GOST 5521-93
GOST 5521−93 rolled steel for shipbuilding. Specifications (with Change No. 1)
GOST 5521−93
Band Q23
Rolled steel for shipbuilding. Specifications
ISS 77.140.50
OKP 09 7100, 09 3100, 3200 09
Date of introduction 1996−01−01
1 DEVELOPED by the Technical Committee 120
INTRODUCED by Gosstandart of Russia
2 ADOPTED by the Interstate Council for standardization, Metrology and certification (report of the Technical Secretariat N 2 15 APR 1993)
The standard was accepted by voting:
The name of the state |
The name of the national authority for standardization |
The Republic Of Belarus |
Belstandart |
The Republic Of Kazakhstan |
Gosstandart Of The Republic Of Kazakhstan |
The Republic Of Moldova | Moldovastandart |
Russian Federation |
Gosstandart Of Russia |
The Republic Of Turkmenistan |
Glavgosekspertiza Turkmenistan |
Ukraine |
Gosstandart Of Ukraine |
3 Decree of the Russian Federation Committee on standardization, Metrology and certification, dated 25 April 1995 N 233 inter-state standard GOST 5521−93 introduced directly as state standard of the Russian Federation from January 1, 1996
4 REPLACE GOST 5521−86
5 EDITION (September 2009) with amendment No. 1, approved in April 2003 (IUS 7−2003)
The change in N 1 taken by the Interstate Council for standardization, Metrology and certification (Protocol No. 22 dated 06.11.2002)
Was standards Bureau MGS N 4290
For the adoption of the changes voted by national standardization bodies of the following States: AZ, BY, GE, KZ, KG, MD, RU, TJ, TM, UZ, UA [codes alpha-2 at MK (ISO 3166) 004]
1 Scope
This standard applies to plate, universal broadband, bandpass and shaped rolled steel of normal and high strength for shipbuilding.
As part of the rules of the chemical composition standard also applies to bars, blooms, tutuncu, rolled and cast billets.
2 Normative references
The present standard features references to the following standards:
GOST 82−70 hot-rolled steel universal broadband. Assortment
GOST 103−2006 hot-rolled steel Strip. Assortment
GOST 535−2005 the bar and shaped sections of quality carbon steel. General technical requirements
GOST 1497−84 (ISO 6892−84) Metals. Test methods tensile
GOST 4543−71 rolled alloy structural steel. Specifications
GOST 5639−82 of Steel and alloys. Methods of detection and determination of grain size
GOST 7268−82 Steel. The method of determining the propensity to mechanical aging test the impact strength
GOST 7564−97 hire. General rules of sample, blanks collection for mechanical and technological tests
GOST 7565−81 (ISO 377−2-89) Iron, steel and alloys. Sampling method for determination of chemical composition
GOST 7566−94 metal Products. Acceptance, marking, packing, transportation and storage
GOST 8240−97 Channels hot-rolled steel. Assortment
The Angles GOST 8509−93 hot-rolled steel angle. Assortment
GOST 8510−86 angle steel hot rolled angle. Assortment
GOST 9235−76 hot-rolled symmetrical Bulb for shipbuilding. Assortment
GOST 9454−78 Metals. Test method for impact strength at low, room and elevated temperatures
GOST 12344−2003 Steel alloyed and high alloy. Methods for determination of carbon
GOST 12348−78 (ISO 629−82) Steel alloyed and high alloy. Methods for determination of manganese
GOST 12350−78 Steel alloyed and high alloy. Methods for determination of chromium
GOST 12351−2003 (ISO 4942:1998, ISO 9647:1989) Steel alloyed and high alloy. Methods for determination of vanadium
GOST 12352−81 Steel alloyed and high alloy. Methods for determination of Nickel
GOST 12354−81 Steel alloyed and high alloy. Methods for determination of molybdenum
GOST 12355−78 Steel alloyed and high alloy. Methods for determination of copper
GOST 12356−81 Steel alloyed and high alloy. Methods for determination of titanium
GOST 12357−84 Steel alloyed and high alloy. Methods for determination of aluminium
GOST 12358−2002 Steel alloyed and high alloy. Methods for determination of arsenic
GOST 12359−99 (ISO 4945−77) Steels carbon, alloyed and high alloy. Methods for determination of nitrogen
GOST 12361−2002 Steel alloyed and high alloy. Methods for determination of niobium
GOST 14019−2003 (ISO 7438:1985) Materials of metal. Method of bend test
GOST 14192−96 Marking of cargo
GOST 14637−89 (ISO 4995−78) rolled plate from carbon steel of ordinary quality. Specifications
GOST 15846−2002 Products that are sent to the far North regions and equated areas. Packing, marking, transportation and storage
GOST 18895−97 Steel. Method of photoelectric spectral analysis
GOST 19903−74 hot-rolled steel sheets. Assortment
GOST 21650−76 means of fastening of package cargoes in transport packages. General requirements
GOST 21937−76 hot rolled Bulb steel for shipbuilding. Assortment
GOST 22235−76 freight Wagons main Railways of 1520 mm. General requirements for ensuring safety during loading-unloading and shunting works
GOST 22536.0−87 carbon Steel and unalloyed cast iron. General requirements for methods of analysis
GOST 22536.1−88 carbon Steel and unalloyed cast iron. Methods for determination of total carbon and graphite
GOST 22536.2−87 carbon Steel and unalloyed cast iron. Methods of determining sulphur
GOST 22536.3−88 carbon Steel and unalloyed cast iron. Methods for determination of phosphorus
GOST 22536.4−88 carbon Steel and unalloyed cast iron. Methods for determination of silicon
GOST 22536.5−87 (ISO 629−82) carbon Steel and unalloyed cast iron. Methods for determination of manganese
GOST 22536.6−88 carbon Steel and unalloyed cast iron. Methods for determination of arsenic
GOST 22536.7−88 carbon Steel and unalloyed cast iron. Methods for determination of chromium
GOST 22536.8−87 carbon Steel and unalloyed cast iron. Methods for determination of copper
GOST 22536.9−88 carbon Steel and unalloyed cast iron. Methods for determination of Nickel
GOST 22536.10−88 carbon Steel and unalloyed cast iron. Methods for determination of aluminium
GOST 22536.11−87 carbon Steel and unalloyed cast iron. Methods for determination of titanium
GOST 22536.12−88 carbon Steel and unalloyed cast iron. Methods for determination of vanadium
GOST 22727−88 the rolled sheet. Methods of ultrasonic testing
GOST 24597−81 the packaged goods. Basic parameters and dimensions
GOST 26663−85 transport Packs. Formation with the use of packaging. General technical requirements
3 Brand and assortment
3.1 Bicycle made of steel normal strength grades A, b, D, E and high-strength steel grades A27S, D27S, E27S, A32, D32, Е32, A36, D36, E36, A40, D40, E40, A40S, D40S, E40S. Rental intended for construction of ships and other floating means for a Register class* made under the supervision of the Register.
* Register means the Marine Register and River Register.
3.2 rolled Plates are made in sheets and cut sheets (rolls) thickness specified in table 1. The length and width of sheets and maximum deviations in length and width shall conform to the requirements of GOST 19903.
Table 1
Steel grade |
Thickness, mm |
And |
4−60 |
B, D, E |
5−50 |
A27S, A32, A36 |
4−50 |
D27S, E27S, D32, Е32, D36, E36 |
5−50 |
A40, A40S |
4−40 |
D40, D40S, E40, E40S |
5−40 |
3.2.1 sheets with a thickness of 4 to 20 mm are made at intervals of 0.5 mm, over 20 mm with the interval of 1.0 mm.
3.3 thick Plates for ships and other objects with a class Register or at customer’s request, produce with extreme negative deviations in the thickness of not more than minus 0.3 mm and with the utmost plus deviations in accordance with specified in table 2. Positive deviation is limited by the requirements of the mass party in accordance with 5.3 and 5.4.
Table 2
In millimeters
Thickness |
Positive tolerance on thickness of sheets with a width of | |||||||||
1200 and less |
over 1200 to 1500 |
St 1500 to 1800 |
St. 1800 to 2100 |
St. 2100 to 2400 |
St. 2400 to 2700 |
St. 2700 to 3000 |
St 3000 to 3300 |
St 3300 to 3600 |
St. 3600 to 3800 incl. | |
4,0−11,0 |
0,8 | 0,8 |
0,8 |
0,8 |
0,8 | 0,8 |
- | - |
- |
- |
To 11.5−12.0 |
0,9 |
1,0 |
12,5−16,0 |
0,9 |
1,1 |
1,3 |
16,5−20,0 |
1,0 |
1,2 |
1,2 |
1,4 |
21,0−22,0 |
0,9 |
0,9 |
0,9 |
1,0 |
1,1 |
1,3 |
1,3 |
1,5 |
23,0−25,0 |
0,9 |
1,0 |
1,0 |
1,2 |
1,5 |
26,0−28,0 |
1,0 |
1,0 |
1,1 |
1,1 |
1,1 |
1,3 |
1,4 |
1,8 |
1,8 |
2,0 |
29,0−30,0 |
1,1 |
1,1 |
1,2 |
1,2 |
1,2 |
1,4 |
1,5 |
2,1 | ||
31,0−32,0 |
1,2 |
1,2 |
1,3 |
1,3 |
1,3 |
1,5 |
1,6 |
2,0 |
2,0 |
2,3 |
33,0−35,0 |
1,3 |
1,3 |
1,4 |
1,4 |
1,4 |
1,6 |
1,7 |
2,3 |
2,3 |
2,5 |
36,0−38,0 |
1,4 |
1,4 |
1,5 |
1,5 |
1,5 |
1,7 |
1,8 |
2,7 | ||
39,0−40,0 |
1,5 |
1,5 |
1,6 |
1,6 |
1,6 |
1,8 |
2,0 |
2,5 |
2,5 |
2,8 |
41,0−45,0 |
1,6 |
1,6 |
1,7 |
1,8 |
1,8 |
2,0 |
2,3 |
2,8 |
2,8 |
3,0 |
46,0−50,0 |
1,8 |
1,8 |
1,8 |
2,0 |
2,0 |
2,3 |
2,5 |
3,0 |
3,0 |
3,3 |
51,0−55,0 |
2,0 |
2,0 |
2,0 |
2,2 |
2,2 |
2,5 |
2,8 |
3,3 |
3,3 |
3,8 |
56,0−60,0 |
2,3 |
2,3 |
2,3 |
2,4 |
2,4 |
2,8 |
3,0 |
3,4 |
3,4 |
In the manufacture of sheet metal for other purposes at the request of the customer or in accordance with the requirements of 5.5 marginal negative deviation of the thickness should not exceed given in table 2A.
Table 2A
In millimeters
Thickness |
Limit deviations | |||
From | 4,0 | to | 7.5 incl. |
-0,4 |
« | 8,0 | « | 14,5 « | -0,5 |
« | 15,0 | « |
24,0 « | -0,6 |
« | 25,0 | « | 39,0 « | -0,8 |
« | 40,0 | « | 60,0 « | -1,1 |
Note — When marking the sheet metal with these extreme deviations, the brand began by a dash is added the letter T. |
(Changed edition, Rev. N 1).
3.4 On the flatness of the rolled plates are made high (PV), superior (CPS) and particularly high flatness (FOR).
Deviation from flatness shall conform to the requirements of GOST 19903.
3.5 Bandpass and broadband universal rental* manufactured thickness specified in table 3, the length, width and limit deviations specified in GOST GOST 82 and 103.
* Universal broadband rental manufactured with a minimum thickness of 6 mm.
Table 3
Steel grade |
Thickness, mm | ||||
And |
from | 4 | to | 60 | incl. |
B, D, A27S, D27S, E27S |
« | 5 | « | 30 | « |
E, D32, Е32 |
« | 5 | « | 20* | « |
A32 |
« | 4 | « | 20* | « |
A36, A40, А40Ѕ |
« | 4 | « | 15* | « |
D36, E36, D40, E40, D40S, E40S |
« | 5 | « | 15* | « |
* When fulfilling the requirements of this standard rent made in large thicknesses.
3.6 structural Shapes are made of steel grades A, b, A27S, A32, A36, A40 and A40S.
Structural shapes, steel, other brands are made by agreement between manufacturer and consumer.
Corner profiles are made according to GOST and GOST 8509 8510, channels — according to GOST 8240 and bulbs — 9235 GOST and GOST 21937.
Examples of symbols:
Hot-rolled plates with high flatness (PV), with cut edges (O), 15,5х1250х2500 mm of steel grade D32, manufactured under the supervision of a Register (PC):
The same, normal accuracy of rolling (B), high flatness (PV), with cut edges (O), size 10х1250х2500 mm of steel grade A36:
Corner angle hire the usual accuracy of rolling (B), the size 50х50х3 mm of steel grade:
N 20 channel with parallel flange edges of the steel A27S:
Rental broadband universal ordinary precision, with Rebrovo curvature, class B, size 15х250 mm of steel grade And manufactured under the supervision of a Register (PC):
Hire a band size 5x50 mm of steel grade D40, manufactured under the supervision of a Register (PC):
Symmetrical steel bulb 271010 N of steel grade A36:
Bulb 12 N steel of steel grade A36:
Hot rolled sheets high flatness (PV), with cut edges (O), 15,5х1250х2500 mm of steel grade D32, manufactured under the supervision of a register (PC), with requirements to limit negative deviations in table 2A (T):
(Changed edition, Rev. N 1).
4 Technical requirements
4.1 rental are made in accordance with the requirements of this standard for technological regulations approved in the prescribed manner.
4.2 Chemical composition of steel by ladle analysis plavonia samples must meet the specified in table 4.
Table 4
Mark | Chemical composition of steel, % | |||||||||||
With no more than |
Mn |
Si |
P | S |
Cr |
Ni |
Cu |
Mo |
Al |
Nb |
V | |
no more |
A | 0,21 |
0,4−1,0 |
0,15−0,35 |
0,040 |
0,040 |
No more 0,30 |
Not more than 0.40 | Not more than 0.35 | - |
- |
- |
- |
B | 0,21 |
0,6−1,0 |
0,015 — 0,06 |
D | 0,21 |
0,6−1,4 |
E | 0,18 |
0,7−1,4 |
A27S, D27S, E27S |
0,18 |
0,6−1,4 |
A32, D32, Е32 |
0,18 |
0,9−1,6 |
0,15−0,50 |
0,035 |
0,035 |
0.20 | Not more than 0.08 | |||||
A36, D36 |
Not more than 0.05 |
Not more than 0.1 | ||||||||||
E36, A40, D40, E40 |
0,02 — 0,05 |
0,05 — 0,1 | ||||||||||
A40S, D40S, E40S |
0,12 |
0,5−0,8 |
0,8−1,1 |
0,035 |
0,035 |
0,6−0,9 |
0,5−0,8 |
0,4−0,6 |
- |
0,015 — 0,06 |
- |
- |
4.3 Limit deviations of chemical composition of finished steel from the rules given in table 4 shall be as specified in table 5.
Table 5
Item | The ultimate deviation in the mass fraction of elements, % for brands | |
A, B, D, E |
A32, D32, Е32, A36, D36, E36, A40, D40, E40, A27S, D27S, E27S, A40S, D40S, E40S | |
Carbon |
+0,03 |
+0,02 |
Manganese |
+0,05 -0,03 |
±0,1 |
Silicon |
+0,03 -0,02 |
±0,05 |
Chrome, Nickel, copper |
±0,05 | |
Sulfur, phosphorus, nitrogen |
+0,005 | |
Vanadium |
+0,02 -0,01 | |
Niobium |
+0,010 -0,005 | |
Aluminium |
±0,005 | |
Titan |
+0,005 |
(Changed edition, Rev. N 1).
4.4 Mass fraction of arsenic in steel should not exceed 0.08 percent.
4.5 Mass fraction of nitrogen in the steel should not exceed 0.008%. Allowed in all steels mass fraction of nitrogen to 0,012%; the rental after mechanical aging at a temperature of 20 °C must have a value of impact strength KCU not less than 29 j/cm.
4.6 the Condition of the rental must meet the requirements specified in table 6.
Table 6
Steel grade |
Thickness, mm |
Grinding grain items |
Delivery condition |
And |
All | Not regulated (any) | |
IN, A27S |
Al or Al+Ti | Not regulated (any) | |
D, D27S, E27S |
Not regulated (any) | |
D |
>12 |
Normalization. Allowed controlled rolling, thermomechanical processing, quenching and tempering | |
A32, D32, A36, D36 |
<20 |
Not regulated (any) | |
A32 |
Normalization. Allowed controlled rolling, thermomechanical processing, quenching and tempering | |
A32, D32, A36, D36, A40, D40 |
Nb and (or) V |
Not regulated (any) |
A32, D32, A36, D36, A40, D40 |
>12,5 |
Normalization. Allowed controlled rolling, thermomechanical processing, quenching and tempering | |
A40S |
Al or Al+Ti |
Not regulated |
D40S |
<10 |
A40S |
>15 |
The quenching and tempering, | |
D40S |
E40S |
All | ||
E |
Any |
Normalization. Allowed quenching and tempering | |
B, D, A27S, D27S, E27S, A40S, D40S, E40S |
Nb and (or) V (see footnote 5 to the table.4) |
Normalization. Allowed controlled rolling, thermomechanical processing, quenching and tempering | |
4.7 Mechanical properties of the plate, universal broadband, bandpass and shaped rolled with a tensile test must meet the standards specified in table 7, the impact strength table 8.
Table 7
Steel grade |
Tensile strength* |
Yield strength
Elongation |
not less than | |||
A, B, D, E |
400−490 |
235 |
22 |
A27S, D27S, E27S |
400−510 |
265 |
A32, D32, Е32 |
440−590 |
315 |
A36, D36, E36 |
490−620 |
355 |
21 |
A40, D40, E40 |
510−650 |
390 |
20 |
A40S, D40S, E40S |
530−690 |
19 | |
* Allowed to exceed the upper limit of strength 30 N/mm |
Table 8
Steel grade |
Test temperature, °C | Job blow KV, j, not less, when the thickness of rolling, mm | ||
10 or more |
7,5−9,5 |
Of 5.0−7.0 | ||
And |
- | - | - | - |
In |
0 | 27 | 24 | 19 |
D |
-20 | |||
E |
-40 | |||
A27S |
0 |
31 | 26 | 22 |
D27S |
-20 |
E27S |
-40 |
A32 |
0 |
D32 |
-20 |
Е32 |
-40 |
A36 |
0 |
34 | 28 | 24 |
D36 |
-20 |
E36 |
-40 |
A40 |
0 |
41 | 34 | 29 |
D40 |
-20 |
E40 |
-40 |
A40S |
0 |
36 |
30 |
25 |
D40S |
-20 |
E40S |
-40 |
Note — the rental is less than 5 mm thick test the impact on demand of the consumer. Norms and methods of test — as agreed between manufacturer and consumer. |
4.8 rolled Plates of steel grades b, D, E, D27S, E27S, D32, Е32, D36, E36 thickness of 16 mm or more and grades D40, E40, D40S, E40S thickness 10 mm and over shall withstand the bend test samples wide on the mandrel with a thickness equal to two thicknesses of the sheet at the angle of 120° without the formation of tears and cracks.
4.8.1 the demand of the consumer of the bending test samples a wide spend on the rental of all thicknesses.
4.9 For sheets of 16 mm thick or more grades of D, E, D27S, E27S, D32, Е32, D36, E36 and sheets of thickness 10 mm and more brands D40, E40, D40S and E40S fracture notched specimens of thickness equal to the thickness of the sheet, should have a fibrous structure on the square at least:
50% for steel grades D, E, D40S and E40S;
65% for steel grades D27S, E27S, D32, Е32, D36, E36, D40, E40.
4.10 universal Broadband, bandpass and shaped rolled shall withstand a bend test on a mandrel of a thickness equal to twice the thickness, at an angle of 180° without cracking, tears, delaminations, and fracture.
4.11 According to customer’s demands rolled plates of steel grades D, E, D27S, E27S, D32, Е32, D36, E36, D40, E40, D40S and E40S are made with a normalized size of austenitic grain of not more than the points N 5 according to GOST 5639.
4.12 On the surface of the plate must not be cracked, the captured, bubbles-bubbles, katanoi dross, shells, rolled out of the dirt.
Elimination of surface defects local sweep is allowed to a depth of not more than 7% of the nominal thickness, but in all cases no more than 3 mm, the area of Stripping defects with a depth exceeding the limit deviations on thickness, should be no more than 2% of the surface of rolled products.
On leaves, cut from the rolls, allowed to clean up small slivers, cracks, smoothed out the dirt, if they cannot make the leaves for the limit deviation on thickness.
On the surface of the leaves allowed the layer of scale that do not impede the detection of surface defects, Rabita, individual prints, risks, and other local defects that are not displaying sizes of sheets for limit deviations. In coordination with the consumer rolled sheet can be fully or partially purified from the dross.
4.12.1 At the request of the consumer rental supply with depth of Stripping defects, not displaying sizes of sheets for limit deviations on thickness.
4.13 it is allowed to correct the surface defects on the sheets with a thickness of 15 mm or more removal and subsequent welding according to normative-technical documentation, agreed with customer and Register. The completeness of removal of defects, particularly cracks before welding is provided by the manufacturer. After removal of defects before welding the thickness of sheet shall not be reduced by more than 20% of the nominal thickness of the sheet. The total area of the welded sections should not exceed 1% of the leaf area and the area of each defective area 25 cmexcluding collapse after removal of the defect.
4.14 the Bundle in the sheet is not allowed.
4.14.1 On-demand user control in the absence of internal lamination in plate thicknesses of 8 mm or more ultrasound control.
4.15 the Leaves are made with cut edge. For trimming edges of sheets should be no delamination, cracks, splits, traces of shrinkage, porosity, gas bubbles and accumulations of slag inclusions. Allowed separate volosovichi in sections of the leaves, if they are located neskazanno and the length of each does not exceed 25 mm and the depth is 2 mm.
4.15.1 Upon the customer’s request produce plates with mill edge.
4.15.2 Sheets, laminated on the continuous mills are allowed to produce with mill edge. The quality of the edge must correspond to GOST 14637.
4.16 Surface universal broadband rental shall conform to the requirements of GOST 14637 for the plate rolling; strip and shaped — GOST 535, group I, II, III.
5 acceptance Rules
5.1 rental take parties. The party must consist of rental, one brand, one melting (one bucket), one thickness, one mode of heat treatment (in the manufacture of hire in the heat-treated condition).
Party plate, universal broadband, and of the rolled strip is allowed to complete any of the sheets or strips, varying in thickness up to 2 mm.
Each batch is accompanied by a quality document according to GOST 7566 indicating additional details:
the numbers of the leaf — clap* (in the exploded test);
* Sheet, cut to the finished size length.
— the type of heat treatment;
— the presence of patches of surface defects by welding;
— index of «PC» before the designation of steel grades in the manufacture of hire under the supervision of the Register (e.g. PC A32).
In the manufacture of hire under the supervision of the Register inspector the Register shall draw up a certificate attesting the conformity of steel to the Rules of the Register. In a separate, earlier cases, may be signed by the inspector to Register the factory document on the quality of hire.
5.2 the Weight of the batch shall not exceed 74 t, and at the request of the Register 50 so the Rest of less than half of the party, attached to one of the parties more than half — believe an independent party.
For rental of steel grades E, Е32, E36, E40 and E40S the weight of the batch is determined by agreement with the Register.
5.3 Party rentals take the estimated weight.
The estimated mass of the party plate is a total theoretical mass, calculated based on the size of sheets specified in the order, subject to 50% of the mass of positive thickness tolerance and 70% of weight tolerance in length and width.
The estimated mass of the party sheet steel is considered the common theoretical mass, calculated based on the size of sheets specified in the order, plus 70% of the mass tolerances in length and width.
The estimated mass of the party universal broadband, bandpass and shaped rolled consider weight, calculated on the nominal profile dimensions, plus 70% of the mass of length tolerances. If you have the required consumer of allowances for production of samples intended for additional test, a lot of allowances added to the calculated mass of the party.
(Changed edition, Rev. N 1).
5.4 the Actual weight of the batch of steel plate should not exceed the estimated by more than 5%.
5.5 On demand of the consumer the actual weight of the batch of steel plate should not exceed the design and deviate from it by more than minus 5%. The actual weight of the individual leaves may exceed estimated no more than 2%.
5.6 the Actual weight of the batch universal broadband bandpass and shaped rolled should not exceed the design and deviate from it by more than minus 5%.
5.7 deviations by mass determine the percent when comparing the actual mass of the batch calculated. The actual weight of the batch is determined by weighing. The density of steel in the calculations is taken equal to 7.85 kg/cm*.
* The text matches the original. — Note the manufacturer’s database.
5.8 To check the quality of the party taken:
a) for chemical analysis — one sample from melting ladle; from the rolled — sample size according to GOST 7565;
b) for the control of grain size and magnitude of the impact toughness after mechanical aging is one product from the melt;
C) for tensile tests, impact bending, kinking and bending grades of A, b, D, A27S, D27S, A32, D32, A36, D36, A40, D40, D40S and A40S:
— rolled sheet, universal broadband, strip and shaped three sheet (roll) or three products (bands); and the weight of the batch to 30 tons — two sheet (roll) or two products (strips, etc.)
— sheets, obtained from rolls, three sheet from one of the coils, however, the selection of sheets should correspond to the beginning, middle and end of the roll,
— upon delivery of the rental after controlled rolling or the thermomechanical treatment of the sample volume from the mass of rentals — not more than 25 t;
d) for tensile tests, impact bending, kinking and bending grades of E, E27S, Е32, E36, E40 and E40S:
— rolled sheet — each sheet (peal),
upon settlement, after heat treatment in continuous furnaces for test bending and breaking — three sheets (peal), and the weight of the batch to 30 tons — two sheets (peal),
— universal broadband, bandpass and shaped rolled three products from rolled, weighing not more than 25 tons,
— sheets, obtained from rolls, three sheet from one of the coils, and for testing the impact strength and the fracture thickness 10 mm — for three sheets from each roll; place the selection of sheets should correspond to the beginning, middle and end of the roll.
Another sample volume is determined by agreement with the Register.
5.9 surface quality Control is performed on 100% of production.
5.10 To control the size taken away from the party 10%, but not less than five sheets, strips, products.
5.11 Determination of residual nitrogen, chromium, Nickel, molybdenum, copper and arsenic is carried out at the request of the consumer.
In the steel produced on the basis of Kerch ores, determination of the mass fraction of arsenic is necessary.
5.12 If unsatisfactory test results of at least one indicator, according to him, repeat tests are carried out on a sample selected according to GOST 7566.
The results of repeated tests apply to the entire batch sampling inspection on the product in complete control.
If unsatisfactory results repeat testing of the sample inspection may be performed continuous monitoring for indicators not stand the test.
Products or party do not stand the test, can be submitted for acceptance in the form of another brand or after heat treatment (hot rolled steel), or after re-heat treatment, if the steel is heat-treated.
Evaluation of results is carried out in the same manner as in the primary trials.
6 test Methods
6.1 To check the chemical composition of the samples are taken according to GOST 7565. Chemical analysis were carried out according to GOST 22536.0 to GOST 22536.12, 12344 GOST, GOST 12348, 12350 GOST-GOST 12352, 12354 series GOST — GOST 12359, 12361 GOST and GOST 18895 or other methods providing the required accuracy of the analysis.
If there are differences in used methods established by this standard.
6.2 For testing each selected for control of the sheet product, strip away the samples according to GOST 7564:
— one for the tensile test;
three — for testing the impact strength; types of samples 11, 12 or 13 according to GOST 9454;
or two for testing the impact strength after mechanical aging; types of samples — 1, 2, 3, 7 according to GOST 7268;
— one for bend test;
— one — to determine the type of fracture.
Sample fracture is cut from the middle third of the width of the sheet.
From paleobiology profiles samples for testing the impact strength of the bulbs are cut for tensile tests and bending of the profile wall or from bulbs.
Test samples of sheet metal, except specimens for impact bending, cut across the direction of rolling; samples for impact bending, and test samples universal broadband, bandpass and shaped rolled cut along the direction of rolling, except for the samples from of sheets, designed for testing the impact strength after mechanical aging, which cut across the direction of rolling.
In the manufacture of specimens for impact bending one of the sides of the sample corresponding to the surface of the rolled left untreated.
6.3 the tensile Test is carried out according to GOST 1497 on samples five times the length.
6.4 Testing the impact strength is carried out according to GOST 9454: for products with thickness of 5−7 mm the samples of a type 13; a thickness of 7.5−9.5 mm type — 12; thickness 10 mm — type 11, with sections on tests carried out on samples of the maximum possible cross-section. Drop test bending sheet, shapes and bars with thickness 5 and 10 mm, laminated with the negative maximum deviation allowed to determine on the samples having a width equal to the thickness of the rental.
During the test determine the average of the three values of work impact, at the same time allowed the reduction of one of the values by 25% in comparison with the standards specified in table 8.
6.5 Testing the impact strength after mechanical aging is carried out according to GOST 7268.
6.6 bending Test is carried out according to GOST 14019 and in accordance with the requirements of this standard.
To plate the samples must be of a width equal to or greater than the plate thickness, but not less than 50 mm and not more than 150 mm.
The sample length depends on the thickness of the sheet, it is taken in accordance with the specified in table 9.
Table 9
In millimeters
The thickness of the sheet | Sample length ±20 |
From 4 to 14 incl. |
250 |
SV. 14 to 24 incl. |
300 |
SV. 24 to 32 incl. |
350 |
When the thickness of sheet 32 mm samples allowed to machining on one side to a thickness of 25 mm. When the test punch is placed on the treated side.
6.7 type of fracture of rolled plates was determined after fracture at room temperature, the notched specimens with a thickness equal to the thickness of the sheet. The length and width of the samples and the depth of cut is taken in accordance with the specified in table 10. Samples cut from a sheet of gas shears or mechanically. Incision perform any method according to the thickness of the sheet.
Table 10
In millimeters
The thickness of the sheet |
Sample length ±20 | Sample width ±5 | The depth of incision of ±5 |
10 to 14 incl. |
250 |
60 |
20 |
SV. 14 to 32 incl. |
300 |
90 |
30 |
SV. 32 to 60 incl. |
350 |
120 |
50 |
The destruction of the sample is carried in bending by the force applied from the side of the sample opposite the notch. Determination of the viscous component is carried out according to methodology described in Annex 3 to GOST 4543.
6.8-Size of austenitic grain of steel is determined according to GOST 5639 method of oxidation or carburizing.
6.9 permitted to apply non-destructive, including statistical methods of control of mechanical properties and other characteristics specified by the method agreed with the customer and Register.
6.10 Dimensions and deviations from flatness of sheets shall be controlled according to GOST 19903.
6.11 the Quality of rolled product surface is controlled visually. Stratification is controlled by visual inspection of the edges of the sheets from the manufacturer, as well as when cutting the consumer. If necessary, the condition of the metal on the edges of the check by removing shavings. Split shavings is a sign of discontinuity flaws of metal.
6.12 Ultrasound control is carried out according to GOST 22727. The class of continuity is determined by agreement between manufacturer and consumer.
7 Marking, packaging, transportation and storage
7.1 Marking, packaging, transportation and storage must meet the requirements of GOST 7566.
7.2 Transport marking under GOST 14192 with main, additional and informational inscriptions performed by waterproof paint on the cargo or labels securely attached to the cargo.
7.3 Packaging products for the far North and equated localities — graveyard 15846.
7.4 When you ship two or more packages to one user should enlarge the cargo space in accordance with the requirements of GOST 21650, GOST 24597, GOST 26663.
7.5 rental transporterowych open vehicles in accordance with the requirements of GOST 22235 in the most efficient use of capacity (capacity) of the rolling stock.
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Steel carbon
quality and low: Sat. Standards. -