GOST R ISO 5178-2010
GOST R ISO 5178−2010 destructive Testing of welds of metallic materials. The test of longitudinal tensile of the weld metal of welded joints made by fusion welding
GOST R ISO 5178−2010
Group B09
The test of longitudinal tensile of the weld metal of welded joints made by fusion welding
Destructive tests on welds in metallic materials. Longitudinal tensile test on weld metal in fusion welded joints
OKS 25.160.40
Date of introduction 2012−01−01
The objectives and principles of standardization in the Russian Federation established by the Federal law of 27 December 2002 N 184-FZ «On technical regulation», and rules for the application of national standards of the Russian Federation — GOST R 1.0−2004 «Standardization in the Russian Federation. The main provisions"
Data on standard
1 PREPARED by the Federal state institution «Scientific-educational center «welding and control» at MGTU im. N. Uh. Bauman (FGU NUCS computer. N. Uh. Bauman), the National Agency for control and welding (NAKS) on the basis of their own authentic translation into the Russian language of the standard referred to in paragraph 4
2 SUBMITTED by the Technical Committee for standardization TC 364 «welding and allied processes"
3 APPROVED AND put INTO EFFECT by the Federal Agency for technical regulation and Metrology dated 30 November 2010 N 606-St
4 this standard is identical with ISO 5178:2001* «destructive Testing of welds of metallic materials. The test of longitudinal tensile of the weld metal of welded joints made by fusion welding» (ISO 5178:2001 «Destructive tests on welds in metallic materials — Longitudinal tensile test on weld metal in fusion welded joints»).
* Access to international and foreign documents referred to here and hereinafter, can be obtained by clicking on the link. — Note the manufacturer’s database.
In applying this standard it is recommended to use instead of the referenced international standards corresponding national standards of the Russian Federation and interstate standards, details of which are given in Appendix YES
Information about the changes to this standard is published in the annually issued reference index «National standards», and the text changes and amendments — in monthly indexes published information «National standards». In case of revision (replacement) or cancellation of this standard a notification will be published in a monthly information index «National standards». Relevant information, notification and lyrics are also posted in the information system of General use — on the official website of the Federal Agency for technical regulation and Metrology on the Internet
1 Scope
This standard specifies the sizes of test specimen and procedure of tensile testing to determine mechanical properties of the deposited weld metal.
This standard applies to all metal welded construction, manufactured with the use of fusion welding and having welds, the size of which allows us to produce cylindrical test samples with dimensions according to ISO 6892.
If on specific paragraphs of the standard does not specify the requirements that should be guided by the requirements set forth in ISO 6892.
2 Normative references
This standard used the reference standard the following international standard:
ISO 6892 metallic Materials. Tensile tests at ambient temperature (ISO 6892 Metallic materials — Tensile testing at ambient temperature).
Note — When using this standard appropriate to test the effect of reference standards in the information system of General use — on the official website of the Federal Agency for technical regulation and Metrology on the Internet or published annually by the information sign «National standards» published as on January 1 of the current year and related information published monthly indexes published in the current year. If the reference standard is replaced (changed), when using this standard should be guided by replacing (amended) standard. If the reference standard is cancelled without replacement, then the situation in which the given link applies to the extent that does not affect this link.
3 test Method
Test carried out on cylindrical samples cut from weld metal along the weld seam, the app will smoothly increasing load to full destruction.
Unless otherwise specified in standards or in other technical documentation, tests conducted at normal temperature (23±5) °C.
4 Symbols and their meanings
In tests, used symbols and their values specified in ISO 6892.
5 Selection of samples for testing
5.1 Location
Samples for testing can be undertaken on samples from the longitudinal welded seam of the finished product or specially welded control of the welding joint. After machining the test specimen along the entire length must consist only of the weld metal (see figures 1 and 2).
Figure 1 — an Example of the test specimen along the seam
Figure 1 — an Example of the test specimen along the seam
Figure 2 — Examples of arrangement of samples for testing in the cross section of the seam
and for all welds according to the accepted classification | b — for single sided welds | — for two-sided welds |
Figure 2 — Examples of arrangement of samples for testing in the cross section of the seam
To ensure the accuracy of the location of the sample at the seam, you need to make macrocrania cross section both ends of the weld.
5.2 Marking
Each sample shall be labeled according to its location in the structure or the seam from which it is carved.
Each sample for testing at the tenderloin must be labeled according to the location of the test sample or test compound from which it is cut.
5.3 Heat treatment and/or aging
Heat treatment of welded joints or samples for testing is carried out only in cases if it is provided technical documentation on controlled weld. Data on carrying out any heat treatment are entered into the test Protocol.
In testing of welded joints of aluminium alloys, prone to natural aging in the test Protocol enter the time between welding and testing.
Note — If testing of welded joints of alloys based on iron are required to eliminate the effect of hydrogen on the results of the tests, carried out decontamination of welds or specimens for testing.
5.4 Requirements for the cutting of samples for testing
5.4.1 General requirements
Mechanical or thermal processes used in the manufacture of samples must not influence the mechanical properties of the metal.
5.4.2 Steel
Cutting with shears is allowed when not thicker than 8 mm. When using thermal cutting or other methods of cutting samples that can affect test results, the clipping be done at a distance of at least 8 mm from the final surface of the sample.
Thermal cutting thickness of the welded joint parallel to the base surfaces is not allowed.
5.4.3 Other metal materials
Thermal cutting is not permitted, use only mechanical processing (e.g., cutting saw, milling, turning).
5.5 machining of samples for testing
5.5.1 the Place of cutting out of samples
If no other guidance in the standards on the testing of specific welded joints, the samples cut from the middle of the weld metal along the seam, as shown in figure 1 and in cross section of the weld, as shown in figure 2. In the case where the sample for test take not from the center of the joint size from the front surface are entered into the test report (see figure 2, b). When testing welds of large thickness or two-sided welds cut out some samples in the cross section of the weld (see figure 2), in this case, the test Protocol enter the dimensions
for each sample.
5.6 Dimensions
The test specimen must have a circular cross section, and its dimensions length determined as a function of diameter in accordance with ISO 6892.
The standard diameter is 10 mm. If this is not possible, the diameter should be as large as possible, but not less than 4 mm. Actual size entered in the test report.
Gripping part of the specimen should correspond to the technical characteristics of the tensile machine.
5.7 workmanship
The tolerances must comply with ISO 6892.
To avoid deformation of the material during hardening or high heat.
6 test Conditions
During the test the sample is subjected to an increasing load in accordance with ISO 6892.
7 test Results
7.1 General requirements
Test results should be determined in accordance with ISO 6892.
7.2 Control of the surface destruction
The fracture surface after the test sample should be investigated for the presence of any defects that could adversely affect test results. Type of defects, their size and number should be indicated in the test report. If there are «fisheye», they should be described and only the Central region should be considered as a defect.
8 test report
The test report shall include the following information in addition to that specified in ISO 6892:
a) reference to this standard;
b) the location of the test specimen, a sketch, if required (figures 1 and 2);
c) temperature of test, if different from the normal temperature;
d) types and sizes of the detected defects;
e) diameter .
Form of test report is given in Appendix A.
Annex a (recommended). Form of test report
Appendix A
N | |||||||
According to WPS | |||||||
Test results | |||||||
Manufacturer: | |||||||
The purpose of the tests: | |||||||
Form design: | |||||||
Base metal: | |||||||
Filler metal: | |||||||
Table A. 1 — Results of tensile tests according to GOST R ISO 5178
The test specimen N/a position |
Size/ diameter |
Tempe temperature test |
The prima note |
Performer or group of performers | Claim | |
name, date, signature | name, date, signature |
App YES (reference). Information about the compliance of the referenced international standards reference the national standards of the Russian Federation (and acting in this capacity inter-state standards)
Table YES.1
Marking the reference international standard | The degree of compliance | Designation and name of the relevant national standard |
ISO 6892 |
- | * |
* The corresponding national standard is missing. Prior to its adoption, it is recommended to use the translation into Russian language of this international standard. The translation of this international standard is the Federal information Fund of technical regulations and standards. |