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Bar made of bronze

Bronze bar


Grade analogue W. Nr. Aisi Uns En Order
BrOF6.5-0.4 Buy from stock, view availability
BrOC4-3 Buy from stock, view availability
BrAMts9-2 Buy from stock, view availability
BrB2 2.1447 CuBe2 Buy from stock, view availability

The shoes of legendary centaurs and pegasus were forged out of bronze bar.


Bronze bar combines such properties as flexibility, forgeability, strength, plasticity. It can be processed with all type of machine treatment: stamping, cutting, milling, drilling. High level of corrosion resistance, durability, relatively low price make a manufacture of any bronze bar semi-products very economical.


Manufacture of tinless bronze bars is specified by GOST 1628−78; tin+zinc bronze bars - GOST 6511−60; tin-phosphorous bronze bars - GOST 10 025−78; beryllium bronze bars - GOST 15 835−70; CuCr1chromium bronze bars- TC 48−21−408−86. Normalization of chemical composition: pressure treated bar: GOST 18 175−78 - for tinless alloys; GOST 5017−74 - for tin alloys. Qualitative bronze mill-products do not have any laminations. Caverns and various non-metallic impurities must not be present. Small dimples, cracks, flaws on a surface are permissible.

Bronze grade

Hardness HB -1

Melting point (°С) σv (MPa)
CuSnFe 70−90 MPa 995° 400−800
CuSn4Zn3 150−170 MPa 1045° 430−880
CuAl9Mn2 100−120 MPa 1060° 440−550
CuBe2 130−150 MPa 995° 400−950

Note: A range σ in (MPa) is given for soft/hard alloy.

Type GOST Marking Chemical composition
Presses hot-rolled drawn bars 10 025−78 Tin-phosphorous bronze of grade 2.1020CuSn6 GOST 5017
Presses hot-rolled drawn bars 1628−78 Tinless bronze of grades CuAl9Mn2, CuAl10Fe3Mn2, CuAl10Ni5Fe4, CuAl10Fe1, CuSi3Mn1, CuSi1Ni3 GOST 18 175−78;
Bars of irregular section TC 48−21−249−72 CuAl9Fe4Ni4Mn1  
Cast rod 24301−9З CuSn3Zn7Pb5Ni1, CuSn3Zn12Pb5, CuSn5Zn5Pb5-C GOST 613

Cast bronze bars of round section are made with method of horizontal casting.

Classification of bronze bar

By a manufacturing method:

- cold-deformed;

- hot-deformed;

- rolled;

- pressed.

By condition of material:

- extra-hard;

- half-hard;

- hard;

- soft.

By section shape:

- circular;

- hexagon-shaped;

- square.

By accuracy:

- high;

- standard;

- extra.

By length:

- in coils;

- specific cut;

- specific multiple cut;

- random.

Special conditions: specific cut grades of extra length accuracy rods; for machine treatment.


Bronze rods are much-requested in the capacity of semi-fabricates for manufacture of nuts, bushings, bearings, valves, various parts and assemblies that are required in all branches of modern industry.

Bronze bar supplier

Where to buy bronze bar by wholesale? «Auremo» bronze bar supplier proposes to buy bronze mill-products on favorable terms. There is a wide range of half-finished goods in stock. They comply with GOST and International Standards of quality. Bronze bar is always in stock. You can buy bronze bar for affordable price from bronze bar supplier. Bronze bar price is privileged for wholesale customers.

Buy at a bargain price

«Auremo» company proposes to buy bronze bar on favorable terms. A quality complies with GOST (all-Union State Standards) and International Standards. A wide range of goods for scaled-up fabrications is presented in stock. Bronze bar is always in stock. Bronze bar price forms according to technological details of production without including additional expenses. You can find a price-list, a catalog of production and all information about it on company's web-site. Bronze bar price depends on order quantity and additional conditions of supply. You can easily find us through the Internet. «Auremo» supplier offers to buy bronze bar by wholesale. «Auremo» company is a profitable bronze bar supplier in this market segment. We are waiting for your orders.