GOST 13585-68
GOST 13585−68 Steel. Valkovoj method of test for determining acceptable modes arc welding and surfacing (with Change No. 1)
GOST 13585−68
Group B09
The method of valkovoj sample to determine the allowed modes
arc welding and surfacing
Steel. The bead method for determining
the allowed welding and building procedures
Date of introduction 1969−01−01
APPROVED by the Committee of standards, measures and measuring instruments under the USSR Council of Ministers March 14, 1968
Limitation of actions taken by Protocol No. 7−95 Interstate Council for standardization, Metrology and certification (ICS 11−95)
REPRINT (may 1999) Change N 1, approved in December 1989 (IUS 3−90)
This standard applies to steel and sets the method valkovoj samples to assess changes in mechanical properties of base metal and microstructure caused by the thermal cycle of arc welding by melting directly in the area of the heat affected zone of welding (HAZ) adjacent to the fusion zone during welding, and in other parts of the HAZ.
The essence of the method consists in surfacing of rollers for solid and composite plates of the investigated steel with different heat input (), i.e. at an appropriate cooling rate
, and subsequent determination of impact strength, the critical temperature of brittleness, angle bending, hardness, microhardness, microstructure, and other indicators HAZ.
The method of valkovoj sample allows you to set the steel for an interval of permissible values of the cooling rate of the HAZ and to determine them by calculation of permissible modes of welding and surfacing (depending on connection type and thickness of steel).
(Changed edition, Rev. N 1).
1.1. To determine the interval of permissible welding modes the number of modes is set in accordance with the purposes and program of testing.
Test method valkovoj samples can be made at the same welding conditions to determine the fit properties of the HAZ of previously established indicators.
(Changed edition, Rev. N 1).
1.2. The welding rollers to produce compound (p.3.1) or solid (p.3.2) plate that is noted in the test report.
1.3. The permissible modes of welding, installed valkovoj breakdown on one thickness are recalculated for a different steel thickness with the help of nomogram (see Appendix).
1.4. For any accepted interval of the welding modes, the range of which properties of the HAZ determined by valkovoj breakdown, are not below the corresponding properties of the base metal or properties set by the standards and technical requirements approved in the established order.
Welding conditions in this case is expressed by the set of parameters of the welding process (current, voltage, welding speed and effective efficiency of the thermal action of the arc) or welding heat input for a certain thickness, or the cooling rate of the HAZ.
The mode of welding, which produces HAZ properties above or at the level of properties of base metal or of properties established standards and technical conditions, but gives better properties in comparison with other modes, is conditionally permitted.
1.5. For the evaluation criterion of dbtt is taken such that is specified in the relevant normative documents for the base metal. In the absence of such a criterion for the critical temperature of brittleness should be taken that at which impact strength of at least one sample equal to or less than 30 j/cm.
1.4, 1.5. (Changed edition, Rev. N 1).
2.1. The conductor for Assembly of composite plates (Fig.1) must meet the following requirements:
1 — support strap; 2 bar pressure; 3 — composite plate; 4 — strap side;
5 — bolt for tightening the bars in a horizontal plane
a) the conductor must provide a snug fit of adjacent bars to each other and a smooth surface for overlaying the platen;
b) the width of the bearing surfaces for the composite plate and the clamping bars at the point of contact of the collected in the plate bars should be no more than 2 mm.
If you use supports and clamps of greater width be sure to use insulating spacers between the composite plate and supports, and clamps;
C) the design of the conductor must ensure free access to the plate surface and to provide smooth movement of the mouthpiece of the welding machine outside the conductor along the axis of welding.
2.2. The installer of continuous plates under surfacing must have two parallel supports located along the axis of the deposition rate with the distance between 160−200 mm.
The width of each support at the point of contact with the plate should be 2 mm.
3.1. Preparation of composite plates
3.1.1. The composite plate should mainly apply for:
a) when testing of steels, in which the HAZ during welding in the range of permissible regimes dominated by the ferritic-pearlitic transformation;
b) when the results of determination of impact strength HAZ or its full phase recrystallization is required to compare with the values of impact toughness of the base metal established by tests of notched specimens according to GOST 9454−78;
C) tests of samples of steel of a thickness of 5 mm.
(Changed edition, Rev. N 1).
3.1.2. Plate conductor going to the overlaying cushion is produced on the cut surface of the workpiece (Fig. 2).
1 — roller; 2 — bar; 3 — side plank
3.1.3. Number of pieces (bars) is determined by calculating the required number of samples for each mode of welding according to the test program.
3.1.4. At the ends of the composite plates set side straps, the dimensions of which are determined by GOST 6996−66.
The difference between the thickness of the side plates and composite plates should not exceed 2 mm. otherwise, between the side plate and composite plate are installing an additional 4−5 bars, which do not apply in the future for sample making.
3.1.5. The length of bars designed to evaluate the properties of a plot full of recrystallization of HAZ is assumed to be 200−250 mm.
Roughly the lengths of the bars in this case can be taken depending on the cooling speed of the site is full of recrystallization of HAZ
(p. 5.3) in the interval of least resistance of austenite 500−600 °C:
if > 10 deg/s
= 250 mm;
if = 5 to 10 deg/s
= 350 mm;
at <5 ° /s
= 450 mm.
When assessing the suitability of steel this brand-specific designs (profile hire, etc.) length of bars can be set at less than the above values, depending on the size of the elements of this design
3.1.7. Size bars are in millimeters (Fig.3) corresponds to the thickness of the composite plates of the investigated steel (Fig.4) and is determined by the formula
where the depth of penetration;
— the depth of the incision;
— the distance between the bottom of the incision and a border of penetration equal to 0−0. 5 mm;
— the size of the faces of the sample perpendicular to the direction of the incision;
— allowance for machining on the back side of the incision
1 mm.
The minimum value should be not less than the thickness of the investigated sheet
1 — sample; 2 — composite plate
3.1.8. The leaves of which cut bars, and the bars are subject to editing and shot peening, except when special studies are conducted to determine the influence of preliminary deformation on the change of properties of base metal under the influence of welding.
3.1.9. The cutting blanks for the bars of steel to be tested, it is possible to produce oxygen cutting with subsequent removal by mechanical means, the edges of the workpieces which are heated above 100 °C.
In that case, if it is supposed to investigate only the properties of area complete recrystallization of HAZ, trimming the bars to the final size (length) can produce oxygen cutting.
Note. If you know that the research to be steel when heated above 100 °C does not alter designated properties, the boundary portion of the workpiece for the beams, cut by mechanical means, will be the isotherm, above which it is possible to change properties under the influence of thermal cycle flame cutting.
(Changed edition, Rev. N 1).
3.1.10. Blocks of sheets cut across the direction of rolling.
3.1.11. Deviations from the prescribed size in the middle part of the bar are allowed no more than ±0.1 mm, and the ends of the bar — no more than ±0.2 mm. In cross section bars, the angles between faces must be equal to (90±0,5)°.
The roughness parameter of the surface of the cut bars, intended for deposition should be not more than 320 µm according to GOST 2789−73.
Allowed processing of the edges of the samples; wherein the radius of curvature must not exceed 0,2 mm.
3.1.12. On the abutting faces of the bars are not allowed local damage, limiting the density of joints.
If research subject is only a phase of complete recrystallization of HAZ, the gap between the bars in the middle of the composite plate of 100 mm in width must not exceed:
0.05 mm for sheets of thickness 12 mm;
0.1 mm for sheet thickness > 12 mm.
If the study is subject to HAZ, this restriction additionally extends to the width of the study plots.
In other places allowed the gap between the bars to 0.1 mm (thickness 12 mm) to 0.15 mm (for thickness
> 12 mm).
(Changed edition, Rev. N 1).
3.1.13. Formed by assembling of composite plates aliasing between adjacent bars from the side surface of the surfacing must not exceed 0,2 mm.
3.1.14. The surface of the assembled plates in preparation for the surfacing shall be mechanical descaling and corrosion.
3.1.15. The mark should be placed at the ends of the edges of the bars forming the surface of the composite plate.
3.2. Preparation of solid plates
3.2.1. The solid plate should mainly apply for:
a) when testing of rolled steel in which the HAZ during welding in the range of permissible regimes dominated by a bainitic or martensitic transformation;
b) when not required to compare the results of determination of impact strength HAZ or its full phase recrystallization with the values of impact toughness of the base metal established by tests of notched specimens according to GOST 9454−78;
C) when the test specimens, made of cast metal with thickness more than 12 mm.
(Changed edition, Rev. N 1).
3.2.2. Plate length is determined by the size and number subject to production of samples, taking into account the allowances to the width of the cut and subsequent processing and with the addition of a length of unused land. The dimensions of unused areas — according to GOST 6996−66.
The width of the plate should be 220−250 mm, lenght 400−600 mm. If the permissible modes are determined for a specific design, the minimum width of the plate can be set respectively to the width of the element.
3.2.3. Cutting of steel plate to be tested can be produced by the method of flame cutting with subsequent removal by mechanical means the edges of the plates heated above 100 °C.
In that case, if it is supposed to investigate only the properties of area complete recrystallization of HAZ, the clipping plates on the set sizes can be produced without subsequent mechanical processing (see note to paragraph
(Changed edition, Rev. N 1).
3.2.4. The plates are cut so that the direction of the roller during the subsequent deposition coincided with the direction of rolling.
3.2.5. Plate fusing roller can not be edit and shot peening, if it is not provided by special studies.
3.2.6. The middle part of the plate intended for the surfacing of the roller should be cleaned from scale and corrosion products taking into account the projected width of the platen plus 10 mm on a side.
3.3. Welding cushion
3.3.1. The cushion is fused along the longitudinal axis of symmetry of the plate.
3.3.2. In the study plot complete the recrystallization of HAZ the choice of parameters of the welding process (current, voltage, travel speed, electrode angle) for a given heat input of welding is carried out with the required depth of penetration.
3.3.3. Selection of welding materials is established in accordance with standards or specifications approved in the established order, or by agreement of the parties.
To evaluate the properties of the plot complete recrystallization of HAZ in welded joints of concrete structures should apply the same welding materials (electrodes, welding wire, flux, etc.) and welding methods that are used for the design.
In all cases, the test reports indicate the applied welding materials, the methods and modes of welding.
3.3.4. Welding roller for the evaluation of the properties of the HAZ produced by one or more modes that are allowed according to test results plot full of recrystallization of HAZ.
3.3.5. The welding cushion is produced under normal room temperature and plates (20±10) °C.
In determining the properties of the HAZ in the particular case of welding or surfacing structures at low or elevated temperatures, the welding rollers to produce plates with the appropriate temperature that should be recorded in the minutes.
3.3.2−3.3.5. (Changed edition, Rev. N 1).
3.3.6. During manual welding roller, oscillatory motion of the electrode is not allowed. The movement of the electrode must be rectilinear with constant speed.
3.3.7. At the end of the welding roller on the composite plate it is left to the conductor to obtain at all points temperature not higher than 100 °C. then the plate can be removed from the conductor and mounted to an edge for free-cooling to normal temperature.
3.3.8. When a large heat input is necessary to remove the enhancement cushion to the surface of the plate method eliminating the heating plate. Large depth of penetration for easy disassembly between adjacent bars are of the slot.
When disassembling the plate is not allowed peening surface or plastic deformation of the bars.
(Changed edition, Rev. N 1).
4.1. Drop test bending
4.1.1. Fillet samples should be produced by the method of non-heating of the metal.
4.1.2. Dimensions of samples, requirements to the equipment and calculation of results for the GOST and GOST 9454−78 6996−66.
4.1.3. In samples to determine toughness and dbtt of land full of recrystallization of HAZ the bottom of the incision is along the axis of the roller below the fusion line at a distance of not more than 0.5 mm towards the base metal.
The location of the incision is planned in the manufacture of samples for the etched facets that are perpendicular to the longitudinal axis of the roller.
The proper placement of incisions, if necessary, is evaluated after impact tests on the destroyed samples. In the presence of under cut sections of weld metal test results are not taken into account.
4.1.4. The amount of percussion samples for each section and test temperature should be not less than three.
If in accordance with sub.4.1.2 and 4.1.3 of the specimens after testing will be rejected and the number of samples in each analyzed section and the temperature will be less than three, then conduct additional testing of samples.
4.1.5. The main criterion for the assessment of the HAZ properties is the impact strength at various temperatures and the critical temperature of brittleness.
Evaluation of the properties of the full phase recrystallization of HAZ
4.1.6. Drop test bending in determining fracture toughness plot full of recrystallization of HAZ, compared with the properties of the base metal, is carried out according to GOST 9454−78. Testing at low temperatures can be limited to the temperature for the base metal is critical.
4.1.7. If the impact area is full of recrystallization of HAZ at low temperatures is determined without comparison with the toughness of the base metal, the tests usually are conducted at the following temperatures: 0, minus 20, minus 40, minus 60, minus 80, minus 100 °C.
If necessary, the impact strength can be determined by the intermediate (between the above) temperatures.
Test temperature to determine the toughness at elevated temperatures establish the objectives of the research.
Evaluation of the properties of heat affected zone
4.1.8. Tests on impact bending when you define toughness identify areas of embrittlement in the HAZ, them, zones, degree of embrittlement (increase of dbtt of the HAZ relative to the dbtt of the base metal) at varying distances from the zone of fusion and the largest increase of dbtt. The main criterion is the increase of dbtt.
4.1.9. Tests to evaluate the properties of various sections of the HAZ is performed in two stages.
In the first stage, test the samples with the notch located at a different distance from the fusion zone formed at a temperature of 10−20 °C above the critical temperature of brittleness of the base metal.
If in the first stage of the test is not found to be areas with the increase in dbtt, it indicates that the HAZ areas, krupkevich base metal.
Otherwise, to determine the extent of embrittlement of the base metal in the HAZ, a second stage of testing at increasing higher temperatures tested (10−20 °C steps) to the level when the performance tests of the impact strength HAZ will be better established as a criterion for dbtt.
4.1.5−4.1.9. (Changed edition, Rev. N 1).
4.1.10. The distance () between adjacent incisions (Fig.5) is determined by the temperature gradient in the coating process. The difference of temperatures at the locations of two adjacent cuts shall not exceed 50 °C curve at maximum temperatures. The maximum temperature curve is constructed by measuring temperatures of the heating points of the plate, remote at a different distance from the axis of the welding line perpendicular to the direction of welding.
1 — sample; 2 — the bead; 3 — brusok
You can define a temperature by thermocouples. The maximum temperature curve can be constructed for the estimated method.
4.1.11. Cold brittleness or the embrittlement area complete recrystallization of HAZ is possible to estimate the minimum impact strength at minus 40 °C adopted for the base metal in the standards, or (depending on the test) by comparison with the toughness of the base metal at the same temperatures tests
(Changed edition, Rev. N 1).
4.2. Test for static bending
4.2.1. Samples for bend test are cut from a solid plate across the roller so that in the stretched area of the sample in the middle part was a plot full of recrystallization of HAZ (Fig.6). Fillet samples should be made mechanically.
4.2.2. The final planing or sanding the surface of the stretched zone is produced in the transverse relative to the roller direction. Not allowed to leave the portions of the deposited metal.
The location of the sample relative to the zone of fusion is determined by etching the side surfaces.
4.2.3. The shape and size of the sample should match those in hell.7. The sample length is set by GOST 6996−66.
Edges of the samples within the limits of its working parts /3 must be rounded with a radius of 1.5 mm.
4.2.4. Testing of samples is carried out according to GOST 6996−66.
4.2.5. During the test determine the ability of the sample to take a given curve, characterized by the angle in the formation of the first cracks in the stretched zone of the sample.
If the crack is missing, the bending of the sample, to produce parallel sides.
The magnitude of the bending angle is determined for a series of samples with the establishment of the dependence of the bending angle of the cooling rate plot full of recrystallization of HAZ in the range of least stability of austenite.
(Changed edition, Rev. N 1).
4.3. Hardness and microhardness and microstructure assessment
4.3.1. The hardness plot to the full recrystallization of HAZ determined according to GOST 2999−75.
The selection of a load when measuring hardness is made so that the diagonal size of the print does not exceed 0,7 mm. At the edges of each imprint must be in the range of 0−0. 7 mm from fusion zones.
Allowed determination of the hardness of other methods subject to the conditions set forth above, the provisions of the prints and the diagonal (diameter) imprint.
4.3.2. The hardness of the HAZ beyond the site complete recrystallization is determined according to Vickers (GOST 2999−75), Rockwell (GOST 9013−59) and Brinell (GOST 9012−59) ball with a diameter of 2.5 mm.
4.3.3. If the measurement of the hardness of HAZ on the straight track, the distance between adjacent prints, mounted on 9012−59 GOST, GOST and GOST 9013−59 2999−75 will be more than necessary in accordance with the purposes of the research, the prints include a double or add the tracks in a checkerboard pattern (Fig.8).
a — straight-line track; b — double route; — the structure of the track
4.3.1−4.3.3. (Changed edition, Rev. N 1).
4.3.4. To establish the average hardness number of measurements should be not less than three.
4.3.5. Samples for hardness testing are cut with consideration of poloschatosti steel and the depth of the prints.
Samples can be cut with the location of the sample surface either parallel or perpendicular to the surface of the rental, if the depth of the prints is more than four times the thickness of the strip (structural lines) or if the microstructure of the steel according to the character of poloschatosti estimated at 0 and 1 points according to GOST 5640−68. Otherwise, the surface hardness measurement should be perpendicular to the rolled surface.
4.3.6. The surface of the micro-sections and samples for the determination of the microhardness according to GOST 9450−76 should be perpendicular to the rolled surface.
Can be manufactured the thin sections and samples for the determination of the microhardness with the location of the sample surface parallel to the surface of rent in the case if the microstructure of the steel at poloschatosti estimated at 0 and 1 points according to GOST 5640−68.
5.1. According to test results obtained with different values of heat input, set the range of permissible values of the cooling rate in the range of least stability of austenite.
5.2. Heat input from the welding arc (), MJ/m, and the required parameters of the welding mode are calculated according to the formula
where welding current, a;
— voltage, V;
— welding speed, mm/s;
— the effective efficiency of the thermal action of the arc.
The value shall be equal to: when open arc welding metal electrodes 0,70−0,85; when welding under flux 0,80−0,85; when welding in a carbon dioxide and argon approximately of 0.65.
Smaller values correspond to deposition on the surface of an elongated arc, and large — short arc welding with a recess in its cutting edge or the weld puddle.
For other methods of welding values are set particularly
5.3. The cooling rate of the HAZ (), the corresponding established values
, in surfacing roller on the plate is determined according to nomograms (see Appendix).
When the thickness of plates more than 36 mm in the nomogram should be used inclined straight line, indicated by a sign .
5.2, 5.3. (Changed edition, Rev. N 1).
APP (mandatory)
Nomogram for determining the cooling rate of the HAZ in surfacing roller on the plate
Surfacing with preheating the base metal at ~300 °C.
T is the temperature of the lowest stability of austenite, °C; — the initial temperature of the base metal, °C;
— metal thickness, cm
Nomogram for determining the cooling rate of the HAZ in surfacing roller on the plate
Surfacing with preheating the base metal at ~200 °C.
T is the temperature of the lowest stability of austenite, °C; — the initial temperature of the base metal, °C;
— metal thickness, cm
Nomogram for determining the cooling rate of the HAZ in surfacing roller on the plate
Surfacing with preheating the base metal at ~100 °C.
T is the temperature of the lowest stability of austenite, °C; — the initial temperature of the base metal, °C;
— metal thickness, cm
Nomogram for determining the cooling rate of the HAZ in surfacing roller on the plate
Surfacing at normal (room) temperature of the base metal.
T is the temperature of the lowest stability of austenite, °C; — the initial temperature of the base metal, °C;
— metal thickness, cm
Nomogram for determining the cooling rate of the HAZ in surfacing roller on the plate
Welding with cooling of the base metal at ~100 °C.
T is the temperature of the lowest stability of austenite, °C; — the initial temperature of the base metal, °C;
— metal thickness, cm