GOST 28353.1-89
GOST 28353.1−89 Silver. Method of atomic-emission analysis
GOST 28353.1−89
Group B59
Method of atomic-emission analysis
Silver. Method of atomic-emission analysis
ISS 39.060
AXTU 1709
Date of introduction 1991−01−01
1. DEVELOPED AND INTRODUCED the Main Directorate of precious metals and diamonds at the Council of Ministers of the USSR
V. P. Tomaszewski (chair), V. M. Andreev, G. G. Pirozhnikova; T. A. Kislitsina
2. APPROVED AND put INTO EFFECT by Decision of the USSR State Committee on management of quality and standards from
3. REPLACE GOST 13638.1−79
The designation of the reference document referenced |
Paragraph number section |
GOST 83−79 |
2 |
GOST 195−77 |
2 |
GOST 244−76 |
2 |
GOST 3773−72 |
2 |
GOST 4160−74 |
2 |
GOST 6709−72 |
2 |
GOST 9147−80 |
2 |
GOST 13637.1−93 |
5 |
GOST 14261−77 |
2 |
GOST 19627−74 |
2 |
GOST 25664−83 |
2 |
GOST 28353.0−89 |
1; 3; 6 |
5. Limitation of actions taken by Protocol No. 5−94 of the Interstate Council for standardization, Metrology and certification (ICS 11−12−94)
6. REPRINTING. December 2005
This standard establishes the method of atomic emission determination of impurities: gold, copper, iron, platinum, palladium, rhodium, bismuth, lead, antimony, zinc, cobalt, Nickel, arsenic, tellurium and manganese in silver with a mass fraction of silver of at least 99.9%.
The standard does not apply to silver of high purity.
The method is based on the evaporation and excitation of the atoms of the sample of globules (liquid drops of the melt) in the arc discharge, the photographic registration of the spectrum and then measure the intensity of spectral lines of the identified elements. The relationship of the intensity of the line with a mass fraction of the element in the sample set with the help of calibration curve by standard samples.
The method allows to determine the mass fraction of impurities in the intervals given in table.1.
Table 1
The designated element |
Mass fraction, % |
Gold |
From 0,0002 to 0,01 |
Copper |
«Of 0.0002» 0,02 |
Iron |
«Of 0.0001» to 0.01 |
Platinum |
«0,0002» 0,01 |
Palladium |
«0,0002» 0,01 |
Rhodium |
«Of 0.0002» 0,003 |
Bismuth |
«Of 0.0001» to 0.005 |
Lead |
«0,0002» 0,01 |
Antimony |
«Of 0.0002» 0,005 |
Zinc |
«Of 0.0005» to 0.005 |
Cobalt |
«Of 0.0002» 0,003 |
Nickel |
«Of 0.0002» to 0.002 |
Arsenic |
«Of 0.0002» 0,004 |
Tellurium |
«To 0.001» to 0.01 |
Manganese |
«Of 0.0001» to 0.005 |
The error analysis results for the defined values of mass fractions of impurities with confidence probability of 0.95 is given in table.2.
Table 2
Mass fraction of impurities, % |
The norm error |
0,00010 |
±Of 0.00006 |
0,00030 |
±0,00015 |
0,00050 |
±0,00025 |
0,0010 |
±0,0004 |
0,0030 |
±0.0008 inch |
0,0050 |
±0,0015 |
0,010 |
±0,002 |
0,020 |
±0,005 |
General requirements for method of analysis and security requirements — according to GOST 28353.0.
Spectrograph medium dispersion with one-, three-lens Achromat lighting system.
The generator that provides the arc discharge of alternating current.
Tripod with forced cooling.
Spectrographic plates of types 1, 2, 3, ES, or other contrasting materials.
Electric stove with a closed spiral.
Resistance furnace with a power of 5 kW.
Electrodes, carbon, spectral-pure:
the lower diameter of 6−8 mm, a length of 30−50 mm with a conical recess 1 mm;
the top — diameter of 6−8 mm, a length of 30−50 mm, sharpened to a truncated cone.
Grinding machine carbon electrodes.
Analytical scales of the 2nd class.
The three-stage attenuator.
Crucibles porcelain with GOST 9147.
metol (4-methylaminophenol sulphate) according to GOST 25664 |
2.2 g |
sodium sulfur acid according to GOST 195 |
96 g | ||
hydroquinone (paradoxians) according to GOST 19627 |
8,8 g | ||
sodium carbonate according to GOST 83 |
4.8 g | ||
potassium bromide according to GOST 4160 |
5 g | ||
distilled water according to GOST 6709 | up to 1000 cm |
sodium thiosulfate crystal according to GOST 244 |
300 g |
ammonium chloride according to GOST 3773 |
20 g | ||
distilled water according to GOST 6709 | up to 1000 cm |
The graphite cups are made of spectral pure graphite.
Hydrochloric acid of high purity according to GOST 14261, diluted 1:1.
Standard samples of composition silver.
From each sample take at least eight batches weighing 200 mg of each standard sample, with at least four batches weighing 200 mg. the surface of the silver clean in accordance with GOST 28353.0. Then each sample was placed in a clean graphite Cup and melted in a resistance furnace for 5 s in the bead.
Each bead is placed in the conical recess of the lower carbon electrode. The upper electrode is a carbon rod, sharpened to a truncated cone.
Spectra of standard samples and samples are photographed under the same conditions.
Conditions of photographing of the spectra:
the width of the slit of a spectrograph — 0.015 mm; exposure — 25−60 s; distance between the electrodes is 1.5−2 mm are placed on the template.
As a source of spectra excitation is used in arc AC current 5−6 A.
Photographing spectra is carried out in two regions of the spectrum: when setting the scale of wavelengths at 325 and 260 nm. For each region of the spectrum receive two spectrograms for each standard sample and four of the spectrogram for each trial. When determining the mass fraction of copper of more than 0,012% and iron more than 0.002% of the spectra photographed through a three-stage attenuator. Photographic plates showing, rinsed in water, fixed, washed in running water and dried. The wavelengths of the analytical lines is recommended to perform the analysis, are given in table.3.
Table 3
The designated element |
Wavelength of analytical lines, nm |
The interval defined by mass fraction, % |
Gold |
267,60 |
0,0002−0,01 |
Copper |
324,75 |
0,0002−0,002 |
249,22 |
0,001−0,02 | |
Iron |
302,06 259,94 |
0,0001−0,01 |
Platinum |
265,94 |
0,0002−0,01 |
Palladium |
342,12 |
0,0002−0,003 |
340,46 |
0,0002−0,003 | |
324,27 |
0,0002−0,01 | |
Rhodium |
343,49 339,68 |
0,0002−0,003 |
Bismuth |
306,77 |
0,0001−0,002 |
289,80 |
0,001−0,005 | |
Lead |
283,31 |
0,0002−0,01 |
266,32 |
Of 0.0002−0,005 | |
261,42 |
0,0002−0,01 | |
Antimony |
287,79 |
Of 0.0002−0,005 |
259,81 |
0,0002−0,002 | |
Zinc |
334,50 |
0,0005−0,005 |
Cobalt |
345,35 340,51 |
0,0002−0,003 |
Nickel |
305,08 227,02 |
0,0002−0,002 |
Arsenic |
234,98 |
Of 0.0002−0.004 inch |
Tellurium |
238,58 |
0,001−0,01 |
Manganese |
279,83 |
0,0001−0,002 |
279,48 |
259,37 |
257,28 |
0,001−0,005 |
5.1. On each spectrogram to measure the blackening of analytical lines of the designated element (table.3) and nearby background
(minimum blackening near the analytical line of the element on either side, but with the same in all spectra on the same photographic plate). Calculate the difference of pochernenija
. The values of
obtained two spectrograms for each standard sample, find the arithmetic mean
. From the average values
for standard samples and
obtained four spectrograms for each of the analyzed samples are transferred to corresponding values of the logarithms of relative intensity
, in accordance with Annex GOST 13637.1.
Calibration curve constructed in the coordinates: logarithm of relative intensity is the logarithm of the mass fraction of the element in the standard sample
. For the calibration graph and the values to
find the mass fraction of the element in percent (four parallel determinations).
When working in the field of normal pucherani allowed to build a calibration curve in the coordinates .
The result of the analysis taking the arithmetic average of the four results of the parallel objectified
5.2. Discrepancies in the results of parallel measurements (the difference between the highest and lowest of the four results of parallel measurements) and the variance analysis results (difference between smaller and larger of the two results of the analysis) must not exceed the allowable absolute values of the differences established with confidence probability of 0.95 and is shown in table.4.
Table 4
Mass fraction of element, % |
The absolute allowable difference, % |
0,00010 |
0,00008 |
0,0003 |
0,0002 |
0,0005 |
0,0003 |
0,0010 |
0,0005 |
0,0030 |
0,0010 |
0,0050 |
0,0015 |
0,010 |
0,003 |
0,020 |
0,006 |
For intermediate values of the mass fraction of detectable elements permitted discrepancies are calculated by using linear interpolation.
The control accuracy of the analysis carried out according to standard samples of composition of silver in accordance with GOST 28353.0.