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Nickel-based alloys


Heat-resistant alloys of chromium and nickel - nichrome Х15Н60, Х20Н80 are indispensable in modern electrical engineering. The most popular composition with 80% Ni is Kh20H80, which until recently was the most heat-resistant material. In order to make nichrome cheaper, the high percentage of nickel was reduced by increasing the proportion of iron. The most successful was a composition of 15% Cr, 60% Ni, and 25% Fe. The resistance of nichromes is higher than that of ferronichromes, so the latter are usually used at lower temperatures. Ferronichromes and nichromes have a rare combination of high electrical resistance (1.05-1.40 Ohmxmm2/m) and high heat resistance. Therefore they, together with chromates, represent the two most important classes of alloys used in the form of ribbon or wire in the manufacture of high-temperature electric heaters. Nichromes alloyed with up to 1.5% silicon, rare-earth, alkali-earth metals are usually used for this purpose. The maximum operating temperature of this nichrome type is close to 1200 ° C, and for some brands - to 1250 ° C.


The alloy X23Yu5T also has a very high electrical resistance. and is used in the same field as nichrome. But fecherl is a cheaper iron-chromium-aluminum alloy, while nichrome is an expensive chromium-nickel alloy...

Comparative characteristics

X15N60, X20N80 combine heat resistance with a good manufacturability (can be rolled into foil, very thin wire). These alloys are more heat-resistant than fechral, but in contrast to the latter they contain expensive and scarce nickel. Fehral is much cheaper, has high heat resistance, but it is more brittle, and therefore less technologically advanced (can not be rolled into a very thin strip, wire).


Where to buy nickel-based alloy in bulk or in installments? Supplier Auremo offers to buy any nickel-based alloy today at the best price. Large selection in stock. Compliance with GOST and international quality standards. Always in nichrome, fiehrl, the price is the best from the supplier. Buy any nickel-based alloy today. Wholesale customers the price - preferential.

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