GOST R 56175-2014
GOST R 56175−2014 (ISO 10405:2000) Pipe casing and tubing for the oil and gas industry. Recommendations for the operation and maintenance
GOST R 56175−2014
(ISO 10405:2000)
Group В62
Recommendations for the operation and maintenance
Casing and tubing for petroleum and natural gas industries. Recommendations for use and care
OKS 75.180.10*
OKP 13 2100,
13 2700
* According to the official website of Rosstandart OKS 23.040.10,
here and further. — Note the manufacturer’s database.
Date of introduction 2015−01−01
1 PREPARED by Subcommittee SC 7 «Pipe threaded oil country» of the Technical Committee for standardization TC 357 «Steel and cast iron pipes and cylinders"
2 SUBMITTED by the Technical Committee for standardization TC 357 «Steel and cast iron pipes and cylinders"
3 APPROVED AND put INTO EFFECT by the Federal Agency for technical regulation and Metrology dated October 16, 2014 N 1347-St
4 this standard is modified in relation to the international standard ISO 10405:2000* «the Oil and gas industry. Operation and maintenance of casing and tubing» (ISO 10405:2000 «Petroleum and natural gas industries — Care and use of casing and tubing») by:
— edit individual sentences (words, values of indicators) highlighted in the text of this standard in italics*;
* In the original paper designation and number of standards and normative documents in the sections «Preface», «Introduction», «Normative references» and the text of the document marked with «* * «are given in regular font; noted in section «introduction» the sign «» and the rest of the text of the document in italics. — Note the manufacturer’s database.
supplements structural elements (paragraphs, subparagraphs, paragraphs, tables and figures) highlighted in the text of this standard a vertical line located on the margins of this text;
— changes the content of individual structural elements (removal of sentences, paragraphs) are highlighted in the text of this standard in italics, and the vertical line located on the margins of this text;
— changing the structure to conform to rules established by vhost R 1.5 (subsections 4.2 and 4.3). Comparison of the structure of this standard with the structure of this international standard are given in Appendix YES. The name of this standard changed with respect to names specified international standard for compliance with GOST R 1.5 (3.5)
Application rules of this standard are established in GOST R 1.0−2012(section 8). Information about the changes to this standard is published in the annual (as of January 1 of the current year) reference index «National standards» and the official text changes and amendments — in monthly index «National standards». In case of revision (replacement) or cancellation of this standard a notification will be published in the upcoming issue of the monthly information index «National standards». Relevant information, notification and lyrics are also posted in the information system of General use — on the official website of the Federal Agency for technical regulation and Metrology on the Internet (gost.ru)
This standard is modified in relation to the international standard ISO 10405:2000 «Oil and gas industry. Operation and maintenance of casing and tubing pipes» in connection with the need to complement sizes, types of threaded connections and grades of casing and tubing pipes, which is widely used in the Russian oil and gas industry.
This standard is developed for the transition of Russian industry to the world practice the operation and maintenance of casing and tubing, to enhance the interaction manufacturers and consumers of pipes, level of operations and maintenance, reliability and durability, casing and tubing of columns in General.
This standard provides guidelines for the preparation of the make-up of casing and tubing manufactured according to GOST 31446, on the descent and ascent of the columns, welded fixtures, the analysis of the causes of faults and damage to the control and classification of pipe used, recommendations for transportation, handling operations and storage, as well as the calculated values of the moments of make up for different pipe sizes, grades and connections.
Modification of this standard relative to the international standard is as follows:
— removed silicone lubricant;
— added formula with the recommended lubricant consumption for different pipe diameters;
— augmented rules clean the threads of grease;
— clarified recommendation by screwing threaded connections SC, LC, VS, NU, EU and amended recommendations on the make-up of threaded connections OTTM, OTTG, tubing, NCTV and NKM;
with the estimated moments of make up of casing pipes with threaded connections SC and LC group strength Q135 and outer diameters and 324,85 146,05 mm tubing for threaded connections of tubing and NCTV, group strength K72 and wall thickness, widely used in national industry;
— enhanced rules on the transport pipe by air;
— an Appendix has been added, containing information about the correspondence of the threaded connections referred to in this standard, and threaded connections previously used in the national industry;
— deleted all data related to the threaded connections, Extreme-line and Integral-joint not used in the national industry;
excluded values expressed in American units, as well as the original content of the application And relationships between SI units and units of the American system.
Standard recommendations can be applied for the operation and maintenance of casing and pump-compressor pipes, including other threaded, such threaded connections according to GOST R 51906 and GOST R 53365, produced according to specifications and standards organizations.
1 Scope
This standard provides guidelines for the maintenance and operation of casing and pump-compressor pipes, including the order of descent and ascent, landing pipe in the coupling and screwing in field conditions. Results recommended the consumption of lubricant, the moments of the coupling pipe sizes, grades and types of threaded connections according to GOST R 53366, as well as recommendations for transportation, handling operations, storage, inspection and welding in field conditions. |
2 Normative references
This standard uses the regulatory references to the following standards:
GOST 10692−80 Pipe steel, cast iron and fittings to them. Acceptance, marking, packing, transportation and storage
GOST 23258−78 Grease. Name and designation
GOST 31446−2012 (ISO 11960:2004) steel Pipes used as casing, tubing for wells in petroleum and gas industry. General specifications
GOST R 51365−2009 (ISO 10423:2003) Petroleum and natural gas industries. Equipment for drilling and production. Wellhead equipment wellhead and wellhead equipment. General technical requirements
GOST R 51906−2002 threaded casing, tubing, and piping and thread gauges for them. General technical requirements
GOST R 53365−2009 Pipe casing and tubing couplings. Basic parameters and control of threaded connections. General technical requirements
GOST R 53521−2009 natural gas Processing. Terms and definitions
GOST R 53678−2009 (ISO 15156−2:2003) Petroleum and natural gas industries. Materials for use in environments containing hydrogen sulfide, the extraction of oil and gas. Part 2. Carbon and low alloy steel, resistant to cracking and the use of cast irons
GOST R ISO 13678 (project) Pipe casing, tubing, pipeline and elements of drill strings used in oil and gas industry. Evaluation and testing of lubricants for threaded connections
GOST R (ISO 10400, MOD) (project) Pipe casing, tubing, and drill pipe for the oil and gas industry. Formula and calculation of properties*
* Probably, the error of the original. Should read: GOST R 54918−2012, here and hereafter. — Note the manufacturer’s database.
Note — When using this standard appropriate to test the effect of reference standards in the information system of General use — on the official website of the Federal Agency for technical regulation and Metrology on the Internet or in the annual information index «National standards» published as on January 1 of the current year, and the editions of the monthly information index «National standards» for the current year. If replaced with a reference standard, which was given an undated reference, then it is recommended to use the current version of this standard, taking into account all enabled in this version modifications. If replaced with a reference standard, which is given a dated reference, it is recommended to use the version of this standard referred to above by year of approval (acceptance). If after approval of this standard in the reference standard, which is given a dated reference, a change affecting a provision to which reference, the provision is recommended to be applied without taking into account this change. If the reference standard is cancelled without replacement, the position in which reference is made to him, recommended to be used in part not affecting this link.
3 Terms and abbreviations
3.1 this standard applies the terms 23258 GOST, GOST 31446,GOST R 51365, GOST R 51906, the 53365 GOST R and GOST R 53521. 3.2 this standard applies the following abbreviations: All — type connection resistant casing pipes with trapezoidal thread; EU — type of connection tubing external upset tubing with rounded triangular thread; LC — type connection pipe casing with an elongated, rounded triangular thread; NU — type connection of the tubing with a triangular thread; SC — type connection pipe casing with short rounded triangular thread; Tubing — type of connection tubing with rounded triangular thread; NCTV — type of connection tubing external upset tubing with rounded triangular thread; NKM — connection type of pump-compressor pipes with trapezoidal thread and the node-to-metal seal-metal; ATM — type connection of casing pipes with trapezoidal thread; OTTG — type connection of casing pipes with trapezoidal thread and the node-to-metal seal-metal. |
4 the Procedure of lowering and lifting of casing pipes
4.1 Documentation of the process of preparation and descent of the column
* Name of item 4.1 in the original paper are shown in italics. — Note the manufacturer’s database.
4.1.1 For the descent of the column of casing pipes shall be designed instructions regulating the tension columns and the order of the descent of the column to the bottom. The purpose of these instructions is to prevent critical stress or excessive and unsafe tensile stresses at any time during the life of the well. To ensure an adequate level of tensile column and the correct procedure of descent needs to consider all factors such as temperature and pressure in the well, temperature of drilling mud and temperature changes during operation. Should be considered the original strength of column in tension, influencing the order of descent of the column to the bottom. 4.1.2 All work on the casing the casing must be conducted according to the approved work plan, prepared in accordance with instructions and requirements of regulating documents. The plan should include instructions on the Assembly order in the column of pipes of various grades, sizes and types of threaded connections. The descent of the pipes should be carried out in strict accordance with the established procedure. |
4.2 Monitoring and preparation of pipe
* Name of article 4.2 in the original paper are shown in italics. — Note the manufacturer’s database.
4.2.1 Inspection of pipes and couplings
Before any work necessary to carry out inspection of each pipe and coupler. Casing pipe should not have defects, which according to GOST 31446 include unacceptable defects, and shall conform to the requirements established in this standard.
For the use of pipes in wells with special conditions, inspection methods defects specified in GOST 31446 may not provide the detection of defects to the extent which would be sufficient for the use of pipes in such conditions. In such cases it is recommended to use other NDT methods, which allow to confirm the required quality of pipes and their suitability for running in the hole.
You should to evaluate the NDT methods specified in GOST 31446, to determine the possibility of applying these methods for defect detection and separation of signals from unacceptable defects from sources of false alarms that can arise when applying these methods. |
4.2.2 preparation of the casing to be bolted to the column
In the preparation of the casing for coupling to the column, we recommend the following basic steps: Removal of grease is not allowed to use diesel fuel, kerosene, salt water, barite and metal brushes!
4.3 the Lifting pipe at the rig
* Name of item 4.3 in the original paper are shown in italics. — Note the manufacturer’s database.
The lifting pipe at the rig should be carried out separately if necessary, using the feeder tubes. Care must be taken to prevent pipe bending and shock couplings or threaded fuse with any part of the rig or other equipment. At the gate of the rig should be holding the rope. The lifting pipe at the rig should be done only with installed threaded plugs or protective caps. |
4.4 Application of lubricant
* Name of item 4.4 in the original paper are shown in italics. — Note the manufacturer’s database.
4.4.1 Threaded plugs or protective caps from the pipe and coupler should be removed only immediately prior to planting the pipe in the coupling and the application of a threaded sealing greases. Do not use for lubrication of metal brushes!
It is prohibited to use a lubricant with expired shelf life from containers that do not have identifying features, to shift the grease into another container or dilute the grease! |
4.5 Fit of the pipe in the coupling
* Name of item 4.5 in the original paper are shown in italics. — Note the manufacturer’s database.
4.5.1 the Displacement of the first tube of the column to the bottom of the well should be performed with extreme caution. Is strictly prohibited rapid descent and landing pipes at the bottom!
4.6 make-up and descent of the column
* Name of item 4.6 in the original paper are shown in italics. — Note the manufacturer’s database.
4.6.1 the Use of elevators of the usual type
When applying for lowering and lifting pipes of the Elevator of the usual type bearing surface of the Elevator should be thoroughly checked for uneven wear, which can lead to the installation of pipe misalignment and the risk of pullout of the pipe from the clutch, as well as to uneven load distribution on the support surface of the coupling. Elevators must be equipped with slings of equal length.
4.6.2 the Use of slip type elevators
For heavy casing we recommend the use of slip type elevators (spider-elevators). The V-grip and the wedges of the Elevator must be clean, without visible mechanical damage and deformation of the edges correspond to the outside diameter of the lander in the bore of the pipe and evenly cover the pipe at the site of capture. For heavy casing, it is recommended to use extra long dies.
4.6.3 Requirements for the Elevator
Care should be taken to capture and wedges of the Elevator down at the same time. Their uneven sinking can lead to the formation of pipe dents or heavy cuts. Needs to be checked for faulty latch of the Elevator.
4.6.4 Selection of tubular key |
Pipe wrenches should be selected in size, strength and type of connection of the tubes to create a force, equal to 1.5% of the estimated connection strength according to GOST R (ISO 10400)** or 50% to exceed the torque specified in table A. 1 (Appendix A).
Die key must be chosen in accordance with the outer diameter of the pipe. The dies should not crush the pipe, but should fit snugly to avoid the application of deep scratches on the surface of the pipe. Do not use a chain key. |
Note — the traces of the wedges and dies are tubular keys have a negative impact on the pipe. You must take all possible measures for the information of such damage to a minimum.
You need to check the wear surfaces of the hinge pin and the hinge tube of the key. If necessary, correct the mount of the restraint rope to the rack to provide horizontal pipe of the key, and to prevent uneven load distribution over the surfaces of the pipe clip.
Pipe wrench with the pointer of the torque needs to be approved in the prescribed manner. Note — Recommendations for the make-up of casing pipes is given in 4.6.5−4.6.9, apply to the use of tubular keys with actuator. |
4.6.5 Rules of conduct make up
After landing the pipe in the coupler should be bolted on the first 2−3 turns to do this manually or using the key with the belt and make sure thread engagement is correct, without screwing the threads out of alignment. Zakreplenie threaded connection by rotation of the rotor is not allowed!
4.6.7 make-up of casing pipes with threaded hole sun
Make-up is recommended in the following order: 1) For each batch of pipes to carry make-up at least 10 threaded connections (succession plan works) to determine the optimal torque. The obtained value of the torque applicable for the given conditions of coupling (grease, ambient temperature, group strength and size of pipes, etc.). 2) to Carry out the screwing of pipes to match the coupling face with the base of the triangle stamp with the definition of torque. 3) make-up is considered correct if after screwing the coupling face is located between the top and bottom of a triangular stamp with a tolerance of minus one thread revolution (thread pitch) from the base of the triangular mark. 4) the average value of the torque after a screwing at least 10 threaded connections is optimal for the conditions of the screwing. 5) During the screwing of the other pipe, the minimum torque at which the coupling face is coincident with a vertex of the triangular mark on the pipe should be at least 75% of a certain optimum value, and the maximum torque at which the coupling face coincides with the base of the triangular mark, — not more than 125% of a certain optimum value. Otherwise screwing the threaded connection must be deferred until a decision about its further use. 4.6.8 Screwing casing pipes with threaded connection, OTG Make-up is recommended in the following order: 1) to Determine the distance from the coupling face to the thrust ledge couplings not less than 10 pipe, sequential, the plan of the work, and to mark mark the measured values on the surface of the nipple end of each subsequent pipe. 2) to Conduct make-up of these pipes, determining a value of torque for matching the marks on the nipple end with the end face of the respective clutch. A certain average value of the torque after a screwing these pipes is optimal for the conditions of coupling (grease, ambient temperature, group strength and size of pipes, etc.). 3) in the screwing of the other pipe, the minimum torque should be not less than 75% of a certain optimum value, and the maximum torque is not more than 125% of a certain optimum value. Otherwise screwing the threaded connection must be deferred until a decision about its further use. |
4.6.9 Screwing casing pipes with threaded connection ATM
Make-up is recommended in the following order; 1) For each batch of pipes to carry make-up at least 10 threaded connections (succession plan works) to determine the optimal torque. The obtained value of the torque applicable for the given conditions of coupling (grease, ambient temperature, group strength and size of pipes, etc.). 2) to Carry out the screwing of pipes to match the coupling face with a taper pipe thread with the definition of torque. 3) make-up is considered correct if after screwing the coupling face coincides with the end of thread end or comes to it by no more than 5 mm. 4) Defined the average value of the torque after a screwing these pipes is optimal for the conditions of the screwing. 5) During the screwing of the other pipe, the minimum torque at which the coupling face coincides with the end of a taper thread on the pipe must be at least 75% of a certain optimum value, the maximum torque at which the coupling face may not reach the end of a taper thread on the tube is not more than 5 mm, not more than 125% of the specified optimum value. Otherwise screwing the threaded connection must be deferred until a decision about its further use. |
4.6.10 pending threaded connection
Threaded connections, screwing deferred for decision on further use must be razvenchan to determine the causes of improper screwing. The test should be subjected to pipe thread and screwed with her clutch. Riswinandi threaded connections is not allowed to run repeatedly without additional monitoring or repair, even if they have little visible damage.
If the cause of improper coupling are not damaged or unacceptable deviations of geometrical parameters of the thread, to ensure correct coupling it is necessary to adjust the torque. |
4.6.11 the runout of the upper end of the pipe
If the make-up celebrates the runout of the upper end of the pipe, indicating the possible displacement of the axis of the thread coupling about the axis of the pipe, should reduce the speed of rotation to prevent cross threading. If the beating continues at the reduced speed of screwing, the pipe should be deferred for decision on the possibility of its further use.
4.6.12 Zakreplenie clutch installed by the manufacturer
When screwing the connection may occur zakreplenie clutch installed by the manufacturer. This does not mean that this coupling is weakly tightened, but indicates that to the nipple end of the pipe applied torque exceeding the torque which the coupling was screwed by the manufacturer.
4.6.13 General requirements for the descent of the pipe string
The descent of the column of pipes must be done carefully, and when landing on wedges to take precautions to prevent impact. It is unacceptable that the Shoe of the column rested on the bottom or was exposed to any compressive, since this can lead to bending, especially in the part where you can cavernosometry in the wellbore.
4.7 Protection pipe protectors
When doing work inside the casing on drill pipe inside the casing can be worn adequate tread.
4.8 Lifting columns of wells
4.8.1 For break-outs. when lifting the casing pipe key should be placed close to the coupling but not too close so as to exclude even a slight compressing effect dies pipe wrench on the pipe surface, in particular, in the case of the tight threaded connections, and/or thin-walled casing. Location of pipe wrench from the coupling at a distance of 1/3 or ¼ of the outer diameter of the pipe prevents, as a rule, excessive friction in the threaded connection. If necessary, slight obstaravanie the middle part of the coupling on the circumference of the flat head of the hammer.
4.8.2 In the case of stuck pipe, you must use the weight indicator. Note the tension of the pipe string and take it for liberation from sticking. If the load is reduced to the weight of the columns, we can assume that there is an exemption from sticking. Releasing the threaded connection by rotation of the rotor is not allowed! |
4.8.4 After unscrewing should smoothly withdraw the tube from the coupling. Not allowed to remove the pipe from the clutch with a jerk.
4.8.5 When lifting columns for damage to the pipe is necessary to prevent similar cases to determine the cause of the damage. 4.8.6 When placing the raised pipes on the rig, they must be stacked vertically or mounted on a sturdy wooden platform. |
4.8.7 All threaded connections raised the columns should be razvenchan, free from grease, 4.2.2 [enumeration C) and d)] and viewed. Pipe that has become damaged, you should zamaskirovalis and aside for future repair and monitoring.
At the ends of the pipes without damage, must be installed clean threaded fuses.
4.8.8 descent Before re-threaded pipe connections must be prepared in accordance with 4.4. |
4.8.9 Before laying pipes deposited on the cleaned threaded connections shall be marked preservative grease that protects them from corrosion and installed screw-in fuses.
4.9 Causes of faults during Assembly and operation
In this sub-section the most frequent causes of faults in the Assembly and operation of casing pipe:
1) discrepancy of the selected pipe operating conditions;
2) mismatch of pipes, couplings and/or threaded connections to specified requirements;
3) failure to comply with the rules during loading and unloading operations, transportation and storage;
4) non-compliance to the descent and ascent of the column, including damage during landing of the pipe into the coupling, make-up with misalignment, the misalignment of the pipe axis and the borehole axis;
5) damage to the threaded connection;
6) no manual screwing;
7) drilling inside the casing without protectors;
8) no pre-selection of torque and the application of excessive torque;
9) excessive tension of the column upon release from the clamps;
10) break out of the column at high speed;
11) wear on the internal surface of the casing, especially in deviated well bore;
12) the use of inappropriate equipment, wedge grips, dice and pipe keys;
13) bending of tubes in blurred nezamenyaemye of the barrel;
14) excessive obstaravanie threaded connections during unscrewing of the column;
15) leakage at threaded connections, which can be caused by the following reasons:
a) wrong choice of thread sealing lubrication, the corresponding operating conditions, improper lubrication, use of substandard or diluted lubricant;
b) improper screwing of threaded connections;
c) contaminated by screwing threaded connections;
d) jamming the threads when screwing, including pollution, improper planting, damage, no preliminary manual screwing, application of excessive torque;
e) discrepancy of threaded connections with the established requirements;
f) excessive tension of the column when lifting;
g) drop the column;
h) the repeated operations of screwing and unscrewing;
i) bending of the column;
j) damage to the clutch caused by excessive obstaravanie when unscrewing;
k) ovality or deviation of the shape of the profile pipes and joints, including when working with a pipe wrench with the application of excessive force, leading to deformation, especially when unscrewing;
I) violation of an order of descent of the pipe on the strength and wall thickness, creating tension in the threaded connections, exceeding the yield strength of metal;
16) corrosion damage to the tubes.
5 the Procedure of lowering and lifting of pump-compressor pipes
5.1 Documenting the process of preparation and descent of the column
5.1.1 For the descent of the column tubing must be developed guidelines regulating the tension columns and the order of the descent of the column. The purpose of these instructions is to prevent critical stress or excessive and unsafe tensile stresses at any time during the lifetime of the column. To ensure an adequate level of tensile column and the correct procedure of descent needs to consider all factors such as temperature and pressure in the well, temperature of drilling mud and temperature changes during operation. Should be considered the original strength of column in tension, influencing the order of descent of the column. 5.1.2 All work on the Assembly of the column of pump-compressor pipes should be carried out according to the approved work plan, prepared in accordance with instructions and requirements of regulating documents. The plan should include instructions on the Assembly order in the column of pipes of various grades, sizes and types of threaded connections. The descent of the pipes should be carried out in strict accordance with the established procedure. |
5.2 Monitoring and preparation of pipe
5.2.1 Inspection of tubes and couplings
Before the rise of tubing to the drilling rig necessary to carry out inspection of each pipe and coupler.
Tubing must not have defects, which according to GOST 31446относятся to unacceptable defects and shall conform to the requirements established in this standard.
For the use of pipes in wells with special conditions specified in this standard control methods may not provide the detection of defects in a degree sufficient for use in such conditions. In such cases it is recommended to use other NDT methods to confirm the required quality tubing and their suitability for running in the hole. It is recommended to evaluate the NDT methods specified in GOST 31446, to determine the possibility of applying these methods for defect detection and separation of signals from unacceptable defects from sources of false alarms that can arise when applying these methods.
ATTENTION! It must be borne in mind that due to the large allowable deviation of outer diameter in the area located directly behind the landing of the tubing can be difficult to install on the pump-compressor pipe sealing suspension covering type, if the pipe is made with the upper limit deviation of the outer diameter. For this reason, it is recommended to choose carefully threaded coupling for tubing that is installed at the top of the column.
5.2.2 Preparation of the tubing to be bolted to the column Removal of grease is not allowed to use diesel fuel, kerosene, salt water, barite and metal brushes!
5.3 Lifting pipe at the rig
The lifting pipe at the rig should be carried out separately if necessary, using the feeder tubes. When lifting pipe at the rig must be careful to prevent pipe bending and shock couplings and threaded fuses with the rig or other equipment. At the gate of the rig should be holding the rope. The lifting pipe at the rig should be done only with installed threaded plugs or protective caps. |
5.4 lubrication
* Name of item 5.4 in the original paper are shown in italics. — Note the manufacturer’s database.
5.4.1 Threaded plugs or protective caps from the pipe and coupler should be removed only immediately prior to planting the pipe in the coupling and the application of a threaded sealing greases.
5.4.2 Before applying the grease, it is necessary to check the absence of mechanical damage to the threaded connection on the free end of the pipe.
5.4.3 Threaded sealing grease should be evenly applied to the entire threaded surface of nipple end of the pipe and coupler of the previous pipe, including the thread with an incomplete profile, thrust and sealing surface of connection. Do not use for lubrication of metal brushes!
It is prohibited to use a lubricant with expired shelf life from containers that do not have identifying features, to shift the grease into another container or dilute the grease! |
5.5 Fit of the pipe in the coupling
* The title of clause 5.5 in the original paper are shown in italics. — Note the manufacturer’s database.
5.5.1 the Movement of the first tube of the column to the bottom of the well should be performed with extreme caution.
Is strictly prohibited rapid descent and landing pipes at the bottom!
5.5.2 Before planting tubes in the coupling should be checked the alignment of the tube axis and the borehole axis.
5.5.3 During landing of the pipe in the coupling to lower it gently, avoiding the strikes the end of the tube on the coupling face, sliding of the pipe end into the coupling and thread damage. It is recommended to apply special landing rail or guide funnel. If after landing there is an imbalance of the pipe, you need to pick it up, inspect for damage and make a decision about its future use. |
Care must be taken, especially during the descent of the candles of two or three pipes, avoiding deflection, and, as a consequence, the alignment variations when the pipe is large weight rests on the collar thread. To limit the deflection of the tubing on the rig can be installed intermediate support.
Note — When planting the tubes in the coupling, lowering-lifting operations, and screwing and unscrewing the formation of burrs on the threads of pipes and couplings from prone to galling materials (martensitic chromium steels L80 type 9Cr and L80 type 13Cr, two-phase stainless steels and alloys based on Nickel). Resistance to thread galling mainly depends on two factors — preparation and processing of the thread surface in the manufacture and caution during the tripping process.
5.5.4 When screwing pipes spools and fittings, you must ensure that the screwed threaded ends of the products are the same size and type of threaded connection. |
5.6 make-up and descent of the column
5.6.1 application of the elevators of the usual type
When applying for lowering and lifting pipes of the Elevator of the usual type bearing surface of the Elevator should be thoroughly checked for uneven wear, which can lead to the installation of pipe misalignment and the risk of pullout of the pipe from the clutch and on a uniform load distribution on the support surface of the coupling. Elevators must be equipped with stropmi of equal length.
5.6.2 the Use of slip type elevators
During the descent of pump-compressor pipes with special couplings with a reduced outer diameter and especially couplings with special bevel is recommended to use elevators slip type (spider-elevators).
The V-grip and the wedges of the Elevator must be clean, without visible mechanical damage and deformation of the edges correspond to the outside diameter of the lander in the bore of the pipe and evenly cover the pipe at the site of capture. |
Care should be taken to capture and wedges of the Elevator down at the same time. Their uneven sinking can lead to the formation of pipe dents or heavy cuts. Needs to be checked for faulty latch of the Elevator.
Note — the traces of the wedges and dies are tubular keys have a negative impact on the pipe. You must take all possible measures for the information of such damage to a minimum.
5.6.3 Selection of tubular key
The make-up of the column of pump-compressor pipes, you should perform a specially selected pipe wrench, which provides the necessary torque to the threaded connection. |
Pipe wrenches should be selected in size, strength and type of connection of the tubes to create a force, equal to 1.5% of the estimated connection strength according to GOST R (ISO 10400)** or 50% to exceed the torque specified in table A. 2 (Appendix A).
Die key must be chosen in accordance with the outer diameter of the pipe. The dies should not crush the pipe, but should fit snugly to him, to avoid causing deep scratches on the surface of the pipe. Do not use a chain key.
You need to check the wear surfaces of the hinge pin and the hinge tube of the key. If necessary, correct the mount of the restraint rope to the rack to provide horizontal pipe of the key, and to prevent uneven load distribution over the surfaces of the pipe clip.
Pipe wrench with the pointer of the torque needs to be approved in the prescribed manner.
5.6.4 regulation of the screwing
After landing pipe in the socket of the previous pipe should be bolted on the first 2−3 turns to do this manually or using the key with the belt and make sure thread engagement is correct, without screwing the threads out of alignment. Zakreplenie threaded connection by rotation of the rotor is not allowed! |
For correct coupling must be determined the optimal value of torque to pipes of all sizes and types of threaded connections. Failure to comply with pre-selection of the optimal torque causes damage to the threads when screwing and a significant decrease in the number of make-UPS and threaded connections.
The value of the torque depends on several factors: — geometrical parameters of the thread; material surface coating of the thread; — type screw lubrication; — group strength and size of pipes: — the sealing rings in the coupling; — environmental conditions, etc. |
The service life of the tubing, repeatedly bolted in the field, is inversely proportional to the torque applied for screwing. To extend the service life of the threaded connection make-up should be carried out with the optimum torque, for wells, the integrity of which does not matter much — with minimal torque.
The geometrical parameters of threaded joints of tubing can be changed after each make up and slightly differ from the established requirements. Therefore, the repeated screwing of the threaded connection each time fastened farther that leads to the achievement of the tightness of the connection thread.
Note — Recommendations for the make-up of tubing, given in 5.6.6−5.6.7, apply to the use of tubular keys with actuator.
5.6.5 the make-up of tubing with threaded connections NU EU tubing, NCTV
Make-up is recommended in the following order: 1) For each section of the column to perform the screwing of at least 10 threaded connections (going by the first sequence of work plan) to determine the optimal torque. The resulting value may differ from the calculated values given in table A. 2 (Appendix A). The calculated values of the torque specified in table A. 2 (Appendix A) used for connections of pipes with couplings having zinc or phosphate coating thread. 2) To determine the optimal torque is performed first screwing the connection manually to the limit of manual screwing or pipe wrench to a torque of 70−100 Nm. After this screwing from the coupling face to the end of thread end of nipple end of the pipe should be no more than four turns of thread. This was followed by a mechanical bolted connection for another two turns with the registration of torque, while avoiding damage to the thread. The optimum torque of the pipes corresponds to the achievement of the interference in the threaded connection established by the regulations on the threaded connection: 5.0 mm — for carving with step 2,540 mm and 6.4 mm for a thread with a pitch 3,175 mm. a Criterion for establishing the optimal torque is the length of the mechanical coupling from the provisions of the manual screwing (limit manual screwing), the optimal value of which is two turns (5.0 mm — for carving with step 2,540 mm and 6.4 mm for a thread with a pitch of 3.175 mm). 3) the average value of the torque is optimal for the conditions of the screwing. |
4) During the screwing of the other pipe, the minimum torque should be not less than 75% of a certain optimum value, and the maximum torque is not more than 125% of a certain optimum value. Otherwise screwing the threaded connection must be deferred until a decision about its further use.
5.6.6 Screwing of pipes with threaded connection NKM
Make-up is recommended in the following order; 1) to Determine the distance from the coupling face to the thrust ledge couplings not less than 10 pipe, sequential, the plan of the work, and to mark mark the measured values on the surface of the nipple end of each subsequent pipe. 2) to Conduct make-up of these pipes, determining a value of torque for matching the marks on the nipple end with the end face of the respective clutch. A certain average value of the torque for these tubes is optimal for the conditions of coupling (grease, ambient temperature, group strength and size of pipes, etc.). 3) in the screwing of the other pipe, the minimum torque should be not less than 75% of the optimal value, and the maximum torque is not more than 125% of the optimal value. Otherwise screwing the threaded connection must be deferred until a decision about its further use. |
5.6.7 pending threaded connection
Connection, with which the screwing position of the end face of the coupling does not meet the requirements or the make-up of which is deferred until a decision must be razvenchan to determine the causes of improper screwing. The audit should be subjected to, and the pipe thread and screwed with her clutch. Riswinandi threaded connections is not allowed to run repeatedly without additional monitoring or repair, even if they have little visible damage.
If the cause of improper coupling are not damaged or unacceptable deviations of geometrical parameters of the thread, to ensure correct coupling it is necessary to adjust the torque. The reason for the incorrect make up can also be a wrong choice of thread sealing grease for specific conditions.
5.6.8 the runout of the upper end of the pipe
If the make-up celebrates the runout of the upper end of the pipe, indicating the possible displacement of the axis of the thread coupling about the axis of the pipe, should reduce the speed of rotation to prevent cross threading. If the beating continues at the reduced speed of screwing, the pipe should be deferred for decision on the possibility of its further use. |
5.6.9 Zakreplenie clutch installed by the manufacturer
When screwing the connection may occur zakreplenie clutch installed by the manufacturer. This does not mean that this coupling is weakly tightened, but indicates that to the nipple end of the pipe applied torque exceeding the torque which the coupling was screwed by the manufacturer. |
5.6.10 General requirements for the descent of the pipe string
The descent of the column of pipes must be done carefully, and when landing on wedges to take precautions to prevent impact. It is unacceptable that the Shoe of the column rested on the bottom or were exposed to different compressive, since this can lead to bending, especially in the part where you can cavernosometry in the wellbore.
5.7 Lifting columns of wells
* The word «column» in the name of the menu item 5.7 in the original paper are shown in italics. — Note the manufacturer’s database.
5.7.1 During the ascent of the column tubing should identify existing damage and wear of the pipes. It is recommended to conduct flaw detection, allowing you to quickly identify pipes to be replaced. |
5.7.2 For break-outs. when lifting the column of pump-compressor pipes pipe wrench should be placed close to the coupling but not too close so as to exclude even a slight compressing action of the dies pipe wrench on the pipe surface. Location of pipe wrench from the coupling at a distance of 1/3 or ¼ of the outer diameter of the pipe prevents, as a rule, excessive friction in the threaded connection. If necessary, slight obstaravanie the middle part of the coupling on the circumference of the flat head of the hammer.
5.7.3 In the case of stuck pipe, you must use the weight indicator. Note the tension of the pipe string and take it for liberation from sticking. If the load is reduced to the weight of the columns, we can assume that there is an exemption from sticking.
5.7.4 When unscrewing the connection speed should not be more than 10 rpm. Releasing the threaded connection by rotation of the rotor is not allowed! |
5.7.5 After unscrewing should smoothly withdraw the tube from the coupling. Not allowed to remove the pipe from the clutch with a jerk.
5.7.6 When placing the raised pipes on the rig, they should be stacked vertically or mounted on a sturdy wooden platform. |
Vertical positioning of the tube raised should be put on the rig so to prevent them from bending. Tubing with an outer diameter of 60.32 mm, and more preferably is mounted on the candle with a candle of two pipes. Candles pipe outer diameter 48,26 mm or less, and candles longer than 18.3 m must have an intermediate support.
Pipe set on a candlestick, must be fixed.
5.7.7 All screw connections of the pipes raised the columns should be razvenchan, cleansed from grease in accordance with 5.2.2 [enumeration C) and d)] and viewed. Pipe that has become damaged, you should zamaskirovalis and aside for future repair and monitoring.
At the ends of the pipes without damage, must be installed clean threaded fuses. The free end of the pipe should be set on a sliding strip (trolley, tray, etc.).
5.7.8 When lifting columns for damage to the pipe is necessary to prevent similar cases to determine the cause of the damage. 5.7.9 Before re-descent of the threaded connections of the pipes should be prepared in accordance with 5.4. |
5.7.10 When the re-descent of the pipe with the greatest wear should be installed in the lower part of the column, with the purpose of uniform distribution of wear of the joints and pipes.
5.7.11 Before laying pipes deposited on the cleaned threaded connection for protection against corrosion must be applied preservative grease and installed the threaded fuses. |
5.8 Causes of faults during Assembly and operation
In this sub-section the most frequent causes of faults in the Assembly and operation of pump-compressor pipes:
1) discrepancy of the selected pipe operating conditions;
2) mismatch of pipes, couplings and/or threaded connections to specified requirements;
3) failure to comply with the rules during loading and unloading operations, transportation and storage;
4) damage to the threaded connection;
5) no pre-selection of torque and the application of excessive torque;
6) excessive obstaravanie threaded connections during unscrewing of the column;
7) the use of inappropriate equipment, wedge grips, dice and pipe keys;
8) non-compliance to the descent and ascent of the column, including damage during landing of the pipe into the coupling, make-up with misalignment, the misalignment of the pipe axis and the axis of the bore, the absence of a preliminary manual screwing;
9) wear of couplings or abrasion of the internal surface of the pipe rods;
10) damage to the sucker rods;
11) fatigue failure of metal;
12) excessive tension of the strings at its release from the clamps;
13) break out the columns at high speed;
14) leaky joints, which can be caused by the following factors:
a) wrong choice of thread sealing lubrication, the corresponding operating conditions, improper lubrication, use of substandard or diluted lubricant;
b) contaminated make-up of threaded connections;
c) improper screwing of the threaded connection;
d) jamming the threads when screwing, including pollution, improper planting, damage, no preliminary manual screwing or application of excessive torque;
e) discrepancy of threaded connections with the established requirements;
f) dents on the joints, caused by excessive obstaravanie when unscrewing;
g) excessive tension of the column when lifting;
h) multiple descent and ascent of the column;
i) ovality or deviation of the shape of the profile pipes and joints, including when working with a pipe wrench with the application of excessive force, leading to deformation, especially when unscrewing; j) violation of order of descent of the pipe on the strength and wall thickness, creating tension in the threaded connections, exceeding the yield strength of metal; |
15) corrosion damage to the tubes.