GOST R ISO 13679-2016
GOST R ISO 13679−2016 steel Pipes casing and tubing for the oil and gas industry. Methods of testing threaded connections
GOST R ISO 13679−2016
Methods of testing threaded connections
Casing and tubing steel pipes for oil and gas industry. Procedures of connection thread testing
OKS 75.180.10
* According to the official website of Rosstandart
OKS 23.040.10; 77.040.20; 77.140.75, hereinafter. -
Note the manufacturer’s database.
Date of introduction 2016−10−01
1 PREPARED by Subcommittee SC 7 «Pipe threaded oil country» of Technical Committee TC 357 «Steel and cast iron pipes and cylinders» based on the authentic translation into the Russian language of the standard referred to in paragraph 4, which is made of SPF «Interservice"
2 SUBMITTED by the Technical Committee for standardization TC 357 «Steel and cast iron pipes and cylinders"
3 APPROVED AND put INTO EFFECT by the Federal Agency for technical regulation and Metrology from February 26, 2016 N 78th St
4 this standard is identical to international standard ISO 13679:2002* «Petroleum and natural gas industries — Procedures for testing connections of casing and tubing» (ISO 13679:2002 «Petroleum and natural gas industries — Procedures for testing casing and tubing connection»).
The name of this standard changed with respect to names specified international standard for compliance with GOST R 1.5 (subsection 3.5).
Used in international standard ISO 13679:2002 replaced by the terms used in national practice: «integral connection» or «flare», the term «box» indicating a connection element with an internal thread, on the «flare."
In applying this standard it is recommended to use instead of the referenced international standards corresponding national standards of the Russian Federation and interstate standards, details of which are given in Appendix YES
Application rules of this standard are established in GOST R 1.0−2012 (section 8). Information about the changes to this standard is published in the annual (as of January 1 of the current year) reference index «National standards» and the official text changes and amendments — in monthly information index «National standards». In case of revision (replacement) or cancellation of this standard a notification will be published in the upcoming issue of the monthly information index «National standards». Relevant information, notification and lyrics are also posted in the information system of General use — on the official website of the Federal Agency for technical regulation and Metrology on the Internet (www.gost.ru)
This standard is identical to international standard ISO 13679:2002, which was developed based on the standard API RP 5С5 and patented methods of testing threaded connections.
International standard ISO 13679:2002 has been prepared by Subcommittee SC 5 «Casing, tubing and drill pipe» of Technical Committee ISO/TC 67 «Materials, equipment and offshore structures for petroleum, petrochemical and gas industry».
Check and test ultimate loads for joints are crucial in the design of casing and tubing pipes.
To check and test ultimate loads test connection at maximum values of the operating parameters. This test guarantees that all products will operate under these parameters will have the same performance as the products that were tested. The performance parameters of threaded connections include the limiting deviations of dimensions, mechanical properties, surface treatment, torque screwing, the type and number of thread lubrication. Considered in this standard known limit deviations of dimensions of standard compounds. The definition of adverse extreme deviations of dimensions of non-standard connections require design review.
This standard consists of five main parts. The tests are conducted in accordance with sections 4−8 based on data provided by the manufacturers and specified in Annex A, and (or) calculations, given in Appendix B and shall be in the form of reports, forms which are given in Appendix C. In Appendix D contain information that should be provided in the full testing report. Appendix E presents the calculations to build a 100% field of loading for pipe body and determination of the point load test. In Annex F shows an example of calibrating load device. Annex G lists the possible assessment of the quality series products with threaded connections, and Annex H contains guidance on conducting additional tests for special applications. Annex I contains the rationale for the development of this standard. Annex J lists the requirements for connections with seal metal-to-metal and resilient seal, which shall be tested separately.
Additional tests carried out for special applications compounds, which are not evaluated by the tests described in this standard. The customer and manufacturer must agree on the use of a compound in such circumstances, subject to certain limitations.
It is recommended to conduct tests under the supervision of representatives of the customer and (or) inspection by a third party.
This standard deals with the test compounds in the most common conditions and does not consider all possible conditions, for example, is not considered operation in a hostile environment, which may affect the performance of the connection.
1 Scope
This standard establishes the minimum list of methods of project test and acceptance test criteria for connections of casing and tubing pipes used in the oil and gas industry. Testing of the physical properties of the compounds are part of the process of design validation, and provide objective evidence of the conformity of connections the test and the limit load specified by the manufacturer.
The standard establishes four classes of tests according to their severity.
This standard provides the statistical basis for risk analysis.
This standard considers only three of the five possible types of primary loads in wells on casing and tubing pipe: fluid pressure (internal and (or) external), axial force is compression or tension; bending (buckling and (or) bending from deflection of the well), as well as torsion. The standard does not deal with torque loads during the rotation and non-axisymmetric loads (when a point, line or surface contacts).
This standard specifies the tests to be carried out to determine the propensity for seizure, sealing properties and structural integrity of the joints of casing and tubing pipes.
The standard considers the application conditions of casing and tubing without taking into account the diameters of the pipes.
2 Normative references
The present standard features references to the following standards*:
________________For dated references, only use the specified edition of the standard. In the case of undated references, the latest edition of the standard, including all revisions and amendments.
* The table of conformity of national standards international see the link. — Note the manufacturer’s database.
ISO 3183−1, Petroleum and natural gas industries. Steel pipe for pipeline transportation systems. Technical delivery conditions. Part 1. Pipe requirements class A (ISO 3183−1, Petroleum and natural gas industries — Steel pipe for pipelines — Technical delivery conditions — Part 1: Pipes of requirements class A)
________________This standard cancelled and replaced with the ISO 3183−2012 «the Oil and gas industry. Steel pipes for pipeline transportation systems».
ISO 3183−2 Oil and gas industry. Steel pipe for pipeline transportation systems. Technical delivery conditions. Part 2. Pipe requirements class B (ISO 3183−2, Petroleum and natural gas industries — Steel pipe for pipelines — Technical delivery conditions — Part 2: Pipes of requirements class B)
________________This standard cancelled and replaced with the ISO 3183−2012 «the Oil and gas industry. Steel pipes for pipeline transportation systems».
ISO 3183−3 Petroleum and natural gas industries. Steel pipe for pipeline transportation systems. Technical delivery conditions. Part 3. Pipe class requirements (ISO 3183−3, Petroleum and natural gas industries — Steel pipe for pipelines — Technical delivery conditions — Part 3: Pipes of requirements class C)
________________This standard cancelled and replaced with the ISO 3183−2012 «the Oil and gas industry. Steel pipes for pipeline transportation systems».
ISO 10400:1993 petroleum and gas Industry. Formulas and calculations to determine characteristics of the casing, tubing, drill and line pipe (ISO 10400, Petroleum and natural gas industries; formulae and calculation for casing, tubing, drill pipe and line pipe properties).
ISO 10422 Industry oil and gas. Cutting, calibration and production thread inspection of casing, tubing and pipelines. Technical specifications (ISO 10422, Petroleum and natural gas-industries; threading, gauging, and thread inspection of casing, tubing and line pipe threads; specification)
________________This standard is cancelled without replacement.
ISO 11960 Petroleum and natural gas industries. Steel pipes for use as casing and tubing for wells (ISO 11960, Petroleum and natural gas industries — Steel pipes for use as casing or tubing for wells)
ISO 13680 Industry oil and gas. Seamless tubes of corrosion-resistant alloys for use as casing, tubing and connecting pipes. Technical delivery conditions (ISO 13680, Petroleum and natural gas industries — Corrosion-resistant Alloy seamless tubes for use as casing, tubing and coupling stock — Technical delivery conditions)
API Bull 5C3 Bulletin on formulas and calculations for properties of casing, tubing, drill and line pipe used as casing and tubing, and tables of performance properties of casing and tubing pipes (API Bull 5СЗ, Bulletin on Formulas and calculations for Casing, Tubing, Drill Pipe, and Pipe Properties)
API Spec 5B Requirements for cutting, calibration and control of the thread casing, tubing and line pipe (API Spec 5B, Specification for Threading, Gauging and Thread Inspection of Casing, Tubing, and Line Pipe Threads)
API Spec 5L Requirements for pipeline pipes (API Spec 5L, Specification for Line Pipe)
3 Terms, definitions, symbols and abbreviations
3.1 Terms and definitions
This standard applies the following terms with respective definitions:
3.1.1 chart load thrust load (axial pressure load diagram): a Graph of pressure from the axial load characterizing test load connection and (or) a pipe or the ultimate load.
3.1.2 binding (galling): Cold welding of the contact surfaces, followed by separation of the material during the further sliding or rotation.
1 Binding is the result of sliding metal surfaces under heavy loads. Can be caused by insufficient lubrication of the contacting surfaces. The purpose of lubrication is to minimize contact with metal surfaces and provide a smooth glide. Other ways of preventing jamming — reduce pressure or reduce the length of the trajectory of the slide.
2 there are several degrees of galling depending on the report and necessary repairs (see 3.1.5, 3.1.17, 3.1.20).
3.1.3 initial blank (mother joint): a Pipe or tubular rod couplings, which cut off connections for test specimen production.
3.1.4 the pipe string (the pipe string): a Few pipes connected to each other.
3.1.5 light binding (light galling): Binding, the consequences of which can be eliminated with the aid of coated abrasives.
3.1.6 multi-element seal (multiple seals): seal System consisting of two or more independent elements, where each element is a separate seal.
3.1.7 the scope of the test load (test load envelope): the Area bounded by values of loads (axial load, pressure, bending loads) and temperature within which the connection shall be tested in accordance with this standard.
Note — the Manufacturer is responsible for the selection of test loads for connections made to them (see 4.1).
3.1.8 sample connection (connection specimen): Two cut pipes that interconnect.
Note — Sample coupling consists of segments of pipe ends with external thread (nipple elements) connected by a coupling with internal thread (tapered element), a sample socket connection from segments of pipe end with external thread (nipple element) and the pipe end with internal thread (tapered element).
3.1.9 ovality of the seal (seal ovality): the difference between the maximum diameter and the minimum sealing diameter of the seal divided by the average diameter of the seal and multiplied by 100.
Note — Ovality of the seal is expressed in percent.
3.1.10 single-element seal (single seal): One seal or several seals, which cannot be separated physically.
3.1.11 batch (lot): the Pipes are the same size, the same strength group, one of steel smelting, which were subjected to a heat treatment for one continuous process or in a cage.
3.1.12 batch thread (thread lot): Products made for threading equipment for a continuous production cycle that is not interrupted by a significant damage of the tool or equipment defects (excluding wear and tear or minor damage tool), replacement of the holder (except rough boring bar) or any other failures and threading equipment, or monitoring gauges.
3.1.13 pipe (pup joint): a Section of pipe or tube workpiece for coupling may be threaded.
3.1.14 limit load (limit load): the Maximum value of combination of loads (axial load and (or) pressure), which defines the terms of the connection failed or the maximum load that causes plastic deformation (e.g. buckling) before full disconnection (failure).
3.1.15 ultimate load (failure load): the Load at which the pipe body or the connection is completely destroyed in the form of the output connection of mates, cracking, significant plastic deformation (e.g. swelling or crumbling) or significant loss of integrity.
3.1.16 seal on the thread (thread seal): Seal or system of seals, creating leaks due to the precision of thread profile and thread lubricant applied to the surface of the thread.
3.1.17 strong binding (severe galling): Binding, the consequences of which can’t be fixed with needle files and abrasive paper.
3.1.18 connection (connection): threaded connection of two pipe ends with the coupler (coupling) or two pipe ends without the help of coupler (socket connection).
3.1.19 ambient temperature, room temperature (ambient temperature): Actual room temperature of the laboratory in the absence of residual heating of the sample compounds after the previous heat test.
3.1.20 moderate binding (moderate galling): Binding, the consequences of which can be fixed with needle files and abrasive paper.
3.1.21 seal (seal): the Element that prevents the penetration testing environment.
3.1.22 seal metal-to-metal (metal-to-metal seal): Seal or system of seals, creating leaks due to the high contact stress of mating metal surfaces.
Note — threaded grease can have both positive and negative effects on performance characteristics-metal seal-metal.
3.1.23 elastic seal (resilient seal): Seal or system of seals, creating leaks with o-rings installed inside of the connection (for example, thread, sealing station, etc.).
3.1.24 leakage (leak): Any displacement of the fluid in the measuring system during aging compounds under pressure.
3.2 Notation
This standard applies the following designations: — cross-sectional area, calculated from the inner diameter of the pipe;
— cross-sectional area calculated from the outside diameter of the pipe;
the cross — sectional area of the pipe;
— axial compression force;
— the specified outside diameter of the pipe;
— inner diameter;
— outer diameter;
— the effective degree of curvature in degrees per 30 m;
the absolute calibration uncertainty of the load device;
— relative error in the calibration of the load device, in percent;
stress fracture;
— the axial force of tension or compression;
equivalent axial force bending;
— stated the strength of the sample compounds under a compressive load;
— actual axial force of tension or compression;
— nominal axial force of tension or compression;
— stated the strength of the connection under partial tensile load or breaking load;
— stated the strength of the connection when a tensile load corresponding to the beginning of the flow;
is the moment of inertia;
— the efficiency of the connection resistance to compressive loads;
— efficiency ratio of the resistance of joints to internal pressure;
— efficiency ratio of the resistance of joints to external pressure;
— efficiency ratio of the resistance of joints to traction;
— geometrical variables;
— the length of the nipple element And the coupling face (or end face of the tapered element) to the end caps or mounting;
— the length of the nipple element from the coupling face (or end face of the tapered element) to the end caps or mounting;
— the length of the coupling or bell-and-spigot joints;
— minimum mezapama the length of the connection element;
— the bending moment;
— sureshbhai time;
— pressure shear according to ISO/TR 10400 for the outer diameter, wall thickness, and the actual yield stress of the sample;
— internal pressure;
— internal pressure with a bending load;
— high internal pressure;
— standardized internal test pressure;
— low internal pressure;
— internal pressure yield strength of the pipe body according to ISO/10400;
— the external test pressure;
— external pressure with a bending load;
— normalized external test pressure;
— pressure at elevated temperatures under thermal Cycling test
— pressured on the inner surface of the voltage
the actual leakage rate;
— the observed rate of leakage;
R is the radius of curvature of the axis of the pipe body; — tensile strength of the nipple or socket elements is equal to 100% of the minimum limit of the tensile strength of the initial billet (at room or elevated temperature);
— yield strength of the nipple or socket elements, equal to 100% of the minimum yield stress of the initial billet (at room or elevated temperature);
— a voltage equal to 90%
for test series A and B, 80%, 90% and 95% for series C;
is the specified wall thickness of the pipe;
— the minimum wall thickness of the sample;
— the actual minimum wall thickness of the pipe;
T is the axial tension force; — the effectiveness of the leak detection system;
— axial stress without bending;
— axial stress bending;
— axial stress with supercritical bending;
— axial stress caused by bending;
— axial tension caused by the supercritical curve;
— yield strength in the axial direction under compression, if present, otherwise the yield stress in the axial direction under tension;
— circumferential (tangential) stress;
— circumferential (tangential) stress at the outer diameter;
— radial (normal) voltage;
— radial (normal) stress at the outer diameter;
— yield strength in the transverse direction under tension, if it exists, otherwise yield in axial direction under tension;
— the specific yield strength in compression, if present, otherwise the yield stress in the axial direction under tension;
— equivalent stress von Mises;
— yield strength in the axial direction under tension.
3.3 Reduction
In this standard, the following abbreviations are used:
CAL — the level of use of the compounds for which, when tested, satisfactory results;
CCS — a critical cross section;
CCW — direction is counterclockwise;
CW — the direction is clockwise;
CEPL — load (tension) that occurs under the action of internal pressure on the connection element with end cap;
CEYP is the pressure corresponding to the beginning of the yield strength of the material of the connection element with end cap;
CRA — corrosion-resistant steels and alloys;
EUE — element with external upset and threaded EUE;
FMU — sample of a compound in a state after final Assembly;
LL — limit load;
LP — point of application of load;
LP1 — version of the test limit load 1;
LP2 — version of the test limit load 2;
LP3 — variant testing full load 3;
LP4 — variant testing full load 4;
LP5 — variant testing full load 5;
LP6 — variant testing full load 6;
LP7 — testing option 7 a maximum load;
LP8 — variant testing full load 8;
M/B — a screwing and unscrewing;
MBG — sample test for interference when screwing and unscrewing;
MC — mechanical cycle;
MT — material samples for testing;
MTC connection with sealing metal-to-metal;
MTM — seal metal-to-metal;
MU — make-up;
OCTG — tubular goods oil country tubular;
PTFE — polytetrafluoroethylene;
RS — tight seal;
SRG — groove under the seal ring;
TC — thermal cycle;
TLE — area test loads;
TSC — connection with sealing in the thread;
VME — equivalent stress von Mises.
4 General requirements
4.1 Geometric parameters of the connection region of test loads and operational characteristics of the connection
The manufacturer shall provide geometric parameters and performance characteristics of the connection, indicating the level of application of the compound and its properties of tensile strength, compression, bending, torsion, withstanding internal pressure, external pressure. Cm. the list of geometrical parameters of connection and the data in table 1. The manufacturer must submit a representative drawing of the cross section of the connection. It must also represent in graph form the area of test loads (graph VME) and quantitative values of the ultimate loads. To obtain the field test loads for the connection and calculation of test loads should use your own method of calculation used by the manufacturer. You can also use the health data or the method outlined in Appendix B.
Appendix B is a means by which the manufacturer or the customer can evaluate the area of test loads, using the model of the join operation based on the performance of individual critical sections of the connection.
Shall be factory installed as close as possible to the load limit for each connection. The client may also make an independent assessment of maximum loads. Limit load must be greater than the test loads.
It is very important that the combined load capacity of the connection, expressed in the form of a field test loads were close to the conditions when the sensitivity of the connection to the main load changes with pressure, axial force and (or) bending and Vice versa. Analytical and empirical equations for calculation of the connection must set the scope of test loads for all combinations of pressure and axial force and bending (if needed). These equations should also be applicable for the calculation of test loads based on the actual yield strength and the specimen geometry of the connection and should consider other demands on the structural strength and integrity connection. Form of equations to facilitate the calculation of pressure at a given axial load, with or without consideration to bending.
Since the construction joints of casing and tubing and their performance can vary widely, it is impossible to establish the total requirements for a minimum number of values to calculate in tabular format. However, it is assumed that the definition of the test and ultimate loads will be sufficient for about 10 combinations of loads from the pressure and the axial forces on the quadrant. If connection design is changes in sensitivity to stress, it is necessary to provide an accounting of loads which change the sensitivity.
When calculating the bearing capacity of the pipe body and connections the purpose of this standard is to sample test compounds were carried out under the highest load or combination of loads, allowable from the point of view of security.
In the case where unforeseen circumstances will result in deviation from the established requirements or procedures, such deviations should be clearly indicated in the documentation.
4.2 quality Control
All procedures of quality control in the manufacture of samples of compounds for testing must be documented and must conform to the procedures used in the manufacture of compounds for actual operation in the well. The manufacturer must ensure the production of compounds for testing according to the present standard of the same design, with the same dimensions and limit deviations of dimensions (see section 6), and connections to real operation in the well. Manufacturer compounds must issue a certificate of compliance, for example in [1]. The manufacturer shall develop the plan monitoring process that includes the procedure number or drawing number, and revision of all relevant secondary documents (for production, calibration of measuring instrument, measurement, surface treatment, etc.). In the process of making samples of compounds for testing must apply these procedures and any others that are deemed necessary to ensure product compliance operation in the field (see A. 4).
5 General requirements for tests
5.1 Classes of tests
5.1.1 Principles of classification
The health connections get in the tests. If the connection has passed the tests, this means that it meets the established application connection. If the connection is not sustained, some or all of the tests, this may lead either to the revision of the connection design, or to revise a test or critical loads. In the first case, the test must be repeated. In the second case, it is necessary to repeat the test with a failure result, so that they are consistent with the revised load combination.
Establishes four class tests (four levels) of compounds corresponding to the increasing mechanical loads during operation of the connections of casing and tubing pipes. The increasing complexity of tests in different classes is achieved by increasing the number of test parameters and number of samples of the compound.
Classes tests do not cover all possible operating conditions. This standard does not consider the presence of a corrosive environment, which can significantly affect the performance of the connection.
The user of this standard should establish the required level of application of the compound based on the specific requirements of operation. Professionals that use the connection must know the prescribed level of its application, the area of test loads and ultimate loads. The following levels of application of compounds CAL:
a) the Level of use of compounds IV (eight samples) — most severe level.
Connection CAL level IV is designed for Assembly of casing and tubing pipe serving for production and discharge of the working medium in the gas wells. The test procedures of this level provide loading connections, cyclic loads, internal pressure, external pressure, tensile, compression, bending, intense thermal loads and combined thermal impact, pressure and stretching at a total impact of gas under pressure at a temperature of 180 °C for about 50 h of Testing at maximum load to failure is carried out in all four quadrants of the axial force — pressure.
b) the Level of use of the compounds III (six samples) — heavy level.
Connection CAL level III is designed for the Assembly of casing and tubing pipe serving for production and discharge of the working medium in the gas and oil wells. The test procedures of this level provide loading connections, cyclic loads, internal pressure, external pressure, tensile and compression. Bending is not a mandatory test load of the compounds of this level. Testing heat loads are less severe than for level IV, and include a combination of thermal effects, pressure and stretching at a total impact of gas under pressure at a temperature of 135 °C for 5 h. Tests under extreme loads before the destruction is carried out in all four quadrants of the axial force — pressure.
c) the Level of use of the compounds II (four samples) — average level.
Connection CAL level II is designed for Assembly of casing and tubing, protective casing, employees for production and discharge of the working medium in the gas and oil wells, with limited exposure to high external pressure. The test procedures of this level provide loading connections, cyclic loading of internal pressure, tensile and compression. Bending is not a mandatory test load of the compounds of this level, and the external pressure loading is not carried out. Testing heat load and combination of thermal effects, pressure and stretching are the same as for level III. Tested at ultimate load to failure is carried out when subjected to internal pressure and axial loads.
d) the Level of use of the compounds I (three samples) — easy level.
The connection of the CAL level I is intended for use on oil wells. The test procedures of this level provide loading connections, cyclic loading of internal pressure, tensile and compression using for testing liquid medium. Bending is not a mandatory test load of the compounds of this level, and the external pressure loading is not carried out. The test is performed at room temperature. Tested at ultimate load to failure is carried out in two quadrants of the diagram the axial force — pressure.
5.1.2 Previous tests
The connectivity test results conducted prior to the implementation of this standard may be used as part of the process of verification of the design or testing of the applicability, provided that the parties entering into the agreement on the basis of this standard, will come to an agreement that these tests were conducted substantially in accordance with the technical and documentary requirements of this standard and gave comparable results.
5.1.3 short-circuit test and deviations from test conditions
Some of the tests in the present standard can be sufficient to confirm the applicability of the compounds for the specific conditions of operation without the entire test program. Such cases can take place with the appropriate experience and the results of other tests, such as compounds of a different size. Permitted deviation from established test under the following conditions:
a) planned in advance deviations clearly stated in the documentation;
b) deviations precisely agreed between the parties concerned;
c) the deviation clearly indicated in the summary report and full testing report.
The certification of the series products and use interpolation and extrapolation discussed in Appendix G. In agreement can be established more strict requirements for acceptance to the sensitivity and (or) provide more extensive information.
5.2 the Matrix of tests
Table 1 provides a matrix linking the level of use of connection and total connection number of samples, their identification numbers and types of tests conducted. Figure 1 shows a graphical representation of the test program. This can be tested by a series of several samples collected in the same layout. However, test loads should be set to a high level corresponding to the most robust sample of a compound.
Table 1 — Matrix testing, a series of tests and the identification number of the sample compounds
The level of the prima tion of the United tion (CAL) |
Series A (see 7.3.3) The 4 quadrants with mechanical cycles |
Series (see 7.3.4) 2 quadrants with mechanical cycles |
Series Thermal cycles (see 7.3.5). Cycles of thermal impact, pressure and stretching |
Heat temperature and thermal cycle |
Environment for testing internal pressures (the external environment is a liquid environment) |
At room temperature |
Requires bending at room temperature |
5 mechanical cycles at room temperature. |
180°C |
Gas |
The total number of samples — 8 |
Samples 2, 4, 5, 7 |
Samples 1, 3, 6, 8 |
Samples 1, 2, 3, 4 | ||
At room temperature |
Bending at room temperature, optional |
5 mechanical cycles at room temperature. 5 thermal cycles with pressure and stretching. 5 mechanical cycles at elevated temperature. 5 thermal cycles with pressure and stretching. 5 mechanical cycles at room temperature |
135°C |
Gas |
The total number of samples 6 |
Samples 2, 4, 5 |
Samples 1, 3, 6 |
Samples 1, 2, 3, 4 | ||
Test external pressure is not required |
Bending at room temperature, optional |
5 mechanical cycles at room temperature. 5 thermal cycles with pressure and stretching. 5 mechanical cycles at elevated temperature. 5 thermal cycles with pressure and stretching. 5 mechanical cycles at room temperature |
135°C |
Gas |
The total number of samples 4 |
Samples 1, 2, 3, 4 |
Samples 1, 2, 3, 4 | |||
Test external pressure is not required |
Bending at room temperature, optional |
Thermal Cycling test is not required |
Thermo cyclic testing is not required |
A liquid medium |
The total number of samples — 3 |
Samples 1, 2, 3 | ||||
Figure 1 — test Program to determine CAL
________________For CAL III samples 7 and 8 are not used.
Only applies to CAL II, CAL III and CAL IV. The terms of the screwing-unscrewing for CAL I, see tables 5 and 6.
Samples for CAL II tested only series A and series B (see table 1).
Samples for CAL I not tested C series (see table 1).
RRG testing on samples 2 and 3 for CAL I is not required. Sample 2 tested only on MU. Example 3 test on the MBG.
Figure 1 — test Program to determine CAL
Note — the picture used the following abbreviations and symbols:
PSBF — small taper thread nipple element and a large taper thread socket element;
PFBS — large taper thread nipple element and the small taper thread socket element;
NOM-NOM is the nominal diameter of the thread of the nipple element and the nominal taper thread socket element;
H-L — high-tightness threaded — low preload on the seal;
L-L — low tension on the thread — low preload on the seal;
N-n — high-tightness threaded — high preload on the seal;
L-H — low preload threaded — high preload on the seal;
MU — make-up;
MBG — test for binding when screwing and unscrewing;
RRG — «circular» test binding when screwing and unscrewing;
FMU — final screwing;
(A) element compound A;
(B) element compound B;
H/L — a large amount of lubrication and low torque;
H/H — a large amount of lubrication and high torque;
L/H — insufficient lubrication and high torque; — tension, compression, internal pressure and external pressure;
— tension, compression, internal pressure and bending;
p+T to F — high internal pressure with tension increasing to failure;
C+R to F — compression from external pressure, increasing up to destruction;
T to F extension — to failure;
R+C up to F is the external pressure with the compression increasing to destruction;
T+pto F — stretching with internal pressure increasing until fracture;
p+C to F — internal pressure with the compression increasing to destruction;
pto F is the external pressure, increasing up to destruction;
p+T to F — low internal pressure with tension increasing to failure.
Figure 1, sheet 2
5.3 the test Programme
5.3.1 Physical tests
In accordance with the procedures specified in this standard, carrying out the physical testing at screwing and unscrewing, testing under combined loads and tests at extreme loads.
It is necessary to strictly observe the instructions of this standard. If there are adverse conditions not covered by this standard, all deviations from its requirements should be specified in the testing reports. In addition, it is necessary to issue a statement with justification that the test results can be considered adequate.
5.3.2 evaluation of the test results General provisions
Evaluation of the results of run physical tests under section 8 shall, as specified test Results, the corresponding set CAL
If the results meet the testing requirements for screwing and unscrewing, testing under combined loads and testing at extreme loads, the connection of this size and of this group strength (i.e. from a material with a given yield strength and chemical composition) is considered the appropriate CAL set.
For testing under full load set the minimum acceptance criteria that determine did the connection test. Scope of test loads TLE can be adjusted after the test, as described below, so that it was thought that the Union stood. test Results not matching set CAL
If the test results do not meet the requirements for testing under combined loads, the results should be evaluated with a view to:
a) design review subsequent complete re-test;
b) review of the field of test loads with a subsequent re-test all samples of compounds that do not meet the requirements of the revised field test loads for the sample compounds.
The early destruction during the test, the ultimate load must:
— to change the design of the subsequent full re-test all samples of the compound;
— to revise the scope of test loads TLE.
If the test results comply with the revised requirements for field test loads and ultimate loads, then further testing or other action is required. All limit load should exceed the area of test loads.
In the event of a malfunction of testing equipment or violation of test conditions, which is not related to connection design, no need to reconsider the design of the joint, the field test loads or limit loads; however, you must repeat the test core samples or equivalent connection. Any event that does not meet the acceptance criteria, must be specified in the test Protocol. The number of repeat tests and the need for repeated trials should be included in a summary report and detailed reports for individual tests. report on the results of the tests
Evaluation of test results indicate in the first part of a complete and consolidated testing reports. All leaks from joints, regardless of the volume and velocity must be specified in the data list and graphs of pressure. All equipment leaks regardless of the amount and speed should also be indicated on the charts pressure.
5.4 Requirements for the calibration and accreditation
5.4.1 Accreditation
The laboratory conducting the test under this standard must be:
a) or accredited by national or international accrediting organization;
b) or completely comply with the requirements given in 5.4.2−5.4.5.
5.4.2 calibration of the equipment
Before testing, you must ensure that all load devices that will be used during testing, have a valid calibration. Based on the experience of the testing laboratory or manufacturer’s joints it is also necessary to periodically calibrate measuring and recording equipment, such as pressure gauges and thermocouples. Standards and testing laboratory calibration and all calibrations should be documented. Copies of the reports on current calibrations of the load devices, devices for measuring temperature, pressure and torque must be included in the detailed testing report.
Carrying out calibration tests on the basis of the required test loads and accumulated experience in the use of equipment.
5.4.3 Annual calibration of the load device
Each load device used for testing the axial or the combined load, it is necessary, at least annually be calibrated in the modes of stretching and compression by means of the devices, for example massdot, traceable to national standards.
The calibration should consist of two phases, including at least 10 equal increments of load, ranging from minimum calibration load to the maximum calibration load, i.e., covering the entire interval of loading. The calibration interval of the load device should cover the interval loads to be used in the test program. The maximum calibration load of the device shall exceed the maximum breaking load of pipes and connections to be tested.
Absolute error and relative error
, (1)
, (2)
where the load from the readings;
— the actual load.
The relative error of calibration for all loads in the working range of the load device should not exceed ±1,0% (see example in Annex F).
5.4.4 Calibration of loading devices
In that case, if the load device was subjected to high loads, for example load beyond the calibration interval, or load, which may disturb the calibration device, it is recommended to verify that the calibration of the load device using attorneys and certified calibration devices. Instead of using the calibration beam can also be a full annual calibration of the load device.
5.4.5 Calibration of pressure transducers
Each pressure transmitter shall be subjected to annual calibration. The relative error of measurement of the pressure in the load interval should not exceed ±1,0%.
5.5 Preliminary tests
It is recommended to conduct preliminary tests, which aim to preliminarily assess the joint design and test procedure before conducting official tests. After completion of the preliminary test samples of compounds for official tests must be again screwed together, especially with the limited number of samples. For preliminary tests for leaks under pressure using samples with seal metal-to-metal with a small tightness, and joint testing for sensitivity to binding samples to the large interference.
5.6 Tests to determine material properties
To determine the yield point needed to calculate test loads and acceptance criteria, conduct mechanical tests of the tube material.
Mechanical properties of the material must be determined by a documented procedure, the appropriate standard for the product. This is usually ISO 11960 products of low-alloy steels or ISO 13680 for products made of corrosion-resistant steel. For connections of oil and gas pipes, the procedure must comply with the requirements of ISO 3183 or API Spec 5L.
Note — In the context of this provision, ISO 11960 equivalent to the standard of API Spec 5CT. The national industry may apply GOST R 53366, harmonized with ISO 11960, and GOST R ISO 13680, harmonized with ISO 13680.
Samples for tensile testing are cut from both ends of the pipe and pipe pieces for sleeves. In addition, the same samples cut from the middle of the tubes and tubular proles for the coupling length of 3 m. Samples for tensile tests and the test results shall be traceable to the original tubes and place of sampling.
An alternative site for sampling is shown in Fig.C.1. This location of sampling provides the definition of the strength of the material directly from the threaded connection. If the samples are selected, as shown in Fig.C.1, then the manufacturer must change the shape of the data list on material properties (form C. 1) and show the sampling location and include a sketch similar to Fig.C.1 and showing the actual location of the samples. When using an alternate location from each plot for determination of mechanical properties is necessary to select a sample for tensile testing at elevated temperature. The values of yield strength, determined on samples from the area near the carving and is designed to evaluate compounds that represent values used to calculate test loads.
Use flat samples, which is preferable, or the largest possible cylindrical specimens (see ASTM A 370). The specific value of yield stress used for calculations. For information, you must also define the conventional 0.2% yield strength. In the data list according to the material properties (form C. 1) must be given a sketch of the sample selected from the samples. For one pipe and one coupler to bring the diagram of stress-strain or load-strain from zero strain to the strain at least 2% or to failure of the sample (what happens before) for one sample in test series A or series B and at an elevated temperature for one sample in test series C.
Each sample of material is subjected to a single tensile test at room temperature.
Each of the secondary sample material or one end of the workpiece samples for the coupling length less than 3 m is subjected to a single tensile test at elevated temperature is 135 °C for CAL II and CAL III and 180 °C for CAL IV.
For each test at elevated temperature is necessary to register the actual temperature of the sample, some with a thermocouple attached to the sample.
Each of the secondary sample material or one end of the workpiece samples for the coupling length of no more than 3 m is subjected to chemical analysis.
The performance properties of the material result in the list of data on the properties of the material, form C. 1.
It is important to consider the limits of certification connection, if within a particular group strength tested pipe of high strength. It is necessary to consider the possible influence of anisotropy of mechanical properties and residual stresses in cold-deformed tubes of corrosion-resistant alloys (see ISO 13680). In such cases, the test on axial tension may be insufficient for complete characterization of the pipe.
5.7 Screwing and unscrewing
5.7.1 the nature of the test
Screwing and unscrewing connections, as applicable to the test thread lubricant shall conform to the recommendations of the operating tubes.
5.7.2 the Lubricant used in the make-up
The manufacturer of the connection must specify the type and quantity (with acceptable deviations) of the lubricant applied to the connection, as well as areas for lubrication. These must be the same as used in the field. For all the samples of connection must be used the same grease. It is recommended to specify a minimum and maximum amount of lubricant in units of mass. The manufacturer shall also submit photos and a description of the procedure for applying grease. The photos should be shown the connection with the minimum and maximum amount of lubricant.
5.7.3 Moments of make up
The moments of make up, referred to in section 7, represent the maximum or minimum points recommended by the manufacturer. As a large set of time requires at least 95% of maximum torque, and as low of a given time requires not more than 105% of the minimum torque. If the actual torque is outside the recommended interval, the connection must be razvenchan and again screwed. The manufacturer must specify the interval circumferential speed in rpm at the bolted connection. All sample connections shall be screwed to a peripheral speed of no less than 90% of the recommended maximum speed of rotation in rpm.
5.7.4 make-up
Make up all connections as follows, and the results are written in the form C. 2 for registration of make up and break out the samples.
Before each make-up must be thoroughly clean and dry the junction elements, to weigh and register the amount of lubricant applied to each element (pin and socket). Monitor and record the moments of screwing and unscrewing on the graph of the dependence of torque on speed. The resolution of the rotation should be not less than 0.001 of a turn. Full testing report include graphs for each coupling section 7 and for each additional make-UPS if necessary (see section 8 and Annex D). On each chart must indicate the number of the sample, a nipple or socket element, screwing, date, time and any abnormal phenomenon.
For screwing use the same pipe wrenches and dies, as in the field. Make-up should be in a vertical position. When screwing the coupling connections are not permitted in the float position of the clutch, i.e. each side of the clutch should vinciata separately. All the equipment for screwing and, at the very least, screwing one connection to take the picture during screwing. When mounting a tapered element is necessary to control the grip force to prevent distortion of the element with internal thread.
To prevent damage to the nipple elements when performing the screwing-unscrewing can be installed on nevinchany the end of the special element of the fuse.
5.7.5 Unscrewing
Loosening the sample connections are made using the same key and the same devices that were used for make-up, in accordance with the procedure developed by the manufacturer. The results register in the form C. 2.
5.7.6 Repair of the joint after unscrewing
After each breakout wrench repair allowed nipple and socket elements using only those means which the manufacturer’s recommended compound for use in the field. All repairs must be registered with an indication of the time spent on repairs. You must specify in the report all cases of seizure and other inconsistencies. Assessment of binding, including a clear description of the size and nature of the damage must be made in the final report. You need to photograph the sites of binding, sites of repair, the same sections after the next and final break out after break out and include photos in final report.
5.7.7 Control of the screwing connection
After each break out sample joints thoroughly inspected. Appreciate and celebrate the diagrams of the dependence of torque on speed all the observed cases of binding. On these charts mark all violations of the screwing process (slipping of the pipe end or the clutch dies pipe wrench, computer failures or surges of electrical signal that is not marked on the chart, etc.). Among the data on the geometrical parameters of a connection (form C. 3) record the results of the control sample.
5.8 Detection of leakage at an internal pressure of
5.8.1 the essence of the test
Requirements leaks are particularly important for those compounds that should be impervious to gas or liquid environment. For compounds of different types the following is an alternative way of identifying leaks. Connection casing and tubing subjected to internal pressure and observing their behavior through a system of identifying and measuring all leaks connections.
5.8.2 Environment to create pressure
All internal pressure test compounds CAL II, III and IV, conducted in the field of test loads should be carried out using dry nitrogen. The choice of any of the parties involved in the tests for nitrogen, you can add 5% helium as a gas indicator. All internal pressure test compounds CAL I conducted in the field of test loads should be carried out using a liquid medium not containing solid particles, or dry nitrogen, as agreed under the trial program. All tests at extreme loads, such as routine test to failure shall be carried out using a liquid medium as a means to create pressure, if the test program is not specified.
5.8.3 Safety test
To ensure the security of test gas under pressure is carried out with the sample mounted in connection with a disc-filler. The material of the blanks must not be porous and should not quickly select the contained working environment, so as not to interfere with interpretation of test results. The size of the discs must be such as to substantially reduce the internal volume of the compounds, but not lead to mechanical interaction with the sample under strain during the test (see figure 8 in 5.10.2). The disc must be centered to prevent its contact with the sample compounds in the testing process.
5.9 Device for detecting leakage test internal pressure
5.9.1 device Variants
A sample of the test compound equip, at least one of the following devices to detect leaks when testing the internal pressure. If the test is performed at elevated temperatures, the device must be applicable for use at temperatures above the test temperature.
5.9.2 Device with o-rings (figure 2)
Figure 2 — Device mounted on a tapered element, to detect leaks when testing the internal pressure
1 — metal flange; 2 — stud; 3 — spring; 4 — nut; 5 — coupler; 6 — pin; 7 — flexible hose; 8 — sealing ring; 9 — flat gasket
Figure 2 — Device mounted on a tapered element, to detect leaks when testing the internal pressure
The device consists of a sealing ring pressed against the end face or outer surface of the bell element by a flange, having at least four through holes in the pin, which flanges are pressed tightly to the tapered end of the element. The seal between the flange and the nipple element by creating a separate clamping sealing rings.
5.9.3 Device with a flexible hose (figure 3)
Figure 3 — Device with a flexible seal to detect leaks when testing the internal pressure
1 — flexible seal; 2 — clamps for hose; 3 — metal tube or flexible hose (in test series C — heat resistant material); 4 — sealing; 5 — a small gap to increase the sensitivity of detection of leaks
Figure 3 — Device with a flexible seal to detect leaks when testing the internal pressure
Device with flexible hose trap from the material of the silicone type is set to the end of a tapered element. The gaps between the outer surface of the nipple and socket elements and the device is filled sealing material. For fastening the hose on the outer surface of a nipple element and a tapered element use flanges. Between the flange and the outer surface of the elements enter the tube to drain gas leaks, also the sealing of the sealing material.
5.9.4 Device, embedded in a tapered element (figure 4)
Figure 4 — Device with a hole in the flare element to detect leakage test internal pressure
1 — hole with a threaded fitting on the section of the clutch corresponding to the escape pipe thread;2 — a sealing material; 3 — a flexible hose
Figure 4 — Device with a hole in the flare element to detect leakage test internal pressure
For gas leaks in the area near the end of the bell element corresponding to the run away thread a nipple element, a radial drill a through hole. The hole cut the thread and screw it into the fitting with a flexible hose. The tapered end of the seal element in order to avoid uncontrolled gas leak.
The make-up of the sample compounds is carried out as follows:
a) before the bolted connection drilled holes, cut them with the thread and remove the Burr;
b) screwed connection;
c) drill holes screwed fittings using a sealing material, for example PTFE;
d) clean the ends of the tapered element and seal them with silicone or other sealing material;
e) give a sealing material to harden.
5.9.5 Test device to identify leaks with internal pressure
The device experiencing the following:
a) check the sealing material and fitting for leaks, which attach the hose to a source of air or nitrogen, creating a pressure of up to 0,007 0,014 MPa. Block the gas supply and observe the pressure gauge for pressure drop;
b) if necessary, correct or seal the device;
c) periodically Unscrew the fitting, clean the hole and re test, as described above.
d) by agreement of the holes can be made with sealing metal-to-metal.
5.9.6 sensitivity of the system identify leaks at an internal pressure of
The system observation and measurement of leakage at an internal pressure needs to be sensitive to leaks no worse than 0.9 cmfor 15 min when using measuring graduated cylinder with a scale division of 0.1 cm
or not worse than 0.0001 cm
/s under standard conditions of measurement with a gas chromatograph or spectrometer system. When used as a gas indicator helium measurement system with a graduated cylinder need to be able to capture the released gas for determining the helium content to verify the need accounting or waiver of account leaks.
By using a graduated cylinder, you must provide compensation for changes in barometric pressure, which can influence the sensitivity to leaks. It is recommended prior to testing to set up a separate graduated cylinder (see figure 5), simulating the device to detect leaks. During the analysis of this simulation the cylinder is used to determine the presence of leaks in the connection or of whether a change by a change in barometric pressure. A separate simulation the graduated cylinder should contain a gas volume, coinciding with a gas volume in an inverted graduated cylinder of the test compounds.
Figure 5 — System for detection of leaks at an internal pressure of the bubble method
1 — flexible hose; 2 — a container of water; 3 — graduated cylinders; 4 — heat-resistant tube; 5 — device for detecting leaks; 6 — simulation the graduated cylinder of the same size and the same height above the water level, and 3 cylinders
Figure 5 — System for detection of leaks at an internal pressure of the bubble method
Indicators of leaks can be assessed in relation to the source of the leak, if there is reason to suspect that the leak is not from the test connection. To check if there are bubbles the environment pressure, not from the degassing screw lubrication or thermal expansion of the connection or test equipment, it is possible to use the sensor, calibrated to capture helium. Evaluation of the source of the leak should be based on a thorough analysis of gas leakage. If the leak is not caused by connection, but some other source, such as end caps, you need to remove it and continue the test. You must register all foreign leaks and their sources (the fitting for the overflow, faucet, etc.). The report must specify all of the lights leak and explain in detail the reason for the leak is not taken into account.
5.9.7 Bubble method of detecting leakage at an internal pressure of the essence of the method
The system of detecting leaks, the bubble method is depicted in figure 5. The system is based on capturing all the gas that is released from the compound, and placed into a vessel for volume measurement. Main system components:
a) a means for trapping gas of the type previously described devices to detect leaks;
b) tube or flexible hose for connecting the trap with the Plenum;
c) a Plenum comprising a transparent graduated cylinder with a scale division of not more than 0.1 cm, filled with water. Flexible tube withdrawn into the open space at the top of the cylinder. The lower part of the cylinder and the tube is immersed in a container of water and invert (see figure 5). The leak shows up in the form of bubbles rising in a cylinder. The volume of gas bubbles measured on a scale of the cylinder. the system Check to detect leaks, the bubble method
Before commencing program tests the connection, you should test the system on their own leaks and to assess its sensitivity.
a) To test the system apply air pressure or nitrogen from 0.007 to 0,014 MPa. After stabilization of the pressure gas supply and cover for 2 minutes watching the pressure gauge. Any pressure drop indicates the presence of system leaks that need to be identified and addressed. The procedure is repeated until then, until the pressure of the gas will not be stable for at least 2 min.
b) a system Efficiency estimate, bringing it to the air and measuring the increase in volume of air in each cylinder. The air down in portions of 1 cm, at least up to volume of 10 cm
. Determine the average ratio of input and exhaust air on the chart (see figure 6). You need to register the initial volume of input air needs to ensure that the air started to accumulate in a graduated cylinder, but this volume does not affect the calculated efficiency and therefore not taken into account. The efficiency shall be not less than 70%, and if it is lower, it is necessary to change the configuration of the system and thereby improve the sensitivity. Found performance indicator used for the correction of all observed leaks and volumes during the test and calculated by the formula
, (3)
where is the actual leak referred to in the report;
— observed a leak;
— the efficiency of the system.
Figure 6 — Example graph to assess the sensitivity of the system to detect leaks
1 — the compound A; 2 — element connection B
Figure 6 — Example graph to assess the sensitivity of the system to detect leaks the Beginning of the test
Before the start of the test compounds in the field of test loads carry out pre-charging of each system identify leaks, blowing air close to the flare element to the appearance of a small amount of air in the graduated cylinder. Record this volume as the initial amount of gas, which will be deducted from the amount of gas that will accumulate in the cylinder during the test. This initial volume of air must be sufficient to lower the water level in the cylinder before the start of the scale before the test.
5.9.8 Measurement of leakage at an internal pressure of a helium mass spectrometer the essence of the method
System of measuring leaks by this method (figure 7) includes:
a) trapped gas;
b) a pipe or flexible hose for connecting the trap with the line of flow of the carrier gas;
c) line of flow of pure nitrogen as carrier gas, coupled to a mass spectrometer;
d) helium mass spectrometer, which is usually used method of measuring leakage from the suction, which requires the proper operation of suction device at atmospheric pressure.
Figure 7 — Measurement of leaks using helium mass spectrometer
1 — the source of internal pressure; 2 — switch; 3 — the data logger; 4 — mass-spectrometer; 5 — controls flow of carrier gas; 6 — sample (in this case, two joints and 4 compounds 1S, 2S, 3S and 4S)
Figure 7 — Measurement of leaks using helium mass spectrometer the accuracy of the system
Measurement system leaks helium mass spectrometer must provide standard conditions for the measurement of the total leakage of 0.0001 cm/s or lower. Calibration system
The whole system needs to be calibrated no less frequently than once a year, on the recommendations of the manufacturer of equipment using certified and calibrated leaks. Calibrated leaks are used instead of the test specimen and connections, and all other system components must be in place. Simultaneous measurement of the leaks a few samples of connection
For the simultaneous tests of several samples of the chemical or chemicals you can use collector switch. The required minimum suction time depends on the hardware, and it should detect and demonstrate before the test. From each line it is necessary to select a sample of not less than once per minute. system Check
Before each test the system was purged with nitrogen or mixture of nitrogen with helium and then check sucking gas through the line Assembly and the trap. Checking the correct content of helium in the mixture to ensure no blockages in the line.
5.10 leak Detection under external pressure
5.10.1 the essence of the method
Connection casing and tubing subjected to external pressure in the system is able to detect the resulting leakage. The identification of such leaks is considered to be more difficult and occurs less accurate than the detection of leaks under internal pressure. All tests for leak detection when the external pressure are carried out using fresh water. It is necessary to register all the displaced volume of water.
5.10.2 Security testing
If the test is to identify leaks when the external pressure is carried out in combination with testing to identify leaks with internal pressure, the sample must be placed the blank-filler, as described in 5.8.3 (see figure 8).
Figure 8 — Example test system for testing A series
1 — hole to the pressure transducer for internal pressure test of gas to detect leaks during the test of the external pressure and for air supply to remove water after the test external pressure; 2 — camera to create external pressure; 3 — hole with a flexible hose to detect leaks when tested by internal pressure or to a pressure transmitter under test external pressure; 4 — the test tube; 5 — plug with the upper hole, see position 1; 6 — blank-filler to reduce the internal volume; 7 — test the connection; 8 — the plug with the bottom hole, see position 11; 9 — chamber filled with water; 10 — hole for supplying pressure water into the chamber; 11 — hole for supplying gas pressure, filling with water during the test of the external pressure, draining the water after the test external pressure;12 — flexible hose for measurement system leaks see position 8 in figure 9
Figure 8 — Example test system for testing A series
Figure 9 is an Example of a system for measuring leaks in test series And
1 — the valve in front of a large graduated cylinder; 2 — the valve in front of the small graduated cylinder; 3 — a large open-topped graduated cylinder 100−200 cm; 4 a small open-topped graduated cylinder approximately 25 cm
with a scale division of 0.1 cm
; 5 — water level; 6 — tinted water; 7 — adjustable holder that allows at the beginning of each period of exposure to place the bottom of the cylinder at a level corresponding to from 100 to 200 cm
; 8 — a flexible hose connected with the upper part of the chamber when testing the internal pressure of the gas and the top hole of one of the end plugs during the test of the external pressure; 9 — a flexible hose to a big cylinder; 10 — the flexible hose to a small cylinder
Figure 9 is an Example of a system for measuring leaks in test series And
5.10.3 End caps with holes
The test piece joints and end caps must have a hole to fill the sample with water, equipped with fittings of high pressure, capable of retaining internal pressure when conducting this test. Usually requires two holes — one for the supply of water and the second for exhaust air are located at opposite ends of the test specimen connection. The hole for the air exhaust must be placed so as to fully remove the air from the connection. The holes should be located so that you can completely remove the connection from the water before further test of the internal gas pressure.
5.10.4 Setting for test series A
An example of such installation is shown in figure 8. In the tests of this series, the internal pressure is several times changed to the outside and Vice versa. To reduce the duration of the tests, the entire series of tests can be performed without removing the camera to create the external pressure. This external camera can be used as part of the system identify leaks at an internal pressure, if the following requirements are met:
a) the sensitivity of detection of leaks shall be 0,001 cm/s, however, the absolute demonstration may not be possible;
b) outer chamber and the flexible hose must be filled with water;
c) check for possible leakage carried out additional tests to confirm the magnitude and source of leakage.
5.10.5 Identification of leaks and measurement of the water level
Testing to detect leaks under internal pressure filled with water flexible hose 12 (see figure 8) at the top of the camera and attach it to the measuring system leakage (see figure 9).
Testing leak detection when the external pressure is filled with water the inner space of the sample are connected using flexible hose 1 (see figure 8) and attach it to the measuring system leakage (see figure 9).
When testing for leak detection in external pressure test connection and the part of the pipe on either side of him covered by the chamber 2. It is established that when carrying out this test immediately after application of the total pressure and axial loading may take place the displacement of a large volume of water (greater than 0.9 cmin 15 min). The intensity of displacement of water is usually gradually reduced. Therefore, the required stabilization period before the start of the holding pressure according to ISO. Given this feature a test of the leak detection when the external pressure is conducted as follows:
a) make a complete external test pressure and close the valve on the pressure line from the pump;
b) after the closure of the valves may be necessary, a slight excess pressure to maintain the desired pressure;
c) shortly after closing valves (approximately 2 min) are beginning to record loads, pressure and volume of a leak;
d) continue to record loads, pressure and amount of leakage with an interval of 5 min.;
e) assess trends in the volume of leakage. Reducing the amount of leakage is normal and indicates no leaks from the connection. The constant leak of more than 0.9 cmfor 15 min or increasing volumes of leakage indicates possible leakage from the connection;
f) if the following conditions it is considered that during aging leakage from the connection are:
1) when exposure duration 15 min:
— there were 4 consecutive exposure for 5 min;
— the amount of leaks for the first three extracts for 5 min and for the last three extracts for 5 min, i.e., for two consecutive 15 min exposure does not exceed 0.9 cm;
— leakage during exposure for 5 min. do not tend to increase;
2) when the exposure duration of 60 min:
— there were 13 consecutive exposures for 5 min;
— the amount of leaks for the first 12 exposures at 5 minutes and 12 exposures at 5 min, i.e. two consecutive exposure for 60 min does not exceed 0.9 cmin 15 min;
— leakage during exposure for 5 min. do not tend to increase.
At the beginning of the test to detect leaks from domestic and external pressure, a large graduated cylinder (see figure 9) should be filled with water by about half. Before the application and adjustment of test loads open the valve1 (see figure 9) and close the valve 2. During the application of test loads, the water level in the large cylinder will rise or fall. At the beginning of the holding pressure open the valve 2 and move the small cylinder up or down so that the water level in it was close to the bottom of the cylinder. Then close the valve 1. If there is a leak in the sample connections, the water level in the small cylinder will increase, and its measurement provides an indication of the leakage rate. To the water in the cylinders it is recommended to add a dye to facilitate observation of the water level in them.
Record the water level in the small cylinder at the beginning and end of each aging period, and in the presence of leakage at intervals according to 7.3.2 to determine the characteristics of the leak.
5.11 data Collection and test methods
5.11.1 General provisions
Correct and accurate registration data is critical to certification. Without an adequate registration of data, it is impossible to provide objective assessment of the quality of the connection.
5.11.2 the essence of the test
In test series A, the primary loads are the pressure and axial force at room temperature. The bending load is considered secondary, the accompanying axial load should be minimized by careful centering of the end caps and the load device. In test series B CAL IV for axial forces deliberately add bending loads. In test series B CAL III, II and I add bending loads is optional. Examples of compounds subjected to test series B with the application of bending, must be equipped with devices for determination of the bending load.
5.11.3 test Procedure General provisions
Register internal and external pressure, axial load, bending load and temperature. In all tests it is necessary to record pressure, axial load and temperature continuously in time. Possible continuous or digital check. With digital registration, the data acquisition rate should be sufficiently high given the expected changes in loads and pressures, but in any case at least one of the data from all instruments every 15 s.
When testing for leaks, you draw a graph of pressure on a scale from zero to a finite value of the scale above the highest expected pressure at the test load. When tested to destruction draw a graph of pressure on a scale with a finite value, more than twice the highest expected pressure at the test load. When testing for leaks, you draw a graph of a tensile load on a scale from zero to a finite value of the scale larger than the largest expected voltage at test load. When tested to destruction draw the load diagram on a scale with a finite value, more than one and a half times higher than the largest expected voltage at test load. It is also necessary to draw the schedule of dependence of temperature on time with sufficient resolution. Graphs must be annotated to facilitate their subsequent interpretation. Pressure and (or) tensile load
To the inner or outer surface of the sample connections connect the pressure sensor. In this case it is placed inside the hole to release air, not inside the hole for the discharge pressure.
Each sample load force when the rate of growth of the axial load of not more than 105 MPa/min. Each sample load pressure when the speed of pressure increase of not more than 105 MPa/min Loading samples connection can be carried out continuously or discretely. However, in the case of discrete loading rate of growth of the axial load and pressure within each increment should not exceed the specified maximum speed. When removing the pressure and axial load limitations maximum and minimum speeds are not set.
Note — the Specified speed of load increase and pressure must provide accurate data about the strength and tightness of the connection. Bending loads
When measuring bending loads by using strain gauges placed 4 sockets from the biaxial strain gauges, at least one of the tubes (preferably both connected pipes) in one transverse plane at a distance of not less than connections and end caps or fastening. Strain gauges placed around the circumference of the pipe by 90° at equal distance from each other. You must register the location and orientation of strain gauges. For tracking the bend connections you can also use other equipment with an accuracy of not less provide four outlets of the biaxial strain gage.
When testing with intentional bending is applied and control the attached bending moment by measuring the deformations of the strain gauges on the pipe by calculating the distribution of moments in three-point bending. Observe the readings of the load cells, calculate bending stresses, bending moment and deflection, and deflection is continuously recorded.
There are three methods of deliberate loading of the compound bend:
a) four-point bending, in which both the bending of the cylinder placed at the same distance from the end supports and attach with them the same load;
b) three-point bending, in which the Central load attached to the coupler, the deformation of the bend introduced an amendment, proportional to the ratio of the distance from the point of application of external load to the center of the coupling and the distance from this point to the center of the load cells. This amendment allows a precise determination of the bending force on the clutch;
c) uniform bending by means of the rotating end mounts, which supplied the bending moment must be the same on both ends of the sample compounds. Test at full load
Monitor and record internal or external pressure and axial load applied to the sample compounds.
After each test the ultimate load it is necessary to photograph the destroyed sample and indicate the location and nature of fracture. The main load and the size of the destruction is indicated in the data list according to the test of ultimate load, form C. 4. The test results are registered and recorded in the test report, see section 9 and Appendix D.
5.12 Thermocyclic tests
5.12.1 General provisions
The purpose of the thermal Cycling test was to simulate the operating conditions and accelerate the possibility of leakage through cyclic thermal exposure of the coupling with simultaneous action of axial tension and internal pressure.
5.12.2 Entity tests
The thermal cycle is a temperature variation from maximum to minimum and Vice versa (see figure 10).
Figure 10 — Thermal and mechanical cycles of the test series With CAL for compounds II, III and IV
1 — room temperature; 2 — five cycles of application of pressure and stretching at room temperature; 3 — a shutter speed of at least 60 minutes at an elevated temperature; 4 — cooling; 5 — shutter for at least 5 min; 6 — heating; 7 — spend five thermal cycles when testing casing and tubing CAL II and III and the casing pipe CAL IV and 50 thermal cycles in the test tubing CAL IV. When testing tubing with CAL IV multi-element seal made in accordance with Annex J, spend five thermal cycles; 8 — a typical thermal cycle of a duration of not less than 30 min; 9 — five cycles of application of pressure and stretching at 135 °C for CAL II and III and 180 °C for CAL IV; 10 — primary heat;11 — the ultimate cooling
Figure 10 — Thermal and mechanical cycles of the test series With CAL for compounds II, III and IV
5.12.3 Equipment
The temperature change during the thermal cycle can be provided by any means that could lead to quite large temperature fluctuations over the entire cross section of test sample splice. Necessary to avoid exposure to the sample a significantly higher temperature than required by the test procedure.
With all the loads you need to register the actual maximum temperature of the sample compounds, if it is more than 16 °C exceeds the predetermined temperature.
5.12.4 the test Order
Loading thermal cycles is carried out as described in 7.3.5 and shown in figure 10. The necessary exposure for at least 5 min at a maximum temperature of or above it and at a minimum temperature or below it. The maximum temperature must not be below 135 °C, for connections CAL II and CAL III and not lower than 180 °C, for connections CAL IV. The minimum temperature for compounds at all levels of application should not be above 52 °C. the Minimum duration of a cycle 30 min. Cycles can follow each other continuously or interrupted at night or for repairs. Five cycles of application of pressure and axial loads at the beginning and at the end of the series of tests carried out at room temperature.
Maximum mechanical load at room temperature shall be:
a) stretching-lower of the two values: 80% of the yield strength of the material of the pipe or coupling or 80% of field test loads found on the basis of material yield strength at room temperature;
b) the internal pressure, the smaller of two values: 95% of material yield strength the VME of the pipe or coupling or 95% of area of test loads VME, thus both loads must be calculated on the basis of the above stretching by 80% and the yield strength of the material at room temperature.
The maximum mechanical stress at elevated temperatures shall be:
c) internal pressure the same as when tested at room temperature;
d) stretching the smaller of the two values: 90% of the yield strength of the material VME of the pipe or coupling or 90% of the area of test loads VME at a predetermined elevated temperature, thus both loads must be calculated on the basis of material yield strength at a given elevated temperature.
Allowed other methods of selection pressure and stretching for the tests at room and elevated temperatures, provided that this ensures a high internal pressure test at room and at elevated temperatures, and so high axial load, to the extent practicable. The use of the alternative method should be justified in the test report.
During the test observe the temperature using a thermocouple. You must make sure that the measured temperature does not depend on the fluctuations of local temperature in the proximity of the thermocouple to the measured temperature is representative for all compounds. If heating or cooling is conducted on only one side of the connection, the temperature measurement should be from the opposite side.
If it is determined that the test equipment provides uniform heating and cooling of samples of connections, for monitoring of thermal cycles, only one thermocouple. If in the sample there may be a significant temperature difference, it is necessary to install multiple thermocouples and to monitor the progress of the test is to use the average temperature from all the thermocouples.
During thermocyclic tests of possible small changes of water level in a graduated cylinder. Fluctuations from ±0.1 to ±0.4 cm, and even more occur randomly and cannot be associated with leaks from the connection, as are caused by rapid changes in temperature and barometric pressure changes. Within a 5-minute exposures at the maximum and minimum temperature cycle permissible change displaced water volume is 0.3 cm
as 0.9 cm
/15 min =0.3 cm
/5 minutes, so the estimated leakage is based on the following criteria:
— if during any 5-minute exposure, the volume of displaced water from one of the compounds is greater than 0.3 cm, it is necessary to extend the exposure for 10 min, so it was 15 min;
— if within 15 min incubation the volume of displaced water exceeds 0.9 cm, it is necessary to produce an exposure duration of 60 min and record the volume of displaced water at intervals of 5 min in order to obtain the characteristic of the leak as specified
6 Preparation of sample compounds for testing
6.1 General the purpose of the test compounds
By this test method selection and verification samples of the compounds is critical, since the method is based on the evaluation of the sample connection is the worst design in terms of a combination of gaps and other parameters, and not on random selection of one sample out of many samples. In this estimate the health connection with account for the dimensional accuracy, mechanical properties, torque, type and quantity of thread lubricant. Limit deviations of the dimensions are set taking into consideration the operational characteristics of the compound, production possibilities and cost of production. It is important to understand that these tests cannot serve as a statistical base for risk analysis.
Samples of the compounds with the worst combination of parameters are constructed and tested on the basis of drawings, plans, quality control, operating rules and moments of the screwing listed in the manuals for testing and quality control. Table 2 lists the General aims of the test each sample, and table 3 — guidelines for selection of samples for testing persistent connections with sealing metal-metal and taper threads. This must comply with the specified purposes test. For compounds with characteristics that are not included in table 3, it is necessary to determine and document the worst combination, which will be used for testing.
Table 2 — Objectives of the test samples of compounds for different levels of CAL
Sample number United tion |
The purpose of screwing |
The purpose of the test under load | The test of ultimate load | |||
The purpose of the test |
Item |
Marking option | ||||
CAL I and CAL II |
CAL III and CAL IV | |||||
1 |
The jamming of the thread |
Minimum resistance to leaks |
The application of high internal pressure with tension increasing to failure |
7.5.1 |
LP1 |
LP1 |
2 |
The maximum axial stress in the nipple element |
Resistance to leakage at the maximum density screwing |
Compression with application of external pressure increasing until fracture |
7.5.2 |
LP6 (7.5.6) |
LP2 |
3 |
The maximum tangential stress in a tapered element |
Resistance to leakage at the maximum density screwing |
Stretching to failure |
7.5.3 |
LP3 |
LP3 |
4 |
The tendency to sticking in the seal |
Minimum resistance to leaks |
The application of external pressure with compression approaching destruction |
7.5.4 |
LP5 (7.5.5) (CAL II) |
LP4 |
5 |
The jamming of the thread |
Minimum resistance to leaks |
Stretching with the application of internal pressure increasing until fracture |
7.5.5 |
- |
LP5 |
6 |
The tendency to sticking in the seal |
Minimum resistance to leaks |
The application of internal pressure with compression approaching destruction |
7.5.6 |
- |
LP6 |
7 |
The tendency to sticking in the seal |
Maximum resistance to leakage |
The application of external pressure to failure |
7.5.7 |
- |
LP7 (only CAL IV) |
8 |
The tendency to sticking in the seal |
Maximum resistance to leakage |
The application of low internal pressure with tension increasing to failure |
7.5.8 |
- |
LP8 (only CAL IV) |
Table 3 — Selection of samples for testing persistent connections to seal the metal-metal taper threaded
Sample number United tion |
The purpose of the test |
The state of swine- tion |
The tension on the thread |
The tightness at Oplot- ison |
Taper thread nipple element |
Taper thread socket- tion element |
The final tional time, swine- tion |
1 |
Tightness |
Minimal preload on the seal |
High |
Low |
Small |
Large |
Minimum |
2 |
Tightness |
The maximum torque to clamping force resistant elements |
Low |
Low |
Small |
Large |
Maximum |
3 |
Tightness |
The maximum total density |
High |
High |
Nominal |
Nominal |
Maximum |
4 |
Jamming in the seal and leak |
The maximum interference fit for the seal |
Low |
High |
Large |
Small |
Maximum |
5 |
Tightness |
Minimal preload on the seal |
High |
Low |
Small |
Large |
Minimum |
6 |
Stuck in a groove and tightness |
Minimal preload on the seal |
High |
Low |
Small |
Large |
Maximum |
7 |
Jamming in the seal and leak |
The maximum interference fit for the seal |
Low |
High |
Large |
Small |
Minimum |
8 |
Jamming in the seal and leak |
The maximum interference fit for the seal |
Low |
High |
Large |
Small |
Minimum |
6.2 Identification and marking of samples of compounds
Each sample of the compounds to be marked with the following data (see figure 11):
a) number of sample connections (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 or 8) should be on pin and socket elements of the compound, including the coupler (if any);
b) after the sample connections, you must specify the element symbol (A or B);
c) at the ends of the coupling must also specify their designation (A or B);
d) substituted or subjected to additional mechanical treatment, the samples of the compounds after the designation A or B denotes R1 after the first revision, R2 after the second revision, etc.
6.3 Preparation of samples compounds
6.3.1 Additional mezapama length samples
Samples of the compounds is necessary to prepare so that each of the connecting elements had:
a) minimum mesoporous length (see figure 11) is calculated according to the formula
, (4)
where D is the nominal pipe outer diameter;
t — nominal wall thickness of the pipe.
b) an additional length under the cover and (or) mount;
c) you must mark the samples for measurement of lengths ,
and to make these lengths in the form C. 3.
Figure 11 — Symbols and majapara elements length of the sample connection
Sample number compound consisting of numbers: 1, 2, 3, etc. and the letters A and B denoting the element of the sample compound or the coupling side.
— minimum mezapama the length of the connection element is equal to (
), see
1 — end mount; 2 — strain gauges for measuring bending; 3 — the minimum distance between the load cells and the end of the connection, equal to 3(the minimum distance between the load cells and terminal mount equal to (
)); 4 — nipple;5 — tapered element
Figure 11 — Symbols and majapara elements length of the sample connection
6.3.2 Pipes and pipe parts for couplings
This is made for the mechanical processing of tubes and tubular blanks for couplers in accordance with standard practice threading in the following way:
a) made connections for pipes with upset ends of such pipes;
b) made connections for pipe with grooved ends;
c) made connections for tubes without deformation of the ends.
Allowed, although it is desirable to produce samples from the original billet by machining the end of the tube, reproducing the shape of the product. If the thickened end of the element connections do not get planting and machining, the shape of the end, which usually receive no machining, and the length of this end must be the minimum permitted by the manufacturer. In such cases, testing reports, you must specify that samples of the compounds manufactured by machining of thick-walled pipe blanks.
6.3.3 material Requirements
For each group of samples:
a) initial billet for items A and B must be of the same party;
b) the source of billets for couplings must be of the same party;
c) a tapered pin and socket connection elements must be from the same batch of pipes;
d) the material properties of each source of the workpiece is determined in accordance with 5.6;
e) all submissions must conform to the established requirements;
f) the total interval of the measured values of the yield strength of the original pipe at room temperature should not exceed 70 MPa.
g) the average value of the yield strength of the pipe bend must be in the range of 70 MPa;
h) the average value of the yield strength of workpieces for coupling shall not exceed the minimum average value of the yield strength of the pipe by more than 35 MPa;
i) if the pipe and coupler made from the same steel grade, the difference between the yield limits set by agreement;
j) actual minimum wall thickness of the pipe body shall not exceed the nominal wall thickness of the test pipe.
6.3.4 data logging
All the data you need to specify the list of data on the material properties (form C. 1).
6.4 Mechanical processing of the samples compounds
Samples of compounds made in accordance with the control plan process developed by the manufacturer. Limit deviations of the dimensions of the connection in accordance with 6.6.
The thread profile of the first sample of a compound, or equivalent, increased the imprint of the profile (increase of at least 20) must meet the size requirements of the sample connections are indicated in the drawing. Before making sample, you need to check the product that represents the beginning of the party, in full compliance with the requirements of the drawing connection. Thread profile or equivalent enhanced fingerprint profile should be provided in a detailed report manufacturer’s test connection.
In the seal area it is necessary to measure surface roughness in accordance with the requirements of the drawing connection and put it in a testing report. The measurements were carried out after machining and before surface treatment of the results shall be as specified in the drawing.
The selected surface treatment nipple and socket elements should correspond to a real surface treatment of junction elements. On agreement, especially for the materials that are sensitive to jamming, surface treatment of pin and socket elements must be at a minimum (or maximum) bounds of deviations depending on, which creates more difficult conditions for the connection.
If the sample compound was damaged even before the completion of the test, you instead made another sample. Manufacturer and screwing this replacement design is made with the same extreme deviations that the sample is damaged, then you need to repeat the whole volume of tests required for the initial sample. After the first revision of the replacement or modified connection mark the sign of R1 after the letters A and B after the second revision, the sign of R2, etc.
All the data that should be included in the list of data dimensions connection (form C. 3) can be specified in percent of the maximum deviations of the measured size, for example 9% is the minimum value of the field limit the variations in size and 100% is the maximum value of the field limit deviations. The actual measured values must be registered in the documents of the manufacturer. Be aware that 50% is the middle of the field limit deviations. Ovality of the main joint seal is indicated as a numeric value or percentage.
6.5 Limit deviations of dimensions when machining
6.5.1 Choosing the worst combinations of dimensions
Specific sizes of connections produced by mechanical treatment, depend on the type of connection. For compounds with characteristics that are not specified in table 3, or any other recommended limit deviations the manufacturer shall provide objective evidence that the tested compound with a combination of the limit values of dimensions, which have the worst performance, which can be determined analytical, computational (e.g. FEM) and (or) experimentally, for example by using strain gauges. When choosing the worst combinations of dimensions, the manufacturer must take into account minimum and maximum limits of the contact pressure in the local seal, the total contact load and the total active length of contact in the seal is affected by the mechanical processing. In the coupling and threaded ends of the sides A and B must be machined to the same dimensions.
When choosing the worst combinations of dimensions when machining, among others, have maximum deviations of the following parameters:
a) the diameters of the seals;
b) taper thread;
c) the width of the end face of the nipple element;
d) diameters of the thread;
e) surface roughness.
6.5.2 Example of the choice of limit deviations of dimensions when machining
As example, a persistent connection with tapered threads that seal metal-to-metal and hard end of the nipple element. Table 4 shows the combinations of diameters of the seals and threads, taper threads and moments of final Assembly, which takes place the worst combination of parameters corresponding to the purpose of the test in table 2. In this case the manufacturer must make the connection with the limit deviations of the dimensions listed in table 4, unless the analysis 6.5.1 will not suggest that you need to experience the connection with other limiting disabilities.
Table 4 — Limit deviations of dimensions when machining
Size |
Plus limit deviation |
Sub-zero: maximum deviation |
The maximum diameter of the thread |
Not limited |
0.025 mm |
The maximum diameter of the seal |
Not limited |
0.025 mm |
The minimum diameter of the thread |
0.025 mm |
Not limited |
The minimum diameter of the seal |
0.025 mm |
Not limited |
Taper thread* | ||
the maximum (large) |
Not limited |
0.025 mm to 25.4 mm |
minimal (small) |
0.025 mm to 25.4 mm |
not limited |
* Limit deviation taper treat every specified interval on the length of the thread. |
6.6 Requirements for the limit deviations of dimensions when machining
Limit deviations of the dimensions of samples of connections shall be as specified in table 4.
6.7 Thrust end face with grooves
When testing persistent connections on the thrust end of the nipple element A (end B flare connection) samples of compounds 1, 2, 3 and 4 (except for sample 4 for CAL I) are grooves in accordance with figure 12, which simulate possible damage during operation of connections in the field. The groove performed before the first screwing of the sample compounds. If agreed, the grooves can be made on the ends of the other test samples of compounds.
Figure 12 — the Grooves on the thrust end of
1 — groove depth of at least 0.2 mm; 2 — groove depth of at least 0.2 mm on the opposite side; 3 — thrust side; 4 — the threads
Note — Edges of the grooves 1 and 2 must be rounded to avoid jamming. The groove must not extend beyond the edge of the metal on the thrust end of the nipple element.
Figure 12 — the Grooves on the thrust end of
When tested with seals of other types, the presence of grooves on the thrust end face is subject to approval. Full testing report at Appendix D and also in a shorter summary report, Appendix E must include a justification for the lack of grooves. However, in the case where processing is allowed of the thrust end face in the field, on samples 1, 2, 3 and 4 (with the exception of sample 4 for CAL I) must be made grooves.
7 test Procedure
7.1 the Main provisions
When following procedures test the connection with the worst design subjected to the field of test loads and ultimate loads for the pipe body or connections (which is less).
Table 5 lists the test procedures for each of the sample compounds in accordance with the purposes of the test in table 2 and taking into account the interference fit for the seal, conditions of the screwing-unscrewing as well as test series A, B or C (thermal cycles) and LL (ultimate load to failure). Table 5 shows more detailed information for the connections of MTS (connection to seal metal-to-metal).
Table 5 — description of the sample compounds and the list of test persistent connections with tapered threads and sealing metal-to-metal
Description of the sample of a compound |
Threaded grease |
The time |
Screwing and unscrewing. Element In |
CAL IV Test series |
CAL III Test series |
CAL II Test series |
CAL I Series test- cal | ||||||||||||||||||
Sample number United tion |
Preload |
SOS Toya nie |
MU |
M/B |
MU |
M/B |
FMU | |||||||||||||||||
Thread |
Oplot- use |
Ele- COP A |
The B Element |
Ele- COP A |
The B Element |
And |
In |
With |
LL |
And |
In |
With |
LL |
B |
C |
LL |
B |
LL | |||||
1 |
H |
L |
Low SL |
N |
- |
N |
L |
- |
L |
- |
B |
C |
LP1 |
- |
B |
C |
LP1 |
B |
C |
LP1 |
In |
LP1 | |
2 |
L |
L |
Low SL |
N |
L |
N |
N |
N |
N |
And |
- |
C |
LP2 |
A |
- |
C |
LP2 |
B |
C |
LP6 |
B |
LP6 | |
3 |
H |
H |
High SL |
H |
L |
H |
H |
H |
H |
- |
B |
C |
LP3 |
- |
B |
C |
LP3 |
B |
C |
LP3 |
B |
LP3 | |
4 |
L |
H |
High SL |
H |
L |
H |
H |
H |
H |
- |
A |
- |
C |
LP4 |
And |
- |
C |
LP4 |
B |
C |
LP5 |
- |
- | |
5 |
H |
L |
Low SL |
H |
L |
H |
L |
H |
L |
- |
And |
- |
- |
LP5 |
And |
- |
- |
LP5 |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- | |
6 |
H |
L |
Low SL |
H |
L |
H |
H |
H |
H |
- |
- |
B |
- |
LP6 |
- |
B |
- |
LP6 |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- | |
7 |
L |
H |
High SL |
H |
L |
H |
L |
H |
L |
- |
A |
- |
- |
LP7 |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- | |
8 |
L |
H |
High SL |
H |
L |
H |
L |
H |
L |
- |
- |
B |
- |
LP8 |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- | ||
The sum of elements A and B samples for each of the screwing-unscrewing |
Screwing elements A |
MU (only) |
8 |
6 |
4 |
3 | |||||||||||||||||||
«Circular» test binding when screwing and unscrewing the elements of B |
3 |
1 |
1 |
1 | ||||||||||||||||||||
«Circular» test binding when screwing and unscrewing the elements of B |
4 |
4 |
2 |
0 | ||||||||||||||||||||
The final make-up — elements of B |
8 |
6 |
4 |
3 | ||||||||||||||||||||
The total number of samples of compounds for each class test |
8 |
6 |
4 |
3 | |||||||||||||||||||||
MU — make up, see |
L is the minimum value recommended by the manufacturer. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Note — chopped and screwed connections have all a elements should have the same configuration as the above-described elements of B, and must be screwed only once, see |
7.2 test of screwing and unscrewing
7.2.1 the nature of the test
All initial and intermediate coupling in trials of MBG and RRG should continue until maximum torque with minimum number of thread lubrication. The final make-up before testing in the field of test loads is performed with the maximum amount of grease applied to all connections, and torque should correspond to the table 5. When testing connections seal on the threads (connections TSC) the final make-up before testing in the field of test loads is performed with a minimum number of thread lubrication and with minimal torque.
In the final report should include an assessment of galling with the application of photographs of places of seizure before and after the repair after the first seizure, repaired surfaces after the following break out and after the final unscrewing.
The types of compounds not included in table 5, the manufacturer must choose the quantity of grease and the amount of torque in accordance with the targets set in table 2. Connection seal and threaded connection of large diameter may be tested using appropriate data table 5.
All the elements of a screwed only once (MU) as specified
7.2.2 make-up (MU) elements of A
All the elements of a screwed samples, as follows:
a) General instructions for screwing and unscrewing, see 5.7, while in the data list according to the geometrical parameters of the sample (form C. 3) indicate the related data.
b) the elements of the connection must be clean and dry, you must register the weight marked on them screw lubrication;
c) screwed connection according put of table 5 with the application of a specified amount of grease and the application of the specified torque (see note);
d) in the data list for the screwing and unscrewing (form C. 2) and data on the geometric parameters of the sample (form C. 3) show the results of this test.
Note — bell-and-Spigot joints have the elements of B and set A.
7.2.3 the Test elements B for binding when screwing and unscrewing (MBG)
This test is performed as follows:
a) General instructions for screwing-unscrewing, see 5.7, while in the data list according to the geometrical parameters of the sample (form C. 3) indicate the related data.
b) the elements of the connection must be clean and dry, you must register the weight marked on them screw lubrication;
c) after every break out you need to clean, inspect, and photograph the pin and socket elements in accordance with 5.7 After the first and the last break out results write down in the data list according to the geometrical parameters of the sample (form C. 3). The test results are also recorded in the data list for the screwing and unscrewing (form C. 2);
d) the element of sample 4B compounds CAL II and CAL III samples and items 4B, 7B and 8B samples CAL IV screwed and razvenchivaet nine times when test joints of tubing and two times during the test casing. Item 3B sample CAL I screwed and razvenchivaet nine times when test joints of tubing and two times during the test casing. All the screwing is performed with the number of thread lubricant and that the torque indicated in table 5. The final make-up, see
7.2.4 Circular test elements B for binding when screwing and unscrewing
The test elements 2B, 3B, 5B and 6B as follows:
a) General instructions for screwing and unscrewing, see 5.7, while in the data list according to the geometrical parameters of the sample compound (form C. 3) indicate the related data.
b) the elements of the connection must be clean and dry, you must register the weight marked on them screw lubrication;
c) after every break out you need to clean, inspect, and photograph the pin and socket elements in accordance with 5.7. After the first and the last break out results write down in the data list according to the geometrical parameters of the sample compound (form C. 3). The test results are also recorded in the data list for the screwing and unscrewing (form C. 2);
d) when testing joints of casing and tubing to the levels of CAL III and CAL IV screwed and razvenchivaet elements of the samples 2B, 3B, 5B and 6B. Screwing and unscrewing joints of tubing performed four times so that all four of the nipple element vinculis with all four socket elements. Screwing and unscrewing the casing twice, svincova together elements 2B and 5B and elements of 3B and 6B. CAL II joints of tubing screwed together and razvenchivaet four times, casing pipe two times, svincova elements 2B and 3B. Number of thread lubricant and torque should correspond to the data of table 5. The final make-up, see
7.2.5 Final make-up (FMU) elements of B
This test is performed as follows:
a) General instructions for screwing and unscrewing, see 5.7, while in the data list according to the geometrical parameters of the sample (form C. 3) recording relevant data;
b) the connections must be clean and dry, you must register the weight applied screw lubrication;
c) undoing all connections in accordance with the data of table 5 with the application of a specified number of screw lubrication and the application of the specified torque;
d) test results are recorded in the data list for the screwing and unscrewing (form C. 2), as well as list data on the geometric parameters of the sample (form C. 3).
7.3 Testing under combined loads
7.3.1 Calculation of area of test loads
To ensure the bearing capacity of the pipe body and health a critical section of the connection of the test specimens under this standard is performed at such high loads or combinations of loads as almost safely. In this regard, the scope of test loads and maximum load for each sample using the following indicators:
a) the yield strength.
Use the minimum actual yield strength of the initial billet for each connection. However, by agreement, may use a higher value of yield stress, for example, the average of the initial billet and not the minimum value.
b) the Outer and inner diameter.
To calculate can be used nominal outside diameter or actual average outside diameter. Inner diameter is calculated by the minimum wall thickness (listing c)).
c) the wall Thickness of the pipe body and the wall thickness in critical cross sections of the connection.
Used to calculate the actual minimum wall thickness as the pipe body, as in cross-sections of connection.
For test compounds, which should have the same strength with pipe body, the area of test loads for the pipe body shall be the lesser of calculated using:
the actual minimum yield stress, minimum wall thickness (but not more than 95% of the nominal wall thickness of the pipe) and the outer diameter of the element A;
the actual minimum yield stress, minimum wall thickness (but not more than 95% of the nominal wall thickness of the pipe) and the outer diameter of the element B;
the actual minimum yield stress of the material of the clutch (95% of the nominal thickness of the pipe wall and the nominal outside diameter of the pipe). The calculation is made using equations for pipe body in such a way as if the pipe had a yield strength of the material of the coupling.
For test compounds, which should be less durable than the pipe body, in any quadrant of the field test loads, the manufacturer must establish methods of determining the loads for testing in this quadrant. If the connection should be less durable than pipe body in compression, the tests should include the effects of internal pressure (if necessary, and external pressure), reaching 95% of the VME (or of the limit pressure).
It should be noted that the tests in quadrants II and III usually require special fixtures to avoid buckling.
7.3.2 the nature of the test
When tested under combined loads, the total axial force is the sum of the axial load from the load device and the axial load (if any). In addition to the data required in accordance with this standard, the manufacturer must register and specify in the report any other information it considers essential for this test. For check of leaks that occurred during the test, use form C. 5 — list of data leaks connections.
Count extracts the tables 6, 7 and 8 begins with the achievement and stabilization of the given values of load, pressure and temperature. When there is a leak, the exposure under pressure of this phase should last at least one hour to be able to assess the characteristics of the leak. The average rate of leakage recorded for every subsequent 15 minutes, and when exposed for 1 hour for every 5 min.
Before a test series A and B, all samples except samples of compounds CAL. I, is subjected to aging for 12 h at a minimum temperature according to table 1. This procedure:
a) reduces the release of gases from screw lubrication if further test that would be taken for leakage;
b) creates the worst conditions for screw lubrication.
The test can be aborted at any time by removing all the loads, for example at night or for repairs. After that, the test should be resumed at the same stage of load application, at which it was interrupted. Allowed the simultaneous test of several series of samples. However, it must be accompanied by the greatest load required for each sample series.
7.3.3 Test series A — Tension/compression and internal/external pressure (tubing and casing)
Samples of the compounds (see table 1) subjected to the following actions:
a) determine the axial load for aging in figures 13, 14 and table 6;
b) determine the internal pressure for points of exposure under load at figures 13, 14 and table 6;
c) determine the external pressure for aging under load in figures 13, 14 and table 6;
d) conduct the test in accordance with the instructions given in 5.9, 5.10 and 5.11 and in accordance with figures 13, 14 and table 6;
e) test results are recorded in the list of data on the displaced volume of water (form C. 6) and the list of data leaks connections (form C. 5).
Table 6 — Stages of loading in test series A (see figure 13 or 14) — Testing in quadrants I, II, III and IV (without bending) at room temperature
Stage loading |
The loading point |
The total axial force |
Internal pressure |
External pressure |
Extract, min. |
1 |
1 |
95 |
0 |
0 |
5 |
2 |
2 |
95 |
95 |
0 |
60 |
3 |
3 |
80 |
95 |
0 |
15 |
4 |
4 |
95 |
0 |
15 |
5 |
5 |
0 |
95 |
0 |
15 |
6 |
6 |
-33 |
95 |
0 |
15 |
7 |
7 |
-67 |
95 |
0 |
15 |
8 |
8 and 9 |
-95 |
0 |
0 |
5 |
Switching from internal pressure to external pressure | |||||
9 |
10 |
-95 |
0 |
95 |
15 |
10 |
11 |
-50 |
0 |
95 |
15 |
11 |
12 |
0 |
0 |
95 |
15 |
12 |
13 |
33 |
0 |
95 |
15 |
13 |
14 |
67 |
0 |
95 |
15 |
14 |
1 |
95 |
0 |
0 |
5 |
15 |
14 |
67 |
0 |
95 |
15 |
16 |
13 |
33 |
0 |
95 |
15 |
17 |
12 |
0 |
0 |
95 |
15 |
18 |
11 |
-50 |
0 |
95 |
15 |
19 |
10 |
-95 |
0 |
95 |
15 |
Switching from external pressure to internal pressure | |||||
20 |
2 |
95 |
95 |
0 |
15 |
21 |
3 |
80 |
95 |
0 |
15 |
22 |
8 and 9 |
-95 |
0 |
0 |
5 |
23 |
7 |
-67 |
95 |
0 |
15 |
24 |
6 |
-33 |
95 |
0 |
15 |
25 |
5 |
0 |
95 |
0 |
15 |
26 |
4 |
95 |
0 |
15 |
27 |
3 |
80 |
95 |
0 |
15 |
28 |
2 |
95 |
95 |
0 |
15 |
29 |
1 |
95 |
0 |
0 |
5 |
30 |
2 |
95 |
95 |
0 |
15 |
31 |
3 |
80 |
95 |
0 |
15 |
32 |
4 |
95 |
0 |
15 |
33 |
5 |
0 |
95 |
0 |
15 |
34 |
6 |
-33 |
95 |
0 |
60 |
35 |
7 |
-67 |
95 |
0 |
15 |
36 |
8 and 9 |
-95 |
0 |
0 |
5 |
Switching from internal pressure to external pressure | |||||
37 |
10 |
-95 |
0 |
95 |
15 |
38 |
11 |
-50 |
0 |
95 |
60 |
39 |
12 |
0 |
0 |
95 |
15 |
40 |
13 |
33 |
0 |
95 |
60 |
41 |
14 |
67 |
0 |
95 |
15 |
Switching from external pressure to internal pressure | |||||
42 |
1 |
95 |
0 |
0 |
5 |
43 |
2 |
95 |
95 |
0 |
60 |
CEPL — the tension under internal pressure with end plugs. |
Figure 13 — Stages of loading for test series A in connection with the compressive strength below the strength of the pipe body
The point of loading designated by numbers smaller font.
1 — area test loads corresponding to 100% of the yield strength for VME pipe body; 2 — area test loads corresponding to 95% of the VME yield stress for the pipe body; 3 — recommended intermediate load between stages 1 and 2
Note — Stages loading: counterclockwise, clockwise and counterclockwise. Thus, there are three mechanical cycle. For connections, durable in compression with the pipe body, the points 8 and 9 are the same. In points 10 and 11 do not require a higher pressure than at the point 12. Points 10−14 are generally defined by crushing of the pipe body, not the flow of the material pipe under voltage VME.