

1.8. Ultrasonic flaw detection

1.8.1. After the main heat treatment, the workpieces are subjected to ultrasonic flaw detection (UFD) according to the PNAE G-7-014-89 method.

1.8.2. The workpiece is considered suitable based on the results of ultrasonic testing if it satisfies the following indicators:

  • defects with an equivalent area of S 0 , mm 2 or more are subject to fixation;
  • defects with an equivalent area greater than S 1 , mm 2 , are not allowed;
  • defects with an equivalent area from S 0 , mm 2 to S 1 , mm 2 inclusive, are not allowed if they are assessed as extended;
  • Defects that cause a weakening of the bottom signal to level S 0 or lower when tested with a direct transducer are not allowed.
  • Defects with an equivalent area from S 0 , mm 2 to S 1 , mm 2 inclusive are not allowed if they are assessed as non-extended, but constitute a cluster of n 0 or more defects with a spatial distance between the most distant defects equal to or less than 100 mm. The minimum permissible distance between defects taken into account is 30 mm.

The values of S 0 , S 1 , n 0 must comply with the requirements of Table 4.

Table 4

Thickness, mm S 0 , mm 2 S 1 , mm 2 n 0
up to 250 incl. 10 20 6
over 250 to 400 incl. 20 40
over 400 40 70

1.8.3. Defects detected in metal subject to removal during subsequent mechanical processing or sample cutting are not a rejection feature. In case of removal of the specified defects, the customer is sent a sketch indicating their location.

1.9. Repair of blanks

1.9.1. It is allowed to correct defects by removing them with subsequent welding (subparagraph 1.5.4), if the depth of the samples does not exceed 10% of the finished size of the workpiece; in this case, the number of defective areas per 1 m2 of the part should not exceed three, and the total volume of welding should not exceed 2% of the volume of the workpiece being repaired. 1.9.2. Correction of defects by removing and welding should be carried out according to the manufacturer's instructions, developed taking into account the requirements of PNAE G-7-009-89, PNAE G-7-010-89, OST 24.300.04 and agreed with JSC NPO TsNIITMASH.

After correction of defects, it is necessary to carry out control of welded areas, including ultrasound inspection in accordance with subsection 1.8

1.10. Marking

1.10.1. The marking of blanks is carried out in accordance with GOST 7566 on the side corresponding to the profitable part of the ingot. The marking location must be indicated on the drawing.

1.10.2. Marking content:

  • drawing designation,
  • melt number,
  • ingot number,
  • forging number.

It is permissible to supplement the marking of forgings at the customer's request.

1.10.3. Transport marking is carried out in accordance with GOST 14192.

1.10.4. The correctness of the marking is certified by the stamp of the quality control department and outlined with light, indelible paint.

2. Safety requirements

2.1. When manufacturing and storing blanks, performing loading and unloading operations and transporting, the manufacturer must comply with the requirements of GOST 12.3.002, GOST 12.3.009 and GOST 12.3.020, as well as the requirements of regulations, rules and instructions on safety, industrial sanitation and fire safety.

3. Acceptance rules

3.1. Control procedure

3.1.1. Acceptance of blanks must be carried out in accordance with the requirements of these technical conditions, drawings, and sketches.

3.1.2. Each workpiece must be subject to control in accordance with Table 1. Control of dimensions, markings, and surface quality must be performed on each workpiece.

3.1.3. When manufacturing several parts from one blank, acceptance of all parts manufactured from it is carried out based on the test results of this blank.

3.2. Chemical composition

3.2.1. The chemical composition is determined by a ladle sample taken during the pouring of the melt-ladle. When processing metal in an out-of-furnace processing and vacuuming unit, samples for chemical analysis may be taken from the ladle at the end of the processing.

3.2.2. When casting ingots from two or more ladles, the chemical composition of the ingot is calculated as the arithmetic mean value for each element using the formula:

With sr = C 1 M 1 + C 2 M 2 + ... + C n M n , %
M 1 +M 2 + ... + M n

where: C avg is the arithmetic mean value of the element content in the ingot, %;

C 1 , C 2 , ... , C n - the content of the element in each melt (ladle), %;

M 1 , M 2 , ... , M n - mass of metal poured into the ingot from each melt (ladle), tons.

3.3. Mechanical properties, impact toughness, corrosion resistance.

3.3.1. Tests of mechanical properties and impact toughness, as well as assessment of corrosion resistance, are performed on samples cut from specimens. Samples of blanks of groups I and II are selected from a batch. The conditions for completing a batch are set out in Table 1. For groups III and IV, samples are selected from each blank.

3.3.2. Tensile tests at normal temperature (20±10)°C are carried out on two cylindrical samples according to GOST 1497 with a working part diameter of 10 mm and a calculated length of 50 mm (sample type III No. 4 or IV No. 4) or with a working part diameter of 6 mm and a calculated length of 30 mm (sample type III No. 6 or IV No. 6).

3.3.3. Tensile tests at elevated temperatures are carried out on two cylindrical samples according to GOST 9651 with a working part diameter of 6 mm, a calculated length of 30 mm with a threaded head M12 (sample type I No. 2) or with a working part diameter of 10 mm, a calculated length of 50 mm with a threaded head M16 (sample type I No. 4).

3.3.4. Impact bending tests at normal temperature (20±10)°C are carried out on three samples of type 11 according to GOST 9454.

3.3.5. Corrosion resistance tests are carried out on four samples from a melt measuring 3x20x80 mm in accordance with the ICC-01-99 instruction.

3.3.6. If unsatisfactory test results are obtained on at least one sample, repeat tests are carried out on a double number of samples taken from the same workpiece on the same side or from the same batch (when checking properties and submitting workpieces in batches). If unsatisfactory results are obtained during repeated testing on at least one sample, repeated heat treatment or tempering is allowed, and the metal is presented again for submission.

Additional tempering is not considered reheat treatment.

3.3.7. If unsatisfactory results are obtained from the impact bending test due to defects found in the fracture of the specimen (large non-metallic inclusion, porosity), this test is considered to have failed and the specimen is replaced with a new one.

3.3.8. The issue of re-heat treatment of workpieces is decided by the manufacturer in agreement with JSC NPO TsNIITMASH.

The number of complete heat treatments should not exceed three. If unsatisfactory results are obtained after the third heat treatment, the blanks are rejected.

3.4. Sampling

3.4.1. Samples must be taken from heat-treated blanks.

3.4.2. The selection of samples and specimens for acceptance testing of forgings must be carried out in accordance with GOST 8479, unless the location of sample collection is specified in the drawing requirements.

For parts with a complex configuration such as spheres, sampling and specimens should be taken at a distance of 1/3 of the cross-section for heat treatment from the outer surface.

3.4.3. When making a structural hole in a stamped blank, it is permissible to take samples from the metal being removed after the main heat treatment.

It is permissible to take samples from forging to stamping for blanks subjected to stamping. In this case, the sample must undergo heating before stamping, heat treatment after stamping and the main heat treatment together with the blank.

3.4.4. The sizes of samples received for the production of specimens and testing must comply with the manufacturer's regulatory and technical documentation.

3.4.5. From each sample, specimens shall be prepared for the following tests:

  • tensile strength at normal temperature - 2 samples;
  • tensile strength at elevated temperature - 2 samples;
  • impact strength - 3 samples of type 11;
  • Determination of corrosion resistance according to the instructions - 4 samples.

The correctness of the production of samples for mechanical testing and corrosion resistance control is certified by the stamp of the quality control department (QCD) of the manufacturer on each sample.

3.4.6. The number of blanks from which samples are taken for control tests must correspond to the test group according to Table 1, specified on the drawing, sketch or order.

3.4.7. Samples from forgings are taken from the overlap or from the body of the forging from the side of the rising part of the ingot. The dimensions and locations of the overlaps and sampling are indicated on the drawing or sketch of the forging.

3.5. Macrostructure

3.5.1. Macrostructure control is carried out on one template from one workpiece of groups I and II and from each workpiece of groups III and IV, selected from the side corresponding to the profitable part, on the plane facing the workpiece, or on the end of the workpiece itself.

3.5.2. The selection of templates for different types of blanks is carried out as follows:

  • from solid cylindrical forgings (rod type) - the entire cross-sectional area;
  • from plate-type forgings - a template from the middle third across the width across the direction of deformation, with a length of at least half of the middle third of the width;
  • from ring (hollow) forgings - the template area must be no less than T x T,

where T is the thickness of the forging.

The macrostructure of a stamped blank can be calculated based on the results of inspection of the original forging.

3.5.3. When producing several ingots from one melt, macrostructure control is performed on a blank selected from one of them; the control results apply to all blanks produced from the metal of a given melt.

When producing several blanks from one ingot, macrostructure control is performed on one blank adjacent to the profit side; the control results are extended to all blanks from this ingot.

3.5.4. In case of unsatisfactory results of inspection of the macrostructure of one workpiece from the melt, inspection of two workpieces from the melt is carried out; in case of unsatisfactory results of inspection of two workpieces, the delivery of the rest is carried out based on the results of inspection of each.

3.6. Ultrasonic flaw detection

3.6.1. The following are subject to ultrasonic testing (according to Table 1):

  • I and II groups - each workpiece according to the requirements of the drawing or order;
  • III and IV groups - each workpiece;
  • for blanks of parts covered by PNAE G-7-008-89, each blank must be subjected to ultrasonic testing.

3.7. Hardness measurement

3.7.1. Brinell hardness is determined at two points on the workpiece from the bottom and top part at a distance of at least 70 mm from the edge, on a surface cleaned of scale and decarburized layer.

Hardness measurements are taken after the main heat treatment and process tempering on each workpiece. It is permissible to take hardness measurements on one workpiece from a batch after preliminary heat treatment when sending workpieces to the consumer for mechanical processing for the main heat treatment.

3.7.2. If the quality of the blanks does not meet the requirements of these technical conditions, the issue of admission to production is decided by the manufacturer jointly with JSC NPO TsNIITMASH, the design organization and the customer, in accordance with the rules of NP-071-06.

4. Control methods

4.1. Samples for chemical analysis are taken in accordance with GOST 7565. Chemical analysis of steel is performed in accordance with GOST 12344, GOST 12345, GOST 12346, GOST 12347, GOST 12348, GOST 12350, GOST 12352, GOST 12355, GOST 28473, GOST 18895 or other methods that ensure the required accuracy of analysis in accordance with the specified standards.

4.2. Measurement of workpieces is carried out using measuring instruments and methods specified in the technological documentation for manufacturing, in accordance with the PNAE G-7-016-89 methodology.

4.3. The quality of the surface of the blanks is checked by visual inspection, without cleaning, in accordance with the PNAE G-7-016-89 method. Questionable areas, at the request of the Quality Control Department, must be additionally cleaned and inspected to identify surface defects.

4.4. Tensile testing is carried out according to GOST 1497 at normal temperature (20±10)°C and according to GOST 9651 at elevated temperature.

4.5. Impact bending test is carried out according to GOST 9454.

4.6. Corrosion resistance testing is carried out according to the instructions ICC-01-99.

4.7. Macrostructure control is performed by etching according to the manufacturer's methodology, agreed upon with JSC NPO TsNIITMASH.

4.8. Ultrasonic flaw detection of blanks is carried out according to the PNAE G-7-014-89 method and the standards of these technical conditions.

4.9. Determination of the Brinell hardness number is carried out in accordance with GOST 9012. It is permitted to determine the hardness using portable devices according to the manufacturer's method, agreed with JSC NPO TsNIITMASH.

4.10. Conformity of the completeness of the product, accompanying documentation, and marking to the requirements of the technical documentation is established by visual inspection.

5. Transportation and storage

5.1. Transport markings are applied with indelible paint to blanks under consumer markings and must contain the main additional information inscriptions in accordance with GOST 14192.

5.2. The blanks must be capable of being transported in the manufacturer's packaging by any type of transport in accordance with the rules for the carriage of goods in force for the given type of transport.

5.3. The consumer must store the received blanks in conditions that ensure the preservation of shape, size and protect the blanks from mechanical damage and exposure to atmospheric precipitation.

Group of placement and storage conditions 4 according to GOST 15150.

6. Documentation

6.1. The blanks are accompanied by a quality document, which specifies:

  • order number, consumer name and address;
  • content of marking;
  • smelting method, numbers of all melts, chemical composition of each melt, calculated average mass content of elements in the ingot obtained from several melts (ladles);
  • steel grade;
  • results of control tests (with the attached ultrasound results card in case of detection of discontinuities);
  • type of heat treatment (main heat treatment, process tempering) and heat treatment modes (heat treatment temperature, actual average heating and cooling rate (with furnace), holding time, cooling environment);
  • quantity and weight of blanks;
  • designation of technical conditions.

If the part is a passport part, the passport form is developed by the manufacturer.

The quality document is drawn up in accordance with the manufacturer's current quality management system.

7. Manufacturer's warranties

7.1. The manufacturer guarantees the quality of the blanks in accordance with the requirements of these technical conditions and the drawing, provided that the consumer complies with the transportation and storage conditions.

7.2. If, during incoming inspection, the customer discovers that the blanks do not comply with the requirements of the technical conditions for delivery, the manufacturer, at the customer's request, must eliminate the discovered non-conformities within the shortest technically possible time or replace the defective blanks with suitable ones in accordance with the established procedure.

7.3. All costs associated with the replacement of defective blanks or their correction shall be borne by the manufacturer, except in cases where the detected defects are not related to the manufacture of blanks or were formed as a result of violation of transportation and storage conditions.

7.4. Return of defective blanks is carried out at the request of the manufacturer.