GOST 9816.0-84
GOST 9816.0−84 Tellurium technical. General requirements for methods of analysis
GOST 9816.0−84
Group B59
General requirements for methods of analysis
Technical tellurium. General requirements for methods of analysis
AXTU 1709
Valid from 01.07.85
before 01.07.90*
* See the label «notes»
DEVELOPED by the Ministry of nonferrous metallurgy of the USSR
A. A., Babacan, E. N. Gezalov, V. N. Semavin, I. I. Lebed, N. B. Tret'yakova, E. B. Makowski, O. D. Ryabkova
INTRODUCED by the Ministry of nonferrous metallurgy of the USSR
Member Of The Board Of A. P. Snurnikov
APPROVED AND put INTO EFFECT by Decision of the USSR State Committee on standards dated June 27, 1984 N 2149
REPLACE GOST 9816.0−74
1. This standard establishes General requirements for methods of analysis technical tellurium.
2. The selection and preparation of samples for the analysis of tellurium — GOST 17614−80.
3. Mass fraction of tellurium is determined in parallel in three batches, the mass fraction of the impurities in two batches.
4. Simultaneously with the breakthrough of tellurium through the entire course of the analysis it is necessary to conduct two test experience for inclusion in the results of the analysis corrections for contamination of the reagents (with the exception of spectral determination of impurities).
5. The final result of the analysis taking the arithmetic mean of the results of parallel measurements, the maximum difference between them does not exceed the permissible.
Permissible discrepancies in the results of parallel measurements calculated for a confidence level of 0.95, are shown for the corresponding ranges determined by the mass fraction of the components in the standard methods of analysis.
If discrepancies in the results of parallel measurements exceeds the allowable value, the determination must be repeated.
6. The weighing of a sample of tellurium, precipitation during the analysis of the starting materials used for preparation of standard and titrated solutions, spend on scales with the maximum error of 0.0002 g.
7. For analysis and the preparation of solutions of reagents using distilled water according to GOST 6709−72 and reagents qualification H. h or h. d. a., if the standard methods of analysis not specified other qualifications or special for this analysis method of cleaning.
8. In the expression «diluted 1:1, 1:2, etc.» the first digits indicate the volume of the acid or a solution of a certain concentration, the second volume of the solvent used for dilution. If no dilution is specified, it should be borne in mind concentrated acids or ammonia.
9. The expression «hot water (a solution)» it should be understood that the temperature of the liquid over 70 to 90 °C, warm water (or a solution) — more than 40 to 70 °C.
10. Laboratory measuring equipment (pipettes, burettes, volumetric flasks, etc.) shall be calibrated and meet the requirements of GOST 1770−74 and GOST 20292−74.
11. When photocolorimetric and atomic absorption definitions necessary to build the calibration graphs for standard solutions of the designated component, on the horizontal axis of which lay the mass value or mass fraction in percent of the designated component and the y — axis- the optical density of the respective solutions.
To construct the calibration graphs requires at least five points that need to be evenly distributed across the measuring range, the maximum and minimum values of the measurements set limits of the measurement ranges.
Inspection of the calibration plots should be conducted simultaneously with the tests at least once a quarter and when changing reagents.
12. Mass concentration of solutions must be installed not less than three batches of the original substance and is expressed in grams of ingredient per 1 cmof a solution, calculated with accuracy to at least the third significant figure and monitored at least once per month. Rounding the result according to ST SEV 543−77.
13. For the preparation of standard solutions used a metal containing a main component of at least 99.95%.
14. Control the correctness of the results of the chemical analysis method is carried out at least once a quarter, using addition method. The amount of the additive must comply with the mass fraction of the element tellurium.
The results of the analysis you think is right, if the found value differs from the given additive content of more than 0.5 , where
— the permissible discrepancy of the results of parallel measurements of the component in the sample and in the sample with the additive.
15. Placement and storage of chemical reagents, tellurium and other materials used in the analysis and which are hazardous and harmful properties, and their use must conform to the normative-technical documentation on their production and application.
16. Samples of tellurium technical should be stored in packages of thick paper according to GOST 2228−81 or buksh according to GOST 25336−82.
17. Laboratory facilities in which to run a chemical analysis, must be equipped with ventilation systems according to GOST 12.4.021−75.
18. Laboratory facilities in which the work is performed to control the chemical composition of technical tellurium, must be provided with fire extinguishers according to GOST and GOST 16005−70 7276−77. The means and methods of fire suppression should be applied according to the GOST 12.4.009−83 depending on the origin and nature of the fire.
19. All the operations of chemical analysis (dissolution of the sample, deposition, extraction, etc.) associated with the release of toxic vapors or gases must be performed in the boxes equipped with local suction device.
20. The analysis technical tellurium in workplace air can be harmful substances, concentration of which shall not exceed the maximum permissible concentration given in the table.
The name of the substance |
Hazard class according to GOST 12.1.007−76 |
The value of the maximum permissible concentration, mg/m |
1. Nitrogen oxides in terms of NO |
2 |
5 |
2. Ammonia |
4 |
20 |
3. Anhydride sulphuric |
2 |
1 |
4. Benzene |
2 |
5 |
5. Formic acid |
2 |
1 |
6. Ethyl alcohol |
4 |
1000 |
7. Hydrochloric acid |
2 |
5 |
8. Acetic acid |
3 |
5 |
9. Carbon dust |
4 |
6 |
21. Control of content of harmful substances in workplace air should be performed in accordance with the requirements of GOST 12.1.007−76 and GOST 12.1.005−76.
Analysis of air samples for the content of harmful substances in workplace air should be performed according to the methods of determination of harmful substances in the air, approved by the Ministry of health of the USSR.
22. For disposal, removal and disposal of waste from the production of tests should be guided by the normative-technical documentation, agreed with the sanitary-epidemiological service of the Ministry of health of the USSR.
23. When working with gas installations should fulfil the requirements of GOST 12.2.008−75 and safety rules in the gas sector, approved by Gosgortekhnadzor of the USSR.
Vessels and apparatuses, working under pressure, should be operated in accordance with the rules of arrangement and safe operation vessels working under pressure, approved by Gosgortekhnadzor of the USSR.
24. All electrical installations and electrical equipment used in the laboratory when performing tests must comply with GOST
25. All persons related to the analysis technical tellurium, must be provided with protective clothing, collective and individual means of protection according to GOST 12.4.011−75, 12.4.004−74, GOST 12.4.028−76, GOST 12.4.103−80, GOST 12.4.037−78, GOST 12.4.034−78, GOST 12.4.029−76.