GOST 23685-79
GOST 23685−79 Alloys aluminiumalloy and metrobility. General requirements for methods of analysis (Change No. 1)
GOST 23685−79
Group B59
General requirements for methods of analysis
Alloy of aluminium beryllium and copper-beryllium.
General requirements for methods of analysis
AXTU 1709*
* Introduced advanced Edit. N 1.
Date of introduction 1980−07−01
Resolution of the USSR State Committee on standards of June 6, 1979 N 2049 validity period is set from
* Expiration removed by the resolution of Gosstandart of Russia from
The Change N 1, approved and put into effect by the Decree of the USSR State Committee for standards from
Change No. 1 made by the manufacturer of the database in the text IUS N 12, 1984
1. This standard establishes General requirements for methods of analysis aluminiumalloy and menubilleder ligatures.
2. Sampling method should be installed in the normative-technical documentation for specific products.
3. For the analysis and preparation of solutions used reagents qualifications not lower than h. d. a. and distilled water according to GOST 6709−72.
4. In the expression «diluted 1:1, 1:2», etc. the first digits indicate the volume of the acid, or any solution, the second volume of the water.
5. Shall be allowed to use instruments and equipment not specified in the standard methods of analysis of the ligatures, if they are its technical parameters ensure the required accuracy of the analysis.
6. The reproducibility of the results is characterized by a relative standard deviation — according to GOST 23686.1−79, GOST 23686.2−79 and GOST 23687.1−79, GOST 23687.2−79.
The final result of the analysis be the arithmetic mean of results of two individual definitions and
under the condition
the result of the analysis.
If this condition is not met — analysis repeated.
In case of disagreement in terms of quality alloys discrepancy between the results and
considered acceptable, if the condition (for a confidence probability
of 0.99)
where ,
is the relative standard deviation characterizing the reproducibility of methods of analysis according to GOST 23686.1−79, GOST 23686.2−79 and GOST 23687.1−79, GOST 23687.2−79.
(Changed edition, Rev. N 1).
7. The weighing of the test portions analyzed samples produced a maximum error of 0.0002 g.
8. Control of the correctness of the results of the analysis carried out by supplements and exercise at least once a month, and also when replacing the reagents, materials, after a long break in work and other changes that affect the results of the analysis. Control of the correctness of the results of the analysis by the method of additions is carried out by finding the mass fraction of the analyte in the test alloys after adding an appropriate aliquote part of a standard solution of this component to the weight of the portion of the analyzed alloys prior to analysis.
The volume of a standard solution is chosen so that the analytical signal of the designated component increased 1.5−2 times compared with the analytical signal of this component in the absence of additives. We should also maintain the conditions of analysis according to GOST 23686.1−79, GOST 23686.2−79 and GOST 23687.1−79, GOST 23687.2−79. The definition of this component after the additive injection is carried out from the same number of parallel measurements, and analyzing the samples. The arithmetic mean value of results of parallel measurements taken for the mass fraction of the designated component in the sample with the additive. The value found Supplement, is calculated as the difference between the found mass fraction of the component in the sample with addition and the result of the analysis of the sample without additives.
The difference between the largest and smallest result of parallel measurements for the sample with the additive must not exceed the permissible differences given in GOST 23686.1−79, GOST 23686.2−79 and GOST 23687.1−79, GOST 23687.2−79.
The results of the analysis are considered correct if the value found additives different from the mass fraction of a component no more than , where
is the result of analysis of sample and sample additive %.
9. Safety requirements according to GOST 23911−79 or GOST 23912−79 with the addition of:
tests aluminiumalloy and megabezemboy ligatures should be performed in separate rooms.
8, 9. (Added, Rev. N 1).