GOST R 55724-2013
GOST R 55724−2013 nondestructive testing. Welded connections. Ultrasonic methods
GOST R 55724−2013
Group B09
Ultrasonic methods
Non-destructive testing. Welded joints. Ultrasonic methods
OKS 19.100
Date of introduction 2015−07−01
1 DEVELOPED by the Federal state enterprise «Scientific-research Institute of bridges and defectoscopy of the Federal Agency for railway transport» (Institute of bridges), State scientific center of the Russian Federation open joint-stock company Scientific-production Association «Central research Institute of manufacturing engineering» (OAO NPO «TSNIITMASH»), Federal state Autonomous institution «Scientific-educational center «welding and control» at Bauman Moscow state technical University.N. Uh. Bauman"
2 SUBMITTED by the Technical Committee for standardization TC 371 «NDT"
3 APPROVED AND put INTO EFFECT by the Federal Agency for technical regulation and Metrology dated 8 November 2013 No. 1410-St
Application rules of this standard are established in GOST R 1.0−2012 (section 8). Information about the changes to this standard is published in the annual (as of January 1 of the current year) reference index «National standards» and the official text changes and amendments — in monthly information index «National standards». In case of revision (replacement) or cancellation of this standard a notification will be published in a future issue of monthly index «National standards». Relevant information, notification and lyrics are also posted in the information system of General use — on the official website of the Federal Agency for technical regulation and Metrology on the Internet (gost.ru)
1 Scope
This standard establishes methods of ultrasonic testing of butt, corner, lap and t-joints with complete penetration of the root weld made arc, electroslag, gas, vasopressive, electron beam, laser and butt welding or combinations thereof, in welded products from metals and alloys to detect the following discontinuities: cracks, lack of penetration, pores, non-metallic and metallic inclusions.
This standard does not reglamentary methods of determining the actual size, type and form of identified discontinuities (defects) and does not cover the control of anti-corrosion surfacing.
The need for and scope of ultrasonic testing, types and sizes of discontinuities (defects) to be detected are set in the standards or technical documentation for the products.
2 Normative references
This standard uses the regulatory references to the following standards:
GOST 12.1.001−89 System safety standards. Ultrasound. General safety requirements
GOST 12.1.003−83 System of standards of occupational safety. Noise. General safety requirements
GOST 12.1.004−91 System safety standards. Fire safety. General requirements
GOST 12.2.003−91 System safety standards. Equipment production. General safety requirements
GOST 12.3.002−75 System safety standards. The process of production. General safety requirements
GOST 2789−73 surface Roughness. Parameters and characteristics
GOST 15467−79 quality Control of products. Basic concepts. Terms and definitions
GOST 18353−79 nondestructive testing. Classification of types and methods
GOST 18576−96 nondestructive testing. Railway rails. Ultrasonic methods
GOST 20911−89 Technical diagnostics. Terms and definitions
GOST 23829−85 nondestructive testing acoustic. Terms and definitions
GOST R ISO 5577−2009 nondestructive testing. Ultrasound control. Dictionary
GOST R 55725−2013 nondestructive testing. The ultrasonic transducers. General technical requirements
GOST R 55808−2013 nondestructive testing. The ultrasonic transducers. Test methods
Note — When using this standard appropriate to test the effect of reference standards in the information system of General use — on the official website of the Federal Agency for technical regulation and Metrology on the Internet or in the annual information index «National standards» published as on January 1 of the current year, and the editions of the monthly information index «National standards» for the current year. If replaced with a reference standard, which was given an undated reference, then it is recommended to use the current version of this standard, taking into account all enabled in this version modifications. If replaced with a reference standard, which is given a dated reference, it is recommended to use the version of this standard referred to above by year of approval (acceptance). If after approval of this standard in the reference standard, which is given a dated reference, a change affecting a provision to which reference, the provision is recommended to be applied without taking into account this change. If the reference standard is cancelled without replacement, the position in which reference is made to him, recommended to be used in part not affecting this link.
3 Terms and definitions
3.1 this standard applies the following terms:
3.1.1 a-scan presentation of ultrasonic signal on the screen of the ultrasonic device, in which the abscissa axis represents time and the ordinate axis is the amplitude. [GOST R ISO 5577−2009, paragraph 2.13.1] |
3.1.2 acoustic axis: the Line connecting the point of maximum intensity of the acoustic field in the far zone of the transducer and its continuation in the near zone. [GOST 23829−85, article 57] |
3.1.3 DGS-diagram: a Graphical depiction of the dependence of the amplitude of the signal reflected from the depth of flat bottom of artificial reflector, given its size and transducer type. [GOST 23829−85, article 69] |
3.1.4 lateral cylindrical hole: a Cylindrical reflector positioned parallel to the input surface. [GOST R ISO 5577−2009, para 2.7.5] |
3.1.5 defect — Each separate discrepancy of products to the established requirements. [GOST 15467−79, article 38] |
3.1.6 immersion method: Acoustic contact through a layer of liquid, thicker than the spatial duration of the acoustic pulse for pulsed radiation or multiple wavelengths for continuous radiation. [GOST 23829−85, article 75] |
3.1.7 contact method: Acoustic contact through the layer of substances with thickness less than half the wavelength. [GOST 23829−85, article 73] |
3.1.8 the testability: the Property of an object characterizing its suitability to conduct the diagnosis (control) the specified means of diagnosis (control). [GOST 20911−89, article 14] |
3.1.9 measure (calibration sample): a Sample of material of a certain composition with desired surface finish, heat treatment regime, the geometrical shape and dimensions, intended for the calibration (verification) and identification of the parameters of the ultrasonic device non-destructive testing. [GOST R ISO 5577−2009, paragraph 2.7.1] |
3.1.10 dead zone: the Region adjacent to the input surface, which does not register the echo-signals from discontinuity flaws. [GOST R ISO 5577−2009, paragraph 2.6.2] |
3.1.11 configuration sample: a Sample made of a material similar to the material of the test object containing a certain reflector; used to configure the amplitude and (or) the timeline of the ultrasonic device. [GOST R ISO 5577−2009, paragraph 2.7.3] |
3.1.12 the inconsistent: the Violation of homogeneity of the material. [GOST R ISO 5577, item 2.1.12] |
3.1.13 flat reflector: the reflector is Flat, having a disk shape. [GOST R ISO 5577−2009, paragraph 2.7.2] |
3.1.14 Converter: electric device, having in its composition one or more active elements and are intended for radiation and (or) reception of ultrasonic waves. [GOST R ISO 5577−2009, para 2.5.21] |
3.1.15 the arrow of the transducer: the Distance from the exit point of the beam angle beam transducer to its front face. [GOST 23829−85, article 59] |
3.1.16 the exit point of the beam: the Point of intersection of the acoustic axis of the transducer with its working surface. [GOST 23829−85, article 58] |
3.1.17 slit method: Acoustic contact through a layer of fluid, thickness of the order of the wavelength. [GOST 23829−85, article 74] |
3.1.18 electromagnetic acoustic transducer; EMA-Converter:Converter, the principle of which is based on the phenomenon of magnetic induction (Lorentz effect) or magnetostriction of the material of the object control, in which electric oscillations are converted to sound energy or Vice versa. [GOST R ISO 5577−2009, paragraph 2.5.9] |
3.1.19 SKH-diagram: a Graphical depiction of the dependence of the coefficient of the detection from the depth of flat bottom of artificial reflector, given its size and transducer type.
3.1.20 rejection sensitivity level: the sensitivity Level at which the decision on the attribution of detected discontinuities to a class of «defect».
3.1.21 diffraction method: method ultrasonic inspection method of reflections using a separate emitting and receiving transducers and are based on receiving and analyzing the amplitude and/or temporal characteristics of the signals of the waves diffracted at the defect.
3.1.22 control the sensitivity level (fixation level): the Level of sensitivity at which the register of discontinuities and evaluation of their acceptability of conventional size and number.
3.1.23 reference signal: the Signal from artificial or natural reflector in the sample of material with desired properties or signal passed controlled product, which is used in determining and setting the reference sensitivity level and/or measured characteristics of the discontinuities.
3.1.24 the reference sensitivity level: the sensitivity Level at which the reference signal has a predetermined height on the screen of the flaw detector.
3.1.25 error of the depth gauge: measurement Error, the known distance to the reflector.
3.1.26 search sensitivity level: the sensitivity Level set by the search of discontinuities.
3.1.27 ultimate control sensitivity of the echo method: the Sensitivity, characterized by the minimum equivalent area (mm) reflector, which is also detected at a predetermined depth in the product at this setting of the instrument.
3.1.28 the insertion angle: the angle between the normal to the surface where you installed the Converter, and the line connecting the center of a cylindrical reflector with an exit point of the beam when the transmitter is installed in a position in which the amplitude of the echo signal from the reflector is largest.
3.1.29 conventional size (length, width, height) of the defect Size in millimeters that corresponds to the zone between the extreme positions of the transducer, within which is fixed the signal from defect at a given sensitivity level.
3.1.30 conditional distance between discontinuities: the Minimum distance between the position transducer in which the amplitude of echo-signals from discontinuity flaws are fixed for a given level of sensitivity.
3.1.31 conditional sensitivity control echo method: Sensitivity, which is defined as s-2 (or-3P) and expresses the difference in decibels between the indication of the attenuator (calibrated amplifier) this setting of the instrument and the indication corresponding to the maximum weakening (strengthening) in which a cylindrical hole with a diameter of 6 mm at a depth of 44 mm is fixed indicator detector.
3.1.32 the scan step: the distance between the neighbouring trajectories of the movement of the point of exit of the beam of the transducer on the surface of the test object.
3.1.33 the equivalent area of the defect: the Area of flat bottom of artificial reflector, oriented perpendicular to the acoustic axis of the transducer and located at the same distance from the input surface, and inconsistent, in which signal values of the acoustic device from the defect and a reflector are equal.
3.1.34 equivalent sensitivity: Sensitivity is expressed by the difference in decibel between the gain value at the setting of the flaw detector and a gain value at which the amplitude of the echo from the reference reflector reaches the set value on the y-axis scanner type A.
4 Symbols and abbreviations
4.1 this standard applies the following designations:
4.1.1 emitter; I.
4.1.2 receiver; P.
4.1.3 conditional height of the defect .
4.1.4 conditional length of the defect .
4.1.5 conditional distance between the defects; .
4.1.6 conditional width of the defect .
4.1.7 sensitivity limit; .
4.1.8 step transverse scanning; .
4.1.9 step of longitudinal scanning; .
4.2 this standard applies the following abbreviations:
4.2.1 lateral cylindrical hole; btso.
4.2.2 sample of setup; BUT.
4.2.3 piezoelectric transducer; transducer.
4.2.4 ultrasound (ultrasound); ULTRASOUND.
4.2.5 ultrasonic testing; ultrasonic testing.
4.2.6 electromagnetic acoustic transducer; EMAT.
5 General provisions
5.1 During ultrasonic testing of welded joints used methods of the reflected radiation and transmitted radiation according to GOST 18353, or combinations of the two implemented methods (versions of methods), the testing schemes that are regulated by this standard.
5.2 In ultrasonic inspection of welds using the following types of ULTRASONIC waves: longitudinal, transverse, surface, subsurface longitudinal (head).
5.3 For ultrasonic inspection of welds using the following controls:
— Pulsed ULTRASONIC flaw detector or a hardware-software complex (hereinafter — detector);
— transducers (probes, EMAT) according to GOST R 55725 or non-standardized converters (including multi-element), certified (calibrated) subject to the requirements of GOST R 55725;
— measures and/or for configuring and checking parameters of the flaw.
May additionally be used auxiliary equipment and devices for observance of scanning parameters, measurements of the characteristics of the defects, the estimation of the roughness etc.
5.4 Flaw detectors with transducers, measures, BUT, accessories, and devices used for ultrasonic testing of welded joints should ensure the possibility of implementing the methods and techniques ultrasonic inspection of the numbers contained in this standard.
5.5 measuring instruments (flaw detectors with transducers, measures, etc.), used for ultrasonic inspection of welds, are subject to metrological assurance (control) in accordance with applicable law.
5.6 technical documentation on ultrasonic testing of welded joints should regulate: controlled welded joints and the requirements for their testability; requirements for the qualification of personnel performing ultrasonic inspection and quality assessment; the need for ultrasonic testing of the weld zone, its size, method of control and quality requirements; zones of control, types and characteristics of defects subject to detection; methods of control, types of applied equipment and accessories for inspection; the values of the main parameters of monitoring and methods of their configuration; the sequence of operations; interpretation methods and registration of results; criteria of estimation of quality of objects by ultrasonic testing results.
6 Ways of monitoring, schemes and methods of scanning of welded joints
6.1 Methods of control
During ultrasonic testing of welded joints are used the following ways (methods) of control: pulse-echo, mirror-shadow, echo-shadow, echo-mirrored, diffraction, Delta (figures 1−6).
Figure 1 — pulse-Echo
Figure 1 — pulse-Echo
Figure 2 — Mirror-shadow
Figure 2 — Mirror-shadow
Figure 3 — Echo-shadow straight and angle-beam probe
Figure 3 — Echo-shadow direct (a) and oblique (b) probes
Figure 4 — Echo-mirror
Figure 4 — Echo-mirror
Figure 5 — Diffraction
Figure 5 — Diffraction
Figure 6 — Options the Delta method
Figure 6 — Options the Delta method
Allowed to use other methods of ultrasonic testing of welded joints, the accuracy of which is confirmed theoretically and experimentally
Methods ultrasonic testing is implemented with the help of converters that are included in combined or separate schemes.
6.2 Schemes of different types of welded joints
6.2.1 ultrasonic testing of welded joints perform direct and oblique transducers using the testing schemes direct, once-reflection, twice-reflected rays (figures 7−9).
Figure 7 — scheme of the testing of butt weld straight beam
Figure 7 — scheme of the testing of butt weld straight beam
Figure 8 — scheme of the testing of butt weld once the reflected beam
Figure 8 — scheme of the testing of butt weld once the reflected beam
Figure 9 — scheme of the testing of butt welded joints twice-reflected beam
Figure 9 — scheme of the testing of butt welded joints twice-reflected beam
Allowed to use other schemes given in the engineering documentation for the control.
6.2.2 ultrasonic inspection t-weld joints perform direct and oblique transducers using the testing schemes of direct and (or) the once-reflected rays (figures 10−12).
Note In the illustrations the symbol indicates the direction of oblique sounding probe «from the observer». While these schemes perform similar testing and in the direction of «the observer».
Figure 10 — testing Schemes t-welded joint direct and once-reflected rays
Figure 10 — testing Schemes t-welded joint direct (a) and once-reflected (b) rays
Figure 11 — testing Schemes t-welded joint straight beam
Figure 11 — testing Schemes t-welded joint straight beam
Figure 12 — diagram of the sounding t-welded joint slanted converters on separate circuit (N-lack of fusion)
Figure 12 — diagram of the sounding t-welded joint slanted converters on separate circuit (N-lack of fusion)
It is possible to use other schemes given in the engineering documentation for the control.
6.2.3 angular ultrasonic testing of welded joints perform direct and oblique transducers using the testing schemes of direct and (or) the once-reflected rays (figures 13−15).
Figure 13 — Scheme of testing fillet welded connection combined oblique and direct converters
Figure 13 — Scheme of testing fillet welded connection combined oblique and direct converters
Figure 14 — Scheme of testing fillet welded joints in two-way access combined oblique and direct converters, converters subsurface (head) waves
Figure 14 — Scheme of testing fillet welded joints in two-way access combined oblique and direct converters, converters subsurface (head) waves
Figure 15 — diagram of the sounding of corner welded joints with one-way access combined oblique and direct converters, converters subsurface (head) waves
Figure 15 — diagram of the sounding of corner welded joints with one-way access combined oblique and direct converters, converters subsurface (head) waves
It is possible to use other schemes given in the engineering documentation for the control.
6.2.4 ultrasonic inspection of lap welds comply sloping converters using the testing schemes shown in figure 16.
Figure 16 — Scheme of testing lap-welded joints in combined or separate schemes
Figure 16 — Scheme of testing lap-welded joints on combined (a) separate or (b) schemes
6.2.5 ultrasonic testing of welded joints to detect transverse cracks (including in connection with the removed bead) are inclined transducers, using the testing schemes shown in figures 13, 14, 17.
Figure 17 — scheme of the testing of butt welded joints in the control to search for transverse cracks: with the removed bead; bead of the unremoved
Figure 17 — scheme of the testing of butt welded joints in the control to search for transverse cracks: a) with the removed bead; b) UN-removed with a bead shape.
6.2.6 ultrasonic inspection of welds to detect discontinuities that lie near the surface, which is scanning, perform subsurface longitudinal (head) waves or surface waves (e.g., figures 14, 15).
6.2.7 ultrasonic testing of welded joints at intersections of joints do slanted transducers using the testing schemes shown in figure 18.
Figure 18 — testing Schemes of the intersections of welded joints
Figure 18 — testing Schemes of the intersections of welded joints
6.3 scanning Methods
6.3.1 Scanning the welded connection performed by the method of longitudinal and (or) transverse displacement of the transducer at constant or varying angles of input and reversal of the beam. Method of scanning, the direction of sounding, surface, which leads to testing must be established based on the destination and test the connection in the technological documentation for the control.
6.3.2 During ultrasonic testing of welded joints used methods transverse-longitudinal (figure 19) or the longitudinal-transverse (figure 20) scanning. It is also allowed to use a method of scanning an oscillating beam (figure 21).
Figure 19 — Option method the cross-longitudinal scan
Figure 19 — Option method the cross-longitudinal scan
Figure 20 — Method of cross-longitudinal scan
Figure 20 — Method of cross-longitudinal scan
Figure 21 — Method of scanning an oscillating beam
Figure 21 — Method of scanning an oscillating beam
7 Requirements for means of control
7.1 Detectors used for ultrasonic testing of welded joints shall provide for the adjustment of the amplification (attenuation) of signal amplitudes, measuring the ratio of the amplitudes of the signals in the entire gain control range (attenuation), the measurement of the distance traveled by the ultrasonic pulse in the test object to the reflecting surface, and the positioning of the reflecting surface relative to the exit point of the beam.
7.2 Transducers used with flaw detectors for ultrasonic testing of welded joints should ensure:
— the deviation of the operating frequency of ULTRASONIC vibrations emitted by the transducers from nominal value — not more than 20% (for frequencies more than 1.25 MHz), no more than 10% (for frequencies more than 1.25 MHz);
— the deviation angle of the input beam from the nominal value does not exceed ±2°;
— point deviation of the output beam from the provisions of the relevant labels on the Converter — no more than ±1 mm.
The shape and size of the Converter, the values of the boom angle beam transducer and the medium paths in the prism (the protector) shall conform to the requirements engineering documentation for the control.
7.3 Measures and Superscript samples
7.3.1 During ultrasonic testing of welded joints used measures and/or BUT, the scope and the conditions of verification (calibration) that are listed in the technical documentation for the ultrasonic inspection.
7.3.2 Measures (calibration samples) used in ultrasonic testing of welded joints must have metrological characteristics that ensure the repeatability and reproducibility of measurements of amplitudes of echo-signals and the time intervals between echo signals, which are set up and checking of the main parameters of ultrasonic testing, regimented documentation on ultrasonic testing.
Steps to configure and test the basic parameters of ultrasonic transducers with a flat working surface at the frequency of 1.25 MHz or more, you can use the samples s-2, s-3 or-3P according to GOST 18576 requirements that are given in Appendix A.
7.3.3 BUT used in ultrasonic testing of welded joints, should provide the ability to customize the time intervals and sensitivity values specified in the technical documentation for the ultrasonic inspection, and to have a passport containing the values of the geometric parameters and the ratio of the amplitudes of the echo signals from the reflectors BUT also the measures and the identity measures used in the evaluation.
As BUT to configure and test the basic parameters of ultrasonic testing using samples with flat-bottomed reflectors, as well as samples with btso, segment or corner reflectors.
It is also allowed to use as calibration samples, BUT the V1 at ISO 2400:2012, V2 ISO 7963:2006 (Appendix B), or derivatives thereof, as well as samples made from objects of control, constructive alternative reflectors, or reflectors of an arbitrary shape.
8 Preparation for control
8.1 preparing the Weld joint for ultrasonic testing in the absence of the outer joint defects. The shape and size of the HAZ should allow you to move the transducer to the extent caused by the degree of testability of the connection (Appendix B).
8.2 the Surface of joint, which moves the transducer should not have dents and irregularities, the surface must be removed spatter, loose scale and paint, dirt.
When machining connections, stipulated by the technological process for manufacturing of welded structures, the surface roughness should be no worse than 40 µm according to GOST 2789.
Requirements for surface preparation, the allowable roughness and waviness, the ways of measuring them (if necessary), as well as needlewoman scale, paint and dirt from the surface of the object control point in the technological documentation for the control.
8.3 non-destructive testing of the weld zone of the base metal in the absence of delamination impedes inclined ultrasonic transducer is performed in accordance with the requirements of technological documentation.
8.4 Weld should be marked and divided into sections to clearly establish the location of the defect along the length of the seam.
8.5 Pipes and tanks before the control of the reflected beam must be freed from liquid.
Allowed to control pipes, tanks, ship hulls with the liquid under a back surface according to the methods regulated by the process documentation control.
8.6 the Main parameters of control:
a) the frequency of ultrasonic vibrations;
b) sensitivity;
C) the position of the exit beam (arrow) of the Converter;
d) the refracted angle in the metal;
d) the measurement uncertainty of the coordinates or the error of the depth gauge;
e) a dead zone;
g) resolution;
I) the opening angle of the directivity diagram in the plane of incidence of the wave;
K) step scanning.
8.7 Frequency of ultrasonic vibrations should be measured as the effective frequency of the echo pulse according to GOST R 55808.
8.8 the Main parameters of the transfer b)) 8.6 configure (to test) measures or BUT.
8.8.1 the Conditional sensitivity of pulse-echo ultrasonic inspection should be set for the measures co-2 or co-3P in decibels.
Conditional sensitivity of ultrasonic mirror-shadow ultrasonic testing should be adjusted to a defect-free area of the welded connection or on BUT in accordance with GOST 18576.
8.8.2 Limit the sensitivity of pulse-echo ultrasonic testing should be configured for square, flat-bottomed reflector in BUT or ARD, SKH — charts.
Is allowed BUT with a flat bottom reflector to apply BUT with a segment, corner reflectors, btso or other reflectors. The method for setting the maximum sensitivity of such samples should be specified in engineering documentation for ultrasonic inspection. In this case, for BUT with segment reflector
where — area of the segmented reflector;
and for BUT with a corner reflector
where is square corner reflector;
— the coefficient whose values for steel, aluminum and its alloys, titanium and its alloys is presented in figure 22.
When using ARD, SKH-diagrams as a reference signal using the echo signals from the reflectors in action-2, s-3, as well as from the bottom surface or the dihedral angle in a controlled product or in BUT.
Figure 22 — Graph of the correction of the sensitivity limit when using corner reflector
Figure 22 — Graph of the correction of the sensitivity limit when using corner reflector
8.8.3 is Equivalent to the sensitivity of pulse-echo ultrasonic inspection should be set by taking into account the requirements
8.8.4 If the sensitivity setting should be correct, taking into account the difference of surface condition measures or BUT and controlled joints (roughness, presence of coatings, curvature). Methods of determination of adjustments must be specified in the engineering documentation for the control.
8.8.5 the angle of the input beam is measured by measures or when the ambient air temperature, an appropriate temperature control.
The refracted angle in the weld thickness greater than 100 mm is determined in accordance with the technological documentation for the control.
8.8.6 Error of measurement of the coordinates or the error of the depth gauge, the dead zone, the opening angle of the directivity diagram in the plane of incidence wave can be measured by measures so-2,-3P or BUT.
9 control
9.1 Testing of welded joints fulfill the schemes and methods described in section 6.
9.2 Acoustic contact of the probe with a controlled metal to establish a contact, or immersion, or slit methods of introduction of ULTRASONIC vibrations.
9.3 Steps of scan ,
is determined based on the specified search exceeded the sensitivity level over the reference sensitivity level, the directivity pattern of the transducer and the thickness of the test weld, the scan step should be no more than half the size of the active element of the transducer in the direction of the step.
9.4 When conducting ultrasonic testing using the following levels of sensitivity: reference level; reference level; rejection level; search level.
The quantitative difference between the sensitivity levels should be regulated engineering documentation control.
9.5 scan Speed for manual ultrasonic testing shall not exceed 150 mm/s.
9.6 For detection of defects located at the ends of the connection, you should also proslushivat zone at each end, gradually rotating the transducer in the direction of the end face at an angle of 45°.
9.7 During ultrasonic testing of welded joints products with a diameter of less than 800 mm, adjustment of the control zone should be carried out on artificial reflectors in BUT having the same thickness and the radius of curvature of that controlled product. Allowable deviation on the radius of the sample is not more than 10% of the nominal value. When scanning on the outer or inner surface with a radius of curvature less than 400 mm, the prism angle beam transducers should meet the surface (to be lapped). Under the control of the RS probe and straight probes should be used special nozzles, providing a constant orientation of the probe perpendicular to the surface scan.
Processing (grinding) of the probes should be performed in the fixture, eliminating the misalignment of the probe relative to the normal to the input surface.
Features basic settings and the inspection of cylindrical products indicated in technical documentation for the ultrasonic inspection.
9.8 the scanning Stage at a mechanized or automated ultrasonic testing with the help of special scanning devices should be performed taking into account the recommendations of the manual of the equipment.
10 measuring the characteristics of defects and quality assessment
10.1 the Main measured characteristics of the detected defect are:
— the ratio of the amplitude and/or temporal characteristics of the received signal and the corresponding characteristics of the reference signal;
— equivalent area of the defect;
the coordinates of discontinuities in the welded connection;
the conditional size of the defect;
the conditional distance between the discontinuities;
— the number of discontinuities in a certain length of the connection.
The measured characteristics are used to assess the quality of specific compounds should be regulated engineering documentation control.
10.2 Equivalent area determined by the maximum amplitude of the echo from a defect by comparing it with the amplitude of the echo signal from the reflector or by using the design charts provided their convergence with experimental data is not less than 20%.
10.3 as the conditional size of the detected defect can be used: conventional length ; the width of the conditional
; conditional height
(figure 23).
Figure 23 — measurement of the conditional dimensions of defects
Figure 23 — measurement of the conditional dimensions of defects
Conventional length measure the length of the zone between the extreme positions of the transducer that is moved along the weld and oriented perpendicular to the axis of the joint.
Conditional width measure the length of the zone between the extreme positions of the transducer are moved in a plane of incidence of the beam.
Conditional height is determined as the difference between the measured values of the depth location of discontinuities in the extreme positions of the transducer are moved in a plane of incidence of the beam.
10.4 in the measurement of conditional dimensions ,
for the extreme position of the transmitter accept those in which the amplitude of the echo signal from the detected defect or is 0.5 of the maximum value (relative measurement level is 0.5), or meets the specified sensitivity level.
Allowed to perform the measurement of the conditional sizes of the discontinuities in the values of relative level measurements from 0.8 to 0.1, if specified in the engineering documentation for ultrasonic inspection.
Conditional width and the height of the conditional
length of the defect measured in the cross section of the connection where the echo signal from the defect has the greatest amplitude, as well as in cross sections located at distances specified in the engineering documentation for the control.
10.5 Conditional distance between discontinuities is measured by the distance between extreme positions of the transducer. In this extreme position are set depending on the length of the discontinuities:
— for compact defect (where
the conditional length of the non-directional reflector, which lies at the same depth as the inconsistent) for extreme take the position transducer in which the amplitude of the echo signal is maximum;
for a long defect () for the extreme take the position transducer in which the amplitude of the echo signal meets the specified sensitivity level.
10.6 do Not meet the requirements of ultrasonic inspection of welds in which the measured value of at least one characteristics of an identified defect is more acceptance of the value of the characteristics specified in technical documentation.
11 the results of the control
11.1 ultrasonic testing Results should be reflected in the working account and acceptance documentation, the list and forms which are accepted in the prescribed manner. Documentation must include the following information:
— the type of the monitored connection, the indices assigned to the product weld, the location and length of the area being UT;
— technical documentation, in accordance with which the ultrasonic inspection is performed and evaluated its results;
— the date of the control;
— identity of the operator;
— the type and factory number of the instrument, converters, measures, BUT;
— reprocentralen or incompletely controlled areas subject to ultrasonic inspection;
— the results of ultrasonic inspection.
11.2 Additional information you wish to write, the order of registration and storage of the journal (opinions, as well as the presentation of testing results to the customer) shall be governed by the technological documentation for the ultrasonic inspection.
11.3 the Necessity of abbreviating results, the applied symbols and their records must be regimented documentation on ultrasonic testing. To a shortened record may apply refer to Appendix D.
12 security Requirements
12.1 If the conduct of works on ultrasonic control of products, the operator should be guided by GOST 12.1.001, GOST 12.2.003, GOST 12.3.002, rules of technical operation of electrical installations and the rules of technical safety for operation of electrical installations, approved by Rostekhnadzor.
12.2 When performing control, the requirements [1]* security requirements outlined in the technical documentation for the applicable instrument, duly approved.
* See Bibliography. — Note the manufacturer’s database.
12.3 noise Levels generated at the workplace of the operator, shall not exceed the permissible according to GOST
12.4 In the organization of control must be complied with fire safety requirements according to GOST
Annex a (mandatory). Measure co-2, CO-3, CO-3P for check (setting) the main parameters of ultrasonic testing
Appendix A
A. 1 Action-2 (figure A. 1), 3 (figure A. 2), 3R according to GOST 18576 (figure A. 3) should be made of steel of grade 20 and to apply for measurement (settings) and check the basic parameters of the instrument and control converters flat working surface for a frequency of 1.25 MHz or more.
Figure A. 1 — Sketch action-2
Figure A. 1 — Sketch action-2
Figure A. 2 — Sketch action-3
Figure A. 2 — Sketch action-3
Figure A. 3 — Sketch action-3P
Figure A. 3 — Sketch action-3P
A. 2 the Extent of co-2 should be used to configure the conditional sensitivity, and to check dead zone, the error of the gauge of an angle of incidence of the beam, the opening angle of the main lobe of the directivity diagram in the plane of incidence and define the limit of sensitivity in the control joints of steels.
A. 3, With the control compounds of metals differing in acoustic characteristics of carbon and low alloy steels (for speed of propagation of longitudinal waves is more than 5%) to determine the refracted angle, the opening angle of the main lobe of the radiation pattern, dead zones and sensitivity limit should be applied BUT OVER-2A, made of the material being tested.
A. 4 Measure-3 should be used to determine the exit point of the beam and arrow of the transducer.
A. 5 Measure of CO-3P should be used to define and configure the main parameters listed in 8.8 for measures so-2 and s-3.
Annex B (reference). Adjusting samples to test (settings) of the main parameters of ultrasonic testing
Appendix B
B. 1 BUT with a flat bottom reflector is a metal block made of the material being tested, in which the flat reflector oriented perpendicular to the acoustic axis of the transducer. Depth of the flat bottom of the reflector shall conform to the requirements of technical documentation.
B. 2 BUT V1 ISO 2400:2012 is a metal block (figure B. 1) made of carbon steel, which is pressed on the cylinder with a diameter of 50 mm, made of Plexiglas.
Figure B. 1 — Sketch BUT with a flat bottom reflector
1 — the bottom of the hole; 2 — transducer; 3 — block of the monitored metal; 4 — acoustic axis
Figure B. 1 — Sketch BUT with a flat bottom reflector
BUT V1 is used to configure the sweep parameters of the instrument and depth gauge, adjust sensitivity levels, and to assess the dead zone, resolution, determining the exit point of the beam, arrows and angle input of the Converter.
B. 3 BUT V2 ISO 7963:2006 made of carbon steel (figure B. 2) and is used to configure the gauge settings of the sensitivity levels, determining the exit point of the beam, arrows and angle input of the Converter.
Figure B. 2 — Sketch BUT V1
Figure B. 2 — Sketch BUT V1
Figure B. 3 — Sketch V2 BUT
Figure B. 3 — Sketch V2 BUT
Annex b (recommended). The degree of testability of welded joints
The App
For joints welded joints are set as the degree of testability in the order of its reduction:
1 acoustic axis intersects each element (point) of the monitored cross section at least two directions, depending on requirements of technological documentation;
2 — acoustic axis intersects each element (point) of the monitored cross section from one direction;
3 — there are items controlled section that the regulated scheme sounding acoustic axis of the beam does not intersect any of the directions. The area neprosmatrivaemye segments does not exceed 20% of the total area of the controlled section and they are found only in the subsurface of the weld.
Directions are considered different, if the angle between the acoustic axes of at least 15°.
Any degree of testability, except 1, is installed in the technological documentation for the control.
Annex G (recommended). Brief description of testing results
Appendix D
Abbreviated description of the testing results follows each defect or group of defects are to be indicated separately and denoted by the letter:
— letter, defining qualitatively evaluate the validation of the defect equivalent to the area (amplitude echo signal, A or D) and code length (B);
— letter, defining qualitatively the conditional length of the defect, if it is measured in accordance with 10.3 (G or E);
the letter that defines the configuration (volume — III, planar — P) defect if it is installed;
— the number that defines the equivalent area of the defect detected, mmif it is measured;
— the figure that determines the greatest depth of defect, mm;
— a number, defining the conditional length of the defect, mm;
— a number, determining a conditional defect width, mm;
— a number, determining a conditional defect height, mm or ISS*.
* The text of the document matches the original. — Note the manufacturer’s database.
For abbreviating should apply the following notation:
A — defect, equivalent area (the amplitude of the echo signal) and code length of which is equal to or less than the permissible values;
D — defect, equivalent area (the amplitude of the echo signal) exceeds the permissible value;
B — defect, conditional length of which exceeds allowable value;
Mr. defect, the extent of which is conditional ;
E — the defect, the extent of which is conditional ;
In a group of defects that are separated from one another at distances ;
T — a defect that when the location of the transmitter at an angle less than 40° to the axis of the seam causes the echo signal exceeds the amplitude of the echo signal at the location of the transducer perpendicular to the axis of the seam, to the extent specified in the technical documentation for the control, duly approved.
Conventional length for defects of types G and T are not specified.
In abbreviating numerical values separated from each other and from letters by a hyphen.
[1] SanPiN 2282−80* Sanitary norms and rules when working with equipment that generates the ultrasound transmitted by contact to the hands of workers (USSR Ministry of health)
* On the territory of the Russian Federation the document is not valid. Act SanPiN
UDC 621.791.053:620.169.16:006.354 | OKS 19.100 | Group B09 |
Key words: nondestructive testing, welded joints, ultrasonic methods |