GOST R 55942-2014
GOST R 55942−2014 (ISO 6761:1981) steel Tubes. Trim the ends of pipes and fittings for welding. General technical requirements (Amendment)
GOST R 55942−2014
(ISO 6761:1981)
Trim the ends of pipes and fittings for welding. General technical requirements
Steel tubes. Preparation of ends of tubes and fittings for welding. General technical requirements
OKS 23.040.10
OKP 13 000
Date of introduction 2015−01−01
The objectives and principles of standardization in the Russian Federation established by the Federal law of 27 December 2002 N 184-FZ «On technical regulation», and rules for the application of national standards of the Russian Federation — GOST R 1.0−2004"Standardization in the Russian Federation. The main provisions"
Data on standard
1 PREPARED by the Technical Committee for standardization TC 357 «Steel and cast iron pipes and cylinders», Open joint stock company «Russian scientific research Institute of pipe industry» (JSC «RosNITI»), based on the authentic translation of the standard referred to in paragraph 4, which is done by «Specialized translation company «Interservice"
2 SUBMITTED by the Technical Committee for standardization TC 357 «Steel and cast iron pipes and cylinders"
3 APPROVED AND put INTO EFFECT by the Federal Agency for technical regulation and Metrology of 29 January 2014, N 10-St
4 this standard is modified in relation to the international standard ISO 6761:1981* «steel Tubes. Cutting the ends of tubes and fittings for welding» (ISO 6761:1981 «Steel tubes — Preparation of ends of tubes and fittings for welding») by:
— change the individual values of the indicators and signs highlighted in the text of this standard in italics*;
— making additional designations are indicated in the text of this standard in italics*;
— any additional structural elements (paragraphs, tables and figures) highlighted in the text of this standard vertical line**, located in the fields.
* In the original paper designation and number of standards and normative documents in the text are in regular font; the reference documents presented in the original paper in italics, inserted notes at the place;
** In the original paper for more structural elements of the vertical line is not highlighted. — Note the manufacturer’s database.
Application rules of this standard are established in GOST R 1.0−2012 (section 8). Information about the changes to this standard is published in the annual (as of January 1 of the current year) reference index «National standards» and the official text changes and amendments — in monthly information index «National standards». In case of revision (replacement) or cancellation of this standard a notification will be published in a future issue of information index «National standards». Relevant information, notification and lyrics are also posted in the information system of General use — on the official website of the Federal Agency for technical regulation and Metrology on the Internet (gost.ru)
AMENDED, published in the IUS N 2, 2016
An amendment made by the manufacturer of the database
This standard is modified in relation to the international standard ISO 6761:1981 «steel Tubes. Cutting the ends of tubes and fittings for welding» to make finishes all pipes and fittings not covered by ISO 6761.
This standard takes into account the presentation of national standards (in accordance with GOST R 1.5−2004).
Modification of this standard relative to the international standard is as follows:
— added following types of finishing the ends of pipes and fittings traditionally used in national and international practice:
a) BP2 and ФС1 corresponding to the shape of finish welding ends established in ANSI/ASME B 16.25;
b) ФП3 and PS2 corresponding to the shape of finish welding ends products for main and field pipelines;
in) ФП4 form-fitting finish welding ends products for process piping and pipelines of steam and hot water;
g) ФП5 form-fitting finish welding ends products for pipes of General purpose;
d) ФК1 and ФК2 corresponding to the shape of finish welding ends, established in GOST 16037−80.
— finishes all systematized with the assignment of symbols to simplify references to this standard when ordering.
1 Scope
This standard establishes the basic types and requirements for finishing of ends of steel tubes and fittings for welding.
2 Symbols and abbreviations
This standard applies the following designations:,
are angles of the bevel of the chamfer, the degree;
— distance from the inner surface of the pipe to the coupling point of the corners of the complex bevel chamfer, mm;
— the width of the end root face, mm.
— outer diameter of the end of the pipe or fittings, mm;
— the wall thickness of the pipe end or connecting parts, mm.
— radius of curvature at the interface point between the corners of the complex bevel chamfer, mm.
This standard applies the following abbreviations:
FB — type finish ends without bevel;
FC — type finish ends with a round bevel;
OP — type of finish ends with a simple bevel;
FS — finish type ends with a complex bevel.
3 Requirements to finish all
3.1 Types of finishing pipe ends and fittings for welding are shown in tables 1 and 2.
When referring to this standard, without specifying the type of finish ends, the ends of the products without the bevel must meet the requirements specified in table 1 for the FB type, the ends of the products with a simple bevel — shown in table 1 for the type BP1.
In other cases, must specify the type of finish all in accordance with table 2, and if necessary the angle (s) of bevel and chamfer width of the end scene.
3.2 any crooked areas of the pipe end should not be more than the following values, unless otherwise stated in the specific standard documentation on the pipe:
— 1.0 mm — for pipes with external diameter up to 219,0 mm, inclusive;
— 1.5 mm — for pipes with external diameter more than 219,0 to 426,0 mm, inclusive;
— 2,5 mm — for pipes with outside diameters over up to 720,0 426,0 mm, inclusive;
— 3,5 mm — for pipes with outside diameters over up to 720,0 1020,0 mm, inclusive;
— 4.5 mm — for pipes with external diameter more than 1020,0 mm.
3.3 To ensure that the width of the end scene for all types of finishes in addition to FB is allowed to perform an inner chamfer, in accordance with table 3.
3.4 At the ends of the pipes should be free of burrs.
When deburring allowed the formation of the inner chamfer in the plane of the end pipe of a width not exceeding 1.0 mm.
4 acceptance Rules and control methods
Acceptance rules and methods of control of conformity of the ends of pipes and fittings the requirements should be specified in normative and technical documentation for pipe and fittings.
Table 1
(Amendment. ICS N 2−2016).
Finish type ends | Wall thickness |
Dimensions | Form finishing of the ends | |
Width end scene 1), mm | |||
FB | Any |
90 | - | |
OP1 | 3,0 |
30+5 | 1,6±0,8 | |
1) For ERW pipe in the weld zone width allowed from the mechanical blunting of not more than 3б0 mm for a length of not more than 40,0 mm on each side of the weld. |
Table 2
(Amendment. ICS N 2−2016).
Finish type ends | Wall thickness |
Dimensions | Form finishing of the ends | ||
Width end primop- eniya 1), mm | |||
ФК1 |
5,0 |
20±5 | - | 1,5±0,3 | |
ФК2 |
6,0 |
20±5 | 10+1 | 1,5±0,3 | |
BP2 |
3,0 |
35+5 | - | 1,6±0,8 | |
ФП3 |
30−5 | - | 1,8±0,8 | |
ФП4 |
30+5 | - | 2,0±1,0 | |
ФП5 |
35+5 | - | 2,0±1,0 | |
ФП6 |
in agreement the popping |
- | in agreement the popping | |
ФС1 |
35+5 | 8+5 | 1,6±0,8 | |
QC2 |
35−5 | 16−5 | 2,0±1,0 | |
ФС3 |
in agreement the popping |
in agreement the popping |
in agreement the popping | |
1) For ERW pipe in the weld zone width allowed from the mechanical blunting of not more than 3.0 mm for a length of not more than 40,0 mm on each side of the weld. |
Table 3 — Angle of internal chamfer
Wall thickness, mm |
The inner chamfer angle, degree, not more |
To 10.0 incl. |
7,0 |
SV. Of 10.0 to 14.0 incl. |
9,5 |
SV. 14.0 to 16.9 incl. |
11,0 |
SV. 16,9 |
14,0 |
Table 4 — Distance from the inner surface of the pipe to the coupling point of the corners of the complex bevel chamfer
In millimeters
Wall thickness | The value |
From 15,0 to 19,0 incl. | 9,0 |
SV. 19,0 to 21.5 incl. | 10,0 |
SV. 21,5 | 12,0 |
UDC 621.774.09 OKS 23.040.10 OKP 13 000
Keywords: pipe, finishing of ends, fittings, welding, technical requirements