GOST 12645.0-83
GOST 12645.0−83 indium. General requirements for methods of analysis (with Amendments No. 1, 2)
GOST 12645.0−83
Group B59
General requirements for methods of analysis
General requirements for methods of analysis
AXTU 1709
Date of introduction 1984−01−01
1. DEVELOPED AND INTRODUCED by the Ministry of nonferrous metallurgy of the USSR
A. P. Sychev, V. N. Makarceva
2. APPROVED AND put INTO EFFECT by Decision of the USSR State Committee for standards from
Change No. 2 adopted by the Interstate Council for standardization, Metrology and certification
The adoption voted:
The name of the state | The name of the national authority for standardization |
The Republic Of Azerbaijan | Azgosstandart |
The Republic Of Armenia | Armastajad |
The Republic Of Belarus | Gosstandart Of Belarus |
The Republic Of Kazakhstan | Gosstandart Of The Republic Of Kazakhstan |
The Republic Of Moldova | Moldovastandart |
Russian Federation | Gosstandart Of Russia |
Turkmenistan | The main state inspection of Turkmenistan |
The Republic Of Uzbekistan | Standards |
Ukraine | Gosstandart Of Ukraine |
The designation of the reference document referenced |
The number of the paragraph, subparagraph |
GOST 8.010−90* |
9.14 |
GOST 12.0.005−84 |
9.14 |
GOST 12.1.004−91 |
9.9 |
GOST 12.1.005−88 |
9.1, 9.11, 9.13 |
GOST 12.1.007−76 |
9.13 |
GOST 12.1.019−79 |
9.7 |
GOST 12.1.030−81 |
9.8 |
GOST 12.2.003−91 |
9.4 |
9.5, 9.8 |
GOST 12.4.009−83 |
9.10 |
GOST 12.4.021−75 |
6 |
GOST 83−79 |
9.1, 9.15 |
GOST 195−77 |
6 |
GOST 4160−74 |
6 |
GOST 6709−72 |
6 |
GOST 10297−94 |
3 |
GOST 22306−77 |
2 |
GOST 25664−83 |
6 |
* On the territory of the Russian Federation GOST R 8.563−96.
4. Limitation of actions taken on the Protocol, the Interstate Council for standardization, Metrology and certification (ICS 5−6-93)
5. REPRINT (January 1998) with Amendments No. 1, 2 approved in December 1987-June 1996 (IUS 3−88, 9−96)
1. This standard establishes General requirements for methods of analysis India.
2. General requirements for methods of analysis GOST India 22306 with the additions given below.
3. The selection and preparation of samples is carried out according to GOST 10297.
4. The concentration of impurities and all operations for the preparation of samples comparisons and the preparation of samples for analysis is carried out in boxes of organic glass.
(Changed edition, Rev. N 2).
5. Evaporation of samples was carried out at a temperature not higher than 90 °C.
6. For the manifestation of photographic plates PFS-02, the SFC-the SFC 03−05 use developer N 1, SFC-04 — developer D-19 of the following composition:
N 1 |
D-19 | |
metol according to GOST 25664, g | 1,00±0,01 |
2,20±0,01 |
hydroquinone, g | 5,00±0,01 |
8,80±0,01 |
sodium sulfite anhydrous at 195 or GOST GOST 5644, g | 26,0±0,1 |
96,0±0,1 |
the anhydrous sodium carbonate according to GOST 83, g | 20,0±0,1 |
48,0±0,1 |
potassium bromide according to GOST 4160, g | 1,00±0,01 |
5,00±0,01 |
distilled water according to GOST 6709, cm |
1000 | 1000 |
(Changed edition, Rev. N 2).
7. The final result of the analysis be the arithmetic mean of results from two or four parallel measurements obtained on two photographic plates, for the spectral and chemical-spectral methods of analysis respectively, and three parallel definitions for chemical analysis.
The difference between the largest and smallest results of parallel measurements with a confidence probability of 0.95 shall not exceed the established values of acceptable differences (
) a given number of results of parallel measurements.
The difference between the smaller and larger of the two results of analysis with confidence probability of 0.95 shall not exceed the established standard values of the permissible differences of the two analysis results. The numerical values of the results of the analysis should end with a figure the same category as the value
(Changed edition, Rev. N 1).
8. Control of the correctness of the obtained results of the analysis carried out using the addition method at least once per month.
The analysis of India in one of the parallel portions is introduced Supplement of the analyzed component corresponding to approximately half of its content in the sample.
The maximum discrepancy between the results of parallel measurements in the sample without additive and for the deduction introduced should not exceed the permissible differences.
9. Safety requirements
9.1. Ventilation of laboratory spaces shall be Plenum-exhaust and to provide at workplaces meteorological conditions and purity of air environment according to the requirements of GOST
9.2. Fume cupboards should be fitted with upper and lower suction.
9.3. Laboratory facilities of spectral analysis must conform to the rules for arrangement and maintenance of laboratories and points of spectral analysis, approved in the established order.
9.4. Design of laboratory equipment and instruments shall comply with the requirements of GOST 12.2.003 and normative-technical documents for specific types of equipment and devices.
9.5. All electrical installations must meet the requirements of GOST
9.6. Appliances used for heating flammable liquids should be closed with coils and wires with a chemically resistant insulation.
9.7. Conditions electrical safety in workplaces must comply with GOST 12.1.019 and rules of technical operation of electrical installations and safety rules at operation of electrical installations, approved by Gosenergonadzor USSR.
9.8. All appliances should be equipped with devices for grounding according to GOST
9.9. Fire safety requirements of laboratory facilities — according to GOST
9.10. The types of fire fighting equipment and extinguishing media — according to GOST
9.11. The analysis of indium in air of working zones are formed harmful substances and used chemicals and materials which have a deleterious effect on the human body: acids (sulfuric, nitric, perchloric, hydrochloric, bromatologia), benzene, ammonia, ethyl alcohol, butyl ether of acetic acid, sodium hydroxide, bromine, hloreksa, carbon tetrachloride, isoamyl alcohol, hydrogen peroxide. In working with these substances should follow the safety requirements given in normative-technical documentation on their production and application. MPC them is specified in GOST
Metallic indium does not apply to toxic substances that pozharovzryvobezopasnost. The indium oxide refers to substances hazard class 3, has on human toxic effects. The maximum allowable concentration of indium oxide in the air of working zone is equal to 4 mg/m.
9.12. Preparation of samples for analysis (the taking of test portions, placing the sample in the solution, extraction, evaporation, etc.) should be carried out in fume cupboards or boxes, equipped with ventilation device.
9.13. The basic requirements for the control of hazardous substances in air of working zone for compliance with the requirements of GOST 12.1.005 — according to GOST
9.14. Analysis of air samples for the content of harmful substances in the air of working zone is performed according to the methods of determination of harmful substances in the air, approved by the Ministry of health of the USSR. The sensitivity of the methods and control devices must not be lower than 0.5 MPC.
Control of parameters of dangerous and harmful production factors should be performed according to the methods of measurement standardized and certified in accordance with the requirements of GOST 8.010.
Basic provisions and requirements for the organization and carrying out of works on metrological support in the field of occupational safety — according to GOST
9.15. Samples analyzed products, reagents and other raw materials stored in buksh, cans, jars or packages of construction paper in areas equipped with ventilation systems according to GOST
9.16. Recycling, neutralization and disposal of waste from the production of analyses produced in accordance with the regulatory documents, duly approved and coordinated with the state sanitary supervision of the Ministry of health of the USSR, and prevent ingress of hazardous substances into the environment (air, soil, water).
9.9.1−9.16. (Added, Rev. N 1).