GOST R 51906-2015
GOST R 51906−2015 threaded casing, tubing, tubes for pipelines and thread gauges for them. General technical requirements
GOST R 51906−2015
General technical requirements
Thread connections for casing, tubing and line pipes and thread gauges for them. General technical requirements
OKS 75.180.99
OKP 13 2100
13 2700
Date of introduction 2015−11−01
1 DEVELOPED by the Open joint stock company «Russian scientific research Institute of pipe industry» (JSC «RosNITI»)
2 SUBMITTED by the Technical Committee for standardization TC 357 «Steel and cast iron pipes and cylinders»
3 APPROVED AND put INTO EFFECT by the Federal Agency for technical regulation and Metrology dated 3 March 2015 N 120 St
4 REPLACE GOST R 51906−2002
Application rules of this standard are established in GOST R 1.0−2012 (section 8). Information about the changes to this standard is published in the annual (as of January 1 of the current year) reference index «National standards» and the official text changes and amendments — in monthly information index «National standards». In case of revision (replacement) or cancellation of this standard a notification will be published in the upcoming issue of the monthly information index «National standards». Relevant information, notification and lyrics are also posted in the information system of General use — on the official website of the Federal Agency for technical regulation and Metrology on the Internet (www.gost.ru)
This standard is designed to be a revision of GOST R 51906−2002 harmonised with ISO 10422−93* «Oil and gas industry. Cutting, calibration and thread inspection of casing, tubing and line pipe. Technical requirements». In connection with the abolition of the ISO 10422−93 for the development of this standard applied API Spec 5B «Requirements for cutting, calibration and control of the thread casing, tubing and line pipe» on the basis of which was developed by ISO 10422−93.
* Access to international and foreign documents referred to here and hereinafter, can be obtained by clicking on the link to the site shop.cntd.ru. — Note the manufacturer’s database.
In the revision of GOST R 51906−2002 take account of the changes associated with reissue of API Spec 5B in 2008, and the practice of the control of threaded connections subject to this standard.
The difference of this standard from GOST R 51906−2002:
— not included threaded tubing «integral» as being in the national industry;
— added the geometric parameters of the resistant threaded connection (buttress) casing outer diameter 425,45 mm, widely used in national industry;
— changed the values of some geometrical parameters of threaded connections in accordance with API Spec 5B (fifteenth edition, 2008);
— adjusted design values of geometrical parameters of some threads and calibers for their control;
— refined used terms and definitions in accordance with national terminology in this field;
— clarified the order of application gauges for the control of threaded connections, added the ability to use calibrated gages to control thread nominal diameters 146,05, and 425,45 323,85 mm;
— substantive editorial amendments related to a refinement of the translations and usability of the standard;
— given the comparability of threaded connections according to this standard, with threaded connections according to GOST R 53365 GOST 632 and GOST 633 (see Annex B).
1 Scope
This standard covers threaded connections of casing, tubing and pipes for pipelines used in the oil and gas industry.
This standard establishes requirements for the geometrical parameters of the thread profile and thread connections, as well as requirements for screw gauges for the control thread.
2 Normative references
This standard uses the regulatory references to the following standards:
GOST 632−80 casing Pipes with couplings. Specifications
GOST 633−80 tubing Pipes and couplings for them. Specifications
GOST 2475−88 tape and rollers. Specifications
GOST 11708−82 Basic norms of interchangeability. Thread. Terms and definitions
GOST 24672−81 Gauges for tapered threads. Specifications
GOST R 53365−2009 Pipe casing and tubing couplings. Basic parameters and control of threaded connections. General technical requirements
GOST R 53366−2009 (ISO 11960:2004) Steel pipe used as casing or tubing for wells in petroleum and gas industry. General specifications
GOST R 53442−2009 (ISO 1101:2004) Basic norms of interchangeability. Specifications geometric. Tolerances of form, orientation, location and run-out
GOST R ISO 13678−2015 Pipe casing, tubing, line pipe and drill string elements for the oil and gas industry. Evaluation and testing of lubricants for threaded connections
Note — When using this standard appropriate to test the effect of reference standards in the information system of General use — on the official website of the Federal Agency for technical regulation and Metrology on the Internet or in the annual information index «National standards» published as on January 1 of the current year, and the editions of the monthly information index «National standards» for the current year. If replaced with a reference standard, which was given an undated reference, then it is recommended to use the current version of this standard, taking into account all enabled in this version modifications. If replaced with a reference standard, which is given a dated reference, it is recommended to use the version of this standard referred to above by year of approval (acceptance). If after approval of this standard in the reference standard, which is given a dated reference, a change affecting a provision to which reference, the provision is recommended to be applied without taking into account this change. If the reference standard is cancelled without replacement, the position in which reference is made to him, recommended to be used in part not affecting this link.
3 Terms, definitions, symbols and abbreviations
3.1 this standard applies the terminology according to GOST 11708, 53442 GOST R, GOST R 53366, as well as the following terms with respective definitions:
3.1.1 the threads with kernoviae, black tips (en black crested threads): the threads with incomplete vertices, where the preserved surface of the original workpiece.
3.1.2 output thread (en runout of thread): Crossing the inner cone of thread and the outer surface of the pipe.
Note the position of the thread outlet is defined by the plane in which the depression thread fizzles.
3.1.3 rounded triangular screw thread (en triangular round thread): Conical thread, the profile of which is a triangle with rounded peaks and valleys.
3.1.4 end of thread end (vanish en end of thread): the End of the depression continuously vanishing threads, the most remote from the pipe end.
3.1.5 taper thread (taper en): the Angle between the forming of the cone in the same plane. The taper of the thread is characterized by a change of the diameter of the thread in the axial direction and is determined by the ratio of the difference in diameters between any two perpendicular to the axis of the sections to the distance between these sections.
3.1.6 the minimum thickness of the pipe wall under the thread (en minimal thickness under pipe thread): Nominal wall thickness under the cavity of the pipe thread, which characterizes the stability of the threaded portion of the pipe end to destruction when exposed to multidirectional stresses.
3.1.7 interference (en bridge): the Distance characterizing the fit of one product to another, and allowance for mechanical Dominicana.
3.1.8 interference in the control of caliber (en standoff of gauging): Distance from the measuring plane caliber to the plane of the pipe end or couplers, chosen at the beginning of the measurement interference.
3.1.9 tightness when screwing the pipes and couplings (en make-up standoff of pipe and coupling): the Distance from the coupling face to the plane of the end of a taper thread on the tube or to the base of the triangular mark.
3.1.10 nominal diameter of thread (en nominal diameter of thread): Diameter, conventionally characterizing the outer diameter of the thread and used in its designation.
3.1.11 the total length of thread (total thread length en): the leg Length of the product, which is formed by the thread, including the taper and bevel.
3.1.12 ploskosrezannym triangular thread (en triangular trincated thread): Conical thread, the profile of which is a triangle with a truncated top and rounded bottoms.
3.1.13 screwing manually manual screwing (en hand-tight make-up): make-up threaded connections a one-person effort without special tools or buttonovercolor machine or with their application, but with a force corresponding to a manual screwing.
3.1.14 mechanical make-up (en power-tight make-up): Screwing a threaded connection with a certain force and/or up to a certain position, with the use of special tools or buttonovercolor the machine.
3.1.15 the middle line of the thread (pitch of en line): an Imaginary line passing through the profile ploskosrezannym triangular thread or a triangular profile with a rounded thread so that the width of the ledge on it is equal to the width of the depression thread, or the imaginary line passing through the middle height of the profile resistant thread.
3.1.16 resistant trapezoidal thread (en buttress trapezoidal thread): Conical thread, the profile which is a trapezoid, the angle of one side (carrier side) is equal to 3°, the angle of inclination of the other side (friction angle) is equal to 10°.
3.1.17 effective thread length (effective thread length en): working length of thread, which is the length of the possible overlap of the external and internal threads in the axial direction.
3.2 this standard applies the following designations:
A — tightness in case of manual screwing of the pipes and couplings;
A — distance from the pipe end to the base of a triangular mark;
B — minimum width of the end plane of the clutch;
b — the width of the groove or cut of the thread profile;
D — pipe outer diameter;
D — outer diameter of the thread in the plane of the end face of plug gages;
D — outer diameter of pipe thread or of the outer flange diameter of plug gages;
D — diameter of the flange;
D — diameter of the centers of the bolt holes;
D — outer diameter of thread plug gages in the main plane;
Dis the diameter of the bore of plug gages;
d — inner diameter thread gages ring in the main plane;
E — the average diameter of the thread in the plane of the hand Assembly;
E — the average diameter of the thread in the main plane;
— cut the peaks and troughs of the profile ploskosrezannym triangular thread;
g — distance from a basic plane to plane the end of the taper or the thread outlet pipe or to the measuring plane of caliber;
H — the height of the initial profile of the thread;
h, h
— the height of the thread profile;
J — distance from the pipe end until the middle of the clutch when the mechanical make-up;
L — distance from the small end of the plug gages to the plane of the hand Assembly;
L — the effective length of the thread;
L — total thread length from pipe end to end of the thread end or the distance from the small end of the plug gages to the measuring plane;
L — length of thread with a full profile, or the distance from the small end of the plug gages to the main plane;
L — minimum length of full thread profile;
M — distance from the coupling face to the plane of the hand Assembly;
P — thread pitch;
Q is the diameter of the bore or chamfer in the plane of the coupling face or the caliber ring;
q is the length of the bore of the coupling or the caliber ring;
R, r, r — radius of the elements of the thread or threaded connections;
S, S, N, N
— tightness of the thread or threaded elements connecting groove;
s, s
, s
, s
— cut the tops and bottoms of rounded triangular profile of the thread;
t — thickness of pipe wall;
t — the minimum thickness of the pipe wall under the hollow of the thread;
— taper;
U — the width of the groove of the plug gages.
3.3 this standard applies the following abbreviations:
API — American petroleum Institute;
LP — type screw connections of the pipes for pipelines with ploskosrezannym triangular thread;
SC — type threaded connections of casing pipes with short rounded triangular thread;
LC — type threaded connections of casing pipes with an elongated, rounded triangular thread;
NU — type threaded connection tubing with newimagename ends with a rounded triangular thread;
EU — type threaded connection tubing external upset tubing with rounded triangular thread;
BC — threaded connections of casing pipes with resistant trapezoidal thread.
4 Threaded connections
4.1 threaded pipe connection for pipes of ploskosrezannym triangular thread LP
4.1.1 Shape and the geometrical parameters of the profile ploskosrezannym triangular thread screw connection LP are shown in figure 1 and in table 1.
Figure 1 — the thread Profile of the threaded connection LP
1 — the middle line of the thread; 2 — axis thread
Note the Taper of the thread of the pattern is enlarged.
Figure 1 — the thread Profile of the threaded connection LP
Table 1 — Geometrical parameters of the thread profile of the threaded connection LP
In millimeters
The geometrical parameter |
The designation of the parameter and the formula | The value of the parameter when the number of turns on the length of 25.4 mm | ||||
27 |
18 |
14 |
11 ½ |
8 | ||
Thread pitch P | ||||||
0,941 |
1,411 |
1,814 |
2,209 |
3,175 | ||
The height of the original triangle |
N=0,866P |
0,815 |
1,222 |
1,571 |
1,913 |
2,750 |
Profile height |
h |
0,715 |
1,072 |
1,379 |
1,679 |
2,413 |
The cut on the bottoms |
0,031 |
0,047 |
0,060 |
0,073 |
0,105 |
Cut the tops |
To 0.069 |
The 0.103 |
0,132 |
0,161 |
0,232 |
Taper the average diameter of the thread at a length of 100 mm |
6,25 (1:16) | |||||
Note — the Calculation of the parameters H, h |
4.1.2 Geometrical parameters of threaded connections LP is shown in figure 2 and table 2.
Figure 2 — threaded connection LP
1 — the mid-plane of the coupling; 2 — the end of a pipe when the mechanical make-up; 3 — the end of a pipe when manually screwing; 4 — blunting the inside edge of the pipe end; 5 — plane hand Assembly; 6 — main surface; 7 — the plane start the thread end; 8 — plane end of thread end
Figure 2 — threaded connection LP
Table 2 — Geometrical parameters of threaded connections LP
In millimeters
Designation nominal tion of the diameter of the thread |
The tube outer diameter D |
The outer diameter of the pipe thread |
The number of threads per length of 25.4 mm |
Thread pitchP |
Distance from end of pipe to plane of hand svini- |
Effective |
The total length of the pipe thread |
The average diameter of the thread in the plane manual, svini- |
The average diameter of the thread in the main plane |
Distance- ed from the main plane to the plane of the end of the thread end g |
Distance from the pipe end until the middle of the clutch with mechanical as a result, swine- vanii J |
Distance from the end face of coupling to plane manual screwing M |
The bore diameter in the plane of the coupling face Q |
The length of the bore of the coupling q |
Mini maximum width of the end plane of the clutch B |
Tightness in manual pig chivani A |
Mini | |
inch |
mm | |||||||||||||||||
1/8 |
3,18 |
10,29 |
10,29 |
27 |
0,941 |
4,10 |
Of 6.70 |
Of 9.97 |
9,489 |
9,534 |
5,15 |
3,53 |
Of 3.04 |
11,89 |
1,33 |
0,80 |
2,82 |
- |
¼ |
6.35 mm |
13,72 |
13,72 |
18 |
1,411 |
5,79 |
10,21 |
15,10 |
12,487 |
12,587 |
Of 7.72 |
5,54 |
5,08 |
15,32 |
3,06 |
0,80 |
Of 4.23 |
- |
3/8 |
At 9.53 |
A 17.14 |
A 17.14 |
18 |
1,411 |
6,10 |
10,36 |
15,26 |
15,926 |
16,016 |
Of 7.72 |
5,38 |
4,92 |
18,75 |
Of 2.91 |
0,80 |
Of 4.23 |
- |
½ |
12,70 |
21,34 |
21,34 |
14 |
1,814 |
8,13 |
13.56 MHz |
Of 19.85 |
19,772 |
19,885 |
9,92 |
Of 7.14 |
6,28 |
22,94 |
4,02 |
1,60 |
5,44 |
- |
¾ |
19,05 |
26,67 |
26,67 |
14 |
1,814 |
8,61 |
Of 13.86 |
20,15 |
25,117 |
25,219 |
9,92 |
Of 6.83 |
6,10 |
Of 28.27 |
3,85 |
1,60 |
5,44 |
- |
1 |
25,40 |
33,40 |
33,40 |
11 ½ |
2,209 |
10,16 |
Of 17.34 |
Of 25.01 |
31,461 |
31,634 |
12,08 |
8,33 |
8,22 |
35,00 |
5,69 |
2,40 |
6,62 |
Of 8.45 |
1 ¼ |
31,75 |
42,16 |
42,16 |
11 ½ |
2,209 |
10,67 |
17,95 |
Of 25.62 |
40,218 |
40,397 |
12,08 |
Of 9.31 |
8,32 |
43,76 |
5,79 |
2,40 |
6,62 |
Was 9.06 |
1 ½ |
38,10 |
48,26 |
48,26 |
11 ½ |
2,209 |
10,67 |
18,38 |
26,04 |
46,287 |
46,493 |
12,08 |
Of 8.89 |
Is 8.74 |
49,86 |
6,20 |
2,40 |
6,62 |
Of 9.48 |
2 |
50,80 |
60,32 |
60,32 |
11 ½ |
2,209 |
11,07 |
19,22 |
Of 26.88 |
58,325 |
58,558 |
12,08 |
9,63 |
9,17 |
62,71 |
Of 6.04 |
3,20 |
6,62 |
10,32 |
2 ½ |
63,50 |
73,02 |
73,02 |
8 |
3,175 |
17,32 |
Of 28.89 |
39,91 |
70,159 |
70,485 |
17,37 |
12,48 |
16,24 |
75,41 |
12,48 |
4,80 |
6.35 mm |
16,11 |
76,20 |
88,90 |
88,90 |
8 |
3,175 |
19,46 |
Of 30.48 |
41,50 |
86,068 |
86,360 |
17,37 |
12,48 |
15,69 |
91,29 |
11,96 |
4,80 |
6.35 mm |
17,70 | |
3 ½ |
88,90 |
101,60 |
101,60 |
8 |
3,175 |
Of 20.85 |
31,75 |
42,77 |
98,776 |
99,060 |
17,37 |
12,80 |
15,56 |
103,99 |
Of 11.84 |
4,80 |
6.35 mm |
Of 18.97 |
4 |
101,60 |
114,30 |
114,30 |
8 |
3,175 |
21,44 |
33,02 |
44,04 |
111,433 |
111,760 |
17,37 |
13,11 |
16,25 |
116,69 |
12,50 |
6,40 |
6.35 mm |
Of 20.24 |
5 |
Of 127.00 |
141,30 |
141,30 |
8 |
3,175 |
23,80 |
Of 35.72 |
46,74 |
138,412 |
138,760 |
17,37 |
12,00 |
16,59 |
143,69 |
Of 12.82 |
6,40 |
6.35 mm |
22,94 |
6 |
152,40 |
168,28 |
168,28 |
8 |
3,175 |
24,33 |
38,42 |
49,43 |
165,252 |
165,735 |
17,37 |
12,48 |
18,75 |
170,66 |
14,89 |
6,40 |
6.35 mm |
Of 25.63 |
8 |
203,20 |
219,08 |
219,08 |
8 |
3,175 |
Of 27.00 |
Of 43.50 |
54,51 |
215,901 |
216,535 |
17,37 |
12,16 |
Loss of 21.16 |
221,46 |
17,19 |
6,40 |
6.35 mm |
30,71 |
10 |
Of 254.00 |
273,05 |
273,05 |
8 |
3,175 |
30,73 |
48,90 |
59,91 |
269,772 |
270,510 |
17,37 |
13,11 |
22,83 |
275,44 |
18,78 |
9,50 |
6.35 mm |
36,11 |
12 |
304,80 |
323,85 |
323,85 |
8 |
3,175 |
34,54 |
53,98 |
64,99 |
320,492 |
321,310 |
17,37 |
12,80 |
Of 24.10 |
326,24 |
20,00 |
9,50 |
6.35 mm |
Of 41.19 |
14D |
355,60 |
355,60 |
355,60 |
8 |
3,175 |
39,67 | 57,15 |
68,17 |
352,365 |
353,060 |
17,37 |
12,80 |
22,14 |
357,99 |
Of 18.13 |
9,50 |
6.35 mm |
Of 44.37 |
16D |
406,40 |
406,40 |
406,40 |
8 |
3,175 |
46,02 |
62,23 |
73,25 |
403,244 |
403,860 |
17,37 |
12,48 |
20,87 |
408,79 |
16,91 |
9,50 |
6.35 mm |
49,45 |
18D |
457,20 |
457,20 |
457,20 |
8 |
3,175 |
50,80 |
67,31 |
78,33 |
454,025 |
454,660 |
17,37 |
12,16 |
21,18 |
459,59 |
17,20 |
9,50 |
6.35 mm |
54,53 |
20D |
Of 508.00 |
Of 508.00 |
Of 508.00 |
8 |
3,175 |
53,98 |
72,39 |
83,41 |
504,706 |
505,460 |
17,37 |
Of 13.43 |
At 23.08 |
510,39 |
19,03 |
9,50 |
6.35 mm |
59,61 |
Notes |
4.1.3 maximum deviations of geometrical parameters of the thread profile and fittings LP shown in table 3.
Table 3 — Limit deviations of geometrical parameters of thread and threaded connection LP
Dimensions are in millimeters
The geometrical parameter |
Limit deviation of parameter |
Taper the average diameter of the thread at a length of 100 mm |
+0,52 -0,26 |
The thread pitch R | |
on the length of 25.4 mm |
±0,076 |
total |
±Of 0.152 |
Height of thread |
+0,051 -0,152 |
The angle of the thread profile of 60° |
±1°30' |
The total length of the pipe thread L |
±P |
The minimum thread length with full tops L |
Not less than |
The angle of the outer chamfer of the pipe 60° |
±5° |
The angle of internal chamfer of the clutch 35° |
±5° |
The bore diameter in the plane of the coupling face Q |
+0,79 |
The length of the bore of coupler q |
+0,79 |
Minimum width of the end plane of the clutch B |
Not less than |
4.2 Threaded connection casing and tubing with rounded triangular thread SC, LC, NU and EU
4.2.1 Shape and the geometrical parameters of the profile rounded triangular thread threaded connections SC, LC, NU and EU is shown in figure 3 and in table 4.
Note — international and American standards to this thread used the term «round» (round). In the national standardization carving of the so-called «triangular».
Figure 3 — thread Profile of threaded connections SC, LC, NU and EU
1 — the middle line of the thread; 2 — axis thread
Note the Taper of the thread of the pattern is enlarged.
Figure 3 — thread Profile of threaded connections SC, LC, NU and EU
Table 4 — Geometrical parameters of the thread profile of threaded connections SC, LC, NU and EU
In millimeters
The geometrical parameter |
The designation of the parameter and the formula | The value of the parameter when the number of turns on the length of 25.4 mm | ||
10 |
8 | |||
Thread pitch P | ||||
2,540 |
3,175 | |||
The height of the original triangle |
H=0,866P |
2,200 |
2,750 | |
Profile height |
h |
1,412 |
1,810 | |
The cut on the bottoms |
s |
0,356 |
0,432 | |
The radius of curvature of the depression |
r |
0,356 |
0,432 | |
Cut the tops |
s |
0,432 |
0,508 | |
The radius |
r |
0,432 |
0,508 | |
Taper the average diameter of the thread at a length of 100 mm |
K |
6,25 (1:16) | ||
Note — the Calculation of the parameters H, h |
4.2.2 Geometrical parameters of threaded connections SC and LC are shown in figure 4 and in tables 5 and 6.
4.2.3 Geometrical parameters of the threaded connections of NU and EU is shown in figure 4 and tables 7 and 8.
Figure 4 — Threaded connections SC, LC and NU, EU
1 — the mid-plane of the coupling; 2 — the end of a pipe when the mechanical make-up; 3 — the end of a pipe when manually screwing; 4 — blunting the inside edge of the pipe end; 5 — plane hand Assembly; 6 — main surface; 7 — the plane start the thread end; 8 — plane end of the taper of the thread; 9 — triangular stamp for pipes with threaded connections SC, the outer diameter 406,40; 473,08; of 508.00 mm, with a tensile strength of up to 655 MPa incl. and pipes with a threaded connection LC, an outer diameter of 508.00 mm; 10 — for pipes with threaded connections SC and LC — 12° — for pipes with threaded connections, NU and EU — 15°
Figure 4 — Threaded connections SC, LC and NU, EU
Table 5 Geometrical parameters of threaded connections SC
Dimensions are in millimeters
Designation nominal tion of the diameter of the thread |
The tube outer diameter D |
The outer diameter of the pipe thread |
The number of threads per length of 25.4 mm |
Thread pitch P |
The wall thickness of the pipe t |
Distance from end of pipe to plane of hand svini- |
Effective |
The total length of the pipe thread |
The average diameter of the thread in the plane manual, svini- |
The average diameter of the thread in the main plane |
Distance from the pipe end until the middle of the clutch with mechanical as a result, swine- vanii J |
Distance from coupling face to the plane of the hand, swine- tion M |
The bore diameter in the plane of the coupling face Q |
The length of the bore of the coupling q |
Mini maximum width of the end plane of the clutch B |
Interference with manual of swine- vanii A |
Mini | |
inch |
mm | |||||||||||||||||
4 ½ |
114,30 |
114,30 |
114,30 |
8 |
3,175 |
5,2 |
23,39 |
43,56 |
50,80 |
111,846 |
112,566 |
28,58 |
17,88 |
116,68 |
12,70 |
Of 3.97 |
9,52 |
22,22 |
4 ½ |
114,30 |
114,30 |
114,30 |
other |
From 39.27 |
59,44 |
66,68 |
111,846 |
112,566 |
12,70 |
17,88 |
116,68 |
12,70 |
Of 3.97 |
9,52 |
38,10 | ||
5 |
Of 127.00 |
Of 127.00 |
Of 127.00 |
5,6 |
36,09 |
56,26 |
63,50 |
124,546 |
125,266 |
19,05 |
17,88 |
129,38 |
12,70 |
4,76 |
9,52 |
34,92 | ||
5 |
Of 127.00 |
Of 127.00 |
Of 127.00 |
other |
42,44 |
62,61 |
69.85 mm |
124,546 |
125,266 |
12,70 |
17,88 |
129,38 |
12,70 |
4,76 |
9,52 |
A 41.28 | ||
5 ½ |
139,70 |
139,70 | 139,70 | all |
45,62 |
65,79 |
73,02 |
137,246 |
137,966 |
12,70 |
17,88 |
142,08 |
12,70 |
3,18 |
9,52 |
44,45 | ||
5 ¾ |
146,05 |
146,05 |
146,10 |
all |
48,80 |
68,96 |
76,20 |
143,596 |
144,316 |
12,70 |
17,88 |
148,40 |
12,70 |
6,00 |
9,52 |
47,62 | ||
6 5/8 |
168,28 |
168,28 |
168,28 |
all |
51,97 |
72,14 |
79,38 |
165,821 |
166,541 |
12,70 |
17,88 |
170,66 |
12,70 |
6.35 mm |
9,52 |
50,80 | ||
7 |
177,80 |
177,80 | 177,80 | 5,9 |
32,92 |
53,09 |
60,32 |
175,346 |
176,066 |
31,75 |
17,88 |
180,18 |
12,70 |
4,76 |
9,52 |
31,75 | ||
7 |
177,80 |
177,80 |
177,80 |
other |
51,97 |
72,14 |
79,38 |
175,346 |
176,066 |
12,70 |
17,88 |
180,18 |
12,70 |
4,76 |
9,52 |
50,80 | ||
7 5/8 |
193,68 |
193,68 |
193,68 |
all |
53,44 |
75,31 |
82,55 |
191,114 |
191,941 |
12,70 |
18,01 |
197,64 |
11,00 |
The 5.56 |
11,11 |
53,98 | ||
8 5/8 |
219,08 |
219,08 |
219,08 |
6,7 |
Accounting period by 47.09 |
68,96 |
76,20 |
216,514 | 217,341 | 22,22 |
18,01 |
223,04 | 11,00 |
6.35 mm |
11,11 |
47,62 | ||
8 5/8 |
219,08 |
219,08 |
219,08 |
other |
56,62 |
78,49 |
85,72 |
216,514 |
217,341 |
12,70 |
18,01 |
223,04 | 11,00 |
6.35 mm |
11,11 |
57,15 | ||
9 5/8 |
244,48 |
244,48 |
244,48 |
all |
56,62 |
78,49 |
85,72 |
241,914 |
242,741 |
12,70 |
18,01 |
248,44 | 11,00 |
6.35 mm |
11,11 |
57,15 | ||
9 5/8 |
244,48 |
244,48 |
244,48 |
all |
54,91 |
78,49 |
85,72 |
241,808 |
242,741 |
12,70 |
18,11 |
248,44 | 11,00 |
6.35 mm |
12,70 |
57,15 | ||
10 ¾ |
273,05 |
273,05 |
273,05 |
7,1 |
40,74 |
62,61 |
69.85 mm |
270,489 |
271,316 |
31,75 |
18,01 |
277,02 |
11,00 |
6.35 mm |
11,11 |
A 41.28 | ||
10 ¾ |
273,05 |
273,05 |
273,05 |
other |
59,79 |
81,66 |
88,90 |
270,489 |
271,316 |
12,70 |
18,01 |
277,02 |
11,00 |
6.35 mm |
11,11 |
60,32 | ||
10 ¾ |
273,05 |
273,05 |
273,05 |
other |
Of 58.09 |
81,66 |
88,90 |
270,383 |
271,316 |
12,70 |
18,11 |
277,02 |
11,00 |
6.35 mm |
12,70 |
60,32 | ||
11 ¾ |
298,45 |
298,45 |
298,45 |
all |
59,79 |
81,66 |
88,90 |
295,889 |
296,716 |
12,70 |
18,01 |
302,42 |
11,00 |
6.35 mm |
11,11 |
60,32 | ||
11 ¾ |
298,45 |
298,45 |
298,45 |
all |
Of 58.09 |
81,66 |
88,90 |
295,783 |
296,716 |
12,70 |
18,11 |
302,42 |
11,00 |
6.35 mm |
12,70 |
60,32 | ||
12 ¾ |
323,85 |
323,85 |
323,90 |
all |
- |
81,66 |
88,90 |
321,289 |
322,116 |
12,70 |
18,01 |
326,30 |
11,00 |
9,00 |
11,11 |
60,32 | ||
13 3/8 |
339,72 |
339,72 |
339,72 |
all |
59,79 |
81,66 |
88,90 |
337,164 |
337,991 |
12,70 |
18,01 |
343,69 |
11,00 |
The 5.56 |
11,11 |
60,32 | ||
13 3/8 |
339,72 |
339,72 |
339,72 |
all |
Of 58.09 |
81,66 |
88,90 |
337,058 |
337,991 |
12,70 |
18,11 |
343,69 |
11,00 |
The 5.56 |
12,70 |
60,32 | ||
16 |
406,40 |
406,40 |
406,40 |
all |
72,49 |
94,36 |
101,60 |
403,839 |
404,666 |
12,70 |
18,01 |
411,96 |
9,30 |
The 5.56 |
11,11 |
73,02 | ||
18 5/8 |
473,08 |
473,08 |
473,08 |
11.1 V |
72,49 |
94,36 |
101,60 |
470,514 |
471,341 |
12,70 |
18,01 |
478,63 |
9,30 |
The 5.56 |
11,11 |
73,02 | ||
20 |
Of 508.00 |
Of 508.00 |
Of 508.00 |
all |
72,49 |
94,36 |
101,60 |
505,439 |
506,266 |
12,70 |
18,01 |
513,56 |
9,30 |
The 5.56 |
11,11 |
73,02 | ||
20 |
Of 508.00 |
Of 508.00 |
Of 508.00 |
all |
70,79 |
94,36 |
101,60 |
505,333 |
506,266 |
12,70 |
18,11 |
513,56 |
9,30 |
The 5.56 |
12,70 |
73,02 | ||
Table 6 — Geometrical parameters of threaded connections LC
Dimensions are in millimeters
Designation nominal tion of the diameter of the thread |
The outer diameter of the pipe D |
The outer diameter of the pipe thread |
The number of threads per length of 25.4 mm |
Thread pitch P |
Distance from end of pipe to plane of hand svini- |
Effective |
The total length of the pipe thread |
The average diameter of the thread in the plane manual, svini- |
The average diameter of the thread in the main plane |
Distance from coupling face to the plane of the hand, swine- tion M |
Distance from the pipe end until the middle of the clutch with mechanical as a result, swine- vanii J |
The bore diameter in the plane of the coupling face Q |
The length of the bore of the coupling q |
Mini maximum width of the end plane of the clutch B |
Interference with manual of swine- vanii A |
Mini | |
inch |
mm | ||||||||||||||||
4 ½ |
114,30 |
114,30 |
114,30 |
8 |
3,175 |
48,79 |
68,96 |
76,20 |
111,846 |
112,566 |
17,88 |
12,70 |
116,68 |
12,70 |
Of 3.97 |
9,52 |
47,62 |
5 |
Of 127.00 |
Of 127.00 |
Of 127.00 |
58,32 |
78,49 |
85,72 |
124,546 |
125,266 |
17,88 |
129,38 |
12,70 |
4,76 |
9,52 |
57,15 | |||
5 ½ |
139,70 |
139,70 |
139,70 |
61,49 |
81,66 |
88,90 |
137,246 |
137,966 |
17,88 |
142,08 |
12,70 |
3,18 |
9,52 |
60,32 | |||
5 ¾ |
146,05 |
146,05 |
146,10 |
64,67 |
Of 84.84 |
92,08 |
143,596 |
144,316 |
17,88 |
148,50 |
12,70 |
6,00 |
9,52 |
63,50 | |||
6 5/8 |
168,28 |
168,28 |
168,28 |
71,02 |
91,19 |
98,42 |
165,821 |
166,541 |
17,88 |
170,66 |
12,70 |
6.35 mm |
9,52 |
69.85 mm | |||
7 |
177,80 |
177,80 |
177,80 |
74,19 |
94,36 |
101,60 |
175,346 |
176,066 |
17,88 |
180,18 |
12,70 |
4,76 |
9,52 |
73,02 | |||
7 5/8 |
193,68 |
193,68 |
193,68 |
75,67 |
97,54 |
104,78 |
191,114 |
191,941 |
18,01 |
197,64 |
11,00 |
The 5.56 |
11,11 |
76,20 | |||
8 5/8 |
219,08 |
219,08 |
219,08 |
85,19 |
107,06 |
114,30 |
216,514 |
217,341 |
18,01 |
223,04 |
11,00 |
6.35 mm |
11,11 |
85,72 | |||
9 5/8 |
244,48 |
244,48 |
244,48 |
91,54 |
113,41 |
Of 120.65 |
241,914 |
242,741 |
18,01 |
248,44 |
11,00 |
6.35 mm |
11,11 |
92,08 | |||
9 5/8 |
244,48 |
244,48 |
244,48 |
89,84 |
113,41 |
Of 120.65 |
241,808 |
242,741 |
18,11 |
248,44 |
11,00 |
6.35 mm |
12,70 |
92,08 | |||
20 |
Of 508.00 |
Of 508.00 |
Of 508.00 |
104,24 |
126,11 |
Of 133.35 |
505,439 |
506,266 |
18,01 |
513,56 |
9,30 |
The 5.56 |
11,11 |
104,78 | |||
20 |
Of 508.00 |
Of 508.00 |
Of 508.00 |
102,54 |
126,11 |
Of 133.35 |
505,333 |
506,266 |
18,11 |
513,56 |
9,30 |
The 5.56 |
12,70 |
104,78 | |||