GOST 12637-67
GOST 12637−67 of magnetic magnetic high frequency Materials. Test methods in the frequency range from 200 to 2000 MHz
GOST 12637−67
Group П99*
* In the index «National standards», 2008
group В89. — Note the manufacturer’s database.
Test methods in the frequency range from 200 to 2000 MHz
High frequency magnet materials malleavle.
Testing methods at the range from 200 t o 2000 MS
Date of introduction 1969−01−01
APPROVED by the Committee of standards, measures and measuring instruments under the USSR Council of Ministers 16/II, 1967
This standard applies to high-frequency of magnetic magnetic materials and establishes methods for determining their magnetic and dielectric characteristics in a sinusoidal electromagnetic fields with a magnetic field of not more than 0.1 of the coercive force in the frequency range from 200 to 2000 MHz.
The standard establishes the following methods for determining the magnetic and dielectric properties of materials:
measurement lines;
coaxial resonator.
Allowed the use of a half-wave resonator for testing of materials with known dielectric permittivity, satisfying the condition
1.1. Characteristics of magnetic magnetic high frequency materials
1.1.1. The main characteristics of magnetic magnetic materials are: complex magnetic and dielectric permeability, tangent of the angle magnetic losses, temperature dependence of magnetic permeability, temperature coefficient of magnetic permeability.
A list of the main specifications of the materials to be determined, frequencies in which to determine these characteristics, as well as the margin of error given in table.1, and the legend of the accepted values is in Annex 1.
Table 1
Define feature |
Accepted refer to increase |
Unit of measurement rhenium |
The limits of the measured value |
The admissible an error in market- ness |
The connection to the measured parameters |
Frequency in Hz |
The real part of magnetic permeability |
Include. |
From 2 to 20 |
10% |
From 2·10 | |
The imaginary part of magnetic permeability |
Include. |
From 2·10 |
10% |
From 2·10 | |
The temperature dependence |
Include. |
From 2 to 20 |
15%** |
Curve dependent. |
From 2·10 | |
The temperature dependence |
Include. |
From 2·10 |
15%** |
Curve dependent. |
From 2·10 | |
The real part of the dielectric constant |
Include. |
From 2 to 20 |
10% |
From 2·10 | |
The imaginary part of the dielectric constant |
Include. |
From 2·10 |
10% |
From 2·10 |
* These formulas are valid for the condition .
** The error reaches only 15% at extreme temperatures.
Measuring range and allowable error of measuring the tangent of the magnetic losses components define magnetic permeability. The ratio of components should be such that the tangent of the angle magnetic losses were not less than 2·10.
1.1.2. Complex magnetic permeability has two components, the first of which
corresponds to a reversible quasi-elastic processes and the second
processes associated with the dissipation of energy.
1.1.3. Complex dielectric permittivity has two components, the first of which
corresponds to a current offset, and the second
— current losses.
1.1.4. Initial magnetic permeability — limit sought by the
decreasing of the magnetic field to zero. In the fields not more than 0.1 of the coercive force, the permeability
is equal
1.1.5. The tangent of the angle magnetic losses determines the energy dissipated by irreversible processes.
1.1.6. The temperature dependence of the components of magnetic permeability is expressed in the form of graphs or tables.
The limits of temperatures at which test the samples, determined by application of magnetic magnetic materials.
1.1.7. Temperature coefficient is defined as the average temperature coefficient over a certain range of temperatures.
where: — the value of the initial magnetic permeability with temperature
— the value of the initial magnetic permeability with temperature
— the temperature of the start of the experiment in °K;
— the temperature of the end of the experiment in °K.
1.1.8. Frequency dependence of the components of magnetic permeability and
is expressed in the form of graphs or tables, measuring
every 100 MHz.
Note. Allowed to use the dependence of the tangent of magnetic losses on the frequency and temperature.
1.2. Testing apparatus
1.2.1. For testing of magnetic magnetic materials in the frequency range from 200 to 2000 MHz used the following equipment:
coaxial resonator of variable length;
the measuring line;
generator and ultra-high frequency;
heterodyne frequency;
measuring amplifier;
smooth attenuator;
a heat chamber;
unit automatically adjust temperatures;
electronic potentiometer;
the probe and the calibration line to determine the magnetic field strength.
1.2.2. Types of appliances, their technical characteristics and number of drawings are given in appendices 2 and 3.
1.2.3. Verification of measuring devices is carried out according to the normal samples, certified metrological bodies of the Committee of standards, measures and measuring devices under Council of Ministers of the USSR.
1.3. Requirements for samples intended for testing
1.3.1. Before measurement it is necessary to conduct a magnetic sample preparation in accordance with the requirements of GOST 12635−67 «Materials of magnetic magnetic high frequency. Test methods in the frequency range from 10 kHz to 1 MHz».
1.3.2. The samples manufactured in the form of a flat coaxial washers. Sizes of samples for testing should be chosen so that the ratio of external diameter to internal was equal to 3,59 or 2.5. Optimal size: outer diameter 24, and the internal of 6.87, height 5 mm. in order to eliminate the error due to the gap between the sample and the resonator, and also to secure the sample in the maximum electric and magnetic fields, use the contact rings, which are pressed the test sample. Allowed landing of the specimen in the contact ring on the glue. A sketch of the sample and the contact rings are in hell.1.
Damn.1. A sketch of the sample and slip rings
Note. Nonparallel flat surfaces of the sample should be no more than ±0.01 mm.
1 — external contact ring; 2 — sample; 3 — inner contact ring
1.3.3. The thickness of the samples is determined by the table.2, on the basis of the ratios between the real and imaginary parts of magnetic permeability.
Table 2
The real part of magnetic permeability |
The imaginary part of magnetic permeability |
The thickness of samples |
20 |
10 |
1−2 |
2 |
10 |
5 |
2 |
2·10 |
10 |
1.3.4. Tests carried out at an ambient temperature of 298±10 °K (25 °C±10 ° C), relative humidity 80% and atmospheric pressure 100000±4000 n/m(750±30 mm Hg.St.).
1.3.5. Methods of characterization listed in table.1, consists in measurement of changes in the magnitude and phase of the input impedance phase of the resonator or coaxial line by introducing the sample in the electromagnetic field of the resonator (coaxial line) with the subsequent calculation of the magnetic characteristics by appropriate formulas.
A block diagram of the installation is given in hell.2.
Damn.2. A block diagram of the installation
2.1. Method of measurement lines
2.1.1. Standard commercially available measurement lines (e.g., R1−5A) can be used for relatively rough measurements and
. Measurement uncertainty of all components
10% can be achieved on the measuring line without any special changes in its design for samples with large losses (
more 0,05). In this regard, it is recommended to use the method of measurement lines for measurement of samples with
greater than 0.0
2.1.2. The sample performs the following operations:
a) measure the position of the minimum voltage and the width of the resonance curve at half level in the short-circuited lines ;
b) place the sample close to the shorted end of the line and measure the displacement of the minimum from the original position in the sample and the width of the resonance curve with the sample
C) remove the shorting on the sample and measure the position of the minimum and the width of the resonance curve without sample
d) insert the sample and measure the displacement of the minimum and the width of the resonance curve
with the sample
2.1.3. Calculate ,
according to the formulas:
The calculation of the fair provided that and
, otherwise it is necessary to determine the input impedance of the line with the sample in short circuit and idling.
The calculation of the magnetic and dielectric permeabilities produced by the formulas given in Annex 5.
2.2. Method coaxial resonator
2.2.1. Determination of the magnetic permeability in the short circuit mode is produced in the following way.
To the center connector of the resonator is placed a brass shorting loop connection.
Gather the scheme in accordance with the devil.3.
Damn.3. Scheme of the calibration of the right section of resonator
Scheme of the calibration of the right section of resonator
The movement of the indicator piston set up right part of the resonator in resonance, which is celebrated to the maximum of the measuring amplifier.
After the settings between the indicator plunger and shorting is set to an integer number of half wavelengths. The length of the resonator and shorting to the piston is determined by the geometrical dimensions of the device and the stroke of the piston (the reading on the indicator line) according to the formula:
Replace the shorting slip rings (Fig.4) and the resonance set up in the left part of the cavity by moving the generator piston.
Damn.4. The scheme of calibration of the resonator
The scheme of calibration of the resonator
Now between the generator and the indicator-piston is set to an integer number of half wavelengths
In such a sequence the left plane of the sample (a plane ) is located at a distance
from the generator of the piston.
So, both pistons move to the left by the thickness of the sample and are counting from the left plane of the sample.
2.2.2. Define your own parameters of the resonator: q-factor and resonant length. Measure the width of the resonance curve at half power level and calculate q as the ratio of the length of the resonator, the detuning of the resonator at half level.
2.2.3. The sample is placed in a resonator and measure the displacement of the maximum of the resonance curve ; the width of the resonance curve at half power level
and calculate the quality factor of the resonator with the sample.
2.2.4. Write down the measurement result and determine and
according to the formulas given in table.1.
2.2.5. Determination of dielectric permeability of magnetic magnetic materials in idling is produced in the following way.
Perform the operations listed in claim 2.2.1, then slip the generator and indicator pistons by a quarter wavelength than carry out the transfer of the sample to the maximum of the electric field and measure the q-factor according to claim
The sample is placed in a resonator and measure the displacement of the maximum of the resonance curve , the width of the resonance curve
and calculate the quality factor of the resonator with the sample by the formula:
Write down the measurement result and determine and
according to the formulas given in table.1.
To determine and
in the samples of the
calculation are given in appendices 4 and 6.
2.3. The removal of the temperature characteristics of magnetic magnetic materials
2.3.1. Temperature characteristic is removed in the temperature range from 153 °K To the Curie point.
2.3.2. To determine the frequency dependence of the temperature characteristics measurements are made on two or three frequencies.
2.3.3. The test is produced as follows:
a) the sample is placed in a temperature chamber;
b) set the speed of the flow of water;
C) set the unit adjust temperature to a predetermined temperature at which doing a twenty-minute excerpt, see the readings every minute. The temperature considered established if the five samples taken in a row, have the same magnitude.
2.3.4. In the temperature range from 153 to 523 °To the resonator parameters change slightly, and the test of the empty resonator in this interval is allowed not to perform. At higher temperatures the change of its length and the quality factor of the resonator due to heating must be considered.
2.3.5. The most sharp rise in the temperature characteristics of ferrites is usually observed in the range from 273 to 353 °K, therefore, requires the highest number of points to remove in this range (5−10°). You can then increase the interval between points to 20−50°. Near the Curie point it is necessary to remove the temperature characteristic of using short intervals in order not to miss its characterized by the rise, usually observed before the decrease in magnetic permeability.
For testing, we recommend the following mode: each new material is tested at frequencies 3·10, 6·10
, 10·10
Hz in the temperature range from 153 to 673 °K (the upper limit is limited by the temperature of the Curie point). In the temperature range from 153 to 273 °To 20°, in the range from 273 to 353 °To 10°, in the range from 373 to 473 °To 50°, then to the Curie point of 10°.
2.4. Definition of magnetic field high frequency
2.4.1. Before the beginning of the cycle of measurements magnetic permeability assess the magnitude of the magnetic field of high frequency at the location of the sample.
2.4.2. Assessment of the magnitude of the magnetic field of high frequency produced by comparing the EMF induced in the probe, inductive type, the test and reference field of the same frequency.
2.4.3. The location of the probe relative the test and reference fields must be identical and is determined by the maximum measuring amplifier.
2.4.4. Exemplary calibration field is generated in the coaxial short-circuited line, the entrance of which is matched with the generator output standard signals.
2.4.5. The impedance of the calibration line and the measurement line or of the resonator, in which the estimated magnetic field strength should be equal. When inequality is a necessary amendment.
2.4.6. Under the conditions of the PP.2.4.2 2.4.4 and the same measuring amplifier connected to the probe (immersion of the probe in the measured and in the exemplary field calibration) correspond to the same value of the amplitude of the magnetic field.
2.4.7. The order of performance in the following dimensions:
collect a flowchart for God.5 and prepare the equipment for operation in accordance with their instructions;
put in the measured field, the probe and set the desired depth of immersion;
remove the reference for the measuring amplifier;
place the probe in the calibration line and adjusting the generator output standard signals have the same readings on the measuring amplifier;
record the measurement result.
Damn.5. Block diagram
2.4.8. Strength of the high frequency magnetic field is calculated by the formula:
Note. The formula can be simplified, if the calibration line has a movable shorting, the movement of which it is possible to achieve conditions , which corresponds to the maximum of the measuring amplifier.
APPENDIX 1. Symbols used in formulas for calculations
ANNEX 1 GOST 12637−67
is the relative complex magnetic permeability; | |
— real component of relative complex magnetic permeability; | |
— the imaginary component of relative complex magnetic permeability; | |
is the relative complex dielectric permittivity; | |
— real and imaginary part of relative permittivity; |
— magnetic constant, equal to 4 | |
— dielectric constant equal to 10 | |
— the initial magnetic permeability; | |
— the tangent of the angle magnetic losses; | |
is the tangent of dielectric loss angle; | |
temperature scale °K; | |
temperature scale °C; | |
— temperature coefficient of magnetic permeability | |
— wavelength, m; | |
— frequency, Hz, | |
— thickness of specimen, m; | |
— input impedance at short-circuit, Ohm; | |
— input impedance in idle mode, Ohm; | |
phase constant 1/m; | |
phase constant of the section with the sample, 1/m; | |
wave resistance, Ohm; | |
— the indicator in the measurement of the resonance curve at an arbitrary level |
— the number of half waves; |
— the length of the empty resonator, m; | |
— the quality factor of the cavity empty and with the sample in short circuit and idling; |
— the width of the resonance curve of the empty resonator, m; | |
— the length of the resonator in the mode of idling and short-circuit, m; |
— the width of the resonance curve of the resonator in the mode of idling and short-circuit, m; |
— a change in the resonant length of the short circuit and idling, m; |
the coefficients used in the preparation of the computer program; |
— the maximum value of the sinusoidal magnetic field strength, a/m; | |
— distance from the probe to the axis of the coax, m; | |
— the diameters of the outer and inner conductors of the resonator, m; |
— the maximum value of the sinusoidal generator voltage, in; | |
is an imaginary unit; | |
— the distance from the point of minimum voltage to the input face of the sample in short circuit and idling, m; | |
— standing wave ratio voltage short circuit and idling. |
APPENDIX 2. Apparatus for test of magnetic magnetic materials under normal conditions
ANNEX 2 to GOST 12637−67
Name |
The error of determination of the measured value, % |
Recommended type of device |
Coaxial resonator of variable length |
10 |
Measurement lines |
10 |
R1−5A R1−6A |
Measuring VSWR and phase |
10 |
P2−26 |
Generators of standard signals |
1 |
G4−31 |
1 |
G4−8 | |
The heterodyne frequency meter |
0,05 |
Ч4−9 |
Measuring amplifier |
- |
U2−4 |
Smooth attenuator |
- |
D2−13 |
Fixed attenuator |
- |
- |
Filter |
- |
FR-2, LPF |
The probe and the calibration line to determine the magnetic field |
- |
- |
Slip rings for anchoring sample |
- |
- |
The container for the sample to the measuring line |
- |
The drawing of the container is attached |
Note. Allowed use of the equipment, technical characteristics of which are not worse than specified.
Damn. The container for the sample to the measuring line
The container for the sample to the measuring line
1 — housing; 2 — core for sample; 3 — cover; 4 — lamb.
APPENDIX 3. Apparatus for testing magnetic materials in the temperature range from 153 to 673 °K
ANNEX 3 to GOST 12637−67
Name |
Measurement error in % |
Recommended type of device |
The heat chamber |
to 5 |
Made in NGIEP |
Cryochamber |
to 2 |
The same |
The automatic temperature control |
- |
« |
Electronic potentiometer Equipment listed in Annex 2 |
- |
EPP-09 |
4 APPLICATION to GOST 12637−67
1. If the sample has large losses, should be used to calculate the overall formula. In this case, to determine the magnetic permeability be sure to measure in two modes, as changing the length of resonator and width of the resonance curve are functions of the magnetic and dielectric permeabilities. To calculate the four parameters of the material requires four values to be measured: a change in the resonant length at the location of the sample in short circuit and idling and you change the width of the resonance curve in these two regimes.
2. Instead of the relative input resistances and
introduced the equivalent values:
It is advisable to do for the following reasons:
a) calculation formulae of idling and short circuit be symmetrical, which allows to simplify calculations and to compile a single program for electronic computers;
b) in practice, the most common case is comparable and
. When using variables
, and
it can deal with values of the same order, significantly in the mass processing of the measurement results.
3. At very high loss is not possible to measure the width of the resonance curve at half level, so one can take any level and enter the factor , where
— reading on the indicator at the maximum and at the level where the width is measured. The relationship between the components of values
is expressed by the following ratios:
, (1)
the change of resonant length in short circuit and idling;
— the width of the resonance curve in these modes.
4. If the losses in the sample are large , the losses in the resonator can be neglected. The imaginary part of the values
is expressed by the formula:
. (2)
5. If the losses in the sample are small , the third term in the denominator (formula 2) can be neglected. The real part
is given by:
. (3)
The imaginary part and
where: — the total length of the resonator;
— distance from the sample to the shorting.
The first term in the square bracket takes into account the correction associated with the losses in the empty resonator. The other two members determine the loss by making a lossless sample with the same and
that the real ferrite.
6. When 0,01<<img alt=«ГОСТ 12637-67 Материалы магнитномягкие высокочастотные. Методы испытаний в диапазоне частот от 200 до 2000 МГц» src=«»>, <0,05 computing
to produce formulas (2) or (4).
7. For small values of dielectric and magnetic losses, but great value one of the constant (or
) in the calculation of parameters of samples, use formulas (3) and (4).
8. In most cases, measurements are made at half the level of 0.5. Then, in formulas 1 and 2 to the multiplier
9. The transition to the values and
is performed in the following way:
, (5)
. (6)
10. To calculate ,
solutions of equations (5) and (6) produce the following sequence:
a) ;
The real part of this expression:
b) ,
These expressions are used for calculations , and for calculations
C) to calculate need to know
from here:
d) for the calculation is determined by:
d) this scheme allows the measured values ,
with the help of electronic computer program, written in the language ALGOL-60 (Annex 6).
ANNEX 5 GOST 12637−67
1. The measured values in the method of measuring line is the standing wave ratio voltage (K. S. A.) and the distance from the point of minimum voltage to the input face of the sample.
The input impedance is expressed by the formula:
2. The distance is determined as follows: measure the position closest to the shorting of the minimum; produce the line count
in mm; is introduced into the sample line and measure the position closest to the sample minimum; take a reading on the ruler
in mm, then:
The values associated with displacement of low ratio:
3. To determine K. S. V. m. when >2. measure the width of the resonance curve method of the «fork» on an arbitrary level of power and define K. S. A. according to the formula:
where: — the indicator in the measurement of the width of the resonance curve at an arbitrary level;
— the indicator reading at the minimum.
4. At <2 K. S. V. B. was determined by the «maximum-minimum» and calculated by the formula:
5. The calculation and
produce the formulas of paragraph 1 of Annex 5, and
— formula PP.9 and 10 of Annex 4.
ANNEX 6. The program written in the language ALGOL-60
APPENDIX 6 to GOST 12637−67
The program
to calculate ,
, written in the language ALGOL-60
1. The beginning of real ,
2. ,
3. Physical arrays [1:5],
4. :=3,1415, input (
5. Beginning
6. ;
8. .
11. ,
12. Otherwise
14. ;
16. ;
21. ;
22. Otherwise
24. ;
25. ;
26. ;
27. ;
28. ;
29. ;
30. ;
31. ;
32. ;
33. ;
34. ;
35. ;
36. ;
37. ;
38. ;
39. ;
40. ;
41. ;
42. ;
43. ;
44. ;
45. ;