GOST 3241-91
GOST 3241−91 steel wire Rope. Specifications (with Amendments No. 1, 2, 3)
GOST 3241−91*
* The designation of the standard.
Changed the wording, Rev. N 2.
The Group Of 75
Steel ropes. Specifications
ISS 77.140.65
OKP 12 5000
Date of introduction 1993−01−01
2. APPROVED AND promulgated by the Decree of Committee of standardization and Metrology of the USSR from
The change in N 1 taken by the Interstate Council for standardization, Metrology and certification (minutes N 19 dated 24 may 2001)
The adoption of the changes voted:
The name of the state |
The name of the national authority standardization |
The Republic Of Azerbaijan |
Azgosstandart |
The Republic Of Armenia |
Armastajad |
The Republic Of Belarus |
Gosstandart Of The Republic Of Belarus |
The Republic Of Kazakhstan |
Gosstandart Of The Republic Of Kazakhstan |
The Kyrgyz Republic |
Kyrgyzstandard |
The Republic Of Moldova |
Moldovastandart |
Russian Federation |
Gosstandart Of Russia |
The Republic Of Tajikistan |
Tajikistandart |
Turkmenistan |
The MDCSU „Turkmenstandartlary" |
The Republic Of Uzbekistan |
Standards |
Ukraine |
Gosstandart Of Ukraine |
3. The standard provides for the direct application of MS ISO 3108−74* as an application
* Access to international and foreign documents can be obtained by clicking on the link, here and hereafter. — Note the manufacturer’s database.
4. REPLACE GOST 3241−80
The designation of the reference document referenced | The number of the paragraph, subparagraph |
GOST 166−89 (ISO 3599−76) | 4.4 |
GOST 427−75 |
4.4, 4.5 |
GOST 515−77 | 2.3.2 |
GOST 1545−80 | 4.11 |
GOST 1579−93 (ISO 7801−84) | 4.12 |
GOST 3282−74 | 2.3.1, 2.3.2 |
GOST 3560−73 | 2.3.1, 2.3.2 |
GOST 5269−93 | 2.1.2, 2.3.1 |
GOST 6507−90 | 4.4, 4.9 |
GOST 7372−79 |
2.1.1, 2.1.12, 2.1.13, 3.4, 4.13 |
GOST 8828−89 | 2.3.2 |
GOST 10354−82 | 2.3.2 |
GOST 10446−80 (ISO 6892−84) | 4.10 |
GOST 11127−78 | 2.3.1 |
GOST 14192−96 | 2.2.2 |
GOST 15037−69 | 2.1.3 |
GOST 15150−69 |
5.2 |
GOST 15846−2002 | 2.3.3 |
(Changed edition, Rev. N 3).
6. EDITION (August 2004) with amendment No. 1 approved in August 2001 (ICS-11−2001)
The re-release (as of July 2008)
The Change No. 2 adopted by the Interstate Council for standardization, Metrology and certification (Protocol No. 29 dated 24.06.2006). The state developed by Russia. By order of the Federal Agency for technical regulation and Metrology dated
The change in N 2, 3 are made by the manufacturer of the database in the text IUS N 2, 2007, IUS N 9, 2016.
This standard applies to steel wire ropes for General purposes.
(Changed edition, Rev. N 1, 2).
1.1. The ropes are classified by signs
1.1.1. Design:
single lay — consisting of wires wound spirally in one or more concentric layers,
double lay — consisting of strands wound in one or more concentric layers,
lay triple — consisting of ropes double stranding (strands) wound in concentric layers.
1.1.2. The cross-sectional shape: round, flat.
1.1.3. The cross-sectional shape of strands: krugoobraznye, palinopsia.
1.1.4. By type of lay of strands and ropes of single-lay:
with point touch the wires between layers — TC,
with the linear touch of wires between layers, LK,
with the linear touch of wires between layers with the same diameter of wires in layers hair — LK-
with the linear touch of wires between layers at different diameters of wires in the outer layer strands — LK-R,
with the linear touch of wires between layers and wires fill — LK-W,
with the linear touch of wires between layers and having the layers of strands with wires of different diameters, and layers with wire of the same diameter — LK-RO,
with a combined point-linear touch of wires — TLK,
with a band touch the wires in the strands — PK.
(Changed edition, Rev. N 3).
1.1.5. Material of core:
with the organic core of natural or chemical fibres — OS, of a solid polymer — PS,
with a metal core MS
with the ORGANOMETALLIC core: metal and natural or chemical fibers — MOS, metal and solid polymer — MPs.
(Changed edition, Rev. N 2, 3).
1.1.6. By way of lay: prosrochena — N spins.
1.1.7. According to the degree of balance: ratowanie — R, neritani.
1.1.8. The direction of lay of rope: right, left, L.
The direction of lay of the rope is determined by:
for a single rope lay the direction of lay of the wires of the outer layer,
for double lay rope the direction of lay of the strands of the outer layer,
for ropes triple lay — the direction of lay of the strands in the rope.
1.1.9. The combination of the directions of lay of the rope and its elements in the ropes and double lay triple:
cross-lay (the direction of lay of the rope and the direction of lay of the strands and the strands the opposite),
unilateral stranding (strands direction of lay and direction of lay of wires in the strand are the same) —
combined lay — K.
(Changed edition, Rev. N 3).
1.1.10. According to the degree of cruciotti:
spinning (with the same direction of lay of wires in a single rope lay, the strands or strands),
makrushina (multi-layered multi-strand and single lay with opposite direction of lay of the elements in layers) — MK.
1.1.11. Mechanical properties brands VK, V, 1.
1.1.12. By type of coverage:
the surface of wire rope: wire without coating, of the galvanized wire: depending on the surface density of zinc, W, coolant;
the surface of the rope or its elements, without surface coating, surface coating of polymeric materials — P.
(Changed edition, Rev. N 3).
1.1.13. By appointment: gruzolyudskie (grades VC, V) — GL, cargo — G.
1.1.14. Accuracy of manufacture: high — T, normal.
Recommendations for the use of cables is given in Appendix 1.
1.2. Design, main characteristics and diameters of ropes are specified in the relevant standard assortment.
Allowed on the customer’s request, material for ropes of intermediate diameters or strength characteristics not provided for in the standards for assortment.
(Changed edition, Rev. N 3).
1.3. The diameter of the rope, appointment, grade, finish, direction of lay, the combination of the directions of lay, way lay, degree of balance, the degree of cruciotti, precision izgoloviye, marking panel, marking relevant standard assortment are specified by the user and included in the symbol of the rope.
2.1. Features
2.1.1. Steel cables and metal cores shall be made of wire according to GOST 7372.
The ropes are manufactured according to the technological regulations approved in the prescribed manner.
2.1.2. As the organic cores must be used: hemp, sisal, polypropylene cores according to GOST 5269 or other normative documents; jute, pokojowy cores according to normative documentation; cores of solid polymer or other chemical fibers according to normative documentation; cotton yarn and cotton cord in the normative documentation.
Allowed by agreement between manufacturer and consumer application core from other materials.
In the absence of requirements of the consumer the choice of core material is produced by the manufacturer.
(Changed edition, Rev. N 3).
2.1.3. Cores from natural fibers, cotton yarns and cords must be impregnated with lubricant according to GOST 15037 or grease according to normative-technical documentation.
At the request of the consumer the core is not impregnated.
2.1.4. Ropes made of wire without coating and galvanized steel must be oiled rope lubricants according to normative-technical documentation. By agreement with the consumer allowed the application of the rope other types of grease.
At the customer’s request ropes are manufactured UN-lubricated or lubricated outer surface.
(Changed edition, Rev. N 3).
2.1.5. In the rope should not be sinking, crossing and dangling wires, haunting strands.
Allowed on the surface of galvanized wire ropes and on the surface of the strands with a band-touch of the wires the presence of traces of processing power.
(Changed edition, Rev. N 3).
2.1.6. The diameters of the wire ropes shall conform to the requirements of the standards for assortment. Allowed specification of the diameters of the wires, is then equal to the diameters of the wires of one layer are changed by the same amount.
(Changed edition, Rev. N 2).
2.1.7. Wire needs to be connected by butt welding or brazing.
Allowed the ends of dangling wires with a diameter of 0.55 mm and less repaired by firmware through a cross-section strands or connecting node. At the same time allowed the local thickening and the breach lay in the connection of the wire ends.
The ropes mark 1 on one meter of rope allowed not more than two connection wires in different cross sections, the rope marks of VK and only one connection at a distance of 10 m.
2.1.8. The rope should be over the entire length uniform step lay of the rope elements.
A step of stranding outer layer of wires in the strands, the linear touch of wires, point touch the wires in the strands and triangular odnorodnyh metal cores should be no more than 11 diameters of the strands.
The step of lay of wires in a single rope lay, and the rope and strand construction 1+6 should be no more than 11 diameters of the strands.
The step lay kruglozerny ropes shall be not more than 7 diameters in the double lay rope, the strands and ropes lay triple and metal cores. The step lay in the ropes pasandaran shall be not more than 7.5 times the diameter of the rope, the strands and the strands of the flat rope — 16 diameters.
(Changed edition, Rev. N 3).
16 diameters in the strands and the strands in the rope.
By agreement with the consumer allowed the steps of stranding the outer layer of wire strands to increase to 11 diameters, strands and rope up to 7 times the diameter of the rope, while the optimal ratio steps lay within the specified limits is determined in accordance with the methodology described in Annex 2.
2.1.9. The ends of the ropes at the place of the cut should be firmly tied with a soft wire or other material, to ensure the integrity of the ends of the rope.
For cables with a diameter up to 14.5 mm inclusive, the end of the rope may be welded instead of strapping. The ends of the ropes with a diameter greater than 57,0 mm metal core should be welded shut.
At the request of the consumer a different way to seal the end of the rope to ensure the integrity of the rope to prevent its unwinding and to facilitate installation.
(Changed edition, Rev. N 3).
2.1.10. Rope diameter, width and thickness of the rope must conform to the standards specified in the standards assortment of steel ropes.
Maximum deviation of the width and thickness of flat ropes should be no more than:
+5% | |
for increased accuracy, | |
-8% | |
±8% | — for normal accuracy. |
Maximum deviation of the rope diameter shall be as specified in table.1 and 2.
Table 1
Rope diameter, mm | Limit deviation, %, not more, for ropes | |||||||
increased accuracy | normal accuracy | |||||||
with metallic and ORGANOMETALLIC core |
with organic core | with metallic and ORGANOMETALLIC core |
with organicexcellence.com | |||||
To | 3,0 | incl. | +7 | |||||
-1 | ||||||||
SV | 3,0 | to | 6,0 | incl. | +6 | +6 |
+10 | +10 |
-1 |
-2 | |||||||
“ | 6,0 | » | 8,0 | " | +5 | |||
-1 | ||||||||
" | 8,0 | +4 | +5 |
+6 | +7 | |||
-1 | -2 |
Table 1 (Revised edition, Edit. N 3).
Table 2
Rope diameter, mm | Maximum deviation of a single rope lay, %, not more | |||||
increased accuracy |
normal accuracy | |||||
To | 1,5 | incl. | +5 | +10 | ||
SV. | 1,5 | to | 8,0 | incl. | -2 | |
" | 8,0 | " | 16,0 | « |
+4 | +6 |
SV. | 16,0 | +3 | -2 |
Ropes with organic core might have gaps between strands, the rope diameter shall not exceed extreme deviations are given in table.1. Allowed the gap between the strands in the ropes with a metal or ORGANOMETALLIC core and a projecting pile from organic core in the ropes with organic core.
(Changed edition, Rev. N 3).
2.1.11. Rope length is set by the user. The tolerance along the length should not be more cable length:
| |
> 400 m |
If not specified, the length of rope manufactured length less than 200 m. the cable length less than 200 m are delivered to the customer.
If you specify multiple or installation length, and the rope is manufactured with the total length, then the manufacturer imposes a binding wire to the specified length.
2.1.12. The mechanical properties of the wires taken from the rope must meet the requirements of GOST 7372. Allowed the run of the temporary tear resistance of the wires taken from the rope, except the Central wire and wire fill shall not exceed the values given in table.3.
Table 3
Nominal diameter of wire, mm |
Allowed the run of the temporary tear resistance of the wires of each diameter, taken from the rope, marking the group’s rope, % for brands | ||||||
VK |
In | 1 | |||||
To | 0,75 | incl. | 18 | 20 | 23 | ||
SV. | 0,75 | to | 1,60 | incl. | 16 | 18 |
21 |
» | 1,60 | " | 1,80 | " | 15 | 17 | 19 |
" | 1,80 | 14 | 16 | 18 |
The values of permissible run-up to the temporary tear resistance are rounded to the nearest whole number upward.
Allowed reduction in the number of kinks and twisting of wires at the unit and indicators on the gap with the hub 2% of the standards established GOST 7372.
The ropes made of wire without coating is permitted to replace the wires of the inner layer, the Central wire and wire core galvanized steel wires of appropriate diameter. In this case, galvanized wire shall meet the requirements of the wire without coating.
The ropes of galvanized wire replacement wire galvanized wire and without coating are not allowed.
(Changed edition, Rev. N 2, 3).
2.1.13. Surface density of zinc and the adhesion of it to the steel core shall conform to the requirements of GOST 7372.
Allowed on tested wires taken from the rope, reduction of the surface density of zinc on the 5% of the standards established GOST 7372, wherein the arithmetic average surface density of zinc should correspond to GOST 7372 wires for each diameter.
2.1.14. The total breaking strength of all wires in the rope and breaking strength of the rope must not be less than the values specified in the relevant standard assortment for a given product group (Annex 5).
For intermediate diameters kruglozerny ropes and marking groups of ropes for which standards range of missing values of discontinuous efforts the rope aggregate breaking strength of the rope shall not be less than the product of the cross sectional area of all wires in the rope and marking of the rope group, the value of the breaking strength of the rope as a whole — at least works total breaking strength of all wires in the rope and the coefficient of loss when you lay the appropriate marking group.
(Changed edition, Rev. N 1, 3).
2.1.15. In the manufacture of rope in Radovana the performance of the maximum deviation of the axis of the wire on a segment of length equal to 50 diameters, should be no more than:
10 times the diameter for cables with organic core,
15 diameters for cables with metallic and ORGANOMETALLIC core and a single rope lay.
(Changed edition, Rev. N 3).
2.2. Marking
2.2.1. Each rope shall be provided with a label material, providing safety of marking, which should indicate:
the name or trademark of the manufacturer;
the number of the rope in the numbering system of the manufacturer;
the symbol of the rope;
the length of the rope or each segment, counting from the neck of the drum, m;
gross mass, kg;
the date of manufacture of rope.
In case of mandatory certification on the label or drum with the rope is applied to the image of the mark of conformity.
The label is nailed in a prominent place of the cheek of the drum, and to the Bay is secured by a flexible wire. When winding a rope on a metal drum label can be attached to the end of the rope.
Allowed other ways of attaching the label ensure the reliability of fastening, the safety label and information on it.
(Changed edition, Rev. N 1, 2, 3).
2.2.2. Transport marking under GOST 14192.
2.3. Packaging
2.3.1. The ropes are wound on wooden drums according to GOST 11127 or metal drums and return drums, using them in the prescribed manner, or in the Bay.
The recommended dimensions of the bays:
outer diameter is not more than 1200 mm,
the height of the Bay — not more than 800 mm,
internal diameter of coil shall be not less than 15 nominal rope diameters.
The diameter of the neck of the drum shall be not less than 15 nominal rope diameters. The side of the drum must protrude above the outer layer of wound rope not less than two diameters of the rope with a diameter of 25 mm or less, and 50 mm with a diameter of more than 25 mm.
Is allowed to be wound on a drum several segments of rope the same size.
The ends of the rope must be securely fastened. The outer end of the rope tied off the organic core according to GOST 5269 or other normative and technical documentation, or wire according to GOST 3282 or other normative and technical documentation, or strand, or rope, or tape according to GOST 3560 and is attached to the inner side of the cheeks of the drum.
2.3.2. Drums with ropes gruzopodemnogo purpose at the request of the consumer sheathe boards, the maximum gap between them must be no more than 50 mm or a rope wrap plastic film according to GOST 10354 or other normative and technical documentation, or waterproof paper GOST GOST 8828 or 515, or other waterproof material in accordance with normative-technical documentation.
The rope uncoiled in the Bay, should be firmly tied with a soft wire according to GOST 3282или other normative-technical documentation, or a strand of rope or tape according to GOST 3560 or other normative and technical documentation not less than four places, evenly spaced around the circumference.
(Changed edition, Rev. N 3).
2.3.3. Packing ropes being shipped to the far North and equivalent areas, as well as ropes, sent by sea, produced according to GOST 15846.
3.1. Ropes take parties. The party should be composed of rope of the same size in one packing unit furnished by a single instrument of quality in which you specify:
trademark or the name and trademark of manufacturer;
the number of the rope in the numbering system of the manufacturer; symbol of the rope; the length of the rope or each segment; the gross mass of the rope;
the total breaking strength of all wires in the rope or breaking strength of the rope as a whole; the organic core material; date of manufacture of rope; lubrication type of rope; the drum number; the stamp of technical control;
the image of the mark of conformity for mandatory certification.
(Changed edition, Rev. N 1, 3).
3.2. Appearance, size, step lay, prescriptivist checked for each drum/coil of rope.
Mechanical properties of wires with a total breaking strength, zinc coating quality check on each production length of wire rope.
Note — For production length take the length of the finished rope of the same size, made of one filling swiveling machine.
(Changed edition, Rev. N 3).
3.3. Tested breaking strength of the rope as a whole produce on demand of the consumer.
3.4. The results of the tensile tests, torsion, bend and control of diameter of wire shall be considered satisfactory if the total cross-sectional area of wires that do not meet the requirements of this standard, is not more than 5% of the nominal cross-sectional area of all wires in the rope at 100% strength test, no more than 2% of the nominal cross-sectional area of the rope at 25 — and 10% strength testing of wire rope and cable single stranding number of wires that do not meet the requirements of the standard should not exceed 5% of the tested wire rope. In this case the actual value of the diameters of these wires should not exceed the nearest adjacent diameter according to GOST 7372 relative to the diameters specified in the standards for assortment or updated in accordance with paragraph
In case of discrepancy between test results the requirements of this standard conducted a second test of the rope. The results of repeated tests shall be considered satisfactory if the total cross-sectional area of wires that do not meet the requirements of this standard at 100% strength test, is not more than 5% of the nominal cross-sectional area of all wires in the rope grusauskas and not more than 8% — in the cargo rope. The results of repeated tests spread to the entire party.
Note — for determining the mechanical properties of the wires drawn from the strands with a band touch, the measurement of the diameter of the wires is not possible. The determination of the temporal rupture strength of the wire is carried out by comparing breaking strength of the wire to the area of its cross-section, the nominal diameter of which is specified in the relevant normative document.
(Changed edition, Rev. N 3).
4.1. For testing of mechanical properties, size, wire rope, presence of grease in rope core, the quality of zinc coating on each rope selected the length not less than:
1.0 m — ropes made of wire without coating,
1.5 m — for cables of galvanized wire.
From cut the rope selected wire in the amount indicated in the table.4.
Table 4
Type of test | The number of test wires | |
in grusauskas the rope |
in the cargo rope | |
Tensile, bend and measure the diameter of wires |
100% of the wires | 25% of the wires of each diameter, but not less than three |
Torsion | 25% of the wires of each diameter, but not less than three |
10% of the wires of each diameter, but not less than three |
Quality control of the surface density of zinc |
10% of the wires of each diameter, but not less than three | |
Check adhesion of zinc to the steel core |
10% of the wires of each diameter, but not less than three |
The number of wires, obtained by the calculation is rounded to the nearest whole number upward.
When re-test of the rope the number of the test wires shall conform to the standards for gruzopodemnogo rope.
4.2. Determination of breaking strength of the rope as a whole are given in Appendix 3.
For cables brands VK, 1 freight and destination when testing on the rope breaking strength is generally allowed to evaluate the brand of the rope on the test results of mechanical properties of 10% of the wires of each diameter in the rope, but not less than three.
4.3. The inspection of the surface of the rope, presence of grease in the rope and the core is carried out visually without a magnifying instrument.
4.4. The rope diameter should be checked, as shown in hell.1, a caliper churchyard 166 with divisions of 0.1 mm or micrometer according to GOST 6507 with a scale division of 0.01 mm at a distance of not less than 5 m from the end of the rope in the unloaded state. The measurement of the diameter of the rope is checked in two mutually perpendicular directions in the same cross section of the rope at a distance from each other of at least 1 m Beyond the measurement result is taken the arithmetic average of the four measurements.
The width and thickness of rope should be checked with a ruler according to GOST 427 with a scale division of 1 mm. the Width of the rope is measured excluding the thickness of the Thong.
(Changed edition, Rev. N 3).
4.5. Step lay of the rope should be checked with a ruler according to GOST 427 with a scale division of 1 mm at a distance of not less than 5 m from the end of the rope. The step length of lay is taken the arithmetic mean of at least three measurements.
4.6. Rope length is determined by the meter during its manufacture.
4.7. Check neraskruchennosti of the rope should be carried out by the removal of dressings and welding. In prescripcialis the ropes the strands ropes double and triple lay, the outer strands in multi-strand ropes, wire ropes single lay can spin at a distance of not more than one step lay from the end of the rope or can spin at a distance of not more than five steps lay so that they can be easily returned to its original position. Metal cores may be unwinding.
4.8. To check the degree of steadiness of the rope a length equal to 50 diameters, freely placed on a horizontal surface and measure the maximum deviation of the axis of the rope from a line drawn between its ends.
4.9. The wire diameters should be checked with a micrometer according to GOST 6507 with a scale division of 0.01 mm in two mutually perpendicular directions in the same cross section of the wire at the straight portion.
4.10. Test wires tensile carried out according to GOST 10446.
4.11. Test wire torsion is carried out according to GOST 1545.
4.12. Testing wires on a bend is carried out according to GOST 1579.
4.13. The quality of the zinc coating shall be checked according to GOST 7372.
4.14. The total breaking strength of all wires in the rope () in Newtons is calculated according to the results of the test wires tensile according to the formula
where is the number of groups of wires of the same diameter;
- number of tested wires of each group diameter;
— breaking strength of one wire in this group the diameter, N;
— the number of wires of each group diameter.
The actual evaluation of the marking of the group of rope produce according to test results. Rope can be assigned to any of the marking groups, if the total breaking strength or breaking strength of the rope overall, and the number of bending and twisting of the wires not lower than the established norms for this group.
(Changed edition, Rev. N 3).
4.15. Test breaking strength of the rope as a whole should be carried out on a tensile testing machine with a maximum force not exceeding the expected breaking strength of the rope more than five times, and in accordance with Annex 3.
The test is considered valid if the breaking strength of the rope corresponds to requirements of the standard assortment. In case of discrepancy of breaking strength standard values are re-test, the results of which are final, if the gap of the sample was not closer than 50 mm from the fixing ends of the rope.
4.16. Use for control of mechanical properties of wires in the rope and offices of ropes by brand and label groups of methods of statistical processing of test results, set out in Annex 4. For rope cargo destination is allowed to use other statistical methods to control mechanical properties of wires in the rope, rope for marking groups and control the surface density of the zinc coating.
(Changed edition, Rev. N 3).
5.1. Ropes transporterowych by all kinds of transport in covered and open vehicles in accordance with cargo carriage regulations applicable to transport of this species. Placing and fastening of cargoes in railway traffic shall be in accordance with the Rules of loading and fastening of goods, operating in the prescribed manner.
Transportation ropes by rail is carriages, light-duty or small shipments.
(Changed edition, Rev. N 1).
5.2. Storage of the ropes — the terms 5 GOST 15150.
When storing the consumer with the rope wound on the drum, the axis of the drum should be parallel to the floor on which the drum is mounted.
Received for storing the ropes are subject to immediate inspection and lubrication cable lubrication exposed during transportation and loading and unloading sections of the rope.
During long-term storage ropes should be periodically not less than every 6 months, look on the outer layer, and smearing the cable with grease.
1. Brands
For lifting (movement) of people, or people and cargo ropes are used brands of VK and V.
For lifting (movement) of cargo, stretch marks, supporting structures, etc. are applied ropes In brands and 1.
2. For marking groups
Table 5
Conditions of use | Marking group, N/mm |
Ropes for General purpose | 1370 (140)-2160 (220) |
For mine hoist | 1570 (160)-1770 (180) |
For shipbuilding | 1370 (140)-1770 (180) |
For elevators |
1570 (160)-1770 (180) |
3. According to the type of coating wires
Table 6
Conditions of use | Coating wire |
Ropes for General purpose | From wire without coating, galvanized groups, W |
For mine hoist | From wire without coating, galvanized groups, W |
For shipbuilding | Galvanized groups C, W, coolant |
For elevators |
From wire without coating |
4. According to the type of lubricant
Table 7 (Deleted, Rev. N 3).
Annex 2 (Deleted, Rev. N 3).
1. Purpose and scope
This international standard specifies a method of tensile tests up to rupture to determine the actual breaking load steel wire ropes for General purposes.
This method can be applied to other ropes, unless the standard is not particularly specified using this method or is another.
2. The estimated length
The gauge length (distance between clamps) should correspond to the data given in table.8.
Table 8
The diameter of the rope |
The minimum design length |
300 |
6 <<img alt="ГОСТ 3241-91 Канаты стальные. Технические условия (с Изменениями N 1, 2, 3)" src="http://"/>20 |
600 |
30x |
(Changed edition, Rev. N 2).
3. Sample for test
The minimum sample length consists of the distance between the clamps allowances. The sample is taken from the rope and must not have defects. Before selecting the sample, the ends must be secured to prevent unwinding. In the same way should be fixed, and the rope from which the sample is taken. When a sample cut from the rope, neither the one nor the other should not be damaged.
During the test, the specimen is clamped so that all the wire rope carrying the load. Suitable for the specimen to wear of the conical chucks. Use of such chucks, it is necessary to keep in mind that the cast material must have the ability to penetrate and create a hidden grip with non-twisted wires.
4. Test
4.1. Can immediately be applied no more than 80% of the minimum breaking load specified in the relevant standard assortment. The rest of the load is applied gradually with the speed of the application voltage equal to 10 N/mmper second.
4.2. The actual breaking load is achieved when it is no longer possible to increase the load.
4.3. Tests in which the break occurs in or next to the clips can be discarded at the manufacturer’s discretion in those cases, if not achieved the minimum breaking load.
4.4. The test can be interrupted before the rope should break, if achieved or exceeded the minimum breaking load specified in the relevant standard assortment of steel ropes.
(Added, Rev. N 3).
1. Sampling
Selection of samples for testing of mechanical properties is carried out in accordance with the requirements of section 4.1 of this standard. Selected not less than five samples.
2. Processing of the results
The results of the tests in the order received is recorded in the table.9.
In the first column of the table.9 recorded sequence number interval. In the second column — measurement intervals a controlled variable. For this area of the dispersion (difference between largest and smallest values of controlled characteristics) is divided into equal intervals, the number of which is selected from 6 to 15. If the zone of scattering of 6 or fewer units, the division into intervals is not possible. The third column shows the means of the intervals in the fourth and fifth graphs is the method of counting frequencies in columns 6 through 11 — auxiliary calculation. In the legend, the frequency values of the notes as follows:
At the end of count 5, 6 and 10 shall bear the sum of the corresponding graph.
The arithmetic average of the controlled value is calculated by the formula
where - frequency;
- the middle of the interval.
The standard deviation is calculated by the formula
For a given number of tests in the table.10 is a coefficient for determining the guaranteed tolerance. Defined upper
and lower
boundaries of the tolerance field according to the formulas
As an example, grouping and data processing according to the temporary tear resistance, the number of excesses and number of twists for a wire diameter of 0.9 mm is defined as grade 1, marking groups 1570 N/mm(160 kgf/mm
1) definition of a brand of rope and the strength of the wire rope according to the temporary tear resistance.
The rope refers to the given mark and the team strength, if the tolerance of the fit in the limits table.3 of this standard.
2) Defining the brand of the rope and the strength of the wire rope according to the number of kinks and twists.
The rope refers to the given mark and the team strength, if the lower limit of the tolerance field for these parameters values the specified marking groups according to the temporary tear resistance.
The rope is considered to be an inferior brand, if the wire rope of different diameters or rope for different types of tests belongs to different brands.
Table 9
The results of testing the mechanical properties of the wire, taken from the rope
The number of inter — shaft | Inter — shafts | Sulphur — Dean inter — shaft |
Frequency |
Mark Provo Loki and a group of others- ness | |||||||||
the conditional symbol — nie |
figures | ||||||||||||
Rupture strength | |||||||||||||
1 | 166−169,9 | 168 |
3 |
504 |
8,6 |
74 |
222 |
2 |
170−173,9 |
172 |
10 |
1720 |
4,6 |
21 |
210 |
3 |
174−177,9 |
176 |
13 |
2288 |
0,6 |
0,3 |
4,0 |
4 |
178−181,9 |
180 |
7 |
1260 |
176,6 |
3,4 |
11,5 |
80,5 |
5,0 |
164,4-of 188.8 | 160 | ||
5 |
182−185,9 |
184 |
6 |
1104 |
4,7 |
54,8 |
328 |
6 |
186−189,9 |
188 |
1 |
188 |
11,4 |
130 |
130 |
| ||||||||||||
The number of kinks | |||||||||||||
1 | 20 | 20 |
6 | 120 | 2 | 4 | 24 | ||||||
2 | 21 | 21 |
11 | 231 | 1 | 1 | 11 | ||||||
3 | 22 | 22 |
16 | 352 | 21,8 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1,05 | 19,3−24,3 | 160 | ||
4 | 23 | 23 |
13 | 299 | 1 | 1 | 13 | ||||||
5 | 24 | 24 |
1 | 24 | 2 | 4 | 4 | ||||||
| ||||||||||||
The number of twists | |||||||||||||
1 | 30−31,9 | 31 |
11 | 341 | 3 | 9 | 99 | ||||||
2 | 32−33,9 | 33 |
13 | 429 | 1 | 1 | 13 | ||||||
3 | 34−35,9 | 35 | 9 | 315 | 33,7 | 1 | 1 | 9 | 2,5 | 27,6−39,8 | 1160 | ||
4 | 36−37,9 | 37 | 3 | 111 | 3 | 9 | 27 | ||||||
5 | 38−39,9 | 39 | 2 | 78 | 5 | 25 | 50 | ||||||
6 | 40−41,9 | 41 | 1 | 41 | 7 | 49 | 49 | ||||||
(Changed edition, Rev. N 2).
Table 10
Table of coefficient values to determine the guaranteed tolerance
The number of samples tested |
Coefficient to determine the guaranteed tolerance for the rope marks of VK, and 1 |
The number of samples tested |
Coefficient to determine the guaranteed tolerance for the rope marks of VK, and 1 |
5 |
5,11 | 25 | 2,61 |
6 | 4,44 | 30 | 2.54 mm |
7 | 4,02 | 40 | 2,44 |
8 | 3,74 | 50 | 2,37 |
9 | 3,54 | 60 | 2,33 |
10 | 3,39 | 70 | 2,30 |
12 | 3,26 | 80 | 2,27 |
14 | Is 3.08 | 90 | 2,25 |
16 | 2,96 | 100 | Of 2.23 |
18 | 2,86 | 200 | 2,14 |
20 | 2,79 | 300 | 2,11 |
22 | Of 2.72 |
1. If the number of samples tested is between adjacent groups, the coefficient is taken for groups with fewer samples tested.
2. For wires taken from the rope marks of VK, and 1, requirements of this standard shall be provided with a confidence level of 95%.
GOST 2688−80 the double lay rope, type LC-R construction 6х19 (1+6+6/6)+1 O. S. Assortment
GOST 3062−80 the single lay rope type LK-O construction 1х7 (1+6). Assortment
GOST 3063−80 the single lay rope type TK construction 1х19 (1+6+12). Assortment
GOST 3064−80 the single lay rope type TK construction 1х37 (1+6+12+18). Assortment
GOST 3066−80 the double lay rope type LK-O construction 6x7 (1+6)+1х7 (1+6). Assortment
GOST 3067−88 steel rope double twist rope, type TK construction 6х19 (1+6+12)+1x 19 (1+6+12). Assortment
GOST 3068−88 steel rope double twist rope, type TK construction 6х37 (1+6+12+18)+1х37 (1+6+12+18). Assortment
GOST 3069−80 the double lay rope type LK-O construction 6x7 (1+6)+1 O. S. Assortment
GOST 3070−88 steel rope double twist rope, type TK construction 6х19 (1+6+12)+1 O. S. Assortment
GOST 3071−88 steel rope double twist rope, type TK construction 6х37 (1+6+12+18)+1 O. S. Assortment
GOST 3077−80 the double lay rope type LK-O construction 6х19 (1+9+9)+1 O. S. Assortment
GOST 3079−80 the double lay rope type TLK-O construction 6х37 (1+6+15+15)+1 O. S. Assortment
GOST 3081−80 the double lay rope type LK-O construction 6х19 (1+9+9)+7x7 (1+6). Assortment
GOST 3083−80 the double lay rope type LK-O construction 6х30 (0+15+15)+7 O. S. the Mix
GOST 3085−80 rope double lay triggernometry design 6х30 (6+12+12)+1 O. S. Assortment
GOST 3088−80 rope double lay multi-strand type LK-R construction 18х19 (1+6+6/6)+1 O. S. Assortment
GOST 3089−80 rope lay triple-type LK-R construction 6х7х19 (1+6+6/6)+1 O. S. Assortment
GOST 3091−80 rope flat design 8х4х7 (1+6). Assortment
GOST 3092−80 rope flat design 8х4х9 (0+9)+32 O. S. Assortment
GOST 3093−80 the double lay Rope type LK-O construction 3x7 (1+6), type TK construction 3х27 (3+9+15), type TK construction 3х37 (1+6+12+18). Assortment
GOST 3097−80 the double lay Rope type TK construction 816 (0+5+11)+9 O. S., type LK-O construction 8
6 (0+6)+9 O. S. Assortment
GOST 7665−80 the double lay rope, type LC-3 construction 6x25 (1+6; 6+12)+1 O. S. Assortment
GOST 7667−80 the double lay rope, type LC-3 construction 6x25 (1+6; 6+12)+7x7 (1+6). Assortment
GOST 7668−80 rope double twist rope, type LC-RO construction 6х36 (1+7+7/7+14)+1 O. S. Assortment
GOST 7669−80 the double lay rope, type LC-RO construction 6х36 (1+7+7/7+14)+7x7 (1+6). Assortment
GOST 7681−80 rope double lay multi-strand type LK-O construction 18х7 (1+6)+1 O. S. Assortment
GOST 14954−80 the double lay rope, type LC-R construction 6х19 (1+6+6/6)+7x7 (1+6). Assortment
GOST 16827−81 rope double lay multi-strand Malorossiya, type LC-RO construction 12х36 (1+7+7/7+14)+6х36 (1+7+7/7+14)+1 O. S. Assortment
GOST 16828−81 rope double lay multi-strand Malorossiya type LK-and LK-R construction 12x7 (1+6)+6х19 (1+6+6/6)+1 O. S. Assortment
(Changed edition, Rev. N 2, 3).
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