GOST 32931-2015
GOST 32931−2015 shaped steel Tubes for steel structures. Specifications
GOST 32931−2015
Profile steel pipes for metal constructions. Specifications
ISS 23.040.10
Date of introduction 2016−09−01
Purpose and principles the basic procedure for interstate standardization have been established in GOST 1.0−92 «interstate standardization system. Basic provisions» and GOST 1.2−2009 «interstate standardization system. Interstate standards, rules and recommendations on interstate standardization. Rules of development, adoption, application, renewal and cancellation"
Data on standard
1 PREPARED by the Technical Committee for standardization TC 357 „Steel and cast iron pipes and cylinders“, Open joint stock company „Russian scientific research Institute of pipe industry“ (JSC „RosNITI“)
2 SUBMITTED by the Technical Committee for standardization TC 357 „Steel and cast iron pipes and cylinders"
3 ACCEPTED by the Interstate Council for standardization, Metrology and certification (minutes from June 18, 2015 N 47)
The adoption voted:
Short name of the country on MK (ISO 3166) 004−97 |
Country code MK (ISO 3166) 004−97 |
Abbreviated name of the national authority for standardization |
Kyrgyzstan | KG |
Kyrgyzstandard |
Russia | EN |
Rosstandart |
Georgia | GE | National Agency „Gosstandart“ Georgia for standards, technical regulations and Metrology |
4 by Order of the Federal Agency for technical regulation and Metrology dated 19 January 2016 N 9-St inter-state standard GOST 32931−2015 introduced as a national standard of the Russian Federation from September 1, 2016.
5 this standard has been prepared on the basis of application of GOST R 54157−2010*
* By order of the Federal Agency for technical regulation and Metrology dated 19 January 2016 N 9 St GOST R 54157−2010 abolished from 1 September 2016.
Information about the changes to this standard is published in the annual reference index „National standards“, and the text changes and amendments — in monthly information index „National standards“. In case of revision (replacement) or cancellation of this standard a notification will be published in a monthly information index „National standards“. Relevant information, notification and lyrics are also posted in the information system of General use — on the official website of the Federal Agency for technical regulation and Metrology on the Internet
This standard is developed on the basis of interstate standard GOST 13663, GOST 8639, GOST 8642, 8644 GOST and GOST 8645, and generalization of domestic and foreign experience of the use of pipes.
Pipe manufactured according to GOST 13663, GOST 8639, GOST 8642, 8644 GOST and GOST 8645, have the same scope as the pipes for steel structures. Therefore, in this standard, developed on the basis of the above mentioned standards, the requirements for these pipes are combined.
Compared to GOST 13663, GOST 8639, GOST 8642, 8644 GOST and GOST 8645 in this standard:
— introduced a classification of pipes according to the strength grade;
— to expand the assortment of tubes: size of profile — up to 500 mm, wall thickness — up to 22.0 mm, in the form of a profile with the inclusion of round tubes;
— equipped with two precision manufacturing of tubes: normal and high;
additionally, the possibility of testing of pipes for impact strength and non-destructive testing;
— additionally, the possibility of production of pipes with the definition of carbon equivalent, with purified from the slag surface, with a temporary preservative coating and finishing ends.
1 Scope
This standard applies to round, square, rectangular, oval and flat-oval steel pipes for metal constructions from carbon and low alloy steel.
2 Normative references
This standard uses the regulatory references to the following standards:
GOST 166−89 (ISO 3599−76) Calipers. Specifications
GOST 427−75 Rulers measuring metal. Specifications
GOST 1497−84 (ISO 6892−84) Metals. Test methods tensile
GOST 3845−75 Pipe metal. Test method hydraulic pressure
GOST 6507−90 Micrometers. Specifications
GOST 7502−98 metallic measuring tape. Specifications
GOST 7565−81 (ISO 377−2-89) Iron, steel and alloys. Sampling method for determination of chemical composition
GOST 7661−67 depth gauges indicator. Specifications
GOST 8026−92 Line calibration. Specifications
GOST 9454−78 Metals. Test method for impact strength at low, room and elevated temperatures
GOST 10006−80 (ISO 6892−84) of the Pipe metal. Test method tensile
GOST 10692−2015 Pipe steel, cast iron and fittings to them. Acceptance, marking, packing, transportation and storage
GOST 16504−81 System of state testing products. Testing and quality control. Key terms and definitions
GOST 18360−93 Gauges-bracket sheet for diameters from 3 to 260 mm. Dimensions
GOST 22536.0−87 carbon Steel and unalloyed cast iron. General requirements for methods of analysis
GOST 22536.1−88 carbon Steel and unalloyed cast iron. Methods for determination of total carbon and graphite
GOST 22536.2−87 carbon Steel and unalloyed cast iron. Methods of determining sulphur
GOST 22536.3−88 carbon Steel and unalloyed cast iron. Methods for determination of phosphorus
GOST 22536.4−88 carbon Steel and unalloyed cast iron. Methods for determination of silicon
GOST 22536.5−87 (ISO 629−82) carbon Steel and unalloyed cast iron. Methods for determination of manganese
GOST 22536.6−88 carbon Steel and unalloyed cast iron. Methods for determination of arsenic
GOST 22536.7−88 carbon Steel and unalloyed cast iron. Methods for determination of chromium
GOST 22536.8−87 carbon Steel and unalloyed cast iron. Methods for determination of copper
GOST 22536.9−88 carbon Steel and unalloyed cast iron. Methods for determination of Nickel
GOST 22536.11−87 carbon Steel and unalloyed cast iron. Methods for determination of titanium
GOST 22536.12−88 carbon Steel and unalloyed cast iron. Methods for determination of vanadium
GOST 26877−2008 metal Products. Methods of measuring form deviations of
GOST 28548−90 of steel Pipe. Terms and definitions
GOST 31458−2015 Pipe steel, cast iron and fittings to them. Documents on acceptance inspection
GOST ISO 10332−2002 pressure steel Tubes seamless and welded (except pipe manufactured by arc welding under flux). The ultrasonic method of testing
Note — When using this standard appropriate to test the effect of reference standards for the sign „National standards“ drawn up as of January 1 of the current year and related information published monthly indexes published in the current year. If the reference standard is replaced (changed), when using this standard should be guided by replacing (amended) standard. If the reference standard is cancelled without replacement, then the situation in which the given link applies to the extent that does not affect this link.
3 Terms and definitions
This standard applies the terminology according to GOST 16504, 28548 GOST and GOST 26877, as well as the following term with the appropriate definition:
3.1 strength class of pipe: Designation strength level of the pipe, consisting of abbreviations KP and the values of the minimum yield stress (N/mm) for a given strength class.
4 Denote
This standard applies the following designations: — the outer profile size of the square or larger outer size (width) of the profile is rectangular, square, oval and flat-oval steel pipe, mm;
— the distance between the centers of circles, arcs of small oval, mm.
— smaller outer size (height) of the profile is rectangular, square, oval and flat-oval steel pipe, mm;
— carbon equivalent, %;
— outer size of pipe round shape of the profile (outer diameter), mm;
— the maximum outer diameter of pipe, mm;
— minimum outside diameter of pipe, mm;
the cross — sectional area of pipe, mm
— the initial cross-sectional area of the specimen, mm
are the moments of inertia for axes
and a
, cm
— the initial length of the working part of the specimen, mm;
— weight of 1 m pipe, kg;
— ovality, %;
— hydrostatic test pressure, MPa;
— allowable stress in the wall of the pipe, MPa;
— the corner radius of the profile, mm;
— the radii of the small and large arcs of the oval, mm.
— wall thickness of pipe, mm;
— allowable minimum wall thickness, mm;
the moments of resistance of sections for the axes
— elongation, %;
— temporary resistance, MPa
— yield strength with deformation, MPa;
— the angle formed by lines drawn from the center of the circle arc of a large oval through the centers of the circles small arcs of ellipse, in degrees.
5 Assortment
5.1 Types of pipes and delivery condition
Tubes manufactures seamless hot-deformed, seamless cold-drawn, welded and welded cold.
Seamless pipe supply heat treated or without heat treatment.
Supply welded pipes with heat treatment in the entire volume, the local heat treatment of the weld or without heat treatment.
5.2 Classes of strength
Tubes produce strength classes: КП205, КП215, КП245, КП275, КП290, КП320, КП360, КП390, КП420 and КП460.
By agreement between the manufacturer and the customer pipe manufactures intermediate strength classes.
5.3 the shape of the profile and dimensions of pipes
Pipe manufactures the following shapes of the profile, the dimensions listed in annexes A-D:
a) square shaped profile (Appendix A);
b) rectangular profile (Appendix B);
C) round shape of the profile (Annex b);
g) oval profile (Annex G);
d) flat-sided oval shape of the profile types A, B, C (Annex D).
Pipe is manufactured in sizes regular and increased accuracy.
By agreement between the manufacturer and the customer pipe is manufactured in sizes not listed in tables A. 1, B. 1, B. 1, D. 1, D. 1, D. 2 and D. 3.
5.4 Length
The length of the pipe manufacture:
a) random length:
1) seamless hot-deformed — from 3.0 to 12.5 m;
2) seamless cold-formed and welded cold — from 1.5 to 12.0 m;
3) welded from 3.0 to 18.0 m;
b) measuring length within off-gage;
in) dimensional length within off-gage with an allowance for each cut to 5 mm or according to customer’s requirement with another allowance.
By agreement between the manufacturer and the customer pipe lengths and dimensional length may be a length not covered in this standard.
5.5 legend
Examples of symbols
Pipe with rectangular profile (PP), normal accuracy, the outer dimensions of 200x100 mm, wall thickness 5.0 mm, length 12000 mm, grade КП290:
Pipe PP — 200х100х5,0х12000 — КП290 — GOST 32931−2015
The square tube profile form (PC), high precision, the outer dimension of 100 mm, a wall thickness of 9.0 mm, the dimensional length of 1200 mm, strength class КП390:
Pipe PC — p — 100х100х9,0х1200 cu — КП390 — GOST 32931−2015
Pipe oval profile (AT), normal accuracy external dimensions 85x50 mm, a wall thickness of 2.5 mm, random length, strength class КП215:
Pipe — 85х50х2,5 — КП215 — GOST 32931−2015
The oval tube shape of the profile of type A (POA), normal accuracy external dimensions 60x20 mm, a wall thickness of 2.0 mm, random length, strength class КП320:
Pipe POA — 60х20х2,0 — КП320 — GOST 32931−2015
The round tube shape of the profile (K), high precision, the outer dimension of 100 mm, a wall thickness of 5.0 mm, the dimensional length 2000 mm, strength class КП245:
Pipe K — p — 100х5,0х2000 cu — КП245 — GOST 32931−2015
5.6 the Information provided in the order
5.6.1 When ordering the customer must specify the following required information:
a) designation of this standard;
b) type of pipe: seamless hot-deformed, seamless cold-drawn, welded or cold-welded (5.1);
C) strength class (5.2);
d) the shape of the profile (5.3, Annex A-D);
d) type flat-sided oval shape of the profile (5.3, Annex D);
e) size and wall thickness of pipes (tables A. 1, B. 1, B. 1, D. 1, D. 1, D. 2 and D. 3);
g) the manufacturing precision, dimension (5.3);
s) length of tubes (5.4).
5.6.2 If necessary, the customer may be specified in the order, the following additional requirements:
a) determination of relative uniform elongation (6.3.2);
b) the manufacture of pipes without rationing, the total straightness (;
C) the registration document of acceptance inspection according to GOST 31458, not covered by this standard (8.4).
5.6.3 If necessary between the manufacturer and the customer can be agreed and specified in the order, the following additional requirements:
a) the manufacture of pipes of intermediate strength class not specified in this standard and the relevant standards mechanical properties in the tensile test tubes (5.2, 6.3.1);
b) the manufacture of pipes of a size not covered by this standard (5.3);
C) the manufacture of pipes of standard length and dimensional length not covered in this standard (5.4);
d) limiting the mass fraction of silicon in the chemical composition of steel (6.2.1);
d) the standard chemical composition of steel (6.2.1);
e) regulation of carbon equivalent (6.2.2);
g) the decrease in elongation for welded pipes delivered without a volume heat treatment (table 1);
I) the manufacture of pipes with wall thickness of 6.0 mm and more with the testing of the impact strength, indicating the norms of toughness, the type of sample and the test temperature (6.3.3);
K) the manufacture of pipes with an offset extreme deviations of the external dimensions of the profile and the wall thickness (;
l) the manufacture of pipes with a radius of curvature of the corners of the profile not specified in this standard (;
m) allowable value of the twisting for seamless and welded cold drawn pipes of square and rectangular shapes of the profile (table 3);
n) the allowable value for ovality of tubes of circular profile shape with a ratio of diameter to wall thickness of more than 100 (table 3);
p) the manufacture of pipes with maximum deviation of lengths and dimensional length not covered by this standard (;
R) removal of the inner Burr and the permissible value of the balance of inner bead and/or thinning the wall thickness of tubes (6.5.1);
C) fabrication of pipe free from scale surface (6.6.4);
t) carrying out hydrostatic testing of pipes and formula (5) to calculate the test pressure for flat oval tubes (6.7.1);
u) conduct testing using non-destructive methods (6.7.2);
f) removing burrs and/or executing chamfers on the pipes round shape profile (6.8);
x) applying additional marking (6.9.2);
C) applying a temporary preservative coating or wrapping pipes in material with volatile corrosion inhibitors (6.9.3);
h) special packing tubes (6.9.4);
W) the conduct of testing of metals non-destructive method according to GOST ISO 10332 replacing hydrostatic tests for round pipes with a diameter less than 168,0 mm (9.9);
u) conduct testing of metals non-destructive method, which replaces hydrostatic tests for pipe of all forms of profile, except for round shapes (9.9).
6 Technical requirements
6.1 Method of production
Seamless pipe manufactured by hot or cold deformation.
Welded pipe manufactured by the method of forming and welding.
Welded cold drawn tubes are produced by method of cold deformation of welded pipes.
Seamless pipe is manufactured, heat treated or without heat treatment according to the manufacturer’s choice.
Welded pipe is manufactured with heat treatment in the entire volume, the local heat treatment of the weld or without heat treatment according to the manufacturer’s choice.
6.2 Chemical composition
6.2.1 Chemical composition of the steel pipe is chosen by the manufacturer subject to the requirements to mechanical properties for the required strength class.
By agreement between manufacturer and customer in the chemical composition of the steel pipe intended for hot-dip galvanizing, the mass fraction of silicon should be restricted.
By agreement between the manufacturer and the customer pipe is manufactured with standard chemical composition.
6.2.2 By agreement between manufacturer and customer carbon equivalent calculated according to the following formula, should not exceed 0.49% for strength classes up to КП390 inclusive and 0.51% for strength classes over КП390
, (1)
where C, Mn, Si, Cr, Ni, Cu, V, R — mass fraction of carbon, manganese, silicon, chromium, Nickel, copper, vanadium and phosphorus, %.
6.3 Mechanical properties
6.3.1 Mechanical properties of the pipe at the tensile test shall be as specified in table 1.
Table 1 — Mechanical properties of the tube under tensile test
Strength class | Yield strength |
Tensile strength |
Elongation |
КП205 |
205 | 330 | 24 |
КП215 |
215 | 353 | 24 |
КП245 |
245 | 412 | 21 |
КП275 |
275 | 410 | 18 |
КП290 |
290 | 510 | 18 |
КП320 |
320 | 549 | 14 |
КП360 |
360 | 560 | 14 |
КП390 |
390 | 580 | 14 |
КП420 |
420 | 490 | 14 |
КП460 |
460 | 550 | 13 |
For pipes made of steels of intermediate strength classes mechanical properties in the tensile test shall be agreed between manufacturer and customer.
6.3.2 At the request of the customer determine the relative uniform elongation for reference.
6.3.3 By agreement between manufacturer and customer, base metal and welded joint of pipes with a wall thickness of 6.0 mm and more should stand the test of the impact strength. The norms of toughness, type of specimens and temperature of impact tests bending must be specified in the order.
6.4 the Limiting deviations of dimensions, profile shape and length of the pipes
6.4.1 Limit deviation of the profile dimensions and wall thickness maximum deviations of the profile dimensions and wall thickness shall conform to the requirements of table 2. manufacturer In agreement with the customer pipe is manufactured with an offset extreme deviations of the external dimensions of the profile and wall thickness. The field of limit deviations should not exceed specified in table 2. In coordination with the consumer pipe is manufactured with a radius of curvature of the corners of the profile not specified in table 2.
Table 2 — Limit deviations of dimensions of the profile and wall thickness
The name of the parameter | Maximum deviation in precision manufacturing or the value of the parameter | ||||||||||
normal | high | ||||||||||
Outer profile size of pipe for all forms of profile: | |||||||||||
— seamless hot-deformed |
±1,50% | ±1,25% | |||||||||
— cold drawn size mm: | |||||||||||
to | 30 | incl. | ±0.30 mm | ±0.25 mm | |||||||
St. | 30 | “ | 50 | » | ±0.40 mm | ±0.30 mm | |||||
" | 50 | ±0,80% | ±0,80% | ||||||||
— weld size in mm: | |||||||||||
to | 30 | incl. | ±0.30 mm | ±0.25 mm | |||||||
St. | 30 | " | 50 | " | ±0.40 mm | ±0.30 mm | |||||
" | 50 | ±0,80% | ±0,80% | ||||||||
The pipe wall thickness for all forms of profile: | |||||||||||
— seamless hot-deformed |
+12,5% -15,0% |
+12,5% -15,0% | |||||||||
cold — formed wall thickness, mm: | |||||||||||
to 3.5 incl. |
±12,5% | ±12,5% | |||||||||
St… 3,5 |
±12,5% | ±10,0% | |||||||||
— welded |
±10,0% | ±10,0% | |||||||||
The radius of the rounded corners of the profile pipes of square and rectangular shapes with a wall thickness of, mm: | |||||||||||
to | 3,0 | incl. | Not more than 2.0 | ||||||||
St. | 3,0 | " | 6,0 | " | (1,6−2,4) | ||||||
" | 6,0 | " | 10,0 | " | (2.0 to 3.0) | ||||||
" | 10,0 | (2,4−3,6) |
6.4.2 maximum deviations of the form above, the maximum deviations of the shapes of pipes shall conform to the requirements of table 3. the deviation from the correct interface surfaces of the corners of the profile radius and the adjacent sides of the profile. the requirement of the consumer pipe is manufactured without rationing, the total straightness.
Table 3 — Limit deviations of the form
The name of the parameter | Maximum deviation of the parameter with a precision of manufacture, not more | ||||||
normal | high | ||||||
Angularity 1 m |
3 mm | 1 mm | |||||
The total angularity of the length of the pipe |
0,2% | 0,1% | |||||
The concavity or convexity of the sides of the pipes of square and rectangular shapes of the profile: | |||||||
— for seamless hot-deformed pipes with sides size, mm: | |||||||
to | 50 | incl. | 0.75 mm | 0.5 mm | |||
St. | 50 | " | 70 | " | 1.0 mm | 0.8 mm | |
" | 70 | " | 100 | " | 1.5 mm | 1.2 mm | |
" | 100 | 2.0 mm | 1.5 mm | ||||
— for seamless cold-drawn, welded and welded cold-deformed tubes with the sides size, mm: | |||||||
to | 50 | incl. | 0.5 mm | 0.5 mm | |||
St. | 50 | " | 70 | " | 0.75 mm | 0.5 mm | |
" | 70 | " | 100 | " | 1.0 mm | 0.8 mm | |
" | 100 | 1,0% | 0,8% | ||||
The twisting pipes of square and rectangular shapes of the profile: | |||||||
— for welded and seamless hot-deformed pipes, mm: | |||||||
to 70 incl. |
2.5 mm at 1 m | 2° at 1 m | |||||
over 70 |
2° at 1 m | 2.5 mm at 1 m | |||||
— seemless cold-drawn tube and welded cold-deformed tubes | - | By agreement between manufacturer and customer | |||||
Ovality of tubes of circular profile shape with a ratio of diameter to wall thickness, mm: | |||||||
— no more than 100 |
- | 2% | |||||
— more than 100 | By agreement between manufacturer and customer |
6.4.3 Limit deviations of length maximum deviations of tubes of standard length and dimensional length should not exceed specified in table 4. Between manufacturer and customer can be agreed to limit deflection of the pipe lengths and dimensional length that are not listed in table 4.
Table 4 — Limit deviations of the length of the pipes
The length of the pipes | Maximum deviation in precision manufacturing, mm | |
normal | high | |
Dimensional | +100 |
+70 |
Dimensional | +100 |
+15 |
6.5 weld
6.5.1 External burrs on the welded pipes is to be removed.
The remainder value of the outer Burr, which project above the adjacent surface of the pipe, shall not exceed:
— wall thickness up to 4.0 mm — 0.5 mm;
— the wall thickness is more than 4.0 mm — 1.0 mm.
In places removing burrs allowed wall thinning to 0.1 mm over the negative deviations.
On the inner surface of the pipe, there is the presence of burrs caused by production method.
By agreement between the manufacturer and the customer the internal Burr must be removed. Permissible value of the balance of inner bead and/or thinning of the wall must be specified in the order.
6.5.2 the Offset edges in the weld pipes, arc-welded submerged-arc welding, shall not exceed that specified in table 5, electric-welded pipes — show the wall thickness in the weld for the permissible minimum value.
Table 5 — the Offset edges of the weld seam
In millimeters
Wall thickness | The offset edges is not more than | ||||||
To | 15,0 | incl. |
1,5 | ||||
SV. | 15,0 | to | 25,0 | « |
0,1 | ||
» | 25,0 | 2,5 |
6.5.3 the Offset rollers of the weld pipes, arc welded by submerged-arc welding, shall not exceed 3,0 mm for tubes with a wall thickness of 20.0 mm and less 4.0 mm — for pipes with wall thickness more than 20.0 mm.
6.6 surface Quality
6.6.1 On the surface of the body tubes are not allowed cracks, slivers, flaws, slag inclusions and sunsets.
On the body surface of the pipes allowed a separate dents, risks, small slivers, rabiza, tracks edits, traces of loose scale, a thin layer of oxide that does not hinder visual inspection, traces of stripper imperfections, not bringing the wall thickness beyond the minimum permitted value.
6.6.2 surface area of the welded connection are not allowed cracks, lack of fusion and burn-through.
The trumpet is not permitted butt welds.
Permitted surface defects of the weld metal in the form of pores, cavities, undercuts and arson, not bringing the wall thickness beyond the minimum permitted value.
6.6.3 remove imperfections of the surface by etching and/or continuous abrasive sweep, provided that they do not display the profile dimensions and wall thickness for valid minimum value.
Remove local imperfections of the surface with abrasive cleansing, with the depth of Stripping should take the wall thickness beyond the permissible minimum value. The local Stripping must move to the adjacent surface of the pipe.
Repair of the body surface of pipes by welding is not allowed.
Allowed repair by welding of pipe joints, except for joints welded cold-deformed pipes. Length separate the repaired area of the weld shall be not less than 50 mm and the total length of the repaired areas is not more than 10% of the length of the pipe. Repairs should be carried out using appropriate welding and filler materials. The welding place must be cleaned.
After repair welding of the weld pipes, heat treated over the entire volume, or weld, the pipe must be subjected to repeated heat treatment.
6.6.4 by agreement between the manufacturer and the customer pipe supplied with cleaned from scale surface.
6.7 the Continuity of metal
6.7.1 by agreement between the manufacturer and the customer pipes shall withstand hydrostatic test pressure , in MPa, calculated according to the formulas given in table 6, when the allowable stress in the pipe wall equal to 80% of yield strength.
Table 6 — Formulas for calculating hydrostatic test pressure
A tube | Formula | |
Round |
(2) |
Square | (3) | |
Rectangular | (4) | |
Oval | (5) | |
(6) | ||
Oval | By agreement between manufacturer and customer |
6.7.2 by agreement between the manufacturer and the customer can be carried out testing by nondestructive methods. For welded pipes is carried out testing of the weld.
6.8 Finishing of ends of
The pipe ends must be cut at right angle without additional finishing. Perpendicularity of end faces is not regulated.
Requirements for deburring and performing chamfer on the round pipe should be agreed between manufacturer and customer.
6.9 Labelling and packaging
6.9.1 General requirements for labeling and packaging must meet the requirements of GOST 10692.
6.9.2 by agreement between the manufacturer and the customer’s pipe can be marked with additional markings.
6.9.3 by agreement between the manufacturer and the customer on the pipe can be applied as a temporary preservative coating or packing is made of pipes in materials with volatile corrosion inhibitors for surface protection of pipes against corrosion during transport in covered vehicles and stored in a dry place not more than 6 months.
6.9.4 By agreement between manufacturer and customer can be made special packing tubes.
7 safety Requirements and environmental protection
Shaped steel tubes seamless hot-deformed, seamless cold-drawn, welded and welded cold steel is fireproof, explosion-proof, non-toxic, elektrobezopasen, environmentally safe and pose no radiation hazard.
Special precautions for transportation and storage of pipes are not required.
8 Rules of acceptance
8.1 Pipe take parties.
The party should consist of pipes of the same species, one form of the profile, one size, one grade, one grade of steel and one form of heat treatment.
The number of tubes in the party shall be those specified in table 7.
Table 7 — Number of pipes in the party
A larger outer profile size, mm | The number of tubes in the party, pieces, not more | |||||
To | 30 | incl. | 1000 | |||
SV. | 30 | to | 70 | " | 500 | |
" | 70 | 200 |
8.2 Batch of pipes subjected to mandatory and optional acceptance tests specified in table 8.
Table 8 — Types of testing and control, rules of selection
Test status | Kind of test or control | Rule selection of pipes from the party | The rate of sampling from the selected pipe. |
Mandatory transceiver acceptance |
Tensile test | 2 | 1 |
Control the size and shape of tubes | 5% | - | |
Control lengths and dimensional length |
100% |
- | |
The control parameters of the weld | 5% | - | |
Visual inspection of surface quality |
100% |
- | |
Additional | Control of the chemical composition analysis of melting |
1 |
- |
Determination of carbon equivalent |
1 |
- | |
Determination of relative uniform elongation |
2 | 1 | |
Impact test bend | 2 | 3 sample at each temperature specified in the order | |
Test hydrostatic pressure |
100% | - | |
Non-destructive testing |
100% |
- | |
Control of geometrical parameters of the chamfer |
5% | - | |
8.3 in case of unsatisfactory results at least in one sample tests for him to repeat the test at twice the sample tubes from the same batch, except the pipe does not pass test. Satisfactory test results spread to the entire party.
Upon receipt of unsatisfactory results, re-testing is permitted testing of all pipes of the party with the exception of the pipes, not stand the test.
Allowed to expose the batch of pipes processing and to present it for acceptance as a new party.
8.4, adopted On consignment of the pipes issue a certificate of acceptance inspection «3.1 In» the graveyard 31458.
At the request of the customer issue other documents on acceptance inspection according to GOST 31458.