GOST 13834-77
GOST 13834−77 Plate for woodworking carbide cutters and drills. The design and dimensions (with Change No. 1)
GOST 13834−77*
Group 56
The design and dimensions
Plates of hard alloys for milling and drilling wood cutting tools. Design and dimensions
OKP 19 6520
Date of introduction 1979−01−01
The decision of the State Committee of standards of Ministerial Council of the USSR of January 21, 1977 N 151 introduction installed from 01.01.79
Proven in 1983 by the Decree of Gosstandart from 30.06.83 2814 N validity extended to 01.01.94**
** Expiration removed by Protocol No. 3−93 Interstate Council for standardization, Metrology and certification (ICS No. 5/6, 1993). — Note the manufacturer’s database.
* REISSUE (January 1988) with amendment No. 1, approved in June 1983 (IUS N 11−83).
1. Plates should be made of the forms listed in table.1.
Table 1
The symbol shape |
Form |
Appointment |
04D |
Knife shaft mounted to a cylindrical modular cutters, grooving and end milling cutters, drills | |
05Д |
For knives and cutters | |
06Д |
For the slot and end mills | |
07Д |
For knives to teams shaped mills | |
08Д |
For knives to teams shaped mills | |
09Д |
For single-tooth end mills | |
010Д | For drills | |
011Д |
2. The design and dimensions of plates form 04D shall be as specified in the hell.1 and in table.2; forms 05Д — on features.2; forms 06Д — on features.3 and in table.3; forms 07Д — on features.4 and in table.4; forms 08Д — on features.5 and in table.5; forms 09Д — on features.6 and in table.6; forms 010Д — on features.7 and in table.7; forms 011Д — on features.8 and in table.8.
Damn.1. Form 04D
Form 04D
Table 2
Marking plates |
Permissible deflection planes | ||
Nomin. |
Pred. off. | ||||
3001−0104 |
25 |
+1,1 |
6 |
2,0 |
0,25 |
3001−0105 |
32 |
+1,2 |
3001−0041 |
5 |
+0,5 |
10 |
0,10 | |
3001−0042 |
6 |
3001−0043 |
7 |
3001−0044 |
9 |
+0,7 |
0,15 | ||
3001−0045 |
11 |
3001−0046 |
13 |
+0,8 |
0,20 | ||
3001−0047 |
15 |
3001−0048 |
17 |
+0,9 |
0,25 | ||
3001−0049 |
Nineteen |
3001−0050 |
21 |
+1,0 |
3001−0051 |
5 |
+0,5 |
15 |
0,10 | |
3001−0052 |
6 |
3001−0053 |
7 |
3001−0054 |
9 |
+0,6 |
0,15 | ||
3001−0055 |
11 |
+0,7 |
3001−0056 |
13 |
+0,8 |
0,20 | ||
3001−0057 |
15 |
3001−0058 |
17 |
+0,9 |
3001−0059 |
19 |
0,25 | |||
3001−0060 |
21 |
+1,0 |
3001−0061 |
26 |
+1,1 |
3001−0062 |
33 |
+1,2 |
0,30 | ||
3001−0063 |
36 |
+1,3 |
3001−0064 |
41 |
+1,4 |
3001−0065 |
46 |
A 1.6 |
3001−0066 |
51 |
+1,8 |
3001−0067 |
61 |
+2,2 |
3001−0068 |
81 |
+2,6 |
0,40 | ||
3001−0069 |
91 |
3001−0070 |
101 |
3.0 a |
0,50 | ||
3001−0106 |
111 |
2,2 |
3001−0107 |
131 |
Example of designation plates with dimensions of 7 mm and
10 mm:
Plate 3001−0043 GOST 13834−77
Damn.2. Form 05Д
Form 05Д
Permissible deflection planes — 0.5 mm.
Designation plate:
Plate 3001−0074 GOST 13834−77
Damn.3. Form 06Д
Form 06Д
Table 3
Dimensions in mm
Marking plates |
Permissible deflection | ||||
Nomin. |
Pred. off. |
Nomin. |
Pred. off. |
3001−0114 |
20 |
+1,0 |
6,0 |
0° |
6 |
+0,6 |
0,30 |
3001−0112 |
15 |
+0,8 |
0,25 | ||||
3001−0119 |
20 |
+1,0 |
7,2 |
0,30 | |||
3001−0113 |
15 |
+0,8 |
6,0 |
15° |
0,25 | ||
3001−0121 |
20 |
+1,0 |
11,5 |
0° |
0,30 | ||
3001−0115 |
30 |
+1,2 |
6,0 |
30 |
A 1.6 |
3001−0122 |
7,2 |
3001−0123 |
11,5 |
Example of designation plates with dimensions 20 mm and
11.5 mm:
Plate 3001−0121 GOST 13834−77
Damn.4. Form 07Д
Form 07Д
Table 4
Dimensions in mm
Marking plates |
Permissible deflection planes | ||
Nomin. |
Pred. off. |
3001−0087 |
35 |
+1,3 |
0,3 |
3001−0088 |
40 |
+1,4 |
3001−0089 |
45 |
A 1.6 |
3001−0090 |
55 |
+1,8 |
Example the legend plate with a size of 35 mm:
Plate 3001−0087 GOST 13834−77
Damn.5. Form 08Д
Form 08Д
Table 5
Marking plates |
Permissible deflection planes | ||
Nomin. |
Pred. off. |
3001−0092 |
22 |
8 |
+0,6 |
0,25 |
3001−0093 |
24 |
11 |
+0,7 |
Example the legend plate size 22 mm:
Plate 3001−0092 GOST 13834−77
Damn.6. Form 09Д
Form 09Д
* Size for reference.
Table 6
Marking plates | Permissible deflection planes | |||||||||
Nomin. |
Pred. off. |
Nomin. |
Pred. off. |
Nomin. |
Pred. off. |
Nomin. |
Pred. off. |
3001−0094 |
20 |
±0,45 |
5,5 |
±0,25 |
1,8 |
±0,15 |
1,1 |
5 |
±0,5 |
0,3 |
3001−0095 |
35 |
+0,60 |
2,2 |
0,5 | ||||||
3001−0096 |
20 |
±0,45 |
6,5 |
2,0 |
10 |
±0,6 |
0,3 | |||
3001−0097 |
35 |
±0,6 |
0,5 | |||||||
3001−0098 |
9,5 |
±0,3 |
2,5 |
±0,2 |
Example of designation plates with dimensions 20 mm and
5,5 mm:
Plate 3001−0094 GOST 13834−77
Damn.7. Form 010Д
Form 010Д
Table 7
Marking plates |
Permissible deflection planes | |||
3001−0124 |
3,0 |
1,8 |
27 |
0,15 |
3001−0099 |
3,5 |
2,1 |
22 |
3001−0125 |
4,5 |
2,7 |
27 |
3001−0103 |
61 |
0,20 | ||
3001−0126 |
5,5 |
3,3 |
27 |
0,15 |
Example the legend plate with dimensions of 4.5 mm and
27 mm:
Plate 3001−0125 GOST 13834−77
Damn.8. Form 011Д
Form 011Д
Table 8
Marking plates |
Permissible deflection planes |
3001−0117 |
15 |
0,10 |
3001−0118 |
20 |
0,25 |
Example of designation plate having a size of 15 mm:
Plate 3001−0117 GOST 13834−77.
(Changed edition, Rev. N 1).
3. (Deleted, Rev. N 1).
4. Plates shall be made of solid alloy grades VK8 and ВК15 according to GOST 3882−74.
5. Approximate weight plates provided in the informational Annex.
6. Unspecified limit deviations of linear dimensions — ±, angular dimensions — ±
Other technical requirements — GOST 4872−75.
(Changed edition, Rev. N 1).
The shape of the plates |
Rough weight of a plate g of hard alloy grades | |||
VK8 |
ВК15 | |||
04D |
25 |
6 |
4,6 |
4,4 |
32 |
6 |
5,8 |
5,5 | |
5 |
10 |
1,5 |
1,4 | |
6 |
10 |
1,8 |
1,7 | |
7 |
10 |
2,0 |
2,0 | |
9 |
10 |
2,6 |
2,5 | |
11 |
10 |
3,2 |
3,1 | |
13 |
10 |
3,9 |
3,8 | |
15 |
10 |
4,4 |
4,2 | |
17 |
10 |
5,0 |
4,8 | |
19 |
10 |
5,5 |
5,3 | |
21 |
10 |
6,1 |
5,9 | |
5 |
15 |
2,2 |
2,1 | |
6 |
15 |
2,6 |
2,5 | |
7 |
15 |
3,0 |
2,9 | |
9 |
15 |
3,9 |
3,8 | |
11 |
15 |
4,8 |
4,6 | |
13 |
15 |
5,7 |
5,5 | |
15 |
15 |
6,6 |
6,3 | |
17 |
15 |
7,5 |
7,2 | |
19 |
15 |
8,3 |
8,0 | |
21 |
15 |
9,2 |
8,8 | |
26 |
15 |
11,4 |
10,9 | |
33 |
15 |
14,5 |
13,9 | |
36 |
15 |
15,8 |
15,1 | |
41 |
15 |
18,0 |
18,2 | |
46 |
15 |
20,1 |
19,3 | |
51 |
15 |
22,3 |
21,4 | |
61 |
15 |
26,7 |
25,6 | |
81 |
15 |
35,5 |
34,0 | |
91 |
15 |
39,9 |
The 38.2 | |
101 |
15 |
44,2 |
42,4 | |
131 |
15 |
63,1 |
60,5 | |
111 |
15 |
53,5 |
51,3 | |
05Д |
110 |
15 |
67,4 |
64,7 |
06Д |
15 |
6,0 |
2,4 |
2,3 |
20 |
6,0 |
3,5 |
3,4 | |
20 |
7,2 |
4,2 |
4,1 | |
20 |
11,5 |
6,8 |
6,5 | |
30 |
6,0 |
5,3 |
5,1 | |
30 |
7,2 |
6,3 |
6,1 | |
30 |
11,5 |
The 10.1 |
9,7 | |
07Д |
35 |
15 |
15,3 |
14,7 |
40 |
15 |
17,5 |
16,8 | |
45 |
15 |
19,7 |
18,9 | |
55 |
15 |
24,1 |
23,1 | |
08Д |
22 |
2,0 |
7,8 |
7,5 |
24 |
2,0 |
8,8 |
8,5 | |
09Д |
20 |
5,5 |
2,3 |
2,2 |
35 |
5,5 |
4,9 |
4,7 | |
20 |
6,5 |
3,4 |
3,3 | |
35 |
6,5 |
6,0 |
5,8 | |
35 |
9,5 |
9,3 |
8,9 | |
010Д |
27 |
3,0 |
2,7 |
2,6 |
22 |
3,5 |
Of 3.03 |
Of 2.92 | |
27 |
4,5 |
6,14 |
5,92 | |
61 |
4,5 |
13,87 |
13,38 | |
27 |
5,5 |
9,17 |
8,85 | |
011Д |
5 |
15,0 |
3,3 |
3,2 |
5 |
20,0 |
4,4 |
4,2 |
(Changed edition, Rev. N 1).