GOST R 56349-2015
GOST R 56349−2015 (ISO 10424−2:2007) of drill Pipe and other drill string elements for the oil and gas industry. Part 2. Basic parameters and control of resistant threaded connections. General technical requirements
GOST R 56349−2015
(ISO 10424−2:2007)
Group В62
Part 2
Basic parameters and control of resistant threaded connections. General technical requirements
Drill pipes and other elements of drilling equipment for petroleum and natural gas industries. Part 2. Basic parameters and inspection of shouldered thread connection. General technical requirements
OKS 23.040.10
OKP 13 2400
Date of introduction 2015−10−01
1 PREPARED by Subcommittee SC 7 «Pipe threaded oil country» of the Technical Committee for standardization TC 357 «Steel and cast iron pipes and cylinders» based on the authentic translation into Russian language specified in paragraph 4 of the standard, which is done by «Specialized translation company «Interservice"
2 SUBMITTED by the Technical Committee for standardization TC 357 «Steel and cast iron pipes and cylinders"
3 APPROVED AND put INTO EFFECT by the Federal Agency for technical regulation and Metrology from February 11, 2015 N 78th St
4 this standard is modified in relation to the international standard ISO 10424−2:2007* «the Oil and gas industry. Equipment for rotary drilling — Part 2: threading and caliber control rotary joints with shoulders» (ISO 10424−2:2007 Petroleum and natural gas industries — Rotary drilling equipment — Part 2 — Threading and gauging of rotary shouldered thread connections) by:
* Access to international and foreign documents referred to here and hereinafter, can be obtained by clicking on the link to the site shop.cntd.ru. — Note the manufacturer’s database.
— enable and modify single words (phrases, figures, references) highlighted in the text of this standard in italics*;
* In the original paper designation and number of standards and normative documents marked with «**" are shown in italics; the rest of the document text is shown in normal font. — Note the manufacturer’s database.
— inclusion of structural elements (paragraphs, subparagraphs, paragraphs, articles, terminology) identified in the text of this standard a vertical line located on the margins of this text;
— changes in the content of individual structural elements (sections, paragraphs, subparagraphs, paragraphs, tables and figures) highlighted in the text of this standard in italics, and the vertical line located on the margins of this text;
— changing the structure to conform to rules established by vhost R 1.5. Comparison of the structure of this standard with the structure of this international standard are given in Appendix YES. The name of this standard changed with respect to names specified international standard for compliance with GOST R 1.7 (section 7.7.1) and specify the scope
Application rules of this standard are established in GOST R 1.0−2012** (section 8). Information about the changes to this standard is published in the annual (as of January 1 of the current year) reference index «National standards» and the official text changes and amendments — in monthly information index «National standards». In case of revision (replacement) or cancellation of this standard a notification will be published in a future issue of information index «National standards». Relevant information, notification and lyrics are also posted in the information system of General use — on the official website of the Federal Agency for technical regulation and Metrology on the Internet (gost.ru)
This standard is modified in relation to the international standard ISO 10424−2:2007 «Petroleum and natural gas industries. Equipment for rotary drilling — Part 2: threading and caliber control rotary joints with shoulders», widely used in world practice for establishing requirements for threaded connections, resistant elements in the drill string.
The presentation of this standard is given in accordance with the rules of presentation set out in GOST R 1.5.
Modification of this standard relative to the international standard is as follows:
— deleted section 2 «Compliance Units», because the numeric values of units is given only in SI units;
— the section «Terms, abbreviations, definitions and symbols» is divided into two separate section «Terms and definitions» and «Symbols and abbreviations», due to the large volume section;
— name some of the terms given to the terminology used in the national industry, for example, the term «rotary joint with shoulders» are replaced by the term «resistant threaded connection»;
— excluded terms, repeating the symbol definitions of the geometric parameters of the compounds are given in the section «Designations and abbreviations»;
— introduced additional terms traditionally used in the national industry, to clarify the used concepts;
— specified average diameter in the measurement plane working of plug gagesDis replaced by an average diameter in the main plane D
the changes associated with the Supplement No. 1 to ANSI/API Spec 7−2, on the basis of which developed ISO 10424−2, (5.2.5 and Annex D);
— excluded values, expressed in units of the American system of units, which is impractical for national standardization, and the corresponding Appendix A «Tables in USC units»;
deleted the app In with the requirements of the care regional reference gauges and their application in the absence of such caliber in the Russian Federation;
— removed section 5 «Information provided by the customer», because this standard is not provided we can supply products with resistant threaded connections;
— for threaded connections, for which there is no certified control calibers, supplemented by the possibility of using non-certified control gauges, calibrated in accordance with the provisions of this standard;
— exclude the Annex E associated with the calibers certified by the American petroleum Institute;
— deleted Annex G conversion rates, expressed in units of the American system of units, the units of the International system of units;
— eliminated outdated and not the preferred screwed connection (Appendix F), except for compounds NC10, NC12, NC13, NC16, NC77, 3 ½FH, 4 ½FH, similar threaded connections GOST 28487;
is included used in the Russian Federation, threaded connection 3−161 and 3−189 according to GOST 28487 equivalent to the analogues of which do not exist in ISO 10424−2;
— removed references to standards of API, preserving references to the same ISO standards or ASTM, is given in the bibliography to this standard.
Comparison of the structure of this standard and the ISO 10424−2 given in Appendix YES.
1 Scope
This standard establishes requirements for resistant threaded connections of drill pipes and other elements of the drill string used in oil and gas industry.
For such resistant screw connections in this standard lists the mandatory requirements for geometric parameters of the compounds, the rules and methods of control, requirements used to control the screw gauges and measuring devices, as well as additional requirements for unloading items, control labels, coating, cold deformation hardening and running. This standard applies to the following types of threaded joints resistant: — FH — threaded connections with a wide feedthrough with a thread profile V-040 or V-050. Note — the number in the type designation threaded connection means previously used outer diameter of the drill pipe in inches; NC — threaded connection, the numbering type, thread profile V-038R. Note — the Number in the designation of threaded connections is the ratio of the mean diameter of the thread in the main plane in mm to 2.54 mm, which is expressed as an integer value; — REG — threaded connection conventional type, thread profile V-040, V-050 V-055. Note — the number in the type designation threaded connection means previously used by the outer diameter of the drill pipe in inches; — Z — type threaded connection according to GOST 28487 with the thread profile V-038 V-040 or V-050 V-055. Note — the number in the type designation threaded connection means the outer diameter of the larger base of the cone nipple end in millimeters, rounded to an integer value. Threaded connections are right-hand thread direction (right hand thread). Connection with the left direction of the thread (left-hand thread) can be manufactured according to this standard, if the cutter is certified or calibrated test gauges for connections to this thread or has access to them. |
2 Normative references
This standard uses the regulatory references to the following standards:
GOST 9.301−86 unified system of protection from corrosion and ageing. Coating of metallic and non-metallic inorganic. General requirements
GOST 9.302−88 uniform system of protection from corrosion and ageing. Coating of metallic and non-metallic inorganic. Control methods
GOST 11708−82 Basic norms of interchangeability. Thread. Terms and definitions
GOST 28487−90 conical castle Thread for drill string elements. Profile. Dimensions. Tolerances
GOST ISO/IEC 17025−2009 General requirements for the competence of testing and calibration laboratories (ISO/IEC 17025, IDT)
GOST R 54383−2011 steel drill Pipe for the oil and gas industry. Specification (ISO 11961:2008, MOD)
Note — When using this standard appropriate to test the effect of reference standards in the information system of General use — on the official website of the Federal Agency for technical regulation and Metrology on the Internet or in the annual information index «National standards» published as on January 1 of the current year, and the editions of the monthly information index «National standards» for the current year. If replaced with a reference standard, which was given an undated reference, then it is recommended to use the current version of this standard, taking into account all enabled in this version modifications. If replaced with a reference standard, which is given a dated reference, it is recommended to use the version of this standard referred to above by year of approval (acceptance). If after approval of this standard in the reference standard, which is given a dated reference, a change affecting a provision to which reference, the provision is recommended to be applied without taking into account this change. If the reference standard is cancelled without replacement, the position in which reference is made to him, recommended to be used in part not affecting this link.
3 Terms and definitions
This standard applies the terminology according to GOST 11708**, as well as the following terms with respective definitions: |
3.1.1 interchangeable preload (interchange stand-off): the Distance between the measuring surfaces of the gauge-tube and the caliber ring.
3.1.2 product (product): depending on the context component resistant threaded connections (coupling end, a nipple end) or an element of a drill string with a threaded persistent connection, the relevant requirements of this standard.
3.1.3 initial preload (initial stand-off): the Distance between the measuring planes of new or repaired gauge-tube and the caliber ring.
3.1.4 master gauges (master gauge): Gauges used for calibration of gauges of lower class.
Note — master gauges are the control (reference master), reference regional (regional master) and primary standard (grand master) gauges.
3.1.5 cone coupling end, a nipple end cone (cone of box end, pin end of cone): a Plot of the conical surface of the coupling and nipple ends.
Note — the Term introduced to clarify the concepts.
3.1.6 coupling end (box end): resistant threaded connection of the drill string element with internal thread.
3.1.7 the cutter (threader): operator of equipment for cutting resistant threaded connection and responsible for its compliance with the requirements of this standard.
3.1.8 preload (stand-off): the Distance from the thrust surface of the device to the measuring plane of the gauge or distance between the measuring plane one caliber to measuring the plane of a different caliber.
3.1.9 nizkovorsnye elements (low-torque feature): the Discharge hole or the discharge groove is performed on the pin and box ends to reduce the area of hard surfaces, with the aim of achieving sufficient compressive stresses, maintaining the Flexural strength and tightness of the connection.
Note — the Term introduced to clarify the concepts.
3.1.10 nipple end (pin end): resistant threaded connection of the drill string element with an external thread.
3.1.11 pair interference (mating stand-off): the Distance between the measuring surfaces of the gauge-tube and the caliber ring one class.
3.1.12 the first turn of thread with a full profile (first perfect thread): Round thread, the most remote from the thrust ledge nipple end or closest to the thrust end face of the coupling end, the top of the cavity which correspond to the nominal thread profile subject to limits of deviation.
3.1.13 burn-in (break-in-procedure): the Operation of screwing and unscrewing of thread connections resistant to the beginning of its operation to ensure correct Assemblyand reduce galling of the threaded connection during operation.
3.1.14 working gauges (gauges working): Gauges used for inspection of thread connections resistant.
3.1.15 discharge elements (stress relief feature): the Discharge hole or the discharge groove, performed on pin and box ends, to reduce the probability of fatigue fracture of high-loaded parts resistant threaded connection by reducing stress concentration and improving the fatigue strength of the connection.
3.1.16 threaded persistent connection, the connection (rotary shouldered connection): threaded connection drill stem elements having tapered threads and the thrust surface (a ledge, a nipple end and a butt end coupling end), creating a seal at the connection.
3.1.17 the calibration system (calibration system): a Documented procedure for the calibration and control of gages.
3.1.18 cold work hardening (cold working): the Plastic deformation of the surface of the thread bottom of the compound, conducted without its heating, with the aim of improving the health of the threaded joints under alternating bending loads.
3.1.19 the drill stem elements (elements of drilling equipment) — Drill pipe, Kelly, drill stem for different purposes, thick-walled drill pipe, heavy weight drill pipe, submersible downhole motors, and roller bladed chisels, diamond bits and core bits and other products with resistant threaded connections and are part of the drill string.
4 Symbols and abbreviations
4.1 Notation
This standard applies the following designations:
And the depth of the discharge groove of the nipple end;
A |
In — depth discharge groove of the coupling end;
D — outer diameter of a product or compound; |
D — inner diameter of the discharge grooves on coupling end;
D — the average diameter of the thread in the main plane;
D — internal diameter of the cylindrical portion of the discharge bore at the coupling end;
D — the inner diameter of the thrust surface nscomment elements;
D — outer diameter of the mounting plates plug gages;
D |
D — pitch circle diameter at the connection with the base internal diameter;
D — outer diameter of the larger base of the cone nipple end;
D — outer diameter of the cylindrical groove on the base end of the nipple;
D — outer diameter of thread plug gages in the main plane;
D — inner diameter thread gages ring in the main plane;
D — outer diameter of the caliber-ring;
D — outer diameter of the smaller base of the cone nipple end in the plane of the end;
D — outer diameter of the discharge groove of the nipple end;
D — inner diameter of the mounting plate caliber-ring;
d — outer diameter of the spherical tip of the instrument for measuring the taper and pitch of the thread;
d — outer diameter of the spherical tip of the instrument to control the pitch of the thread profile;
d |
F — width of peaks of the thread profile;
F — the width of the troughs of the thread profile;
f — a cut on the peaks of the thread profile of the product;
f — a cut on the peaks of the thread profile of caliber;
f — cut hollows of the thread profile of the product;
f — cut hollows of the thread profile of caliber;
H — the height of the initial profile of the thread;
h — the height of the thread profile of the product;
h — the depth of the discharge grooves on coupling end;
h — offset by the height of the thread profile of the product;
h — the height of the thread profile of caliber;
To — taper thread;
k |
L — length of cone coupling end;
L — distance from the thrust end face of the coupling end to the discharge groove;
L — distance from the thrust end face of coupling end to end with full thread profile;
L — distance from the thrust end face of coupling end to end of the cylindrical portion of the discharge bore;
L — compensated thread length of the product;
L — length of the remote turns of thread at the working caliber of the tube;
L — distance from the thrust ledge nipple end to the beginning of the thread with a full profile;
L — distance from the thrust ledge nipple end to the main plane;
L — length of plug gages;
L — length caliber-ring;
L — length of the cone nipple end;
L — length of the conical bore of the coupling end;
L — length of discharge grooves on the nipple end;
L — distance from the thrust end face of coupling end to end of the thread end to the discharge bore;
n — the number of threads per length of 25.4 mm;
P — thread pitch;
Q — inner diameter of the conical bore in the plane of the thrust end face of the coupling end;
R — the radius of the troughs of the thread profile;
Ris the radius of the rounded corners of the discharge grooves on coupling end;
R — radius of curvature nscomment elements;
r — radius of curvature of the vertices of the thread profile;
r — radius of curvature of the troughs of the thread profile V-055;
S — nominal tension;
S — the source doubles the interference of primary reference, regional reference or checklist of calibers;
S — interchangeable tension working plug gages and inspection gagesring;
S — interchangeable tension of the working calibre-ring and control of the caliberof the tube;
S |
T — the thickness of the installation plate of the caliber of ring and plug gages;
— the angle of the thread equal to half of the angle between the forming of the threaded cone;
angle equal to half the angle of thread profile;
— minimum yield strength.
4.2 Reduction
This standard applies the following abbreviations:
CW — cold work hardening;
FH — resistant threaded connection with a wide feedthrough;
LH — left-hand thread direction;
LT — nizkovoltnoy execution;
NC — threaded numerical type;
REG — threaded connection of conventional type;
RH — right-hand thread direction;
API — American petroleum Institute; ANIST American national Institute of standards and technology; Z — type threaded connection according to GOST 28487; ISO — international organization for standardization; K-R — a test pass; R — working caliber; Drill collar — heavy weight drill pipe |
5 Technical requirements
5.1 the Shape and geometrical parameters of the thread profile
* In the original paper, the numbering of paragraph «5.1» and the word «thread» in italics. — Note the manufacturer’s database.
The shape of the profile interior and exterior right of the thread and geometrical parameters of the profile are shown in figures 1, 2 and table 1.
Note — Left-hand thread has a similar shape and geometric parameters of the profile.
Figure 1 — thread Profile V-038R, V-040, V-050
1 — a line parallel to the axis of the thread; 2 — line mean diameter of the thread
Figure 1 — thread Profile V-038R, V-040, V-050
Figure 2 — thread Profile V-055
1 — a line parallel to the axis of the thread; 2 — line mean diameter of the thread
Figure 2 — thread Profile V-055
Table 1 — Geometrical parameters of the thread profile
Dimensions are in millimeters | |||||||
Name of the indicator |
Limit deviations |
The value of the index | |||||
Thread profile |
- |
V-038R |
V-038R |
V-040 |
V-050 |
V-050 |
V-055 |
The number of turns per length of 25.4 mm n |
- |
4 |
4 |
5 |
4 |
4 |
6 |
The thread pitch R |
6,350 |
6,350 |
5,080 |
6,350 |
6,350 |
4,233 | |
— on any area with a length of 25.4 mm; |
±0,038 | ||||||
— total step |
±0,114 mm or the sum or 0.0254 mm for every 25.4 mm, which is more | ||||||
Angle |
±45' |
30 |
30 |
30 |
30 |
30 |
30 |
Angle |
- |
4°45'50,4" |
7°7'30" |
7°7'30" |
4°45'50,4" |
7°7'30" |
3°34'33,6" |
Taper thread To |
1/6 |
¼ |
¼ |
1/6 |
¼ |
1/8 | |
— external threads; |
+0,0025 | ||||||
— internal thread |
-0,0025 | ||||||
The widthof the peaks of the profileof the thread F |
- |
1,65 |
1,65 |
1,02 |
1,27 |
1,27 |
1,40 |
The radius of the troughs of the thread profile R |
- |
0,97 |
0,97 |
0,51 |
0,64 |
0,64 |
- |
The width of thetroughs of the thread profile F |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
1,19 |
The radius of curvature of the troughs of the thread profile r |
±0,20 |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
0,38 |
The radius of the rounded vertices of the profile threads r |
±0,20 |
0,38 |
0,38 |
0,38 |
0,38 |
0,38 |
0,38 |
The height of the reference thread profile N |
- |
5,487 |
5,471 |
4,377 |
5,487 |
5,471 |
3,661 |
The height of the thread profile h |
+0,025; -0,076 |
3,095 |
3,083 |
2,993 |
3,754 |
3,742 |
1,421 |
The cut on the peaks of the thread profile f |
- |
1,427 |
1,422 |
0,875 |
1,097 |
1,094 |
1,208 |
Cut along the troughs of the thread profile f |
- |
Of 0.965 |
Of 0.965 |
0,508 |
0,635 |
0,635 |
1,033 |
5.2 the Shape and geometrical parameters of threaded joints resistant
* In the original paper the name of the clause 5.2 are shown in italics. — Note the manufacturer’s database.
5.2.1 Basic geometric parameters
Form, the geometrical parameters of the compounds and their limit deviations are shown in figures 3, 4, 5 and in tables 2, 3.
5.2.2 Resistant surface
Resistant, the joint surfaces must be flat and perpendicular to the thread axis. The deviation from perpendicularity and flatness should not exceed 0,05 mm.
Figure 3 — Threaded end
1 — the outer lead-in chamfer; 2 — inner chamfer; 3, the main plane
A — the base of the cone; The thrust surfaceThe width of the chamfer is set so that the beginning thread out on the chamfer.
The chamfer dimensions for locks drill pipes in accordance with GOST R 54383 or [1] for the remaining elements of the drill string at the option of the manufacturer.
Figure 3 — Threaded end
Figure 4 — Coupling end
1 — resistant surface; 2 — internal lead-in chamfer
Note — the First depression thread located on the lead-in chamfer with an angle of 35°±10°.