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Bronze, brass, copper

General characteristics

Bronze is an alloy on a copper basis. The main alloying component is tin. Its composition is composed of aluminium additives, beryllium and other elements such as phosphorus, aluminium, zinc, plumb. The exceptions are copper + zinc (brass) alloy and copper + nickel alloys. Aluminium bronze, brass (Cu+Zn) and constantan (Cu+Ni) are very popular but they do not relate to bronzes.

Tin bronze

Tin is the second component of alloy; copper is the first. The third component can be zinc, aluminium, arsenic or other elements. This alloy is the most utilizable. Human smelts it since Ancient Egypt times. It considered having been defense material for a very long time. All the way up until 19th century, there were founded guns out of it. It consists of tin and copper (usually, copper is in greater number). This metal has become one of the first metals people had mastered. It has more merits (for example hardness, workability, strength) in comparison with copper. An invention of bronze has opened up many various opportunities for people which they use until now.

Properties of bronze

Tin bronze is badly treated by pressure, grinding, cutting. It is not inferior to other metals by casting properties. This alloy possesses high corrosive resistance and antifriction properties. It can be used for details of movers or in chemical industry for manufacturing fittings. Plumb and phosphorus can improve antifriction properties. Tin bronzes can be also alloyed with zinc, nickel, aluminium, arsenic. Zinc additive up to % does not change bronze characteristic. However, this makes it cheaper. Bronze alloy with zinc masteralloys is called «admiralty». It is well protected from corrosion in seawater.


«Auremo» supplier offers the most affordable prices for delivery of non-iron metals. We offer to buy bronze, brass, copper, non-iron alloys by wholesale. There is a wide range of half-finished goods in stock. They comply with GOST and International Standards of quality. Copper, non-iron metals, tin, admiralty, plumb bronzes are always in stock. There is the best price from bronze, brass, copper supplier. We are waiting for your orders. Buy bronze, brass, copper in a moment.

Buy at a bargain price

«Auremo» company proposes to buy goods on favourable terms. A wide range of goods for scaled-up fabrications is presented in stock. Brass, copper, bronze mill-products are always in stock. Bronze, brass, copper price is conditioned by technological details of production without including additional expenses. Bronze, brass, copper price depends on order quantity and additional conditions of supply. You can easily find us through the Internet. «Auremo» supplier offers to buy products by wholesale. «Auremo» company is a profitable titanium supplier in this segment of metal-roll. Buy bronze, brass, copper right now! We offer affordable price from bronze, brass, copper supplier. You can get acquainted with catalog of production, look over our price-list and find all information that you need on our web-site. Consulting on-line expert is always at your service and can answer any questions. We are waiting for your orders. You can find our on-line address in «Contacts» section.

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