GOST 30432-96
GOST 30432−96 Pipe metal. Methods of sampling, blanks and samples for mechanical and technological tests
GOST 30432−96
Group В69
Methods of sampling, blanks and samples for mechanical and technological tests
Metal tubes. Selection of samples, tube stocks and specimens for mechanic and technologic tests
ISS 77.040
AXTU 0908
Date of implementation 2000−01−01
1 DEVELOPED by the State scientific-research and design-technological Institute of pipe industry (GTI), Technical Committee for standardization TC 81
SUBMITTED to the State Committee of Ukraine for standardization, Metrology and certification
2 ADOPTED by the Interstate Council for standardization, Metrology and certification (Protocol No. 10 dated 3 October 1996)
The adoption voted:
The name of the state |
The name of the national authority for standardization |
The Republic Of Azerbaijan |
Azgosstandart |
The Republic Of Armenia |
Armastajad |
The Republic Of Belarus |
Gosstandart Of Belarus |
The Republic Of Kazakhstan |
Gosstandart Of The Republic Of Kazakhstan |
The Republic Of Moldova |
Moldovastandart |
Russian Federation |
Gosstandart Of Russia |
The Republic Of Tajikistan |
Tajikistandart |
Turkmenistan |
The main state inspection of Turkmenistan |
The Republic Of Uzbekistan |
Standards |
Ukraine |
Gosstandart Of Ukraine |
3 Resolution of the State Committee of the Russian Federation for standardization, Metrology and certification dated 28 April 1999 No. 150 interstate standard GOST 30432−96 introduced directly as state standard of the Russian Federation from January 1, 2000
5 REISSUE. September 2010
1 Scope
This standard applies to seamless and welded pipes of ferrous and non-ferrous metals and alloys, and establishes General rules of sampling, blanks and samples for mechanical and technological tests.
2 Normative references
The present standard features references to the following standards:
GOST 1497−84 (ISO 6892−84) Metals. Test methods tensile
GOST 3728−78 Pipe. Method of bend test
GOST 6996−66 Welded joints. Methods for determining the mechanical properties
GOST 7564−97 hire. General rules of sample, blanks collection for mechanical and technological tests
GOST 8693−80 (ISO 8494−86) of the Pipe metal. Test method turn-up cuffs
GOST 8694−75 Pipe. The test method for distribution
GOST 8695−75 Pipe. Test method for flattening
GOST 9454−78 Metals. Test method for impact strength at low, room and elevated temperatures
GOST 11706−78 Pipe. Test method for a hand ring cone
3 General requirements for sampling, blanks and samples
3.1 Terms and definitions — in accordance with GOST 7564.
3.2 indicate the type specimens for mechanical and technological tests of tubes are given in Appendix A.
3.3 the Samples, blanks and samples are marked so that you can identify them with the test batch of pipes. The marking should be excluded its impact on the structure and properties of the working part of the samples.
If in the process of making the sample workpiece or sample it is impossible to avoid the deletion of the marking, it needs to be taken to save it before testing the sample.
3.4 sampling Location, and orientation of the cut from the workpieces relative to the longitudinal axis of the pipe shall conform to the requirements of application B, And if there were no other indications in regulatory documents on the pipe.
3.5 Sampling, cutting it into blanks and samples should be conducted in such a way as to not change the characteristics of the mechanical properties of the metal. If the regulations on the pipe is allowed to edit samples, it should be carried out at room temperature static load.
3.6 Types of specimens, their orientation relative to the longitudinal axis of the pipe and the number must be specified in the normative documents for pipes. In the absence of such instructions, and samples for making samples cut out in accordance with annexes B-I.
3.7 Types and sizes of samples shall conform to the requirements of standards or other normative documentation on methods of the corresponding test tubes.
4 Place selection, orientation and preparation of samples, blanks and samples for mechanical testing
4.1 Sampling, blanks and samples for tensile testing
4.1.1 Samples are taken from either end of the pipe, unless otherwise prescribed by the regulations for the pipe.
4.1.2 is the Preferred sample in a segment of pipe, the size of which — outer diameter () and wall thickness (
) is limited to the capabilities of the test equipment.
In the case that it is impossible to test a sample in the form of a section of a pipe outer diameter of 16 mm or more, sampled for producing samples in the form of longitudinal stripes, transverse or longitudinal flat specimens and cylindrical specimens.
4.1.3 Sample for producing samples in the form of longitudinal stripes, transverse plane and cylindrical samples to test the parent metal of welded pipe is taken:
— on the part of the perimeter of the pipe, angled 90° to the weld, is in the control of longitudinal tubes with one longitudinal seam and spiral-welded pipes (app C, d);
— on the part of the perimeter pipes located at an angle of 45 ° to one of the welds, — control longitudinal pipes with two longitudinal welds (Appendix b, figure B. 5).
4.1.4 transverse Flat samples and samples in the form of longitudinal strips must save the outer and inner surface of the pipe.
4.1.5 allowed to edit static load tests for the manufacture of flat and cylindrical transverse samples from pipe diameter of 219 mm and over, unless otherwise stated in the normative documentation on the pipe.
4.1.6 Sample for the manufacture of flat specimens from the welded joints cut perpendicular to the weld seam.
4.1.7 For testing pipes intended for use in steam boilers and pipelines, cross-cut short cylindrical proportional specimens in all cases, when the size of the pipe. In other cases, longitudinal cut short cylindrical samples.
4.1.8 Samples for making samples from the profile of the pipe is cut in the form of segments of the total cross section or in the form of strips from the face having the largest width, or from plots of the cross section with the least curvature.
4.1.9 a sample and its orientation relative to the longitudinal axis of the pipe, depending on the mode of production, the type and size of pipe installed in accordance with appendices B-I (sample No. 1−1E).
4.1.10 Samples for making samples from the rifled tubes with upset ends and couplings are taken in the form of longitudinal workpieces from the clutch and planted the pipe, unless otherwise specified in the normative documentation on the pipe (Appendix F, figure J. 1).
4.2 Sampling, blanks and samples for testing the impact strength
4.2.1 Samples for making samples for testing the impact strength according to GOST 9454вырезают of pipes with a wall thickness of 5 mm or more, and for the manufacture of samples for JK drop-weight test (IPG) is made of pipes with wall thickness of 7.5 mm or more. Sample type specify the regulations on the pipe.
4.2.2 Sample to test the parent metal of welded pipe is taken:
— on the part of the perimeter of the pipe, angled 90° to the weld, is in the control of longitudinal tubes with one longitudinal seam and spiral welded pipes;
— on the part of the perimeter pipes located at an angle of 45° to one of the welds, — control longitudinal pipes with two longitudinal welds.
4.2.3 it is allowed to edit samples and pieces for the transverse samples, unless otherwise stated in the normative documentation on the pipe.
4.2.4 the Hub in the longitudinal and transverse samples for testing the impact strength and the samples for IPG is applied perpendicular to the pipe surface. Hub on samples from the weld cause the weld metal or fusion zone in accordance with the instructions of regulatory documents on the pipe.
4.2.5 Samples for testing the impact strength of the welded joint are made perpendicular to the weld seam.
4.2.6 Samples for making samples from pipes intended for use in steam boilers and pipelines, cut in two diametrically opposite areas of the perimeter of the pipe. Samples from samples made from layers lying closer to the outer surface.
4.2.7 Samples from the rifled tubes with upset ends and couplings to them are cut from the planted part of the pipe and the coupling of the workpiece.
4.3 Selection of ring samples from the cast iron socket pipes for burst tests or compression
4.3.1 Circular samples cut out from the smooth pipe section. In front of the cutting ring samples from the smooth pipe end is cut with a ring width of at least 20 mm.
4.4 Ring samples to determine strength of welded joints cut out from the welded longitudinal pipes with outside diameters from 50 to 530 mm (figures B. 2-B. 4).
5 Place selection, orientation and preparation of samples, blanks and samples for technological tests
5.1 Samples for testing pipes for flattening, turn-up cuffs, hand and hand ring cone cut off from one or both ends of the pipe in accordance with the instructions of regulatory documentation for pipe (annexes B, C, E, F, I, samples # 3, 4, 5). Allowed to conduct these tests in accordance with GOST 8693, 8694 GOST, GOST 8695, GOST 11706.
5.2 testing the flattening threaded pipe from both ends of the smooth pipe section or front of the thread cut in the workpiece in the form of rings (attachment g, sample No. 3).
5.3 blanks for the manufacture of specimens for testing in bending according to GOST 3728 pipes with external diameter up to 60 mm inclusive are taken in the form of a tube segment (annexes B, C, N sample 6).
5.4 Sampling and preparation of samples in the longitudinal and transverse strips to test for a bend pipe with a diameter of over 60 mm is carried out according to GOST 3728, and weld — in the form of transverse bands according to GOST 6996 or other normative documents duly approved.
The test samples for bend in strips of base metal of welded pipe is cut from the portion of the perimeter of the pipe, angled 90° to the nearest seam.
Annex a (mandatory). Designation of the samples and corresponding samples for mechanical and technological tests
1 Stretching:
1 is a section of pipe of total cross section;
1A is a longitudinal, proportional pattern in the form of a strip (segment);
1B is a longitudinal cylindrical proportional to the sample;
1B — cross-section proportional flat specimen according to GOST 1497;
1G is a transverse cylindrical proportional to the sample;
1D — ring pattern;
1st — flat transverse sample from welded joints.
2 Impact strength:
2A — longitudinal specimen cut along the pipe axis;
2B — cross-section sample cut perpendicular to the pipe axis;
2B — cross pattern, perpendicular to the seam, according to GOST 6996.
3 Flattening:
3 — segment tube.
4 turn-up cuffs:
4 — cut the pipe.
5 Distribution, the distributing ring cone:
5 is a section of pipe.
6 Bend:
6 is a section of pipe;
6A — longitudinal flat sample;
6b — transverse plane of the sample;
6b — transverse flat specimen from the welded connection according to GOST 6996.
7 Test drop-weight:
7 — transverse plane of the sample.
APPENDIX B (mandatory). Sampling for mechanical and technological testing of seamless pipes
to 16 mm
Figure B. 1
from 16 to 60 mm
Figure B. 2
over 60 to 120 mm
Figure B. 3
120 St. to 426 mm
Figure B. 4
St. 426 mm
Figure B. 5
Table B. 1 — specimens for mechanical and technological testing of seamless pipes
Type of test | Outer diameter of pipe |
The wall thickness of pipe |
Cutting direction and type of sample |
Room | ||
longitudinal |
cross | figure | sample | |||
Stretching | Up to 16 | -* | A section of pipe |
- | B. 1 | 1 |
16 |
-* | The same | - | B. 2 | 1 | |
Up to 120 | Up to 12 cyl. |
Band (segment) |
- | B. 2, B. 3 | 1A | |
SV. 5 | Cylindrical |
- | B. 2, B. 3 | 1B | ||
SV. 120 | Up to 12 cyl. | Band (segment) |
- | B. 4 | 1A | |
To 426 | SV. 5 | Cylindrical |
- | B. 4 | 1B | |
SV. 14 | - | Cylindrical | B. 4 |
1G | ||
SV. 426 | Up to 12 cyl. | Band (segment) |
- | B. 5 | 1A | |
SV. 5 | Cylindrical |
- | B. 5 | 1B | ||
SV. 3 | - | Flat specimen |
B. 5 | 1V | ||
SV. 7 | - | Cylindrical |
B. 5 | 1G | ||
Impact strength |
SV. 35 |
SV. 5 | Longitudinal sample |
- | B. 2-B. 5 | 2A |
SV. 120 |
SV. 8 | - | Transverse sample |
B. 4, B. 5 | 2B | |
SV. 300 |
SV. 5 | - | The same | B. 4, B. 5 | 2B | |
Flattening |
Up to 400 |
A section of pipe |
- | B. 1-B. 4 | 3 |
Turn-up cuffs |
160 | To 9 | The same | - | B. 1-B. 4 | 4 |
Distribution |
Up to 150 | To 9 | « | - | B. 1-B. 4 | 5 |
Distribution ring cone |
From 18 to 150 | From 2 to 8 | « | - | B. 1-B. 4 | 5 |
Bend |
Up to 60 |
« | - | B. 1, B. 2 | 6 | |
SV. 60 |
Strip | - | B. 3-B. 5 | 6A | ||
SV. 60 |
- | Strip | B. 3-B. 5 | 6b | ||
* Wall thickness no limit. |
ANNEX b (mandatory). Sampling for mechanical and technological tests of welded longitudinal pipes
to 16 mm
Figure B. 1
from 16 to 60 mm
Figure B. 2
over 60 to 426 mm
Figure B. 3
St. 426 mm
Figure B. 4
St. 426 mm
Figure V. 5
Table B. 1 — specimens for mechanical and technological tests of welded longitudinal pipes
Type of test | Base metal |
Weld | ||||||||
Outer diameter of pipe |
The wall thickness of pipe |
The cutting direction, a sample |
Room | The outer diameter of the pipe |
View sample | Room | ||||
longitudinal |
cross | figure | sample |
figure | sample | |||||
Stretching |
Up to 16 | — * |
A section of pipe |
- | V. 1 | 1 | From 50 to 530 | Ring | V. 2-V. 5 | 1D |
— * |
The same | - | V. 2 | 1 | ||||||
From 16 to 60 incl. |
To 12 | Strip | - | V. 2 | 1A | |||||
SV. 5 |
Cylindrical |
- | V. 2 | 1B | ||||||
SV. 60 to 426 incl. |
To 12 | Strip | - | V. 3 | 1A | SV. 150 | Cross | V. 3-V. 5 | 1E | |
SV. 5 |
Cylindrical |
- | V. 3 | 1B | ||||||
SV. 426, one seam |
SV. 3 |
- | Strip | V. 4 | 1V | |||||
SV. 7 |
- | Cylindrical |
V. 4 | 1G | ||||||
SV. 426, two-seam |
SV. 3 |
- | Strip | V. 5 | 1V | |||||
SV. 7 |
- | Cylindrical |
V. 5 | 1G | ||||||
Impact strength | SV. 35 |
SV. 5 | Longitudinal |
- | V. 3-V. 5 |
2A | ||||
SV. 159 |
SV. 8 |
- | Cross |
V. 3-V. 5 |
2B | SV. 159 | Cross | V. 3-V. 5 | 2B | |
Flattening** |
Up to 400 |
15% |
A section of pipe | - | V. 1-V. 3 |
3 | ||||
Turn-up cuffs** |
160 |
To 9 | The same | - | V. 2, V. 3 |
4 | ||||
Distribution** |
Up to 150 |
To 9 | « | - | V. 2, V. 3 |
5 | ||||
The distribution ring cone** |
From 18 to 150 |
From 2 to 8 | « | - | V. 2, V. 3 |
5 | ||||
Bend** | Up to 60 incl. |
A section of pipe |
- | B. 1 B. 2 |
6 |
SV. 60 |
Strip | - | V. 3 |
6A |
IPG** | SV. 508 |
- | Strip | V. 4, V. 5 |
7 |
* Wall thickness of the pipe without restriction. | ||||||||||
** Testing of base metal and welded joints produced at the same time. |
APPENDIX d (mandatory). Sampling for mechanical and technological tests of welded spiral welded pipes
from 159 to 530 mm
Figure G. 1
St. 530 mm
Figure 2
Table G. 1 — Types of samples for mechanical and technological tests of welded spiral welded pipes
Type of test | Base metal |
Weld | ||||||||
Outer diameter of pipe |
The wall thickness of pipe |
The cutting direction, a sample | Room | The outer diameter of the pipe |
View sample | Room | ||||
longitudinal | cross | figure | sample |
figure | sample | |||||
Stretching | SV. 159 to 530 incl. |
Up to 12 cyl. |
Strip | - | G. 1 | 1a | SV. 159 | Flat |
SV. 5 |
Cylindrical |
- | G. 1 | 1B |
Cross |
G. 1, G. 2 | 1E, 1E* | |||
SV. 530 | SV. 3 |
- | Strip | 2 | 1V |
SV. 7 |
- | Cylindrical |
2 | 1G |
Impact strength |
SV. 159 | SV. 6 |
- | Cross | G. 1, G. 2 | 2B |
SV. 159 | Cross | G. 1, G. 2 | 2V, 2V* |
Bend | SV. 159 | Flat Cross |
G. 1, G. 2 | 6b, 6b* | ||||||
IPG | SV. 508 | - | - | Flat | G. 1, G. 2 |
7 |
* Samples are selected from the ring seam. |
APPENDIX e (mandatory). Sampling for mechanical and technological tests of profile pipes
Figure D. 1
ANNEX E (mandatory). Sampling for mechanical and technological tests of cast iron tubes
Figure E. 1
APPENDIX g (mandatory). Sampling for mechanical and technological testing of threaded pipe
Figure J. 1
AND APPLICATION (required). Sampling for mechanical and technological tests wrapped solder pipes
Sampling for mechanical and technological tests swarnyk* soldering pipes
* The text of the document matches the original. — Note the manufacturer’s database.
Figure I. 1