GOST 24167-80
GOST 24167−80 Connections soldered. Test method for bending
GOST 24167−80
Group B09
Test method for bending
Brazing and soldering joint. Bend testing method
Valid from 01.07.1981
before 01.07.1991*
* Expiration removed by Protocol No. 5−94
The interstate Council for standardization,
Metrology and certification (I & C N 11/12, 1994). -
Note the manufacturer’s database.
DEVELOPED by the State Committee of USSR on standards
The Ministry of energy and electrification
N. N. Sirchenko, PhD. tech. Sciences; I. E. Petrunin, candidate. tech. of Sciences; Yu. f. Shein, PhD. tech. Sciences; A. V. Savchenkov, V. A. Ermakov
MADE with the USSR State Committee for standards
Member Of The State Standard B. V. Fedin
APPROVED AND put INTO EFFECT by Decision of the USSR State Committee for standards, dated may 12, 1980, 2058 N
This standard applies to solder joints of metals and alloys, and establishes methods of static tests in bending.
The test is performed to determine the ability of solder joints to maintain a predetermined plastic deformation, characterized by the angle of bending, or the limit of plastic deformation, characterized by the angle of bending and the magnitude of the load at the time of the appearance of the first cracks in the soldered seam.
1.1. For the Flexural testing samples used, the shape and dimensions of which are listed on the devil.1.
3−5 mm;
1.2. Samples for testing must be made from the brazed workpieces or cut from the monitored connection.
1.3. The width of the workpieces should be cut at least three test specimens.
1.4. When cutting billets and the manufacture of samples for testing must comply with the requirements set forth in sec. 2 GOST 23047−78.
1.5. Before testing, the width and thickness of the samples should be measured with an accuracy of 0.1 mm. Thickness of the solder joint metallographic methods to measure with an accuracy up to 0.01 mm. the Difference in thickness of the solder joint test batch of samples should not exceed 0,02 mm.
1.6. If necessary, the samples marked in any way at the locations indicated on the devil.1.
2.1. Tests should be conducted on the press or universal testing machines to meet the requirements of GOST 7855−74.
2.2. Installation for testing must ensure that the entry in the form of a diagram in the coordinates «stress-deformation».
3.1. The test is subjected to at least three samples.
3.2. The sample is subjected to a concentrated bending load according to the diagram in hell.2.
3−5 mm;
* Consistent with the original. — Note the manufacturer’s database.
3.3. When installed on the support the longitudinal axis of the sample should be perpendicular to the bend axis.
3.4. Bending test should be carried out with gradual increase in load.
3.5. When testing before the first crack of test speed should not exceed 15 mm/min. the Test is performed with the recording chart by increasing along the axis of deformation is not less than 50.
3.6. The moment of occurrence of cracks in the soldered seam is fixed on the first jump, bending or fracture of the chart records or visual. If the crack is not formed, testing is carried out to a specified angle or parallel to the sides (bending angle 180°). Trials to parallel sides is carried out in accordance with the requirements of sec. 4 GOST 14019−80*.
* On the territory of the Russian Federation GOST 14019−2003. — Note the manufacturer’s database.
3.7. The value of the load at the first crack is determined by the chart record or on a scale siloizmeritelya testing machine.
3.8. The bending angle is measured without removal of the load according to the features.3. Allowed angle measurement after removing the load, provided that the magnitude of the measured angle of the requirements of standards or technical conditions on the test connection.
3.9. Measurement of the bending angle is performed using tool microscope, squares or protractors, providing the measurement error not more than 2°.
4.1. For the bending angle solder joints take the angle obtained as the arithmetic mean of the results of testing at least three samples.
4.2. A sign establishing the ability of solder joints to maintain a predetermined plastic deformation, is the lack of after the test to a specified angle or 180° angle fractures, delaminations, and cracks in the soldered seam.
4.3. To determine the limit of plastic deformation of solder joint characterized by stress and a bending angle at the time of the appearance of the first cracks, it is recommended to calculate the limit of Flexural strength () MPa, according to the formula
where the load at the time of the appearance of the first cracks, N;
— distance between supports, mm;
— sample width, mm;
— sample thickness, mm.