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Dural round, sheet, wire D16ChAt, D16ChAm


Grade analogue W. Nr. Aisi Uns En Order
D16chat Buy from stock, view availability
D16hAm Buy from stock, view availability

Technical characteristics

Duraluminous sheet and wire Д16чАТ, Д16чАм are very popular among rolled aluminum products. They are used in production of door and window blocks, frameworks, in construction (overlapping of roofs, for floors). Duralumin has excellent resistance to the destructive effects of the external environment, such as:

- temperature fluctuations;

- UV;

- the action of moisture.

Percentage composition (GOST 4784-97)
Fe Si Mn Cr Ti Al Cu Mg Zn Ti+Zr Impurities
≤0.5 ≤0.5 0.3 - 0.9 ≤0.1 ≤0.15 90.9 - 94.7 3.8 - 4.9 1.2 - 1.8 ≤0.25 ≤0.2 ≤ 0.15

What does the marking: Д16чАМ, Д16чАТ mean? D - duralumin, 16 - average content of magnesium in tenths of percent, M - means that the material underwent additional heat treatment (annealing), as a result it became more plastic and softer. Further duralumin semi-finished products are marked as follows. normal cladding - A, technological cladding - B, unclad - have no additional designation. Quality of finish is standard, strength and accuracy of manufacturing is normal. Divided by the state of the material: hot-pressed semi-finished products - without additional heat treatment, as well as hardened and naturally aged - T. Products that have undergone hardening, should not have any signs of burnout. After termination of heat treatment dural samples are tested. The letter T at the end of the marking indicates that the material has been successfully heat treated, naturally aged and stronger. It is used for production of structural strength components.

Strength properties t =20°C.
Range GOST s in sT d5 y Heat treatment
MPa MPa % % -
Tubes, GOST 18482-79 390-420 255-275 10-12    
Bar Ø 8 - 300 21488-97 390-410 275-295 8-10   Hardening and aging
Bar, high strength, 51834-2001 450-470 325-345 8-10   Hardening and aging
Annealed tape 13726-97 235   10    
Profiles, 10 - 150 mm 8617-81
412 284 10   Hardening and artificial aging
Plate 17232-99 345-420 245-275 3-7   Hardening and aging


Erection of reliable lightweight building structures, creation of frameworks for high-speed trains, aircraft, cars. Duralumin pipe is often used for fragments of facades, laying special-purpose pipelines, industrial pipelines. In addition, dural pipe and sheet are in demand in aviation and automobile industry, it is difficult to replace in the manufacture of road signs, billboards. Duralumin wire is no less popular at the market; its main consumers are the fuel and chemical industries. To improve corrosion resistance, as a rule, duralumin rolls are planked, and for pipes oxidation and inorganic inhibitors are used.


The supplier "Auremo" offers to buy dural round, sheet, wire D16chAt, D16chAm by the gross or in installments. A large selection of semi-finished products in stock. Conformity to GOST and international quality standards. Always in stock dural rounds, sheets, wire D16ChAt, D16ChAm, the price is the best from the supplier. We are waiting for your orders. Buy dural round, sheet, wire D16ChAt, D16ChAm today. Wholesale customers price - preferential.

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The company "Auremo" offers to buy dural round, sheet, wire D16ChAt, D16chAm of the highest quality. Full compliance with GOST requirements. We guarantee prompt delivery, we have the best price-quality ratio for the entire range of products. Always in stock dural round, sheet, wire D16ChAt, D16ChAm, price - the best in this segment of rolled steel. On the website of the company you can buy non-ferrous rolled metal products in unlimited quantities. Use any of the numbers in the "Contact Us". All products are certified. The price is the best in this segment. Buy today.