GOST R 53365-2009
GOST R 53365−2009 Pipe casing and tubing couplings. Basic parameters and control of threaded connections. General technical requirements (with Change No. 1, as amended)
GOST R 53365−2009
Group В62
General technical requirements
Pipes for use as casing or tubing and couplings for them. Basic parameters and inspection of thread connections. General technical requirements
OKS 75.180.99
OKP 13 2100
13 2700
Date of introduction 2010−03−01
The objectives and principles of standardization in the Russian Federation established by the Federal law of 27 December 2002 N 184-FZ «On technical regulation», and rules for the application of national standards of the Russian Federation — GOST R 1.0−2004 «Standardization in the Russian Federation. The main provisions"
* On the territory of the Russian Federation the document is not valid. Valid GOST R 1.0−2012. — Note the manufacturer’s database.
Data on standard
1 DEVELOPED by the Working group of Subcommittee SC 7 «Threaded pipe» Technical Committee for standardization TC 357 «Steel and cast iron pipes and cylinders"
2 SUBMITTED by the Technical Committee for standardization TC 357 «Steel and cast iron pipes and cylinders"
3 APPROVED AND put INTO EFFECT by the Federal Agency for technical regulation and Metrology dated July 16, 2009 N 251-St
Information about the changes to this standard is published in the annually issued reference index «National standards», and the text changes and amendments — in monthly indexes published information «National standards». In case of revision (replacement) or cancellation of this standard a notification will be published in a monthly information index «National standards». Relevant information, notification and lyrics are also posted in the information system of General use — on the official website of the Federal Agency for technical regulation and Metrology on the Internet
The Change N 1, approved and promulgated by the order of Rosstandart dated
Change No. 1 made by the manufacturer of the database in the text IUS N 9, 2013
AMENDED, published in the IUS N 2, 2016
An amendment made by the manufacturer of the database
This standard covers threaded connections of casing and tubing pipes and couplings to them and designed with the aim of unification of the threaded connection and establishing requirements separate from the requirements to pipes and couplings.
Requirements, acceptance rules and methods of control of threaded connections described, taking into account international practices in this field that improves the compatibility and interchangeability of tubular products with such connections.
Geometric parameters and characteristics of the threaded connections of the present standard correspond to the geometric parameters and characteristics of threaded connections GOST 632−80 «casing Pipes and couplings for them. Specifications» and GOST 633−80 «Pipe tubing and couplings for them», and supplemented with values for casing pipes with nominal diameter 102 mm with a threaded connection ATM and casing pipes with a nominal diameter of 324 mm with a threaded connection, OTG.
This standard does not include requirements for threaded joints spigot casing pipes with trapezoidal thread (MSW) and tubing (NKB), as well as requirements to the threaded casing with short and elongated triangular thread of GOST R 51906−2002 duplicating requirements for threaded connections, used in international practice.
1 Scope
This standard covers threaded connections of casing and tubing pipes and couplings to them, used in the oil and gas industry and sets out requirements for the basic parameters and control threads and threaded connections.
This standard establishes requirements for the following types of threaded connections:
— threaded connection of casing pipes and couplings with trapezoidal thread OTM;
— vysokomarochnogo threaded connection of casing pipes and couplings with trapezoidal thread and seal Assembly «metal-metal», OTTG;
— threaded connection tubing and couplings with a rounded triangular thread of the tubing;
— threaded connection tubing, and couplers with rounded and triangular thread external upset tubing pipes NKT;
— vysokomarochnogo threaded connection tubing and coupling trapezoidal thread and seal Assembly «metal-metal» IMC.
2 Normative references
This standard uses the regulatory references to the following standards:
GOST R 51906−2002 threaded casing, tubing, and piping and thread gauges for them
GOST R 53366−2009 (ISO 11960−2004) steel Pipes used as casing or tubing for wells in petroleum and gas industry. General specifications
GOST 9378−93 (ISO 2632−1-85, ISO 2632−2-85) Samples of surface roughness (comparison). General specifications
GOST 10654−81 Gauges for triangular thread of tubing and couplings for them. Types, basic dimensions and tolerances
GOST 11708−82 Basic norms of interchangeability. Thread. Terms and definitions
GOST 25575−83 Gauges for connections with trapezoidal thread casing pipes and couplings for them. Types, basic dimensions and tolerances
GOST 25576−83 Gauges for connections with trapezoidal thread tubing and couplings for them. Types, basic dimensions and tolerances
Note — When using this standard appropriate to test the effect of reference standards in the information system of General use — on the official website of the Federal Agency for technical regulation and Metrology on the Internet or published annually by the information sign «National standards» published as on January 1 of the current year and related information published monthly indexes published in the current year. If the reference standard is replaced (changed), when using this standard should be guided by replacing (amended) standard. If the reference standard is cancelled without replacement, then the situation in which the given link applies to the extent that does not affect this link.
3 Terms, definitions, symbols and abbreviations
3.1 this standard applies the terminology 11708 according to GOST and GOST R 51906, as well as the following terms with respective definitions:
3.1.1 side thread part of the screw thread surface located between the top and trough of the thread and having in the plane of the axial section of rectilinear profile.
3.1.2 the top thread part of the screw thread surface that connects adjacent sides of the thread at the top.
3.1.3 helix of thread Line, formed on the side surface real or imaginary right circular cone by a point moving so that the ratio between its axial displacement and a corresponding angular movement of the time, but not zero or infinity.
3.1.4 screw thread surface: the Surface formed by the curve lying in one plane with the axis of, and movable relative to the axis so that each point of the curve moves along the helix of the thread and all possible helices from the curve points have the same parameters.
3.1.5 round thread: Part thread guide corresponding to one complete revolution of the screw points on the surface of the thread relative to the thread axis.
3.1.6 the threads with kernoviae, coils with black tops: the top of the thread formed to the original pipe surface after machining.
3.1.7 internal diameter of the conical thread: Diameter of an imaginary right circular cone in the base plane or at a specified cross section, is inscribed in the outer trench or in the top of the internal tapered threads.
3.1.8 internal thread: a Thread formed on an inside straight circular conical surface.
3.1.9 depression thread part of the screw thread surface that connects adjacent sides of the thread on the bottom.
3.1.10 vysokoshirotnoi threaded connection: threaded connection, the construction of which included special items that increase bonding, such as seal Assembly «metal-metal».
3.1.11 profile height of thread: the Distance between the apex and trough of the thread in the axial plane of cross section in the direction perpendicular to the thread axis.
3.1.12 the ledge thread: the Protruding portion of material bounded by a helical surface of the thread.
3.1.13 thread length: the length of the product, which is formed by the thread, including the taper and bevel.
3.1.14 length of thread with a full profile: the length of the thread on which the peaks and troughs correspond to the nominal thread profile and are within the deviations of the outer and inner diameters of the thread.
3.1.15 length of twist: length of the area of mutual overlap of the outer and inner thread in the axial direction.
3.1.16 length of thread with an incomplete profile: the length of the thread on which coils are incomplete (unfinished) form.
3.1.17 the end of the thread end: an End side of the depression continuously vanishing threads thread most remote from the pipe end.
3.1.18 conical thread: One or more evenly spaced protrusions constant thread section formed on a lateral surface of a right circular cone.
3.1.19 taper thread: The angle between forming a cone in the same plane. The taper of the thread is characterized by a change of the diameter of the thread in the axial direction and is determined by the difference of the diameters (outer, inner and middle) between any two perpendicular to the axis of the section divided by the distance between these sections.
3.1.20 mechanical screwing: Screwing a threaded connection with a certain force and/or to a specific position by using a special mechanism or buttonovercolor of the machine.
3.1.21 the minimum thickness of the pipe wall under the thread in the plane of the end pipeConventional wall thickness, characterizing the stability of the threaded portion of the pipe end to the destruction, under the action of multi-directional stresses.
3.1.22 external thread: a Thread formed on the outside of a straight circular conical surface.
3.1.23 the outer diameter of the conical thread: Diameter of an imaginary right circular cone in the base plane or at a specified cross-section, circumscribed around the vertices of the outer or hollow inner conical thread.
3.1.24 interference: Distance characterizing the fit of one product to another, and allowance for mechanical Dominicana.
3.1.25 preload when screwing pipes with couplings: the distance from the coupling face to the plane of the end of a taper thread on the pipe.
3.1.26 interference in the control of caliber: the Distance from the measurement plane to the plane of the caliber of the product that is selected for the measurement of interference.
3.1.27 nominal thread diameter: Diameter, conventionally characterizing the size and thread used in its designation.
3.1.28 nominal conical profile thread: Profile external or internal tapered thread, which is defined by the nominal size of its linear and angular elements and which are installed in the main plane are the nominal dimensions of the outer, middle and inner thread diameters.
(Changed edition, Rev. N 1).
3.1.29 conventional clutch: Clutch outer diameter is adopted for core diameter compared to the special coupler, having a smaller outer diameter. The term is used in the case that for pipes of the same diameter is used for the coupling of different diameters.
3.1.30 the main plane of the conical thread: plane perpendicular to the thread axis, which are specified by nominal dimensions of external, middle and internal diameters of tapered threads.
3.1.31 axis mode: the Axis about which are formed screw-thread surface.
3.1.32 thread profile: the Profile of the lip and root of the thread in the plane of the axial section of the thread.
3.1.33 threaded connection: Connecting two products using a thread in which one of the articles has an outer thread, the other internal.
3.1.34 thread end: the Plot in the transition zone of the threads to the smooth part of the product on which the thread has an incomplete profile.
3.1.35 screwing manually manual screwing: Screwing threaded connections a one-person effort without the use of special machinery or buttonovercolor of the machine.
3.1.36 special clutch: Clutch, having a smaller outer diameter compared to an outer diameter of the usual couplings.
3.1.37 the average diameter of the conical thread: Diameter in main plane, or a specified section of an imaginary right circular cone coaxial with the conic thread forms each of which intersects the thread profile in such a way that a projection on the axis of the thread segments formed at the intersection of the cavity equal to half the nominal pitch.
3.1.38 trapezoidal thread: Tapered thread, designed to connect threaded pipes and couplings to them, the source profile which is a trapezoid, the angle of one side (carrier) which is less than the angle of inclination of the other side (the friction angle).
3.1.39 rounded triangular thread: Tapered thread, designed to connect threaded pipes and couplings to them, the original profile of which is a triangle with rounded peaks and valleys.
3.1.40 the angle of the sides of thread: the Angle between the side of the thread and perpendicular to the thread axis in the plane of the section.
3.1.41 the profile angle of thread: Angle between adjacent sides of the thread in the axial plane of section.
3.1.42 the angle of thread: the angle between the line of mean diameter of the thread axis and the thread.
(Changed edition, Rev. N 1).
3.1.43 seal Assembly «metal-metal»: a Combination of constructive and resistant metallic sealing elements, screw connections, which are in mechanical make-up provide the result of the interface surfaces with a certain tightness high tightness of the threaded connection.
3.1.44 seal groove: The radial sealing surface of the pipe — design the sealing element of the seal Assembly «metal-metal».
3.1.45 bore sealing: Radial sealing surface of the coupling — design the sealing element of the seal Assembly «metal-metal».
3.1.46 resistant the end of a pipe: Resistant surface, passing through the plane of smaller diameter of the sealing grooves located at right or other angle to the axis of the pipe thread constructive resistant element seal Assembly «metal-metal».
3.1.47 resistant ledge coupling: Resistant surface, passing through the plane of smaller diameter of the sealing bore located at a right or other angle to the axis of the thread coupling — constructive thrust element seal Assembly «metal-metal».
3.1.48 thread pitch: the Distance along a line parallel to the thread axis between the midpoints of the same name nearby the sides of the thread profile, lying in the same axial plane on one side of the thread axis.
3.2 this standard applies the following abbreviations:
NKM — vysokoshirotnoi threaded connection tubing and coupling trapezoidal thread and seal Assembly «metal-metal»;
Tubing — threaded connection tubing and couplings with a rounded triangular thread;
NCTV — threaded connection tubing, and couplers with rounded and triangular thread external upset tubing pipes;
OTG — vysokoshirotnoi threaded connection of casing pipes and couplings with trapezoidal thread and seal Assembly «metal-metal»;
ATM — threaded connection of casing pipes and couplings with trapezoidal thread.
3.3 this standard applies the following designations: — preload when screwing pipes and couplings by hand;
— the tightness of the thread or threaded elements connecting groove;
— angles of inclination of elements of the thread profile;
— the width of the end face plane;
— the width of the elements of the thread profile;
— the outer diameter of the pipe;
— outer diameter of the upset end of the pipe;
— outer diameter of a conventional clutch;
— outer diameter of tube connectors;
the inside diameter of the pipe;
the inside diameter of the coupling;
— the average diameter of the thread in the main plane;
the inside diameter of the thread in the main plane;
— the diameters of the threads or threaded connections;
— the angle of slope of the thread;
— the height of the initial profile of the thread;
— the height or depth of the elements of the thread or threaded connections;
— the total length of the pipe thread;
— the length of the coupling;
— distance from coupling face to resistant ledge;
— the distance or length of the elements of the threaded connection;
is the thread pitch;
— the radius of the elements of the thread or threaded connections;
— the wall thickness of the pipe;
— the wall thickness of the pipe under the sealing conical thread or grooves in the plane of the end;
— taper thread;
— gap;
the depth of the sealing groove of the pipe.
(Changed edition, Rev. N 1).
4 General requirements
4.1 Threaded connections this standard is designed for casing, tubing and couplings to them, GOST R 53366.
4.2 Threaded pipe connections and couplings must be made in accordance with the requirements of this standard for technological regulations approved in the prescribed manner.
4.3 Geometric parameters of tubes and coupling pieces, intended for threading, must ensure compliance with the requirements of this standard to the geometrical parameters of a thread and threaded connections.
4.4 compliance with the requirements of the profile, geometric parameters, surface quality of thread and threaded connections must be leak-proof threaded connections when properly done mechanical screwing and using appropriate thread lubricant.
4.5 Surface carving, sealing, and resistant elements threaded connections must be free of corrosion.
Not allowed flaws, cuts, dents and other defects that disrupt the continuity of the thread surface, resistant and sealing elements, may lead to delamination of the metal or protective coating, scoring at screwing.
Allowed shallow marks and scratches, surface irregularities that do not affect the continuity of the thread and not causing delamination of the protective coating.
(Changed edition, Rev. N 1).
4.6 the length of the pipe thread with an incomplete profile allowed the risks of scratches, dents and other surface imperfections with a depth, not exceeding the inner diameter of the thread or not exceeding 12.5% of the nominal wall thickness of the pipe when measured from the surface of the pipe, whichever is greater.
4.7 allowed to sweep the surface of the carving, sealing, and resistant elements of threaded connections for removal of imperfections, subject to the requirements of geometrical parameters of thread and threaded connections.
(Changed edition, Rev. N 1).
4.8 the Roughness of the thread surface and resistant elements of threaded joints shall not exceed 3.2 µm, the surfaces of sealing elements threaded connections — 1.6 µm.
4.9 On the entire surface of the thread and the sealing cone bores of couplings should be applied to zinc or phosphate coating.
4.10 When screwing pipes with couplings shall apply threaded seal lubrication to ensure the tightness of the screw connections and protects it from corrosion and scuffing at screwing.
(Changed edition, Rev. N 1).
5 Threaded connections of casing pipes
5.1 Profile thread
5.1.1 the Shape and geometrical parameters of the trapezoidal thread profile of the threaded connections OTTM and OCTG casing pipe and couplings shall be as specified in figure 1 and in table 1.
Maximum deviations of geometrical parameters of the thread profile shall be as specified in tables 1 and 2.
Figure 1 — Form and geometric parameters of the trapezoidal thread profile of the threaded connections OTTM and OTG
(Amendment. ICS N 2−2016).
* Size for reference.
— angle profile;
— the angles of the sides of the profile;
— the width of the top of the profile;
— the width of the trench profile;
— the angle of slope of the thread;
— height of the profile;
is the thread pitch;
— the radius of the profile
Figure 1 — Form and geometric parameters of the trapezoidal thread profile of the threaded connections OTTM and OTG (sheet 1)
Figure 1 (sheet 2)
(Amendment. ICS N 2−2016).
Table 1 — Geometrical parameters of the trapezoidal thread profile of the threaded connections OTTM and OTG
In millimeters
The name of the parameter |
The nominal value | Limit deviation |
Thread pitch |
5,08 | Table 2 |
Profile height |
1,60 | ±0,03 |
The profile angle |
13° | - |
The angle of the side profile: | ||
3° | ±1° | |
10° | ±1° | |
The width of the top profile |
2,29 | - |
The width of the troughs of the profile |
2,43 | +0,05 |
The fillet radius profile: | ||
0,20 | +0,05 |
0,80 | -0,05 |
0,20 | -0,05 |
0,80 | +0,05 |
The angle of slope of the thread |
1°47'24» | - |
Taper thread |
6,25 (1:16) | Table 2 |
* Size for reference. ** Taper on the internal diameter of the pipe thread and the outer thread diameter of the coupling on the screw length of 100 mm. Note — the Settings thread for references and their limit deviations are given for the design of the threading tool and the control is not exposed. |
Table 2 — Limit deviations of the pitch and taper of the trapezoidal thread threaded connections OTTM and OTG
In millimeters
Connection type | Limit deviation | |||||
the thread pitch |
taper thread | |||||
on the length of 25.4 mm* | for the full length of thread with a full profile | pipe | clutch | |||
conditional diameter of 194 mm incl. | nominal diameter 194 mm St | for pipes with nominal diameter up to 194 mm incl. |
for pipes with nominal diameter 194 mm St | |||
ATM | ±0,05 | ±0,10 | +0,25 |
+0,25 -0,10 |
+0,00 -0,25 |
+0,10 -0,25 |
+0,15 | +0,20 -0,05 |
+0,00 -0,15 |
+0,05 -0,20 | ||
* Limit deviation for the thread pitch on the length of 25.4 mm allowed distance between any two turns of thread with a full profile, not exceeding 25,4 mm. the distance between any two turns of thread exceeding 25.4 mm allowed increase of the maximum deviation of the thread pitch in proportion to the distance, but no more than shown in this table extreme deviations for the entire length of thread with a full profile. |
(Changed edition, Rev. N 1).