GOST 22536.0-87
GOST 22536.0−87 (ST SEV 487−77) carbon Steel and unalloyed cast iron. General requirements for methods of analysis (Change No. 1)
GOST 22536.0−87
(ST CMEA 487−77)
Group B09
General requirements for methods of analysis
Carbon steel and unalloyed cast iron.
General requirements for methods of analysis
AXTU 0809
Valid from 01.01.88
to 01.01.98*
* Expiration removed
Protocol N 7−95 Interstate Council
for standardization, Metrology and certification
(IUS N 11, 1995). — Note the manufacturer’s database.
1. DEVELOPED AND INTRODUCED by the Ministry of ferrous metallurgy of the USSR
D. K. Nesterov, PhD. tech. Sciences; S. I. Rudyuk, PhD. tech. science; N.N. Gritsenko, PhD. chem. Sciences (head of subject); V. F. Kovalenko, PhD. tech. Sciences; S. V. Spirina, PhD. chem. Sciences (head of subject); O. M. Kirzhner
2. APPROVED AND put INTO EFFECT by decision of the USSR State Committee for standards from
3. The standard fully complies ST SEV 487−77
4. REPLACE GOST 22536.0−77
The designation of the reference document referenced | The number of the paragraph, subparagraph, enumeration, applications |
GOST 8.234−77 |
12 |
GOST 8.326−78 |
13.1, 14.1 |
GOST 8.315−78 |
16 |
GOST 1770−74 |
12 |
GOST 6709−72 |
5 |
GOST 7565−81 |
2 |
GOST 20292−74 |
12 |
GOST 24104−80 |
11 |
6. REPRINTING. December, 1987
The Change No. 1 approved by resolution of Gosstandart of the USSR from
The change made by the manufacturer of the database in the text IUS N 6, 1990
1. This standard applies to carbon steel and unalloyed cast iron and establishes General requirements for methods of analysis.
2. Sampling and sample preparation — according to GOST 7565−81 and normative-technical documentation for specific products.
3. The mass percent of each element in the sample and the standard sample determined by chemical analysis in two parallel batches, and with spectral analysis on two parallel measurements (spectrogram).
The differences in the assessment of the quality of steel and iron chemical analysis carried out along three parallel batches, and spectral analysis three parallel measurements (spectrogram).
Simultaneously with the analysis under the same conditions by two (three) of the control expertise to make the result of the analysis corrections for contamination of reagents.
4. For the analysis used reagents qualifications h. d. a., hç and the OS.CH., and metals, the purity of which is not less than 99.95%.
5. For the preparation of aqueous solutions and analysis use distilled (mediterreaneo) or deionized water according to GOST 6709−72 using cation exchange resin type KU-2 and anion type AB-17, if the standard method of analysis not provided other requirements.
6. The concentration of solutions Express:
mass concentration in g/DM; g/cm
the molar concentration in mol/DM;
molar concentration of equivalent (normality) — in mol/DM.
7. If the standard method of analysis not specified the concentration or dilution of the acid and aqueous solution of ammonia, mean concentrated acid and a concentrated aqueous solution of ammonia.
8. In terms of the «diluted 1:1, 1:2, etc.» the first digits represent the volumetric part of the dilute reagent (e.g., concentrated acid), the second volume of the solvent (e.g. water).
9. The terms «warm» and «hot» water (solution) indicate that the fluid temperature is respectively from 40 to 75 °C and 75 °C.
10. The mass concentration of the standard solutions set no less than three aliquote parts. In titrimetric analysis, the mass concentration of solutions of titrants establish not less than three batches of a basic substance or standard sample. Mass concentration calculated with precision to the fourth significant digit.
11. Laboratory scales for General purpose according to GOST 24104−88, of the 2nd accuracy class with the largest weighing limit of 200 g or any other scale that meets the specified requirements for their metrological characteristics. In standard methods of analysis can be provided for scales with a weighing accuracy.
(Changed edition, Rev. N 1).
12. Laboratory measuring glassware (pipettes, burettes, volumetric flasks, etc.) should correspond to GOST 1770−74 and GOST 20292−74 or to be believed according to GOST 8.234−77.
13. Analysis of physico-chemical methods
13.1. The analysis used photoelectrocolorimetry, spectrophotometers, atomic absorption spectrophotometers, data handling and other equipment; non-standardized means of measuring must be certified according to GOST 8.326−78.
13.2. In the photometric methods, the thickness of the light-absorbing layer ditch is chosen so to obtain an optimal light absorption for a solution of the corresponding colored connections depending on the device.
13.3. The calibration graphs are built in rectangular coordinates. On the horizontal axis lay the mass of the element in grams, milligrams, micrograms or mass fraction in percent on the ordinate axis — the analytical signal (optical density of the solution, amperage, etc.). The method and the conditions for constructing a calibration curve (choice of analytical signal, the number of points required for constructing a calibration chart, etc.) indicated in the specific standard on the method of analysis.
You can also use a comparison method of the analytical signal of the sample with the analytical signal of standard solution of the element or of the solution of the standard sample similar in composition to the sample. When this mass fraction of the element in the standard sample and the sample should not differ by more than two times.
14. Analysis of spectral methods with photographic registration of spectrum
14.1. The analysis used the spectrographs, arc, and spark excitation sources of the spectrum, microphotometry and other equipment to ensure accuracy of analysis results provided by the standard methods of analysis. Non-standardized means of measuring must be certified according to GOST 8.326−78.
14.2. The calibration graphs built by the method of «three standards» or other methods, postponing the abscissa shows the logarithm of the mass fraction of the element, and the ordinate is the difference in the density of the blackening of analytical lines and comparison to standard samples.
14.3. For each spectrogram, the corresponding sample for each element using a calibration curve constructed in accordance with clause 14.2, is determined by the difference in the density of the blackening of analytical lines and compare the value of the mass fraction of the element. The average value of the two (three) of the spectrograms taken for the result of spectral analysis.
15. The results of the chemical analysis be the arithmetic mean of results of two (three) of parallel measurements.
The numerical value of the result of analysis of sample and standard sample should contain the last significant digit in the same category in which it is in the appropriate value allowable discrepancies between the results of parallel measurements.
16. When conducting chemical analysis to control the total error of the average result in the same conditions carry out the analysis of a standard sample at least once per shift.
When you run the analysis longer than one shift analysis of a standard sample is carried out with each batch of samples.
For control choose a standard sample with a chemical composition close to the sample so that did not need to change the method of analysis. In the absence of standard samples, the control is carried out according to the standard solutions by the method of additions.
Control the accuracy of the results of spectral analysis performed on the basis of the playing values of the mass fraction of elements in standard samples of the category of the CSN, CCA, GEO, relevant samples and developed according to GOST 8.315−78.
17. The error of the result of the analysis (at confidence probability P = 0,95) does not exceed the limit , if the following conditions are met:
discrepancies in the results of the two (three) parallel dimensions should not exceed (at confidence probability P = 0,95) of the values (
) given in standard methods of analysis;
played in the standard sample, the value of the mass fraction of the element must not vary from certified more than acceptable (at confidence probability P = 0,85) the value given in the standard methods of analysis.
If any of the above conditions, a second measurement of the mass fraction of the element. If in repeated measurements the precision requirement of the results are not met, the results of the analysis recognize the incorrect measurements cease until the reasons that caused the disruption of the analysis.
The divergence of the two middle results of an analysis performed under different conditions (for example, when the control intralaboratory reproducibility) shall not exceed (with confidence probability P = 0,95) the value given in the standard methods of analysis.
The result of satisfying the above requirements, accept for the final.
(Changed edition, Rev. N 1).