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GOST 23279-2012

GOST R ISO 22034-1-2013 GOST R ISO 22034-2-2013 GOST P 53772-2010 GOST 5468-88 GOST 1579-93 GOST 10447-93 GOST 3187-76 GOST 9870-61 GOST 4034-63 GOST 4032-63 GOST 4028-63 GOST 792-67 GOST 16135-70 GOST 3920-70 GOST 9850-72 GOST 7675-73 GOST 18901-73 GOST 3062-80 GOST 3093-80 GOST 1526-81 GOST 2771-81 GOST 3875-83 GOST 3071-88 GOST R 50575-93 GOST P 50708-94 GOST 4033-63 GOST 13840-68 GOST 15598-70 GOST 3090-73 GOST 3110-74 GOST 3339-74 GOST 3120-75 GOST 283-75 GOST 10505-76 GOST 14963-78 GOST 14081-78 GOST 7372-79 GOST 5663-79 GOST 1545-80 GOST 3092-80 GOST 9161-85 GOST 29121-91 GOST 18143-72 GOST 1668-73 GOST 7480-73 GOST 7676-73 GOST 3193-2015 GOST 2715-75 GOST 10506-76 GOST 7669-80 GOST 2333-80 GOST 7668-80 GOST 3069-80 GOST 7667-80 GOST 2688-80 GOST 3089-80 GOST 3081-80 GOST 6727-80 GOST 3083-80 GOST 3091-80 GOST 7665-80 GOST 3077-80 GOST 2387-80 GOST 3064-80 GOST 3063-80 GOST 7348-81 GOST 5437-85 GOST 14118-85 GOST 23279-2012 GOST 14311-85 GOST 9074-85 GOST 3068-88 GOST 13603-89 GOST P 50566-93 GOST 4030-63 GOST 4035-63 GOST 4029-63 GOST 15892-70 GOST 11850-72 GOST 18899-73 GOST 6750-75 GOST 3088-80 GOST 10446-80 GOST 14954-80 GOST 7681-80 GOST 3079-80 GOST 3066-80 GOST 3097-80 GOST 3085-80 GOST 8478-81 GOST 4727-83 GOST 18834-83 GOST 26366-84 GOST 9124-85 GOST 3067-88 GOST 3070-88 GOST 3306-88 GOST 8803-89 GOST 17305-91 GOST P 50567-93 GOST 9389-75 GOST 2172-80 GOST 1071-81 GOST 3826-82 GOST 16853-88 GOST 12766.1-90 GOST 3241-91 GOST 16828-81 GOST 285-69 GOST 6613-86 GOST 28334-89 GOST 16827-81 GOST 5336-80 GOST 3282-74

GOST 23279−2012 welded Mesh reinforcement for reinforced concrete structures and products. General specifications

GOST 23279−2012



General specifications

Welded reinforcing meshes for reinforced concrete structures and products. General specifications

ISS 91.190

Date of introduction 2013−07−01


Goals, basic principles and main procedure of works on interstate standardization have been established in GOST 1.0−92 «interstate standardization system. Basic provisions» and GOST 1.2−2009 «interstate standardization system. Interstate standards, rules and recommendations on interstate standardization. Rules of development, adoption, application, renewal and cancellation».

Data on standard

1 DEVELOPED by the Russian engineering Academy

2 SUBMITTED by the Technical Committee for standardization TC 465 «Construction"

3 ACCEPTED by the Interstate scientific and technical Commission on standardization, technical regulation and conformity assessment in construction (Annex b to the Protocol of 4 June 2012 No. 40)

The standard was accepted by voting:

Short name of the country on MK (ISO 3166) 004−97
Country code, pomc (ISO 3166) 004−97 Abbreviated name of the national authority of the state of construction management
Azerbaijan AZ The state Committee of urban planning and architecture
Armenia AM The Ministry of urban development
Kyrgyzstan KG Gosstroy
Moldova MD The Ministry of construction and regional development
Russia EN The Ministry of regional development
Tajikistan TJ Agency for construction and architecture under the Government of
Uzbekistan UZ The gosarchitectstroy

4 by Order of the Federal Agency for technical regulation and Metrology dated 29 November 2012 No. 1306-St inter-state standard GOST 23279−2012 introduced as a national standard of the Russian Federation from July 1, 2013

5 REPLACE GOST 23279−85

Information about the changes to this standard is published in the annual reference index «National standards», and the text changes and amendments — in monthly information index «National standards». In case of revision (replacement) or cancellation of this standard a notification will be published in the monthly information index «National standards». Relevant information, notification and lyrics are also posted in the information system of General use — on the official website of the Federal Agency for technical regulation and Metrology on the Internet

1 Scope

This standard applies to welded flat and rolled mesh (hereinafter, mesh), manufactured by the enterprises of building industry of reinforcing steel in diameters from 3 to 40 mm, inclusive, with the location of rods in two mutually perpendicular directions, and is intended for the reinforcement of prefabricated and monolithic concrete structures and products.

2 Normative references

This standard uses the regulatory references to the following standards:

GOST 427−75 Rulers measuring metal. Specifications

GOST 5781−82 hot-rolled Steel for reinforcement of concrete structures. Specifications

GOST 6727−80 Wire, cold-drawn mild steel for reinforcement of concrete structures. Specifications

GOST 7502−98 metallic measuring tape. Specifications

GOST 10922−90* Reinforcing cage and welded products, welded joints of reinforcement and embedded products for reinforced concrete structures. General specifications
* On the territory of the Russian Federation the document is not valid. Standards 10922−2012, here and hereafter. — Note the manufacturer’s database.

GOST 14098−91 welded Joints of reinforcement and embedded products for reinforced concrete structures. Types, designs and sizes

Note — When using this standard appropriate to test the effect of reference standards in the information system of General use — on the official website of the Federal Agency for technical regulation and Metrology on the Internet or in the annual information index «National standards» published as on January 1 of the current year, and the relevant editions of the monthly information index «National standards» for the current year. If the reference standard is replaced (changed), when using this standard should be guided by replacing (amended) standard. If the reference standard is cancelled without replacement, then the situation in which the given link applies to the extent that does not affect this link.

3 Classification

3.1 Meshes are divided as follows:

— the diameters of the rods;

— the arrangement of the working valves.

3.2 depending on the diameter of the rods of the mesh are divided into heavy and light.

3.2.1 heavy To carry mesh having in one direction the rods with a diameter of 12 mm and more.

3.2.2 lightly grid with longitudinal and transverse rods with a diameter of from 3 to 10 mm inclusive.

3.3 location of the working reinforcement mesh is divided into:

— with working armature in one direction (longitudinal or transverse) and a distribution valve in the other direction;

— with working armature in both directions.

4 the Types, basic parameters and dimensions

4.1 Mesh manufactures the following types (see figures 1 and 2):

— type 1 — heavy with working armature in the longitudinal direction, the diameter of which is larger than the diameter of the distribution valves;

— type 2 — heavy with working armature in both directions;

— type 3 — heavy with working armature in the transverse direction, which diameter more than diameter of distributive armature;

— type 4 — light with transverse rods across the width of the grid;

— type 5 — light with a displaced transverse rods.

Figure 1 — Heavy mesh

Type 1

ГОСТ 23279-2012 Сетки арматурные сварные для железобетонных конструкций и изделий. Общие технические условия

Type 2

ГОСТ 23279-2012 Сетки арматурные сварные для железобетонных конструкций и изделий. Общие технические условия

Type 3

ГОСТ 23279-2012 Сетки арматурные сварные для железобетонных конструкций и изделий. Общие технические условия

Figure 1 — Heavy mesh

Figure 2 — Lightweight mesh

Type 4

ГОСТ 23279-2012 Сетки арматурные сварные для железобетонных конструкций и изделий. Общие технические условия

Type 5

ГОСТ 23279-2012 Сетки арматурные сварные для железобетонных конструкций и изделий. Общие технические условия

Figure 2 — Lightweight mesh

4.2 Mesh is manufactured flat or rolled.

Roll manufactures lightweight mesh with longitudinal rods of reinforcing steel diameters 3 to 5 mm inclusive.

4.3 Mesh should have in one direction the rods of the same diameter.

4.4 Grid made with square or rectangular cells.

4.5 Diameters of the working armature meshes prescribed conditions are necessary for the calculation of the cross sectional area of rebar.

4.6 the ratio of the smaller diameter of the rod to a greater should not be less than 0.25.

4.7 the Main parameters of the meshes are given in table 1.

Table 1 — Parameters of meshes

In millimeters

Grid view Mesh type

Mesh width ГОСТ 23279-2012 Сетки арматурные сварные для железобетонных конструкций и изделий. Общие технические условия

The length of the mesh ГОСТ 23279-2012 Сетки арматурные сварные для железобетонных конструкций и изделий. Общие технические условия

The diameters of the rods ГОСТ 23279-2012 Сетки арматурные сварные для железобетонных конструкций и изделий. Общие технические условия

The distance between the bars (the axes) — step bars The size of the editions of the rods

longitudinalГОСТ 23279-2012 Сетки арматурные сварные для железобетонных конструкций и изделий. Общие технические условия

crossГОСТ 23279-2012 Сетки арматурные сварные для железобетонных конструкций и изделий. Общие технические условия

crossГОСТ 23279-2012 Сетки арматурные сварные для железобетонных конструкций и изделий. Общие технические условия

longitudinalГОСТ 23279-2012 Сетки арматурные сварные для железобетонных конструкций и изделий. Общие технические условияand ГОСТ 23279-2012 Сетки арматурные сварные для железобетонных конструкций и изделий. Общие технические условия

Heavy 1 From 650 to 3050 From 850 to 9000

ГОСТ 23279-2012 Сетки арматурные сварные для железобетонных конструкций и изделий. Общие технические условия

200* 600** 25 Multiples of 25
2 From 850 to 5950

ГОСТ 23279-2012 Сетки арматурные сварные для железобетонных конструкций и изделий. Общие технические условия

200 200 Multiples of 25
3 From 850 to 3050 From 850 to 6250

ГОСТ 23279-2012 Сетки арматурные сварные для железобетонных конструкций и изделий. Общие технические условия

Light 4 From 650 to 3800 From 850 to 9000 or up to the length of the roll

ГОСТ 23279-2012 Сетки арматурные сварные для железобетонных конструкций и изделий. Общие технические условия

100 (150)
100 (75)
150 (125)
200 (175)
5 From 3950 to 9000 or up to the length of the roll

ГОСТ 23279-2012 Сетки арматурные сварные для железобетонных конструкций и изделий. Общие технические условия

* Allowed the use of the step terminals 100 and 300 mm in the grids of standard design documentation for concrete structures.
** Allowed the use of the step rods of 300 mm in the grids of standard design documentation for concrete structures.
*** Cm. 2.9ГОСТ 23279-2012 Сетки арматурные сварные для железобетонных конструкций и изделий. Общие технические условия.


1 Heavy mesh of type 1 with a width of from 1500 to 3050 mm with longitudinal bars with diameters 36 mm and 40 mm, and type 3 length from 3050 mm up to 6250 production of automated equipment is manufactured using single-point machines and hanging welding gun.

2 In coordination with the manufacturer is allowed the use of heavy grids of type 1 and a flat light grids up to a length of 11500 mm.

3 In light grids of type 5 length of the cross rods is from 0.85 to 0.90 of the width of the grid.

4 the Distance between the longitudinal and transverse rods of light grids is shown in brackets, are permitted to take during the feasibility study.

ГОСТ 23279-2012 Сетки арматурные сварные для железобетонных конструкций и изделий. Общие технические условияProbably, the error of the original. Should read: See. 4.9 (a letter of Rosstandart TC 465 «Construction» from 27.12.2016 N TK-736/2016). — Note the manufacturer’s database.

4.8 the distance between the bars is the key rods in one direction should take the same.

4.8.1 heavy mesh type-1 for the transverse rods at the edge of the mesh allowed the use of additional steps of 100, 200 and 300 mm.

4.8.2 In the lungs grids, in addition to the main step of the rods in the longitudinal direction, allowed the use of additional step at the edges of the grid, and in place of its cutting.

The extending step, the longitudinal bars are taking from 50 mm up to the size of the step that is a multiple of 10 mm from the edge of the mesh, and multiple of 50 mm in place of the cutting grid.

Additional pitch take from 50 to 250 mm, a multiple of 10 mm.

4.9 the sizes of the editions of longitudinal and transverse rods should be equal to or a multiple of 25 mm in accordance with the specified in table 1.

In light grids, manufactured in one lane, the sizes of the editions of longitudinal rods are allowed to take from 25 to 200 mm, multiple of 5 mm, and the size of editions of the transverse rods is equal to 15, 20 and 30 mm and from 25 to 100 mm, multiple of 25 mm.

4.10 Grid marks represent the following structures

ГОСТ 23279-2012 Сетки арматурные сварные для железобетонных конструкций и изделий. Общие технические условия,

where ГОСТ 23279-2012 Сетки арматурные сварные для железобетонных конструкций и изделий. Общие технические условия — identify the type of the grid (see 2.1);

ГОСТ 23279-2012 Сетки арматурные сварные для железобетонных конструкций и изделий. Общие технические условияthe notation of welded wire mesh names (with the addition for roll mesh indexГОСТ 23279-2012 Сетки арматурные сварные для железобетонных конструкций и изделий. Общие технические условия);

ГОСТ 23279-2012 Сетки арматурные сварные для железобетонных конструкций и изделий. Общие технические условия, ГОСТ 23279-2012 Сетки арматурные сварные для железобетонных конструкций и изделий. Общие технические условияis the diameter of longitudinal and transverse rods, respectively, with the indication of the class of reinforcing steel;

ГОСТ 23279-2012 Сетки арматурные сварные для железобетонных конструкций и изделий. Общие технические условия, ГОСТ 23279-2012 Сетки арматурные сварные для железобетонных конструкций и изделий. Общие технические условияare the width and length of the mesh, cm, respectively.

In naming the brand of the mesh additionally lead:

— light mesh, and heavy mesh type 3 with the basic step of the longitudinal rods of 400 mm after the diameter of the rods (through the dash) — the step value of the rods in mm.

— for grids with additional increments — above the line or below the line, respectively, the values of the additional step of longitudinal or crossing bars in millimeters (in brackets).

For grids with the size of the editions of transverse and longitudinal bars that differ from the 25 mm marking brand mesh after the designation of the length of the grid is complemented by the following designation:

ГОСТ 23279-2012 Сетки арматурные сварные для железобетонных конструкций и изделий. Общие технические условия,

where ГОСТ 23279-2012 Сетки арматурные сварные для железобетонных конструкций и изделий. Общие технические условия, ГОСТ 23279-2012 Сетки арматурные сварные для железобетонных конструкций и изделий. Общие технические условияthe value of the editions of longitudinal rods (if you ГОСТ 23279-2012 Сетки арматурные сварные для железобетонных конструкций и изделий. Общие технические условияgive only one value), mm;

ГОСТ 23279-2012 Сетки арматурные сварные для железобетонных конструкций и изделий. Общие технические условия — the value of editions of the transverse rods, mm.

Examples of symbols:

— heavy mesh of type 1 with the longitudinal rods of reinforcing steel class A500C diameter of 25 mm with a step of 200 mm and with transverse rods of reinforcing steel class A500C diameter of 10 mm by 600 mm, a width of 2050 mm and a length of 6650 mm, with longitudinal and transverse rods 25 mm:

ГОСТ 23279-2012 Сетки арматурные сварные для железобетонных конструкций и изделий. Общие технические условия;

flat light mesh type 4 with the longitudinal rods of reinforcing steel class A500C diameter of 10 mm and transverse rods of reinforcement steel B500C diameter of 5 mm, with a step of longitudinal and transverse rods of 100 mm, a width of 2550 mm and a length 6050 mm, with longitudinal and transverse rods 25 mm:

ГОСТ 23279-2012 Сетки арматурные сварные для железобетонных конструкций и изделий. Общие технические условия;

— rolled mesh type 5 with longitudinal and transverse rods of reinforcement steel class B500C diameter of 5 mm, with the basic step of the longitudinal bars extending 200 mm and 100 mm, with a pitch of cross rods 150 mm, a width of 2340 mm and a length of 120000 mm, with the editions of longitudinal rods 125 and 175 mm, with transverse rods 20 mm:

ГОСТ 23279-2012 Сетки арматурные сварные для железобетонных конструкций и изделий. Общие технические условия.

5 Technical requirements

5.1 Grid must be made in accordance with the requirements of this standard, working drawings and technical documentation, duly approved.

5.2 as the working valves in heavy meshes you should apply the rod of reinforcing steel class A500C, A600C and A400 (A-III) with a diameter of 10−40 mm.

During feasibility studies, as the working valve is allowed to use a rod hot-rolled reinforcing steel of class A240 (A-l), diameter 10−32 mm.

5.3 as distribution valves in heavy nets of the type 1 use reinforcing steel class A400 (A-III), A500S, B500C and A600C diameters of 6−16 mm, in grids 3 — steel reinforcement class A400 (A-III), A500S, B500C and A600C with a diameter of 10−16 mm and A240 (A-l) with a diameter of 6−16 mm.

5.4 Lightweight mesh must be made of reinforcing steel class B500C diameter of 4−5 mm, the reinforcing wire class Bp-I with a diameter of 3−5 mm and core steel reinforcement class A400 (A-III), A500S, B500C and A240 (A-I) with a diameter of 6−10 mm.

As a distribution reinforcement use reinforcing steel class B500C diameter of 4−5 mm and the reinforcing wire of class-l with a diameter of 3−5 mm.

5.5 Brand reinforcing steel for the manufacture of meshes should correspond to the grades established by the design documentation (in accordance with the requirements of the building regulations for the design of concrete and reinforced concrete structures depending on the operating conditions of the structure) specified in the order for the manufacture of grids.

5.6 Reinforcing steel shall conform to the requirements:

— rod steel reinforcement class A400 (A-III) and A240 (A-I) — GOST 5781;

— rod reinforcing steel class A500C and B500C — existing regulations*;
* In the Russian Federation in reinforcing steel class A500C and B500C valid GOST R 52544.

— rod reinforcing steel class A600C — existing regulations;

— reinforcing wire class Bp-I and V-l — GOST 6727.

5.7 Cross-shaped connecting rods in the grids should carry out resistance spot welding in accordance with GOST 14098.

Modes of welding shall conform to the requirements of acting normative documents.

5.8 In the grids with the working of the smooth rod rebar, reinforcing steel, class A240 (A-l) must be welded all the intersections of the rods.

In grids with working reinforcement periodic profile (rod and wire) the welding of the intersections of the rods through one or two intersections in a checkerboard pattern, if the construction drawings do not exist any special instructions. The two outermost rod in the mesh must be welded at all intersections

In the reinforcing mesh shall be allowed no more than two nesperennub intersections of the rods in the area of 1 mГОСТ 23279-2012 Сетки арматурные сварные для железобетонных конструкций и изделий. Общие технические условияgrid from the number of intersections to be welded.

5.9 Breaking strength or rupture strength of the rods in the field of welding when tensile test (weakened at intersections and junctions) must be not less than required by GOST 10922.

5.10 Requirements for strength of welded joints of rods in shear — GOST 10922.

If welded joints of rods of reinforcing steel periodic profile in two or one direction, do not impose requirements of uniformity according to GOST 10922, acceptance test load shear shall not be less than 30% of the breaking strength of the reinforcing wire or temporary tear resistance of reinforcing steel with smaller diameter.

5.11 Cross-connection rods nets shall not break from impact with the free dropping of meshes from a height of 1 m.

5.12 Butt joint rod reinforcing steel should be flash-butt welding according to GOST 14098.

Welding modes — according to current regulations.

The working reinforcement in the length of the rod 6 m should not have more than two, and the length of the rod 12 m — more than three joints.

Butt joints of the rods in one direction within the step of rebars in other direction are allowed not less than three rods.

5.13 values of the relative precipitation in the cross connection rods (in shares of smaller diameter welded studs) should be for reinforcing steel classes A240 (A-l), A400 (A-III), B500C, A500C and A600C from 0.2 to 0.5.

5.14 Values of the actual deviations of geometrical parameters of the grids shall not exceed the limits specified in GOST 10922.

5.15 Longitudinal and transverse rods in the grids should be straightforward.

Valid deviations from straightness of the rods should not exceed 6 mm in length of the rod is 1 m.

6 acceptance Rules

6.1 Mesh take by the parties in accordance with the requirements of GOST 10922 and of this standard.

6.2 each party selected from a grid or coil further check:

— the size of editions;

— the straightness of the rods;

— the magnitude of precipitation cores.

6.3 Upon receipt of unsatisfactory results check on at least one of the indicators conducted a re-test of the doubled sample. The results of re-examination extends to the whole party.

If re-inspection of the at least one grid does not meet the requirements of GOST 10922 and of this standard, all grids are subject to routine acceptance.

7 control Methods

7.1 Methods of control and test nets must comply with GOST 10922 and this standard.

7.2 Width and length of flat grids, step of longitudinal and transverse rods, the size of the editions, the straightness of the stem and the difference in length of diagonals, and the width of rolled mesh, step of longitudinal and transverse rods of it, the size of editions and the straightness of the transverse check rods measuring tape according to GOST 7502 or a metal line of the churchyard 427.

7.3 Cross-connection on the impact test for the posts of manufacturing and packaging nets free nets dropping from a height of 1 m on a concrete Foundation or metal lining.

8 Labelling, transportation and storage

8.1 Flat mesh must be linked to packages. Weight of package must not exceed 3 T.

8.2 Package of mesh must be associated with a soft wire not less than four, and a roll of mesh not less than in three places.

8.3 each package and the roll of mesh must be attached at least two metal or plywood tags, which indicate:

— name or trademark of the manufacturer;

— the symbol of meshes and 4.10;

— the number of meshes in the package;

— the weight of the package or coil, t;

— batch number and date of manufacture.

Tags must be attached on different sides of the package and roll.

8.4 Each party grids supplied by specialized enterprises of the reinforcing products shall be accompanied by a quality document in which you specify:

— the name and address of the manufacturer;

— number and date of issuance of the document;

— the batch number;

— the name of the products with their brands and the number in the party;

— the date of manufacture.

The document must be signed by the employee responsible for the technical control of the manufacturer.

8.5 Grid should be transported in a horizontal position.

During loading, transportation and unloading of the nets must be adhered to measures that ensure their safety from damage. How to perform loading and unloading operations must comply with the safety regulations stipulated in construction.

8.6 Mesh should be stored indoors. Packages nets should be stored separately by grades in piles no higher than 2 m. the Rolls of mesh are stored not more than three tiers. At the storage of the meshes between piles should be provided with a free passage width of not less than 0.5 m.

8.7 During storage and transportation, each package must rely on the wooden linings and pads with a minimum thickness of 30 mm.

Lining under mesh should be laid in a dense, carefully leveled the base. When storing meshes in stacks of strips between the packages at the height of the stack shall be located vertically one above the other.

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