GOST R ISO 17641-2-2012
GOST R ISO 17641−2-2012 destructive Testing of welds of metallic materials. Test on resistance to hot cracking in welded joints. The arc welding processes. Part 2. Tests with the natural stiffness
GOST R ISO 17641−2-2012
Group B09
Test on resistance to hot cracking in welded joints. The arc welding processes
Part 2
Tests with the natural stiffness
Destructive tests on welds in metallic materials. Hot cracking tests for weldments. Arc welding processes. Part 2. Self-restraint tests
OKS 25.160.40
Date of introduction 2014−01−01
1 PREPARED by the Federal state institution «Scientific-educational center «welding and control» at MGTU im.N. Uh. Bauman (FGU «NORSK» at MSTU.N. Uh. Bauman) and the National Agency for control and welding (NAKS) on the basis of their own authentic translation into the Russian language of the international standard indicated in paragraph 4
2 SUBMITTED by the Technical Committee for standardization TC 364 «welding and allied processes"
3 APPROVED AND put INTO EFFECT by the Federal Agency for technical regulation and Metrology, dated 22 November 2012 No. 1009-St
4 this standard is identical to international standard ISO 17641−2:2005* «Destructive testing of welds of metallic materials. Test on resistance to hot cracking in welded joints. The arc welding processes. Part 2. Tests with the natural rigidity» (ISO 17641−2:2005 «Destructive tests on welds in metallic materials — Hot cracking tests for weldments — Arc welding processes — Part 2: Self-restraint tests»).
* Access to international and foreign documents mentioned here and below, you can get a link on the website shop.cntd.ru. — Note the manufacturer’s database.
In applying this standard it is recommended to use instead of the referenced international standards corresponding national standards, the details of which are given in Appendix YES
Application rules of this standard are established in GOST R 1.0−2012 (section 8). Information about the changes to this standard is published in the annual (as of January 1 of the current year) reference index «National standards» and the official text changes and amendments — in monthly information index «National standards». In case of revision (replacement) or cancellation of this standard a notification will be published in the upcoming issue of the monthly information index «National standards». Relevant information, notification and lyrics are also posted in the information system of General use — on the official website of the Federal Agency for technical regulation and Metrology on the Internet (gost.ru)
ISO 17641−2 by the European Committee for standardization (CEN) in collaboration with technical Committee ISO/TC 44 «welding and allied processes», Subcommittee SC 5 «Testing and inspection of welds» in accordance with the Agreement on technical cooperation between ISO and SEN (Vienna Agreement).
ISO 17641 consists of the following parts, under the General name of «Destructive testing of welds of metallic materials. Tests on resistance to formation of hot cracks in welded connections» and includes:
part 1. General provisions;
part 2. Tests with the natural stiffness;
part 3. Tests with the application of external loads (a technical report).
1 Scope
This standard establishes requirements for samples and procedures that should be performed when testing welded joints with the natural torsional resistance to hot cracking.
Describes the following tests:
— test for resistance to hot cracking t-joint;
— tensile test of the weld metal;
— resistance to buckling.
The tests were designed to obtain information about the sensitivity of the weld metal to hot cracking. Tests suitable for assessing the basic materials.
This standard is used for the weld metal, primarily austenitic corrosion-resistant steels, Nickel, alloys based on Nickel and Nickel-copper alloys.
This standard describes only the rules of execution of tests and reporting their results. It does not establish acceptance criteria.
2 Normative references
This standard uses the regulatory references to the following international standards*. For dated references, subsequent amendments to or changes in any of these publications is valid for present standard only after the introduction of amendments and changes to it.
* The table of conformity of national standards international see the link. — Note the manufacturer’s database.
YONG 876 Destructive tests of welded joints of metallic materials. The test of longitudinal tensile of the weld metal of joints made by fusion welding (EN 876, Destructive tests on welds in metallic materials — Longitudinal tensile test on weld metal in fusion welded joints)
EH 910 Destructive tests of welded joints of metallic materials. Bend test (EN 910, Destructive tests on welds in metallic materials — Bend tests)
EH 1597−1 welding Materials. Test methods. Part 1. Control sample for testing the deposited weld metal steels, Nickel and Nickel alloys (EN 1597−1, Welding consumables — Test methods — Part 1: Test piece for all-weld metal test specimens in steel, nickel and nickel alloys)
EH 10002−1 Metallic materials. The tensile test. Part 1. Method of test at ambient temperature (EN 10002−1, Metallic materials — Tensile testing — Part 1: Method of test at ambient temperature)
EH ISO 15614−1 Technical requirements and certification of welding procedures of metallic materials. Verification of welding procedures. Part 1. Arc and gas welding of steels and arc welding of Nickel and Nickel alloys (ISO 15614−1:2004) (EN ISO 15614−1, Specification and qualification of welding procedures for metallic materials — Welding procedure test — Part 1: Arc and gas welding of steels and arc welding of nickel and nickel alloys (ISO 15614−1:2004))
EH ISO 17641−1:2004 Destructive tests of welds in metallic materials. Test on resistance to hot cracking in welded joints. The arc welding processes. Part 1. General provisions (ISO 17641−1:2004) (EN ISO 17641−1:2004, Destructive tests on welds in metallic materials — Hot cracking tests for weldments — Arc welding processes — Part 1: General (ISO 17641−1:2004))
3 Terms and definitions
This standard applies the terminology and definitions given in EN ISO 17641−1:2004.
4 Indicators, symbols and units
Applied in standard notation and units of measurement are given in table 1.
Table 1 — Parameters, symbols and units
Marking | Name of the indicator | Unit |
Test for resistance to hot cracking in the weld t-joints | ||
The thickness of the seam 1 | mm | |
The thickness of the seam 2 | mm | |
The thickness of the vertical sheet type With | mm | |
The thickness of the horizontal sheet, the type With | mm | |
Tensile test of the weld metal | ||
The diameter of the specimen | mm | |
Test length | mm | |
The measured length of sample for test | mm | |
The measured length after the destruction of the sample for test |
mm | |
The total length of | mm | |
The total length of all detected cracks with a length of over 0.1 mm | mm | |
The length of individual cracks | mm | |
The increased sensitivity to the emergence of micro-cracks (tensile test) |
mm/mm | |
Test for buckling (LBT) | ||
The radius of the edges of the samples to the testing >1 | mm | |
The width of the sample for test | mm | |
Distance from the line of fusion of the weld to the edge of the sample | mm | |
The length of individual cracks | mm | |
Leg length check for cracking before bending sample | mm | |
The total length of detected cracks with a length of over 0.1 mm | mm | |
The maximum width of the seam after treatment | mm | |
The increased sensitivity to the appearance of microcracks (test longitudinal bend) |
mm/mm | |
5 Main provisions
Describe the three types of tests that are designed to determine the resistance of weld metal hot cracks (see table 2).
Table 2 — Testing the natural torsional resistance to formation of hot cracks and their application
The type of test | Type of cracks | The result | Application |
Test for resistance to hot cracking in the weld t-joints | Crystallization | Quality | Certification of welding consumables. Certification testing of welding materials |
The tensile test of the weld metal | Crystallization | Qualitative or quantitative, if you use a sensitivity index to the occurrence of microcracks |
Certification of the welding procedure. Sample testing of manufactured products. Certification of welding consumables. Certification testing of welding materials |
Exudation | |||
Arising from a fall in the ductility of the metal |
Test longitudinal bending | Crystallization | Qualitative or quantitative, if used |
Certification of the welding procedure. Sample testing of manufactured products. Certification of welding consumables. Certification testing of welding materials |
Exudation | |||
Arising from a fall in the ductility of the metal |
In all cases, cracks occur during welding of test specimens.
When testing tensile and longitudinal bend specimens are additionally load that does not cause new cracks, but extends formed by welding the cracks and thereby makes it easier to detect and measure them.
6 description of the tests
6.1 Test of resistance to hot cracking in the weld t-joints
6.1.1 General provisions
The test procedure is applied to the corner of a single-pass weld, which is in a state of stress. It can be used with the application of processes manual arc welding, metal arc and shielded arc welding the gas metal and tungsten electrodes. The test procedure unsuitable for processes characterized by large values of welding current, such as arc welding under flux.
The test provides only a qualitative assessment (Yes or no cracks) and has a relatively low sensitivity.
6.1.2 the Dimensions of the reference samples
There are three types of samples (A, b and C). Type a is a standard sample. Types b and C are more strained samples and applied for the simulation of more stringent conditions.
The dimensions of the reference samples are given in figure 1.
Control samples made from material for welding which is designed for welding material (welding certification test material) or to be used in production (qualification test procedure).
Type In requires the use of a horizontal sheet with a thickness of 40 mm. If this is unacceptable, can be used a type in which the use of the stiffener thickness of 10 mm, welded to the horizontal plate. The thickness of horizontal and vertical sheets and/or stiffeners can be changed.
Figure 1 — examples of types A, b and C for tests on the resistance to cracking in the weld t-joints
Dimensions are in millimeters
— vertical sheet;
— tack welding seams;
— 1 weld;
— weld 2;
— horizontal sheet;
— measurement
a) Type And
— joint thickness (6 mm);
— vertical sheet;
— tack welding seams;
— 1 weld;
— weld 2;
— horizontal sheet;
— measurement
b) Type In
— vertical sheet;
— tack welding seams;
— 1 weld;
— weld 2;
— horizontal sheet;
— measurement;
— ribs;
— variable depending on
Note ,
— the dimensions of the thickness of the sheets, which are available or specified.
C) Type With
Figure 1 — examples of types A, b and C for tests on the resistance to cracking in the weld t-joints
6.1.3 Preparation of control samples
Since any gap between the vertical and horizontal sheets increases the risk of cracks in the seams of the subjects, it is important to have intimate contact between them. This can be achieved by machining the mating surfaces.
The subjects leaves near the welding should be cleaned and should not have grease, coolants, paint and rust, which may affect the test results.
6.1.4 welding control samples
Tack welding seams must be of high quality and are made with both ends of the vertical sheet (see figure 1) to lock the horizontal and vertical sheets angle of exactly 90°.
Test seams shall be made in accordance with the documented technical requirements of the weld procedure (WPS) as stipulated in EN ISO 15614−1, unless otherwise specified. The conditions and the welding parameters must match subject to the application of the basic and welding materials and be designed to obtain the smallest sizes of the welds. To ensure the same profile seam across the length of the sample, using input and output trims.
The first weld should be made continuous, with a minimum thickness of 5 mm, in position PB. The second weld
shall commence no later than 20 after the first.
After completion of welding slag (if any) should be removed from both corner seams. If to facilitate slag removal use a hammer or emery wheel, care should be taken to prevent damage to the surfaces of seams, which can have hidden cracks.
6.1.5 Verification of control samples
To check the subjects of the welds for cracks check the thickness of the seams and
the measurement points specified in figure 1. Both the weld should satisfy the smallest dimensions given in 6.1.4, and additionally the thickness of the first weld
should not exceed the thickness of the second weld
more than 120%. When the requirements to the dimensions of the weld test is considered invalid.
Corner seam suitable control sample to check for cracks. Check carried out visually by increasing no more than X5. For the detection of cracks can be used to test penetration of the dye liquid.
The first seam should not have cracks.
Any cracks discovered in the second seam should be recorded. In the test report (see Annex A) should be marked the position, orientation and length of each crack.
6.1.6 test report
The test results can be provided in any agreed form and must have a reference to this standard. As an example, Appendix A contains a test report on the resistance to hot cracking in the weld t-joints.
6.2 tensile Test on weld metal
6.2.1 General provisions
The test procedure is applicable to multi-pass weld metal. It is suitable for all arc welding processes. The test provides a qualitative and quantitative assessment, if used index of sensitivity to cracks .
The application of destructive load to a cylindrical specimen from the weld metal, cut from the butt joint, detects arose when welding cracked.
6.2.2 Sample for test test seam
The sample for test shall be selected from any suitable butt weld, the size of which is sufficient for cutting a sample for testing. Butt joint can be selected from those used for the other tests, for example, standard mechanical testing. It needs to be made in accordance with the documented technical requirements of the weld procedure (WPS), which should conform to EN ISO 15614−1, unless otherwise specified. Sample for test
Standard sample for tensile testing of 10 mm diameter according to EN 10002−1 and EN 876 must be made of the test weld using mechanical treatment (figures 2 and 3). The length of the working part of the specimen must consist entirely of weld metal. To make sure that you test only the weld metal, for cross-sections of the test sheet can be made of the macrosections. The sample must be clearly identified in the method and regulations that will not affect the test results.
Figure 2 — Production of control samples for tensile tests of the weld metal
— the thickness of the sheet
Figure 2 — Production of control samples for tensile tests of the weld metal
Figure 3 — Sample for tensile tests of the weld metal
Note — 10 mm,
50 mm,
55 mm,
75 mm.
Figure 3 — Sample for tensile tests of the weld metal Test
The tensile test is performed in accordance with YONG 876, unless otherwise specified.
6.2.3 testing the sample for testing
The monitoring should be done in the area of the measurement base , as shown in figure 4 (this area is determined by the original size before the test
). It should be carried out using suitable means of magnification, which is sufficient to detect cracks with a length of at least 0.1 mm. Position, length and orientation of such cracks should be noted in the test report (see Annex).
Figure 4 — test Area L in the sample for the tensile test of the weld metal
Note — .
Figure 4 — test Area in the sample for the tensile test of the weld metal
To quantify the sensitivity to cracking may be used an indicator of the sensitivity to cracks in the tensile test ().
calculated by the formula
where is the total length of all cracks with a length of at least 0.1 mm;
— the measured length on the specimen for the test.
6.2.4 test Protocol
The test results can be provided in any form and must have a reference to this standard. As an example, in the application In the Protocol of the tensile tests of the weld metal.
6.3 Test for longitudinal bending
6.3.1 General provisions
The test procedure is applicable to multi-pass weld metal. It is suitable for all arc welding processes. The test method provides qualitative and quantitative assessment, if used index of sensitivity to cracks .
Bending of the longitudinal butt joint sample of detects cracks that occurred during welding. The bending is performed so that the pattern is on one side subjected to tension.
6.3.2 the Subject weld
Sample for test are made from the fit butt joint with sufficient sample sizes. Butt joint can be used for other tests, for example, standard mechanical testing.
Butt joint is performed in accordance with the documented technical requirements of the weld procedure (WPS). They must comply with EN ISO 15614−1, unless otherwise specified.
6.3.3 Sample for test
The sample size shown in figure 4, should be made of the test weld (figures 5 and 6) in accordance with the requirements EN 910, unless otherwise specified. The sample must be clearly identified on the basis of the method and the provisions that will not affect the test results.
Figure 5 — Sample for testing buckling
Dimensions are in millimeters
Surface roughness in microns
1 — the direction of sanding; 2 — ground floor; 3 — pane check for the presence of hot cracks; 4 — the surface of the sheet
Note 1: For bending specimen: the diameter of mandrel 20 mm, a bend angle
of 120°.
Note 2 — For the study sample: increase of the stereomicroscope from 10 — to 25-fold.
Figure 5 — Sample for testing buckling
Figure 6 — Production of a control sample longitudinal samples for testing
Dimensions are in millimeters
— the sample for test of butt joint
Figure 6 — Production of a control sample longitudinal samples for testing
6.3.4 surface Preparation
The sample surface must be machined and polished in the longitudinal direction to ensure that surface roughness is not more than 6.3 µm. You should avoid marks on the surface perpendicular to the direction of welding, which may cause false cracks. Corners should be rounded off, as shown in figure 4.
To identify the region of the weld can be used for easy etching.
6.3.5 Test
The bend test should be performed according to EN 910, except that the mandrel diameter must be 20 mm (4x specimen thickness). The angle of bend should be not less than 120°.
6.3.6 Validation sample for test
Checking for cracks should be performed in the specified region, as shown in figure 4 (this area is determined by the original size before the test). Verification should be performed using appropriate tools, providing increase from 10 — to 25-fold. The increase must be sufficient to detect cracks with a width of at least 0.1 mm. the Value increase should be recorded in the test report. The position, length and orientation of such cracks should be noted in the test report (see Appendix C).
To provide a quantitative evaluation of the resistance to cracking can be used an indicator of the sensitivity to micro-cracks during the test for longitudinal bending .
calculated by the formula
where — the total length of all cracks with a length of at least 0.1 mm;
— initial width of specimen (undeformed) equal to 40 mm;
— the initial length of the test (undeformed) equal to 30 mm.
6.3.7 test report
The test results can be provided in any agreed form and must have a reference to this standard. As an example, in Appendix C the following is the test report on buckling.
Annex a (informative). Test report for resistance to hot cracking in the weld t-joints
Appendix A
According to WPS | N |
Manufacturer: | |
The objective of the audit: | |
Base metal: | |
Filler metal: | |
Used increase: |
Table A. 1 — Test of resistance to hot cracking in the weld t-joints
Sample for test: N/a form | Size, mm | Crack | |||||
Leaves | Corner seams | Room | Length, |
Position | |||
The expert or expert body: | Approved: | ||
Name, date, signature | Name, date, signature |
Annex b (informative). The Protocol of the tensile tests of the weld metal
The App
According to WPS | N |
Manufacturer: | |
The objective of the audit: | |
Base metal: | |
Filler metal: | |
Used increase: |
Table B. 1 — tensile Test of the weld metal
The test sample N/a position | Size, mm | Crack |
| ||
Room | Length |
The expert or expert body: | Approved: | ||
Name, date, signature | Name, date, signature |
Note — For the standard sample is 10 mm.
Application (reference). Test report on buckling
According to WPS | N |
Manufacturer: | |
The objective of the audit: | |
Base metal: | |
Filler metal: | |
Used increase: |
Table C. 1 — Test on the longitudinal bending
The test sample N/a position | Size, mm | Crack |
| ||||
Room | Length |
The expert or expert body: | Approved: | ||
Name, date, signature | Name, date, signature |
Annex ZA (informative). A list of the relevant European and international standards, which equivalents are not given in the text
Annex ZA
YONG 876 | ISO 5178 Destructive tests of welds metallic materials. Tests on longitudinal bending of the weld metal of joints made by fusion welding |
(TR 876) | (ISO 5178 Destructive tests on welds in metallic materials — Longitudinal tensile test on weld metal in fusion welded joints) |
YONG 910 | ISO 5173 Destructive tests of welds metallic materials. Bend test |
(EN 910) | (ISO 5173, Destructive tests on welds in metallic materials — Bend tests) |
YONG 1597−1 | ISO 15792−1 welding Materials. Test methods. Part 1. Methods of testing weld metal |
(EN 1597−1) | (ISO 15792−1 Welding consumables — Test methods — Part 1: Test methods for all-weld metal test specimens in steel, nickel and nickel alloys) |
YONG 10002−1 | ISO 6892 metallic Materials. Tensile tests at ambient temperature |
(EN 10002−1) | (ISO 6892 Metallic materials — Tensile testing at ambient temperature) |
App YES (reference) Data on compliance with the reference international standards reference the national standards of the Russian Federation
Table YES.1
Marking the reference international standard |
The degree of compliance | Designation and name of the relevant national standard |
YONG 876 |
- | * |
YONG 910 |
- | * |
YONG 1597−1 |
- | * |
YONG 10002−1 |
- | * |
EH ISO 15614−1 | IDT | GOST R ISO 15614−1-2009 «Technical requirements and certification of welding procedures of metallic materials. Verification of welding procedures. Part 1. Arc and gas welding of steels and arc welding of Nickel and Nickel alloys" |
EN ISO 17641−1:2004 | IDT | GOST R ISO 17641−1-2011 «destructive Testing of welds of metallic materials. Test on resistance to hot cracking in welded joints. The arc welding processes. Part 1. General provisions" |
* The corresponding national standard is missing. Prior to its adoption, it is recommended to use the translation into Russian language of this international standard. The translation of this international standard is the National Agency of control and welding. Note — In this table used the symbol of compliance of the standards: — IDT — identical standards. |