GOST R 54301-2011
GOST R 54301−2011 cold-rolled sheet electrolytically galvanized steel with polymer coating with continuous lines. Specifications
GOST R 54301−2011
Group B33
Cold-rolled electrolyze zinc sheet with polymer coating, repainted by the continuous coil-coating process. Specifications
OKS 77.140.50
GST 11 1120
Date of introduction 2011−07−01
The objectives and principles of standardization in the Russian Federation established by the Federal law of 27 December 2002 N 184-FZ «On technical regulation», and rules for the application of national standards of the Russian Federation — GOST R 1.0−2004 «Standardization in the Russian Federation. The main provisions"
1 DEVELOPED by JSC «Polistil» UK LTD «Insayur-autotrade-TL» and the Federal state unitary enterprise «Central research Institute of ferrous metallurgy them. I. P. Bardin» (FSUE «tsniichermet im. I. P. Bardina»)
2 SUBMITTED by the Technical Committee for standardization TC 375 «steel Products from ferrous metals and alloys"
3 APPROVED AND put INTO EFFECT by the Federal Agency for technical regulation and Metrology dated January 28, 2011 N 4-St
Information about the changes to this standard is published in the annually issued reference index «National standards», and the text changes and amendments — monthly published by the information sign «National standards». In case of revision (replacement) or cancellation of this standard a notification will be published in a monthly information index «National standards». Relevant information, notification and lyrics are also posted in the information system of General use — on the official website of the Federal Agency for technical regulation and Metrology on the Internet
1 Scope
This standard applies to cold rolled sheet electrolytically galvanized steel with polymer (paint or plastitalia) coating produced in aggregates continuous galvanizing and coating polymers rolling method («coil-kouting») and is intended for use in construction, instrument making, production of household appliances and other industries.
2 Normative references
This standard uses the regulatory references to the following standards:
GOST 9.302−88 (ISO 1463−82, ISO 2064−80, ISO 2106−82, ISO 2128−76, ISO 2177−85, ISO 2178−82, ISO 2360−82, ISO 2361−82, ISO 2819−80, ISO 3497−76, ISO 3543−81, ISO 3613−80, ISO 3882−86, ISO 3892−80, ISO 4516−80, ISO 4518−80, ISO 4522−1-85, ISO 4522−2-85, ISO 4524−1-85, ISO 4524−3-85, ISO 4524−5-85, ISO 8401−86) a unified system of protection from corrosion and ageing. Coating of metallic and non-metallic inorganic. Control methods
GOST 12.3.002−75 System safety standards. The process of production. General safety requirements
GOST 12.3.005−75 System safety standards. Work painting. General safety requirements
GOST 166−89 (ISO 3599−76) Calipers. Specifications
GOST 2768−84 Acetone. Specifications
GOST 2787−75 secondary ferrous Metals. General specifications
GOST 6456−82 emery Cloth sanding paper. Specifications
GOST 6507−90 Micrometers. Specifications
GOST 7566−94 metal Products. Acceptance, marking, packing, transportation and storage
GOST 9045−93 cold-rolled thin sheets of low carbon quality steel for cold forming. Specifications
GOST 9825−73 Materials. Terms, definitions and symbols
GOST 14192−96 Marking of cargo
GOST 15150−69 Machines, instruments and other technical products. Versions for different climatic areas. Categories, conditions of use, storage and transportation of the impact of climatic factors of the external environment
GOST 16523−97 rolled sheets from carbon steel quality and common quality of General purpose. Specifications
GOST 19904−90 cold-rolled steel sheets. Assortment
GOST 26877−91 metal Products. Methods of measuring form deviations of
THAT 6−09−782−76* Methyl ethyl ketone
* The one mentioned here and below are author’s development. For additional information, please refer to the link. — Note the manufacturer’s database.
Note — When using this standard appropriate to test the effect of reference standards in the information system of General use — on the official website of the Federal Agency for technical regulation and Metrology on the Internet or published annually by the information sign «National standards» published as on January 1 of the current year and related information published monthly indexes published in the current year. If the reference standard is replaced (changed), when using this standard should be guided by replacing (amended) standard. If the reference standard is cancelled without replacement, then the situation in which the given link applies to the extent that does not affect this link.
3 Terms and definitions
This standard applies the following terms with respective definitions:
3.1 polymer (paint, plastitalia) coating: Film-based high-molecular compounds on the surface of the rolled formed by hot drying roller applied by the method of liquid paint materials (primers, varnishes, finishing and protective enamels, plastisols) and has a complex of protective, decorative, physical-mechanical and other special properties.
3.2 primer: the Bottom layer in the two-layer polymer coating deposited directly on the metal galvanized surface, designed to provide strong adhesion and high corrosion resistance full coating system.
3.3 front side of the rolling steel with the polymer coating Side exposed to external influences.
3.4 reverse side of the coated steel: Side opposite the side exposed to external influences.
3.5 two-layer polymer coating: a Coating consisting of a layer of primer and finishing enamel layer or plastisol.
3.6 single-layer coating: Coating the front and back of rental consisting of a protective layer of enamel (varnish, primers) without regulatory requirements to the appearance, corrosion resistance, formability, etc.
Note — On the reverse side of the rental single-layer coating is applied to protect against mechanical damage to coating the front side of the rental during shipping and storage at the customer.
3.7 rental with double-sided polymer coating (grade EIP): rental with double-layer polymeric coating on the front side.
3.8 rental with bilateral polymer coating (grade Eipp): rental with double-layer polymeric coating on the front side and single layer polymer coating on the reverse side.
4 Classification and assortment
4.1 colour-coated products are divided as follows:
a) for product on:
rolls, obtained by longitudinal cutting (ribbon cutting);
b) in material steel base:
— with a basis rental according to GOST 16523;
— with a basis rental according to GOST 9045.
Note — By agreement between manufacturer and customer are allowed other brands of foundations;
C) the ability to draw the steel base:
— with a basis rental according to GOST 16523:
— normal — N;
— deep — G;
— with a basis rental according to GOST 9045:
— very deep — VG;
— complex drawing — SV;
— a particularly sophisticated exhaust — OSV;
a very particularly complex range hoods VOSV, VOSV-T;
d) for precision manufacturing of the steel base thickness (T) width (W) and length (for sheets) (D) in accordance with the requirements of GOST 19904:
— high — In;
— high — A;
— normal — B;
d) the flatness of the rolled sheets according to the requirements of GOST 19904:
— particularly high — AT;
— high — PV;
— normal — MON.
Note — By agreement between manufacturer and customer delivery of rental with irregular flatness;
e) the type of polymer coating on:
— mark AIPP — rolled electrolytically galvanized with two-sided polymer coating consisting of a primer layer and a layer of enamel coating (plastisol) the front side and the polymer coating of the reverse side;
— mark AOCP — rolled electrolytically galvanized with double-sided polymeric coating of the front side, consisting of a primer layer and a layer of enamel coating (plastisol).
Note — additional customer demand delivery of rental with single layer coating front and back with a special varnish or an undercoat layer;
g) appearance of two-layer polymeric coating of the front side rolled subdivide and indicate:
1st class cover, Eocp-1 and EOCP-1;
— 2-grade coating, AIPP-2 and AIP-2.
4.2 Examples of symbols of coated steel is given in Appendix A.
4.3 main Dimensions
4.3.1 hire with a polymeric covering is made from a steel base with a thickness of 0.35 to 1.2 mm range of thickness according to GOST 19904 or other regulatory documents.
Note — By agreement between manufacturer and the customer-delivery of the hire of other thicknesses.
4.3.2 hire with a polymeric covering manufactured width:
in sheets and rolls from 500 to 1250 mm;
— in coils, obtained by longitudinal cutting from 50 to 500 mm.
Note — By agreement between manufacturer and the customer-delivery of the hire of a width less than 50 mm.
4.3.3 coated steel sheets manufactured in lengths from 1000 to 2500 mm.
Maximum deviations along the length of the sheet shall conform to the requirements of GOST 19904.
4.4 maximum deviations in thickness of the steel base of the coated steel must comply with the requirements of GOST 19904.
4.5 Limit deviations on width:
for sheets and coils in accordance with the requirements of GOST 19904;
— roll obtained by slitting:
— width of strips from 50 to 200 mm (+0,5/-1,0) mm;
— for the width of the bands from 200 to 500 mm (3.0 a/to 2.0) mm.
4.6 Deviation from flatness requirements Cochin cutting (for sheets) and camber — according to GOST 19904.
4.7 is basically a telescoping of the roll must be not more than 20 mm.
4.8 Inner diameter of the coil — (600±10) mm.
Note — roll obtained by slitting, with width up to 200 mm internal diameter can be (300±10) mm.
4.9 Maximum weight, t:
— roll — 8,5;
— sheet pack of — 6;
— foot rolls, obtained by longitudinal cutting, with an internal diameter of 300 mm to 1.5.
Note — For additional agreement between the manufacturer and the customer is allowed a different maximum weight.
5 Technical requirements
5.1 coated steel is manufactured in accordance with the requirements of this standard for technological regulations approved in the prescribed manner.
5.2 as a steel base for the manufacture of electrolytically galvanized steel with polymer coating used pre-painted steel sheet according to GOST 16523, or according to GOST 9045. By agreement between manufacturer and customer is allowed to other brand foundations for other regulatory documents.
5.3 Mechanical properties of the steel base rental shall comply with the document on which it is made.
5.4 Electrolytic zinc coating applied on both sides. Nominal thickness of zinc coating on one side 3 microns. Maximum deviations in thickness of the zinc coating (+2/-1) microns. The additional requirement is allowed other thickness of zinc coating, including differential.
5.5 Materials used for the manufacture of polymer coatings, their designation and the range of thickness of the polymer coating are shown in table 1.
Table 1
The coating material |
Marking |
The range of thickness, microns | |
according to GOST 9825 |
according to ISO 1043−1 |
Primer: |
— epoxy primer |
EP |
EP |
5−15 |
— acrylic primer |
AC, AK |
AY |
5−9 |
— polyester saturated soil |
PL |
SP |
5−9 |
Finishing of enamel: |
epoxy enamel |
EP |
EP |
20−30* |
— alkyd-acrylic enamel |
AK |
AY |
20−30* |
— polyester rich enamel |
PL |
SP |
20−30* |
polyurethane enamel |
UR |
20−60* |
— polivinildenftorid enamel |
OP |
20−60* |
Plastisol (PZ): |
— PVC |
XB |
PVC (P) |
100−200* |
Protective enamel for the back side: |
epoxy enamel |
EP |
EP |
5−18 |
— polyester rich enamel |
PL |
SP |
5−18 |
* The total thickness of the polymer coating together with the ground. |
________________Access to international and foreign documents referred to here and hereinafter, can be obtained by clicking on the link. — Note the manufacturer’s database.
5.5.1. By agreement between the manufacturer and the customer is allowed to use other types of materials. Regulations on the paint material is a document about the quality of the manufacturer of the material.
5.5.2. By agreement between the manufacturer and the customer is allowed a different polymeric coating thickness.
5.5.3. The color of the polymer coating on the front and reverse sides of the rental is determined by agreement between the manufacturer and the customer.
5.6 appearance of the coated steel must comply with the requirements of table 2.
Table 2
The brand and class coverage |
Type of coverage |
The characteristic appearance of the coating on the front side of the rental |
AIPP-1 AIP-1 |
Paint |
The surface must be solid. The surface coating shall be continuous, free of defects that penetrate to the metal base. Individual defects permitted, not larger than 3 mm, not penetrating to the metal base, or a small group of such defects. Permitted defects of the coating at a distance of not more than 5 mm from the edge of the roll |
AIPP-1 AIP-1 |
Plastitalia |
The surface must be plain with embossing or without embossing. The surface coating shall be continuous, free of defects that penetrate to the metal base. Individual defects permitted, not larger than 3 mm, not penetrating to the metal base, or a small group of such defects, periodically or randomly located, and also separate parts with the distortion of the image (relief) embossing. Permitted defects of the coating at a distance of not more than 5 mm from the edge of the roll |
Eocp-2 AIP-2 |
Paint, plastitalia |
In addition to the defects mentioned for the 1st class coverage permitted: roughness, color variation, orange peel, roughness, inclusions, some scratches, a violation of coatings on edges up to 10 mm wide, attrition, nadawi, the fingerprints, the lack of coverage on individual plots of less than 3%, private kinks |
Note — the appearance of the polymer coatings evaluated visually without the use of magnifying devices. |
5.7 Indicators of quality two-layer polymer coating on the front side of the rental given in table 3.
Table 3
An indicator of the quality of polymer coatings |
The value of indicator of the quality of polymer coatings |
1, the Adhesion score |
0 |
2 the Strength of the reverse shock, j, not less than |
5 |
3 tensile Strength, mm, not less |
6 |
4 Flexural Strength, method of wrapping, bending T |
3T |
5 Hardness of the polymer coating on the pencil |
F-H-2H |
6 the Color difference, |
1 |
7 Gloss 60°, units. |
10−80 |
Notes 1 the Hardness of the polymer coating (pencil method) is determined by the type of material used for the manufacture of the polymer coating. 2 the Volume and value of indicators of the quality of polymer coatings and methods of control determined by agreement between the manufacturer and the customer when ordering. 3, in the absence of the customer devices for measuring gloss and color difference control of these indicators can be visual according to the pattern agreed with the customer when ordering. |
These indicators of the quality of the polymer coating and their values must be agreed between manufacturer and customer and depend on the type of the applied coatings.
5.8 the agreement between the manufacturer and the customer may establish additional special indicators of the quality of the polymer coating.
5.9 the appearance of the reverse side of the rental shall conform to the requirements of table 4.
Table 4
Type of coverage |
The characteristic appearance of the coating on the reverse side of the rental |
Zinc (brand EOCP) |
The coating is light gray must be firmly linked with the base metal without flaking, chipping, blistering and cracking. Different shades are enabled, uneven coloring of the passive film. Allowed separate defects that do not penetrate to Metallostroy not manifested on the face |
Polymer (brand AIPP) |
The coating must be continuous. Allowed separate defects that do not penetrate to Metallostroy not manifested on the face, neprokrasy area of not more than 2% of the total surface |
Notes 1 quality of appearance is determined visually without the use of magnifying devices. 2 Adhesion of the polymer coating to the substrate should not be below point 1 of Annex V. |
5.10 In the rolls of the rolling steel with the polymer coating is allowed no more than one weld. The quality of the surface of the polymer coating at a distance of 5 m from the seam in both directions is not regulated. The additional requirement of the customer is possible to supply the coils without welds.
5.11 In rolls and packs of rolled products with polymer coating 1 St class coverage is allowed up to 5% of hire with polymeric coating of the 2nd class of coating.
5.12 To protect the surface of the polymer coating from mechanical damage during transport and processing may be applied on the front side of the rolled polymer film (self-adhesive or applied by way of Termokarstovoye).
6 acceptance Rules
6.1 acceptance of the rolling steel with the polymer coating according to GOST 7566.
6.2 the hire with a polymeric covering take parties. For the party take one roll. For rolled products with polymer coating, supplied in bundles or coils, obtained by slitting, for the party taking the initial roll.
6.3 the Party rolling with a polymeric covering is accompanied by a quality document in accordance with GOST 7566.
Indicators of the quality of the polymer coating in the document about the quality of point according to customer’s requirement.
6.4 For the control of conformity of the rolling steel with the polymer coating to the requirements of this standard take one stack or one roll.
7 control Methods
7.1 For the test select a single sheet from the control bundle or single piece of a length of 1 m from the end or the beginning of the control coil.
7.2 the Thickness of the Foundation sheet is determined with a micrometer according to GOST 6507 before applying or after removal of zinc and polymer coatings.
7.3 Mechanical properties the foundations attest the document as a manufacturer of steel base.
7.4 Cosine of the cut to sheets certified check on control plate using the attached template of a right angle.
7.5 Control the appearance of the surface of the polymer coating is carried out without the use of magnifying devices.
7.6 the size of the sheets bundles and bands measured by a universal measurement tool with a scale division of 1 mm.
7.7 Dimensions of tape measure caliper type SHC-II according to GOST 166.
7.8 Control of camber and deviation from flatness of the sheets is carried out according to GOST 26877.
7.9 is basically a telescoping rolls of the rolling steel with the polymer coating is determined according to GOST 26877.
7.10 test Methods of rolling steel with the polymer coating, shape, size and number of samples are given in table 5.
Table 5
Assignment samples |
The dimensions of the samples |
The number of samples. |
Control method |
1 To control the thickness of coatings: a) polymer coating |
Discs (56,3±0,1) mm or plate 50x50 mm | 3 (edge — middle — edge) |
Appendix B of this standard |
b) zinc coating |
To determine the polymer coating or after removal of the polymer coating by gravimetric method according to GOST 9.302. The thickness of the zinc coating is defined as the average of three samples. When calculating take into account the thickness of the sample surface on both sides and the density of zinc is 7.2 g/cm | ||
2 To determine the adhesion of the polymer coating to the substrate: a) polymer coating of the front side b) the polymer coating of the reverse side |
Stripe width 90 mm, length according to the width of the sheet (strip) |
1 |
The application of this standard |
3 To determine the strength of the polymer coating in tension |
Appendix d of this standard | ||
4 To determine the strength of the polymer coating when the T-shaped bending |
40x400 mm. Size 40 mm in the direction of rolling |
1 |
Annex D of this standard |
5 To determine the strength of the polymer coating in a reverse punch |
Stripe width 90 mm, length according to the width of the sheet (strip) | 1 |
Annex E of this standard |
6 To determine the gloss polymer coating |
Appendix W of this standard | ||
7 To determine the hardness of the polymer coating (with a pencil) |
The application of this standard And | ||
8 To determine color variations of the polymer coating |
The sample size of 150x100 mm |
3 (edge — middle — edge) |
The Annex To this standard |
Note — Control indications 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8 produce three parts of the strip (edge — middle — edge). Extreme areas must be at a distance from the edges at least 50 mm. |
7.11 the agreement between the manufacturer and the customer is allowed to use other methods of testing the quality of polymer coating.
8 Packing, marking, transportation and storage
8.1 Packaging, labeling, transportation and storage — by GOST 7566 with additions.
8.2 the Packing of the rolling steel with the polymer coating should prevent the coil packs from corrosion and mechanical damage during transportation.
8.3 Each pack or roll (stack of rolls obtained by slitting) of the rolling steel with the polymer coating provide a packing label or tag indicating the name of the supplier, batch number, steel grade, the geometry of the rolling steel with the polymer coating and color coating, the weight rooms of this standard.
8.4 Transport marking under GOST 14192.
8.5 Coils with an inner diameter of 600 mm is shipped with a horizontal axis, rolls with an inner diameter of 300 mm with a vertical axis.
8.6 the Weight and size of the coils can be additionally specified when ordering with the method of packing and shipment.
8.7 Transportation of rolled products with polymer coating produced by the railway or motor transport in accordance with the rules established for the respective types of transport. Stop the transport of coils (obtained by slitting) weighing up to 1500 kg produced in covered vehicles.
8.8 the rolling steel with the polymer coating should be stored in conditions that meet the requirements of GOST 15150 for storage conditions ZHZ.
8.9 Manufacture of products from steel paint coating is carried out at a metal temperature not below 15 °C, with plastisole coating at a temperature below 10 °C.
8.10 the Maximum period of storage of the rolling steel with the polymer coating prior to processing the customer should not exceed six months from the date of shipment to the manufacturer of hire, subject to the rules of transportation and storage (Appendix L).
8.11 rental with a polymer coating disposed as a secondary ferrous metals — 2787 churchyard.
9 safety Requirements
9.1 the rolling steel with the polymer coating is non-toxic and non-combustible material.
9.2 All work associated with the use of the rolling steel with the polymer coating should be carried out with observance of safety requirements according to GOST 12.3.002, GOST
9.3 Production control over observance of sanitary rules and performance sanitary-antiepidemic (preventive) actions is carried out in accordance with the requirements of sanitary regulations [2].
9.4 conditions of production, packaging, transportation and storage sheet electrolytically galvanized steel with polymer (paint, plastisoles) coating should not adversely impact on the person.
Appendix A. Examples of symbols
Appendix A
Rolled sheet electrolytically galvanized steel with double-sided polymer coating (brand AIPP), first class coverage (1), high accuracy in thickness (at), high accuracy by width (TS), normal accuracy in terms of length (DB), high flatness (PV), deep drawing (D) grade of steel base (08ps) according to GOST 16523, sheet sizes 0,5х1000х2500 mm with paint coating the front side of the ground F310, enamel F618 RAL 9003, paint the back side enamel Е203:
Hot-rolled coil electrolytic galvanized with double-sided polymer coating (brand AOCP), second grade coverage (2), high precision thickness (at), normal accuracy in width (SB), complex extracts (NE), grade of steel base (08JU) according to GOST 9045, size of the roll 0,5х1250 mm with paint coating the front side of the ground F310, enamel F618 RAL 6005:
A roll obtained by slitting rolled (cut strip) electrolytically galvanized with double-sided polymer coating (brand AOCP), second grade coverage (2), high precision thickness (at), complex extracts (NE), grade of steel base (08JU) according to GOST 9045, size 0,5x50 mm with paint coating the front side of the ground F310, enamel F618 RAL 6005:
Appendix B (mandatory). Method of measuring polymeric coating thickness.
Appendix B
B. 1 measurement Conditions
When a measurement comply with the following conditions:
— the temperature of the air in the working room (20±2) °C;
— relative humidity in the working room — (65±5)%.
B. 2 measuring Method
Mechanical method of measuring the thickness of a polymer coating relates to destructive methods of control. It is based on determining the difference between the readings of the micrometer, at the measuring point obtained before the removal of the polymer coating and after removal.
B. 3 measurement Means, auxiliary devices, materials
A digital micrometer with a bracket, having the following characteristics:
— measuring range is 0−25 mm;
— measurement error — not more than 2 microns;
— surface measurements: one flat and the other spherical.
The psychrometer of any type, providing measurement of relative humidity from 30% to 80% with an error of no more than 10%.
Thermometer, which measure room temperature from 0 °C to 35 °C, division 0,5 °C.
The solvent — acetone GOST 2768, methyl ethyl ketone 6−09−782 on the other.
B. 4 Preparing to run tests
The distance from the edge of the strip during cutting of the samples of «edge» should be not less than 50 mm.
B. 5 Procedure of measurement
For measurements use three sample with a polymer coating, cut to the width of the roll: «edge», «middle», «edge». Determination of coating thickness produced in one point on each sample. For this sample draw a circle with a diameter of about 10 mm, measured with a micrometer the thickness of the coating to the substrate in the target point and record the readings of the micrometer. Carefully remove the covering within the delineated circles, and measure with a micrometer the thickness of the substrate. The coating thickness calculated by subtracting the readings obtained after removal of the coating from the testimony received prior to coating removal.
B. 6 Processing of measurement results
As a result of the thickness measurements take the values obtained on the three samples according to the width of the roll: «edge», «middle», «edge». If at least one thickness value does not match the desired values, the measurement is repeated six samples. The coating is considered satisfactory if the repeated results match the desired values for six of the six definitions.
Annex b (mandatory). A method of determining the adhesion of the polymer coating
The App
B. 1 test Conditions
When tested comply with the following conditions:
— the temperature of the air in the working room (20±2) °C;
— relative humidity in the working room — (65±5)%.
B. 2 test Method
The method is based on the assessment of the degree of retention or peeling elements of the polymer coating, cut to the substrate (method of lattice cuts).
The method is not suitable for coatings of total thickness greater than 250 µm or for textured coatings.
B. 3 the test media, accessories, materials
The cutting tool with the sharpening angle of the cutting edge from 20° to 30° and the thickness of the blade (0,43±0,03) mm (allowed the blade razor) or multiblade cutting tool with six cutting edges at a distance of 1 mm.
A jig with slots when using single-edge cutting tool.
Magnifier with magnification of 2or 3
Soft brush or toothbrush.
Transparent adhesive tape of any type with a minimum width of 25 mm and 50 mm.
Thermometer, which measure room temperature from 0 °C to 35 °C, division 0,5 °C.
The psychrometer of any type, providing measurement of relative humidity from 30% to 80% with an error of no more than 10%.
Testing machine type FST-10 or any other with similar technical and metrological characteristics:
— mold inner diameter (27+1) mm;
— plug-mold — sphere diameter of (20±1) mm;
— the speed of the punch (12±6) mm/min.
The line of metal of any type with length not less than 200 mm and with a scale division of 1 mm.
B. 4 Preparing to run tests
Samples for test should be smooth, without distortions.
The distance from the grating to the edge of the sample and between the bars should not be less than 50 mm.
V. 5 the Order of execution of testing for coatings
The sample is placed on a solid, level surface to prevent the deformation of the sample during the test.
The cutting tool cuts applied on the polymer coating with defined gaps between them, the pressure on the cutting tool must be constant, without sudden movements. Then repeat this operation, producing the same number of parallel movements, overlapping the original cuts at 90° to form the lattice. All incisions should reach to the base (galvanized steel), length of the notches should be at least 50 mm. the Number of cuts in each direction of the lattice should be equal to six. The distance between the incisions in each direction must be the same. The range of distances between the cuts depends on the thickness of the polymer coating (table V. 1).
Table B. 1
The distance between the incisions, mm |
Coating thickness, µm |
1±0,1 |
0−60 |
2±0,1 |
61−120 |
3±0,1 |
121−250 |
After applying the cuts lightly brushing the specimen with a soft brush (brush) five times forward and backward along both diagonals of the lattice. Then put sticky tape on the grille cuts, glued the ribbon to the length at least 20 mm, remove air bubbles and thoroughly smooth. After 5 minutes the tape off the free end, uniformly applying force at an acute angle.
B. 6 Evaluation of test results
The test is carried out on the sample at three points: «the edge», «middle», «edge». Evaluation of the results of tests carried out immediately after removing the adhesive tape according to the scale given in table B. 2.
Table B. 2
Score |
Description the paintwork surface in the test area |
0 |
The edges of the cuts smooth, no signs of flaking in one grid square |
1 |
Slight peeling of the coating in the form of small flakes at the intersections of the grid lines. Violation is not more than 5% of the area of the zone of lattice cuts |
2 |
Partial or complete peeling of the coating along the lines of the grid cuts or in their intersections. Violation observed no less than 5% and not more than 15% of the area of the zone of lattice cuts |
3 |
Partial or complete peeling of the coating along the lines of the grid cuts or in their intersections. Violation observed no less than 15% and not more than 35% of the area of the zone of lattice cuts |
4 |
The peeling of the coating in excess of 35% of the area of the zone of lattice cuts, but not more than 65% |
5 |
Exfoliation, exceeding the 4th degree of the scale |
The coating is considered satisfactory if all three points, adhesion points corresponds to the desired value.
Different values of adhesion the test shall be repeated on twice the number of samples. The coating is considered satisfactory if the repeated results match the desired value in the six of the six definitions.
V. 7 the test Procedure for plastizol coverings
For rental with plastisole coating test is carried out in three points: «the edge», «middle», «edge». At each point, make two cuts in mutually perpendicular directions to produce a square with a side of 5 mm, which is extruded spherical hole depth of 6 mm.
For extruding spherical dimples are used, the device type FST-10 or any other with similar technical and metrological characteristics. The device is set up in accordance with documentation (technical description, operation instructions, etc.). The rate of movement of the punch should be uniform and equal to (12±6) mm/min.
V. 8 Evaluation of test results
The coating is considered satisfactory if, after extruding spherical holes with depth of 6 mm in the notch there is no exfoliation of the film of plastisol in the three points of testing. In the case of exfoliation of the film of plastisol in at least one of the three testing points («edge», «middle», «edge») the test shall be repeated on twice the number of samples. The coating is considered satisfactory if the repeated results match the desired value in the six of the six definitions.
Appendix d (mandatory). Method of definition of durability of the polymer coating in tension
Appendix D
G. 1 test Conditions
When tested comply with the following conditions:
— the temperature of the air in the working room (20±2) °C;
— relative humidity in the working room — (65±5)%.
G. 2 test Method
The method is based on the assessment of the durability of the polymer coating to cracking or spalling under slow deformation of a spherical indenter with a diameter of 20 mm.
3 Tools for testing, assistive devices, materials
Testing machine type FST-10 or other with similar technical and metrological characteristics:
— mold inner diameter (27+1) mm;
— punch with a spherical indenter with diameter of (20±1) mm;
— the speed of the punch (12±6) mm/min;
— matrix with an internal diameter (27±1) mm;
measuring device measuring the depth of the hole obtained by using the indenter, with an accuracy of 0.1 mm.
Any type of magnifying glass with a tenfold magnification.
Thermometer, which measure room temperature from 0 °C to 35 °C, division 0,5 °C.
The psychrometer of any type, providing measurement of relative humidity from 30% to 80% with an error of no more than 10%.
G. 4 Preparing to run tests
Samples for test should be smooth, without distortions.
The distance from the test to the edge of the sample and between the holes should be at least 50 mm.
G. 5 the Order of execution for tests
Testing machine arm in accordance with the manual. When testing the speed of movement of the punch should be uniform and equal to (12±6) mm/min Sample placed in the machine the polymer coating up and squeeze the hole to a depth of 6 mm. Coating, after testing, inspect with a magnifying glass. The test is carried out in three sample points: «the edge», «middle», «edge». The distance between adjacent test points shall not be less than 90 mm.
G. 6 Evaluation of test results
The coating is considered satisfactory if, on a spherical surface of each of the three holes no cracking and peeling. If the surface of the coating at least one of the pits observed these defects, the test shall be repeated on twice the number of samples. The coating is considered satisfactory if the repeated results match the desired value in the six of the six definitions.
Appendix e (mandatory). Test method of durability of the polymer coating when the T-shaped bending
Appendix E
D. 1 test Conditions
— the temperature of the air in the working room (20±2) °C;
— relative humidity in the working room — (65±5)%.
D. 2 test Method
This method of strength test of polymer coating based on the bending of the sample without shims and the mandrel 180° with bite in a specific pattern to the cracking.
D. 3 test
Any type of magnifying glass with a tenfold magnification.
A vise of any type.
The psychrometer of any type, providing measurement of relative humidity from 30% to 80% with an error of no more than 10%.
Thermometer, which measure room temperature from 0 °C to 35 °C, division 0,5 °C.
D. 4 Preparing to run tests
On the surface of the sample should be free of contamination (oil, dust, automotive lubrication from the blades), which may affect the test results or to prevent the observation of the cracking.
The test coating should always be on the outside of the bend.
In assessing the state of the coating in the bend do not take into account portions of the sample at a distance of 5 mm from the edges.
D. 5 the Rules of the test
The sample is bent 180° at a distance of 25 mm from the edge (covering the top) parallel to the rolling and then squeeze in a Vice to the contact.
The condition of the coating at the bend examine visually with a magnifying glass.
If the surface coating at the bend no cracks, the strength at the first bend corresponds to 0 T In case of presence of cracks on the coating sample for the second time bent 180°, wrapping it around the curved part and clamping in a vise. In the absence of the cracking strength of the coating when the second bending is 0.5 T. If the coating cracks, the sample continues to bend to three, four, five or more times, while strength is 1.0 T; 1.5 T; 2.0 T or more.
D. 6 Processing of test results
The test is carried out on one sample. The paint coverage is considered satisfactory if the curl value of T less than or corresponds to the desired value. If the value of the bending T more than the required value, the test shall be repeated on twice the number of samples. The coating is considered satisfactory if the values of two repeated bending T of the two definitions or less correspond to the desired value.
Annex E (mandatory). Method of definition of durability of the polymer coating in a reverse punch
Annex E
E. 1 test Conditions
When tested comply with the following conditions:
— the temperature of the air in the working room (20±2) °C;
— relative humidity in the working room — (65±5)%.
E. 2 test Method
The method is based on determining the resistance of the polymer coating to cracking or flaking during deformation, caused by falling load, the firing pin is a ball with a diameter of 20 mm.
E. 3 testing, assistive devices, materials
Device model «Impact tester» that includes:
— the hammer weight 1000,0 g ball diameter (20±0,3) mm;
— a weight 1000,0 g;
— the anvil with the hole diameter (27,0±0,3) mm;
— scale length (1000±1) mm with a scale division of 1 mm.
Any type of magnifying glass with a tenfold magnification.
Thermometer, which measure room temperature from 0 °C to 35 °C, division 0,5 °C.
The psychrometer of any type, providing measurement of relative humidity from 30% to 80% with an error of no more than 10%.
E. 4 Preparing for test
Samples for test should be smooth, without distortions.
Distance from point of impact to the edge of the specimen shall be not less than 50 mm; the distance between the bumps is not less than 50 mm.
E. 5 the Order of execution for tests
The test specimen is placed in the device a polymer coating down. Raise the cargo striker with a total weight of 2 kg to a height corresponding to the required value of impact energy, and let fall the load on the sample, then consider the point of impact with a magnifying glass. At the point of impact should not be cracking and exfoliation of the polymer coating. The ratio of the height of falling weight of 2 kg (19.6 N) and occurs at the point of impact energy are shown in table E. 1.
Table E. 1
Energy, J |
Drop height, cm |
5 |
25,5 |
5,5 |
28,0 |
6 |
30,6 |
6,5 |
33,1 |
7 |
35,7 |
7,5 |
The 38.2 |
8 |
40,8 |
8,5 |
43,3 |
9 |
45,9 |
9,5 |
48,5 |
10 |
51,0 |
10,5 |
53,6 |
11 |
56,1 |
11,5 |
58,6 |
12 |
61,2 |
12,5 |
63,7 |
13 |
66,3 |
13,5 |
68,9 |
14 |
71,4 |
14,5 |
74,0 |
15 |
76,5 |
15,5 |
79,0 |
16 |
81,6 |
16,5 |
84,2 |
17 |
86,7 |
17,5 |
89,3 |
18 |
91,8 |
18,5 |
Of 94.4 |
19 |
97,0 |
19,5 |
99,5 |
20 |
102,0 |
E. 6 Evaluation of test results
The test is carried out on the sample at three points: «the edge», «middle», «edge». The coating is considered satisfactory if the surface of impact, produced with the required value of energy in each of the three points no cracking and peeling. If the surface cover in place at least one impact observed these defects, the test shall be repeated on twice the number of samples. The coating is considered satisfactory if the repeated results match the desired value in the six of the six definitions.
E. 7 conditions of the customer
At the request of the customer is allowed to determine the maximum impact energy in joules, in which the point of impact is not observed cracking and exfoliation of the polymer coating. The test is carried out on the sample at three points: «the edge», «middle», «edge». For the final testing result in this case take the maximum of the impact energy in joules, coinciding in three points.
Appendix g (mandatory). Method of determination of gloss polymer coating
App W
J. 1 the test Conditions
When tested comply with the following conditions:
— the temperature of the air in the working room (20±2) °C;
— relative humidity in the working room — (65±5)%.
J. 2 test Method
The method is based on measuring the current induced in the photodetector device under the action of the luminous flux at a specific angle to the test coating and reflected from it in the specular direction.
J. 3 testing, assistive devices, devices
Blackmer type REFO 3 or any other with similar technical and metrological characteristics:
— measurement range — 0−100 units Shine;
— geometry measurement — 20°/20°, 60°/60°, 85°/85°;
standard sample in the form of a polished black glass plate.
The psychrometer of any type, providing measurement of relative humidity from 30% to 80% with an error of no more than 10%.
Thermometer, which measure room temperature from 0 °C to 35 °C, division 0,5 °C.
J. 4 Preparation for testing
Samples for test should be smooth, without distortions.
The distance from the test to the edge of the sample and between sites for each test shall be not less than 40 mm.
Device before the test, prepare in accordance with the supplied instructions.
To determine gloss polymer coating using three angles:
— 60° — determination of the Shine from 0 to 100 units;
— 20° — to determine the gloss of the samples, with the geometry 60° gloss have more than 70 units;
— 85° — to determine the gloss of the samples, with a geometry of 60° are less than 15 gloss units.
J. 5 Implementation of the test
The test is carried out in three sample points: «the edge», «middle», «edge». The distance from the edge of the sample to the point «edge» should be not less than 50 mm.
J. 6 Evaluation of test results
For the final results definition be the arithmetic mean value of three parallel measurements of gloss polymer coating. The coating is considered satisfactory if the arithmetic average of the gloss is placed in a desired range of values. If the value of the gloss above or below the desired values, the test shall be repeated on twice the number of samples. The coating is considered satisfactory if the arithmetic average of the six parallel re-definition of gloss is placed in a desired range of values.
And application (required). The method of determining the hardness of the polymer coating (with a pencil)
The Application And
I. 1 test Conditions
When tested comply with the following conditions:
— the temperature of the air in the working room (20±2) °C;
— relative humidity in the working room — (65±5)%.
I. 2 test Method
The method is based on the hardness of the hard stylus pencil, leaving on the polymer coating after exposure at an angle of 45° and a load of 750 g mechanical damage (scratches and tears).
I. 3 tests, assistive devices, devices
A set of marking pencils firms KON-I-NOR 1500, having a hardness on the scale (in ascending order): 6B, 5B, 4B, 3B, 2B, B, HB, F, H, 2H, 3H, 4H, 5H, 6H.
Automatic device for testing (hardness), providing the angle of the pencil of 45° and a load of 750 g.
Sandpaper with a fine grain type П2Г51СМ50Н48 GOST 6456 or any other with similar characteristics.
Thermometer, which measure room temperature from 0 °C to 35 °C, division 0,5 °C.
The psychrometer of any type, providing measurement of relative humidity from 30% to 80% with an error of no more than 10%.
I. 4 Preparation for testing
Pencils sharpened so that the pencil was not jagged and had a cylindrical shape, performed on the 6 mm wood. The stylus is then treated with emery paper in order to obtain a perfectly circular cross-section, which is as accurate as possible is a right angle with the axis of the pencil.
I. 5 testing
Prepared pencil inserted into the hole automatic test the device and record so that the stylus touched the coating and the lower surface of the device was parallel to the sample surface. Then draw with a pencil on the cover a line length of at least 7 mm, loosely laminating device. 30 with an eraser or cotton swab dampened with inert relative to the coating solvent, removed mark and conduct a visual assessment of the test results. The test is carried out in three sample points: «the edge», «middle», «edge». The distance from the edge of the strip to the point «edge» should be not less than 50 mm.
I. 6 Assessment of the test results
The paint coverage is considered satisfactory if the pencil hardness of the stylus which corresponds to the desired value of hardness of the coating, leaves on the scratching surface and gaps at three points test (plastic deformation is allowed). If at least one of the three testing points («edge», «middle», «edge») to observe the damage of coating, then the test shall be repeated on twice the number of samples. The coating is considered satisfactory if the repeated results match the desired value in the six of the six definitions.
App To (optional). A method of measuring the color differences of materials with a polymer coating
App To
K. 1 test Conditions
When tested comply with the following conditions:
— the temperature of the air in the working room (20±2) °C;
— relative humidity in the working room — (65±5)%.
K. 2 test Method
The method is based on measuring the color coordinates L, A, B standard and the test samples in CIELAB system and determining the total color difference of standard and test samples.
K. 3 the test media, accessories, instruments
Spectrophotometer, having the following characteristics:
standard observer 2° or 10°;
— geometry and measurement /8° or 0°/45°;
— aperture dimension of 20 mm (may be less);
— light source — D65 (for determining the metamerism of the required additional light source).
Standard samples with polymer coating of different colors sizes 150х100 mm, made on the same basis as that of the test sample with the same coating system and identical thickness, gloss and surface texture of polymeric coatings.
The psychrometer of any type, providing measurement of relative humidity from 30% to 80% with an error of no more than 10%.
Thermometer, which measure room temperature from 0 °C to 35 °C, division 0,5 °C.
K. 4 Preparing for performance testing
Samples for test shall be flat, free from mechanical damages and contaminations, size 150 x100 mm.
The distance from the edge of the strip during cutting of the samples of «edge» should be not less than 50 mm.
For dark saturated colors (e.g., blue, brown, black) and bright colors (e.g., red, yellow) the error of the measurement results of color difference can be large. In this case, use the method of visual comparison.
K. 5 test
In the calibration device and the measurement follow the instructions for the device. For the tests used three samples with a polymer coating, cut to the width of the roll: «edge», «middle», «edge».
K. 6 Evaluation of test results
The test result should be the arithmetic mean value of three parallel measurements full color differences with a precision of tenths.
The coating is considered satisfactory if the total color difference of less than 1.
Annex E (recommended). Storage conditions and transportation
Appendix L
It is recommended that the colour-coated products to be transported and stored dry and protected from moisture conditions.
When laying the bundles in the stacks it is necessary to pay attention to the fact that the stack height was selected due to prevent excessive pressure. Invalid warehousing and storage rolls on the ground, it is necessary to use wooden sticks or protective backing such as felt.
You need to pay attention to on the plane storage was not bumps or foreign objects. They may damage a few turns of the roll. You should also avoid stacking coils on top of each other in the horizontal position of the axis of the rolls.
Unloading of coils should be done by careful recovery, e.g. through special clamps or other lifting devices, ensuring protection of coils and packs against mechanical damage, but not by contraction or shift to avoid scratches caused by the presence of sawdust, dust or dirt (often invisible).
[1] ISO 1043−1:2001 |
Plastic. Symbols and abbreviations. Part 1. Basic polymers and their special characteristics |
[2] SP 1.1.1058−2001 |
The organization and carrying out of production control over observance of sanitary rules and implementation of sanitary and anti-epidemic (preventive) measures |
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