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GOST 1545-80

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GOST 1545−80 Wire. Test method for torsion (with Amendments No. 1, 2, 3)

GOST 1545−80
Group В79

Test method for torsion
Wire. Torsion test method

ISS 77.140.65
AXTU 1209

Date of introduction 1982−07−01


1. DEVELOPED AND INTRODUCED by the Ministry of ferrous metallurgy of the USSR

2. APPROVED AND put INTO EFFECT by Decision of the USSR State Committee for standards from 16.05.80 N 2160

Change No. 3 adopted by the Interstate Council for standardization, Metrology and certification (Protocol No. 6 dated 21.10.94)

The adoption voted:

The name of the state
The name of the national authority
The Republic Of Azerbaijan
The Republic Of Armenia
The Republic Of Belarus
Gosstandart Of Belarus
The Republic Of Kazakhstan
Gosstandart Of The Republic Of Kazakhstan
Kyrgyz Republic
The Republic Of Moldova
Russian Federation
Gosstandart Of Russia
The Republic Of Uzbekistan
Gosstandart Of Ukraine

3. REPLACE GOST 1545−63

4. Limitation of actions taken by Protocol No. 7−95 Interstate Council for standardization, Metrology and certification (ICS 11−95)

5. EDITION with Amendments No. 1, 2, 3, approved in January 1987, November 1990-June 1996 (IUS 5−87, 2−91, 9−96)

This standard specifies the test method for torsion at 20 °C ГОСТ 1545-80 Проволока. Метод испытания на скручивание (с Изменениями N 1, 2, 3)°C round wire of metals and alloys with a diameter of 0.20 to 10 mm and shaped wire with diameters corresponding to these areas of cross-sections.

(Changed edition, Rev. N 1).


1.1. Sampling method for the twist test specified in normative and technical documentation on the wire.

1.2. Length of tested part of the specimen, i.e. the distance between the grips of the machine shall be as given in table.1.

Table 1


The nominal diameter of the sample
Length of tested part of the specimen
From 0.20 to 0.25 incl.
SV. Of 0.25 «to 0.99 «

200ГОСТ 1545-80 Проволока. Метод испытания на скручивание (с Изменениями N 1, 2, 3)

«0,99» 4,99"

100ГОСТ 1545-80 Проволока. Метод испытания на скручивание (с Изменениями N 1, 2, 3)

«4,99» 10,00 «

50ГОСТ 1545-80 Проволока. Метод испытания на скручивание (с Изменениями N 1, 2, 3)

Allowed the use of wire with another length of the sample in accordance with the normative-technical documentation on the wire.

When tested in torsion of shaped wire sample length should be equal to the length samples of round wire, is equal in cross sectional area.

Allowed to test wire with a diameter of less than 0.20 mm in the test for a diameter of 0.20 mm.

(Changed edition, Rev. N 1).


2.1. As a testing equipment used machines that meet the following requirements.

2.1.1. Sponge grip should have a hardness not less than HRC 62ГОСТ 1545-80 Проволока. Метод испытания на скручивание (с Изменениями N 1, 2, 3)(61 HRC). The jaws of the grippers is allowed incisions, does not cause destruction of the specimen in the grips of the machine.

2.1.2. The grips of the machine must be aligned.

Deviation from the alignment shall not exceed 1 mm at a distance between grips of 100 mm.

2.1.1, 2.1.2. (Changed edition, Rev. N 1).

2.1.3. One of the grips of the machine should rotate around the axis without moving along the centerline, the other to have only the longitudinal displacement.

2.1.4. Capture, having a longitudinal axis travel, must have fixture for tension test sample.

2.1.5. The machine must have a readout device of the speed of the active capture and scale, allowing to establish the desired distance between the grips.

2.1.6. The machine should ensure the possibility of sixfold change the direction of torsion in the test specimen torsion with a given speed. The number of twists the original direction should not be less than three.


3.1. Before the test is allowed to edit samples, which should not influence the state of the surface and cross-sectional shape of the wire.

3.2. The sample must be fixed in the car so that its longitudinal axis coincided with the axis of the grips and in the process of test, the specimen does not rotate.


4.1. To the sample of wire should be applied pre-tension, the value of which shall not exceed 2% of the breaking strength.

4.2. When tested, the frequency of rotation of the grip must conform to the requirements of table.2.

Table 2

The nominal diameter of sample, mm

Rotation frequency, minГОСТ 1545-80 Проволока. Метод испытания на скручивание (с Изменениями N 1, 2, 3), not more

From 0.20 to 0.99 incl.
SV. 0,99 «3,59 « 60
«3,59» 4,99 « 30
«4,99» 10,00 « 30

(Changed edition, Rev. N 2).

4.3. One twisting is taken by one full rotation of the active capture machine.

4.4. If the destruction of the sample occurred in the grips of the machine or near the grips (at least 2ГОСТ 1545-80 Проволока. Метод испытания на скручивание (с Изменениями N 1, 2, 3)) and the sample did not maintain the required number of twists, the test should be repeated on another sample.

4.5. In accordance with the requirements of normative-technical documents on the wire can be held the following types of test:

twisting to change the direction of the twist;

twisting two number of stacked samples (double torsion);

twisting with the determination of the nature of the fracture and condition of the samples after the twist test.

(Changed edition, Rev. N 2).

4.6. Allowed test wire in accordance with the requirements of table.3 to 01.07.98.

Table 3

The nominal diameter of sample, mm
Length of tested part of the specimen, mm

Rotation frequency, minГОСТ 1545-80 Проволока. Метод испытания на скручивание (с Изменениями N 1, 2, 3),
no more

From 0.20 to 0.99 incl.

100ГОСТ 1545-80 Проволока. Метод испытания на скручивание (с Изменениями N 1, 2, 3), but not less than 50

SV. 0,99 «3,59 « and not more than 500
«3,59» 10,00 « 30

For other lengths of tested part of the sample rotation frequency is directly proportional to the change in the length of tested part of the specimen.

(Changed edition, Rev. N 1, 3).


5.1. The result of the test is taken a number of twists, which maintains the specimen until fracture or without fracture to a given number of twists.