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Scandium metal

Technical Characteristics of Scandium

It is an element of the 4th period of the table of chemical elements, where it is designated as Sc. Atomic number 21. Its content in solid rocks is about 9.5 g/t, significant resources are concentrated in the coal deposits in the form of oxides (scandium beryl, cassiterite, fluorite). The technology of extraction of this element is connected with processing of coal. The light metal scandium is characterized by a silvery color with a yellow cast, a melting point of 1541 °C and a melting heat of 15.8 kJ/mol. It is a typical scattered element, weak paramagnetic, the lattice structure α-Sc hexagonal, due to its plasticity easily amenable to various types of processing. The most common scandium-aluminum alloy. As an additive, it gives alloys good ductility and strength. Properties of this metal were predicted by D.I. Mendeleev, and it was discovered in 1879 by the Swedish chemist Nielsen and named after Scandinavia.

Its atomic number is № 21
Atomic weight g/mol 45
Oxidation state 3
Density [g/cm3] 2,99
Melting point t°С 1541°С
Boiling point t ° C 2837°С
Melting point kJ/kg 15,8


Scandium is widely used in metallurgy (alloying of high-temperature resistant steels), in medicine, microelectronics, electrical engineering, nuclear power, production of refractory materials, lasers, luminophores, spectrometers and solar cells, parts of MHD-generators. Radioactive isotope 46-Sc with half-life period up to 84 days is used for treatment of cancerous tumors and in petrochemistry and metallurgy - as a test mark" for technological processes. Aluminum-scandium alloy has high ductility and strength and is used for production of various semi-finished products.


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