GOST R ISO 3183-2-2007
GOST R ISO 3183−2-2007 steel Pipes for pipelines. Specifications. Part 2. Requirements for the pipes class
GOST R ISO 3183−2-2007
Group В62
Part 2
Steel pipes for pipelines. Specifications.
Part 2. Requirements for the class In pipes
OKS 23.040.10
OKP 13 9000
Date of introduction 2008−06−01
The objectives and principles of standardization in the Russian Federation established by the Federal law of 27 December 2002 N 184-FZ «On technical regulation», and rules for the application of national standards of the Russian Federation — GOST R 1.0−2004 «Standardization in the Russian Federation. The main provisions"
Data on standard
1 PREPARED by the Technical Committee for standardization TC 357 «Steel and cast iron pipes and cylinders», Open joint stock company «Russian scientific research Institute of pipe industry» (JSC «RosNITI») based on the authentic translation of the international standard indicated in paragraph 4, which is the Federal state unitary enterprise «Russian scientific and technical centre of information on standardization, Metrology and conformity assessment» (FGUP «STANDARTINFORM»)
2 SUBMITTED by the Technical Committee for standardization TC 357 «Steel and cast iron pipes and cylinders"
3 APPROVED AND put INTO EFFECT by Order of the Federal Agency for technical regulation and Metrology dated December 27, 2007 No. 608-St
4 this standard is identical to international standard ISO 3183−2:1996 «Industry oil and gas. Steel pipes for pipelines. Technical delivery conditions. Part 2. Pipe class» (ISO 3183−2:1996 «Petroleum and natural gas industries — Steel pipes for pipelines — Technical delivery conditions — Part 2: Pipes of requirement class B»). An addition was made to Annex a for ease of reference standard.
The name of this standard changed with respect to names specified international standard for compliance with GOST R 1.5−2004 (subsection 3.5).
In applying this standard it is recommended to use instead of the referenced international standards corresponding national standards of the Russian Federation, details of which are given in Appendix E
Information about the changes to this standard is published in the annually issued reference index «National standards», and the text changes and amendments — in monthly indexes published information «National standards». In case of revision (replacement) or cancellation of this standard a notification will be published in a monthly information index «National standards». Relevant information, notification and lyrics are also posted in the information system of General use — on the official website of the Federal Agency for technical regulation and Metrology on the Internet
In the preparation of a series of international standards of ISO 3183, the Technical Committee did not set the task of determining the level of quality of pipelines which have specific application.
However, the Committee recognized that there are several basic quality levels.
First, the Committee recognized the need to ensure basic level quality standard ANSI/API Spec 5L [1] corresponding to the tube class, which is discussed in ISO 3183−1.
Secondly, many consumers have additional requirements for pipes, e.g. concerning toughness and non-destructive testing methods. This approach is typical, for example, for pipelines. Such increased requirements correspond to chimneys In class and are addressed in ISO 3183−2.
Thirdly, there are particular requirements for the application, which in turn contain very high demands on quality and testing. Such requirements correspond to class C and are discussed in ISO 3183−3.
Job requirements impact on Charpy ISO 3183−2 to avoid long shear fracture was accepted on the basis of data available in the recommendations of EPRG (European Pipeline Research Group) [2] in respect of the pipes used for the transportation of depleted dry natural gas.
About the suitability of the above mentioned requirements for the strike to resolve a particular task is the responsibility of the designer. For example, rich gas or two-phase environment can require elevated properties for pipes.
For pipes that meet the requirements of class b, the ratio of weld strength of 1.0 may be used in the calculations of pipelines on the basis of the conditions established for the production of pipes and weld inspection.
The choice of class requirements depends on many factors. You should consider the properties of the working substance, terms of service, design standards and any statutory requirements. Therefore, the standard does not give detailed recommendations. The main objective of consumer — class selection of pipes with the relevant requirements for the specified application.
Note — this standard applies to the production of a wide range of types, sizes and technical limitations. In some applications the lack of a unified international standard for the design of the pipeline would entail the differences in national rules, and conflicting demands on the consumer that has complicated technical harmonization. Therefore, you may need to change some of the mandatory requirements of this standard in order to achieve compliance with various national design standards. However, this standard remains the primary regulatory document. Such amendments must be specified when ordering (see, e.g., note
This standard corresponds to the European standard EN 10208−2 [3] in accordance with the recommendations of ISO/TC 67/SC 1. The difference between ISO 3183−2 and EN 10208−2 [3] basically comes down to this:
— normative references (section 2);
— the numbers of the steels are not used in this standard;
— the basis for the calculation of hydraulic tests (by agreement — the nominal wall thickness; YONG 10208−2 [3] allowed minimum wall thickness);
— additional requirements EURONORM 168 [4] not included in this standard.
Designations of steels given in table 1, taken from YONG 10208−2 in order to exclude misunderstandings, which could result in different names for the same grade of steel.
Therefore, these names became not comply with the rules set out in ISO/TR 4949 relating to forming of steel items.
1 Scope
This standard specifies the technical delivery conditions for welded and seamless tubes from unalloyed and alloyed (except stainless) steels. It contains quality requirements and testing more rigorous than in GOST R ISO 3183−1. This standard applies to pipes, which are usually used for the transportation of flammable liquids and does not apply to cast steel pipe.
2 Normative references
This standard uses the regulatory references to the following international standards:
ISO 148−1:19831* metal Materials. Impact test pendulum Koper for Charpy. Part 1. Test method
* Valid ISO 148−1:2006.
ISO 377:1997 Steel and steel products. Location and preparation of samples and specimens for specific mechanical tests
ISO 404:1992 Steel and steel billet. General technical delivery conditions
ISO 1027:1983* Gamma the radiographic image quality indicators for nondestructive testing. Principles and identification
* Valid ISO 19232−1:2004.
ISO 2566−1:1984 Steel. Conversion chart of relative values of elongation. Part 1. Steel carbon and low alloy
ISO 3183−1:1996 Industry oil and gas. Steel pipes for pipelines. Technical delivery conditions. Part 1. Pipe class A
ISO 4200:1991 steel Pipes with smooth ends, welded and seamless. General tables of dimensions and masses per unit length
ISO 4885:1996 ferrous metals. Types of heat treatment. Dictionary
ISO 4948−1:1982 Steel. Classification. Part 1. Classification of steels into unalloyed and alloy chemical composition
ISO 4948−2:1981 Steel. Classification. Part 2. Classification of unalloyed and alloy steels according to main quality classes and main property or application
ISO/TR 4949:1989 Designation of steel based on letter symbols
ISO 6506:1986 metallic Materials. Definition of hardness Brinell. Part 1. Test method
ISO 6508:1986 metallic Materials. Determination of Rockwell hardness. Part 1. Determination method (scales A, b, C, D, E, F, G, H, K, N, T)
ISO 6761:1981 steel Tubes. Cutting the ends of tubes and fittings for welding
ISO 6892:1984 metallic Materials. Tensile tests at ambient temperature
ISO 6929:1987 steel Products. Definition and classification
ISO 7438:1985* metal Materials. Test bend
* Valid ISO 7438:2005.
ISO 7539−2:1989 Corrosion of metals and alloys. The corrosion test under stress. Part 2. Preparation and use of samples for bend test
ISO 8492:1986 metallic Materials. Pipe. Flattening tests;
ISO 9002:1994 quality management System. Requirements
ISO 9303:1989 seamless steel Tubes and welded (except tubes produced in arc submerged arc welding) pressure. Ultrasonic inspection of the entire peripheral surface for the detection of longitudinal imperfections
ISO 9304:1989 seamless steel Tubes and welded (except tubes produced in arc submerged arc welding) pressure. The control method of eddy currents for the detection of imperfections
ISO 9402:1989 seamless steel Tubes and welded (except tubes produced in arc submerged arc welding) pressure. Testing of pipes of ferromagnetic steel by magnetic flux leakage across the surface for the detection of longitudinal defects
ISO 9764:1989 steel Tubes obtained by electric contact welding and induction welding, pressure. Ultrasonic inspection of weld seam for detection of longitudinal imperfections
ISO 9765:1990 steel Tubes of the pressure obtained by arc welding under flux. Ultrasonic inspection of weld seam for detection of longitudinal and/or transverse imperfections
ISO/TR 9769:1991 Steel and cast iron. Review of existing methods of analysis
ISO 10124:1994 seamless steel Tubes pressure seamless and welded (except pipe manufactured by arc welding under flux). Ultrasonic testing method for detection of layered imperfections
ISO 10474:1991 Steel and steel products. Documents about control
ISO 11484:1994 steel Tubes for pressure. Qualification and certification of personnel for nondestructive testing
ISO 11496:1993 seamless steel Tubes and welded pressure. Ultrasonic testing of tube ends for the detection of layered imperfections
ISO 12094:1994 welded steel Pipes pressure. Ultrasonic testing for the detection of layered imperfections in strip/sheet material used for manufacturing welded pipes
ISO 12096:1996 steel Tubes of the pressure obtained by arc welding under flux. Radiographic inspection of weld seam for the detection of imperfections
ISO 13663:1995 welded steel Pipes pressure. Ultrasonic testing of the area adjacent to the weld seam for the detection of layered imperfections
ISO 14284:1996 Steel and iron. Selection and preparation of samples for the determination of chemical composition
ANSI/API RP 5L3:1996* completion of the burst test drop-weight of pipes for main pipelines
* Valid ANSI/API RP 5L3:2003.
3 Terms and definitions
3.1 General provisions
In this standard, the terms in 3.2−3.6 are used as additional or different terms:
ISO 4948−1 and ISO 4948−2 — classification of steels;
ISO 6929 — definition of steel products;
ISO 4885 — types of heat treatment;
ISO 377, ISO 404, ISO 10474 — options procedures sampling, monitoring, and control documents.
3.2 Types of pipes and welding
3.2.1 seamless pipe; BT (seamless pipe): pipe product manufactured by hot rolling, which is to ensure the required size can follow calibration (6.5) or cold deformation (3.3.4).
3.2.2 tube, made by high frequency welding; TWCS (high frequency welded pipe): pipe product made by the method of forming a roll rolling and welding the edges without adding filler metal. The longitudinal weld is obtained with the aid of high-frequency current supplied by an induction or conduction.
Note — High frequency adopted in this standard is not less than 100 kHz.
3.2.3 pipe manufactured by arc welding under flux; DSF (submerged arc welded pipe): pipe product that is manufactured by roll forming or sheet metal and welding the edges with the addition of a filler metal, where the longitudinal (DSFP) and spiral (DSPS) seams produced by the automatic arc welding submerged arc (6.3). At least one passage is made on the inner surface and one outer surface of the pipe. Allowed intermittent or continuous single pass tack, which is performed by arc welding in shielding gas.
3.2.4 pipe, made of a combination arc welding, gas shielded and submerged arc; KOS (combination gas metal arc and submerged arc-welded pipe): Pipe products made from rolled or sheet metal, whose edges are merged with the addition of a filler metal. Pipe with longitudinal (MICS) or spiral (AUC) the seam is made by combining arc welding, gas shielded and submerged arc welding. The process of electric arc welding in inert gas shall be continuous and first, and is followed by at least one passage of a continuous automatic submerged arc welding on the inner and outer surfaces of the pipe.
3.2.5 welding a connecting seam roll or rolled sheet (strip and weld): a Weld that joins the ends of the roll or the sheet metal between them.
3.2.6 pipe coupling (jointer): the Two segments of tubing joined girth.
3.2.7 pipe body (pipe body): For welded pipe, the entire pipe, eliminating the seam or seams and heat affected zone, for seamless pipe — all pipe completely.
3.3 processing Conditions
3.3.1 rolling at a temperature normalization (normalizing forming): the Process of rolling, when the final deformation is carried out in a certain temperature range leading to material properties equivalent to those obtained after normalization. Pipe laminated at temperatures normalize, save the resulting mechanical properties after subsequent normalization.
The letter designation of the terms of delivery.
3.3.2 thermomechanical treatment (thermomechanical forming): Treatment in which the final deformation is carried out in a certain temperature range leading to material properties with the specified parameters that are impossible to achieve or repeat only when the same heat treatment. Subsequent heating above the temperature of 580 °C may lower the strength value.
The letter designation of the terms of delivery — M.
Note 1: Thermomechanical processing, which corresponds to the delivery condition M can include processes with an increasing cooling rate and vacation (or no vacation), including semotus, but excluding direct quenching and quenching and tempering.
Note 2 — When reducing the carbon content and carbon equivalent of the material corresponding to the delivery condition M, improves weldability.
3.3.3 the quenching and tempering (quenching and tempering): Heat treatment consisting of hardening by quenching, followed by the holiday began. Hardening hardening involves the austenization, followed by cooling under such condition, when the austenite is transferred to martensite and may, in the beynit.
Vacation involves heating one or more times to a temperature not exceeding the recrystallization temperature (), and aged at this temperature, then cooling at a given rate so that the structure has changed, and was achieved the required properties.
The letter designation of the terms of delivery.
3.3.4 cold forming and cold forming (cold forming and cold finishing): In the context of cold forming is the process of converting sheets or strip rolled in a tube without heating. Cold deformation is a working operation without heating (conventional cold drawing) with residual deformation of 1.5%. This operation is calibration, which is described in 6.5.
3.4 Imperfections and defects
3.4.1 imperfections (imperfections): Deflection surface or wall of the pipe, does not meet the requirements, which are determined by the methods of this standard. Imperfections having a size and density distribution within the requirements of this standard are considered as not having practical significance for the intended use of the product.
3.4.2 defects (defects): the Imperfections, the size and density distribution which go beyond the requirements of this standard. Defects prevent the use of pipes for the purpose.
3.5 Harmonization of requirements
Unless otherwise specified, the term «agreement» means the agreement requirements between manufacturer and the customer when ordering.
3.6 Symbols in the fields
The following symbols are used in the margins and tables to denote options conditions of delivery:
OS — mandatory agreement [5.2, enum a)];
US — at the discretion of the manufacturer [5.2, enum b)];
PS — random agreement [5.2, enumeration)].
4 Classification and designation of steels
4.1 Classification of steels
Steel in this standard are non-alloy or with special doping. Their classification in accordance with ISO 4948−1 and ISO 4948−2 are shown in table 1.
Table 1 — Classification and designation of steels
The conditions of heat treatment | The grade of steel in accordance ISO 4948−1 and ISO 4948−2 |
Designation of steel |
Normalization or rolling at a temperature normalization | Non-alloy quality steel | L245NB |
L290NB | ||
L360NB | ||
Alloy special steel | L415NB | |
The quenching and tempering, | Alloy special steel | L360QB |
L415QB | ||
L450QB | ||
L485QB | ||
L555QB | ||
Thermomechanical treatment | Non-alloy quality steel | L245MB |
L290MB | ||
L360MB | ||
Alloy special steel | L415MB | |
L450MB | ||
L485MB | ||
L555MB |
4.2 Designation of steels
Steel in this standard indicated in accordance with standard EN 10208−2 [3], are given in table 1. A comparison of the names of those steels, which are used in API Spec 5L [1], is given in Appendix A.
5 Information provided by the consumer
5.1 Mandatory information
The consumer must provide at least the following information:
1) the number of ordered products (that is, the mass or length of pipe);
2) product shape (pipe);
3) kind of pipe (table 2, column «pipes»);
Table 2 — Types, manufacturing methods and conditions of heat treatment of pipes
The pipes | The source material |
A method of manufacturing* | The conditions of heat treatment | Symbol thermal processing |
Seamless (BT) | The ingot or the tubular billet | Hot rolling | Normalization or normalization during molding |
N |
The quenching and tempering, |
Q | |||
Hot rolling and cold deformation | Normalization | N | ||
The quenching and tempering, |
Q | |||
Manufactured by high frequency welding (TVCS) | Hot-rolled coil with normalization | Cold forming | Normalization of the weld | N |
The coil obtained by thermomechanical rolling |
Heat treatment of the weld | M | ||
Hot rolled or normalized hot-rolled hot-rolled coil | Normalization (all pipes) | N | ||
Cold forming and hot reduction under controlled temperature, corresponding to the normalization |
- | N | ||
Manufactured by arc welding under flux (DSF): — with a longitudinal seam (DSFP) — with spiral seam (DSPS) |
A rolled sheet or rolled with normalization or normalized | Cold forming | - | N |
Roll or flat products obtained by thermomechanical rolling |
M | |||
Roll or rolled sheet in the as-rolled, thermomechanical-rolled, normalizing rolling or normalized rolled | Forming at a temperature normalization | - | N | |
Made of the combined weld (CBS): — with a longitudinal seam (MICS) — with spiral seam (KOSS) | ||||
* See |
4) designation of this standard;
5) marking of steel (table 1);
6) pipe outer diameter and wall thickness, mm (;
7) a group of tubes of random length. If you need a measuring tube, specify length, mm ( and table 11);
8) test requirements for the impact strength (table 6 or 7);
9) required documents for the control (8.1).
5.2 Additional information
This standard defines the procedure for the negotiation between the consumer and the manufacturer additional information (7.3, note 2) or other requirements in addition to the generally applicable terms of delivery [the enumeration of a) to C) of this subsection].
The need for additional information or additional requirements should be clearly specified when ordering.
a) Compulsory negotiation (OS) — requirements that must be agreed upon:
1) chemical composition of pipes with wall thickness more than 25 mm (table 3, footnote 2);
2) mechanical properties of tubes with wall thickness more than 25 mm (table 5, footnote 1);
3) requirements for testing the impact strength and tensile drop-weight (DWTT) for pipes with outside diameter of more than 1,430 mm and/or a wall thickness of 25 mm (tables 6 and 7, footnote 2);
4) diameter tolerances for seamless pipes of wall thickness greater than 25 mm (table 9, footnote 2);
5) tolerances on the diameter for tubes with external diameter more than 1,430 mm (table 9, column «Pipe, except for ends»);
6) the party responsible for the publication of the document control 3.2 (8.1, note 2).
b) If these requirements are not agreed with the consumer, they remain at the discretion of the producer (US):
1) a method of checking the geometric dimensions (;
2) determination of the frequency of nondestructive testing of seamless tubes and pipes high-frequency welding (Annex D, D. 2.2);
3) x-ray inspection definition of longitudinal imperfections [Annex D, D. 5.4, enum a)].
C) Arbitrary negotiation (PS) — requirements that can be agreed upon:
1) certification of system of quality control or manufacturing technology (6.1 and Annex b);
2) the process of making steel (6.2.1);
3) technology of production of pipes arc welding under flux with two longitudinal seams (6.3);
4) delivery pipe electric arc welding submerged arc spiral seam containing the connecting seams (6.6.1);
5) the content of molybdenum [table 3, footnote 7)];
6) the decrease in the index carbon equivalent (CEV) [table 3, footnote 4)];
7) drop-weight test (DWTT) [table 6 and 7, footnote 4)];
8) weldability data or tests of the joints (7.4.2);
9) application of tolerances on the diameter to inner diameter [table 9, footnote 3)];
10) application of tolerances to the outer diameter [table 9, footnote 4)];
11) special shape chamfers or cutting the ends (;
12) the offset edges in the welds the strip ends [table 13, footnote 1)];
13) test the impact strength of the heat affected zone (;
14) cutting direction test specimen [table 18, footnote 2)];
15) using the cylindrical test specimen (;
16) the use of tapered and heat-treated samples (;
17) test temperature impact strength and falling weight other than 0 °C ( and
18) replacement micrographics control in alternative test method (;
19) hardness test during production of pipes with high frequency welding seam heat-treated (;
20) the hydraulic pressure test above 25 or 50 MPa and strain up to 100% of the minimum yield stress (;
21) the hydraulic pressure test in accordance with ISO 3183−1 (;
22) the use of special means of measurement pipe diameter (;
23) the use of cold branding (9.1.3);
24) special marking (9.2);
25) coating and primer (section 10);
26) the allowable level L2/C or L2 for non-destructive testing of seamless pipes (Appendix D, D. 3.1 and D. 3.2);
27) using the method of magnetic flux leakage (pipe and tube seamless and welded high-frequency welding) and the method of eddy currents (for pipes produced by high frequency welding) (Appendix D, D. 3.2 and D. 4.1.2);
28) the acceptance level L2/C for the nondestructive testing of pipes made by high frequency welding (Appendix D, D. 4.1.1);
29) the acceptance level L2 for non-destructive testing of pipes produced by high frequency welding [Appendix D, D. 4.1.2, enum a)];
30) check for the level of quality for bundles (Appendix D, D. 2.4, D. 4.2, D. 4.3, D. 5.2 and D. 5.3);
31) the use of fixed-depth notches for equipment calibration [Appendix D, D. 5.1.1, enumeration d)];
32) the use of penetrameters hole instead of the wire penetrameters ISO [Annex D, D. 5.5.1, enum a)];
33) the use of x-ray inspection [Appendix D, D. 5.5.1, enumeration b)].
5.3 Example order
Preferably, the information represented in the same way as described in example order: 10,000 m pipe DSFP ISO 3183−2 — L415MB — 610х12.5 — r2, the characteristics upon impact according to table 7, DWTT, the document about the quality of the pipes ISO 10474, section 3.1 C.
6 Requirements for production technology of pipes
6.1 General
6.1.1 the Manufacturer of the pipes and the marketing firm needs to operate in accordance with a quality system according to ISO 9002 or an equivalent system.
PS approved quality system must be consistent with:
— by user;
— a representative of the consumer;
— an independent third party;
— authorities for supervision.
PS note — In special cases, the approval of manufacturing technology can be matched according to available data or in accordance with Annex V.
6.1.2 All operations nondestructive testing (NDT) should be carried out by certified professionals in accordance with ISO 11484.
6.2 steel Fabrication
6.2.1 the Steel must be made of the oxygen Converter or electric furnace method.
PS Other equivalent manufacturing processes of steels can be matched.
6.2.2 the Steel shall be fully killed and fine grained.
6.3 Manufacture of pipes
The types of tubes described in 3.2 and are given together with acceptable manufacturing methods in table 2. A tube and heat treatment condition of the selected steel is determined by the consumer.
Pipe spiral-welded, welded by arc welding under flux, must be made from strips of a width not less than 0,8 and not more than three values of the outer diameter of the pipe.
PS, In agreement pipe DSPP can have two stitches.
6.4 heat treatment Condition
Pipes shall be supplied in accordance with the conditions of manufacture and heat treatment, are shown in table 2.
6.5 Calibration
Pipes are brought to their final dimensions with operations ekspedirovanie or reduction, which should not lead to significant deformation. In cases where no further heat treatment is carried out or is carried out only heat treatment of the weld, the degree of the cold calibration should not exceed 0,015.
calculated by the formula
, (1)
where is the outer diameter after calibration, mm;
— outer diameter before calibration, mm;
— nominal external diameter, mm.
6.6 Connecting seams
PS 6.6.1 In agreement on spiral-welded pipes are allowed seams connecting the ends of coil stock. Thus the weld seams should be located no closer than 200 mm from the pipe end.
6.6.2 For welding of pipes with longitudinal weld seams connecting strip rolled is not permitted.
6.7 Composite pipe
Supply flexible pipes are not allowed.
7 Technical requirements for quality tubes
7.1 General provisions
The requirements in this standard apply under conditions which meet the technical requirements for the selection and preparation of specimens and the test methods listed in 8.2.2 and
Note In table 17 is an overview of the tables and sections that refer to the requirements and technical conditions for the test.
7.2 Chemical composition
7.2.1 Analysis of melting
The chemical composition of the melt must fully comply with the requirements of table 3.
Table 3 — Chemical composition of steel on plavonia analysis of bucket samplesfor pipes with a wall thickness of
25 mm
Refer to the inclusion of steel |
Mass fraction of elements |
CEV | ||||||||||
With |
Si | MP |
R | S | V | Nb | Ti | Other | ||||
Steel seamless and welded pipes | ||||||||||||
L245NB |
0,16 | 0,40 | 1,1 | 0,025 | 0,020 | - | - | - | 0,42 | |||
L290NB |
0,17 | 0,40 | 1,2 | 0,025 | 0,020 | 0,05 | 0,05 | 0,04 | 0,42 | |||
L360NB |
0,20 | 0,45 | 1,6 | 0,025 | 0,020 | 0,10 | 0,05 | 0,04 |
0,45 | ||
L415NB |
0,21 | 0,45 | 1,6 | 0,025 | 0,020 | 0,15 | 0,05 | 0,04 |
In agreement the popping | ||
Steel seamless pipe | ||||||||||||
L360QB |
0,16 | 0,45 | 1,4 | 0,025 | 0,020 | 0,05 | 0,05 | 0,04 | 0,42 | |||
L415QB |
0,16 | 0,45 | 1,6 | 0,025 | 0,020 | 0,08 | 0,05 | 0,04 |
0,43 | ||
L450QB |
0,16 | 0,45 | 1,6 | 0,025 | 0,020 | 0,09 | 0,05 | 0,06 |
0,45 | ||
L485QB |
0,16 | 0,45 | 1,7 | 0,025 | 0,020 | 0,10 | 0,05 | 0,06 |
0,45 | ||
L555QB |
0,16 | 0,45 | 1,8 | 0,025 | 0,020 | 0,10 | 0,05 | 0,06 |
In agreement the popping | ||
Steel for welded pipe | ||||||||||||
L245MB |
0,16 | 0,45 | 1,5 | 0,025 | 0,020 | 0,04 | 0,04 | - | 0,40 | |||
L290MB |
0,16 | 0,45 | 1,5 | 0,025 | 0,020 | 0,04 | 0,04 | - | 0,40 | |||
L360MB |
0,16 | 0,45 | 1,6 | 0,025 | 0,020 | 0,05 | 0,05 | 0,04 | 0,41 | |||
L415MB |
0,16 | 0,45 | 1,6 | 0,025 | 0,020 | 0,08 | 0,05 | 0,06 |
0,42 | ||
L450MB |
0,16 | 0,45 | 1,6 | 0,025 | 0,020 | 0,10 | 0,05 | 0,06 |
0,43 | ||
L485MB |
0,16 | 0,45 | 1,7 | 0,025 | 0,020 | 0,10 | 0,06 | 0,06 |
0,43 | ||
L555MB |
0,16 | 0,45 | 1,8 | 0,025 | 0,020 | 0,10 | 0,06 | 0,06 |
In agreement the popping | ||
OS |
| |||||||||||
PS |
| |||||||||||
PS |
7.2.2 Analysis of the product
Allowable deviation from the values given in table 3 are given in table 4.
Table 4 — Permissible deviations in chemical composition
Item |
Allowable deviation |
C | +0,020 |
Si | +0,050 |
Mn | +0,100 |
P | +0,005 |
S | +0,005 |
V | +0,010 |
Nb | +0,010 |
Ti | +0,010 |
V+Nb+Ti |
+0,020 |
SG |
+0,050 |
Ni |
+0,050 |
Mo |
+0,030 |
Si |
+0,050 |
Al |
±0,005 |
N |
+0,002 |
7.3 Mechanical and technological characteristics of pipes
Pipe shall conform to the requirements set forth in tables 5, 6, or 7. The consumer needs when ordering, specify requirements on toughness, depending on the factor of safety.
Note 1 — In case of hot deformation and/or additional treatment when the installation of pipes delivered in quenched and tempered conditions or after thermomechanical rolling, they can change the mechanical properties (e.g. 3.3.2). If appropriate, the consumer should contact the manufacturer for more information.
Note 2 — Requirements for the amount of work of impact in tables 6 and 7 were determined taking into account among other parameters the factor of safety. The values of factors of safety of 1.4 and 1.6 were chosen as typical examples.
Table 5 — Requirements for mechanical characteristics of pipes when tested in tension and bending and the wall thickness is not more than 25 mmand the results of hydraulic tests
The body of the pipe (seamless and welded pipe) | Weld | ||||||
DSF, KOS | ||||||
Refer to increase steel |
The yield strength with total elongation of 0.5% |
Limit etc- |
The ratio of yield point to tensile strength |
Elongation |
Tensile strength |
The mandrel diameter for bend test |
Hydraulic cal test ( |
L245NB | From 245 to 440 |
415 | 0,80 | 22 | The same values as the pipe body | 3 |
Each pipe shall withstand the test without leakage and deformation within the limits |
L245MB |
0,85 | ||||||
L290NB | From 290 to 440 |
415 | 0,85 | 21 | 3 | ||
L290MB |
0,85 | ||||||
L360NB | From 360 to 510 |
460 | 0,85 | 20 | 4 | ||
L360QB |
0,88 | ||||||
L360MB |
0,85 | ||||||
L415NB |
From 415 up to 565 |
520 | 0,85 |
18 | 5 | ||
L415QB |
0,88 | ||||||
L415MB |
0,85 | ||||||
L450QB | 450 to 570 |
535 | 0,90 | 18 | 6 | ||
L450MB |
0,87 | ||||||
L485QB |
From 485 to 605 |
570 | 0,90 | 18 | 6 | ||
L485MB |
0,90 | ||||||
L555QB | From 555 to 675 |
625 | 0,90 | 18 | 6 | ||
L555MB |
0,90 | ||||||
OS |
Table 6 — Requirements for testing the impact strength Charpy specimens with V-shaped cut with a factor of safety of 1.6and tensile drop-weight (DWTT) at 0 °C.
Refer to increase steel |
Impact test on Charpy specimen with a V-shaped incision. Minimum work for the pipe outer diameter |
DWTT | |||||||||
The body of the pipe (outer pipe diameter |
Weld | The body of the pipe ( | |||||||||
>510 | >610 | >720 | >820 | >920 | >1020 | >1120 | >1220 |
500 | ||
| |||
Transverse to the pipe axis (longitudinal in square brackets) | |||||||||||
L245NB L245MB |
40 (30) [60 (45)] |
40 (30) | 40 (30) | 40 (30) | Not applicable | ||||||
L290NB L290MB |
42 (32) | ||||||||||
L360NB L360QB L360MB | |||||||||||
L415NB L415QB L415MB |
85 | ||||||||||
L450QB L450MB |
42 (32) | 43 (32) | 47 (35) | ||||||||
L485QB L485MB |
40 (30) [60 (45)] |
41 (31) [62 (47)] |
45 (34) [68 (51)] |
48 (36) | 51 (38) | 53 (40) | 56 (42) | 58 (44) | 63 (47) | ||
L555QB L555MB |
48 (36) [72 (54)] |
55 (41) [83 (62)] |
61 (46) [92 (69)] |
66 (50) | 72 (54) | 77 (58) | 82 (62) | 87 (65) | 96 (72) | ||
OS |
| ||||||||||
PS |
Table 7 — Requirements for testing the impact strength Charpy specimens with V-shaped cut with a factor of safety of 1.4and tensile drop-weight (DWTT) at a temperature of 0 °C
Refer to increase steel |
Impact test on Charpy specimen with a V-shaped incision. Minimum work for the pipe outer diameter |
DWTT | ||||||||||
The body of the pipe (outer pipe diameter |
Weld | The body of the pipe ( | ||||||||||
>510 | >610 | >720 | >820 | >920 | >1020 | >1120 | >1220 |
500 | ||
| |||||
Transverse to the pipe axis (longitudinal in square brackets) | ||||||||||||
L245NB L245MB |
40 (30) [60 (45)] |
40 (30) | 40 (30) | 40 (30) | Not applicable | |||||||
L290NB L290MB |
42 (32) | |||||||||||
L360NB L360QB L360MB | ||||||||||||
L415NB L415QB L415MB |
40 (30) | 41 (31) | 44 (33) | 46 (35) | 48 (36) | 51 (38) | 85 | |||||
L450QB L450MB |
40 (30) [60 (45)] |
41 (31) [62 (47)] |
43 (32) | 46 (35) | 48 (36) | 51 (38) | 53 (40) | 57 (43) | ||||
L485QB L485MB |
46 (35) [69 (52)] |
50 (38) [75 (56)] |
55 (41) [83 (62)] |
58 (44) | 61 (47) | 65 (49) | 68 (51) | 71 (53) | 77 (58) | |||
L555QB L555MB |
61 (46) [92 (69)] |
68 (51) [102 (77)] |
76 (57) [114 (86)] |
83 (62) | 90 (68) | 96 (72) | 102 (77) | 108 (81) | 120 (90) | |||
OS |
| |||||||||||
PS |
7.4 Weldability
7.4.1 Requirements for chemical composition of steel and, in particular, restrictions on the carbon equivalent CEV (table 3) were adopted in order to ensure the weldability of steel, which is delivered in accordance with this standard.
Note, however, that the behavior of steel during and after welding depends not only on the steel grade but also on the consumables used and the conditions of preparation and holding of welding.
PS 7.4.2 By agreement the manufacturer shall provide data on weldability of the respective steel or the results of the test weld. In the case of providing the test results of the weld must also be agreed upon testing conditions and acceptance criteria.
7.5 surface Condition, imperfections and defects
7.5.1 the Manufacturer shall take appropriate precautions in order to minimize imperfections and defects.
7.5.2 Final surface treatment in the production should be conducted so that surface defects can be detected during visual inspection.
7.5.3 Surface imperfections that are detected during visual inspection shall be investigated, classified and treated as follows:
a) imperfections to a depth of no more than 12.5% nominal wall thickness, and not bringing the wall thickness outside of the allowable minimum thickness, shall be classified as valid, and processed in accordance with p. 1;
b) imperfections with a depth of more than 12.5% nominal wall thickness, not bringing the wall thickness outside of the allowable minimum thickness, shall be classified as unacceptable and should be either eliminated by grinding in accordance with C. 2, or processed under S. Z;
c) imperfections that display the thickness of the wall beyond the acceptable minimum values shall be classified as invalid and processed in accordance with S. Z.
7.5.4 For undercuts that are detected during visual inspection of welded pipes types of DSF and KOS, applies the criterion of acceptance is given in D. 5.5.2, enumeration d)-f) (Appendix D).
7.5.5 acceptance Criteria pipe defects detected by NDT methods in accordance with
7.5.6 All pipes shall be free of defects (3.4.2).
7.5.7 deviations from the normal cylindrical contour of the pipe, resulting from a molding process or other manufacturing processes (in particular, dents, flat spots, bulges), shall not exceed the following limits:
— 3 mm for flat areas, bumps and cold-formed dents with a sharp notch at the bottom;
— 6 mm for other dents.
These limits relate to the difference between the upper deflection point and the continuation of the contour of the pipe. For measuring flat spots and bulges, see
7.5.8 Any areas of increased hardness, the dimensions of which exceed 50 mm in any direction should have a hardness less than 35 HRC (327 HB) (
7.6 Dimensions, weight and tolerances
7.6.1 Dimensions Pipes shall be supplied in the sizes which are defined in the order, and with tolerances in accordance with 7.6.3−7.6.6. Outer diameter and wall thickness according to ISO 4200 are shown in table 8. Possible to manufacture intermediate sizes.
Table 8 — Preferred outside diameter and wall thickness (fields marked with crosses)
In millimeters
Outside- tion of dia- meter |
Wall thickness | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
2,3 |
2,6 | 2,9 | 3,2 | 3,6 | 4,0 | 4,5 | 5,0 | 5,6 | 6,3 | 7,1 | 8,0 | 8,8 | 10,0 | 11,0 | 12,5 | 14,2 | 16,0 | 17,5 | 20,0 | 22,2 | 25,0 | 28,0 | 30,0 | 32,0 | 36,0 | 40,0 | |
33,7 |
X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | |||||||||||||
42,4 |
X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | |||||||||||||
48,3 |
X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | |||||||||||
60,3 |
X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | ||||||||||
88,9 |
X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | ||||||||
114,3 |
X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | ||||||||
168,3 |
X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | ||
Of 219.1 |
X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | |||
273,0 |
X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | ||||
323.9 m |
X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | |||||
355,6 |
X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | ||||||
406,4 |
X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | ||||||
457,0 |
X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | |||||||
508,0 |
X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | ||||||||
559,0 |
X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | ||||||||
610,0 |
X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | ||||||||
660,0 |
X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | |||||||||
711,0 |
X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | ||||||||||
762,0 |
X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | ||||||||||
813,0 |
X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | ||||||||||
864,0 |
X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | ||||||||||
914,0 |
X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | ||||||||||
1016,0 |
X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | ||||||||||||
1067,0 |
X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | ||||||||||||
1118,0 |
X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | |||||||||||||
1168,0 |
X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | |||||||||||||
1219,0 |
X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | |||||||||||||
1321,0 |
X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | |||||||||||||
1422,0 |
X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | |||||||||||||
1524,0 |
X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | |||||||||||||
1626,0 |
X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | tubing Length specified
7.6.2 Mass pipes
The mass per unit length , kg/m, should be determined according to the following formula
, (2)
where is the nominal outside diameter, mm;
— nominal wall thickness, mm.
The formula uses the value of the density of steel of 7.85 kg/DM.
7.6.3 Tolerances on pipe Tolerances on diameter and ovality
The outer diameter and ovality defined
Table 9 — Tolerances on diameter and ovality
The tolerances on the diameter |
Ovality | |||||
Outer diameter |
Pipe, except for ends | The ends of the pipe |
Pipe, except for ends |
The ends of the pipe | ||
seamless |
welded | seamless | welded | |||
±0.5 mm or ±0,75% |
±0.5 mm or ±0,75% |
±0.5 mm or ±0,5% |
Included in the diameter tolerance | ||
60 |
2% | A 1.5% | ||||
610 |
±1% |
±0,5% |
±2 mm |
±1.6 mm |
A 1.5% (but max. 15 mm) for |
1 percent to |
In agreement | In agreement |
By agreement | |||
| the Tolerance on wall thickness
Wall thickness shall be within the tolerances given in table 10.
Table 10 — Tolerances on wall thickness
Wall thickness |
Tolerances |
Seamless pipe* | |
+0.6 mm 0,5 mm |
4<<img alt=«ГОСТ Р ИСО 3183-2-2007 Трубы стальные для трубопроводов. Технические условия. Часть 2. Требования к трубам класса В» src=«»><25 |
+15,0% -12.5 percent |
+3.75 mm -3,00 mm or ±10% (whichever greater) |
Welded pipe | |
+1.0 mm — 0.5 mm |
10<<img alt=«ГОСТ Р ИСО 3183-2-2007 Трубы стальные для трубопроводов. Технические условия. Часть 2. Требования к трубам класса В» src=«»><20 |
+10% -5% |
+2 mm -1 mm |
* Outside diameter | the length of the pipe depending on order supply pipes dimensional and random length. Pipe random lengths shall be supplied in accordance with the requirements of certain groups of lengths (table 11).
Table 11 — Requirements for random groups of lengths
In meters
Group length | Length limits for 90% of the order* |
The minimum average length in the order | The shortest pipe length in the order |
r1 |
From 6 to 11 | 8 | 4 |
r2 |
From 9 to 14 | 11 | 6 |
r3 |
From 10 to 16 | 13 | 7 |
r4 |
From 11 to 18 | 15 | 8 |
* The upper limit is the maximum value of the length of each individual pipe. | Pipe lengths shall be supplied with a tolerance of ±500 mm. Straightness
The total deviation from a straight line shall be 0.2% of the entire length of the pipe. Any local deviation from straightness should be <4 mm per 1 m length.
7.6.4 Processing of pipe ends the pipe Ends must be cut at right angles to the pipe axis and have no burrs. The deviation from perpendicularity of end face (see figure 1) must not exceed:
— 1 mm — for outer diameter up to 220 mm, inclusive;
Is 0.005, but not more than 1.6 mm for the outer diameter of more than 220 mm.
Figure 1 — Deviation from perpendicularity of end face (cut end Squareness, mm)
Figure 1 — Deviation from perpendicularity of end face (cut end Squareness, mm) the Ends of tubes with wall thickness not less than 3.2 mm shall be chamfered for welding. The chamfer angle of the chamfer measured from the line perpendicular to the pipe axis must be 30° with a tolerance of +5°. The width of the end root face shall be 1.6 mm with a tolerance of ±0,8 mm.
PS Another preparation of the ends may be agreed, for example, on the basis of ISO 6761.
If you fulfil the internal taper boring or grinding, the angle of the inner cone measured from the longitudinal axis, shall not exceed:
for seamless pipe, as indicated in table 12;
— 7° — for welded pipes of an external diameter of 114.3 mm. less
Table 12 — Maximum angle of internal taper for seamless pipes
The nominal wall thickness, mm |
The maximum chamfer angle |
7,0° |
10,5 |
9,5° |
14,0 |
11,0° |
14,0° |
7.6.5 Tolerances for welds Radial displacement of the edge of the sheet or strip rolled pipe TWCS radial displacement of the edge of the sheet or strip rolled shall not cause the residual wall thickness in the weld is less than the specified minimum value (figure 2 a).
Figure 2 — Possible deviations of the dimensions of the welds
— residual thickness due to the radial offset of edges
a Radial displacement of the edges of coil stock (CVCS pipe)
— outer, inner offset edges;
— height external, internal rollers of a seam
b — the Radial offset of edges and the height of the rollers seam roller
or sheet metal (DSF and sewage pipes)
c — a Mismatch axis rollers joints (DSF pipe)
Figure 2 — Possible deviations of the dimensions of the welds For welded pipes types of DSF and KOS the maximum radial offset (and
figure 2b) edges of a rolled sheet or rolled should not exceed the values given in table 13.
Table 13 — Maximum permissible radial offset of the edges of the rolled sheet or rolled pipe manufactured by arc welding under flux
In millimeters
The nominal wall thickness of |
The maximum radial displacement* |
1,0 |
10 |
0,1 |
2,0 |
* For welding connecting joints can be matched other values. | the height of the Burr or roller seam (weld reinforcement) Outer burrs in the pipes produced by high frequency welding, must be completely removed. The inner Burr should not exceed the contour of the pipe by more than (0.3 mm +0,05) where
is the nominal wall thickness. When deburring the wall thickness shall not be decreased below a specified minimum value.
Recess depth, which resulted from removal of the internal Burr tube made by high frequency welding, should not be more than the values specified in table 14.
Table 14 — Maximum depth of excavation for pipes manufactured by high frequency welding
In millimeters
The nominal wall thickness of |
Maximum digging depth |
0,10 |
4,0 |
0,40 |
0,05 | Cushion inner seam of welded pipes types of DSF and KOS must be aligned flush with the tolerance of +0.5 mm at a distance of 100 mm from each pipe end (a, figure 2b).
The height of the weld bead on the rest of the pipe shall not exceed the values given in table 15.
Table 15 — Maximum height of weld bead for pipe types of DSF and KOS
In millimeters
The nominal wall thickness of |
The maximum height of weld bead | |
internal |
external | |
3 | 3 |
3 | 4 | a bead of weld needs to be smoothed down to the base metal and for pipes of types of DSF and KOS should not intrude into the body of the pipe, except that it is permitted to undercut [D. 5.5.2, enumeration d)]. displacement of the axes of the rollers of the weld
Any mismatch of the centers of the rollers of the weld of the tubes of the types of DSF and KOS (figure 2with) must not exceed the values given in table 16.
Table 16 — Maximum displacement of the axes of the rollers of welded joints of pipes welded by the submerged-arc
In millimeters
The nominal wall thickness of |
The maximum displacement of the axes of the rollers of the seams |
3 |
4 |
7.6.6 Tolerances to ground
The weight of any pipe, determined in accordance with 7.6.2, should be within the tolerances of +10% or is -3.5%.
8 Control tubes
8.1 instruments for the control
Requirements of the order must be confirmed by certain control and test products corresponding to the present standard.
Consumer needs, taking into account the following notes to determine which of the following documents control according to ISO 10474 necessary:
ISO 10474−3.1.And
ISO 10474−3.1.In
ISO 10474−3.1.With
ISO 10474−3.2.
Note 1 — In his choice the consumer needs to consider the relevant requirements of the standards or legislative documents for pipelines.
OS note 2 — If you selected one of the documents control of ISO 10474−3.1.And, 3.1.With 3.2, the user must also specify in the order the address of the organization or persons responsible for the control, release and approval documents for the control. In the case of selecting the document ISO 10474−3.2 must be agreed which party prepares the document.
8.2 Types of control and tests
8.2.1 Types and frequency of tests the Types and frequency of testing pipes is presented in table 17.
Table 17 — Types of tests and their requirements
A tube |
Kind of test, its the symbol | Status |
The frequency of testing | The conditions of sampling | Method of test- Tania |
Requirements | ||||
BT | TVCS | DSFP, MICS | DSPS, KOSS | |||||||
X | X | X | X | Analysis of melting, A1 | m |
1 analysis/melting | Defined by the manufacturer |
Table 3 | ||
X | X | X | X | Analysis of the product A2 | m |
1 analysis/melting | | | Table 4 | |
X | X | X | X | Tensile test |
m | With the exception of pipes with joints connecting the ends of the strips, the test group should contain pipe: | If- the number of samples on single view 1 | and table 18 | | Table 5 |
X | X | X | X | — weld ( |
m | — one of melting |
1 | |||
X | — the weld connecting the ends of the strips ( |
m | — some conditions of heat treatment — one size |
1 | ||||||
X | X | X | X | Impact test Charpy V-notch ( |
m | a) when outer diameters |
3 | | Tables 6 and 7 | |
X | X | X | — weld |
m | b) in other cases, the batch of tubes — not more than 50. |
3 | ||||
X | — the weld connecting the ends of the strips, C3 | m | For pipes with seams connecting |
3 | ||||||
X | X | X | X | Test gap by falling cargo, pipe body |
on | the ends of the strips, the batch of tubes — not more than 50. | 2 | | ||
X | X | Bend test of weld, E1 | m | 2 | | Figure 6, | ||||
X | The bend test of the weld connecting the ends of the strips, E2 |
m | 2 | |||||||
X | Test the flattening, f | m | Four tests on a roll, plus two tests in the case of spot welding |
Figure 4 and | | Figure 4, | ||||
X | X | Macro and metallographic examination: — micrographia, g1 |
m | Once per shift or when changing pipe sizes | | | | |||
X | — metallography, g2 | m | Once per shift or when you change the size/grade of steel pipe |
- | | | ||||
X | X | X |
Test for hardness, h1 | m | For cold-deformed tubes in the presence of solid areas, exceeding 50 mm in any direction |
- | | 7.5.8 | ||
X | Test for hardness, h2 | on | In agreement for heat-treated pipe HDTV |
- | - | |||||
X | X | X | X | Hydraulic tests, i | m | Each pipe | - | | and table 5 | |
X | X | X | X | External examination, j |
m | Each pipe | | 7.5 | ||
X | X | X | X | Control the size: — the outer or the inner diameter of the ends of the tube ovality, k1 |
m | Each pipe | | and table 9 | ||
X | X | X | X | — the wall thickness of the pipe end, k2 | m | | and table 10 | |||
X | X | X | X | -other sizes, eliminating the seam k3 | m | Random. |, | |||
X | X | X | — weld, k4 | m | Details at the discretion of the controller | | 7.6.5 | |||
X | X | X | X | Weighing, l |
m | Each pipe or batch | | 7.6.6 | ||
X | X | X | X | Non-destructive testing, m |
Table D. 1 | |||||
8.2.2 the Selection and preparation of samples for testing Samples for chemical analysis product
Samples for test shall be cut and prepared in accordance with ISO 14284. By the manufacturer of pipes should be taken from sheet or strip or tube. Samples for mechanical testing General provisions
Samples must be prepared in accordance with the General conditions of ISO 377 for the following types of tests:
— tensile test;
— shock test the samples for Charpy V-neck incision;
— tensile drop-weight;
— the bend test;
— resistance to flattening.
Samples for different tests should be taken from the ends of the pipe in accordance with figures 3, 4 and table 18, including the additional details provided
Figure 3 — Location of samples, determination of their direction
Figure 3 — Location of samples, determination of their areas (designation — see table 18)
Figure 4 — Diagram of sampling for testing the flattening
1 — weld; 2 — end of the roll; 3 — cut ends, two samples; 4 — stop welding;
5 — two samples, one on each side of the seat stay weld
Figure 4 — Diagram of sampling for testing the flattening