GOST ISO 13680-2016
GOST ISO 13680−2016 Pipe seamless casing, tubing and pipe blanks for couplings of corrosion-resistant stainless steels and alloys for oil and gas industry. Specifications
GOST ISO 13680−2016
Group В62
Seamless casing, tubing and coupling stock from corrosion-resistant high-alloy steels and alloys for petroleum and natural gas industries. Specifications
OKS 23.040.10
OKP 13 2100
13 2780
Date of introduction 2017−10−01
Goals, basic principles and main procedure of works on interstate standardization established in GOST 1.0−2015 «interstate standardization system. Basic provisions» and GOST 1.2−2015 «interstate standardization system. Interstate standards, rules and recommendations on interstate standardization. Rules of development, adoption, renewal and cancellation"
Data on standard
1 PREPARED by the Technical Committee for standardization TC 357 «Steel and cast iron pipes and cylinders» and Open joint stock company «Russian scientific research Institute of pipe industry» (JSC «RosNITI») based on authentic translation into Russian language specified in paragraph 4 of the standard, which is done by «Specialized translation company «Interservice"
2 SUBMITTED by the Technical Committee for standardization TC 357 «Steel and cast iron pipes and cylinders"
3 ACCEPTED by the Interstate Council for standardization, Metrology and certification (Protocol of March 29, 2017 N 86-P)
The adoption voted:
Short name of the country on MK (ISO 3166) 004−97 |
Country code MK (ISO 3166) 004−97 |
Abbreviated name of the national authority for standardization |
Armenia |
AM | Ministry Of Economy Of The Republic Of Armenia |
Belarus |
BY | Gosstandart Of The Republic Of Belarus |
Kyrgyzstan |
KG | Kyrgyzstandard |
Russia |
EN | Rosstandart |
Tajikistan |
TJ | Tajikstandart |
Ukraine |
UA | The Ministry Of Economic Development Of Ukraine |
4 by Order of the Federal Agency for technical regulation and Metrology dated March 21, 2017 N 166-St interstate standard GOST ISO 13680−2016 introduced with effect from 1 October 2017.
5 this standard is identical to international standard ISO 13680:2010* Petroleum and natural gas industries — Corrosion resistant alloy seamless tubes for use as casing, tubing and coupling stock — Technical delivery conditions (Oil and gas industry. Seamless tubes of corrosion-resistant alloys for use as casing, tubing and coupling pieces. Technical terms of delivery).
An international standard developed by the Technical Committee on standardization ISO/TC 67 «Materials, equipment and offshore structures for petroleum, petrochemical and natural gas industry," Subcommittee SC5 «Casing, tubing and drill pipe," International organization for standardization (ISO).
Translation from English (en).
The name of this standard changed with respect to names of international standard in connection with the peculiarities of constructing the interstate system for standardization.
Data on conformity with interstate standards international reference standards given in Appendix SB.
The degree of conformity is identical (IDT)
6 this standard has been prepared on the basis of application of GOST R ISO 13680−2011*
* By order of the Federal Agency for technical regulation and Metrology dated March 21, 2017 N 166-St GOST R ISO 13680−2011 repealed October 1, 2017.
Information about the changes to this standard is published in the annual reference index «National standards», and the text changes and amendments — in monthly information index «National standards». In case of revision (replacement) or cancellation of this standard a notification will be published in the monthly information index «National standards». Relevant information, notification and lyrics are also posted in the information system of General use — on the official website of the Federal Agency for technical regulation and Metrology on the Internet (www.gost.ru)
This standard is identical to international standard ISO 13680:2010 «the oil and gas Industry. Seamless tubes of corrosion-resistant alloys for use as casing, tubing and pipe parts for couplings. Technical delivery conditions», widely used in world practice in terms of setting requirements for the pipes of high-alloy steels and alloys for application in equipment and systems for oil and gas production in contact with sour service environments and in installations for the purification of sour natural gases.
In the text of this standard in relation to ISO 13680:2010 changed some phrases are replaced by some terms and symbols, their synonyms and equivalents to comply with the rules of the Russian language and in accordance with the interstate standardization system terminology and notation. Including the term «corrosion-resistant alloy» is replaced by a similar term «corrosion-resistant alloy steels and alloys», the terms 4.1.9 Number 1 (label 1) and 4.1.10 a Number 2 (label 2) definitions replaced by the term «4.1.8 external diameter» and «4.1.17 wall thickness». Excluded provided in ISO 13680 (p. 11.3, second paragraph) marking date of manufacture of products in the transition period between two different editions of ISO 13680.
With the aim of comparability used in the national industry corrosion-resistant steels and alloys resistance to corrosion in hydrogen sulfide-containing media and aggressive environmental conditions, designation of steels and alloys in this standard indicated in accordance with the rules adopted in the national standardization. Table of comparability of the legend brands of materials under this standard and ISO 13680 given in Appendix YES.
Excluded values of measurement units in U.S. units (USC) to bring it in compliance with GOST 8.417 and the corresponding application S. Replaced by the designations adopted in American standards, contrary to the notation adopted in international standards.
Deleted Annex F associated with the licensing by the American petroleum Institute.
1 Scope
This standard applies to seamless casing, tubing and pipe blanks for couplings of corrosion-resistant stainless steels and alloys are supplied in two levels of requirements for products:
— PSL-1 — level, establishing the basic requirements of this standard for products:
— PSL-2 — level establishing in addition to the basic additional requirements for corrosion resistance and durability of the products to cracking under the action of the environment and certification of products in accordance with ISO 15156−3, is given in Appendix E.
At the manufacturer’s discretion instead of the product level PSL-1 can be delivered product level PSL-2.
This standard provides for four classes of materials which can be manufactured products:
a) class 1 and martensite martensitic-ferritic steel;
b) class 2 — austenite-ferritic steel;
c) class 3 — austenitic iron-based alloys;
d) class 4 — austenitic alloys based on Nickel.
In this standard, are not considered pipe connections.
1 Corrosion-resistant steel and alloys covered by this standard are special steels and alloys, the corresponding ISO and ISO 4948−1 4948−2.
2 On the corrosion resistance of materials under this standard may impact the method for connecting pipes.
3 be aware that materials not all classes and grades, is designed for products level PSL-1, are resistant to cracking, corresponding to the requirements of ISO 15156−3, so not all are designed for products level PSL-2.
2 Compliance
2.1 a Dual normative references
Use links simultaneously on two standards means that the standards are interchangeable according to your requirements.
2.2 units of measurement
This standard applies the unit of the international system SI.
In writing the values of the indicators as applicable decimal comma.
3 Normative references
For the application of this standard requires the following referenced documents are*. For dated references, only use the specified edition of the referenced document, for undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including all changes):
* The table of conformity of national standards international see the link. — Note the manufacturer’s database.
ISO 377 Steel and steel products — Location and preparation of samples and test pieces for mechanical testing (Steel and steel products. Location and preparation of test specimens and samples for mechanical testing)
ISO 404 Steel and steel products — General technical delivery requirements (Steel and steel billet. General technical delivery conditions)
ISO 525 Bonded abrasive products — General requirements (Abrasives cementownia. General requirements)
ISO 783 Metallic materials — Tensile testing at elevated temperature (metallic Materials. Tensile strength at elevated temperature)
ISO 4885 Ferrous products — Heat treatments — Vocabulary (articles made of ferrous metals. Types of heat treatment. Dictionary)
ISO 4948−1 Steels — Classification — Part 1: Classification of steels into unalloyed and alloy steels based on chemical composition (of the Steel. Classification. Part 1. Classification of steels into unalloyed and alloy chemical composition)
ISO 4948−2 Steels — Classification — Part 2: Classification of unalloyed and alloy steels according to main quality classes and main property or application characteristics (Steel. Classification. Part 2. Classification of unalloyed and alloy steels according to main quality classes and main property or application)
ISO 6508−1 Metallic materials — Rockwell hardness test — Part 1: Test method (scales A, b, C, D, E, F, G, H, K, N, T) metallic Materials. Hardness tests according to Rockwell. Part 1. Test method (scales A, b, C, D, E, F, G, H, K, N, T)]
ISO 6892−1 Metallic materials — Tensile testing — Part 1: Method of test at room temperature (metallic Materials. The tensile test. Part 1. Test at room temperature)
ISO 6929 Steel products — Definitions and classification (Products of steel. Definition and classification)
ISO 8501−1:2007 Preparation of steel substrates before application of paints and related products — Visual assessment of surface cleanliness — Part 1: Rust grades and preparation grades of uncoated steel substrates and of steel substrates after overall removal of previous coatings (Preparation of steel substrates before application of paints and related products. Visual assessment of surface cleanliness. Part 1. The degree of rustiness and degree of preparation bare steel surfaces and steel substrates after completely removing previous coatings)
ISO 9303Seamless and welded (except submerged arc-welded) steel tubes for pressure purposes — Full peripheral ultrasonic testing for the detection of longitudinal imperfections (steel Pipes seamless and welded (except tubes produced in arc submerged arc welding) pressure. Ultrasonic inspection of the entire peripheral surface for the detection of longitudinal imperfections)
________________Functions ISO 10893−10:2011.
ISO 9304Seamless and welded (except submerged arc-welded) steel tubes for pressure purposes — Eddy current testing for the detection of imperfections (steel Pipes seamless and welded (except tubes produced in arc submerged arc welding) pressure. The control method of eddy currents to detect imperfections)
________________Functions ISO 10893−2:2011.
ISO 9305Seamless steel tubes for pressure purposes — Full peripheral ultrasonic testing for the detection of transverse imperfections (seamless steel Tubes pressure. Ultrasonic inspection of the entire peripheral surface for the detection of transverse imperfections)
________________Functions ISO 10893−10:2011.
ISO 9402Seamless and welded (except submerged arc-welded) steel tubes for pressure purposes — Peripheral magnetic transducer/flux leakage testing of ferromagnetic steel tubes for the detection of longitudinal imperfections (steel Pipes seamless and welded (except tubes produced in arc submerged arc welding) pressure. Testing of pipes of ferromagnetic steel by scattering around the entire circumference of the flux using the magnetic transducer for the detection of longitudinal defects
________________Functions ISO 10893−3:2011.
ISO 9598Seamless steel tubes for pressure purposes — Full peripheral magnetic transducer/flux leakage testing of ferromagnetic steel tubes for the detection of transverse imperfections (seamless steel Tubes pressure. Control of the entire peripheral surface of pipes of ferromagnetic steel by magnetic stray fields for the detection of transverse imperfections)
________________Functions ISO 10893−3:2011.
ISO 10124Seamless and welded (except submerged arc-welded) steel tubes for pressure purposes — Ultrasonic testing for the detection of laminar imperfections) (steel Pipe pressure seamless and welded (except pipe manufactured by arc welding under flux). Ultrasonic testing method for detection of layered imperfections)
________________Functions ISO 10893−8:2011.
ISO 10474 Steel and steel products — Inspection documents (Steel and steel products. The instruments of control)
ISO 10543Seamless and hot-stretch-reduced welded steel tubes for pressure purposes — Full peripheral ultrasonic thickness testing (steel Pipe pressure seamless and welded, compressed by the hot exhaust. Ultrasonic inspection thickness over the entire peripheral surface)
________________Functions ISO 10893−12:2011
ISO 11484 Steel products — Employer''s qualification system for nondestructive testing (NDT) personnel (Articles of steel. The system of training for the employer personnel for non-destructive testing)
ISO 11496Seamless and welded steel tubes for pressure purposes — Ultrasonic testing of tube ends for the detection of laminar imperfections (seamless steel Tubes and welded pressure. Ultrasonic testing of tube ends for the detection of layered imperfections)
________________Functions ISO 10893−8:2011.
ISO 12095Seamless and welded steel tubes for pressure purposes — Liquid penetrant testing (steel Pipe welded and seamless pressure. The test method, penetrating liquids)
________________Functions ISO 10893−4:2011.
ISO 13665Seamless and welded steel tubes for pressure purposes — Magnetic particle inspection of the tube body for the detection of surface imperfections (steel pressure Pipe seamless and welded. The pipe body testing magnetic particle testing method for the detection of surface imperfections)
________________Functions ISO 10893−5:2011.
ISO 14284 Steel and iron — Sampling and preparation of samples for the determination of chemical composition (Steel and cast iron. Selection and preparation of samples for the determination of chemical composition)
ISO 15156−3:2003Petroleum and natural gas industries — Materials for use in H
S-containing environments in oil and gas production — Part 3: Cracking-resistant CRAs (corrosion-resistant alloys) and other alloys (Industry of oil and gas. Materials for use in environments containing hydrogen sulfide at oil and gas production. Part 3. Crack-resistant, corrosion-resistant and other alloys)
________________Functions ISO 15156−3:2009.
ISO 80000−1 Quantities and units — Part 1: General (Quantities and units. Part 1. General provisions)
ASNT SNT-TC-1A Recommended practice No. SNT-TC-1A-Non-destructive testing (N recommended practice SNT-TC-1A. Non-destructive testing)
ASTM A 370 Standard test methods and definitions for mechanical testing of steel products (Standard test methods and definitions for mechanical testing of steel products)
ASTM A 604/A 604M bars Standard practice for testing of consumable electrode remelted steel bars and billets (the study of the macrostructure of the billets produced in an electric arc furnace with consumable electrode by etching)
ASTM A 941 Terminology relating to steel, stainless steel, related alloys, and ferroalloys (Terminology steels, stainless steels, related alloys and ferroalloys)
ASTM E 18 Standard test methods for Rockwell hardness and Rockwell superficial hardness of metallic materials (Standard methods of testing hardness Rockwell and superficial Rockwell hardness of metallic materials)
ASTM E 21 Standard test methods for elevated temperature tension tests of metallic materials (Standard test methods for tension of metallic materials at elevated temperature)
ASTM E 23 Standard test methods for notched bar impact testing of metallic materials (Standard methods of testing the impact strength of metallic materials specimens with notch)
ASTM E 29 Standard practice for using significant digits in test data to determine conformance with specifications (Standard methodology for using significant digits in test data to determine compliance with the standards)
ASTM E 45−05e3 Standard test methods for determining the inclusion content of steel (Standard methods for determination of content of nonmetallic inclusions in steels)
ASTM E 165 Standard practice for liquid penetrant examination for general industry (the Standard method of control for the study of penetrating fluid)
ASTM E 213, Standard practice for ultrasonic testing of metal pipe and tubing (Standard practice for ultrasonic examination of metal pipe and tubular products)
ASTM E 309 Standard practice for eddy-current examination of steel tubular products using magnetic saturation (Standard practice of eddy current examination of steel tubular products using magnetic saturation effect)
ASTM E 340 Standard test method for macroetching metals and alloys (the Standard method of control of the macrostructure of metals and alloys etching)
ASTM E 381 Standard method of testing bars steel bars, billets, blooms, and forgings (Standard method for the study of the macrostructure of rolled steel, steel billets, blooms and forgings etched)
ASTM E 562 Standard test method for determining volume fraction by systematic manual point count (a Standard method for determining volume fraction by systematic manual point count)
ASTM E 570, Standard practice for flux leakage examination of ferromagnetic steel tubular products (Standard practice control of ferromagnetic steel tubular products using magnetic flux leakage)
ASTM E 709 Standard guide for magnetic particle examination (Standard guide for conducting magnetic particle testing)
NACE MR 0175 / ISO 15156−3 Petroleum and natural gas industries — Materials for use in HS-containing environments in oil and gas production (Oil and gas industry. Materials for use in hydrogen sulfide containing environments in oil and gas. Part 3. Resistant to cracking of corrosion-resistant (CRA) of steel and alloys)
4 Terms and definitions, symbols, abbreviations
4.1 Terms and definitions
This standard applies the terminology in ISO 377, ISO 404, ISO 4885 ISO 4948−1, 4948−2 ISO, ISO 6929 ISO 10474, ASTM A 941, as well as the following terms with respective definitions:
4.1.1 defect (defect): Imperfection having a size sufficient for rejection of the product based on the criteria established by this standard.
4.1.2 quenching hardening, hardening (quench hardening, quenching): Heat treatment involving heating above the critical temperature, holding at this temperature (austenization) and subsequent cooling in conditions under which the austenite is transformed into martensite.
1 After hardening usually spend their holidays.
2 are Given in ISO 4885.
4.1.3 product, pipe product (product, tubular product): Pipe and/or tubular billet for clutches, individually or in the aggregate.
4.1.4 the manufacturer (manufacturer): Enterprise, company, or Corporation, which has manufacturing facilities for the manufacture of seamless casing and tubing pipes and pipe pieces for sleeves.
4.1.5 controlling party, party (inspection lot, lot): a Specific quantity of products of the same specified outside diameter and same wall thickness, strength group, one mode of production within the state of delivery after the final heat treatment or with the same degree of cold deformation, the length specified in table A. 16.
Note — the Maximum number of products in an inspection lot is specified in table A. 21.
4.1.6 corrosion-resistant steel or alloy; CRA (corrosion-resistant steel or alloy): Steel or alloy with resistance to General and localised corrosion and/or resistance to cracking in the environment corrosion of carbon and low-alloy steels.
4.1.7 linear imperfection (linear imperfection): Imperfection, the length of which substantially exceeds its width, such as captivity, sunsets, crack, score, cut, scrape, and others.
Note — national standardization to non-linear imperfections include imperfections, the length of which is commensurate with their width.
4.1.8 outer diameter: nominal outside diameter specified when ordering products.
4.1.9 pump-compressor pipe (tubing): Pipe placed in the borehole and serves to lift well production or discharge of the working medium.
4.1.10 imperfection (imperfection): Inconsistent wall or surface that can be detected by visual inspection or NDT methods covered by this standard.
4.1.11 casing pipe (casing): Pipe lowered from the surface for attachment of the walls of the borehole.
4.1.12 annealing solid solution, annealing (solution annealing): Heat treatment involving heating to a predetermined temperature, holding at this temperature, the duration of which should be sufficient to transition one or more components in solid solution, and subsequent cooling, the speed of which should be sufficient to ensure that these components remain in the solid solution.
4.1.13 vacation (tempering): Heat treatment, involving single or multiple heating to a predetermined temperature below the critical temperature, holding at this temperature and subsequent cooling.
1 Vacation is usually carried out after hardening.
2 are Given in ISO 4885.
4.1.14 melting (cast heat) made of steel or alloy of one brand, produced in one cycle of one of the production process spilled into a few ingots or continuous cast billets.
4.1.15 condition after hot deformation, hot state(hot-finished condition): Condition of delivery after plastic deformation at a certain temperature and speed, in which simultaneously with the recrystallization deformation occurs, which prevents work hardening.
4.1.16 state after cold deformation, cold state (cold-hardened condition): Condition of delivery mechanical properties which resulting the final cold deformation without subsequent heat treatment.
1 the Final cold deformation — plastic deformation of metal at temperatures below the recrystallization temperature at which there is deformation hardening.
2 the Degree of cold deformation is determined by level of strength for each grade of steel or alloy specified in table A. 3.
4.1.17 wall thickness: nominal wall thickness specified when ordering products.
4.1.18 the tubular billet for couplings (coupling stock): thick-walled Seamless tube used to manufacture coupling blanks several.
Note — In national industry coupled workpiece is the workpiece for coupling, without thread, used for making one hose.
4.1.19 pipe (pipe): a General name for casing, tubing and a shorter tube.
4.1.20 shortened pipe (pup joint): Casing or tubing pipe length, at least provided for groups of length 1.
4.2 Designation
This standard applies the following designations:the cross — sectional area of the specimen for the tensile test, mm
) — work of impact in the test of impact bending Charpy method sample V-neck cut, j;
— the outer diameter of the workpiece, mm;
— inner diameter of workpiece, mm;
— minimum elongation on the calculated length 50.0 mm, %;
— factor (for hydrostatic testing), equal to 0.8 for all grades and sizes;
— weight of 1 m products, kg/m;
) is the mass fraction of the element in the chemical composition, %;
— pressure hydrostatic test, MPa;
) — tensile strength, MPa;
) — yield strength (with disproportionate elongation of 0.2%), MPa;
— maximum yield strength, MPa;
— minimum yield strength, MPa;
— the distance between the plates when subjected to a flattening, %;
the wall thickness of the workpiece, mm;
the critical wall thickness, mm.
4.3 Reduction
This standard applies the following abbreviations: — coefficient for the austenitic iron-based alloys of class 3;
— coefficient for austenitic alloys Nickel-based class 4;
AOD organochiorine the decarburization;
SN — products in a cold state, cold products;
CRA — corrosion-resistant steel or alloy;
EDX — energodispersive x-ray spectrometry;
EMI — electromagnetic control;
ESR — electroslag remelting;
HF — products in hot condition, hot-wrought products;
HRC hardness on a scale From Rockwell;
L — longitudinal sample;
MT — magnetic particle inspection;
NA — not applicable;
PRE — equivalent indicator of resistance to pitting corrosion;
PSL — level product requirements;
QT — state after quenching and tempering (improve);
SA — the state after annealing in solid solution (annealing);
T — transverse sample;
UT — ultrasonic testing;
UNS — unified numbering system;
VAD — vacuum arc degassing;
VAR — vacuum arc remelting;
VIM — vacuum induction smelting;
VOD — vacuum oxygen decarburization.
5 Information provided by the consumer
Note — the Responsibility for the selection of requirements for products (PSL-1 or PSL-2), a class of corrosion-resistant steels and alloys (CRA), team strength, grade of steel or alloy, the delivery conditions and other requirements which are additional to the established in the present standard, to ensure conformity of products to the operating conditions imposed on the consumer. To establish specific requirements for products intended for use in environments containing hydrogen sulfide, it is recommended to use the ISO 15156 (all parts) or NACE MR 0175/ ISO 15156 (see Annex E).
5.1 the order shall specify the following information in the following links:
a) the number of products;
b) the name of the products:
pipe rod couplings;
— casing or tubing of a pipe without threads;
— casing or tubing of a tube without thread with the landing (the user must provide a drawing of the landing and set the size of the mandrel to control);
c) designation of this standard;
d) grade of steel or alloy and a group strength (tables A. 2 and A. 3);
e) the outside diameter and wall thickness of tubes (table A. 15 or special);
f) outside diameter and a wall thickness of a tube blank for the coupling, in millimetres (special);
g) group lengths (8.2, table A. 16 or special);
h) the length of the tube blank for the coupling (special);
i) critical wall thickness for test tube blank for coupling the impact strength (7.4.2);
j) limit deviation of the outer diameter, wall thickness and weight of billets for couplings (8.3.1);
k) the need for acceptance conducted by the representative of the consumer (application).
5.2 At its option the user can specify the following requirements in accordance with the following references:
a) chemical composition and maximum deviations of mass fractions of elements in materials level PSL-1 (7.1);
b) mechanical properties in tension at elevated temperature (7.2);
c) level PSL-2 (Annex E). If a level PSL-2 is not specified, the products are delivered to PSL level-1;
d) the test temperature the impact strength, if it is below minus 10 °C (7.4.6);
e) special surface condition (7.10);
f) a second method of nondestructive control of the outer surface of steel products of class 1 (9.16.9);
g) control of decreasing the surface concentration of chromium (9.3.3);
h) surface protection of steel products of class 1 (section 12);
i) carrying out hydrostatic testing (7.12 and 9.14);
j) testing the corrosion resistance (7.8);
k) the fraction of ferrite for steel 03Х13Н (7.9.1);
I) the size of the alternative drift (8.3.4);
m) calibrate all cold expansion (6.3.2);
n) additional marking in the specified format (11.1);
o) surface protection of steel products of class 1 for long-term storage (12.2);
R) for alloy UNS N06975 restriction of the sum of the mass fraction of molybdenum and tungsten not less than 6% (table A. 28);
q) additional test for flattening of the products of alloy classes 3 and 4 (7.7).
6 mode of production
6.1 Production of corrosion-resistant steels and alloys
Steels and alloys under this standard must be made in oxygen Converter, electric furnace or open-hearth process of smelting (only for products of steel grade 1) followed by a process AOD, VOD, VAR, ESR, VIM, or VAD.
6.2 Manufacture of articles
The method of production, initial processing, delivery, after cold deformation or heat treatment specified in table A. 1.
In the supply pipe with the air pipes from steel of class 2 supply in the state after the annealing, and the pipes of steel grade 1 after landing should be subjected to a heat treatment throughout its length.
When carrying out heat treatment of products, the manufacturer must apply control plan process, eliminating the factors that can lead to a change in the surface condition of the products (for example, for the production of material classes 2, 3 and 4 to the reduction of surface chromium content of less than 12.0%) and the change in corrosion resistance.
Steel products of class 2 produce the following conditions of delivery:
a) after annealing with rapid cooling in a liquid medium;
b) after annealing with rapid cooling in a liquid medium and subsequent cold deformation.
6.3 Calibration of pipe ends
6.3.1 After the final heat treatment allowed the calibration of the ends of pipes of steel grade 1, for example by compression or expansion. If plastic deformation of the pipe ends being greater than 3%, pipe shall be subjected to annealing to relieve stresses at suitable temperatures, or heat treatment over the entire length in accordance with a documented procedure.
If the manufacturer’s documented that the compression does not adversely affect the corrosion resistance of products, by agreement between the manufacturer and consumer of steel pipes of class 1 can be subjected to cold compression with plastic deformation exceeding 3%, without a subsequent heat treatment.
If the calibration of the pipe ends is carried out before final heat treatment of the tubes throughout the length allowed to avoid exposing the pipe to annealing for stress relieving.
6.3.2 allowed calibration of the pipe ends material classes 2, 3 and 4 ways cold compress or ekspedirovanie prior to tapping. However, calibration of pipe end by cold expansion is carried out only in case, if agreed between manufacturer and user.
1 Annealing for stress relieving of pipes of two-phase steels can lead to the formation of Sigma phase.
2 Calibration can degrade the corrosion resistance of pipes installed in this standard.
6.4 edit
Not permitted after final heat treatment be subjected to cold deformation by stretching or expansion of the pipe of steel grade 2 supplied in a state after annealing, and the pipes of martensitic steel class 1 if only such a deformation is not a normal part of the dressing of pipes and do not exceed 3%.
If necessary, the steel pipe of class 1 shall be subjected to a hot rotary-straightening at a temperature of the end corrections of not lower than 400 °C if the order specifies a higher temperature. Carrying out cold rotary straightening of pipes with subsequent annealing for stress relieving at a temperature not lower than 510 °C.
Allowed edit of the pipes on the right press with plastic deformation not exceeding 3%.
6.5 Processes requiring validation
The final operations performed in the manufacture of products that affect compliance with the requirements of this standard (except chemical composition and dimensions) shall undergo a validation procedure.
Processes that require validation:
— non-destructive testing (9.16.8);
— final heat treatment (including the final heat treatment before any cold deformation);
— cold deformation, if applicable.
6.6 Traceability
The manufacturer shall establish and implement preservation procedures identification of the source of melting, melting after melting and/or party prior to the end of conducting all the required tests for them and getting results that meet the requirements of this standard.
7 Technical requirements
7.1 Chemical composition
Table A. 2 shows the chemical composition of steels and alloys for products level PSL-1.
Table A. 28 shows the chemical composition of steels and alloys for products level PSL-2.
For products level PSL-1 agreed between the manufacturer and user of chemical composition and maximum deviations of the mass fraction of elements must be specified in the order.
In accordance with this standard steel products of class 2 shall be resistant to pitting corrosion that meets the requirements specified in table A. 2 for products level PSL-1 or in table A. 28 for products level PSL-2.
7.2 Mechanical properties tensile
Mechanical properties at room temperature of the products manufactured under this standard must meet the requirements specified in table A. 3 for products level PSL-1 and in table A. 27 for products level PSL-2.
In addition, products must comply with the requirement stated in the enumeration of a) or b):
a) the tensile strength of the product must exceed a minimum yield strength of 70 MPa;
b) if the product does not meet the enumeration requirement a), the difference between the measured tensile strength and the yield strength of the product shall be not less than 35 MPa. Allowed by agreement between manufacturer and consumer is reduced this difference to less than 35 MPa.
If the user requires testing of mechanical properties at elevated temperatures, the level of properties and test procedure should be agreed between manufacturer and user.
7.3 Hardness
The hardness of the products manufactured under this standard must meet the requirements listed in table A. 3 for products level PSL-1 and in table A. 27 for products level PSL-2.
Variation of hardness across the thickness of the wall must meet the requirements specified in table A. 4.
Individual hardness value shall not exceed the established average value of hardness by more than 2 HRC.
7.4 Properties when tested for impact strength using Charpy specimens with V-shaped cut. General requirements
7.4.1 Evaluation of test results
The test is a set of three samples from one selected for testing of the product. The average test results of three samples shall not be below the minimum value of the work of strike specified in 7.5 and 7.6. For one of the samples is allowed to work hitting at least the minimum value, but not less than two thirds of the specified value.
To determine compliance with these requirements, the result of the test rounded to the nearest whole number. The importance of the work strike for a set of samples (i.e. the average test results of three specimens) also point to an integer, if necessary, rounded. Rounding is performed in accordance with the rounding method of ISO 80000−1 or ASTM E 29.
7.4.2 Critical wall thickness
The minimum value of the work strike set for critical wall thickness of the product. For critical pipe wall thickness is the nominal wall thickness. For billets for coupling, a critical wall thickness should be specified in the order.
The critical wall thickness of pipe billets for the couplings shall be not less than the calculated wall thickness of the coupling in the plane of the pin nose (if mechanical bolted connections).
7.4.3 the Size, orientation and order of selection of samples
If you can’t be made transverse samples full size (10x10 mm), should be made the largest possible cross smaller sample size specified in table A. 5. If you can’t be tested using one of these transverse specimens, the steel products of class 1, you must use the largest possible longitudinal samples, listed in table A. 6, and for the production of material classes 2, 3 and 4 to test the flattening. The order of selecting samples for testing the impact strength at the orientation and sizes given in table A. 6.
In table A. 7 (for control samples) and in table A. 8 (for longitudinal samples) the values calculated wall thickness required for machining the samples full size or smaller samples for testing the impact strength (see table A. 5). These tables should be selected most of the samples for testing the impact strength with the calculated wall thickness less than the specified wall thickness of pipe or tube workpiece for coupling.
7.4.4 Samples for testing the impact strength alternative size
At the manufacturer’s choice of samples is of the smallest size specified in table A. 7 and table A. 8, use sample sizes, an alternative is given in table A. 5. However, an alternative sample should be selected in accordance with the procedure of selection of images, given in table A. 6, and the required work of impact must be adjusted for orientation and size of the sample.
7.4.5 Samples of smaller size
The work of impact test the impact strength of smaller sample size should be not less than the minimum value for samples full size multiplied by the reduction factor given in table A. 5.
7.4.6 test Temperature
Tests should be carried out at a temperature of minus 10 °C. On demand of the consumer, specified in the order, or at the manufacturer’s choice the test material of any class may be held at alternative, lower temperature. Maximum deviation test temperature is ±3°C.
7.5 Properties when tested for impact strength using Charpy specimens with V-shaped cut. The requirements of the blow pipe blanks for couplings
7.5.1 General provisions
Tube stock for couplings that can be used for cutting several types of joints, shall be tested according to the highest requirements.
7.5.2 Requirements for all materials
Job requirements strike full for samples sizes are given in tables A. 9-A. 11. The desired values calculated by the formulae given in table 1, where
— the specified maximum yield strength, MPa;
the critical wall thickness (7.4.2).
Table 1 — formulas for the calculation of work requirements, impact to the workpiece for coupling testing full size
Class material |
Working stroke in the transverse direction |
Working stroke in longitudinal direction |
1 |
2, 3 and 4 |
- |
7.6 Properties when tested for impact strength using Charpy specimens with V-shaped cut. Job requirements cob pipe
Job requirements strike full for samples sizes are given in tables A. 12-A. 14. The desired values calculated by the formulas given in table 2
where — the specified maximum yield strength, MPa;
the critical wall thickness (7.4.2).
Table 2 — formulas for the calculation of requirements to the work of the blow pipe testing full size
Class material |
Working stroke in the transverse direction |
Working stroke in the longitudinal direction |
1 |
2, 3 and 4 |
- |
7.7 Properties when tested on flattening
For the production of material classes 2, 3 and 4 test the flattening is carried out as an alternative test in the case that the outer diameter or wall thickness of the product do not allow to cut the sample for testing the impact strength -size or larger. By agreement between the manufacturer and the customer for the products of alloy classes 3 and 4, the flattening test may be performed as an additional test, in addition to testing the impact strength, which can be made sample
-size or larger.
If you want a test of flattening, it is subjected to a product with a ratio of 3 to 15 and hold it for as long as the distance between the plates will not be equal to or less than the distance calculated by the following formula
, (1)
where is the distance between the plates when subjected to a flattening, %;
— the natural logarithm of the specified maximum yield strength;
— the specified maximum yield strength, MPa;
— nominal outside diameter, mm;
— the nominal wall thickness of product, mm.
If the ratio is more or less within the specified range, test the flattening should be agreed between manufacturer and user.
Each ring sample should be tapered to the above maximum distance between the plates.
Drop the load to achieve the desired flattening should be determined on the graph of load on the magnitude of flattening. Drop a load in excess of 5% of the value of the load prior to the fall, is grounds for rejection. If the chart is not showing drop load in excess of 5%, the crack should not be grounds for rejection.
7.8 Corrosion resistance
Test corrosion resistance of material goods is not a requirement of this standard. Such a test can be carried out at the request of the consumer, specified in the order.
7.9 Microstructure
7.9.1 Class 1
For martensitic steels, the content of Delta-ferrite should not exceed 5%.
For steel 03Х1ЗН allowed content of ferrite exceeds 5%, as agreed between the manufacturer and the customer.
The microstructure of the steel should not have a continuous discharge phases at the grain boundaries or ferrite grid.
7.9.2 Class 2
The microstructure of steel is ferrite-austenitic.
The microstructure of steel should not have a continuous discharge phases at the grain boundaries. The total content of intermetallic phases, nitrides and carbides shall not exceed 1,0%. The content of the Sigma phase shall not exceed 0.5%.
In steels 02Х22Н5М3 and 02Х25Н7М3 volume fraction of ferrite needs to be from 40% to 60%.
In steels 02Х25Н7М4 and 04Х26Н5М3 volume fraction of ferrite needs to be between 35% to 55%.
7.9.3 Classes 3 and 4
The microstructure of the alloys should not have a continuous discharge phases at the grain boundaries. The total content of intermetallic phases, nitrides and carbides shall not exceed 1,0% in total. The content of the Sigma phase shall not exceed 0.5%.
7.10 surface Condition
On the inner surface of the pipe should be free of oxides and residual products of the annealing. If the customer has special requirements to the surface of the pipes, they should be agreed and specified in the order. In this case, the user should specify the method, frequency, criteria, and volume control.
7.11 Defects
7.11.1 Pipe
Pipe shall not have the following defects:
a) quenching cracks and burn-through;
b) surface imperfections reducing the wall thickness to values less than 87.5% of nominal values for hot products and 90% for cold-worked products;
c) linear imperfections in any orientation on the outer or inner surfaces to a depth of more than 5% of the nominal wall thickness or 0.3 mm, whichever is greater;
d) non-skin imperfections whose projection on the outer surface has an area of more than 260 mm;
e) surface imperfections are planted at the ends of the tubes in any orientation with a depth of more than 5% of the nominal wall thickness on the transitional part of the landing and coincident internal and external imperfections on any area that reduce the remaining wall thickness less than 87.5% of nominal wall thickness;
f) on all products with inner landing — sharp corners or drastic changes of section that can cause a hang of a G-shaped instrument (see figure V. 3).
7.11.2 a Tube blank, for clutches
A tube blank, for clutches should not have quenching cracks and burn-through. A tube blank, for clutches should not have imperfections that violate the continuity of the outer surface, having a depth of more than 5% of the wall thickness or formulating the outer diameter or wall thickness limit values, or such imperfection should be clearly identified. In addition, the tube billets for the couplers applicable to the requirement given in 7.11.1, the enumeration of d).
7.11.3 control Plan process
Manufacturer, taking into account the peculiarities of production technology and the requirements of section 9, must apply a monitoring scheme of a process for carrying out the above requirements.
7.12 Hydrostatic test
Pipe HF, SA and QT must pass a hydrostatic test unless otherwise specified in the order.
Test pipes SN is carried out by agreement between the manufacturer and the customer.
Because of possible limitations of test equipment pressure hydrostatic tests by agreement between the manufacturer and the customer may be limited to 69,0 MPa. In this case, the manufacturer shall have documented justification for physical disability equipment for hydrostatic testing. This does not preclude conducting subsequent hydrostatic tests at a voltage of not more than 80% of the yield strength in accordance with 9.14.
8 Dimensions, mass and maximum deflection
8.1 Outer diameter, wall thickness and weight
8.1.1 outside diameter, wall thickness and weight of casing and pump compressor pipes without thread covered by this standard are listed in table A. 15. The mass values shown in table A. 15 are calculated using a coefficient equal to 1. To determine the values of various steels and alloys is necessary to the values given in table A. 15, multiplied by one of the following factors:
— 0,989 for martensitic and martensite-ferritic steels class 1;
-1 for austenite-ferritic steels class 2;
— for austenitic iron — based alloys of class 3;
— for austenitic alloys Nickel-based class 4.
Values and
must be defined by the manufacturer.
8.1.2 by agreement between the manufacturer and user of the pipe can be manufactured with dimensions different from those in table A. 15.
8.1.3 pipe Diameter more 168,28 mm should be measured with a precision of one decimal place after the comma. The value of the diameter in this standard is given with a precision of two decimal places to ensure interchangeability.
8.2 Length
Pipes shall be supplied by the group lengths in the intervals specified in table A. 16.
8.3 Limit deviations
8.3.1 maximum deviations of external diameter, wall thickness and mass
Outer diameter, wall thickness and weight of pipes for use as casing and tubing, should be within the deviations specified in table A. 17.
Limit deviation of outside diameter, wall thickness and weight of workpieces, for clutches should be agreed and specified in the order.
8.3.2 inside diameter
Maximum deviations of the internal diameter is restricted by the limit deviation of the outer diameter and mass.
8.3.3 Straightness
The deviation from straightness shall not exceed the following values:
a) deviations from the overall straightness is 0.2% of the total length of the pipe measured from one end to the other, for pipe diameter greater than 101,6 mm (figure B. 1);
b) deviation from straightness of the tail — 3.18 mm on the length of 1.52 m from each end of the tube (figure V. 2).
8.3.4 Control bar
Each pipe shall be subjected to the control of the mandrel along the entire length. The size of the standard mandrels for casing and tubing in table A. 18.
At customer’s request, tubes can be subjected to the control of the alternative mandrels. The dimensions of the alternative mandrels are specified in table A. 19.
8.4 All products
Products should be supplied with smooth ends. Ends products should be free of burrs, deviations of the perpendicularity of the ends shall not exceed .
9 inspection and testing
9.1 Test equipment
The manufacturer must establish and document the required frequency of calibration prepare a control standard in order to enable the conformity of all products with the requirements of this standard.
If test or measuring equipment subject to calibration or verification in accordance with the requirements of this standard are used in unusual or adverse conditions that may affect its accuracy before further use of the equipment should conduct a re-calibration or validation.
9.2 the Types and frequency of tests
The types and frequency of test tubes stated in table A. 20.
For shortened pipes, made of casing or tubing do not require testing provided that these pipes have been tested previously, meet the requirements and then subjected to heat treatment.
9.3 chemical composition Control
9.3.1 Chemical analysis
The manufacturer shall provide results of chemical analysis of each heat.
The results should include quantification of the following chemical elements:
for products level PSL-1 elements listed in table A. 2, and Si, Mn, S, P and AI;
for products level PSL-2 — the elements listed in table A. 28;
— for products levels PSL-1, PSL-2 and any other elements used by the manufacturer to achieve desired properties of the products.
For the analysis of finished products are taken:
a) melting of steel and alloy is subjected to remelting — two samples;
b) for the smelting of steel and alloy is subjected to remelting — one sample.
By agreement between the manufacturer and user samples can be selected from the pig pipes.
Sampling is carried out in accordance with ISO 14284.
9.3.2 control Method
Method of chemical analysis is chosen by the manufacturer. Usually use the method of spectral analysis.
In case of dispute, the method of analysis of products needs to be harmonized with the international standards.
Note — the List of standards that specify methods of chemical analysis, including information about their scope and accuracy, is given in [2]-[5].
9.3.3 Control of decreasing the surface concentration of chromium for classes 2, 3 and 4
If specified in the order shall be carried out monitoring of surface chromium by the method energodispersive x-ray spectrometry (EDX) or an equivalent method for one sample from the party (4.1.5). A sample taken from the product in the final delivery condition and to test not carried out any special surface preparation. The content of chromium on the outer and inner surfaces of the sample should be not less than 12.0%. Between manufacturer and consumer can be agreed that a higher minimum chromium content.
If the sample does not meet the requirements, they control two additional samples from the same product. If the result of the control of any of the additional samples is unsatisfactory, the manufacturer may test each of the other goods in the inspection lot or processing of products (i.e., additional etching and/or grinding) and experience a party like new.
9.4 Control of mechanical properties
9.4.1 inspection lot
The number of items in the inspection lot (4.1.5) must meet the requirements specified in table A. 21.
9.4.2 Selection and preparation of samples and specimens
Samples should be selected from all goods and must comply with the requirements of ISO 377.
9.5 tensile Test
9.5.1 Orientation of samples
The sampling carried out in the direction longitudinal to the axis of the product, in accordance with ISO 6892−1 or ASTM A370.
9.5.2 test Method
The tensile test is carried out at room temperature in accordance with ISO 6892−1 or ASTM A 370.
When a tensile test to determine tensile strength , yield strength
and elongation after fracture
The results of the tensile tests shall conform to the requirements of 7.2 and the values specified for the specific material and strength group in table A. 3 for products level PSL-1 or in table A. 27 for products level PSL-2.
If this is agreed when ordering, the tensile test is carried out at elevated temperature in accordance with ISO 783 or ASTM E 21. The yield strength is determined at the temperature agreed upon and specified in the order. The results of the tensile tests shall conform to the requirements agreed and specified in the order.
9.5.3 Recognition test invalid
If any of the samples for the tensile tests will be prepared incorrectly or defective, it can be discarded and replaced by another sample.
Samples with poor preparation or material imperfections detected before or after the test and unrelated to the test may be discarded and replaced by other samples from the same product. Samples should not be considered defective only because the results of their tests do not meet the requirements.
9.5.4 Re-testing
If the result of the tensile tests of the product, representing a party which does not meet the requirements, the manufacturer may re-test three additional products from the same batch. If the inspection lot consists of three or less products, test every product. If the results of repeat tests to meet the requirements, the batch shall be accepted except for products not tested.
If the result is repeated testing of at least one of the samples meets the requirements, the manufacturer may test each of the remaining products in the party. Products showed unsatisfactory results during testing, must be rejected. Samples for retests are taken in the same way as specified
The rejected party can be subjected to repeated heat treatment and tested as a new party, if applicable.
9.6 hardness Control
9.6.1 Samples
A model for control in the form of a ring had to be cut from the end of the products selected for control. The specimen length should be not less than 12.7 mm.
9.6.2 test Method
Monitoring is carried out on the transverse section of the specimen in one of the quadrants for the control of hardness, as shown in figure B. 4. In each position (near the outer surface, in the middle of the wall thickness, near the inner surface) is performed three times and determine the average hardness value for each position.
Hardness control is carried out by Rockwell in accordance with ISO 6508−1 or ASTM E 18. For the control using a scale From Rockwell. The average value of hardness at each position must meet the requirements of 7.3 and the requirements specified in table A. 4, and hardness requirements specified for materials and groups of strength in table A. 3 for products level PSL-1 and table A. 27 for products level PSL-2.
The first impression on the sample to control the hardness of perform approximately in the middle of the wall thickness of the sample in order to improve sediment sample and to reduce possible errors. The result of hardness measurement on this print can not be ignored.
9.6.3 Recognition test invalid
If any sample for testing hardness will be prepared incorrectly or defective, it can be discarded and replaced by another sample.
Samples with poor preparation or material imperfections detected before or after the test and unrelated to the test may be discarded and replaced by other samples from the same product. Samples should not be considered defective only because the results of their tests do not meet the requirements.
9.6.4 Re-hardness control
If the average hardness value does not meet the requirements, but it exceeds the predetermined value of not more than 2 HRC, in its immediate vicinity should be performed three additional imprint and identified additional average value.
If the additional average value of hardness meet the requirements, the product must be made.
If the additional average value of hardness does not meet the requirements, the product must be rejected.
If the results of hardness testing of the product exceeds the maximum average value of hardness or range of hardness, the manufacturer may conduct re-monitoring of three additional products from the same batch, taking samples from the same end products as the initial control. If the results of repeated control to meet the requirements, the batch shall be accepted. If at least one of the samples subjected to re-inspection, does not meet the requirements, the manufacturer may decide to check each of the other goods party or rejection party.
The rejected party can be subjected to repeated heat treatment and tested as a new party, if applicable.
9.7 impact Test bending or flattening
9.7.1 Samples
a) Samples for testing the impact strength is taken in accordance with ASTM E 23 and 7.4−7.6 (see figure V. 5).
The lateral surface of the samples after mechanical treatment can preserve the original curvature of the surface of the product subject to the requirements specified in figure B. 6.
Samples for testing the impact strength of steel products of class 1 and subjected to annealing of steel products of class 2 shall not be subject to straightening.
Transverse samples of products from material of classes 2, 3 and 4 subjected to strain-hardening, can be subjected to rectification only by agreement between manufacturer and user.
b) Sample testing flattening should be in the form of a ring or cut the end pieces with a length of not less than 50,8 mm. remove burrs from the ends of the sample before flattening.
9.7.2 Frequency of test
Tests shall be conducted with the following frequency:
a) for casing and tubing pipes from steel of class 1 for each of the ends of two pipes from each heat;
b) casing and tubing of a material of classes 2, 3 and 4 for each of the ends of two pipes made from each ingot or continuous cast billet: a single tube made from the top of the ingot or slab, another pipe from the lower part of the ingot or slab.
At the manufacturer’s discretion may be conducted by alternative drop test bend or flattening for each end of two pipes selected randomly from each inspection lot, provided that the manufacturer has a documented procedure trim the ends of ingots or continuous cast billets and verify the quality of material, ensuring full compliance of delivered products with the requirements of Annex D. should be carried out Periodically to check the quality of material for conformity with established criteria. On demand of the consumer he should be granted the related data.
c) for pipe shells for coupling each of the ends of each tube blank for the coupling.
At the manufacturer’s discretion may be conducted by alternative drop test bend or flattening for each of the two ends of pipe blanks for coupling selected randomly from each inspection lot, provided that the manufacturer will perform one of the following:
— demonstrate the traceability of all pipe spools for coupling in the control of the party to the original pieces and confirm that they are made not from the top not from the bottom of the ingot or slab;
will present documented procedure trim the ends of ingots or continuous cast billets and verify the quality of material, ensuring full compliance of delivered products with the requirements of Annex D. should be carried out Periodically to check the quality of material for conformity with established criteria. On demand of the consumer he should be granted the appropriate information.
9.7.3 test Method for impact strength
The test specimens with a V-shaped notch the impact strength is carried out in accordance with ASTM A 370 and ASTM E 23. Evaluation of results of tests carried out in accordance with
9.7.4 test Method for flattening test Method
Samples of flattening between parallel plates. For each test, the flattening should be saved diagrams of the dependence of load on the magnitude of flattening. Charts must be identified on each of the ends of the test items.
An annular taper to the sample until the distance between the plates will be such as specified in 7.7.
The accuracy of load measurement shall be ±1.0% of the maximum value, and the measurement accuracy of the distance between the plates is ±1,0% of the original outside diameter of the ring sample. Entry testing should include the required measurement accuracy of the load and the distance between the plates. The rate of flattening during the test should not exceed 1 cm/min. Criteria of acceptance and rejection
Products must meet the requirements listed in 7.7.
9.7.5 Re-test the impact strength
For steels class 1 if the test result of any sample from one end of the product does not meet the requirements, the manufacturer may test three additional specimens from the same end products. Before the selection of samples for re-testing the end products can be further trimmed. The work impact of each of the samples when re-testing should be not less than established minimum work stroke or the product must be rejected.
If the results of repeated trials do not meet the requirements of this standard, the test samples from both ends of three additional products from the same batch. If the results of all additional tests meet the requirements, then the inspection lot should be taken, in addition to the product that was initially rejected. If the result of at least one additional test does not meet the requirements, the manufacturer may conduct individual testing of all other goods from the control of the party or reject the party. The rejected party can be subjected to repeated heat treatment and tested as a new party.
For materials of classes 2, 3 and 4 when tested products made of the upper and lower parts of the ingot or slab, if the test result of any sample from one end of the product does not meet the requirements, the manufacturer may test three additional specimens from the same end products. Before the selection of samples for re-testing the end products can be further trimmed. If the test result of any sample in repeated testing does not meet the requirements, the manufacturer may again trim the end pieces and to have another test or to reject the product and to test each end of the remaining products made from the ingot or slab. The manufacturer may conduct re-heat treatment batch, made from this ingot or slab, and delivered in the state after annealing, and to test it as a new party.
For material classes 2, 3 and 4 when the test items, selected at random from the inspection lot if the test result of any sample from one end of the product does not meet the requirements, the manufacturer may test three additional specimens from the same end products, but trim the end products is not allowed. The work impact of each of the samples when re-testing should be not less than established minimum work stroke or the product must be rejected. The manufacturer may test each end of the remaining products made from the ingot or slab. The manufacturer may conduct re-heat treatment batch, made from this ingot or slab, and delivered in the state after annealing, and to test it as a new party.
9.7.6 Re-test, flattening
When testing products made from the upper and lower parts of the ingot or slab, if the test result of any sample from one end of the product does not meet the requirements, the manufacturer may conduct tests of two additional specimens from the same end products. Before the selection of samples for re-testing the end products can be further trimmed. If the test result of any sample in repeated testing does not meet the requirements, the manufacturer may again trim the end pieces and to have another test or to reject the product and to test each end of the remaining products made from the ingot or slab.
When testing products, selected at random from the inspection lot if the test result of any sample from one end of the product does not meet the requirements, the manufacturer may conduct tests of two additional specimens from the same end products, but trim the end products is not allowed. If the test result of any sample in repeated testing does not meet the requirements, the manufacturer may reject it, or to test each end of the remaining products made from the ingot or slab. The manufacturer may conduct re-heat treatment batch, made from this ingot or slab, and delivered in the state after annealing, and to test it as a new party.
9.7.7 Recognition test invalid
Samples with poor preparation or material imperfections detected before or after the test and unrelated to the test may be discarded and replaced by other samples from the same product. Samples should not be considered defective only because the results of their tests do not meet the requirements.
9.8 Control of the microstructure
9.8.1 Samples
Control of the microstructure of the material is carried out on the section of the specimen with the longitudinal axis of the product direction of the fibers.
The sample should include the entire thickness of the product and have a minimum length of 6 mm.
Samples taken after final heat treatment and prior to cold-formed products.
9.8.2 Method of control
Control of the microstructure of the material is carried out in accordance with ASTM E 562 in not less than 30 fields of view. The volume fraction of ferrite is determined by the same method under magnification of at least 400.
9.8.3 retesting
If the results of the control of the microstructure does not meet the requirements, the manufacturer may re-test three randomly selected products from the party. With continuous heat treatment process for testing of selected products processed in the beginning, middle and end of the cycle.
If the results of repeated control to meet the requirements, then the inspection lot should be taken, in addition to the product that was initially rejected.
If at least one of the repeated control does not meet the requirements, the batch shall be rejected. If the manufacturer can confirm the randomness of the unsatisfactory result of the control, it can control the microstructure of each product batch and its results to reject product that does not meet the requirements.
The rejected party can be subjected to repeated heat treatment and tested as a new party, if applicable.
9.9 control the size
9.9.1 General provisions
Each product must be inspected to verify compliance with the requirements of section 8.
9.9.2 Outer diameter
The outer diameter is measured using a mechanical measuring instrument or micrometer at 0° and 90° at each end of the product, or using a continuous laser system at 0° and 90°, or spiral in one direction along the entire length of the product.
The frequency of measurements can be reduced, provided that the manufacturer applies the control plan process to confirm compliance with the requirements of this standard.
9.9.3 wall Thickness at the ends of the product
The wall thickness measurements conducted using mechanical tools or calibrated measuring device for non-destructive testing the corresponding accuracy. In case of dispute preference shall be given to the measurements performed by the mechanical measurement means. It is necessary to apply a mechanical measuring instrument with contact ferrules with a cross section diameter of 6.35 mm End of the tip in contact with the inner surface of the product must be struglin a radius of not less than 3.18 mm and not more than 38,10 mm — for products with outer diameter 168,28 mm and above, the radius not more than , for products with outer diameter less 168,28 mm End of the tip in contact with the outer surface of the pipe must be flat or rounded, with a radius of curvature not less 38,10 mm.
9.9.4 the wall Thickness of the pipe body
Needs to be carried out continuous monitoring of the wall thickness of the pipe body in accordance with ISO 10543. The coverage of the automatic control shall be not less than 25% of the body surface of the pipe. If the length of the pipe is too small for the application of automatic equipment, provide manual control of the wall thickness.
9.10 Control bar
9.10.1 Pipe without landing and with external upset
Monitoring is carried out in a standard mandrel with a cylindrical portion, the dimensions of which are given in table A. 18 or, if specified in the order, an alternative mandrel, the dimensions of which are given in table A. 19. Edge of the cylindrical part of the mandrel shall be rounded to facilitate the insertion of the mandrel into the pipe. The mandrel should pass freely through the pipe when it is advancing manually or mechanically. In cases of dispute, preference is given to the promotion of the mandrel manually. The pipe must be cleaned of foreign materials and installed properly to prevent sagging, so this could be a reason for rejection during the inspection mandrel.
9.10.2 Tube with an inner landing
The control mandrel tubing and casing pipes with internal planting is carried out along the entire length of the tube to the landing using a standard mandrel dimensions given in table A. 18, or alternatively the mandrel with dimensions given in table A. 19, or by using a mandrel the size agreed upon and specified in the order. The control mandrel pipe ends after landing is not required.
9.10.3 Coating mandrel
The mandrel should have an outer coating or be made of special steel material or the same metal as the pipe to avoid contact with the iron. On the surface of the mandrel should not be extraneous ferrous material.
9.11 length Control
The length of each finished product is measured using an automatic or a manual device.
9.12 alignment Control
The pipe is subjected to a visual inspection.
Straightness of pipes having excessive bending or curved ends, check that you are using:
— calibration line or string, stretched between the ends of the pipe (figure B. 1);
— calibration line with a length of not less than 1.83 m, based on the pipe surface outside of the folded end (8.3.3 and figure V. 2).
9.13 Determination of mass
Pipes for use as casing or tubing, weighed individually or convenient for weighing batches. To determine compliance with the requirements of table A. 17 shall be calculated weight of pipe per unit length.
9.14 Hydrostatic test
Standard hydrostatic test pressure is calculated by the formula (2) rounded to the nearest 0.5 MPa. Under the conditions given in 7.12, the test pressure may be limited by the upper limit of 69,0 MPa.
, (2)
where is a coefficient equal to 0.8 for all grades and sizes;
— the specified minimum yield strength of pipe body, MPa;
— nominal wall thickness, mm;
— nominal external diameter, mm.
The tube is kept under the full test pressure of not less than 5 s.
The test facility must be equipped with devices which guarantee the fulfillment of the requirements for a given test pressure and duration of exposure to pressure. Device for pressure measurement should be calibrated using the deadweight tester, or equivalent device is not earlier than four months prior to each use. Records on calibration and verification must be maintained as specified in 13.2.
9.15 Visual inspection
9.15.1 General provisions
Products are subjected to visual inspection to confirm compliance with the requirements of 7.11 and 8.4. Visual inspection must be performed in accordance with documented procedure.
Visual monitoring shall be trained personnel with visual acuity for the detection of surface imperfections. The manufacturer shall have documented rules of lighting for visual inspection. The minimum level of illumination controlled surface shall be 500 LX.
A visual inspection should be subjected to the surface after machining but before coating, if available.
9.15.2 the Body tubes and tubular blanks for couplings
Each tube or tubular rod couplings should be visually monitored throughout the outer surface for detection of imperfections.
9.15.3 the pipe Ends
Visual inspection of the inner surface of the pipe ends without upsetting is carried out at the minimum length , or 450 mm whichever is less.
Visual inspection of the inner surface of the pipe ends with the landing carried out on a length less than the length of the landing, including the transition zone.
Visual inspection is not required if you use another control method with documented ability to identify the defects specified in 7.11.
If to remove the defects of the cut pipe end after cropping it needs to be re-subjected to the same control of the inner surface, as done earlier.
9.15.4 Actions taken on the identified imperfections
Surface imperfections revealed by visual inspection, take action in accordance with 9.16.12−9.16.14.
9.16 non-destructive testing
9.16.1 General provisions
Requirements for non-destructive testing and inspection of pipes and pipe blanks for couplings installed in 9.16.2−9.16.14. The list of mandatory operations for nondestructive testing of pipes and pipe pieces for couplings are given in table A. 20. Pipe and tube stock for couplings that require non-destructive testing (except visual inspection), is subjected to flaw detection control along the entire length (end to end).
Standard methods of non-destructive control of pipes are traditional and tested methods and provide procedures for non-destructive testing, widely used for the control of pipe products worldwide. Allowed, however, the use of other methods and procedures of nondestructive testing that can detect defects specified in 7.11. Records for non-destructive testing must be maintained in accordance with
The choice of the manufacturer of the artificial defects shown in table A. 22, can be oriented at an angle to optimize the detection of defects typical of the manufacturing process. To change the orientation must be developed, documented technical justification.
If the order contains a requirement for consumer acceptance of tubes and/or the presence of the consumer when conducting non-destructive testing, it should be carried out in accordance with Annex C.
Satisfactory results of the control carried out in accordance with 9.16 using equipment calibrated artificial defects specified in table A. 22, should not be construed as a guarantee of the conformity of products with the requirements of 7.11.
9.16.2 Personnel for non-destructive testing
All operations nondestructive testing under this standard, in addition to visual inspection, should implement the personnel for non-destructive testing, certified in accordance with ISO 11484 or ASNT SNT-TC-1A, the responsibility for control rests with the personnel level 3 certified in accordance with ASNT SNT-TC-1A or equivalent document.
9.16.3 Products
Unless otherwise indicated, all required operations of nondestructive testing shall be conducted after final heat treatment or to the products of SN upon the final work hardening, and after the edits with the following exceptions:
a) for a shortened pipe, in accordance with 9.16.4;
b) for goods of class 1 when using more than one method of non — destructive control-control of one of them (except for ultrasonic testing) may be performed before heat treatment and rotary straightening.
9.16.4 Cropped tube
For shortened pipes, made of casing and pump-compressor pipes full-length, mandatory control of inner and outer surfaces should be carried out before or after cutting into final length, provided that after this landing not conducted or a heat treatment.
9.16.5 Uncontrolled all products
Small sections from both ends of the product are not covered by automatic non-destructive control, provided for in this standard. In these cases:
a) uncontrolled ends of the cut products;
b) uncontrolled all products are subjected to a manual or semi-automatic control, achieving no less than the same degree of reliability of control, as in automatic non-destructive testing (ISO 11496);
c) uncontrolled ends of the steel products of class 1 are subjected to magnetic particle testing of interior and exterior surfaces around the perimeter and throughout the length of the uncontrollable ends;
d) uncontrolled all products from material classes 2, 3 and 4 subjected to capillary control of external and internal surfaces around the perimeter and throughout the length.
9.16.6 Planted the ends
Planted the ends (including transitional part of the landing) tubes of all grades are subjected to after the final heat treatment non-destructive testing prescribed in this standard, to detect transverse and longitudinal defects on the outer and inner surfaces of the landing, following the acceptance criteria given in 7.11.
9.16.7 Standard samples
To check the signal from the artificial defects of the equipment ultrasonic and electromagnetic control, with the exception of monitoring delamination and checking of the wall thickness, you should use the standard specimens with notches or holes specified in table A. 22.
Artificial defect for the detection of delaminations must be a chiseled flat-bottomed hole on the inside of the product surface area not exceeding 260 mm. The artificial defect is at the discretion of the manufacturer and must ensure a detection of defects typical of the manufacturing process used by the manufacturer.
The manufacturer may use any documented procedures to establish the reject threshold in ultrasonic or electromagnetic control, provided that the artificial defects on table A. 22, can be detected dynamically under normal operating conditions. This ability to identify defects needs to be validated in the dynamic regime and on the choice of the manufacturer in the production flow or out-flow.
In tables A. 23 and A. 22 shows the levels of acceptance with artificial defects to be used by the manufacturer in establishing the threshold of rejection in the control of pipes having defects in 7.11, in addition to bundles. The artificial defects used in automated ultrasonic or electromagnetic inspection, shall not be considered as defects with dimensions described in 7.11, or used by someone other than the manufacturer as the only basis for rejection of the pipe.
In the calibration of equipment for monitoring the eddy-current method or by the method of magnetic flux leakage inspection system should show the signals from the notches on the outer and inner surfaces is equal to or greater than the reject threshold established using the drilled hole. Records of monitoring must be maintained in accordance with
9.16.8 Record on the capabilities of non-destructive control
The manufacturer must keep the records of the non-destructive testing system, which is confirmed by checking its ability to detect artificial defects used to establish the sensitivity of the equipment.
Checking should include:
a) calculation (i.e. scan plan), including the control of wall thickness;
b) suitability for a controlled wall thickness;
c) convergence;
d) the orientation of the Converter that provides detection of defects typical of the manufacturing process (9.16.1);
e) documentation that defects typical of the manufacturing process, are detected by NDT methods in table A. 23;
f) the parameters set the threshold.
In addition, the manufacturer must maintain the following documentation:
— the working procedures of the NDT system;
— description of the equipment for not destroying control;
information about the qualification of NDT personnel;
data from dynamic tests, confirming that the non-destructive testing system has the necessary capacity in terms of production.
9.16.9 non-destructive testing all over the body of steel products of class 1
Products must be:
— ultrasonic testing for the detection of longitudinal and transverse imperfections on the outer and inner surfaces with acceptance level L2 in accordance with ISO 9303 or ASTM E 213 (longitudinal imperfections) and ISO 9305 or ASTM E 213 (transverse imperfections) and
— ultrasonic testing for the detection of delamination, the area of the projection which external surface is not more than 260 mmin accordance with ISO 10124.
The signal-to-noise ratio must be at least 3:1, unless otherwise agreed between manufacturer and user.
Note, Preferably a higher minimum value that can be specified by the user.
In addition, if specified in the order, products shall be subjected for the detection of imperfections on the outer surface of one of the following types of control:
a) control the scattering of the magnetic flux with the acceptance level L2 in accordance with ISO 9402 or ASTM E 570 (longitudinal imperfections) and ISO 9598 or ASTM E 570 (transverse imperfections);
b) eddy-current testing with acceptance level L2 in accordance with ISO 9304 or ASTM E 309;
c) magnetic particle testing in accordance with ISO 13665 or ASTM E 709.
9.16.10 non-destructive testing on all body jewelry material classes 2, 3 and 4
Product is subjected to:
a) ultrasonic testing for detection of longitudinal and transverse imperfections on the outer and inner surfaces with acceptance level L2 in accordance with ISO 9303 or ASTM E 213 (longitudinal imperfections) and ISO 9305 or ASTM E 213 (transverse imperfections) and
b) ultrasonic testing for the detection of delamination, the area of the projection which external surface is not more than 260 mmin accordance with ISO 10124.
The signal-to-noise ratio must be at least 3:1, unless otherwise agreed between manufacturer and user.
Note — it is Desirable that the user has specified a higher ratio signal/noise, however, for alloys such as UNS N10276, you may need a lower signal/noise.
9.16.11 Pipe and tube stock for couplings that require additional evaluation
When receiving the result of the NDT readings above the threshold level must be the evaluation of the evidence in accordance with 9.16.12, unless it can be confirmed that the imperfections causing indications are not defects, described in 7.11.
9.16.12 Assessment of indications
In the presence of indications equal to or greater than the threshold of rejection, the manufacturer shall evaluate it in accordance with this paragraph or to take action for this indication as a defect in accordance with
If the region initially received indications there are no imperfections not detected and not found an explanation of the cause of the evidences, the product must be defective or at the manufacturer’s choice re-controlled over the entire length in the same inspection method or using ultrasonic inspection methods. The equipment can be configured at the manufacturer’s choice to the same level of sensitivity to the initial control, or to reduced sensitivity, but the corresponding requirements.
For assessment of detected imperfections it is necessary to measure their depth one of the following ways:
a) using a mechanical measuring device (e.g. depth gauge, Vernier caliper, etc.). During the cleaning of pipe by grinding or other means to facilitate measurement of the depth of the imperfection shall not reduce the remaining wall thickness to less than the prescribed;
b) to 7.11.1, enum b), when Stripping the tube blank for coupling shall not reduce the remaining outside diameter or wall thickness below the minimum specified in the order. Abrupt changes in wall thickness associated with the removal of the metal during cleaning must be smooth;
s) ultrasound (s) method (s) based (s) on the measurement time and/or amplitude or other comparable method. Calibration of ultrasonic equipment shall be documented confirmation of its ability to distinguish between the imperfections larger and smaller than the set defect size at 7.11.
If the manufacturer and the consumer does not agree with the assessment of testing results, any of them may require destructive testing of products; further actions in respect of such goods is given in Annex C.
By the imperfections, the recognized defects, must be taken action in accordance with 9.16.13 9.16.14 and, is applicable.
9.16.13 Actions in respect of defective pipes
Imperfections corresponding to the product requirements, and having dimensions not exceeding the dimensions of the defects specified in 7.11 shall be allowed to remove.
Repair by welding is not allowed.
In respect of defective pipes can be taken the following actions:
a) held abrasive grinding or machining.
Abrasive grinding or machining of quench cracks or burn-through is not allowed.
Other defects must be completely removed by abrasive grinding or machining, the wall thickness must remain within the limits specified in table A. 17. The radius of the sweep should eliminate abrupt changes in wall thickness of the pipe. The surface roughness after the local Stripping or machining should be no worse than the roughness obtained by grinding with an abrasive number 36 for ISO 525. Wall thickness after Stripping should be checked for compliance with the requirements 9.9.3, and shall be within the prescribed limits. Documented procedures of the manufacturer for the evaluation of imperfections shall consider the availability of matching defects on the site Stripping or machining. After removal of the defect shall be held a second control section of the Stripping with one of the following options:
1) in the same manner and at the same sensitivity as when the original control;
2) by capillary method in accordance with ISO 12095 or ASTM E 165 or to the products of steel grade 1 magnetic particle control in accordance with ISO 13665 or ASTM E 709, or
3) other-destructive method or combination of methods that have the same or higher sensitivity than the original method of NDT.
If you use option 3), the method or combination of methods of nondestructive testing must be documented with confirmation of sensitivity is not lower than the original method. In addition, option 3) should be aware that in this area there can be other coincident defects;
b) the tube section with defect cut given the length requirements of the product;
c) the pipe is rejected.
Pipe with quench cracks shall be rejected.
9.16.14 Actions in respect of tubes for couplings with defects
Imperfections corresponding to the product requirements, and having dimensions not exceeding the dimensions of the defects specified in 7.11 shall be allowed to remove. Repair by welding is not allowed. Against the tube blank for couplings with defects can be accepted in the following:
a) held abrasive grinding or machining.
Abrasive grinding or machining of quench cracks or burn-through is not allowed.
Other defects must be completely removed by abrasive grinding or machining, while the outer diameter must remain within acceptable limits. Abrasive grinding or machining should be performed so that the clearing smoothly into the contour of the tube blank for the coupling. After removal of defect it is necessary to measure the outer diameter on the section of the sweep to verify compliance with its requirements. Should be also conducted repeated monitoring of site Stripping one of the following options:
1) in the same manner and at the same sensitivity as when the original control;
2) by capillary method in accordance with ISO 12095 or ASTM E 165 or to the products of steel grade 1 magnetic particle control in accordance with ISO 13665 or ASTM E 709;
3) other-destructive method or combination of methods that have the same or higher sensitivity than the original method of NDT.
If you use option 3), the method or combination of methods of nondestructive testing must be documented with confirmation of sensitivity is not lower than the original method. In addition, option 3) should be aware that in this area there can be other coincident defects;
b) marked the location of the defect.
If the defect cannot be removed from a tube blank and for coupling, in compliance with the allowable limits, the layout area of the defect should be marked with a paint stripe on the circumference of the tube blank for the coupling, covering the entire area of the location of the defect, if the length of this region in the longitudinal direction exceeds 50 mm; if the length exceeds 50 mm, it denotes intersecting runways. The color of the stripes is determined by agreement between the manufacturer and the consumer;
c) the plot of defect cropped depending on the length of the product;
d) the tubular billet for couplers rejected.
Billets for coupling with quench cracks shall be rejected.
10 surface Treatment
10.1 Class 1
Pipes shall be supplied with the inner surface after etching or shot blasting. Blast cleaning shall be performed using fractions of stainless steel or of aluminium oxide.
The level of blasting shall conform to ISO 8501−1, Sa 2 ½.
10.2 Classes 2, 3 and 4
Pipes shall be delivered with clean external and internal surfaces.
Cleaning should include the following operations in sequence:
— degreasing (for cold products);
— rinsing in water;
— etching;
— final rinse in clean water with chloride ion content less than 200 mg/L.
Note — At low concentrations unit of measurement milligrams/liter is roughly equivalent to ppm (number of parts per million), which is not recommended for use.
At the end of the cleaning cycle, the entire surface of the pipe must be dry.
11 Marking
11.1 General provisions
Products manufactured under this standard must be marked as completed by the manufacturer in accordance with this section.
The marking of products shall consist of color code and labeling data, made paint. Marking the marking is applied only in the case if specified in the order.
The arrangement, sequence and size of signs and markings should comply with the requirements of 11.2 and 11.3. Apply additional marking, as agreed and specified in the order. Labels and markings shall not overlap and shall be applied so that not to damage the surface of the product.
11.2 Marking of products
11.2.1 the Location and size marking
Coded data performed by the branding or paint, are placed on the outer surface of each product after the application of color markings.
Character height of markings shall be as defined in table A. 24.
11.2.2 Color-coded
If the order is not specified, the product should have the following colour marking:
two bands to identify brand of material in accordance with table A. 25;
— one lane to identify team strength in accordance with table A. 26.
Strips should be placed at a distance of not more than 600 mm from the end product.
Bands that identify the material grade, a, near the band that identifies the group strength, as shown in figure V. 7.
The width of the stripes shall be not less than 25 mm, with the exception of the couplers with copper plated outer surface, for which the maximum width of strips should be not less than 12.7 mm.
Note — the Copper coating on the outer surface of the couplings may degrade the adhesion of the film and the difficulty of removing paint.
The paint or ink must not have a detrimental effect on the product.
11.2.3 Marking stamping
If the order specified marking by branding, it needs to be made rounded panels, and a vibrating branding or by equivalent means and shall include individual identification of each product (unique identification number).
11.2.4 Marking paint or ink
Marking paint or ink shall be applied in sequence:
a) name or trademark of the manufacturer;
b) designation of this standard;
c) date of manufacture;
d) the material grade and strength group;
e) if agreed upon (see 7.2), the letters TY, after which applied a consistent value is 35 MPa;
f) for products level PSL-2 — the sign of L2 and the UNS number; for goods in E. 2 — sign L2A (E. 3 and E. 4, Appendix E);
g) the number of the melt;
h) outer diameter and wall thickness;
i) the identification number of the product;
j) length in millimeters, rounded to an integer value, or in meters with two decimal places after the decimal point;
k) the inspection lot number in mechanical and other tests;
I) hydrostatic test pressure (MPa); if products are not subjected to a hydrostatic test by the manufacturer, indicated by two zero: 00.
After this labeling may bear the additional marking, as agreed upon between manufacturer and user.
11.3 the date of manufacture
The date of manufacture of the products indicated in a four-digit number where the first two digits correspond to the last digits of the year, the last two — month run of markings.
12 surface Protection of steel products of class 1
12.1 To ensure surface protection during transportation, the outer surface should be varnished.
Consider the following:
a) no need to remove protective coating before installing the pipe in the well;
b) for proper coating should assess the following factors:
1) clean the surface of the pipe;
2) the temperature of the coating;
3) the thickness of the protective layer.
After drying, the ends of the pipes must be installed guards and / or the inner surface of products should be protected in any other way, but the guards must have a vent to prevent condensation inside the product.
12.2 External and internal protective coatings and mechanical safety devices for long-term storage should be agreed between manufacturer and user.
13 Documentation
13.1 Electronic data
Test reports, documents on the acceptance inspection and other documents used in electronic form or printed from electronic data interchange (EDI) should have the same validity as corresponding documents are printed by the manufacturer on paper. The contents of such documents must comply with the requirements of this standard and operating agreements between the manufacturer and the buyer regarding EDI.
13.2 record retention
Inspection and testing, require the retention of records are listed in table A. 20. The manufacturer must maintain these records, and they should be available at the customer’s request within three years from the date of sale of the goods by the manufacturer.
13.3 the Document about quality
The document about the quality of the manufacturer shall contain a reference to this standard, which produced the product, year of approval and the level of PSL. For each item of the purchase order, the manufacturer shall specify the following information, if applicable:
a) a predetermined outer diameter, wall thickness, grade of material, material grade, group, strength, the number of the material UNS (if applicable), method of production, type of heat treatment or method of cold deformation, the number of pipes in the melt or inspection lot;
b) a minimum temperature of vacation allowed by the documented heat treatment procedure for each batch, subjected to hardening and tempering;
c) chemical composition (smelting and products) showing the mass fraction in percent of all items that have limitations or have to be specified under this standard;
d) the results of tensile tests required by this standard, including yield strength, tensile strength and elongation, indicating the orientation of the samples.
Needs to be specified nominal width of the test specimen, if a sample was used in the form of a strip, the diameter and the estimated length, if used cylindrical sample, or must be indicated that the used sample of a complete cross-section;
e) the results of testing the impact strength, including test criteria, size, location and orientation of the samples, the nominal test temperature, the measured work of impact for each sample and the average value of the working stroke for each set of samples, if such tests are required by the present standard;
f) results of hardness testing, including a hardness value and Rockwell average hardness value, test criterion, and the location of the sample;
g) the test results of the flattening;
h) results of the control of the microstructure, if applicable, the content of Delta-ferrite, the volume fraction of ferrite and/or percentage of the Sigma phase;
i) the minimum hydrostatic test pressure and duration of test;
j) the results of the visual inspection;
k) the results of nondestructive testing showing the applied control method (ultrasonic, electromagnetic or magnetic particle), type (orientation, whether internal or external) and size of artificial defect used;
I) indication of compliance of each geometrical parameter of the products, including diameter, wall thickness, length, straightness, finish the ends (perpendicular end faces), as well as the mass and of the results of the control mandrel;
m) the results of any testing or monitoring conducted at the request of the consumer.
14 handling, packaging and storage
14.1 General provisions
Handling, packaging and storage must comply with the group strength of the products and the requirements for transportation and storage, as well as the requirements of the purchase order.
14.2 Loading and unloading operations
Loading arrangement shall prevent damage to the goods during the move. Do not use hooks or similar lifting devices to engage the ends of the products, also for products from a material of classes 2, 3 and 4 do not allow contact of the products with iron-containing metal materials.
14.3 Packing
14.3.1 General provisions
Products Packed in boxes or as agreed between the manufacturer and the customer in another shipping container. To prevent contact between the items should be used plastic or other shims between the goods and wooden materials — a polymer film thickness not less than 0,2 mm. to be taken the necessary precautions to prevent condensation under the plastic film.
The packaging material must prevent contact of the product with iron.
14.3.2 Marking
The packaging should contain:
a) name or trademark of the manufacturer;
b) the type of goods and the designation of this standard;
c) material grade and strength group;
d) the requirements for PSL products;
e) dimensions;
f) quantity of products;
g) gross weight;
h) the order number;
i) the name and address of the consumer.
14.4 Storage
Products before sending them to the consumer or further machining should be stored in a covered and dry place where there are no such sources of pollution, such as metal dust, sea spray or direct access to water.
On the surface of products should not be corrosion and the consumer should not be supplied products with corrosion.
Boxes or other transport containers should be placed at least 100 mm from the floor. When loading it is necessary to observe precautions to prevent damage to the packaging and protective devices.
Annex a (mandatory). Table
Appendix A
Table A. 1 — production Method, the initial preform, method of deformation and a heat treatment process products
The initial blank | Way to the final deformation | Delivery condition of products |
Marking |
Ingot or concast billet, rolled and forged billet | Hot deformation: — hot rolling — hot pressing |
After quenching and tempering | QT |
After annealing |
SA | ||
Ingot or concast billet, rolled or forged, or machined billet | Cold deformation |
After cold deformation | SN |
After annealing |
SA | ||
Hot-deformed pipe billet | Cold deformation |
After cold deformation | SN |
After annealing |
SA | ||
Table A. 2 — Chemical composition of steels and alloys for products level PSL-1
Material | The main structure, the mass fraction of element, % | Group strength |
PRE | ||||||||||||
Class | Structure | Mark |
C | Cr | Ni | Mo | N | Other many |
65 | 80 | 95 | 110 | 125 | 140 | |
1 | Martensitic | 02X13H5M2 |
0,02 | 13,0 | 5,0 | 2,0 | - | - | N | Y | Y | Y | N | N | - |
Martensite- ferritic |
03Х13Н | 0,03 | 13,0 | 0,5 | 0,01 | - | N | Y | Y | Y | N | N | - | ||
2 | Austenite- ferritic |
02Х22Н5М3 | 0,02 | 22,0 | 5,0 | 3,0 | 0,18 | - | Y | N | N | Y | Y | Y | 35,0 |
02X25H7M3 | 0,02 | 25,0 | 7,0 | 3,0 | 0,18 | - | Y | N |
N | Y | Y | Y | 37,5 | ||
02X25H7M4 | 0,02 | 25,0 | 7,0 | 3,8 | 0,27 | - | N | Y | N |
Y | Y | Y | 40,0 | ||
04X26H5M3 | 0,04 | 25,5 |
4,75 | 2,5 | 1,17 | - | N | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y | 40,0 | ||
3 | Austenitic iron-based | 02Х27Н31М4 | 0,02 | 27,0 | 31,0 | 3,5 | - | - | N | N | N | Y | Y | Y | |
02X25H32M3 |
0,02 | 25,0 | 32,0 | 3,0 | - | - | N | N | N | Y | Y | Y | - | ||
03Х22Н35М4 |
0,03 | 22,0 | 35,5 | 4,5 | - | - | N | N | N | Y | Y | N | - | ||
4 | Austenitic Nickel-based | 02Х21Н42М3 |
0,02 | 21,0 | 42,0 | 3,0 | - | - | N | N | N | Y | Y | N | - |
02Х22Н50М7 |
0,02 | 22,0 | 50,0 | 7,0 | - | - | N | N | N | Y | Y | Y | - | ||
03Х25Н50М6 |
0,03 | 25,0 | 50,0 | 6,0 | - | - | N | N | N | Y | Y | Y | - | ||
01Х20Н54М9 |
0,01 | 20,0 | 54,0 | 9,0 | - | Fe17 | N | N | N | Y | Y | Y | - | ||
02Х22Н52М11 |
0,02 | 21,5 | 52,0 | 11,0 | - | - | N | N | N | Y | Y | N | - | ||
01Х15Н60М16 |
0,01 | 15,0 | 60,0 | 16,0 | - | W4 | N | N | N | Y | Y | Y | - | ||
Table A. 3 — Mechanical properties at room temperature
Material |
Condition delivery |
Yield strength |
Tensile strength |
Outline- |
The average hardness value, HRC, no more | |||
Class |
Mark |
Group so on- ness |
not less |
not more | ||||
1 |
02Х13Н5М2 |
80 |
HF or QT |
552 |
655 |
621 |
27 | |
95 |
HF or QT |
655 |
758 |
724 |
28 | |||
110 |
HF or QT |
758 |
965 |
793 |
32 | |||
03Х1ЗН |
80 |
HF or QT |
552 |
655 |
655 |
23 | ||
95 |
HF or QT |
655 |
758 |
724 |
26 | |||
110 |
HF or QT |
758 |
965 |
827 |
32 | |||
2 |
02X22H5M3 |
65 |
SA |
448 |
621 |
621 |
25 |
26 |
110 |
SN |
758 |
965 |
862 |
11 |
36 | ||
125 |
SN |
862 |
1034 |
896 |
10 |
37 | ||
140 |
SN |
965 |
1103 |
1000 |
9 |
38 | ||
02Х25Н7М3 |
75 |
SA |
517 |
689 |
621 |
25 |
26 | |
110 |
SN |
758 |
965 |
862 |
11 |
36 | ||
125 |
SN |
862 |
1034 |
896 |
10 |
37 | ||
140 |
SN |
965 |
1103 |
1000 |
9 |
38 | ||
02Х25Н7М4 |
80 |
SA |
552 |
724 |
758 |
20 |