GOST 4960-2009
GOST 4960−2009 copper Powder electrolytic. Specifications (with Change No. 1)
GOST 4960−2009
Group 56
Electrolytic copper powder. Specifications
OKS 77.160
GST 17 9311
Date of introduction 2010−07−01
Goals, basic principles and main procedure of works on interstate standardization have been established in GOST 1.0−92 «interstate standardization system. Basic provisions» and GOST 1.2−97 «interstate standardization system. Interstate standards, rules and recommendations on interstate standardization. The procedure of development, adoption, application, renewal and cancellation"
Data on standard
1 DEVELOPED by the Interstate technical Committee for standardization MTK 503 «Copper», OAO «uralmekhanobr"
2 as AMENDED by the Federal Agency for technical regulation and Metrology
3 ACCEPTED by the Interstate Council for standardization, Metrology and certification (minutes N 35 dated June 11, 2009)
The standard was accepted by voting:
Short name of the country by MK (ISO 3166) 004−97 |
Country code by MK (ISO 3166) 004−97 |
Abbreviated name of the national authority for standardization |
Azerbaijan | AZ | Azstandart |
Belarus | BY | Gosstandart Of The Republic Of Belarus |
Kazakhstan | KZ | Gosstandart Of The Republic Of Kazakhstan |
Kyrgyzstan | KG | Kyrgyzstandard |
Moldova | MD | Moldova-Standard |
Russian Federation | EN | Federal Agency on technical regulation and Metrology |
Tajikistan | TJ | Tajikstandart |
Ukraine | UA | Derzhspozhyvstandart Of Ukraine |
4 by Order of the Federal Agency for technical regulation and Metrology from September 1, 2009 N 313-St inter-state standard GOST 4960−2009 introduced as a national standard of the Russian Federation from July 1, 2010
5 REPLACE GOST 4960−75
Information about introduction in action (termination) of this standard is published in the index «National standards».
Information about the amendments to this standard is published in the index «National standards», and the text changes — in the information sign «National standards». In case of revision or cancellation of this standard the appropriate information will be published in the information index «National standards»
The Change N 1, approved and promulgated by the Order of Rosstandart from
Change No. 1 made by the manufacturer of the database in the text IUS N 3, 2015
1 Scope
This standard applies to copper powder, obtained by electrolytic method, intended for the production of parts by powder metallurgy and other purposes.
The standard specifies requirements for copper powder, used in electrical, instrumentation, automotive, aviation, engineering, chemical and other industries and for export.
2 Normative references
This standard uses the regulatory references to the following international standards:
GOST 8.010−90* State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. Methods of measurement
* On the territory of the Russian Federation GOST R 8.563−2009 «State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. Techniques (methods) of measurements».
GOST 12.0.004−90 System of standards of occupational safety. Organization of training safety. General provisions
GOST 12.1.004−91 System safety standards. Fire safety. General requirements
GOST 12.1.005−88 standards System of labor safety. General hygiene requirements for working zone air
GOST 12.1.007−76 System of standards of occupational safety. Harmful substances. Classification and General safety requirements
GOST 12.1.016−79 System of standards of occupational safety. The air of the working area. Requirements for measurement techniques of concentrations of harmful substances
GOST 12.3.009−76 System of standards of occupational safety. The work of loading and unloading. General safety requirements
12.4.009 GOST-83 System of standards of occupational safety. Fire fighting equipment for protection of objects. Principal. The accommodation and service
GOST 12.4.021−75 System safety standards. System ventilation. General requirements
GOST 2768−84 Acetone. Specifications
GOST 4207−75 Potassium ferrocyanide 3-aqueous. Specifications
GOST 4461−77 nitric Acid. Specifications
GOST 5044−79 thin-walled steel Drums for chemical products. Specifications
GOST 6507−90 Micrometers. Specifications
GOST 6613−86 Grids wire woven with square cells. Specifications
GOST 9147−80 Glassware and equipment lab porcelain. Specifications
GOST 9557−87 flat wooden Pallet size 800x1200 mm. specifications
GOST 9717.2−82 Copper. Method of spectral analysis on a metal standard samples with photographic registration of spectrum
GOST 9717.3−82 Copper. Method of spectral analysis of oxide standard specimens
GOST 10354−82 polyethylene Film. Specifications
GOST 10671.5−74 Reagents. Methods of determination of impurities of sulphates
GOST 13938.11−78 Copper. Method for the determination of arsenic
GOST 14192−96 Marking of cargo
GOST 17811−78 polyethylene Bags for chemical products. Specifications
GOST 18897−98 (ISO 4491−2-97) Powder metal. Determination of oxygen content by methods of recovery. Weight loss while restoring the hydrogen (hydrogen loss)
GOST 19433−88 dangerous Cargo. Classification and marking
GOST 19440−94 (ISO 3923−1-79, ISO 3923−2-81) Powder metal. Determination of bulk density. Part 1. Method using funnel. Part 2. Method volumemeter Scott
GOST 20899−98 (ISO 4490−78) Powder metal. Determination of yield strength using a calibrated funnel (Hall device)
GOST 21650−76 means of fastening of package cargoes in transport packages. General requirements
GOST 22235−2010 freight Wagons main Railways of 1520 mm. General requirements for ensuring safety during loading-unloading and shunting works
GOST 23148−98 (ISO 3954−77) Powders used in powder metallurgy. Sampling
GOST 24104−2001 laboratory Scales. General technical requirements*
* On the territory of the Russian Federation GOST R 53228−2008 «Scales non-automatic actions. Part 1. Metrological and technical requirements. Test».
GOST 24597−81 the packaged goods. Basic parameters and dimensions
GOST 25336−82 Glassware and equipment laboratory glass. The types, basic parameters and dimensions
GOST 25849−83 Powder metal. Method of determination of particle shape
GOST 26663−85 transport Packs. Formation with the use of packaging. General technical requirements
GOST 27417−98 (ISO 4491−4-89) Powder metal. Determination of total oxygen content by the method of reductive extraction
GOST 31340−2007 Precautionary labels for chemical products. General requirements
GOST 31382−2009 Copper. Methods of analysis
Note — When using this standard appropriate to test the effect of reference standards in the state at the corresponding index of standards, made as of January 1 of the current year and related information signs, published in the current year. If the reference standard is replaced (changed), when using this standard should be guided by replacing (amended) standard. If the reference standard is cancelled without replacement, then the situation in which the given link applies to the extent that does not affect this link.
(Changed edition, Rev. N 1).
3 Technical requirements
3.1 Main characteristics
3.1.1 depending on the physico-chemical properties of copper powder is manufactured in the following grades:
PMS-1, PMS-A, PMS-11 — stable powder;
PMS-To — powder stable konopatochny;
PMS-In — powder stable;
PMS-N — low-dispersion powder stabilized.
3.1.2 the Scope of application of copper powder is listed in Appendix A.
3.1.3 Copper powder must be manufactured in accordance with the requirements of this standard for technological regulations approved in the prescribed manner. Chemical composition of copper powder shall conform to the standards specified in table 1.
Table 1 — Chemical composition of copper powder
Brand powder | OKP code | Mass fraction, % | ||||||||
copper, not less than | impurity, not more than | moisture, not more than | ||||||||
iron | lead | arsenic | antimony | sour- kind |
sulfur- sour soy — dinani metals in terms of Sul- fat-ion |
proc- Lenno residue after treatment with nitric acid |
17 9311 0008 | 99,5 | 0,018 | 0,05 | 0,003 | 0,005 | 0,10 | 0,01 | 0,04 | 0,05 |
PMS-1 |
17 9311 0003 | 99,5 | 0,018 | 0,05 | 0,003 | 0,005 | 0,20 | 0,01 | 0,04 | 0,05 |
PMS-11 |
17 9311 0015 | 99,5 | 0,018 | 0,05 | 0,003 | 0,005 | 0,20 | 0,01 | 0,04 | 0,05 |
17 9311 0007 | 99,5 | 0,018 | 0,05 | 0,003 | 0,005 | 0,30 | 0,01 | 0,04 | 0,05 |
17 9311 0005 | 99,5 | 0,06 | 0,05 | 0,003 | 0,005 | 0,50 | 0,01 | 0,05 | 0,05 |
17 9311 0006 | 99,5 | 0,06 | 0,05 | 0,003 | 0,005 | 0,50 | 0,01 | 0,05 | 0,05 |
Note — At the customer’s request mass fraction of copper powder brand PMS-In — not less than 99.8% for the other brands — not less than 99.7 per cent. |
3.1.4 particle size distribution and apparent density of copper powder shall conform to the standards specified in tables 2 and 3, respectively.
Table 2 — Granulometric composition of copper powder
The number of sieve mesh according to GOST 6613 |
Particle size, microns | Granulometric composition of copper powder, % for brands | |||||
PMS-IN | PMS-K | PMS-N | PMS-1 | PMS-A | PMS-11 | ||
045 To |
<450 | - | 90,0−100,0 | - | - | - | - |
0224 To |
0.1 Mach | - | - | - | - | - |
<224 | - | - | 95,0−100,0 | - | - | - | |
018 To |
<180 | - | 10 max | - | - | - | - |
014 To |
<224- |
1.0 Mach | - | - | - | - | - |
01 To |
<140- |
5,0−15,0 | - | - | - | - | - |
- | - | - | - | - | 0.1 Mach | |
<100 | - | - | - | 99,5−100,0 | 99,5−100,0 | - | |
0071 To |
<71 | - | - | - | 90,0−100,0 | 90,0−100,0 | - |
0063 To |
<100- |
35,0−45,0 | - | - | - | - | - |
<63 | - | - | - | - | - | 95,0−100,0 | |
0045 To |
The <63- |
25,0−35,0 | - | - | - | - | - |
<45 | 10,0−25,0 | - | - | 65,0−80,0 | 73,0−80,0 | - | |
Note — the Sign «<" — pass through a sieve, the sign " |
Table 3 — bulk density of copper powder
Bulk density of copper powder, g/cm | |||||
PMS-K | PMS-N | PMS-1 | PMS-A | PMS-11 |
2.4 to 2.7 |
2,5−3,5 | 2,5−3,5 | 1,25−2,0 | 1,3−1,5 | 1,25−1,9 |
Notes |
3.1.5 Strength wet pressing of copper powder brand PMS-density 6.7 g/cmshould be not less than 60 kgf/cm
(Changed edition, Rev. N 1).
3.1.6 the fluidity of the powder brand PMS-In should not exceed 36.
3.1.7 Upon the request of the consumer in the copper powder brand PMS-And determine specific surface area, electrical resistivity and the number of particles with nominal diameter not more than 10 µm.
Copper powder brand PMS-A:
— should have a specific surface area of particles from 1000 to 1700 cm/g;
— electrical resistivity of copper powder should not exceed 20·10Ohm·m;
— the number of particles with nominal diameter not more than 10 µm, the copper powder should be from 25% to 60%.
3.1.8 Powder should have impurities and lumps.
3.1.9 (Deleted, Rev. N 1).
3.1.10 the particle Shape of copper powder of all grades should be dendritic.
3.1.11 the Established values of indicators of quality powder brand PMS-In each packaging unit of the party must not differ from the average values of the relevant indicators of the quality of the powder in the party by more than ±10% at confidence probability of 0.95.
3.2 Marking
3.2.1 Transport marking of copper powder, Packed in steel drums or soft specialized containers must meet the requirements of GOST 14192, warning marking — GOST 31340.
(Changed edition, Rev. N 1).
3.2.2 Marking of consumer packaging should be applied to each reel or soft specialized container with a stencil with indelible paint or glued paper labels:
— trademark or name of manufacturer and its trademark;
— the product name;
— batch number;
— number of package units;
— the date of manufacture.
— gross mass;
— weight;
the designation of the present standard.
In the packaging the number one place should be embedded in the document about the quality, the label which should be further specified: «the instrument of quality».
Copper powder intended for export, and mark transporterowych in accordance with the order of foreign trade enterprises or by contract.
(Changed edition, Rev. N 1).
3.2.3 Transport marking of containers — GOST 14192 with the application of manipulation sign «Protect from moisture», warning marking — GOST 31340.
(Changed edition, Rev. N 1).
3.3 Packaging
Copper powder is Packed in steel drums type II Baccording to GOST 5044 with polybag according to GOST 17811. Capacity of drums — 25,45 DM
Plastic bags linked, double linked, ensuring the safety of the powder during transportation and storage.
By agreement with the consumer packaging of copper powder in polypropylene soft specialized containers with liners of polyethylene film according to GOST 10354 lifting capacity of 1000 kg and 1250 kg for [9], [10], [11], [12] or other normative document, approved in the prescribed manner, with the same or higher technical specifications to ensure the safety of products and safety of transportation.
(Changed edition, Rev. N 1).
4 safety Requirements
4.1 In accordance with the requirements of GOST 12.1.007 the degree of impact on the human body copper powder are referred to the 2nd class of hazard.
4.2 Maximum permissible concentration of copper in the air of working zone -1/0.5 mg/maccording to GOST 12.1.005 and hygienic norms [1].
Dust copper powder, entering the body in contact with him via the respiratory and gastrointestinal tract, can cause dysfunction of the nervous, digestive, hematopoietic and cardiovascular systems, skin diseases.
4.3 Copper powder is incombustible, fire — explosion-proof.
4.4 Industrial facilities (including facilities for chemical analyses) should be equipped with General dilution ventilation system according to GOST 12.4.021 and the emission of harmful substances shall be equipped with local exhausts from the processing equipment.
The ducts of the ventilation systems, walls and structural elements of the workshops, openings and surfaces of Windows, lighting fittings must be cleaned of dust and soot at least once in three months according to requirements sanitary-epidemiological rules [2].
4.5 Monitoring of hazardous substances in the workplace air should be carried out in accordance with GOST 12.1.005, GOST 12.1.016 and sanitary rules approved by the relevant authorities of each country of the CIS.
4.6 Documents on methods of measurement of content of harmful substances in the air of working zone shall meet the requirements of GOST and GOST 8.010
4.7 Industrial premises (including premises for carrying out of chemical analyses) must comply with the fire safety requirements according to the rules [3] and GOST
4.8 the Personnel engaged in the production of copper powder and analyses, must be at least 18 years of age, undergo a medical examination in accordance with the procedure and terms of carrying out preliminary (at receipt for work) and periodic inspections in accordance with the requirements of national health authorities.
Permanent jobs at production facilities and jobs to women, according to the requirements of sanitary rules and norms [4], must have a sanitary passport with General and quantitative characteristics of factors of production environment and labor process.
4.9 organization of the learning requirements of occupational safety and knowledge testing of workers — according to GOST
4.10 Production staff must be provided with special clothing, special footwear and other individual protection means in accordance with the rules adopted in the territory of the CIS.
4.11 personal protective equipment must be used in accordance with the approved in the established procedure regulatory document on the procedure of issuing, storage and use of special clothing, special footwear and other safety equipment. Personal protective equipment should be stored in designated cabinets; removal of and stay off-premises are prohibited.
4.12 Personnel engaged in the production, in the processing of copper powder and analyses should be provided as a preventive measure milk or other equivalent food products in accordance with the rules and regulations adopted on the territory of the CIS.
4.13 the Staff involved in the production, in the processing of copper powder and analyses should be provided with premises according to building norms and rules [5] for the group 1 b of the production processes.
4.14 In the premises, including premises for carrying out of chemical analyses, it is forbidden to store food and water, eating, drinking and Smoking.
4.15 After completion of the work required to clean workplace, clean special clothing, other protective equipment and tools, wash hands and face with soap and water, and at the end of shift to take a shower.
5 Requirements of environmental protection
5.1 Copper powder in air and aqueous media in the presence of other substances or factors of toxic compounds do not form.
5.2 Main impacts of copper powder on the environment can be air pollution, water bodies and soils as a result of violation of rules of storage or transport emergencies, which leads to a change of a sanitary mode of atmospheric air, water objects and soil degradation.
5.3 control over the content in the environment of harmful substances released during the production of copper powder, realize the accredited ecological and analytical services of enterprises or accredited laboratories of specialised organisations.
5.4 in the production of copper powder in atmospheric air through the organized emission sources potential funding of aerosols pollutants regulated hygienic standards adopted in the territory of the CIS, which concentration in the surface layer ranging from the border of sanitary-protective zone and further subject to dispersion must not exceed values of maximum permissible concentration (MPC) and approximate safe levels of influence (having put).
5.5 Monitoring air quality should be carried out in accordance with the requirements of sanitary norms and rules accepted in the territory of the CIS, as well as GOST
5.6 the Concentration of copper in water of water objects of drinking and cultural-domestic water use according to the requirements of hygienic standards in case of contact with copper powder in the reservoir should not exceed the MPC, taken at the territory of the CIS.
5.7 the Concentration of copper in water of water objects of fishery according to the requirements of hygienic standards in case of contact with copper powder in the reservoir should not exceed the MPC, taken at the territory of the CIS.
5.8 the Level of soil pollution of populated areas with copper should not exceed the MPC according to sanitary regulations applicable in the territory of the CIS.
6 acceptance Rules
6.1 Copper powder to the acceptance of the present parties with a mass of 1000 kg. the lot consists of the average of the powder of the same brand, manufactured in one technological regime and drawn up by one document on quality.
The document about quality should contain:
— trademark or a trademark and the name of the manufacturer;
— name and brand of powder;
— the batch number;
— the number of seats in the party;
— the net weight and gross;
— the results of the tests and measurements;
— date of manufacture;
— the designation of this standard.
6.2 To check the quality of the copper powder with the requirements of this standard from the party taking the sample, according to table 4.
Table 4
The number of units in the party | The sample size for verification (number of units) | |||||
From | 1 | to | 5 | incl. | All | |
SV. | 5 | « | 15 | « | 5 | |
« | 15 | « | 30 | « | 7 |
6.3 determination of the mass fraction of copper and impurities, particle shape, the manufacturer conducts periodic, at least once a month, the mass fraction of moisture in every fifth game.
6.4 the Presence of impurities and lumps check each packaging unit.
6.5 If unsatisfactory test results of at least one of the indicators it is carried out re-testing at twice the sample taken from the same batch of copper powder. The results of repeated tests spread to the entire party.
7 test Methods
7.1 Sampling and sample preparation — according to GOST 23148 with the following additions:
— spot samples from non-flowing powders in packages selected probe according to figure 1;
Figure 1 — Probe for sampling
Figure 1 — Probe for sampling
— the mass of the spot samples should be not less than 0.2% of the mass of packing units;
— the mass of the joint sample shall be not less than 0.2% of the batch weight.
7.2 Combined sample thoroughly mixed and reduced by the method of kvantovaniya until a representative sample weighing not less than 500 g.
Obtained a representative sample is divided into two parts and placed in separate packaging. One part of sample intended for testing, the other is stored before receipt of test results.
In case of disagreement in the assessment of the quality of the copper powder is carried out re-sampling in accordance with GOST 23148 (4.1).
7.3 determination of the mass fraction of copper, according to GOST 31382 with the following addition.
Allowed the copper in the electrolyte to determine by visual photometry with the use of hexacyanoferrate (II) potassium.
In the electrolyte after the electrolysis is added from 3 to 5 cmof hexacyanoferrate (II) potassium mass concentration of 30 g/DM
, add water to volume of 200 cm
and mixed. Mass of copper in the solution set visually for solutions comparison.
The solutions comparison is prepared with the contents of 0; 40; 60; 80; 100 g of copper in 200 cm: In a series of volumetric flasks with a capacity of 200 cm
is placed 0,4; 0,6; 0,8; 1,0 cm
, the copper solution concentration of 0.1 g/l
, add 100 cm
of water, a solution of sulfuric acid diluted 1:1 to pH=1 by universal indicator paper, and 3 to 5 cm
of hexacyanoferrate (II) potassium concentration of 30 g/DM
, made up to the mark with water and mix.
Determination of the mass fraction of iron, lead, antimony and arsenic — GOST 9717.2, GOST 9717.3, 13938.11 GOST, GOST 31382.
Allowed the use of other procedures (methods) of measurements, certified in the prescribed manner in accordance with GOST 8.010 and generating measurement results with errors not exceeding those specified in GOST 9717.2, GOST 9717.3, 13938.11 GOST, GOST 31382. If there is disagreement between supplier and customer on quality copper powder arbitral measurement methods are the methods described in GOST 9717.2, GOST 9717.3, 13938.11 GOST, GOST 31382.
(Changed edition, Rev. N 1).
7.4 determination of the mass fraction of oxygen GOST 27417. Allowed on agreement between the consumer and the manufacturer to determine the mass loss during annealing in hydrogen according to GOST 18897. If there is disagreement in the determination of the mass fraction of oxygen analysis is carried out according to GOST 27417.
7.5 Mass percent of sulfate compounds of metals in terms of sulfate ions is determined according to GOST 10671.5 with the following addition.
A sample weighing not less than 10 g were placed in a glass with a capacity of 500 cm, add 100 cm
of water and heated from 30 to 40 min in a boiling water bath with constant stirring. Filtered through a double filter of medium density, the powder is washed by decantation 2−3 times. The filtrate is placed in a volumetric flask with a capacity of 100 cm
, adjusted to the mark with water and mix. Aliquot part of the solution volume from 2 to 10 cm
(depending on the mass fraction of sulfate ion) was placed in a volumetric flask with a capacity of 25 cm
, add 0.5 to 1 cm
of hydrochloric acid diluted 1:1, 3 cm of
starch solution and mix. Then pour 3 cm
of barium chloride, made up to the mark with water and mix again. Further analysis is carried out according to GOST 10671.5 (photojournalistically method).
In solutions comparison (25 cm) must be 0; 0,01; 0,02; 0,04; 0,06; 0,08; 0,10; 0,15; 0,20 mg of sulfate ion.
7.6 determination of the mass fraction of the calcined residue after treatment with nitric acid
7.6.1 Characteristics of the error analysis
The method of analysis provide the results of the analysis with an error not exceeding the values given in table 5.
Table 5 — the Range of measurement error, the standard deviation of repeatability and reproducibility
Measurement range of mass fraction of | The standard deviation of repeatability |
The standard deviation of reproducibility |
The error |
From 0.020 to 0.200 incl. |
0,0018 | 0,0025 | 0,005 |
7.6.2 measurement Means, auxiliary devices, materials, solutions
When you perform analysis used the following measuring instruments, auxiliary devices:
— special laboratory scales of accuracy class according to GOST 24104;
oven muffle with heating temperature up to 850 °C;
— glass-1−600 TC GOST 25336;
— porcelain crucibles according to GOST 9147;
— dryer 2−250 according to GOST 25336;
filters obestochennye.
When you perform analysis used the following materials:
— nitric acid according to GOST 4461;
— potassium hexacyanoferrate according to GOST 4207.
7.6.3 Method of analysis
Gravimetric method for the determination of calcined residue based on accurate mass measurement is insoluble in nitric acid residue, obtained after calcination.
7.6.4 Performing analysis
A suspension of copper powder in the weight of 5,0000 g weighing accuracy up to 0.0002 g, placed in a beaker with a capacity of 600 cm, pour small portions of nitric acid diluted 1:1, from 100 to 120 cm
and cover with a watch glass. Dissolution are without heating.
At the end of the reaction the contents of the glass warm up, boil from 10 to 15 min, after which the solution was diluted with distilled water and filtered. The residue on the filter washed several times with hot water until the disappearance of the reaction of wash water on copper (potassium hexacyanoferrate). The filter with precipitate was placed in a calcined and weighed porcelain crucible, carefully incinerated and calcined in a muffle furnace to constant weight at a temperature of from 800 °C to 850 °C. the Crucible with the calcined residue is cooled in desiccator and weighed.
7.6.5 Processing of analysis results
Mass fraction of the calcined residue after treatment with nitric acid , %, is calculated by the formula
, (1)
where — the mass of the ignited insoluble residue, g;
— the mass of the powder before calcination,
The result of the analysis taking the arithmetic mean of two parallel definitions, provided that the absolute difference between them in terms of repeatability does not exceed the value (at confidence probability of 0.95) limit of repeatability
of 0.005%.
The absolute value of the discrepancies between the results obtained in two laboratories, should not exceed the limit of reproducibility of 0,007%.
If you exceed the limit of reproducibility can be used methods for assessing the acceptability of the results of the analysis according to [6] and [7] (section 5).
7.7 Mass fraction of moisture in the powder is determined according to the method agreed upon by the manufacturer and consumer.
7.8 Determination of granulometric composition
7.8.1 measurement Means, auxiliary devices, materials, solutions
When performing measurements using the following measuring instruments, auxiliary devices:
— laboratory scale high precision class according to GOST 24104;
— a set of sieves with meshes of control and accuracy according to GOST 6613 or sit on [8];
— scrambler, which provides the frequency of shakes from 140 to 180 beats per minute.
7.8.2 Method of measurement
Determine particle size distribution sieve method based on the measurement of weight fractions after mechanical separation of particles by size using a set of sieves.
7.8.3 performance measurement
The weight of the specimen copper powder brand PMS-In should be 100 grams for other grades — 25 g.
Sieve stack on the increasing size of cells, the tray is placed under the sieves. The test sample is poured into the top sieve and cover it with a lid. A system of sieves placed on the shaker and turn it on 20 min. some fraction is removed from the set of sieves by removing the large sieve. The powder stuck to the bottom and the sides of the sieve with a soft brush sweep the next smaller sieve. Lightly tapping the sieve, transfer the contents to one side and pour out on the paper, then turn over the upper part of the sieve on the paper and purified. Fraction is weighed with an error not more than 0.01 g. the Process is repeated for each sieve and pan.
The sum of the masses of all fractions recorded. The difference between this amount and sample mass added to the mass fraction collected on the pan. For powder brand PMS-In the sum of the masses must be at least 99% of the mass of the test sample for powder remaining brands — 98% of the mass of the test sample. If the amount is less, it is necessary to repeat the screening.
7.8.4 Processing of measurement results
Mass fraction of fractions , %, is calculated by the formula
, (2)
where is the mass of this fraction, g;
— mass of test sample, g.
The measurement result is rounded to the first decimal place.
Mass fraction of fractions of the powder is less than 0.1% write: «of<0.1%».
7.9 Determination of bulk density is carried out according to GOST 19440.
7.10 the Determination of strength of raw pressing
7.10.1 measurement Means, auxiliary devices, materials, solutions
When performing measurements using the following measuring instruments, auxiliary devices:
— press, providing the force 30000 kg (300 kN) and the measurement error not more than 2% and allows to apply the load at a speed of 50 kN/s;
— mold;
— the test machine, providing the load with a force of 20 kgf and a measurement error less than 1%;
— laboratory scale high precision class according to GOST 24104;
— micrometer МК25-МК50 1 or-1 according to GOST 6507 or other device with measurement error no more than 0.01 mm.
When performing measurements using the following materials:
— zinc stearate;
— acetone GOST 2768.
7.10.2 Method of measurement
The method is based on the manufacture of compression with a given density, the test of lateral bending with a load and the subsequent calculation of the tensile strength at the time of destruction.
(Changed edition, Rev. N 1).
7.10.3 measurements
Pressing should be with a length of (30±0,1) mm, width (10±0.1) mm, height from 5.0 to 6.0 mm. in the manufacture of pressing the inner surface of the die lubricated with a brush with a solution consisting of 100 g of zinc stearate, dissolved in 1 DMof acetone, then allowed it to dry.
Mass of hinge-plate , g, for the manufacture of compression is calculated by the formula
, (3)
where is the specified compaction, g/cm
— the amount of compression, cm
A portion of powder poured into the matrix, uniformly distributed. Pressed efforts prior to 2000 kgf (20 kN), then up to the stop that provides the pressing of a given height.
This way you get three of the compact. Pressing weigh, measure the length, width and height with a measurement error not more than 0.01 mm and calculate their density. The absolute value of differences between largest and smallest results of a calculation of the density of the obtained pressovac must not exceed the critical range of 0.1 g/cm
Noting the upper part of the pressing, subjected to test of strength. The load on the compression is applied gradually and determine the amount of effort at the time of the destruction of the compact.
7.10.4 Processing of measurement results
The tensile strength of the compression , kgf/cm
, calculated by the formula
, (4)
where stress at the time of the break, kgf;
— distance between supports, mm;
— sample width, mm;
— height of specimen, mm.
For the outcome measurements take the average of results of three measurements.
The measurement result is rounded to the first decimal place.
7.11 Determination of yield is carried out according to GOST 20899.
7.12 Specific surface of copper powder is determined according to the method agreed upon by the manufacturer and consumer.
7.13 electrical resistivity of copper powder is determined according to the method agreed upon by the manufacturer and consumer.
7.14 the Number of particles of copper powder with nominal diameter not more than 10 µm is determined by the procedure agreed between the manufacturer and the consumer.
7.15 the shape of the particle is determined using a microscope at 300 times magnification according to GOST 25849.
7.16 Control of extraneous inclusions and lumps is carried out by visual inspection and sifting through a sieve N 018К (GOST 6613) 1/3 of the combined samples, taken at the 7.1.
7.17 permitted to use other methods of measurement, comparable with the accuracy specified in this standard. If there is disagreement in quality assessment between manufacturer and user measured by the methods specified in this standard.
8 Transportation and storage
8.1 Transporterowych copper powder by all kinds of transport in covered vehicles in accordance with cargo carriage regulations applicable to transport of this species. By rail — in boxcars, subject to the requirements of technical documents of the placing and fastening of cargoes in wagons and containers and GOST 22235.
Drums transporterowych in packaged form in accordance with the requirements of GOST 26663 and goods transportation regulations approved by the relevant departments.
If you package should be used in flat wooden pallets according to GOST 9557.
The means of fastening of packages — according to GOST 21650. Dimensions of packages — according to GOST 24597.
Allowed the transport of copper powder in unbatched form, if the party is less than four reels.
Not allowed transport of copper powder with substances of class 5.1 GOST 19433.
Loading and unloading in accordance with the requirements of GOST
8.2 the manufacturer and consumer of copper powder stored in the manufacturer’s packaging in closed spaces at a temperature not higher than +35 °C, in the absence of ambient atmosphere oxidizing substances.
8.3 Copper powder is not classified by GOST 19433 and does not belong to dangerous goods.
9 manufacturer’s Warranty
Copper powder must be accepted by the technical control of the manufacturer. The manufacturer must guarantee the conformity of copper powder with the requirements of this standard, subject to consumer storage conditions established by the standard.
Warranty period of storage of copper powder brands PMS-V, PMS-1, PMS-11 PMS-A, PMS-C, PMS-N six months from the date of manufacture.
After the warranty period of storage of the copper powder can be applied after checking for compliance with all requirements of this standard.
Annex a (recommended). Applications of copper powder
Appendix A
Table A. 1
Mark |
Application |
PMS-1, PMS-N, PMS-A, PMS-V, PMS-C, PMS-11 | Manufacture of sintered products in automobile, metallurgical, electrical (including return sections), aviation, machine-building industry for the manufacture of rings, bushings, bearings, electrical contacts, electrodes, brushes of electrical machines, consumer goods and filters for fine purification of oils |
PMS-1 | As alloying additives, catalysts, for the manufacture of chemicals, in metallurgy, chemical industry; processing of optical glasses, lenses; for mixing with iron powder in mechanical engineering |
PMS-1, PMS-V, PMS-A, PMS-N | Manufacture of friction parts, friction pads, diamond cutters, diamond cutting laps in the automotive and engineering industries |
PMS-K | In electric carbonic industries for closing contacts, for the production of carbon electrodes |
PMS-N | In metal-ceramic industry for the manufacture of less critical parts |
PMS-1, PMS-N | Manufacture of articles of dispersion-strengthened composite materials — conductive handpieces and electrodes for welding, soldering tips soldering irons, heavy dry sliding bearings |
[1] | Hygienic standards |
Chemical factors of production environment. The maximum permissible concentration (MPC) of harmful substances in the air of working zone | |
[2] | Sanitary and epidemiological rules SP |
Hygienic requirements to the organization of technological processes, production equipment and working instrument | |
[3] | PPB-01−03* | The rules of fire safety in the Russian Federation | |
[4] | Sanitary rules and norms SanPiN−96* |
Occupational health. Hygienic requirements to working conditions of women | |
[5] | Building regulations SNiP 2.09.04−87 |
Administrative and domestic buildings | |
[6] | ISO 5725−1:1994** | Accuracy (trueness and precision) of methods and measurement results. Part 1. General provisions and definitions | |
[7] | ISO 5725−6:1994*** | Accuracy (trueness and precision) of methods and measurement results. Part 6. The use of precision values in practice | |
[8] | ISO 565:1990 | Sieve test. Wire cloth, perforated plates and sheets made of an electroplating method. Nominal hole sizes | |
[9] | Specifications THAT 2297−007−21701787−2006* |
Soft specialized containers made of polypropylene fabric | |
________________ * The one referred to here and hereinafter, not shown. For additional information, please refer to the link. — Note the manufacturer’s database. | |||
[10] | Specifications THAT 2297−005−40394291−02 |
Soft containers for bulk products made of polypropylene fabric | |
[11] | Specifications THAT 2297−099−00209728−01 |
Containers special soft tape four slings made of polypropylene fabric for bulk products | |
[12] | Specifications THAT 2297−255−00209728−07 |
Soft specialized containers made of polypropylene fabric tape. |
* Operate on the territory of the Russian Federation.
** On the territory of the Russian Federation GOST R ISO 5725−1-2002 «Accuracy (trueness and precision) of methods and measurement results. Part 1. General provisions and definitions».
*** On the territory of the Russian Federation GOST R ISO 5725−6-2002 «Accuracy (trueness and precision) of methods and measurement results. Part 6. The use of precision values in practice».
(Changed edition, Rev. N 1).