GOST 17410-78
GOST 17410−78 nondestructive testing. The seamless cylindrical metal pipe. Methods of ultrasonic flaw detection (with Amendments No. 1, 2)
GOST 17410−78
Group В69
Methods of ultrasonic flaw detection
Non-destructive testing. Metal seamless cylindrical pipes and tubes. Ultrasonic methods of defekt detection
ISS 19.100
Date of introduction 1980−01−01
1. DEVELOPED AND INTRODUCED by the Ministry of heavy, power and transport machine building of the USSR
2. APPROVED AND put INTO EFFECT by Decision of the USSR State Committee for standards from
3. REPLACE GOST 17410−72
The designation of the reference document referenced |
The number of the paragraph, subparagraph |
GOST 2789−73 |
2.3 |
GOST 23702−90 |
1.5, 1.7.3 |
5. Limitation of actions taken by Protocol No. 4−93 of the Interstate Council for standardization, Metrology and certification (ICS 4−94)
6. EDITION (September, 2010) with Changes No. 1, 2 approved in June 1984, July 1988 (IUS 9−84, 10−88)
This standard applies to single-layer direct metal seamless cylindrical pipes made of ferrous and non-ferrous metals and alloys, and establishes methods of ultrasonic testing continuity of the metal tubes for the detection of various defects (such as discontinuity and homogeneity of the metal) located on the outer and inner surfaces and in the thickness of the pipe wall and detected ultrasonic flaw detection equipment.
The actual dimensions of the defects, their form and character of this standard are not set.
The need for ultrasonic testing, the volume and standards of unacceptable defects should be defined in standards or technical conditions on the pipe.
1.1. In the control using: ultrasonic flaw detector; converters; standard samples, accessories and fixtures to ensure constant control parameters (insertion angle of the acoustic contact, the scan step).
The form of the passport of a standard sample are given in Appendix 1A.
(Changed edition, Rev. N 2).
1.2. Permitted to use equipment without auxiliary equipment, to provide permanent control settings when moving the transducer manually.
1.3. (Deleted, Rev. N 2).
1.4. Defects of the metal pipes are characterized by a reflectivity equivalent and conditional sizes.
1.5. Nomenclature of parameters of converters and methods of their measurements — according to GOST 23702.
(Changed edition, Rev. N 1).
1.6. In the contact mode of the control working surface of the transducer grind on the surface of the pipe when the outer diameter is less than 300 mm.
Instead of lapping transducers allowed the use of attachments and supports under the control pipes of all diameters converters flat working surface.
1.7. Standard sample for sensitivity setting of ultrasonic equipment during the inspection, is made of a piece of defect-free pipes made from the same material of the same size and having the same surface quality, and a controlled pipe, which is made of artificial reflectors.
1. For pipes of the same sizes, which differ in surface quality and composition of materials, can be manufactured in a single standard samples, if with the same hardware configuration of the amplitude of the signals from the same geometry of the reflectors and the noise level are consistent with the accuracy not less than ±1.5 dB.
2. Allowed maximum deviation of the sizes (diameter, thickness) of the standard samples from the size of the testing pipe, if the same hardware configuration of the amplitude of the signals from the artificial reflectors in the standard samples are different from the amplitudes of the signals from the artificial reflectors in the standard samples of the same size, and controlled the pipe is not more than ±1.5 dB.
3. If the metal pipes are not uniform in attenuation, the division of pipes into groups, each of which must be made to the standard sample of metal with a maximum attenuation. The method of determining the attenuation should be indicated in the technical documentation for the control.
1.7.1. Artificial reflectors in the standard samples for sensitivity setting of ultrasonic equipment for the inspection of longitudinal defects should correspond to the features.1−6, the control of transverse defects — hell.7−12, the control of defects such as delaminations — hell.13−14.
Note. Allowed to use other types of artificial reflectors provided in the technical documentation for the control.
1.7.2. Artificial reflectors of the type of risks (see the devil.1, 2, 7, 8) and rectangular groove (see the devil.13) are used primarily in automated and mechanized control. Artificial reflectors of a type of segmented reflector (see damn.3, 4, 9, 10), notches (see damn.5, 6, 11, 12), flat-bottomed hole (see the devil.14) are used primarily for manual control. The type of artificial reflector, the dimensions depend on the method of control and the type of the apparatus used and will be included in the technical documentation for the control.
1.7.3. The risks of a rectangular shape (Fig.1, 2, 7, 8, 1) are used for tubes with a nominal wall thickness of equal to or greater than 2 mm.
Risks are triangular in shape (Fig.1, 2, 7, 8, fulfillment 2) are used for tubes with a nominal wall thickness of any size.
(Changed edition, Rev. N 1).
1.7.4. Corner reflectors of the type segment (see the devil.3, 4, 9, 10) and the notches (see the devil.5, 6, 11, 12) are used during manual inspection of pipes with outside diameters over 50 mm and thickness more than 5 mm.
1.7.5. Artificial reflectors in the standard samples of a type of rectangular groove (see the devil.13) and flat-bottomed holes (see the devil.14) are used for sensitivity setting of ultrasonic equipment to identify defects such as delaminations and the wall thickness of the pipe greater than 10 mm.
1.7.6. It is possible to produce standard samples with a few artificial reflectors, provided that their location in the standard sample excludes their mutual influence on each other while adjusting the sensitivity of the apparatus.
1.7.7. It is possible to produce a composite standard samples consisting of several pipe pieces with an artificial reflectors, provided that the boundaries of the connection segments (welding, screwing, tight fit) do not affect the setting of the sensitivity of the apparatus.
1.7.8. Depending on the purpose, manufacturing technology and quality of the surface of the pipes you should use one of sizes of the artificial reflectors is defined by the series:
For the scratches:
— depth risks , % of pipe wall thickness: 3, 5, 7, 10, 15 (±10%);
the risks length , mm: 1,0; 2,0; 3,0; 5,0; 10,0; 25,0; 50,0; 100,0 (±10%);
— risks width , mm: not more than 1.5.
1. Length risks is given for parts having a constant depth
within the tolerance; lots of entrance and exit of the cutting tool are not considered.
2. It is allowed to have angles of curvature risks associated with the technology of its production, no more than 10% .
For segmented reflectors:
— height , mm: 0,45±0,03; 0,75±0,03; 1,0±0,03; 1,45±0,05; 1,75±0,05; 2,30±0,05; 3,15±0,10; 4,0±0,10; 5,70±0,10.
Note. The height of the segment of the reflector should be greater than the length of the transverse ultrasonic waves.
For nicks:
— height and width
must be greater than the length of the transverse ultrasonic wave; the ratio
should be greater than 0.5 and less than 4.0.
For flat-bottomed holes:
— diameter 2, mm: 1,1; 1,6; 2,0; 2,5; 3,0; 3,6; 4,4; 5,1; 6,2.
Distance between flat bottom hole from the inner surface of the pipe shall be 0,25
; 0,5
; 0,75
, where
— the wall thickness of the pipe.
For rectangular grooves:
width , mm: 0,5; 1,0; 1,5; 2,0; 2,5; 3,0; 3,5; 4,0; 5,0; 10,0; 15,0 (±10%).
Depth should be 0.25
; 0,5
; 0,75
, where
— the wall thickness of the pipe.
Note. For flat-bottomed holes and rectangular grooves allowed other depth values provided in the technical documentation for the control.
The parameters of the artificial reflectors and methods of test indicated in the technical documentation for the control.
(Changed edition, Rev. N 1).
1.7.9. Height macroprocesses of the topography of the standard sample should be 3 times less than the depth of artificial corner reflector (risks, segmented reflector, notches) in the standard model, which is the sensitivity setting of ultrasonic equipment.
1.8. In the control tubes with the ratio of wall thickness to the outer diameter 0.2 and less artificial reflectors on the outer and inner surfaces have the same size.
In the control tubes with a large ratio of wall thickness to outer diameter sizes of the artificial reflector on the inner surface must be installed in the technical documentation for control, however, allowed the increase of the size of the artificial reflector on the inner surface of the standard sample compared with the size of the artificial reflector on the outer surface of the standard sample no more than 2 times.
1.9. Standard samples with artificial reflectors are divided into the control and workers. Setting of ultrasonic equipment is carried out on working standard samples. Control samples designed to verify working standard samples to ensure the stability of inspection results.
Control and standard samples are made, if working standard samples to check the measurement of the artificial reflectors directly at least once in 3 months.
The conformity of the working sample of the control check at least once in 3 months.
Working standard samples, which are not used within the specified period, check before using them.
The disparity between the amplitude of the signal from an artificial reflector and the acoustic noise of the sample the test was ±2 dB and more it is replaced with a new one.
(Changed edition, Rev. N 1).
2.1. Before inspection, the pipe is cleaned from dust, abrasive powder, dirt, oil, paint, loose scale and other surface contamination. Sharp edges on the pipe end must have no burrs.
The need for numbering tubes set depending on their destination in the standards or technical specifications for specific pipe type. In coordination with the customer of the pipes can not be numbered.
(Changed edition, Rev. N 2).
2.2. Pipe surface should not have peeling, dents, nicks, traces of cutting, leaking, splashes of molten metal, corrosion damage and shall meet the requirements for surface preparation, specified in the technical documentation for the control.
2.3. For machined pipe roughness parameter of the outer and inner surfaces according to GOST 2789 40 microns.
(Changed edition, Rev. N 1).
2.4. The control verifies the compliance of the main parameters of the requirements of the technical documentation for the control.
The list of parameters subject to verification, methods and frequency of their inspections should be provided in the technical documentation to the applicable means of ultrasonic testing.
2.5. The sensitivity setting of ultrasonic equipment to produce a working standard samples with artificial reflectors listed on features.1−14 in accordance with the technical documentation on the control.
Sets the sensitivity of the automatic ultrasonic equipment for standard work samples must meet the requirements of production control tubes.
2.6. Setting automatic ultrasonic equipment according to the standard model is complete, if not less than five times in the passing of the sample through the installation in the steady state occurs 100% registration of artificial reflector. In this case, if design allows truboprofilnogo mechanism, a standard sample before start the installation turn off every time at 60−80° relative to the previous position.
Note. When the mass of the standard sample more than 20 kg are allowed a five-time transmission in forward and reverse directions of the plot of a standard sample with artificial defect.
3.1. The quality control of the continuity of the metal pipes used the echo-method, shadow or mirror-shadow methods.
(Changed edition, Rev. N 1).
3.2. The entering of ultrasonic vibrations into the metal tube is immersion, contact or gap method.
3.3. The applied scheme of inclusion of converters in the control are given in Appendix 1.
It is possible to use other switching circuits converters, is given in the technical documentation for the control. Ways to incorporate converters and types of the excited ultrasonic vibrations to ensure reliable detection of artificial reflectors in the standard samples in accordance with PP.1.7 and 1.9.
3.4. Inspection of metal pipe defects is accomplished by scanning the surface of the testing pipe of the ultrasonic beam.
The scan parameters are set in the technical documentation for control depending on the applied equipment, the scheme of control and size of defects subject to detection.
3.5. To increase performance and reliability monitoring permitted the use of multi-channel control circuits, wherein the inverters in the reference plane shall be so arranged as to preclude mutual influence them on the results of the inspection.
Hardware configuration on the standard samples is carried out for each control channel separately.
3.6. Check of correctness of setting of the equipment according to the standard samples should be carried out after each activation of the equipment and at least every 4 hours of continuous operation equipment.
The frequency of inspection determined by the type of apparatus used, the applied control scheme and should be installed in the technical documentation for the control. When a violation occurs, the settings between the two scans the whole party is controlled by pipes subject to re-inspection.
Allowed during one shift (8 h) periodical verification of the setting of the equipment with devices whose parameters are determined after the setting of the equipment according to the standard model.
3.7. Method, key parameters, switching circuits converters, input method, ultrasonic vibrations of the sounding scheme, the separation of false signals and signals from defects, installed in the technical documentation for the control.
The ultrasonic testing of pipes is given in Appendix 2.
3.6; 3.7. (Changed edition, Rev. N 1).
3.8. Depending on material, purpose and manufacturing technology of the pipe is checked for:
a) longitudinal defects in the propagation of ultrasonic vibrations in the pipe wall in one direction (setup on artificial reflectors, damn.1−6);
b) longitudinal defects in the propagation of ultrasonic vibrations in two directions towards each other (setting on artificial reflectors, damn.1−6);
C) longitudinal defects in the propagation of ultrasonic vibrations in two directions (setting on artificial reflectors, damn.1−6) and transverse defects in the propagation of ultrasonic vibrations in one direction (setup on artificial reflectors features.7−12);
d) longitudinal and transverse defects in the propagation of ultrasonic vibrations in two directions (setting artificial reflectors features.1−12);
d) the defects such as delaminations (setting artificial reflectors (Fig.13, 14) in conjunction with subparagraphs a, b, C, d.
3.9. When the control sensitivity of the equipment can be adjusted to the amplitude of the echo signals from the external and internal artificial reflectors differ not more than 3 dB. If this difference cannot be compensated by electronic devices or methodological techniques, the control tubes to external and internal defects is carried out according to separate electronic channels.
4.1. Evaluation of the continuity of the metal pipe is carried out by results of the analysis of information obtained as a result of supervision, in accordance with the requirements set out in standards or technical conditions on the pipe.
Information processing can be performed automatically using appropriate devices in the control setup, or the operator according to visual observations and the measured characteristics of the detected defects.
4.2. The main measured characteristics of defects, which make the grading of the pipes is the amplitude of the echo signal from the defect, which is measured by comparing with the amplitude of echo-signal from artificial reflector in the standard sample.
Additional measured parameters used in assessing the quality of continuity of metal pipes, depending on the used equipment, circuits and method of control and adjustment of artificial reflectors, the destination of the pipes indicate in the technical documentation for the control.
4.3. The results of ultrasonic inspection of pipe fit to a log or to conclude, where should be specified:
— size and pipe material;
— the volume control;
— technical documentation, which is control;
— control scheme;
— artificial reflector, which is used to set up the sensitivity of the equipment under control;
— number of standard samples used in the configuration.
— type of equipment;
— nominal frequency of ultrasonic oscillations;
— type Converter;
— scan settings.
Additional information to be logged, the order of registration and storage of the journal (or the conclusion), ways of fixing the identified defects should be installed in the technical documentation for the control.
Form of the journal ultrasonic testing of pipes is given in Annex 3.
(Changed edition, Rev. N 1).
4.4. All repaired pipe shall be re-ultrasonic testing in the full amount specified in the technical documentation for the control.
4.5. Log entry (or detention) are used for permanent monitoring of compliance with all requirements standard and technical documentation for control and for statistical analysis of the effectiveness of the control tubes and the state of the technological process of their production.
5.1. When carrying out ultrasonic testing of pipes the engineer shall be guided by the applicable «Rules of technical operation of electrical installations and the rules of technical safety for operation of electrical installations"*, approved by Gosenergonadzor 12 April 1969, with additions from the 16 December 1971 and agreed with the trade unions on 9 April 1969.
* On the territory of the Russian Federation the document is not valid. Rules of technical operation of electrical consumers and cross-industry rules on labor protection (safety rules) when operating electrical installations (SWEAT P M-016−2001, RD 153−34.0−03.150−00). — Note the manufacturer’s database.
5.2. Additional requirements on safety and fire-prevention technology installed in the technical documentation for the control.
When the echo control method used combined (Fig.1−3) or separate (Fig.4−9) circuit converters.
When combining pulse echo method and the ultrasonic mirror-shadow method of control used dual connection circuit of transducers (Fig.10−12).
When you shadow a method of control used separate (damn.13) a diagram of switching converters.
When the ultrasonic mirror-shadow method of control used separate (damn.14−16) a diagram of switching converters.
Note to hell.1−16: G — output to the generator of ultrasonic vibrations; P — output to the receiver.
APPENDIX 1. (Changed edition, Rev. N 1)
APP 1a (reference). Passport to the standard sample
on the standard sample N
The name of the manufacturer | |||||||||
Date of manufacture | |||||||||
The purpose of the standard sample (working or control) | |||||||||
Material grade | |||||||||
Size of pipe (diameter, wall thickness) | |||||||||
The type of artificial reflector according to GOST 17410−78 | |||||||||
The orientations of the reflector (longitudinal or transverse) | |||||||||
The sizes of artificial reflectors and methods of measurement
The type of reflector | The surface |
Method of measurement |
The parameters of reflector, mm | |||
Risk (triangular or rectangular) | depth | length | width | |||
Segmented reflector | radius | height | ||||
Notch | height | width | ||||
Flat-bottomed hole | diameter | distance | ||||
A rectangular groove | width | depth | ||||
Date periodic check | ||||||||
Signature: | ||||||||
the post | signature | surname, I., O. |
1. In the passport indicating the size of the artificial reflectors, which are produced in this standard sample.
2. The passport is signed by the head of service, conducting the certification of standard samples and the services of the technical control Department.
3. In the column «measurement Method» indicates a method of measurement: direct, with the help of molds (plastic prints) with the help of the control samples (amplitude method) and the tool or instrument with which measurements were conducted.
4. In the «application Surface» indicates the inner or outer surface of a standard sample.
ANNEX 1A. (Added, Rev. N 1).
APPENDIX 2 (recommended). Card ultrasonic pipe testing manual scanning method
Technical documentation control | |||||||||||
Size of pipes (diameter, wall thickness) | |||||||||||
Material grade | |||||||||||
The technical documentation regulating norms for the evaluation of the shelf life | |||||||||||
The volume control (direction of testing) | |||||||||||
Type Converter | |||||||||||
Frequency Converter | |||||||||||
The angle of incidence of the beam | |||||||||||
The type and size of artificial reflector (or number of standard sample) for setting the sensitivity of fixation | |||||||||||
and search sensitivity | |||||||||||
Type flaw detector | |||||||||||
The scanning parameters (step, speed control) | |||||||||||
Note. The map should be drawn up for the engineering staff inspection and agreed, if necessary, with interested departments (the Department of the chief Metallurgist, the chief mechanic Department, etc.).
APPENDIX 3 (recommended). Journal of ultrasonic testing tubes
Date cont- Rola |
Pipe | The packet number of predjuce, certificate ficate |
If- the number of tubes, PCs. |
The control parameters (number of the standard sample sizes of artificial defects, installation type control scheme, the operating frequency is ultrasonic, the size of the Converter, step control) | Rooms. - however, indigenous pipes |
Ultrasonic testing results |
Signature Detecto- scopist (operator- controller) and OTK | ||
Time measures mm |
Mate- Rial |
rooms pipes without de- effects |
numbers of pipes with defects… - Tami |
APPENDIX 3. (Changed edition, Rev. N 1).